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July 19, 2024 [ttr-live-v4.0.5]

• Increased Trap Activation Stun Bonus from 30% to 50%. Actions after Trap hits a Cog will have increased accuracy.
• The passive 10% Lure Accuracy Bonus that Trap provides is now stackable with other 'Trapped' Cogs when using a group Lure, adding 5% per extra Trap placed.

Cog Battles
• Updated and polished animations for almost all new standard Cog attacks added in v4.0.0! These include Beguile, Nickel and Dime, Money Talks, Embezzle, Quash, Close the Loop, Hostile Takeover, and Flood the Market.

• Updated quality and volume standards of music added to Cashbot and Bossbot HQ in v4.0.0. This should fix any issues with noticeable clicks and low fidelity!
• Adjusted the Foghorn Gag barrel in the Steel Factory to give a minimum amount of 2 Sound Gags instead of 1. Stingy Sellbots!
• Difficult Supervisors now have the gear emblem around their insignia, similar to their respective Cog Facility elevators.
• Updated animation for The Factory Foreman's Burnout.
• Speaking of fire, The Club President will now use a flaming Cog Golf Ball during Bunker Shot, with new sound effects to boot!
• Renamed sound effects for Tantrum to be more in line with others from v4.0.0.

• Added the "Glue!" SpeedChat phrase, which will randomly appear in Cattlelog Series 1. We promise we didn't mess with the accuracy!

Bugs n’ Blunders
• Fixed a crash when viewing Sellbot Task Force Credits with accessories disabled.
• Polished the floor in Lawbot HQ, fixing some clipping issues with the reflection in the process. Wax on, wax off.
• Fixed the Health Bar sequence disappearing and reappearing when a Cog is defeated from the Cog Info Panel.
• Standardized some Status Effect descriptions.
• Fixed the positioning for Finger Wag particles for Mr. Hollywood and The Foreman, plus Rolodex pages for The Clerk.
• Improved synchronization of the Dollar Bill Fishing Rod with the Toon's animation.
• Fixed the door in the C.J. Battle intro/outro clipping into the wall.
• Fixed the hard hats' positioning in The Foreman's intro cutscene.
• Improved positioning of various props in Club President Battle.