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ToonFest: The Great Fanfair | Full Recap

Posted by The Toontown Team on June 1, 2024 at 2:00 PM

Curtain call came and went, and so the curtain has closed on this year’s ToonFest: The Great Fanfair at GalaxyCon Oklahoma City. Fortunately, entertainment doesn’t end at Toontown. With the conclusion of ToonFest: The Great Fanfair, it’s time for us to walk down memory lane in a full retrospective. Keep those fanfares coming! Let’s make like a trapeze artist and jump right in! 

A Pre-ToonFest Party!

Even though there was one less day at the convention center to spend with the players, that didn’t stop us from having a Toon Party with attendees! GalaxyCon graciously allowed us to welcome Toontown players a whole day early! Attendees had the opportunity to mix and mingle with Toontown Staff and Toontown Partners, as well as other attendees! From ice breakers to coloring pages, it was a blast straight from a cannon! 

Of course, you can’t have ToonFest without the Cogs trying to ruin the fun. Toons from all over the room heard that elevator music and, lo and behold, Flunky appeared! Luckily, all he wanted to do was play some Photo Fun with Toons which, after some time to think about it, is rather suspicious. It didn’t take long for Flunky to grow tired from dodging all the flying pies, thus he scurried back into the elevator. 

Day One: A Trick from our Party Hat

Ah, there’s no feeling like walking through the ToonFest arch and being immersed in the in-person adaptation of Toontown and getting a nice warm welcome from Flippy and Flunky – wait, Flunky appeared AGAIN?! We really should improve our security measures. Toons from all over the world kept a close eye on the Cog, having a gag in hand at all times until the Toon Council President brought Flunky outside to leave the  Toons to their silliness. Who’s to say how much a Cog could be affected by rising Silly levels...

Speaking of silliness, we had a few tricks up our sleeves, which we were finally able to reveal at the Raising the Curtain on Toontown Rewritten panel! Roe, Joey, and June discussed the current state of our newest neighborhood, Clear Coasts and Toontown Remastered. Though we love a good progress update, the announcement that Under New Management, Cogs, Inc.’s latest executive shakeup, would be available to play by the next morning stole the show! Players erupted in excitement, both in-person and from home! 

We also debuted some new merch, including a Toontown Rewritten tote bag and a Flunky plush! Whew, he’s much less off putting when he’s full of polyester. 

Day Two: The Toony Goes to…

We started the second day at ToonFest with a game of Fish Bingo! Toons competed against one another in a fierce fishing fight and got their gloves on exclusive ToonFest-attendee code cards! Those Toons must be dressed to the nines with their new neckties and bowties! 

The tide came in, washing away all the fish at the pond! Toons raced up the escalators to the panel room in preparation for “Q&A with the Toontown Team”. Toons in attendance, as well as some lucky Toons at home were able to ask their burning questions to Roe, Lindsay, Joey, Ellie, and Rush. Did you hear about all those Easter eggs Rush put in the game? At the conclusion of this panel, players left with this year’s installment of the Toontown Poster (spoiler alert: it's Under New Management), hot off the press! 

Shortly after the Q&A Panel, we held our Backtstage Toontown: Under New Management panel! Roe, Gabe AV, and Weird Alex explored concept art and the process of what it took to release such a massive update. Roe even hilariously voiced every Supervisor as he went over the storyboards behind their battle scenes. Which was your favorite impression?

Later that night, we held the annual Toony Awards, hosted by Ellie! Every Toon in attendance came dressed to the Back Nines, bringing their most creative cosplays, witty limericks, high-end clothing, and more into the competition! It is clear that each Toon that submitted their work into the contest put their heart into it, making an exceptional challenge for the judges, Little, Ash, and Zach, as well as guest judges Maya, Ellen, August, and Jesse Schell, to make any decisions. Keep your eyes peeled on the Toontown Blog for the full recap on the TOONYs! For now, let’s give some Toontown cheer for this year’s winners! Hip hip, hooray! 

Whether they competed in the TOONYs or not, all Toons left the room with a prize: their very own Riggy Marole keychain! This keychain is Riggy-approved, so we hope you wear them with pride! 

After a brief intermission, Toons returned, receiving tickets as they entered – unfortunately, those tickets cannot be used to purchase fun accessories for your race kart. By the draw of a hat, 10 lucky Toons were selected to put their Toontown experiences and knowledge to the test in Toontown’s very first Funny Feud, hosted by Danny! Survey says… Funny Feud is the hottest new game show to hit the Wild Wacky Web! 

Day Three: A Grand Prix and Pie Finale

While the morning started with another relaxing game of Fish Bingo, Toons simultaneously signed up for Toontown’s very first Grand Prix! The first 32 Toons to sign up were chosen to compete in this highly anticipated tournament. Players started their engines and waited for the countdown. On your mark… set… GO! Competitors drifted ‘round the raceway, fiercely fighting for first place. Leaving everyone in the dust, Quake darted past the finish line without even a photo finish! Talk about a racing champion! 

In Toontown fashion, the 7th annual The Great Toontown Pie Toss was the grand finale concluding this year’s festivities at ToonFest. Worry not, folks! No Toons were harmed by flying pies… except for Roe, Liv, Joey, and Bella. Toons literally let them eat cake at Toontown’s tastiest event! Word on the street is that they can still smell the Whole Cream Pie filling. 

Our Toons at home took it to a new level, having their very own in-game Toontown Pie Toss. Did you get a chance to throw some pies at Toontown Team members and Toontown Partners? 

If you missed out on this year’s ToonFest, worry not, Toons! You can catch up on all the silliness and slapstick on our YouTube channel.

ToonFest: The Great Fanfair was a spectacle unlike any other, and it wouldn’t be possible without the dedicated community members. Yes, that means YOU! Your unceasing love and support for this game is the fuel to the fire that is Toontown Rewritten, and we can’t thank you enough! Toons of the World… UNITE! 

The Toontown Team poses after ToonFest wraps up!


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Sheriff Jake Rewritten said on June 1, 2024 at 6:39 PM
Is that the ENTIRE Toontown Rewritten Team or is it just a lot of fans? If it's the former, I can't believe how many people are behind the scenes of this game for more than a decade in the making. Regardless, this many people keeping a small yet faithful virtual world alive.

Zany Croc said on June 2, 2024 at 3:46 AM
I enjoyed Oklahoma City.

Parm E. Sean said on June 2, 2024 at 8:39 AM
Boy, oh boy, I Hope to go to toonfest Columbus!

Dreemer Dear said on June 2, 2024 at 10:11 AM
I can see sense the joy of the event a mile away! I wasn't here but i saw the videos and it sounded wonderful! I hope to see everyone there next year!

Rolling Crocodile said on June 4, 2024 at 5:01 PM
Man I had the time of my life at Toonfest! It was only for the one day, but still it was toontastic! I hope all the toons who attended had a blast too! And it's nice to see the staff having a great time!

Mr. Stripes said on June 7, 2024 at 4:35 PM
Yowza! This was so much fun. We really appreciate all the work that goes into Toonfest -- it's a dream come true for us toons. Can't wait for next year :)

Fite said on June 7, 2024 at 7:35 PM
Thank you all so much for making this a thing, and for working with me so I could propose to my fiancee! This was one of the greatest weekends of my life; last year's was too, and if I ever can, I want to come every year from now on!
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