Toontown Remastered: Dreaming For Tomorrow
Posted by Dreamboat Gustavo on September 18, 2024 at 2:00 PM
Woah, mama!
Listen – I know y'all are excited, but uh- Toon Council wants to do this by the book. Nuh-uh, I ain't cuttin' this impractically large red ribbon 'til that big ol' Party Clock ticks around to tomorrow morning!
I know what you're wondering: Who? What? Where? Why? Who? And where...? (Hmm, that's all of 'em, right?) Well, most importantly, you can call me Dreamboat Gustavo – but the ladies call me Dreamboat for short. Hah! Hoo! Oh! Ohh boy, they shoulda known better than to put me on a blog in front of thousands, no- billions, NO- MILLIONS of other Toons, but how could I possibly resist? I've been workin' day and... well, just night, actually – night and night here in Donald's Dreamland. I gotta tell ya, my sleep cycle is in the gutter, but it's all worth gettin' the gig for that fresh coat of paint Flippy told y'all about. I couldn't possibly put words to words to describe how beautified and pretty-like my contracting team and I have made this darn Playground! So lemme put it in a fancy picture! Pick an arrow and peep your peepers upon THIS:

Don't they say something about a picture being worth a... dozen words? Did I mess it up? Whatever.
Cool, right? Like I was saying, the first phase of the Toontown Remastered project is here and ready! ...Alllmost. We've timed the grand re-opening of Donald's Dreamland with the return of that Cartoonival thingy tomorrow, and as tempting as it is, I've been told by so many others to resist snipping this big red ribbon until the time comes. It's a good thing I seem to have lost those giant scissors, 'cause these kinda-regular-sized ones just don't seem to be cuttin' it! Yes, maybe I tried – what's it to ya?
Revel in the Remaster!
Hmph, these other Toons here are impatient! This is what I get for interrupting the Beanfest, I guess. They're not even here for me! Hey, what's a remaster anyway? Where's my Merryam-Jokester Pocket Dictionary? Heeere we go:
To remaster is to create a new master of an old recording by altering or enhancing sound quality...
Oh, what a load of baloney! The remastered music was such a bop it broke the sound barrier on its way here and needs to be fully detuned and re-tuned – it won't even be here for another month or two! You can count on that coming for some new tunes in Toontown, but until then I guess I'm falsely advertising. Here's our definition of a remaster:
Anything we label as "remastered" has the goal of achieving a modernized look, feel, or sound of what you would find in its place in Toontown Online. It's nothing brand-spanking-sparkly-new – more like an updated homage. Make no mistake, though: overzealous amounts of care and attention go into making these updated textures, collisions, music – all of it!

Huh... who wrote that? I feel like I should be having an existential crisis. Ah, well. I've also got a handy-dandy list here of the main things you might notice 'round the neighborhood that are gonna be lookin' all fancier and such:
- Every wall, fence, brick, stone – you name it, has been upgraded & updated with improved texture and quality! This includes all shop fronts & signs.
- Massive amounts of collisions have been altered & improved. Take a look around the neighborhood and climb all over things you could never before!
- The head and footboard of the Playground are crisper and cleaner than ever – we even asked Granny Icestockings and Johnny Cashmere to knit some new cute socks to throw over the side!
- Toon HQ looks Toon H-Cool in HD! I wonder if you could even get up on top of it like Flippy did...
- The Fishing Pond area looks dreamier than ever – props galore have been improved and streamlined, including fog, clouds (foreground and background!), lampposts, trees, alleycats, owls on bicycles, and more! Additionally, the entryway has been carved into an arch and the awkward slope under it has been smoothed out.
- All other Playground buildings, including the Clothing Shop, Pet Shop, Gag Shop, Trolley, and Party Clock have visual improvements!
- Donald's giant Toon-in-the-box is now a much more HD centerpiece for the Playground!
- Street signs, directional signs, and relevant Playground icons are sharper!
- The statue on Pajama Place has received a facelift.
- Seasonal props, including the Halloween and Winter Holiday lamppost variants, have been remastered and will come into effect during those events!
- All of the above are things you can notice while in Toontown, but just as many back-end and invisible changes have been made, like clipping issue fixes, camera bugs, and much, much more!

I also heard them greedy Cashbots were all jealous of our own improvements and just had to make a couple of their own to try and one-up us Toons... as if!
- The C.F.O. has invested in renovating the Cashbot Vault – walls, boxes, floors, doors, safes, and cranes have all received visual improvements! Even here, you may find a few fun things to climb on that you couldn't before...
- The Cashbot Vault Lobby has received various improvements & fixes to floor textures, wall lighting, collisions, and background movement.
- And of course, the C.F.O. dumped some extra money into making his big, bad lobby door look sharper and more intimidating.

Now I know (despite my perfect job) that some folks like having their own coat of paint and custom packs to slap over Toontown. While some things, like the music, will have both new and classic options to pick from, the new visuals are gonna be here to stay. Significant reworks will be needed for existing packs that involve Donald's Dreamland (or even that blasted Cashbot HQ). Yeah... we really broke down them walls to build ‘em back up. And to any of y'all, hit this satisfyingly eye-catching yellow button for an extensive list of everything changing tomorrow:
Dare to Reimagine...
I'm not just here to rehash everything you've already seen either, you know. Hah! With a couple of tricks up my sleeve, some things have been reimagined! Yeah, umm... where'd I put that dictionary? Let's see what this text of omnipotent, unknown origin has to say about that one...
In contrast to remastering, anything labeled as "reimagined" takes Toontown in something of a unique direction! These additions can include (but aren't limited to!) new layouts, slight gameplay expansions, or maybe an entirely new prop! Reimagining is more sparse than remastering since it builds a new idea from the ground up.
Yeah, that! I knew all that for sure. And once again, here's the wishlist of all the cool, new things coming tomorrow:
- A massive (massively cute!) teddy bear has been constructed and placed near the also-massive pillow. Feel free to jump on it, or even climb all over!
- The famous blanket has been dragged up, creating a slope that allows Toons to walk up to the new "Under Construction" tunnel area! Additionally, the pillow itself has a brand-new look.
- Blocks have been stacked in the far corners of the Playground, creating the perfect nooks and crannies for any Toons who want a break from the open area.
Merry Christmas, or somethin'!

Now, I know y'all are scratchin' your heads about that tunnel! It's nothing crazy, I promise, maybe just... a brand-new street in the works that'll take ya alllll the way to Clear Coasts! I'm hopin' to set up shop on this newfangled road myself when it opens in the distant future. Just think of it: ~Dream House Contracting~ by me, Dreamboat Gustavo... Ah, I still gotta talk Toon Council into it.
What's that? You wanna know where we're gonna take Toontown Remastered next? No, no, I'll get in real trouble if I chill- er, spill too many of those beans. Must... refrain... from gossiping...
Whew, I did it! I refrained! Okay, I gotta sign off on this blog before I'm cold... uh, told to stop! Buh-bye! Ice, eh, nice meetin' y'all!
September 19, 2024 [ttr-live-v4.1.0]
Toontown Remastered
• Donald's Dreamland has received a makeover:
• New props, such as toy blocks and a teddy bear, have been constructed all over! Seek them out and explore where you could never before!
• The pillow and blanket in the Playground have been reimagined, creating a new sloped area that Toons can walk on!
• The entirety of Donald's Dreamland has an improved look and feel, with high-quality textures, improved collisions, and more!
• A new "Under Construction" tunnel has appeared on the pillow, said to connect to a new Playground someday...
• Additionally, improved the depths of Cashbot HQ with texture and collision updates, including the Cashbot Vault Lobby and Cashbot Vault itself.
• Implemented the first steps of Toon and Cog Rig 3.0. These changes should be largely unnoticeable, but please let us know if you have any issues!
• Remastered the water ripple effect present when walking through shallow water!
• Fixed up some ponds and other pools of water around town not displaying proper ripples when walking through them.
• Removed Promotion Experience Merry Multipliers for purchase at the Cartoonival following v4.0.0's Cog Disguise rebalances.
• Added purchasable Level 7 gags, now available for 750 tokens each at the Merry Multipliers booth!
• Added the TOONYs-winning outfit from ToonFest: The Great Fanfair, now available for purchase at the Cartoonival Tower. Step right up to get your very own Symphonic Outfit & Tie!
• Added some fresh Doodle names; take home Alfredo, Celsius, Jean-Pierre, Marigold, or Meep today!
• We're hosting an ongoing board of known issues for Toontown Remastered. Keep up to date at!
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wow! looks really sharp! ps: rip people with bad computers lol
Ice to meet you too, and Great opening! I like the visuals! Ruri loves you!
These sliding pictures are way too entertaining...
Whoa, whoa... Remastered Dreamland is coming tomorrow?!?! AWESOME!!! I'm excited for these changes! It's unreal how fast you guys are releasing these updates! Thanks for this great post! (Never thought I'd see a blogpost with Flip-O-Rama XD)
OMG! 😄
This is really exciting!
This must have taken an enormous amount of work but I LOVE it -- toontastic to see the project rolling out in phases as well! CAN'T WAIT!!
Dreamland Remastered looks fantastic! Looks like a freshly made bed ready to sleep in! The perfect place to catch some ZZZs... and catch some beans! I love the sheets, the pillow, the cozy teddy bear... yawn, I'm starting to get... sleepy.... better go before I fall asleep on my keyboarrrrrrrrrrr.............................
The new decorations look so cute, wow!
.............................rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr--WHAZZUH! Wow, how long was I asleep? My goodness, that's a lot of R's.... Anyway, what was I saying? Oh right, I love what you guys have done with the Remastered Dreamland! All the updated textures and ambience make it a warm and inviting place, perfect to sleep in. Not that I'd sleep in Dreamland, I mean really, who comes to Dreamland to SLEEP? With all the beanfests going on, it's like the city that never sleeps! Forget Toon York City! Well actually, I have seen a lot of snoozin' toons there... including me, heh heh. I'm looking forward to stepping into Toontown Remaastered and seeing all the amazing things you all have done! And CARTOONIVAL! YES! Lots to look forward to tomorrow! Great work as always! Okay, back to sleep now! zzzzzzzzz... (falls asleep on his keyboard again)
"Massive amounts of collisions have been altered & improved. Take a look around the neighborhood and climb all over things you could never before!" Does this mean we can go on top of buildings? And bedframes? That would be so great!!!
Honestly I'm excited but disappointed at the same time. I recently just learned how to do the pillow glitch in DDL. I'm so bummed that I won't be able to do the pillow glitch anymore, I mean why couldn't they just keep the glitch and just do like a minor revamp in DDL. this stinks so much right now :( :( :( :(
this is amazing!
Am I dreaming again? Nope I'm not, It's funny how your dreams come true. Looking at the before and after things are looking sharper.
This is awesome!!! Looks spectacular!!!
I’m very excited for this
Oh my gee golly goodness this is WILD!!
Every day, we get closer and closer to the grand reopening of Sleepy Street, after all these years. That said, I will miss seeing the pillow on the bed not being covered up by the blanket, though it's a lovely blanket never the less. I've also noticed a bit of a clearing of fog in Dreamland, seems to be mostly in the playground, even a new headrest to accommodate the entrance to Sleepy Street on the bed. I would most agree that production is coming along smoothly for Dreamland. Now the question remains, where will the two other streets to Clear Coast connect? The Speedway? Melodyland? Seems only logical, though The Speedway is going to be tricky if you're connecting it there. Come to think of it, if it does connect to Melodyland, you could call it The Musical Triangle. Hah. A joke I heard from a fellow at Donald's Docks called Bermuda, he simply loves triangles himself. Well, I look forward to the reopening of Sleepy Street, and I do hope to see many Toons for the grand opening. Jolly!
The new tunnel (and the giant teddy bear) is by far the most exciting part! It gets my imagination rolling. I can't wait to see what you guys cook up!
So Exciting! I can't wait for the new update!
Nice, just what ToonTown needed! Just make sure them Cashbot's don't build the street first before us Toons, eh?
Looks amazing! Can't wait for tomorrow!
Can we switch with Classic textures and musics(before this update) from option too??? or We need to get content pack to switch with it?
Woah... I am genuinely speechless.
I shall explode. Help.
How exciting!!!
Ah. Now the comments are open again. Why did they close?
There's a statue on Lullaby Lane? I don't remember seeing one...
Is this likely to increase CPU/GPU requirements?
Wait... who's Dreamboat Gustavo?
@Sheriff Moe Crunchenzap, most likely not. Toontown Rewritten's updated textures shouldn't put any stress on your GPU if you have a mid-range computer
ahhhhh you guys this is so awesome!!!! well done to the ttr team <3
omg omg omg!!! FINALLYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omg wow