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Party Down with TEN YEARS of Toontown's Cartoonival!

Posted by Riggy Marole on September 19, 2024 at 2:00 PM

Howdy, Toons! It’s the host-est with the most-est, the blue-haired hare, the guy dat’s had this day marked on his calendar since last September… Riggy Marole! At least, I think it’s the right day. Let me check my massive pocket watch. Hmmm…

Holy SHMOKES!! We’ve been at dis Cartoonival charade for ten whole years! Dat’s almost a century! That must be some kinda special record we broke – y’know, partyin’ for so long. This calls for something special. Nay. Something astronomical!

I’d like to thank my maw and paw, dey told me I could party for ten years, and I didn’t believe ‘em. Look at me now. Of course, it wasn’t just me who made it all possible (but who could blame ya for thinking so). It was all you Toons who kept the loony spirit alive all this time! What with all your cannon firin’ and your pie tossin’, we could go for another ten years! Fifty! Three-thousand! Can you just feel the excitement, folks? Only two-thousand nine-hundred ninety years to go!

Meet Your Host

I know ya know me already, but I introduce myself every year and I’m a rabbit of habit. The name’s Riggy Marole, and I’m somethin’ of a party mastermind. Nobody in Toontown’s got the games I got – fishin’ games, cannon games, dunk tank games, trampoline games, game games. You names it, I gots it set up at the festival grounds. So step on up, grab a friend, and get to playing! The more the merrier! If you’re new, come on up to me, I’ll give youse the grand tour!

Win Prizes!

What good’s a party without party favors? Trick question – it’s NOT a party without favors. And the most favorable centerpiece of dem all, the Cartoonival Tower, has all the favors you can shake a one-legged seltzer bottle at! Yes siree, she’s a ting o’ beauty. Raised her myself, ever since she was just a little plank of wood.

There’s lotsa Token Takers in the Tower and around the Cartoonival Grounds just waiting for Toons to redeem some prime, bee-yoo-tiful prizes with tokens dey earn from playin’ games. These include -- making their curtain calls for the first time, based off your Melodyland favorites -- the new Symphonic Outfit & Tie! Just try not to burst into song when ya redeem this stuff (seriously, I might just upstage ya).

Some of those aforementioned Token Takers told me Cog Promotion Experience Multipliers couldn't be done anymore. However, you can still nab some Gag Experience Multipliers! And now (coming to you LIVE with some other Gag-related news), debuting this Cartoonival, you can use Tokens to purchase some fancy Level 7 gags (provided you have the experience to use 'em). So, what are ya waitin’ for?!

PHEW! Alright, enough about me (as if there is such a ting). I’m gonna get back to hosting dis party now. I’m gonna let these other folks here take the spotlight, but only for a wee bit.

A Lookback

Aaaaaand… that’s a wrap on ten Toontastic years of Toontown Rewritten! Thank you for the spiel, Riggy. And thank you all so much for making this as wacky, zany, and bombastically funny a year as ever during the Toontown RewritTEN celebration!

On September 19, 2013, Toontown’s days were to be over, but this community had other plans and now over 10 years later, we continue to celebrate this day not as one of loss, but one of triumphant rebirth. Without all of you, none of it would be possible. So, sincerely, thank you all. You’ve proven you ARE Toon Enough.

Throughout this year, we’ve also been busy working to keep that joyous spirit thriving as well! But what kinda stuff, you may ask?

Looking Forward (…and RIGHT NOW!)

Wait a minute, there’s more stuff? Yes! We’ve also spent the year making tremendous progress behind the scenes on some exciting projects, including one that is being released today!

  • ToonFest is coming to GalaxyCon at Columbus, Ohio later this year, AND to GalaxyCon Animate! at Orlando, Florida in 2025!
  • We’ll slowly be peeling back the cloud to discover Clear Coasts, the one-stop sandy, sunshiny, beach-tacular getaway spot for Toons to take it easy.
  • Toontown Remastered, a reinvigoration of Toontown’s visuals, audio, and backend is on its way. In fact, it’s so on its way, our upgrades to Donald’s Dreamland and Cashbot HQ are now available in-game! No, really! You can see for yourself!

Thanks again for the marvelous 10th-anniversary celebration, Toons! You make all this possible every day, and it’s a rare privilege and feat we have as a community that we’ve kept Toontown alive and thriving all this time! Toons of the World, Unite!

September 19, 2024 [ttr-live-v4.1.0]

Toontown Remastered
• Donald's Dreamland has received a makeover:
• New props, such as toy blocks and a teddy bear, have been constructed all over! Seek them out and explore where you could never before!
• The pillow and blanket in the Playground have been reimagined, creating a new sloped area that Toons can walk on!
• The entirety of Donald's Dreamland has an improved look and feel, with high-quality textures, improved collisions, and more!
• A new "Under Construction" tunnel has appeared on the pillow, said to connect to a new Playground someday...
• Additionally, improved the depths of Cashbot HQ with texture and collision updates, including the Cashbot Vault Lobby and Cashbot Vault itself.
• Implemented the first steps of Toon and Cog Rig 3.0. These changes should be largely unnoticeable, but please let us know if you have any issues!
• Remastered the water ripple effect present when walking through shallow water!
• Fixed up some ponds and other pools of water around town not displaying proper ripples when walking through them.

• Removed Promotion Experience Merry Multipliers for purchase at the Cartoonival following v4.0.0's Cog Disguise rebalances.
• Added purchasable Level 7 gags, now available for 750 tokens each at the Merry Multipliers booth!
• Added the TOONYs-winning outfit from ToonFest: The Great Fanfair, now available for purchase at the Cartoonival Tower. Step right up to get your very own Symphonic Outfit & Tie!

• Added some fresh Doodle names; take home Alfredo, Celsius, Jean-Pierre, Marigold, or Meep today!
• We're hosting an ongoing board of known issues for Toontown Remastered. Keep up to date at toon.town/knownissues!


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Poppy Pumpkinbutter said on September 19, 2024 at 2:01 PM
Toontown Rewritten team has doing great back to back!

Absurd Bartholomew said on September 19, 2024 at 2:34 PM
Riggy Marole my beloved

Captain Sniffy Superwoof said on September 19, 2024 at 2:56 PM
I’m really happy and grateful for ten years of cartoonival! Excited to see what comes next for all Toons.

Werecat said on September 19, 2024 at 3:05 PM
Wish you could have kept the merry multipliers for promo, even if reduced to x1.5 instead of x2. Waited for Toonfest even after the new cog facility update so I could continue leveling my cheese suit in BBHQ at a quicker pace cause even with the final fringe change it's just as painful to get Stock Options. I waited 4+ months, just for you to say "nah, son." You could have let us know in advance this was going to happen so those of us waiting it out wouldn't be disappointed on a day that's supposed to be exciting and would have already been given time to accept the change. </3 Other than that single set back, i'm enjoying all the stuff Cartoonival is offering this year. :-) Loving the HD texture revamp and the new DDL Playground, very excited for the upcoming Clear Coasts!

Not Dudley Dog said on September 19, 2024 at 3:55 PM
ONE, TWO, THREE, HUP! ONE, TWO, THREE... wait, when the heck is the Cavalcade? Anyways, Darla Dog's gonna love this. Dottie & Dud... not so much.

Super Duck said on September 19, 2024 at 4:06 PM
this party is awesome and it's my very first year participating in this and happy ten years cartoonival
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