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A Look in the Logs of Loony Labs

Posted by Doctor Surlee on September 26, 2024 at 2:00 PM

Hello Toontown! Doctor Surlee here. It’s been a while since you’ve heard from me, hasn’t it? I’ve been working around the clock here with Loony Labs, monitoring the Silly Meter levels, revising my blueprints, and keeping an eye on Doctor Dimm. I had to duck-proof the Phunny Phluid beaker the other day. Hopefully, we can avoid any more preventable accidents.

Speaking of preventable accidents... I’ve been wrapped up in my thoughts this week, my mind drifting to and from the present moment. (Or should I say the rewritten past...?) While the anomalies of the 26th are long gone, there's no date more appropriate to recap where my experiments have lead us so far. Let's begin.

Toontown's Original Timeline

Once upon another time on September 19th, 2013, the Cogs launched a final, fatal mega-invasion in every Playground of Toontown. What they did... I can still barely withstand the memory without going sad. The tall gray buildings towering above... The Goons patrolling... The complete and utter sadness... I try not to dwell on it. You can guess well enough, though. The Cogs did what they do best: Steamroll. Consume. Corrupt. 

As many of you Toons have learned over the years, this last decade hasn't been my first time tangoing with the Cogs -- and Doctor Surlee isn't my only name. I, Gyro Gearloose, mistakenly created the first Cog which led to the invasion of our town. I've lived with that regret for decades now, and even went as far as creating a machine known as the Rewritten Device to change my name and appearance so that I could go into hiding.

I wasn't just playing Trolley Games while in hiding, however. No, no, in fact, I've had contingency plans (within backups (within revisions!)) out the wazoo ever since the Cogs have existed as they do. One of those plans – my Rewritten Experiment – afforded us a second chance on the timeline where we now live. This Rewritten Experiment intended to rewrite the past by correcting my own errors to help Toontown survive beyond that fateful day that the Cogs decided we were of no use to them.

With my pocket watch, my magnum opus from a past life, I turned back time and gave all of Toontown a new start from the beginning. More specifically, I took us back nearly 15 years to October 26, 1998, foolishly believing I could undo my errors and save Toontown, alone…

From Rewritten to Unwritten

Alas, my original plan did not come without hefty prices and misgivings. A brilliant Scientoon named Doctor Fissionton discovered my Rewritten Experiment too early, and used the pocket watch himself while it was unstable. Consequently, he was removed from both timelines, split into two Toons, and eventually... gone. A terrible inescapable fate, just like... Ahem. We don't need to dwell on that.

I only realized too late that the nature of Doctor Fissiontons' existence wasn't compatible with my Rewritten Experiment. To go beyond the old timeline, beyond rewritten territory into unwritten territory, meant that Doctor Fissionton could no longer exist on our timeline. Fissionton knew this, and sacrificed himself all the same so that I could complete my mission and save Toontown.

It was only through Doctor Fissiontons work that I realized that the only way to stop the Cogs -- the only way to own up for my mistakes -- is to open up to others and accept help. 

That brings us to today. While September 19th was once a date filled with dread, it is now a date to celebrate! This new timeline I created, Toontown Rewritten, has persisted for over 10 years! The Cogs never took over this timeline, and our work continues to fight them back once and for all. Having successfully rewritten the past in full, the legacy of the experiment is to write us a wonderful future, the likes of which we never had.

The Experiment Continues

As we venture into further unwritten territory, there are new threats we must defend Toontown against. As I hypothesized, the ways in which we've made Toontown sillier than ever have been met with stronger reactions from the Cogs, the likes of which were never present on the original timeline. Just look at these recent Supervisors: not a complete deviation from your regular Cog, but they're more... expressive. Emotive. Individual. Dare I say even... Toonier? 

As I turn my eyes on the horizon of Clear Coasts, I can't help but worry what threat looms beyond the silly paradise that we're building. Nevertheless, our experiment must continue! We must play more games, meet more Toons, get more gags, explore new worlds, and most of all: We have to do this together.

I still can't believe just how far we've come – you would think I'd know just how fast time flies, and yet... I'm still the same old me, trying to save Toontown from my past mistakes. Now and then when I'm feeling down, I find myself suddenly reminded of Two old friends of mine. And surely, if they were still here, they would tell me... Tell all of us, that we can stop the Cogs with small acts of valiance by regular Toons like you and I.

Hmmm... Doctor Dimm has managed to slink off somewhere without me noticing. It's probably for the best that I go find him – and also focus on my work, now that my mind is clear again. Thanks for listening to my ramblings, Toons! In time, and together, I know that one day we'll finally complete this experiment and save Toontown.


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Princess Hulagadget said on September 26, 2024 at 2:17 PM
Aww, what a wonderful sentiment. It's so great to be part of this new era of Toontown Rewritten, while still holding memories of Toontown Online. Here's to the future!

Sheriff Crunchyspinner said on September 26, 2024 at 2:17 PM
Flippy and Slappy? Silliness surges and new threats too... You guys are cooking something huge up aren't you? Super excited to see what's to come haha

Prof. Moe Rockenpaws said on September 26, 2024 at 2:21 PM
Um... I dont think trying to change the past will... be the best option... Just dont say I warned you dr Surlee... Just dont try go back in time...

Anonymous Toon said on September 26, 2024 at 2:27 PM
I feel like you could use a hug...

Knuckles Blubbernugget said on September 26, 2024 at 2:35 PM
We sure have come a long way, haven't we? A whole decade plus one.

Duckin' Donuts said on September 26, 2024 at 2:36 PM
Pleaseeee toontown give us the ability to change our species </3

Little Cat said on September 26, 2024 at 3:37 PM
Never thought I'd see the Rewritten timeline surpass the original, yet here we are. Man, that's a lot to think about, I... I think I need a hug. Do you want a hug, Surlee? I think we both need a hug.

Guy said on September 26, 2024 at 3:58 PM

Parm E. Sean said on September 26, 2024 at 4:19 PM
This is one of the deepest blog posts yet. One bye... him. Surlee (or should I say Gearloose) is the reason why everyone is still here. He's cooking a plan. I know it. I just hope he doesn't mess things up. I hope Toontown doesn't sink into the seltzer seas. Or have a tornado suck us all up and throw us into Cog Nation. Don't mess this up, Surlee. Are you Surlee this will work? ...Sorry, but if I go too serious I'll go sad. Maybe. But I don't want to risk it, like you, Surlee.

Parm E. Sean said on September 26, 2024 at 4:23 PM
Duck-Proof? ...You didn't find out, did you? ...I didn't say I did anything to the Silly Meter! You said that! You're crazy! Phew. I made it outta that one... Is that red liquid the Phunny Phluid? Because it tastes like cherry...

Parm E. Sean said on September 26, 2024 at 4:24 PM
Oh... he already said Dimm did that. Phew, I guess I didn't have to say anything about that. Thanks for covering for me, Dimm!

Nebula said on September 26, 2024 at 4:34 PM
The fact that we have now passed the duration of the original timeline is incredible! I feel we should build a statue to remember Doctor Fissionton's sacrifices...

Midnight said on September 26, 2024 at 4:35 PM
Is Doctor Surlee trying to insinuate something about the new supervisors being more... Toony?

Deku said on September 26, 2024 at 7:18 PM
Looks like he was the one who sent the Yesman attack on Slappy during the election.

Barget Wondersnout said on September 26, 2024 at 8:38 PM
Interesting bit of lore here... wonder what's up?

Rolling Crocodile said on September 26, 2024 at 9:30 PM
It's amazing to think that this Rewritten timeline has exceeded the original timeline. With Surlee's help, we were all able to recreate the original Toontown... and expand it! I mean heck, who KNOWS where I'd be right now if it hadn't been for Surlee. I probably would've just been a regular, plain ol' shark-finned crocodile, just swimming around all the time in my swamp. Not much fun, eh? But looking back on the original timeline, and looking at this rewritten one, and seeing all that I've been through, the fun times, the great friends, the hours spent Cog-busting and bean-counting (jellybeans, that is!)... gosh, aren't we all just blessed to be here? So let's raise a glass of seltzer to Doctor Surlee... the hero who saved Toontown. Who gave me a chance to be a Toon. So thank you, Gyro/Surlee! You're the best monkey/chicken in the world! (Granted, the ONLY monkey/chicken in the world, but you're still the greatest one!)

Barget Wondersnout said on September 26, 2024 at 9:41 PM
Now that you mention it, the new Supervisors do seem a little more cartoonish than normal Cogs. The Club President in particular seems a bit crazier than other Cogs, heh. Perhaps all the silliness might be starting to affect the Cogs? Maybe they'll even finally give up their boring Cog ways and be more fun and nice to us Toons? Nah, I better not get my hopes up any higher than Mr. Foreman's forehead...

Barget Wondersnout said on September 26, 2024 at 9:44 PM
Wait a second, I'm confused... the URL says "https://toontownrewritten.com/news/item/944/a-look-in-the-logs-of-loony-labs" yet this is supposed to be the 912th blogpost. Were there 32 other secret blogposts? Or is it a typo or something?

Toonsworth said on September 26, 2024 at 10:20 PM
Ah yes, the old town... Shame truly. Though not as advanced as today's Toontown, the old Toontown was much more... How does one say... Contained? Yes, contained. Though in those days, I was a much more foolish duck, wearing that silly yellow Cog Buster Uniform we'd get during April Toons, I practically froze up in The Brrrgh when the Rewriting began, could you imagine. I rather quite appreciate my wealth in this timeline, and much more wiser for the wear too mind you, how else could a Toon such as I get so many wonderful benefits from the Sellbots? Hah. Well, anyhow, back to the talk of Old Toontown. As I recall, it was rare, if ever, for any Cog Buildings to appear in Toontown Central, not many Toons went beyond Central either in those days. They'd probably get up to a Fruit Pie before calling it quits, and those who did go beyond had to get Memberships from the Toontown Council for fear the Cogs would trample our Gags. Not to mention the Field Offices, though similar to the ones today, were much nicer and calmer. Only two floors in those days, Mega SHAKER Office, or Busywork as I call them, and an Executive Salesman Office, one fight for a shopkeeper who the VP couldn't find time to capture. No Stars either, thank dear Uncle Walt. I also heard some of the Field Office Shop Keepers joined the Sellbot Resistance Team in this timeline. Though I must check if that truly is true. It would be nice to see a No Star Field Office take over a building in this day and age. It's been so long since I've seen one. Would truly help the recruit Toons to understand the office minigames ahead of time. Only a matter of time before they return, I'm sure. As for poor Doctor Fissionton, perhaps someday he may get redrawn. If we can rewrite, so too shall we redraw. After all, we're redrawing Toontown for the soon to be visual Toon Up, only theory of course. That said, thank you Doctor Surely for keeping our town thriving our dear town all these year later. Now, if you will pardon me, I must count my Merits.

Blueberry said on September 27, 2024 at 5:40 AM
I can't believe how long it's been, sometimes I get vivid dreams of my life in the past timeline. I used to be a wondering Toon who would explore all over Toontown, however I would fall to the cogs, believing that I could fight them on my own. I'm glad things turned out differently for me in this new timeline!

Roulette said on September 27, 2024 at 1:05 PM
it's gonna be rough when they make a cog with a sense of humor

Parm E. Sean said on September 27, 2024 at 2:38 PM
Oh my cog... This is leading to an ARG! I just wish I knew how to solve it! I know almost every Toontown fact there is, but I have no idea how to solve this! Likely they'll have a new blog post, but I have no idea if I'll be able to solve it with that! ...I am going to pull my hair out.

Bernadetta said on September 27, 2024 at 5:13 PM
Man, it sounds like the staff is building up to an epic grand finale with the Chairman himself! Someday, Toontown WILL get the final boss and the happy ending that it deserves! Toons of the world, unite!

Vacation Taker said on September 27, 2024 at 8:19 PM
Kind of a hunch... If this is the start of a new Arc for Toontown... Are the Cogs gonna reopen the CFO Project? It's been awhile since we heard anything about that... Cashbots have been real quiet...

Demosthenes said on September 28, 2024 at 7:15 AM
I am contemplating these events... Been 15 years now... Hmm...

Parm E. Sean said on September 28, 2024 at 8:39 AM
This was supposed to be called "Doctor Surlee's Sigh of Relief"!

Parm E. Sean said on September 28, 2024 at 8:44 AM
Also... Toonsworth? You wore a Cog Buster outfit? That's... my outfit! I wear it in every Toontown server*! Along with my 3D glasses and bowler hat. The bowler hat was given to me by Mythical Beast. I also wear an Autism Bowtie, but only in TTR because TTR is the only server that has that. *I only play 2 Toontown servers currently.

Parm E. Sean said on September 28, 2024 at 8:45 AM
How did I not realize that this was posted on the 26th?

Parm E. Sean said on September 28, 2024 at 2:08 PM
Vacation Taker... The CFO project stood for Cog Field Office, so the project already came.

Vacation Taker said on September 29, 2024 at 5:19 PM
Oh... Whoops... Ah well, back to my shows...

Gold Mouse Cool Toon said on September 29, 2024 at 8:16 PM
Thank you, Doctor Surlee. For all your sacrifice, anxiety, planning, genius, and stress endurance. Even with you blaming yourself, you've given us all a second chance. A new timeline to change and prevent disaster. A new timeline where we're more advanced and trying to end this decades-long war. And that is immeasurable. I hope you take this Cartoonival to relax and have a load taken off your plate. Thanks to you, the Tooniverse is still going. Enjoy the timeline we have now and the beauty around us. The colorful skies and the gray businessmen pushed back to their bases. Thank you for all you've done and gone through, Doctor Surlee.

Parm E. Sean said on October 1, 2024 at 7:09 AM
I just had a dream and all I remember from it was a link called toon.town/silly20. That is so odd. It seems as if my dreams are trying to help me solve this upcoming ARG.

Parm E. Sean said on October 1, 2024 at 7:37 AM
Surlee you need a break. (Yes I intended to not put the comma there because... Yeah you probably get the joke. Seriously, though, Surlee does need a break.)

Parm E. Sean said on October 1, 2024 at 8:32 AM
25 days... Something's coming in 25 days... The 26th... 26 years... Oh my cog... 26 years since the 26th! Oh my cog... Oh my cog... OH MY COG! This is bad. VERY bad. 26 since 26! This is really really really bad. The 26th is a bad date for Toontown Rewritten because everything (Confidential - November 26, 2013 [2002] Emergency Monitor Broadcast - January 26, 2014 [2003] Manual Transmission - February 26, 2014 [2003] Call Log - March 26, 2014 [2003] Court Records - June 26, 2014 [2003] Remember - July 26, 2014 [2003] Our Pleasure to Return - November 26, 2014 [2003] Minglermail - April 26, 2015 [2004] We'll Be In Touch - March 26, 2016 [2005] Incoming Transmission from LL-TERMINAL26 - January 26, 2018 [2007] The Great Silly Particle Search - March 26-April 4, 2018 [2007] The Cogbuck Conundrum - August 26, 2018 [2007] A Very S.I.L.L.I. Day and The Twenty-Sixth Test - February 26-28, 2019 [2008] Gone Fission: Part One Gone Fission: Part Two) is on the 26th. And 26 years? On the 26th? That is BAD. Don't believe me? Read the wiki! https://toontownrewritten.wiki/The_26th Don't want to go to it in link form? "The 26th was a series of anomalies that occurred on the 26th of each month that was caused by Doctor Surlee when he activated the time reversal with pocketwatch and traveled back in time to October 26, 1998, at an attempt to rewrite Toontown's timeline. Due to a ripple effect placed on the 26th after the time reversal, many anomalies occurred with cryptic messages appearing on blog posts from Toontown Rewritten's website during the 26th. Although most anomalies were uncovered in ARGs, there were some anomalies that occurred without an ARG; two examples of this being The Chairman's memo unveiled on April 26, 2014 (2003)[1], and Doctor Surlee's emergency memo published on May 26, 2014 (2003).[2] Doctor Fissionton was ripped away from time when he discovered Doctor Surlee's pocketwatch in an unstable state, resulting in him being split into two and creating a rewritten version of himself as a cat. Before his identity was revealed, he was known as "the Two" and "???". On January 26, 2018 (2007), Doctor Fissionton's terminal, LL-TERMINAL26, published a transmission to the Toontown blog. When members of the Toontown community banded together to solve the transmission via LoonyLabs.net, Doctor Fissionton made it clear that Doctor Surlee took Toontown back in time to save it. When Toons collected a total of 2,600,000 Silly Particles during the Silly Particle search that occurred since March 29, 2018 (2007), Doctor Fissionton revealed what the Final Plan was, months after the initial transmission from January 26, 2018. The Final Plan was a plan put together by both Doctor Fissionton and Doctor Surlee to reconstruct a brand new Silly Meter. The 26th story arc concluded on March 13, 2019 (2008), when the Silly Meter stabilized Toontown's timeline and ended the anomalies of the 26th." -Toontown Rewritten Wiki. I get the Silly Meter stabilized the anomalies, but so many clues are pointing towards the 26th returning! 1): Silly Meter messing up as stated in this blog post (Maybe I read it wrong, but that's how it sounded to me.) 2): 26 years. (This doesn't need any explaining. As I stated before, 26 since 26th.) 3): 944? "This was supposed to be called 'Doctor Surlee's Sigh of Relief'!"? (TTR doesn't make these mistakes. This HAS to be something.) 4): Doctor Surlee making a blog post? (The only time he makes blog posts is part of an ARG, 26th related storyline, or in the earlier days when they needed filler text for a beta/alpha key giveaway. But of course it isn't that last one because we aren't in the earlier days. Remember in the early days when they made a The Stanley Parable reference? I don't because I didn't play during that time. I only know because I read a lot of the old blog posts in my spare time. I stopped because I got bored. Anyways, back to the theroies.) 5): "Important G.I.M.M.I.C.K. Interception! Posted by Lord Lowden Clear on May 15, 2023 at 3:00 PM" was not posted on the 26th... But! This was in the blog post "To: All Employees of Cogs, Incorporated. cc: Department Executives Subject: Important Announcement Regarding the Future of Cogs, Inc. To the employees of Cogs, Inc: As you are all aware, briefing notes from a recent conference amongst company executives were provided to you. These notes detail concerns that were brought forward to me by your department executives regarding: -Toons’ 'silliness' levels are on the incline -Reported production numbers are… less than ideal -Substandard security measures -Employee competency, or lack thereof I do not take these concerns lightly. It has been nearly a decade since our initial attempted negotiation with those Toons, and we have very little to show for it, much to my chagrin. Talks with department executives are on-going, however the groundwork is being set for corporate restructuring within each department. More details are set to be released to your inboxes May 26th. I understand many of you are concerned about your positions within the company. I want to assure you that, yes, you should be concerned. Every single one of you is expendable, even those of you who have been here for years. I won’t sell it short: ALL of your positions are up for review. Any severances will be paid upfront in cash. After all, my word is law, and I AM your boss. Keep your inbox open at all times for further announcements. Get back to work, The Chairman" In this letter the 26th was mentioned, meaning TTR still holds the 26th close. 5½): My Toon's birthday is on May 26th. (I know this isn't a clue but I still wanted to mention it.) 6): This was posted on the 26th! Something VERY big is going to happen. Is this going to be the final 26th? Maybe. But I'm sure it will be a big one.
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