Release Notes
March 4, 2025 [ttr-live-v4.1.6]
• Running the 32-bit version of Toontown Rewritten on 64-bit Windows is no longer supported. The future is now!
• Fixed an issue that could cause Cog-Crusher outfits to not be scheduled for delivery.
• Upgraded various backend server components.
• Cog Invasions will now have a `startTimestamp` attribute describing the Unix timestamp of the time they started.
• Scheduled Mega-Invasion Event on Saturday, March 8th for International Women's Day. This replaces the original date of August 26th.
February 15, 2025 [ttr-live-v4.1.5i]
• Fixed a long-standing issue that could cause Toon Building doors to be 'locked' indefinitely by The Cogs.
• Fixed an issue that would cause extra spaces to be inserted into messages under specific circumstances.
• Improved logging for certain conditions that can cause a long pause prior to the Supervisor battle starting.
February 11, 2025 [ttr-live-v4.1.5h]
• Scheduled the "National Cheddar Day" The Big Cheese Mega-Invasion.
• Fixed a bug where Street Tunnels to other Playgrounds would not function properly when in Welcome Valley.
• Internal improvements to District Draining.
• A RSS feed for Release Notes has been made available at
February 6, 2025 [ttr-live-v4.1.5g]
Sellbot Factory
• The Factory Foreman has doubled the speed of all doors!
• Will this result in double the productivity? Probably not!
January 31, 2025 [ttr-live-v4.1.5e]
Bugs 'n Blunders
• Fixed a long-standing issue where wider camera angles could cause Street Tunnels to drop Toons off in The Grey.
January 27, 2025 [ttr-live-v4.1.5d]
Bugs 'n Blunders
• Toontown's Doodles needed a quick refresher on swimming basics, and can now swim in Estates without issues.
• Patched up an issue where water ripples would occasionally not show up in Estates.
• Logging and recovery has been improved when video settings fail to apply.
• Fixed additional crashes when Companion App WebSocket connections are lost.
Lunar New Year
• In celebration of the Lunar New Year, Smokey Joe will be putting on a fabulous firework display!
January 19, 2025 [ttr-live-v4.1.5c]
• Whew! You'll no longer crash when you need to disconnect from a Companion App.
• Patched up a rare crash on MacOS when frame rates were inconsistent.
• The Cogs are expanding on their humor! They have been programmed to tell the jokes from the Toony Awards 2024's Cog Remote Control Joke contest.
• Get your pies at the ready, Mega-Invasions are even better for training! They will now produce a 3x Gag Experience Multiplier, which will be in effect in street battles and Cog buildings. Regular Cog invasions and player-summoned invasions will still produce a 2x Gag Experience Multiplier.
January 9, 2025 [ttr-live-v4.1.5b]
Cog HQs
• Fixed a rare crash in the C.J. evidence round.
• Crane magnets in the Cashbot Vault have been made stickier, no longer considering lag compensation when picking up an object.
• Adjusted some Sellbot Task Force dialogue to refer to the Mint Auditor instead of the Mint Supervisor.
• A recent Cogs, Inc. shareholder memo has informed the Toon Resistance of additional new Mega-Invasions scheduled to start this year! Stay TOONed for upcoming details on the Toontown Blog.
• The November Skelecog Mega-Invasion will now occur the weekend after Thanksgiving.
• The Black Friday Cattlelog sale will now always start on Black Friday.
December 27, 2024 [ttr-live-v4.1.5a]
• Corrected a missing snow pile in Donald's Dock.
• Internal logging improvements related to the Cattlelog.
• Fixed a bug causing a rare login failure.
December 8, 2024 [ttr-live-v4.1.5]
ToonFest Columbus at Home
• Snow piles have appeared in Playgrounds all over! Grab some and chuck ‘em at your friends, or…
• Dummy Cogs have also been positioned around the Playgrounds! Hit them with enough snowballs, and you might get some jellybeans in return.
• Take part in a limited-time Alternate Reality Game: Samantha Spade’s Silly Scavenger Hunt! Head to
to sleuth out the details yourself before December 21st.
• Improved positioning of some Dummy Cogs to prevent interference with Playground Treasures.
December 4, 2024 [ttr-live-v4.1.4]
• Internal preparations for upcoming ToonFest at Home events.
• The Toon Council has finished crocheting some additional Warm Winter Hats for the upcoming Winter Holiday. They'll be available in your next Cattlelog!
October 27, 2024 [ttr-live-v4.1.3c]
• Shop interiors will now resemble their original layouts from Toontown Online as they did prior to the 2.10.0 update.
• The Pumpkin Toons will now understand the 'Trick or Treat!' phrase from the Cattlelog. This change is being rolled out via District draining.
Silly Saturday
• Fixed a longstanding issue where District restarts in the form of maintenance, resets, or draining would offset the Silly Saturday event cycle. This change is being rolled out via District draining.
October 22, 2024 [ttr-test-v2024.10.22a]
This is a Toontown Rewritten "TestTown" release. The live game version remains ttr-live-v4.1.3b.
• We've ENTIRELY rebuilt the back-end system behind ToonTasks to make them more flexible, easier to develop, and to support a much wider variety of ToonTask objectives and scenarios!
• Our goal with this refactor was to get the existing ToonTasks as close as possible to the way they were before. If you notice any oddities, please be sure to let us know!
• Added more than 15 new ToonTask objective types. While they may not appear in the task rotation in this update, you may start to see some of them in the future, so stay TOONed!
• Added some additional ToonTasks to the random rotation in certain playgrounds, including: catch Fish in all playgrounds & defeat certain amounts of Cog Building Floors in Minnie's Melodyland, The Brrrgh, and Donald's Dreamland
• ToonTasks to deliver certain items to a shopkeeper now have a new menu that allows you to partially deliver the amount of items required for the task, as well as see how much progress you are going to contribute to the ToonTask's objective.
• The ToonTask scroll background has been remastered in a higher resolution.
• Tweaked the requirements for some Donald's Dreamland tasks that required certain levels of Cogs in Coin Mints to be a little more fair.
• Fixed an issue that would cause Cog Buildings, Field Offices, and Field Office joke ToonTask objectives to not display progress at the end of a battle.
• Touched up some assets in the Shtickerbook, including the Disguise Page and page icons.
• Lots of various back-end code cleanup and adjustments.
October 14, 2024 [ttr-live-v4.1.2]
• Reduced network overhead associated with the Toon Platoon reward system.
• Fixed a dialogue issue with the Cartoonival Cavalcade.
• Internal improvements to the Code Redemption system.
• Added a spooktastic new outfit to the Cattlelog: Lurelock!
October 11, 2024 [ttr-live-v4.1.1]
• Made several optimizations to various networking systems across Toontown.
• Addressed the long-standing 'ghosting' issue, which could bring down server performance and artificially increase population numbers.
• Implemented a potential fix for an ultra-rare server issue. Wish us luck!
Silly Meter
• Implemented a major backend re-write to the Silly Meter. This should significantly reduce network-related slowdown!
• Silly Points will once again be generated for participating in Cartoonival activities. The whims of the Silly Meter are indeed strange...
• Taught the Photo Fun Toons how to use the newly-refurbished pillow in Donald's Dreamland. Please, no more floating!
• Prevented a crash related to riding the Trolley during the Toontorial.
• Fixed an issue with knock-knock doors dating back to Toontown Online. When you knock on a door, that's the door that will answer! Not the one down the road.
Cog HQ
• Cheesy Effects can now be used in Cog Facilities and Cog Boss Battles! The Factory Foreman is gonna blow his lid over this one!
Implemented a new toggle for Toons to control whether Toontown Rewritten tries to connect over IPv6. Toons that have been recently experiencing connection issues can try disabling this option for improved connection stability.
September 24, 2024 [Server Maintenance Release September 24th]
This is a server-sided maintenance release with no corresponding client update. The release is currently being gradually rolled out via District Draining.
• Used up all your Token Unites? No biggie! The '5 25-token unites' TokenTask is now available for Toons who have used up all of their Token Unites. That's right, you can complete the task again!
• The TokenTask for the 'Your Fluffiest Friend' backpack will now be offered to Toons who have previously deleted it. Yay!
September 22, 2024 [ttr-live-v4.1.0e]
Bugs n' Blunders
•Fixed an issue where 'settings.json' would always be written on game launch even with no settings changed, causing issues when launching multiple clients simultaneously.
•Fixed various crashes related to code adjustments for Toon Rig 3.0
September 21, 2024 [ttr-live-v4.1.0d]
• Reduced the price of the Inter-Pride Bandana to 30 Cartoonival Tokens.
• Added the Bubblegum Bogey Skirt to the Cattlelog, available until September 29th. After that, it'll show up in Series 2, Issue 9!
September 21, 2024 [ttr-live-v4.1.0a/b/c]
Bugs 'n Blunders
• Fixed a client crash when speaking to Pet Shop clerks.
• Mopped up some puddles on Tenor Terrace. Sorry about the ripples!
• Prevented a client crash when leaving an area while a Sellbot Field Office is appearing.
• Made sure Lord Lowden Clear's cue cards are actually correct during the Cartoonival Cavalcade. Toons of the world, unite!
September 19, 2024 [ttr-live-v4.1.0]
Toontown Remastered
• Donald's Dreamland has received a makeover:
• New props, such as toy blocks and a teddy bear, have been constructed all over! Seek them out and explore where you could never before!
• The pillow and blanket in the Playground have been reimagined, creating a new sloped area that Toons can walk on!
• The entirety of Donald's Dreamland has an improved look and feel, with high-quality textures, improved collisions, and more!
• A new "Under Construction" tunnel has appeared on the pillow, said to connect to a new Playground someday...
• Additionally, improved the depths of Cashbot HQ with texture and collision updates, including the Cashbot Vault Lobby and Cashbot Vault itself.
• Implemented the first steps of Toon and Cog Rig 3.0. These changes should be largely unnoticeable, but please let us know if you have any issues!
• Remastered the water ripple effect present when walking through shallow water!
• Fixed up some ponds and other pools of water around town not displaying proper ripples when walking through them.
• Removed Promotion Experience Merry Multipliers for purchase at the Cartoonival following v4.0.0's Cog Disguise rebalances.
• Added purchasable Level 7 gags, now available for 750 tokens each at the Merry Multipliers booth!
• Added the TOONYs-winning outfit from ToonFest: The Great Fanfair, now available for purchase at the Cartoonival Tower. Step right up to get your very own Symphonic Outfit & Tie!
• Added some fresh Doodle names; take home Alfredo, Celsius, Jean-Pierre, Marigold, or Meep today!
• We're hosting an ongoing board of known issues for Toontown Remastered. Keep up to date at!
September 6, 2024 [ttr-live-v4.0.8]
• Fixed a memory leak related to performance debug metrics.
• Implemented various performance monitoring improvements.
• Check your mailboxes, folks, cause YOU'VE received an invite to ToonFest: Columbus!
August 25, 2024 [ttr-live-v4.0.7c]
• Cog battles should be smooth sailing. Various snags with battle stability have been patched.
• They can't hide from us now! We've sorted out a long-standing issue where Cogs would sometimes fail to load in certain areas, like Cog HQ courtyards.
• Get your gags on standby! We've prepped for upcoming Cog Mega-Invasions.
• Addressed a crash related to Cog Facility Supervisor battles from revision 'a' related to network latency.
• Addressed a crash related to Status Effects from revision 'a' related to network latency.
August 20, 2024 [ttr-live-v4.0.7]
• Implemented various improvements to server-side performance monitoring.
Bugs 'n Blunders
• Fixed "error code -4" when attempting to purchase Acting Lessons in the Cattlelog that a Toon is not yet eligible for.
August 17, 2024 [ttr-live-v4.0.6b]
• We've taken another attempt at balancing out the audio levels around Toontown. Various sound effects should be more balanced overall.
Options Menu
• Added a slider to adjust Toon Chat sound effect volume.
August 16, 2024 [ttr-live-v4.0.6]
Sellbot Task Force
• 'Ai' hear you 'Lowden Clear'! Samantha Spade has reeled in her sleuthing shenanigans, and now only requires Level 16+ Cogs anywhere to earn the Sleuth Badge.
• We've adjusted our audio mix across the game! Toontown should now be more pleasant to your ears.
Options Menu
• Adjusting audio levels in the Options Menu will feel more gradual.
• If the game fails to launch, video settings will be reset in an attempt to remedy the issue.
• Made some behind-the-scenes optimizations to networking.
• Added additional performance-related logging to help diagnose issues.
Bugs 'n Blunders
• Fixed an issue where Toons could get 'stuck' entering a battle just as a Cog flies away.
August 9, 2024 [ttr-live-v4.0.5c]
• Added some additional debug information to log files to help our Technical Toons diagnose connection loss issues.
August 6, 2024 [ttr-live-v4.0.5b]
• A hard-mode Boss indicator was added to the Cog Panel so you know what you're in for!
• Oops! We've tidied up a typo in one of the Sellbot Task Force ToonTasks: 'Recover Art Supplies from a Two-Face.'
• Fixed various server-side memory leaks.
• Fixed an issue where keyboard input would not function on distributions using the KDE Plasma 5 desktop environment, such as KUbuntu 24.04. If keyboard input is still not functioning or you encounter new issues after this update, please email
July 20, 2024 [ttr-live-v4.0.5a]
Bugs n’ Blunders
• Fixed the "Beguile" attack not rendering correctly for Skelecogs
July 19, 2024 [ttr-live-v4.0.5]
• Increased Trap Activation Stun Bonus from 30% to 50%. Actions after Trap hits a Cog will have increased accuracy.
• The passive 10% Lure Accuracy Bonus that Trap provides is now stackable with other 'Trapped' Cogs when using a group Lure, adding 5% per extra Trap placed.
Cog Battles
• Updated and polished animations for almost all new standard Cog attacks added in v4.0.0! These include Beguile, Nickel and Dime, Money Talks, Embezzle, Quash, Close the Loop, Hostile Takeover, and Flood the Market.
• Updated quality and volume standards of music added to Cashbot and Bossbot HQ in v4.0.0. This should fix any issues with noticeable clicks and low fidelity!
• Adjusted the Foghorn Gag barrel in the Steel Factory to give a minimum amount of 2 Sound Gags instead of 1. Stingy Sellbots!
• Difficult Supervisors now have the gear emblem around their insignia, similar to their respective Cog Facility elevators.
• Updated animation for The Factory Foreman's Burnout.
• Speaking of fire, The Club President will now use a flaming Cog Golf Ball during Bunker Shot, with new sound effects to boot!
• Renamed sound effects for Tantrum to be more in line with others from v4.0.0.
• Added the "Glue!" SpeedChat phrase, which will randomly appear in Cattlelog Series 1. We promise we didn't mess with the accuracy!
Bugs n’ Blunders
• Fixed a crash when viewing Sellbot Task Force Credits with accessories disabled.
• Polished the floor in Lawbot HQ, fixing some clipping issues with the reflection in the process. Wax on, wax off.
• Fixed the Health Bar sequence disappearing and reappearing when a Cog is defeated from the Cog Info Panel.
• Standardized some Status Effect descriptions.
• Fixed the positioning for Finger Wag particles for Mr. Hollywood and The Foreman, plus Rolodex pages for The Clerk.
• Improved synchronization of the Dollar Bill Fishing Rod with the Toon's animation.
• Fixed the door in the C.J. Battle intro/outro clipping into the wall.
• Fixed the hard hats' positioning in The Foreman's intro cutscene.
• Improved positioning of various props in Club President Battle.
June 28, 2024 [ttr-live-v4.0.4]
Bugs n' Blunders
• Street Prop Gag Bonuses will now properly reflect the 15% bonus for Squirt and 20% bonus for Toon-Up.
• Fixed a bug where disabling accessories and purchasing an outfit from a Clothing Shop would delete those accessories.
• Fixed several client crashes related to elevators and fishing ponds.
June 23, 2024 [ttr-live-v4.0.3]
• Added Inter-Pride accessories! They're available in June alongside other pride accessories in the Cattlelog, and are also available during their respective seasons (Scarves in winter, Bandanas in late summer, Bows in late spring).
Version 2.0 Cog Disguises
• Slick Skirt has been added! Maxing any v2.0 Disguise will reward you this skirt, along with the Slick Shirt & Slick Slacks.
• For those already maxed in a v2.0 Cog Disguise, battling the given Boss Cog one more time will grant you the skirt.
Sellbot Factory
• Sellbot Factory doors will now stay open longer.
• Potentially fixed an issue where Toons would crash in the Factory when attempting to teleport to The Factory Foreman battle.
• Fixed Overtime's Battle Effect not expiring upon The Factory Foreman being defeated in battle.
Bugs n’ Blunders
• Fixed a District reset related to in-game code redemption.
• Cog Facility music will no longer play after the Supervisor has been defeated and Toons are leaving.
• Fixed an issue where completing too many Cog Facilities would cause the camera to malfunction and fade into the skybox.
• Fixed a missing period in one of the "Flood the Market" dialogue lines. Grammar matters!
• The 'Trapped' status effect description will now properly reflect if a Trap Gag is organic.
• Fixed several common client crashes observed in Playgrounds.
June 8, 2024 [ttr-live-v4.0.2]
Sellbot Factory
• Adjusted Merit payout in the Sellbot Factory:
• Sliced The Factory Foreman’s Merit bonus in half. He’s cutting costs!
• Stationed a new group of Cogs in the Lava Room Foyer for extra security.
• Snuck a fourth Cog into the Oil Room.
• Additionally, slowed the rotation speed of the Lava Room gears in the Steel Factory for accessibility.
• Changed the Sound Restock Barrel in the Lava Room to grant Foghorns, exclusively in the Steel Factory.
• Sellbot Factory doors now open a teeny bit quicker. Optimization!
Cashbot Mint
• Moved the spinning gear tower found in Cashbot Mints closer to the exit and slowed rotation speed for accessibility.
Lawbot Headquarters
• Fixed a possible crash when leaving the DA Office Lobby.
Bossbot Headquarters
• Implemented a new portcullis gate sound effect.
• The C.E.O. has finally received the memo that The Back Nine is no more, to stop mentioning it, and to also fix his grammar during the Waiter Round. Sounds like someone’s getting fired!
• Reverted the rate of v2.0 Cogs found in the Banquet Room from 50% to 33%.
• Added custom countdown durations to the Waiter Round, depending on the difficulty tier. Each tier yields an extra 15 seconds from the base countdown of 270 seconds. A maximum-difficulty C.E.O. Battle yields a countdown of 330 seconds.
Bugs n’ Blunders
• Added missing dialogue lines for the “Flood The Market” attack.
• Fixed an issue where Supervisor Rare Drop data was not properly accounting for v2.0 Cog Disguise status or a given Cog Facility’s difficulty. These values have been updated for all Toons. Happy hunting, for real this time!
June 3, 2024 [ttr-live-v4.0.1a]
Bugs n' Blunders
• Fixed a crash when logging into a Toon that holds certain Storm Sellbot SOS cards.
June 3, 2024 [ttr-live-v4.0.1]
Cog Battles
• Fixed an issue that caused the effects of Quality Control to expire early while in a Boiler fight.
• Fixed a visual bug with Cog Health Meters when joining an ongoing battle.
• Added clearer text descriptions for Toons Hit and Cogs Miss when used by S.O.S. Toons.
• Fixed an issue that would have prevented Toons from completing a given Cog Facility more than 255 times.
• Just For Fun! ToonTasks involving the C.J. and C.E.O. will no longer be offered while lacking their respective Cog Disguises.
• Doubled the rates in which Supervisor Rare Drop Accessories are received. Happy hunting!
May 26, 2024 [ttr-live-v4.0.0d]
• Fixed several issues related to butterflies causing crashes. 🦋
May 26, 2024 [ttr-live-v4.0.0c]
• Fixed an issue related to Boarding Groups and Upgraded Cog Disguises.
May 25, 2024 [ttr-live-v4.0.0b]
• Fixed a crash related to queueing up in facility battles.
• Potentially fixed an issue where the "Waiting for other Toons..." dialogue would remain when all Toons were actually present.
May 25, 2024 [ttr-live-v4.0.0a]
• Fixed an issue related to C.J. and C.E.O. promotions with an Upgraded Cog Disguise.
May 24, 2024 [ttr-live-v4.0.0]
• This is an abbreviated list! Consult the rebalancing document for all battle-related changes & rationale:
• Boss rewards such as S.O.S. Cards, Doodle tricks, Toon-Up Gags, and Trap Gag placements no longer grant a Stun accuracy bonus to upcoming battle actions.
• Damage-dealing gags such as Sound, Throw, and Squirt Gags now grant an increased Stun accuracy bonus to upcoming battle actions, from 20% to 25%.
• Activated Trap gags now granted an increased Stun accuracy bonus of 30% to upcoming battle actions.
• Increased base accuracy of the $1 Bill from 50% to 60%.
• Increased base accuracy of the Small Magnet from 50% to 55%.
• Increased base accuracy of the $5 Bill from 60% to 70%.
• Increased base accuracy of Big Magnet from 60% to 65%.
• Increased base accuracy of the $10 Bill from 70% to 80%.
• Increased base accuracy of the Hypno Goggles from 70% to 75%.
• Decreased base accuracy of the Presentation from 95% to 90%.
• Higher-leveled Lure Gags now override the base accuracy of lower-leveled Lure Gags when used simultaneously.
• Multiple Lure Gags of the same targeting type used simultaneously now grant a bonus (20/15/10)% Accuracy depending on the gag level discrepancies of the additional Lure gag pairs, with the bonus being smaller if lower-leveled Lure gags are used.
• All instances of Organic Bonus are now calculated rounded up instead of down.
• Increased Organic Toon-Up healing bonus from 10% to 20%.
• Increased Organic Squirt damage bonus from 10% to 15%.
• Increased Organic Drop damage bonus from 10% to 15%.
• Decreased the maximum carrying capacity of Sound Gags.
• Reduced the Gag skill point thresholds for unlocking Sound Gags. All players should automatically reflect this change.
• Changed Drop’s Accuracy Description from Low to Very Low.
• Trap now provides a passive 10% accuracy bonus to any Lure gags used on Cogs with the 'Trapped' Status Effect.
• Lowered the Gag skill point threshold for unlocking Quicksand from 800 to 500.
• Implemented an all-new, extremely challenging ToonTask which allows Toons to change their increased Level 7 Gag carrying capacity after completing the Sellbot Task Force. Consult an Operator in the Sellbot Hideout if interested!
• Reinforced Plating has been reworked: Removed the defense attribute that blocked damage per gag based on the level of the Cog. When Version 2.0 Cogs are destroyed and transformed into a Skelecog, they will now be able to still attack Toons rather than skipping their turn.
Battle Menu
• The Cog Battle menu now displays the health of Cogs in a health-bar fashion; color-coded respectfully to their displayed circle gauges.
• The Cog Avatar panel has been re-imagined with a new metallic plating. Status Effect support included!
Cog Facility Reworks
• All Headquarters Cog Facilities have been simplified into two paths: an easy mode for lower-Laff Toons completing the appropriate ToonTasks, and a hard mode for Toons dedicated to promoting their Cog Disguises.
• Meet the Factory Foreman, Mint Auditor, Office Clerk, and Club President -- re-imagined as brand-new personalities with their own fun, new fights. These encounters feature new cutscenes, dialogue, attacks, Special Moves, and more!
• Toontown Remastered is coming early to the Cog Facilities! All facilities have brand-new, remastered assets, taking advantage of higher-resolution textures and better collisions. Check out the content packs document for a complete list of changes:
• Both Sellbot Factories now start at the front entrance, following increased security measures by the Factory Foreman!
• Cashbot Mints have a brand-new room featuring a way to practice for the C.F.O. Crane game!
• The Lawbot D.A. Office lobby has been entirely redone, featuring fewer elevators, shorter walking distance, new framed illustrations, and new furniture. Feel free to take a seat in the chairs!
• Lawbot D.A. Offices have two brand-new battle rooms to increase the diversity of layouts. The Clerk has scrambled various floorplans to thwart the Toon Resistance!
• Bossbot Cog Golf Courses also have several brand-new gloomy rooms to explore: A new three-part maze, battle rooms, and an oil-gushing room!
• New Door obstacles are now present in Lawbot D.A. Offices and Bossbot Cog Golf Courses, replacing those uncanny metallic doors from the Sellbot Factories.
• The Cog Golf matching game now features several new puzzle layouts!
• Puzzles in the Cog Golf matching game can no longer be "stolen" or interrupt a Toon in the middle of solving one.
• Facility Cog levels are now semi-randomized instead of being preset & fixed. Look out for groups with varied levels!
• Easy Cog Facilities will now multiply Cog Promotion Experience and Gag Experience gains by 3x; Hard Cog Facilities multiply by 4x.
• Cog Supervisor battles will now attempt to pull all Toons in the facility into their final battle after a short delay.
• 16 brand new music tracks that play unique battle tunes throughout all Cog Facilities!
• Battle Rounds in Cog Bosses have been tweaked to spawn fewer Cogs to fight.
Cog Attacks
• All Cog Attacks across all Cog departments have been rebalanced to make them all on an equal footing of overall strength:
• Tweaked numerous accuracy values of the over-leveled Sellbots that were mildly over-tuned, and established values for the over-leveled Cogs in the other Cog departments.
• Tweaked numerous frequency values across all Cogs that have their attack pool updated.
• Introducing 12 new Cog Attacks that help provide variety and accommodate for some missing damage that some Cog departments have been lacking. We're looking at you, Bossbots.
Cog Disguise Promotions
• Cog promotion experience drops are now aligned with the Cog's level instead of half its level.
• Version 2.0 Cogs now drop twice the amount of promotion experience directly reflecting their Cog level.
• Cog Invasions no longer grants a bonus x2 multiplier towards promotion experience.
• ALL Cog Promotion requirements across all Cog departments have been rebalanced to be more confined and universally easier to promote.
Version 2.0 Cog Disguises
• Added a new, totally optional system for high-level Toons who want to have virtual progression after finishing all their Cog Disguise promotions. There are absolutely no significant rewards associated with this (such as Laff boosts, Gags, or extra rewards).
• Toons can press the shiny new “Upgrade” button on their Cog Disguise Shticker Book page, available after hitting Level 50 in a given Cog Disguise. Doing this will reset the Cog Disguise to Level 8, allowing new Promotions to be acquired.
• Toons who upgrade their Cog Disguise retain their "Warehouse Key," allowing them access to the Headquarters Boss Battle to stock up on rewards, but not gain a Promotion.
• Upgraded Cog Disguise Promotions take double the amount of Cog Promotion Experience. Are you ready?
• Toons can freely pick the appearance of their Cog Disguise after the Version 2.0 upgrade!
• Upon maxing any Version 2.0 Cog Disguise, Toons will have the Slick Shirt & Slick Slacks sent to their mailbox, as well as being labeled as "Maxed v2.0" on the rewards panel.
Battle Drops
• Four new cosmetics are available as ultra-rare drops from defeating the four new Supervisors! Each has their own unique item, guaranteed to drop after a certain number of wins.
• Under the hood, this item drop mechanic has the potential to be expanded upon in future updates, allowing certain items to drop from Cogs under certain conditions.
• Starting a Version 2.0 Cog Disguise boosts the drop rate for the Supervisors' rare drops!
• Shopkeepers, too, are prepared for Under New Management! All ToonTasks in the game will reflect the new changes to the Cog Headquarters.
• Over 200 late-game ToonTasks have been rebalanced to be easier for players in Donald's Dreamland. All players should automatically reflect this change, in most cases they will automatically be completed.
• Introduced a dozen or so new ToonTasks for elder players that ask for a variety of activities across all Cog Headquarters.
• Toon head size now remains the same regardless of the Cog Disguise being worn.
• Lord Lowden Clear has personally adjusted Dogs' Cog Disguises, preventing a "floating" head appearance.
• Freshened up the Cog Disguise page in the Shticker Book with HD textures.
May 19, 2024 [ttr-live-v3.10.7a]
• Implemented a fix for Estate Groups where Doodles would not show up in certain cases. This change will be deployed after districts are restarted.
• Fixed an issue that caused the "Toon Resistance" note to be stuck in the mailbox.
• Fixed a possible client crash when cleaning up Photo Fun.
• Fixed a rare client crash related to street buildings.
May 16, 2024 [ttr-live-v3.10.7]
• Fear no more – you won't lose your home again! We've improved how houses, estates and Doodles move across districts.
• Playground/Street DNA files have been spruced up to improve load times so you don't have to wait as long.
Photo Fun
• Photo Fun has been given a polish! Whew, memory leaks are a thing of the past!
• Code has been given a general tidy-up.
• Holiday decorations will now be visible when you play.
• Widescreen support has been improved.
• Our delicious new Jellybean Overalls have been added! Yippee!
• It's time to get prepped for Pride Month with our new Pride-themed bows and bowties, now available in the Cattlelog for your buying!
April 1, 2024 [ttr-live-v4.]
Under Old Management
• Zoo wee mama! The Foreman, Auditor, Clerk, and Club President all quit their jobs before their orientation could even be completed! As such, all Cog facilities have ceased to function and no Cog Disguise progress can be made ever again.
Bench Gaming
• Added Bench Disguises to replace the now-obsolete Cog Disguises!
• See the Bench Disguise Schticker Book Page (formerly the Cog Disguise page) to start collecting the boards, legs, and screws necessary to build YOUR Bench Disguise.
• Collect Benchbucks and fight the Chief Bench Officer!
• Are YOU Bench enough?
• Added the ability to upgrade your Bench Disguise into an Ice Desk Disguise.
• Bench doesn’t even look like a real word anymore. Is it just me? Bench, bench, bench.
Gag Unbalancing
• Healing Remotes now heal Cogs each turn.
• Elephant Trunks now have a 0.1% chance to turn into a whole elephant.
• Hypno Goggles can now be used to make someone fall in love with you… don’t tell the Genie!
• The only way to undo this effect is to plant a Summer’s Last Rose and let it die, let it die, let it shrivel up and-
• C’mon, who’s with me? Organic Squirt is now meta with a 77% boost.
• What does that even mean? Beats me! Running over Banana Peels in Goofy Speedway might restock your Banana Peel Gag now, I dunno.
• The Doodles sure are getting tired of all this rounding up. Oh no… they’re coming. They’re coming for me. I can’t stop them.
• Are YOU Bench enough?
March 2, 2024 [ttr-live-v3.10.6b]
•Patched up some recent District resets.
•Raised the Toon limit at parties to 50 so Toons can celebrate fewer District resets!
March 1, 2024 [ttr-live-v3.10.6]
•Check your mailboxes, folks, cause YOU'VE received an invite to ToonFest: The Great Fanfair!
•Double skill points for your Gags and double jellybeans are on this weekend to celebrate the HypeFest!
•Revamped the 'Teeming Fish Waters' Silly Team as per community request! You'll see it as 'Plentiful Fishing Ponds,' with a new logo to reflect Melville's Fishing Migration changes.
•Introduced a variety of exciting new colors for Karts and their accessories: Amber, Beige, Bronze, Bubblegum, Crimson, Dark Green, Emerald, Ice Blue, Mint Green, Rose Pink, Spooky Green, Spooky Purple, Steel Blue and Teal.
•You can now buy the Cartoonival Pink and Cartoonival Blue Kart colors at any time from the Kart Shop!
•Spooky Green clothes have been added to the stock list for the Clothing Shops and the Cattlelog!
Bugs n' Blunders
•Yee-haw! Rounded up some of them there Doodles, reducing server lag.
•Fixed a bug causing Doodle mood data to load incorrectly. Why are you confused, Fluffy?!
•Fixed a scenario of Cogs waiting until timeout before entering a battle in the Sellbot Factory.
•Addressed a server-side memory leak related to Sellbot Field Offices.
•Addressed bugs that caused Boarding Group invitations to fail with a blank message.
February 21, 2024 [ttr-live-v3.10.5m]
Bugs 'n Blunders
• Patched up a client crash in the Options Menu.
• Plugged a memory leak on the server that was causing lag.
December 14, 2023 [ttr-live-v3.10.5b]
• Adjusted lag-smoothing settings, impacting the movement of other Toons and activities such as the C.F.O. crane round and racing. Let us know how these feel!
• The default street sign ("Tunnel Ahead!") can now be overridden by content packs. This must be a sign to content pack makers…
Bugs 'n Blunders
• Fixed a server-side issue where Cattlelog items would release a day late.
• Fixed a server-side memory leak related to Cattlelogs.
November 27, 2023 [ttr-live-v3.10.4c]
• The Perform Action key is now properly defaulted to the Delete key on MacOS. Existing MacOS players will need to reset their control options to default for this to take effect.
• The default Perform Action key on ChromeOS is now backspace. Existing ChromeOS players will also need to reset their control options to default for this to take effect.
• Fixed a bug where game controllers were unable to interact with GUI elements.
Display Settings
• Fixed a possible crash when display options failed to apply.
• Delta patches will no longer be generated for file updates if the size of the patch exceeds the size of the new file. You could say we patched it.
November 21, 2023 [ttr-live-v3.10.4]
• Added scroll wheel support for the Friends List and Cattlelog gift list. Click-click-click-be-gone!
• Consulted Dr. Ivanna Cee about a fix for blurry, unreadable fonts when running the Linux build via Crostini.
• Added several new Doodle names and Pick-A-Name options. Pick away!
• Removed a floating wall in Acorn Acres and optimized load times.
November 14, 2023 [ttr-live-v3.10.3r]
Bugs 'n Blunders
• Fixed an issue where unsuccessful display settings changes would be wrongly interpreted as exiting Toontown Rewritten.
• Fixed an issue where Windows users would be unable to change from fullscreen to windowed mode in display settings.
• Fixed a visual issue when changing from windowed mode to fullscreen on Windows.
• Fixed a memory leak in City Circuit races.
• Addressed a client crash caused by attempting to accept an invalid item in a mailbox.
• Fixed a rare crash related to Unite cooldowns.
• Fixed a long-standing issue where recover item ToonTasks involving Loony Labs Scientoons could have broken SpeedChat phrases.
October 21, 2023 [ttr-live-v3.10.3g]
Bugs 'n Blunders
• Cartoonival Token Unite phrases are no longer available after Cartoonival ends. They'll return next year!
• Addressed an issue that led to Ticket Unites showing "Double Tokens!" during Cartoonival.
• Made changes to ensure the order of Shticker Book pages are consistent across all Toons.
Toon Parties
• Fixed a long standing issue with Cog-O-War -- now you can see other Toons throwing their pies!
• Addressed a client crash related to Cog-O-War.
• Fixed various visual issues related to switching between Shorts and Skirts.
• Cleaned up the animation for the High Dive gag. Toons should look significantly better when using a Cheesy Effect!
October 14, 2023 [ttr-live-v3.10.3]
• Eyelashes are now a toggle. Just head to your Wardrobe, and toggle away!
• Made a ton of underlying changes to enable everything in this release. Shoutouts to our Programming and Technical Operations teams!
• Gender-lock no more! Every Toon can wear anything they want.
• Both Shorts and Skirts are available in every Clothing Shop, alongside in your next Cattlelog issue.
• If you missed out on clothing as a reward for maxing an activity, you'll just need to complete one more instance of the activity to complete the set.
• Updated the first room of Make-a-Toon to include more inclusive language.
October 12, 2023 [ttr-live-v3.10.2]
Toon Recolors
• Added a dash of permanent ink to various special Toon colors such as Cartoonival Blue - permanently adding them to your Toon’s color palette!
• Special color purchases have become Toon Recolors. This allows you to mix-and-match this special new color with your other colors!
• Once accepted from your mailbox, Toon Recolors are applied at the Pick-A-Toon screen like Rewrites and Renames.
• Any color in your palette is available for use in Toon Rewrites.
• Special colors include Cartoonival Blue, Cartoonival Pink, Spooky Purple, Black, and White. If any part of your Toon was one of these colors prior to this update, it will remain permanently in your palette.
Black Cat Day
• Booregard has transformed every Toon into a random Black Cat for Friday the 13th! Owoooo!!!
• Flippy, Kitty Marole, even Booregard themself - no Toon is spared from the Black Cats' Curse!
• To be spared from the Black Cats' Curse, speak to Booregard outside Toon Hall. You'll feel like yourself in no time.
• If you change your mind, just speak to Booregard to become a random Black Cat again.
October 7, 2023 [ttr-live-v3.10.1]
Bits 'n Bobs
• This is a maintenance release. We've been making continued progress towards modernizing Toontown's code!
• If you haven't yet accepted the updated Terms of Service or Privacy Policy, you'll now be prompted in-game to read and accept them.
• Terry Prompter has found his bowtie again!
• The Extraordinaire Shorts can now be purchased by Girl Toons! Complete your 'fit today.
• Fixed up the names of the Butterfly and Fairy Wings accessories.
• Addressed an error that identified Cartoonival Blue and Cartoonival Pink Karts as being a default color in the Shticker Book.
September 29, 2023 [ttr-live-v3.10.0]
• Contractors have completed the construction of the Cartoonival Cavalcade! Canon.
• The Cavalcade is an all-new activity taking place in streets across all districts.
• You can help Riggy tow around the float with your Kart. Time to drive the streets of Toontown!
• Interacting with the Cartoonival Cavalcade grants tons of rewards, including Cartoonival Tokens!
• Introducing... TokenTasks, an all-new way to earn Cartoonival Tokens!
• Two Token Taskers have appeared in every Playground, offering limited-time TokenTasks!
• Completed TokenTasks can be redeemed the two Task Takers, located at a new booth in the Cartoonival.
• The Task Takers in Cartoonival have two extra-special ToonTasks, featuring all-new prizes!
• Four new Bandanas have been added to the Cartoonival Prize Pool. Collect them all!
• Added a new Backpack, courtesy of community member Weird Octavian.
• Fulfilled a long-time community request: Neckwear!
• Toons can now wear both backpacks and neckwear at the same time.
• NOTE: There is a known issue that leads to two 'Empty' Backpack entries in your Accessory Trunk. This will be fixed in a later update.
Bugs 'n Blunders
• Fixed a client crash caused by low disk space on Windows PCs.
• Sound effects for Picnic Games will no longer be heard for Toons not actively playing or spectating.
• Addressed a client crash related to spectating Picnic Games.
• Toons can now fall asleep when near an active Picnic Game. How tiring.
• Fixed an issue where the 'Time’s up!' text on Trampolines would stick around forever.
September 23, 2023 [ttr-live-v3.9.2]
• Even MORE prizes have been added to the Cartoonival Tower! Polka-dots, stars, and new colors, oh my!
• Adjusted the bandana model to improve visibility based on player feedback.
September 21, 2023 [ttr-live-v3.9.1]
Bugs 'n Blunders
• This is a maintenance release. Expect to see dramatically better game server performance!
• Fixed a bug with Boarding Groups that let you invite yourself. Best not to think about that too hard.
• Optimized behind-the-scenes code to improve database performance.
September 19, 2023 [ttr-live-v3.9.0]
• Toontown's Cartoonival is BACK, celebrating Toontown RewritTEN, our 10-year anniversary!
• Brand-new items are available in the Cartoonival Tower! Grab your friends, earn some tokens, and spend them on some TOONTASTIC goodies!
• Refreshed Riggy's dialogue. That hare just can't stop talking!
• Consolidated similar item types to save space in the Token Taker interface.
• Made preparations for future Cartoonival additions. Stay TOONed!
• You can now view your own Toon Detail Panel! Just click on your Laff Meter at the bottom-left corner of the screen.
• Fixed a crash on Windows when running multiple Toons at the same time.
August 24, 2023 [ttr-live-v3.8.6]
• Panda3D, the technology that powers Toontown, has been updated!
• Fixed an issue with "sticky collisions" related to Panda3D.
• Patched up an issue that could lead to doubled inputs on Linux.
• Toontown Rewritten is now a Universal App! Whether you've got an Intel-based Mac or a newer Apple Silicon Mac, you'll get the best Toontown experience.
• Thanks to being a native application, we've reduced CPU usage on Apple Silicon Macs by 20-30 percent. Snappier than ever!
• Toontown Rewritten can now be made Retina-aware! On by default, this allows you to use the full resolution of your Mac's Retina Display.
• On MacBooks with ProMotion display technology, Toontown will now run at up to 120fps. Silky smooth!
• To fix a long-standing visual issue, we've set the limit of MSAA at 4x on all Macs. Still plenty sharp!
• Addressed a rare crash related to audio on macOS. This was most frequently seen in the Boiler Boss Battle.
August 10, 2023 [ttr-live-v3.8.5q]
Bugs 'n Blunders
• Fixed a memory leak related to Kart Racing.
• Fixed a potential crash related to connecting a game controller.
• Toon HQ looked into an incident where Toon buildings would pretend to be Cog buildings, causing the building to be inaccessible. Shopkeepers claimed they wanted to try a new way to play a joke on the Cogs.
• When running in windowed mode, closing the window will now ask you for confirmation to avoid accidentally closing Toontown. This can be disabled in the exit prompt.
July 30, 2023 [ttr-live-v3.8.5o]
Bugs 'n Blunders
• Disabling Animation Smoothing is now respected in the CFO cutscenes.
• Fixed an issue where names starting with diacritics would not be able to be submitted
• Fixed a visual issue with type-a-name submissions on new accounts.
• Fixed a crash caused by deleting screenshots while inspecting them in the Photo Album
• Fixed a long-standing issue where having multiple Deliver Gag/Jellybean tasks would not properly award credit for completing them.
June 13, 2023 [ttr-live-v3.8.5]
• SpeedChat+ Predictive Text has been added! Located in the Options Menu's Gameplay Settings, this displays suggestions for the closest word in the Toontown Dictionary to what you're typing. Press tab to accept the suggestion!
• New accounts will now have SpeedChat+ restricted outside of Toontown Central until either completing the Toontown Central taskline or a few days have passed.
• The Toontorial can no longer be skipped without a Toon on the account previously completing it.
Bugs 'n Blunders
• When the Global Teleport Silly Team is active, the Map page will now display the appropriate "Go to" labels.
• Fixed an issue where the ToonFest 2023 invitation continued notifying Toons even after ToonFest ended.
• Fixed the zone ID showing up as "?" when using Shift + F1 inside Cog buildings.
• Fixed a crash caused by hitting a mole with the Report menu open while in a Cog Golf Course.
• Fixed a crash caused by a Toon going sad during round transitions in boss battles.
• Fixed a crash caused by multiple Toons using the same cannon during the Chief Justice battle's cannon round.
• Addressed a crash during the Chief Justice evidence round.
June 6, 2023 [ttr-live-v3.8.4]
(This includes release notes of revision 3.8.4a as well).
Bugs n' Blunders
•In early preparation for the Under New Management update, Gag exp gains are now capped at 500 per track unconditionally - up from 300.
•Added animated candles to the new Birthday Cake.
•Corrected a C.E.O. Battle SpeedChat phrase.
•Joining an Estate group without leaving a current Boarding Group will no longer lead to crashes.
•Fixed a scrolling issue in the mailbox when accepting an item.
•Addressed an issue with Cheesy Effects not being labelled properly on the Calendar.
•Fixed additional crashes with elevators & buildings.
June 6, 2023 [ttr-live-v3.8.3]
(This includes release notes from all revisions of v3.8.3).
•The Fruit Catcher Cap is back with fabulous new texturing! 'Catch' it on sale twice a year: June 1-30 and Dec 4-Jan 4; once for each hemisphere!
•The Outset name tag will now be available in Series 6 Issue 2. This was previously awarded after the New Years Toon HQ Takeover event.
•Dates for the next Cattlelog delivery & Rewrite eligibility will now appear in the Calendar in your Shtickerbook, and can be filtered via 'Show Only Misc.'
Miscellanous & Mishaps
•The Gag Shop is rolling out their newest, remastered styles of Birthday Cakes to celebrate ToonFest: Birthday Bash!
•Fluffy should show up less often and perform tricks more often when he does.
•Fixed a rare district reset related to the Cashbot Mint.
•Implemented support for content pack creators to provide per-zone overrides of audio.
•Restored the ability to have non-greyscaled eyes for content packs.
•Fixed an issue where parts of facilities or streets would not load during periods of high server stress, causing crashes.
April 24, 2023 [ttr-live-v3.8.2d]
Bugs n’ Blunders
• Fixed a bug that caused Toons to teleport into the Golf Karts in Bossbot HQ.
• Fixed a bug that could cause invasion information in the Shticker Book’s district page to become out of date.
• Per community feedback, the shorter elevator teleport distance was reverted for everything except street building elevators, since it was only necessary for those.
April 22, 2023 [ttr-live-v3.8.2c]
Bugs n’ Blunders
•Put an end to the controller’s and SpeedChat’s bickering, allowing you to now use SpeedChat with them.
•Adjusted group teleportation to put Toons closer to the elevator. Let us know how this feels!
•Made some progress on the eternal fight to optimize server memory and performance.
April 17, 2023 [ttr-live-v3.8.2b]
Bugs n' Blunders
•The enable cursor setting will now be respected again on non-Windows platforms (it was feeling a little disrespected).
•A fresh coat of paint on shop signs means they'll render a bit more correctly than they did before.
•Fixed a bug allowing Toons to walk while asleep.
•Fixed instances of Gag animations taking longer than intended.
•Fixed memory leaks in certain activities.
•Fixed crashes related to the stickler-ey Shticker Book.
April 1, 2023 [April 1, 2023 [ttr-live-…]]
Bassbat Headquarters
•Removed the Front Three, Middle Six and Back Nine. You are now permitted to suffer in the brand-new Cog Facility, the Whole Eighteen.
•Toon Gophers are tired of being stepped on, and now have a 5% chance to eject you from the Cog Golf Course entirely.
•Naming any Cog ‘Dinnerbone’ with a Name Tag will cause the Cog to flip upside-down.
•To prevent competitive racing in the Cog Golf Course mazes, they will now simply loop into themselves forever.
•Head Hunters may now occasionally steal your head. Pay them no mind.
•The Big Cheese has been replaced with The Big Weight (he’s packed on some pounds, don’t judge. That’s the Lawbots’ job).
•Hedge funding has been cut and downsized, meaning no more hedges in Bassbat Headquarters (don’t ask how this impacts the aforementioned maze changes). Feel free to roam around in the Grey at will.
Gag Unbalancing
•The Big Weight has been replaced with The Big Cheese.
•By overwhelmingly popular demand, Drop and Toon-Up have now swapped base accuracy.
•Upon missing with a High Dive, Toons will now SPLAT on the ground and be promptly transported to the hospital by the nearest Ambulance Chaser. The Gag Shop is expected to face a class-action lawsuit in the near future.
•Bottom Feeders will now sometimes eat Banana Peels. Yikes.
•All dollar bill Lure Gags now have 100% accuracy against all Cashbots.
•Telling a particularly groan-inducing pun with the Megaphone may lead to some Laff being lost instead of being restored.
•Tweaked the Opera Singer sound effect to shatter any real glass within a ten-foot radius of players when using to increase immersion (do NOT use with headphones on).
Smellbot Field Offices
•Instead of being defeated, The Boiler’s eyes will now spin indefinitely upon depleting their health bar.
•The Boiler will now take 50% more damage while Defensive Strategy is active and will no longer retaliate. They will also now retaliate while Fired Up is active and no longer take 50% more damage. Of course, there are no in-game cues to reflect this change.
•Doctor Googlymoogly is now 4.5% googly-mooglier.
•Bonnie Bubbles is now at least 49% bubblier.
•Ai Spai is now 20% more spied upon. By whom - no one knows (but probably by those sneaky Slack Babblers or Blabbers or whatever I called them earlier. Why are you still reading this?).
•Ripley is now 200% more ripped (she has been hitting the gym a LOT to meet her job demands).
•If any Toons are inside a Toon Headquarters as it’s taken over by a Smellbot Field Office, they will be captured by the Cogs and become unplayable until the Field Office is defeated.
•Every Doodel trick has been replaced with Play Dead.
March 31, 2023 [ttr-live-v3.8.2]
Bugs n' Blunders
• Made several back-end changes to Kart blocks to improve reliability.
• Fixed crashes related to falling asleep with popups open in goofy Speedway.
• Fixed an issue with Racing SpeedChat phrases not working properly inside the Kart Shop. Let's go kart racing!
• Fixed some issues in various Cog Facilities that recently caused district resets & crashes.
• The Fire Marshal has received a disciplinary warning and should no longer crash your game when warning you to not enter a crowded house.
• Talking in Your Sleep has offered free voice training to all Toons, meaning you should no longer be able to accidentally whisper a trick to your Doodle in battle.
• Addressed a client crash when attempting to enter an elevator while too far away.
March 23, 2023 [ttr-live-v3.8.1]
• Fixed an issue that occasionally caused knockback damage to not occur against lured Cogs.
• Check your mailbox, cause' you're invited to ToonFest: Birthday Bash!
• When the Cannon mini-game is active, Toons and Doodles will no longer block cannon shots.
• Implemented significant code cleanup in Cog Facilities.
• Patched up some memory leaks in the game client.
• Fixed a rare client crash when entering a Cog Building.
• Fixed several client crashes related to Boarding Groups.
• Toontown is no longer in violation of the Geneva Conventions. Huzzah!
• New nautical-themed and Cog-themed iconography has been added to the hats of the Nurse Shark fish and Ambulance Chaser Cog respectively.
• Content Pack Creators: Both the Nurse Shark and Ambulance Chaser have new textures. Once your packs have been updated, you'll need to add an additional flag to your pack's info.ini. For all the details, check out
• Fixed a visual issue with Virtual Skelecogs when using colorblind accessibility options.
March 3, 2023 [ttr-live-v3.8.0e]
• Addressed a visual issue in Cog Buildings that could lead to floating Cogs.
• Patched up a rare client crash related to entering an elevator and a battle at the same time.
• Fixed a crash in the Sellbot Factory.
• Implemented a potential fix for a client crash in the Cog C.F.O. Battle.*
• Fixed an issue that cause Cattlelog issue and delivery timings to be based on UTC rather than Toontown Time (PT).*
Bugs 'n Blunders
• Made an urgent fix to the Silly Meter, preventing the issue that caused downtime on March 1st. Sorry about that!
• Patched a client crash in Acorn Acres related to picnics.*
• Addressed multiple client crashes related to network conditions and elevators.
• Stopped a client crash when toggling the "Animation Blending" option while swimming.
• Fixed a client crash related to Content Packs.
• Fixed an issue where the shuffle arrows on the closet would not function
• Any notes marked with an asterisk will be available after Districts have been drained and restarted.
February 26, 2023 [ttr-live-v3.8.0d]
• Cogs under the effect of a Remote Control can no longer be targeted by another Remote Control during the Boiler battle. This matches the behavior when battling elsewhere in Toontown.
• Addressed a silent issue with internal difficulty calculations in Sellbot Field Offices.
• Fixed a visual issue with Gag choices when opening the Doodle menu in the Battle Trunk.
• Patched up an issue with the post-battle progression menu that caused ToonTask progress to get "stuck" in place.
• Sleuthed around and fixed an issue that prevented Toons from grabbing Samantha Spade's ToonTasks.
• Fixed a visual issue with stompers in the District Attorney's Office that was unintentionally introduced in 3.8.0.
Bugs 'n Blunders
• Fixed a client crash on streets related to high network latency.
• Patched multiple client crashes related to whispering.
• Addressed a client crash when swapping Content Packs.
• Painted over a client crash related to swimming.
• Buffed out a client crash when in the Kaboomberg District.
• Dug up a rare client crash related to planting Toon statues.
• Prevented an issue that could cause every Toon in an Estate to crash.
• Fixed an issue that caused some Toons to get "stuck" while using the Accessory Trunk.
February 22, 2023 [ttr-live-v3.8.0]
• Implemented significant overhauls to major portions of Toontown's underlying code.
• Game clients should now consume significantly less memory -- potentially up to hundreds of megabytes.
• These changes should also improve server-side performance.
• Note that due to the significance of these changes, issues may crop up during the first few days. We'll be watching dilligently to address issues as they pop up!
• Removed several unused art assets from the files, reducing the installation size of the game.
• Made some minor back-end changes on the art-end that will affect Content Packs. For pack creators, please check for documentation on what's changed!
• Made countless tweaks to the layout, scaling, and opacity of elements in the battle menu to improve readability based on feedback.
• Shticky Notes will no longer appear blank on first-use.
• Fixed-up an issue that caused Shticky Notes to flicker under certain conditions.
• The Rewards sub-screen is now called the "Battle Trunk"
• When opening and closing the Battle Trunk, your most recent page will be saved -- even between turns!
• The Battle Trunk is now locked if you've yet to earn any rewards.
• The expiration date and time for all active Cheesy Effect rewards is now listed on the Events page in your Shticker Book.
Options Menu
• The Colorblind accessibility option now improves the visibility of laser puzzles in D.A. Offices.
• V-Sync is now able to be properly disabled on Linux systems.
• Linux will now default to windowed mode instead of full-screen.
• If you're playing on Steam Deck, experimental controller support will be enabled by default.
• The default visual settings have been lowered for advanced Toons who are running the game under Chrome OS.
Bugs 'n Blunders
• Fixed-up a client crash related to Bossbot Golf Karts.
• Patched a District reset related to Cog Building Boarding Groups.
• Animated Street Props won't interrupt your sprint anymore -- whoops!
• Fixed a GUI overlap issue when fishing with the Options Menu open.
• Addressed an issue that led to Fish Bingo rewards not being paid out properly.
• Implemented a potential fix for a rare client crash while Fishing.
• Plug your ears no longer! Fixed a long-standing issue with the April Toons' Week celebrations that caused a *CRASH* noise when leaving the Playground.
• Fixed an issue that would erroneously enable the Samantha Spade screen filter when enabling and disabling "Shaders" in the Options Menu.
• Addressed a rare internal battle error with certain Gag combinations.
January 26, 2023 [ttr-live-v3.7.0]
Silly Meter
• The Decreased Fish Rarity Silly Team has been reworked into a new Silly Team: Teeming Fish Waters!
• Teeming Fish Waters grants the extra fishing docks previously provided, bigger fish shadows, and a temporary third fish shadow for the duration of the team’s effects.
• New fishing poles can be purchased from the Cattlelog every 2 issues instead of 4.
• The rarity of fish has been slightly decreased by a smidge, making Ultra Rares more reasonable to catch in a game session.
• Balanced profit rates to provide more Jellybeans towards heavier weighted and rarer fish, properly making the Gold Rod most profitable.
• If a Toon’s fish catch rolls a fish rarity that is unavailable in that pond, the game will now automatically reroll to the rarity category below it. No more 0 oz. Balloon Fish!
• The internal code for Fish Bingo has been rewritten! This should hopefully result in fewer bugs and crashes in the long run, but may cause some minor issues in the short term. We’ll have our top Tech Toons working hard to keep this holiday running smoothly.
Fish Migration
• Many rare fish have migrated, changing some rarities or available locations! Keep reading for full details about each fishy friend’s home.
• All Star Fish are now exclusively found in Toontown Central, Donald’s Dock, and Toon Estates as an Ultra Rare Fish. Additionally, they have increased probability weight odds of being found in Donald’s Dock.
• Baby Grand Piano Tuna are still exclusively found in Minnie’s Melodyland as an Ultra Rare Fish. Additionally, they can still be found as an Extremely Rare Fish in Tenor Terrace.
• Concord Peanut Butter & Jellyfish are now exclusively found in The Brrrgh, Donald’s Dreamland, and Acorn Acres as an Ultra Rare Fish. Additionally, they now have increased probability weight odds of being found in The Brrrgh Playground.
• Devil Rays are now exclusively found in Donald’s Dreamland as an Extremely Rare Fish and in Daisy Gardens as an Ultra Rare Fish.
• Full Moon Fish are still exclusively found in Donald’s Dreamland as an Ultra Rare Fish. Additionally, they have increased probability weight odds of being found in that same Playground.
• Grand Piano Tuna are still exclusively found in Minnie’s Melodyland as an Ultra Rare Fish. Additionally, they now have increased probability weight odds of being found in Alto Avenue.
• Grizzly Bear Acudas are still exclusively found in The Brrrgh as an Ultra Rare Fish. They now have increased probability weight odds of being found in Walrus Way.
• Holey Mackerel are now exclusively found in Toontown Central, Donald’s Dock, and Acorn Acres as an Ultra Rare Fish. Additionally, they can still be found as an Extremely Rare Fish in Toon Estates.
• Siamese Cat Fish are still exclusively found in Daisy Gardens as an Ultra Rare Fish. Additionally, they can still be found as an Extremely Rare Fish in Elm Street.
• Strawberry Peanut Butter & Jellyfish can now also be found Anywhere as a Rare Fish.
• Toon Buildings will no longer be taken over by the Cogs while players are still busy interacting with NPCs.
• Improved game launch time.
• Made minor network optimizations to Playgrounds, Toon Estates, and the C.F.O. crane round.
• Fixed a window clipping into a door by "Counting Sheep - So You Don't Have To!" on Pajama Place.
• New Toons no longer receive default saved Gag choices of one Cupcake and one Squirting Flower -- thus disabling the Gag Shop's Load button until first saved. This will NOT apply to existing Toons, so go save a preset if you haven't!
Bugs 'n Blunders
• Patched up a long-standing issue where a catalog purchase could return "error code -3."
• Prevented some potential client crashes related to teleporting to Toon Estates.
• Addressed a server crash related to Sellbot Field Offices.
• Fixed up a client crash related to Status Effects in battles.
• Addressed some potential client crashes and issues related to street battles.
• Fixed an issue where Jellybean Unites would be blocked by the battle unite lock.
• Stopped a client crash related to the Boiler Room clock.
• Prevented a server crash related to Cog facilities.
• Addressed an exploit that allowed teleportation into the District Attorney's Offices and Boss Cog Battles, resulting in a client crash.
• Fixed an issue related to door rejection prompts, which could cause stuck Toons and client crashes upon entering Cog HQ lobbies.
• Patched up an exploit that let sad Toons join Boarding Groups and teleport out of the Playground after starting the game.
• Fixed a District reset related to Toon Estates and Gardening.
• Fixed some server-side memory leaks relating to Toon buildings being taken over by Cogs and vice-versa.
January 7, 2023 [ttr-live-v3.6.4c]
Toon HQ Takeover
• The assets for the New Year's Takeover have been decrypted, meaning they have been moved to their proper file locations & can be modified by Content Pack creators. Have fun!
January 7, 2023 [ttr-live-v3.6.4b]
• Reduced memory usage and increased speed of launching the game or refreshing content packs.
January 4, 2023 [ttr-live-v3.6.4a]
Bugs 'n Blunders
• Patched up an engine crash on starting the game.
• Adjusted the word wrap on the new "Outset" Name Tag to accommodate larger Toon names.
• Changed the "What's a polygon?" Megaphone joke delivery based on feedback.
January 1, 2023 [ttr-live-v3.6.4]
Toon HQ Takeover
• The New Year's Toon HQ Takeover is a go!
• This is the first of many Toon HQ Takeovers, and a final goodbye to the New Year's Top Toons Marathon.
• Defeat as many Cogs as you can in the next week, and contribute to the Gag-O-Meter's tally.
• Check out the full details at!
• Made internal preparations for rewarding event prizes.
• Status banners will now be displayed on the title screen. Neat!
• Restored some words to the Toontown Dictionary that were temporarily removed. Sorry about that!
• The Caller-Hauler has been added to the January/February Cattlelog season.
Bugs 'n Blunders
• Re-enabled memory saving measures from v3.6.3 that were temporarily disabled.
• Patched up a client crash in Pick-a-Name when a name was automatically rejected.
• Addressed some shenanigans around entering Boss Cog Lobbies incorrectly.
• Fixed an issue with throwables introduced in a previous release.
December 24, 2022 [ttr-live-v3.6.3]
Polar Bear Blizzard
• Paula Behr is now allowing all bear Toons to become Polar Bears!
• From December 24th 'til December 26th, Paula Behr is offering an all-new ToonTask inside at Hibernation Vacations on Polar Place.
• If you're a bear Toon, this ToonTask will reward you a snow-white coat of fur -- with your choice of temporary or permanent color.
• Whether you're a bear Toon or not, this ToonTask also awards a Cold Caller Cog Summons. Chilly!
• Note that brand-new bear Toons still have the option to speak to Paula Behr in the Toontorial.
• Additionally, even if you're not a bear Toon, you can still say "Howdy!" to Paula Behr if you'd like to join the Winter Polar-Land fun -- if you don't mind losing your current Cheesy Effect!
Toontown Dictionary
• Added tons of requested words to the Toontown Dictionary -- you can check them all out at! Less mrow, more wrow!
• Significantly reduced memory usage in areas with roaming Cogs. Toons with older systems should see better performance!
Bugs 'n Blunders
• Corrected a long-standing issue where throwables, such as snowballs, could lock Toons out of using Animations.
• Fixed a MacOS crash upon pasting text into the game if non-text data had been copied to the clipboard.
• Addressed a softlock on MacOS caused by using SpeedChat+ in the Options Menu.
• Fixed a crash upon starting the game if you had invalid keybinds configured.
• Patched up several client crashes in Boarding Groups and Cog Boss battles.
• Fixed some client crashes in full Toon Parties.
• Picking a random Doodle name should now be properly random.
December 14, 2022 [ttr-live-v3.6.2a]
Toon T.A.G.S.
• Restored shopkeeper name tags and chat bubbles to function as they did in Toontown Online.
• Tweaked name tag colors to be more consistent across the various types.
• Added a wintry coat of paint to the Boarding Groups menu for the upcoming Winter Holiday event.
• Fixed up the sky in Sellbot Headquarters, which was broken all the way back in 2003. It bugged us too!
• Addressed a visual issue during the Sellbot Task Force finale.
• Patched up an issue in D.A. Offices that could cause some Cogs to float during battle.
• Worry "snow" more! Content Creators can modify Winter Holiday textures to their hearts' content.
Bugs 'n Blunders
• The Silly Reader was accidentally reporting false silliness from the Cartoonival! The readings should normalize next cycle.
• Fixed countless client crashes across Toontown with a similar root cause - too many to count here!
• It's no longer possible to open your Shticker Book during Cog Boss battles. We see your shenanigans!
• Addressed an occasional client crash when earning Jellybeans on the Trolley.
• Patched up a client crash in the Doodle Roundup trolley game.
December 3, 2022 [ttr-live-v3.6.2]
• The Toontown Rewritten launcher has been updated to version 1.5.1! Head over to the "Play" page on our website to download the latest version.
• Added a "Remember Me" button to save account information to hop as quickly as possible into Toontown. Be careful not to use it on shared computers!
• When entering the game with a saved account for the first time with Two-Step Login enabled, you will receive a prompt asking if you trust this computer. Make sure to select "No" for shared computers - we don't want any Cogs sneaking into your account!
• Fixed an issue when attempting to join a Discord group without opening the game.
• Fixed an issue causing the SpeedChat+ info panel not to appear.
• Fixed a soft lock when clicking the SpeedChat+ button.
• Automatic SpeedChat+ is now disabled in SpeedChat-only Districts.
Boarding Groups
• Fixed a few crashes relating to Boarding Groups.
• Centered "Going To" text to make it look a little prettier.
macOS & Linux Support
• Pasting text into SpeedChat+ or the Code Redemption panel now works on macOS and Linux. (It already worked for Windows users - they are no longer spoiled!)
• Linux flatpak has been updated to the latest libraries.
• Addressed a rare issue where audio would not work properly on certain Linux distributions.
• Resolved an issue opening the photo album or content pack folders on Linux.
• Resolved a crash when trying to use the "Copy Code" ToonSync button on Linux.
November 20, 2022 [ttr-live-v3.6.1k]
• Increased the number of Friends you can have to 250. Yay, more friends!
• Patched up a hole in the grey preventing you from whispering to new friends if they aren't nearby.
• Stopped the Friends List from scrolling back to the start if the list updates. Credit to Sticky Lou for providing the fix!
November 16, 2022 [ttr-live-v3.6.1i]
Cog Remote Control
• Added tons of new Cog Jokes thanks to YOU! Use a Damage Remote to (possibly) hear them for yourselves.
• Snuck in some additional Cog Joke response lines to really sell the disgust these bring to the Cogs. Oh, the misery.
Bugs n' Blunders
• Patched up a client crash related to Estate Groups.
• Fixed a rare district reset in Cog Buildings.
• Addressed a rare case of Toons getting stuck related to hiding the GUI.
November 14, 2022 [ttr-live-v3.6.1e]
• Added the new "Distant Chat Size" setting, which changes the size of distant nametags and chat bubbles. Check it out in the Options Menu!
Bugs n’ Blunders
• Fixed a crash caused by joining a Cog Building boarding group just as you exit its range. Get back over there and get in the elevator!
• Solved another most rare and mysterious boarding group crash. Samantha Spade herself had to track this one down.
• Fixed a crash when changing districts.
• Fixed an issue that caused some SpeedChat phrases to not work. Before you lose your voice again, the complimentary lozenges are on us!
October 28, 2022 [ttr-live-v3.6.1]
The Spooktown Curse
• The Midnight In-Cat-Tation has been passed down to Baron von Booregard!
• From October 29th 'til November 1, Baron von Booregard will appear in Toontown Central with an all-new ToonTask.
• If you're a cat Toon, this ToonTask will reward you with the Black Cats' curse -- with your choice of temporary or permanent affliction. Owooo!
• Whether you're a cat Toon or not, this ToonTask will also reward you with a Bloodsucker Cog Summons. Spooky!
• Note that brand-new cat Toons still have the option to say the secret phrase in the Toontorial.
• Check out the Friends List -- a tab has been added to see a list of all nearby Toons!
Bugs 'n Blunders
• Fixed a client crash in the Resistance Hideout related to the Slip n' Slide.
• Patched up a client crash from some Toons not being cleaned up properly.
• Addressed a client crash when teleporting to an Estate party under certain conditions.
October 20, 2022 [ttr-live-v3.6.0]
Boarding Groups
• You can now invite Toons to your boarding groups for any activities from anywhere in Toontown!
• When joining a group from afar (ie. ToonHQ, Discord, friend invites), you will no longer teleport to the leader immediately. Your spot is still reserved, though!
• Instead, a super-duper hi-tech ‘Go To’ button is now present, even allowing you to slip straight past security in Cog HQ lobbies!
• The group leader may not board an activity until all group members are present.
Boarding Group Chat
• The Toon Council is rolling out a nifty, novel, and completely brand-NEW chat mode, Boarding Group Chat!
• You and all your boarding group members can communicate amongst yourselves through this new chat option!
• The orange button up in the top left of the screen will drop down a SpeedChat menu for boarding group chat.
• Using Alt+Enter will allow you to communicate with a boarding group via SpeedChat+!
• Those outside your boarding group cannot see these messages.
ToonHQ Integration
• Boarding groups can now be synchronized between in-game and ToonHQ -- made possible through the wonderful world of ToonSync!
• To elaborate, groups first created through ToonHQ will also appear as in-game boarding groups if ToonSync is enabled. Groups first created in-game will be pre-filled on ToonHQ should you wish to create a group afterwards.
• Synchronization between Toontown Rewritten and ToonHQ groups also applies to the following: group members joining/leaving, group messages sent, and additional +1’s (which can be chosen when joining a group on ToonHQ and selecting how many Toons are with you).
• When a ToonSync-powered group is disbanded or enters the activity, the group is removed from ToonHQ auto-magically!
• Only messages from ToonSync-enabled ToonHQ accounts will appear in-game.
• All group SpeedChat messages are still filtered for your safety!
• Celebrate MMO Central Forum’s 20th birthday with the Flunk-Trunk’s awkward cousin -- the Caller-Hauler!
• Doodle names are no longer gender-restricted.
• Forfeiting a board game will now shamefully announce your defeat to other Toons in the area. Sore losers are advised to steer clear.
Bugs ‘n Blunders
• We’ve quashed some crashes related to facilities & battles.
• Goofy Speedway is now more ‘welcoming,’ -- we fixed a bug that would prevent teleport access from being awarded if entering from Welcome Valley.
• Fixed some crashes related to high network latency.
September 28, 2022 [ttr-live-v3.5.1]
• Cleff has gotten a radical new set of dialogue. Check him out in the Cartoonival and in the Melodyland!
• Riggy's Token Taker crew has constructed additional Pie Purchases and Merry Multiplier booths.
• Merry Multipliers can now be extended by purchasing an additional multiplier! This caps out at 48 hours in total.
• Earning Cartoonival Tokens now counts towards Silly Meter progress.
• Plus, you can have both Gag XP and Promotion XP Merry Multipliers active at the same time! Grabbing the double-pack will cancel out your existing Multipliers -- be careful!
• Adjusted pricing of a few Merry Multipliers.
• Fish will no longer be sold for 0 Cartoonival Tokens, now at a minimum of 1. Even the lightest of Balloon Fish are worth at least a Token!
• Addressed a visual issue that could cause Riggy to appear underground. It's not hibernation season yet, Riggy!
• Fixed four different client crashes in the Cartoonival.
• Added a new mechanic to improve Toon luck in recovery ToonTasks.
• Fixed an issue with the Options Menu remote in Pick-a-Toon.
September 16, 2022 [ttr-live-v3.5.0]
Boarding Groups
• Discord support is here! If you've enabled Discord Integration from the Options Menu, you can send out group invites to your friends through Discord.
• Toons that accept the invite through Discord will automatically teleport to you upon logging in.
• Estate Groups can now be created with up to 40 Toons -- making group Doodle training and Estate events a snap!
• We're working with the folks at to integrate this feature with the website -- arriving soon!
• Boarding Groups can once again be automatically created by inviting a Toon in-game.
Toon Estates
• Party time! 48 Hours of Beach Balls and Estate Jukebox have been added to the Cattlelog.
• Multiple Estate activities can be active at once -- so go have fun with your friends at your Estate!
• Added nineteen new songs to the Jukebox from the past few years of Toontown.
• Implemented several different Beach Ball variations to spice up your physics simulation shenanigans.
• Added the ability to re-purchase the default window view "Wild Garden" from the Cattlelog for 900 Jellybeans.
Boss Cogs
• Tweaked and fixed several issues in Vice President and Chief Financial Officer cutscenes.
• Addressed a long-standing issue that would let Toons walk around while the C.E.O. is being demoted.
• Safe Districts have been overhauled to be more intuitive for players.
• Notably, this change was made to ensure that lower-Laff Toons aren't thrown into districts with higher-level Cogs.
• When logging in, automatic District selection will now prefer Safe Districts.
• Significantly reduced the memory usage of SpeedChat menus.
• Fixed a client crash with Unite phrases.
• Addressed countless client crashes within Cog facilities.
• Fixed a client crash related to Cog Golf Karts in Bossbot HQ.
• Patched up several client crashes throughout Toontown.
• Discord Rich Presence now reflects the color of your Toon's Laff Meter.
• Made the Screenshots page in the Shticker Book more intuitive to use.
• You can now use a hotkey to hide or show nametags -- this feature is bound to SHIFT+F3 by default.
• Tweaked the laws of physics -- teleporting Toons will no longer get stuck stretched out mid-air for others.
• Fixed a typo in the Cog Thief trolley game.
• Addressed a soft lock when trying to board the Trolley while sad.
September 4, 2022 [ttr-live-v3.4.7]
• If your submitted name is accepted, it will now appear immediately in-game!
• If your submitted name is rejected, you'll now see a brief explanation of why it was rejected.
August 6, 2022 [ttr-live-v3.4.4]
• Terry Prompter and Daisy Nusecaster have escaped Kaboomberg! You can now find them in News for the Amused! in Toontown Central.
• Fisherman Fife has taken over for her sister in Minnie's Melodyland.
• Toon Building interiors in Welcome Valley will now appear identical to those in other Districts.
• Addressed an issue that could cause the Rewards Screen after Cog Battles to end abruptly.
• Fixed various client crashes introduced in the 3.4.0 game update.
July 24, 2022 [ttr-live-v3.4.0]
• Added Steam Deck support, including support for its Game Mode. You can learn more at!
• Added experimental controller support!
• This is locked behind an experimental toggle in the Gameplay section of the Options Menu.
• Xbox controllers have been well tested, but there are issues with PlayStation and Nintendo controllers.
• Over time, we plan to add better support for various controllers and the ability to re-bind controller inputs.
• Currently, the right stick emulates mouse input. In the future, we plan to make adjustments to the GUI to allow proper selection with the face buttons.
• While most of the game is playable with a controller, certain activities are more awkward than others. This is planned to be addressed in a later update.
• To see the controller bindings, check out!
Sellbot Task Force
• The Resistance has discovered a stash of Jellybeans hidden away by the Sellbots...
• Just For Fun! ToonTasks have arrived in the Hideout! Once you've earned your Smasher Badge, these will be available from any Resistance Operator. Earn tons of jellybeans and even longer Cheesy Effects!
• Plus, there’s a repeatable Just For Fun! ToonTask that lets you revisit the final moments of the Smasher storyline. It rewards a solid chunk of beans to boot!
• The Resistance has installed additional cameras in the Hideout, adding new views to the G.I.M.M.I.C.K. -- check them out!
• Fixed various dialogue issues in ToonTasks.
• Added the Pronoun Picker! This feature lets you show your pronouns to everyone in your Toon Detail Panel.
• Toons will have no pronouns selected by default, but you can select up to three pronouns in the Options Menu.
• Cleaned up text formatting in the Toon Detail Panel.
• Cheesy Effect Just for Fun! ToonTasks no longer have restrictions to specific Playgrounds, such as an Invisible Toon effect from The Brrrgh only working while in The Brrrgh.
• Significantly increased the duration of Cheesy Effect Just for Fun! ToonTasks in lower-level Playgrounds.
• When reaching the end of the SpeedChat+ text box, you’ll hear and see an indicator that the box is full, rather than automatically sending the message.
• Thought bubbles will now properly persist between different areas.
Toon Estates
• Added floating treasures to the 48 Hours of Cannons minigame! This is based on incomplete code left in the game files.
• Further increased the storage limits for Furniture and Accessories.
• Anisotropic Filtering levels of game textures can now be adjusted in the Options Menu.
• Added a toggle to enable or disable mipmapping to the Options Menu.
• Implemented an even higher font quality, now called "Maximum" -- the previous Maximum is now listed as "Higher" in the Options Menu.
• Tweaked the colors of Toon T.A.G.S. to improve readability and appear more in line with Toontown Online.
• Addressed an issue that would occasionally cause Status Effect icons to not appear during battles.
• Tweaked the scaling of battle menus to look better in a 4:3 game window.
• Fixed a long-standing issue with Pink Slips that could cause the “Kapow!” text to clip behind the smoke cloud.
• Doctor Fumbdound has dound, er -- found, his missing glasses!
• Fixed a well-known issue with Windows 11 that caused frequent crashes.
• Improved Cog "chase" behavior in the Sellbot Factory. Run for your Laff!
• Fixed an issue where group attacks could miss against a group of all Lured Cogs in specific cases.
• Fixed a bug that locked Animation usage when entering a battle that ends before you can join.
• Improved networking reliability to address cases where Toons would appear to “jitter” through the world.
• Implemented several bug fixes to the Silly Meter and the Silly Reader Shticker Book page.
• Fixed some softlocks related to the Districts Shticker Book page.
• Cleaned up various bits of behind-the-scenes code.
• Fixed several client and server crashes throughout Toontown.
July 12, 2022 [ttr-live-v3.3.4]
• The Pirate Hat has returned to the Cattlelog through July and August after mistakenly being removed years ago. Yarr!
• Weekly events, such as Silly Saturdays, should now consistently occur each week.
• Fixed a crash when entering an area with a Remote Controlled Cog.
• Fixed a crash when another Toon leaves at the start of Toon Escape.
• Fixed a rare crash caused in specific battle situations.
• The "Invite" button for street Boarding Groups now disappears & reappears when leaving or entering the relevant area, preventing a crash when clicking the greyed-out button.
• Fixed a few dialogue errors in the C.E.O. drink names.
June 6, 2022 [ttr-live-v3.3.3]
User Interface
• We've introduced a new "Bring Chat Forward" option. Upon hovering over any chat bubble, it will display above anything in the way, even Toons and Cogs.
• Opening a panel by clicking on a Toon or Cog now gives audio feedback.
• A camera angle within the Surveillance Room that blocked the battle has been fixed.
• Fixed some miscellaneous battle issues.
• Tweaked a Smasher Set gag delivery ToonTask so that it can be completed without maxing the Throw track.
• Fixed some bugs that caused beach balls to softlock you.
• Fixed a visual bug with the District draining icon.
May 30, 2022 [ttr-live-v3.3.0]
Sellbot Task Force
• Sellbot Task Force: The Last Laff is here!
• The Smasher Badge has arrived, complete with tons of new ToonTasks and rewards.
• Toons can now earn the final Laff Boost, bringing the new max Laff to 140.
• Upon earning the Smasher Badge, Toons can pick one Level 7 gag to carry two of.
• The G.I.M.M.I.C.K. has been unboxed! With this device, you can see when and where Sellbot Field Offices are going to drop, before they drop. Additionally, you can view all known locations of existing Field Offices.
• The Toon Resistance has had more time to move into their new space, and have taken to decorating the pipes.
Sellbot Field Offices
• The Boiler’s moves have been slightly rebalanced with some differing attack values, as well as being smarter depending on the current situation.
• The Boiler’s move accuracies have been slightly adjusted. Previously, accuracy increased with the difficulty tier of the Field Office, but only attack damage increases with each tier now.
• Slow Burn will no longer apply after defeating The Boiler. When the battle ends, you’re safe!
• The Sellbots have shaken things up with a second Surveillance Room layout.
• Added glowing particle effects to the cabinets in Cold Caller Cubicles to make them slightly more visible, even when behind walls.
• The snow piles by the cabinets will melt when the Cold Caller Cubicles are sufficiently heated.
• Additionally, snow piles are now properly color-scaled to the rest of the game.
• Sellbot Field Offices now have Laff warnings. You will be warned if you may be unprepared, but you can choose to disregard this warning.
• Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause group attacks to miss on The Boiler.
• Fixed a rare bug where only 3 Cogs would spawn during Defensive Strategy.
User Interface
• Goofy's Gag Shop has gotten a face-lift! There is an all-new interface for buying gags within the building, as well as while riding the Trolley.
• Toons can now save and load their usual gag setup at the Gag Shop.
• The Mega-Mover Maze interface has been remastered, giving it a higher quality look.
• Added a feature that allows you to see if a District is in the process of being drained by our Technical Operations Toons for maintenance. The district will turn an orange color, and you will be blocked from entering until maintenance is finished.
• Added the ability to hover over S.O.S. Cards and Pink Slips in the inventory and battle to view more information. This was previously only possible once a S.O.S. card was picked.
• When more than 4 status effects are applied to any Toon or Cog in battle, a new icon will appear. Hover over this icon to see the rest of the applied status effects!
• Addressed many cases where chat would not be visible while Toons are. Now, the chat bubbles will scale down to the window margins.
• Implemented the long-requested ability to open the Toon Detail Panel by clicking anywhere on a Toon.
• Improved performance for clicking physical objects to open an interface.
• Nametags, whispers, and chat bubbles will now scale their horizontal size based on your chat size setting. This should increase their visibility and readability when using these settings.
• Fixed a bug where the “Chat Size” setting would not persist properly when reloading the game.
Cog HQs
• Rotating the Seltzer Bottle in the C.E.O. battle now uses acceleration. Now, you should have slightly more precision while being able to spin fully around faster.
• The C.E.O. Seltzer Bottles will now face your Toon’s direction when hopping on.
• Tweaked the C.E.O.’s dialogue to directly reference V.I.P. Cogs before the banquet begins.
• All Laff requirements for Cog facilities have been replaced with Laff warnings, and now depend on your max Laff rather than your current Laff.
• Fixed Toon heads growing exponentially large or small in a Cog Disguise while having certain Cheesy Effects applied.
• Fixed a bug causing Cog facility buttons to turn solid colors.
• Fixed a bug where Goons would not spawn at the correct position.
• The “Lured” status effect no longer has a random chance to expire early. This would primarily affect low level Lure gags, such as a newly-obtained $1 Bill used against a high level Cog.
• Fixed a battle movie bug where using a Toontanic alongside a Drop SOS card would cause the Toontanic to show up late.
• Fixed the infamous “Fluffy bug,” where Fluffy would appear instead of your Doodle far more often than intended. Fluffy will still appear in cases of server lag.
• Fixed a rare issue where a Remote Control’s effect would not enact before a lured Cog was defeated.
• Fixed a crash sometimes caused when entering a battle that every Toon had just run away from.
• Fixed a bug where SOS Toons would miss if another gag in the same track went first and missed.
• Fixed a bug that could cause gags to miss when crossing targets.
• Fixed a bug where status effects were removed if a Toon would have gone sad, but was saved by a Toon-Up Unite before being hit.
• Fixed a visual bug that would allow you select Trap gags, but not a target, when every Cog in battle was Lured or Trapped and both status effects were present.
• Fixed an issue where battles would be invisible upon entering an area, particularly affecting streets and the Sellbot Factory interior.
• Added a “Refresh Audio Source” button to manually tell Toontown to reconsider the audio device output. Clicking this button will switch audio to the currently active device, so you can switch from speakers to headphones without needing to restart the game.
• In the Options Menu, sound level changes should now feel smoother.
• The title screen music now remains in sync when fading between the two versions.
• Fixed various issues that could cause dynamic music to break when being disabled and re-enabled.
• Fixed a bug causing Spooky Surprise unites to reset music levels to max, ignoring user preferences.
• Many character accents can now be used when using Type-a-Name.
• When using a Toon Rewrite, you can now mix and match specialty colors. For instance, you can now have a black cat with periwinkle arms. As long as your Toon’s head, arms, or legs keep this specialty color after rewriting, you can still change any part of your Toon back to that color later.
• Doodles can now be re-named in the Pet Shop for a small fee!
• Added an additional gibberish word for cats and horses, bringing them up to the three words that other species have.
• Level 7 gag trees have received some visual tweaks to account for the new Level 7 gag reward. Upon picking from the tree, you will only receive one gag, even if you can carry two.
• Tweaked text to fix errors in ToonTask dialogue and other miscellaneous parts of the game.
• Fixed a bug where certain NPCs may not give the hint for their ToonTasks with a "Find" objective.
• Fixed an issue where Toons could be found dancing indefinitely after leaving a building that was later defeated.
• Addressed an issue where sneaky players could enter a building as it was being taken over by a Cog, causing some strange issues. It's far too dangerous in there!
• Fixed a rare case where Cogs could ignore Toons when walking into them.
• Addressed a performance hitch when entering Pick-a-Toon on first login.
• Fixed a bug that made toons infinitely spin in Toon Escape, making the trolley game unplayable.
• Fixed an issue that caused the camera FOV to reset when looking up or down.
• Fixed an uncommon crash that occurred in dynamic zones, such as Cog facilities and Toon parties.
• Fixed some miscellaneous memory leaks.
April 15, 2022 [ttr-live-v3.2.2]
• Fixed a crash on launch caused by an invalid resolution setting. If an invalid resolution is detected, the window will now fall back to 800x600.
• Addressed a bug that could cause Toons who go sad in the Sellbot Factory to remain stuck in Sellbot HQ.
• Fixed an issue that caused Trap XP to be awarded when the Cog explodes, rather than when the trap is actually sprung.
• Patched up issues that caused 'Unite!' phrases to either not be used or be "refunded" after use.
April 1, 2022 [ttr-live-v4.1.22]
• Due to recent concerns regarding Gag accuracy, accuracy has been removed.
• Cogs Miss and Toons Hit have been renamed to Cogs Hit and Toons Miss.
• Cogs under the effect of Reinforced Plating can now be inflicted with negative damage, healing them.
Sellbot Field Offices
• In Sellbot Field Offices, the Boiler is now 2% more aggressive during the Offensive Phase.
• Likewise, the Boiler is now at least 1% more defensive during the Defensive Phase.
• Fired the Boiler for working outside of intended specifications.
• When using the Royal Residence, Toons can use the SpeedChat Phrase "Rapunzel, let down your hair!" to enter the secret top pillar.
March 27, 2022 [ttr-live-v3.2.0]
• Made various fix-ups and preparations for the upcoming April Toons' Week Holiday.
• Fixed various crashes related to Boarding Groups.
• The "Resistance Salute" animation's text bubble now properly appears in your SpeedChat color of choice.
• In gardening, we fixed an issue that could lead to no shovel XP gained when picking flowers.
• Fixed an issue that was getting Toons "stuck" when moving furniture in Toon Estates.
• Using Animations in SpeedChat has been disabled in Sellbot Field Office mini-games. Sorry, no more sliding around in the Ice Game on your belly like a penguin!
• Version 2.0 Cogs have a new mechanic: Reinforced Plating. This blocks damage per-gag based on the level of the Cog.
• The Defense Up status effect now functions like the Reinforced Plating status effect, and it subtracts damage from Remote Controls.
• During Version 2.0 Mega-Invasions, only some Cog appearances will be Version 2.0.
Bossbot C.E.O. Battle
• There is now a mix of regular and Version 2.0 Cogs throughout the battle rounds.
• Adjusted the number of Cogs in the first battle round.
• Fixed up some camera angles to improve visibility.
• Made the banquet round slightly shorter.
• Adjusted the number of times you must serve a Cog before it explodes in the banquet round.
• Cogs in the banquet round will now take damage from oil cans and will keep said damage going into the second battle round if not defeated.
• If you let a Cog go angry in the banquet round, their health will reset back to full.
• In the final round, seltzer bottles now deal 6, 12, or 24 damage depending on strength.
• Decreased charge time of seltzer bottles.
• Toons can now Toon-Up others during the seltzer round by squirting them with their Seltzer bottle.
• Seltzer sprays now travel through Toons.
• Reorganize and Downsize have been integrated into the seltzer round more directly.
• Conveyor belt snacks heal more generously than before.
• After getting hit by a Boss Cog, Toons now temporarily gain invulnerability from other attacks.
Cog Golf Courses
• The three Cog Golf Courses now reward 1120, 3020, and 5120 Stock Options respectively.
• There is now one Version 2.0 Cog per floor in Cog Golf Courses.
• The final battle against the Club President features one additional Level 12 Version 2.0 Cog.
March 1, 2022 [ttr-live-v3.1.1]
• Addressed a grammatical error in one of the Cold Caller's attack phrases.
• Fixed various crashes around Toontown.
• Added an all new house exterior, the "Royal Residence"! From now until May 31, only for 10000 jellybeans, you can buy this elegant exterior and truly live as if you were royalty!
Sellbot Field Offices
• Slightly adjusted a camera angle in the Surveillance Suite. Now you finally can get back to knowing what your group's favorite Gag Track is without being interrupted!
• Addressed a long-standing bug where multiple using Throw and Drop gags of the same type in the same round would only play one sound effect. Now you can truly hear those pies fly!
• Fixed various other battle related bugs, visual hiccups, and crashes.
February 6, 2022 [ttr-live-v3.1.0]
• When "Animation Smoothing" is enabled, various animations that did not get properly smoothed before now will be.
• Squashed a bug that would cause the Friends button to "stick" in the corner of the screen.
• Fixed an issue in the Chief Justice and C.E.O. battles that could cause certain dialogue to either appear cut-off or too small.
• Addressed a bug that got Toons stuck when trying to enter a building as a Cog is taking it over.
• Moved a couple of misplaced props on Pajama Place and Elm Street.
• Adjusted a Cog path near the Sellbot Factory Front Entrance to prevent Toons from accidentally entering battles.
• Addressed typos in certain lines of dialogue.
• Fixed several client crashes across Toontown.
• Sped-up the animations of Restock, Toons Hit, and Cogs Miss SOS cards.
• In the SOS card menu, there is now an option to filter by "Other" for certain types of cards.
• The rounds left indicator for Lure Gags is now more consistent with other round-based status effects. Note that the amount of Lure rounds has not been changed in this update.
• Doodles, Pink Slips, and Remote Controls now properly count as stuns in battles.
• Fixed several battle-related game crashes.
Boarding Groups
• In Cog HQs, elevators now have a Name Tag that can be clicked on. Once clicked, you can teleport directly to the elevator.
• When in Boss Cog lobbies, Boarding Groups can be created from anywhere in the area once again.
• When in Boss Cog lobbies, Toons can no longer be invited to a Boarding Group if they do not have a promotion.
• When inside a Boss Cog elevator, you can press Tab (by default) to swap to a view looking out of the elevator from inside.
• Implemented various anti-shuffling checks in Cog HQs.
• When a full Boarding Group enters an elevator, the timer will drop down to five seconds.
• Fixed various bugs and visual issues with Boarding Groups and elevators.
Cog Remote Controls
• One-star remotes now last for two rounds instead of three.
• Instead of dealing self-damage over time, controlled Cogs will instead get all damage at once when the remote control expires.
• Damage Remotes now un-lure Cogs.
• Boosted the damage output of Damage Remotes.
• Three-star Remotes are now guaranteed to be rewarded at the end of three-star Sellbot Field Offices.
• Applied a slight speed-up to the Healing Remote's animation.
Sellbot Field Offices
• Tweaked spawn rates of Sellbot Field Offices across Toontown.
• One-star Field Offices now start with 90 Annexes remaining.
• On the first floor of Field Offices, the Trap Gag Track will only appear in combination with Lure.
• Addressed a visual issue in Cold Caller Cubicles.
• Fixed a visual issue with The Boiler's health bar that could cause it to "jump" back in the next round.
Sellbot Task Force
• Fixed several bugs preventing Toons from obtaining certain Rank-Up Rewards.
• Addressed an issue where you could not re-obtain cosmetics if you had deleted them. If you delete part or all of a set of cosmetics, you can re-do the associated ToonTask to get them back.
• Fixed a bug that led to obtaining multiple Just-for-Fun ToonTasks with the same reward in the Hideout.
• Made a particularly difficult ToonTask for the Sleuth Badge just a bit easier.
January 23, 2022 [ttr-live-v3.0.14]
Sellbot Field Offices
• The Sellbot Field Office exterior will now respect the "Animation Smoothing" option if it is enabled.
• Fixed an issue where The Boiler's health bar counted some damage twice, becoming inaccurate.
• Changed how Doodle moods are networked to reduce strain on the servers.
January 17, 2022 [ttr-live-v3.0.13c]
Options Menu
• Added the 'Enable Shaders' option under the "Video" tab. For Toons with legacy hardware, they can disable this to prevent crashes in areas like Samantha Spade's shop if our automated check fails to automatically disable them.
• Fixed several bugs with the experimental "3D Anaglyph" video option. Grab those 3D glasses like it's 2003!
• In Cold Caller Cubicles, the filing cabinets will now respect the "Animation Smoothing" option if it is enabled.
January 3, 2022 [ttr-live-v3.0.13b]
• Fixed a bug preventing Toon-Up experience from being granted if all of the healed Toons reached full Laff.
• Fixed a bug causing Toons to get stuck entering a battle until the battle timer has almost reached 0.
• Fixed a bug causing your Toon to still be considered part of most boss battles after going sad, which resulted in your Toon spontaneously dancing when the rest of the group defeated the Boss Cog.
• Fixed a bug causing battle collisions to remain active, causing Toons to stutter when walking up to a full battle.
December 29, 2021 [ttr-live-v3.0.13]
• Fixed an issue where Toon-Up experience would be rewarded even when all Toons were at full Laff points.
• Fixed an issue where Trap experience would not be awarded if triggered with a Lure gag that did not get credit.
• Fixed an issue where Lure and Trap experience would sometimes not be awarded.
• Prevented the Railroad gag from rewarding too much experience.
• Ensured that when a low-level gag and high-level gag of the same Gag Track are used together that the accuracy is properly reflected.
• Fixed an issue where backing out from reward selection can cause all the other Toons' gag selections to disappear.
• Wedding Cake damage numbers in battle cutscenes should now be accurate when using multiple in same round.
• Moved a package location for a Sellbot Resistance Rank ToonTask in Daisy Garden's playground. It was previously buried in snow.
• Fixed an error in the dialogue for a Sellbot Resistance Rank ToonTask that required you to pay less jellybeans than is asked.
• Fixed an issue where paying Shopkeepers jellybeans for ToonTasks was sometimes not pulling the correct amount of jellybeans from your bank.
• Fixed a bug where Virtual Skelecogs in DA’s Offices were counting towards Skelecog ToonTasks.
• Samantha Spade has had her shop interior updated. Come check it out!
Known Issues
• There is still an issue where sometimes one gag in a group misses (e.g. 3 Foghorns hit, one misses). However, in this case, it should result in all gags missing. This issue is being looked into by our Technical Toons.
December 20, 2021 [ttr-live-v3.0.12]
• Snowballs can be used in Cog battles once again.
• Fixed an issue where Doodles' nametags would not appear in battle.
• In the event that the server fails to find your Doodle in battle, Fluffy will join you instead.
• Fixed an issue where some gags' accuracy was computed incorrectly.
• Fixed a bug that prevented Lure gags from awarding experience if they were used on the same Cog in the same turn.
• When you have obtained all the jokes in a Field Office minigame, the text will now turn green.
• Various Boiler attacks have received visual improvements.
• Sellbot Task Force dialogue will now refer to you by your highest-earned title, rather than the set you are currently working on (e.g. you'll be called "Trainee" during the Explorer Set).
• The Rank 19 & Rank 20 Rank-Up Reward ToonTasks, previously unavailable due to a bug, can now be picked up by anyone who has reached these ranks.
• Fixed an issue where cosmetics could not be earned after obtaining the Sleuth Badge.
• Fixed some inconsistencies between dialogue and the actual ToonTask objective.
• ToonTasks have received various spelling and grammar adjustments.
• Adjusted the balance of various Sellbot Resistance Rank ToonTasks.
• Lowered the requirements of extremely long Cog Building ToonTasks in the final section of Donald's Dreamland.
• Using the new "Show As Offline" setting, you can now prevent yourself from being shown as Online to your in-game friends until you've whispered to them.
• Brightened the world slightly for the Winter Holiday. Just because it's a snowstorm, that doesn't mean it has to be so drab!
• While inside an elevator, the elevator's timer will appear above anything else. This should prevent issues with particularly large-headed toons in elevators from blocking the timer.
• Corrected the capitalization of some SpeedChat phrases.
• Fixed a District reset related to tailors.
December 14, 2021 [ttr-live-v3.0.10]
Sellbot Field Offices
• Fixed an issue that caused Discord Rich Presence to display the wrong playground while inside of a Field Office.
• Fixed a crash caused by the stomper sound effect having issues loading while being disabled.
• ToonTasks will now count v2.0 Cogs as Skelecogs.
• Added a 'maximized' setting to settings.json to launch the game maximized. This will be available through the in-game video settings in a future update.
• Boarding Groups are now less likely to lock up on player interaction if an internal error occurs.
• Patched a rare crash caused by certain combinations of Toon animations.
• Fixed an issue that occasionally caused the 'Run' button to crash the game.
• Fixed a crash that could occur if your framerate went above 6,553 FPS.
December 13, 2021 [ttr-live-v3.0.9]
Sellbot Field Offices
• Some environmental sound effects inside Field Offices will now be disabled by the Ambient Sound Effects option.
• Optimized the debris on the boss stage in the Boiler Room.
• Patched up some more battle-related crashes. If you're still experiencing any issues, please let us know by emailing
December 11, 2021 [ttr-live-v3.0.8]
• Fixed an issue where lure could cause a crash later in the battle.
• Fixed several miscellaneous battle crashes.
• Added Remote Control phrases to the Battle category.
• Squashed a bug where the Street M.A.P.S button would be shown or hidden at the wrong times.
December 9, 2021 [ttr-live-v3.0.7]
Sellbot Task Force
• Fixed an issue where a ToonTask required you to defeat a Cog Building within a Cog Building.
• Fixed an issue where the ToonTask scroll did not show a specific location for some Joke collection ToonTasks.
• Fixed an issue in the progression of the Sleuth Badge ToonTask.
• Fixed an issue where your Toon would be considered sad for a few turns after being saved by a Unite.
• Fixed an issue that allowed the Boiler Room fight to continue after The Boiler has been defeated.
• The FIRE button can no longer be used if your Toon has no Pink Slips.
• Squashed a bug where Street M.A.P.S. disappeared after exiting a Cog Building.
• Patched a bug that caused certain boarding group members to not enter the elevator.
• Leaving a Boarding Group will now properly remove the Boarding Group GUI.
December 7, 2021 [ttr-live-v3.0.6]
Sellbot Task Force
• Resistance Operators will now reference the ToonTask objective when picking up a Rank-Up Reward ToonTask.
• Fixed various issues with Sellbot Task Force ToonTasks.
• Fixed a bug preventing Toons from picking up the Sleuth Badge ToonTask. You can now find it offered by any Resistance Operator!
Sellbot Field Offices
• Fixed a bug where snow would not display during the Cold Caller Cubicles tutorial.
• Fixed a District crash relating to cabinets in Cold Caller Cubicles.
• Fixed a bug that prevented Boss Cog Apprentice ToonTasks from counting The Boiler.
• Fixed an issue where Toons could get stuck in the elevator when exiting a Field Office.
December 6, 2021 [ttr-live-v3.0.5]
Field Offices
• Toon HQs in every Playground and Street have set up a "Known Field Offices" chalkboard to the right of the Toon Platoon. With this, you can find the location, difficulty, and Annexes remaining of all active Field Offices.
• Tech-savvy Toons can create their own Field Office radar with Toon HQ's new API! Documentation is available here:
• Fixed a bug that made the sky darker after exiting a Field Office.
• Fixed a crash related to the Field Office exterior.
• Toons now have 15 minutes (instead of 10 minutes) to complete the Field Office after the last Annex has been defeated.
• The spawn rate of Field Offices has been tweaked to spawn them more frequently after a previous Field Office is defeated, and with more balanced difficulty distribution.
• More groups can now enter Field Offices before the elevator doors close.
• The internal logic of Field Offices has been adjusted to make it less likely for buildings to spend a long time with the elevator doors closed before being defeated.
Sellbot Task Force
• Fixed ToonTask bug that asked Toons to defeat Vice President 50 times. If you've already taken this ToonTask, don't fret! You only need to defeat the Vice President 5 times.
• Fixed a bug where Toon Resistance Operators used placeholder text for some ToonTasks.
• If every Cog is defeated in the C.E.O.'s waiter round, you will now immediately begin the next round of the C.E.O. battle.
• Patched various District crashes to improve server stability.
December 5, 2021 [ttr-live-v3.0.4]
• Patched a bug with SOS Cards distributed during Operation: Storm Sellbot Headquarters.
• Fixed a typo in a Cog response to Damage Remotes.
Sellbot Field Offices
• Changed the default Annex numbers across the different star-levels of Sellbot Field Offices for game balance.
• Addressed a crash when attacking the Boiler with multiple of the same Level 7 Gag.
• Fixed a bug related to collecting Jokes in Mover & Shaker Mazes.
• Fixed a bug with throwing snowballs in Cold Caller Cubicles.
• The infamous grey bug affecting Field Offices has been fixed as of v3.0.3a!
December 4, 2021 [ttr-live-v3.0.3]
• Implemented additional logging surrounding the "grey bug" in battles. We can use this data to help fix it!
• Fixed a District reset related to battles.
• Patched an extremely common client crash related to battles which made it impossible to enter certain areas.
• Fixed a client crash related to using the Railroad gag and a Cog Remote Control in the same turn.
• Re-worded some incorrect dialogue in the new ToonTasks.
Sellbot Field Offices
• Field Office elevators should be faster to enter! The timer has been reduced from 15 seconds to 10 seconds to help groups get in more quickly.
• The Cogs will ensure that there is at least one of each star-level Field Office around Toontown before dropping any more.
• The Cogs have adjusted the spawn rates of Field Offices to make lower difficulties more common.
• Addressed issues related to ToonTasks not properly counting when inside of a Field Office.
December 3, 2021 [ttr-live-v3.0.0]
Sellbot Field Offices
• Sellbot Field Offices have landed! These no-nonsense Cog buildings take over Toon Headquarters and will test your skills with a limited gag selection, perilous Cog offices, and a sinister new boss - The Boiler.
• These massive skyscrapers have many Annexes inside of them, each of which must be taken down by a group. You'll need to work together with other Toons in order to take the whole thing down!
• Unlike Cog Buildings, Sellbot Field Offices persist across all Districts of Toontown.
• Each Sellbot Field Office has a difficulty rating from one to three Stars. Three Star Field Offices are an immense challenge, so you may want to start on one or two Stars!
• Inside of Sellbot Field Offices, you'll find dastardly Level 13+ Cogs! You'll also spot increased Level ranges for all types of Cogs.
• Defeating The Boiler and powering down the Annex will earn you a few varying types of Cog Remote Controls -- brand new to Toontown! Remote Controls let you seize control of a Cog in battle, causing area-of-effect damage or Toon-Ups!
Sellbot Task Force
• The main ToonTask line has been expanded! After earning your Bossbot Cog Disguise, visit any Toon HQ Officer to pick up the next ToonTask. Whispering Willow has gotten word around town about your skills...
• A brand new Hideout has been constructed in the sewers beneath Sellbot HQ! Anyone who proves to the Toon Resistance that they have what it takes can join their ranks and enter this new area.
• After joining the Resistance, you'll get access to a new Shticker Book page to keep track of your Resistance Rank.
• Resistance Rank is a new form of progression to Rank-Up and earn rewards by completing ToonTasks in the Hideout!
• Laff Boosts and dozens of new accessory and clothing options can be earned by Ranking Up!
• The maximum Laff Points has been raised to 139! A little birdie told us that one more Laff Boost will be available in a future update, bringing the maximum Laff Points to 140.
• Introducing a new battle mechanic: Status Effects! Status Effects can apply unique effects to battle members for multiple rounds. Check out the Sellbot Task Force website for a look at some of the effects you may encounter!
• We’ve rebuilt the internal battle systems from scratch to support all of the new features you’ll find in Sellbot Field Offices, as well as have the flexibility to support future content!
• You are now able to access your Friends List and open up Toon and Cog Panels during battles. Because of this, the option to "Call a Friend" in battle has been removed.
• As a result of the above change, the battle timer has been moved to the bottom right of the game window.
• The battle timer has been increased in all battles to 30 seconds, to allow more time for communication.
• You can now hover over a teammate's gag choice to see stats about their selection, including the damage it will do. This works for SOS Cards as well!
• Invasion Double Experience credit is now counted as you use your gags, rather than only being considered if an invasion was active at the end of a Cog Battle or Cog Building.
• Varying types of Credit Multipliers now show up more consistently in your Battle Menu.
• When joining battles, Cogs move to their proper position in a more orderly manner.
• Cog Buildings no longer will bring in Cog Reserves in order of their level. Instead, various levels will be mixed together.
• Made visual improvements to Cog attack names in battle movies.
• Fixed a long-standing bug that caused Cog name tags and shadows to appear misaligned with the position of the Cog.
• Patched a long-standing issue that would cause Toons to stop animating when joining battles.
Battle Menu
• The Cog Battle menu has been re-imagined! We worked hard to preserve the classic feeling of Toontown battles while introducing modern elements and improved usability.
• Pink Slips and the all-new Cog Remote Controls have been grouped up together alongside SOS Cards and Doodle Tricks in a new unified menu.
• This new design carries over into the Shticker Book, where "Gags" and "SOS Cards" have been merged into a single "Inventory" page.
• We've balanced many aspects of battles this update. A summary of the changes is listed below, but we recommend checking out to see the full reasoning that went into these changes!
• Decreased Level 12 Cog health very slightly. Level 13+ Cogs use a different formula to determine their health.
• Decreased healing power of the Pixie Dust: 60 / 70 -> 50 / 60
• Decreased healing power of the Juggling Cubes: 90 / 120 -> 75 / 105
• Increased base damage of the Trapdoor: 60 / 70 -> 75 / 85
• Increased base damage of the Railroad: 195 -> 200
• Decreased the amount of lure rounds of the Presentation: 15 -> 8
• Increased base accuracy of the Presentation: 90% -> 95%
• Increased base damage of the Safe with a new damage range: 60 -> 60 / 70
• Increased healing amount to Toon-Up SOS: 45 (3 Star), 70 (4 Star), 124 (5 Star) -> 60 (3 Star), 120 (4 Star), 180 (5 Star)
• Increased damage of Trap SOS: 50 (3 Star), 70 (4 Star) -> 60 (3 Star), 120 (4 Star)
• Decreased the amount of lure rounds of the 5 Star Lure SOS: 15 -> 5
• Adjusted the damage of Sound SOS: 40 (3 Star), 50 (4 Star), 80 (5 Star) -> 35 (3 Star), 55 (4 Star), 75 (5 Star)
• The carrying capacity of Trap Gags has been changed for parity with other gag tracks.
• Toon-Up Unites have been rebalanced to be in a tighter range to be more fair and desirable across the board: 10, 20, 40, 80, Max -> 20, 35, 50, 65, 80
• Multiple boss rewards now have lower caps. All Unites now have a cap of 100, while Pink Slips now have a cap of 200. You will not be able to receive any more rewards beyond these caps, but your current reward amounts will not be forcibly taken away until May 31st, 2022.
• Toon-Up Unites and Gag-Up Unites now have a three minute cooldown that applies to both types of Unites at the same time after using either one. When joining battles, this time-based cooldown converts into a round-based Status Effect, where every minute left on your cooldown adds an additional round to that effect.
• Toons Always Hit SOS Cards have been replaced with Toon Accuracy Up SOS Cards, which apply a 75% Accuracy Up Status Effect, and cap at the standard 95% maximum accuracy. This effect now only applies to Toons that were in the battle when it was used, but lasts a round longer than it used to on each tier.
• Cogs Always Miss SOS Cards have been replaced with Cog Accuracy Down SOS Cards, which apply a 75% Accuracy Down Status Effect, and stop at the new standard 5% minimum accuracy. This effect now only applies to Cogs that were in the battle when it was used, but lasts a round longer than it used to on each tier.
• Single Track Restock SOS Cards now only restock a maximum of 12 Gags.
• Restock All SOS Cards now only restock a maximum of 45 Gags.
• Single Track Gag-Up Unites now only restock a maximum of 7 Gags.
• Gag-Up All Unites now only restock a maximum of 30 Gags.
• Removed the Lure Stacking Rounds mechanic that allowed the accumulation of Lure rounds being in effect if multiple Lure Gags are used simultaneously.
• Trap SOS Cards will now only target Cogs that have vacant spots to place Traps -- they will not place Traps on lured or already trapped Cogs.
• If there are active Trap gags on Cogs, and a Railroad gag is placed in a subsequent round by itself, it will override the previously placed Trap gags rather than fizzling out.
• Removed the Carryover Damage mechanic from Version 2.0 Cogs. Any excess same-track gag damage will be nullified, respawning the Skelecog in full health.
• Group Bonus Damage from a Level 7 gag will now only apply to the individual Cogs that were hit by both a Level 1 - 6 gag and a Level 7 gag.
The C.E.O. battle now rewards one additional Pink Slip per difficulty level.
Boarding Groups
• You can now form Boarding Groups for Cog Buildings on streets, as well as the new Sellbot Field Offices! Just stand near the elevator you'd like to enter and look for the arrow on the left side of your screen.
• You must now start a boarding group through the available menu on the left side of your screen before inviting another player.
• After careful consideration, we've made a few design changes to Boarding Groups to encourage healthier gameplay and a better experience for new players who don't know how to use them. To form a Boarding Group, you must now stand next to the elevator of the facility you would like to enter. Additionally, to enter the facility, the leader of your Boarding Group must enter the Elevator instead of pressing the "GO" button. We know that some players may be disappointed with this change, but please give it a shot! We believe it will create a much better experience for everyone by making it more apparent which facilities Toons are trying to enter, as well as encourage level exploration in a way that has been lost over the years in Cog HQs.
• Reworked Toon drop-shadows for better game performance and better visibility on ramped surfaces.
• Optimized Cog animations in congested areas to boost game performance.
• Implemented new SpeedChat phrases related to Boarding Groups.
• Added "I'm not working on a ToonTask." SpeedChat Phrase.
• Implemented various other SpeedChat phrases. Let us know if there’s any others you need to communicate effectively!
• Certain existing ToonTask icons have received a face-lift!
• Addressed a long-standing issue that caused the Cattlelog notification to be too far to the left.
• When you’ve completed your final Gag Training ToonTask, the page in the Shticker Book will be hidden.
• The button to open the toon detail panel is no longer clickable when the toon detail panel is already open.
• Due to the lengthy amount of time this expansion has been development, there are even MORE changes that we can't even remember! In general, you should notice improved stability, polish, and quality of life features around Toontown.
November 30, 2021 [ttr-live-v2.10.3]
• A version of Toontown Rewritten for 64-bit Windows is now available.
• Note that this requires a launcher update to download, which will be available soon.
• This should improve performance and further reduce the frequency of crashes!
• The Cozy Cabin, a house exterior for the Winter season, has been added!
• Starting on Dec 1st, the Happy Hut exterior will be retired for the season and replaced with the Cozy Cabin. See you next year, Happy Hut!
November 19, 2021 [ttr-live-v2.10.2a]
• Fixed a memory leak related to estate exteriors
November 15, 2021 [ttr-live-v2.10.2]
• Implemented some internal updates to holiday management for the upcoming winter holiday.
• The winter holiday Toon Panel has been updated to account for the removal of True Friends.
• Adjusted some dialogue in the Toontorial.
Bug Fixes
• When a district resets, the timing of Cog Mega-Invasions will no longer fall out of sync with each other across districts. It's an all-out attack!
• If you've been invited to a Toon Party, your mailbox will no longer offer you to wear the invitation out. Toon style has some limits!
• Thanks to the quick mending skills of Toontown's Tailors, we fixed a district reset related to the Clothing Store.
November 10, 2021 [ttr-live-v2.10.1]
Bug Fixes
• The amount of Merits recovered from Facilities has been corrected back to normal levels— Those pesky Cogs tried to short change us!
• Fixed a crash when renaming a screenshot in your Shticker Book.
• Fixed a crash caused by navigating the Friends List.
• TTREngine no longer requires glibc 2.29 or higher and will now run with a new minimum version of 2.27.
November 9, 2021 [ttr-live-v2.10.0]
• Engine bump time! Toontown Rewritten has been upgraded to use the latest version of Panda3D, the game engine that powers Toontown.
• For the first time ever -- Python bump time! Toontown Rewritten's supporting code has been overhauled in an effort to move from the aging Python 2 to the latest and greatest Python 3.
• We've done extensive amounts of testing to ensure that the game feels the same under Python 3 as it did before. If you notice anything off, feel free to let us know.
Bug Fixes
• If you're one of the many Toons using Intel integrated graphics, you should experience less crashes and a small boost to game performance.
• Toons using AMD GPUs of the RX 5000 series or newer should no longer experience rendering issues throughout Toontown.
• On macOS, the game window's title bar now adjusts between the system-wide Light and Dark appearance.
• Input Monitoring permissions are no longer required to launch the game on macOS. If you'd like to stop your system from poking you about it, feel free to head on over to our FAQ here. (
October 23, 2021 [ttr-live-v2.9.11]
• Fixed an issue related to the Spooktown Curse sky.
• Fixed a longstanding bug, and now the SuperToon Skirt and Bee Skirt properly appear in the Cattlelog!
• Addressed a crash related to a certain witch who flies around during the month of October.
October 7, 2021 [ttr-live-v2.9.10d]
Make a Toon
• Removed the limitation on making multiple Toons with the same name on the same account
September 28, 2021 [ttr-live-v2.9.10b]
• Fixed a crash related to the downloading of Street Signs.
• Addressed a crash related to picnic games trying to announce losers that have changed districts.
September 21, 2021 [ttr-live-v2.9.10a]
Cartoonival Event Grounds
• Added the Token Tote backpack, available now from the Token Takers in the Cartoonival Tower!
• Fixed a crash related to the Find Four picnic game.
• Addressed some game-state bugginess throughout the grounds.
September 19, 2021 [ttr-live-v2.9.9]
• When choosing a Toon Name with the Pick-a-Name menu, you’ll get a confirmation dialog before your name is finalized.
• Fixed a camera quirk when Sprinting into a Cog Battle.
• Patched up two client crashes in Acorn Acres.
September 2, 2021 [ttr-live-v2.9.8a]
• Fixed a crash related to teleporting to a friend inside a Toon building.
August 31, 2021 [ttr-live-v2.9.8]
• Implemented several new SpeedChat phrases to make conversing with other Toons more enjoyable.
• Fatal errors no longer crash the game instantly. Instead, a dialog box is displayed, explaining what caused the fatal error.
• Patched up a minor memory leak related to Cog battles.
• Patched up another minor memory leak related to the Pick-a-Toon menu.
• The Ghost Boat's hull is now more leak-proof! Not really, but it fit the theme of the last two notes.
• The "Happy Hut" house has been added to Clarabelle's Cattlelog for the Autumn season! From September 1 to November 30, you can purchase it for 5000 Jellybeans.
• Fixed a de-sync issue related to the 24-Hour and 45-Minute time-of-day cycles.
• When looking out the windows of the "Lobby" room in the Sellbot Factory, you'll now see the depressing cloudy sky. What a shame.
• Professor Prepostera has sealed up a seam in the world on Sleet Street. Don't fall into The Grey!
• Fixed a longstanding bug causing Toons to change brightness when hopping onto certain objects.
August 11, 2021 [ttr-live-v2.9.7]
• When entering battles, Toons will no longer be automatically removed from Boarding Groups.
• In Toon Parties, Toons on the Merry-go-Round should appear smoother.
• Fixed a rare issue related to SpeedChat-only Districts that could cause Toons to get stuck.
The Silly Meter
• Toons will no longer get stuck when obtaining their Silly Reader.
• Addressed a disconnect issue related to the Decreased Fish Rarity Silly Team.
August 8, 2021 [ttr-live-v2.9.6a]
• Removed a legacy dialog box from NPCs that would erroneously show under specific circumstances.
August 5, 2021 [ttr-live-v2.9.6]
• Hopping on and off of benches should now appear smoother.
• While sitting on a bench, you can no longer teleport to friends in other districts.
• Addressed an issue with Boarding Groups that could cause the “GO” button to become unusable.
August 4, 2021 [ttr-live-v2.9.5a]
• Fixed various bugs and issues with Benches.
• Professor Ivy now actually wears the "Treemendous Gardener" outfit!
August 3, 2021 [ttr-live-v2.9.5]
• Addressed a long-standing animation bug inside of Toon Hall.
• Eradicated yet another issue related to Butterflies. They are truly public enemy number one.
• Increased the timer for Picnic Tables to 120 seconds. Enjoy cupcakes and sandwiches with your friends!
• Professor Ivy now wears the recently released "Treemendous Gardener" outfit!
• Fixed a longstanding bug that prevented you from whispering new friends that are in different areas.
• Addressed various crashes and issues throughout Toontown.
Cog Facilities
• Added a five-minute timeout to the epilogue of all Boss Battles. If you are timed out, you will still receive your rewards and head back to the Playground.
• You can now teleport to friends that are inside the D.A. Office's lobby!
• The noises of spooky ghost Toons will no longer appear in the District Attorney's office.
• The Laff Points given by Ice Pops now scale based on ToonTask progress.
• The "Cherry On Top" house now features lit windows at night.
• Butterflies will no longer appear at night.
• When a Flower or Gag Tree is fully watered, the watering can icon will now be greyed out.
• Fixed a GUI-related bug with gardening.
• Fixed a softlock when obtaining the final gardening trophy.
• Addressed a longstanding Cattlelog bug that would cause "Series 0 Issue 13" to be delivered in error.
• Patched an exploit related to the 48 Hours of Cannons mini-game.
Kart Racing
• Many tweaks have been made to Kart handling based on your thoughts and suggestions.
• Record and qualify times have been tweaked once again to reflect the new changes.
• Please give Kart Racing another go and let us know what you think!
• If you are a player with a disability, please let us know the difficulty of the qualify times for racing. We want the ability to qualify to be possible for everyone!
Options Menu
• An Option to limit the framerate to certain values has been added.
• Benches have been added to every playground!
• You can walk up to any bench to hop on.
• Pressing the MOVEMENT KEYS will orbit the camera.
• You can zoom in and out with Page Up and Page Down or the keys bound to jumping and walking.
• Added the first new Party Activity in Rewritten history: The Merry-go-Round!
• The Merry-go-Round costs 200 Jellybeans, with a limit of one per party.
• As more Toons hop onto the Merry-go-Round, the speed will increase.
• Spin around to your heart's content, and try not to get dizzy!
July 7, 2021 [ttr-live-v2.9.4]
• Addressed a rare crash related to losing connection while initiating a sprint.
• Obtaining all Gardening Trophies will now properly reward you with a fanfare and an exclusive outfit.
• Fixed a bug that caused the "Gift From" text to not appear when receiving a gift in the mailbox.
June 27, 2021 [ttr-live-v2.9.0]
• Sprinting has been added to Toontown! Just double-tap the forward movement key and your Toon will run faster until you let go.
• The base movement speed of Toons has been boosted by 5 percent.
• True Friends has been removed from the Toon Details Panel.
• Reworked Cast Member and Staff badges with a higher quality model and texture.
• Made various additions and changes to the Toontown Dictionary.
• Overhauled the reward requirements for Kart Racing and MiniGolf trophies.
• A confetti-filled fanfare will now appear when obtaining all trophies in Fishing, Kart Racing, MiniGolf, or Gardening.
• Earning every trophy in Fishing, Kart Racing, MiniGolf, or Gardening will now reward you with a unique outfit themed around the activity. Collect them all!
• If you've already gotten all trophies in an activity or accidentally deleted the outfit, just complete the activity one more time and the reward will be re-sent to your mailbox.
• Newly purchased Nametags are now added to your Wardrobe! After you purchase a new one, your old one can be re-selected at any time.
• The mailbox now sends accepted clothing, accessories, and nametags to the wardrobe/trunk by default.
• There's a new button added to the mailbox to wear clothing, accessories, and nametags right away.
• Added revamped clothes based on Racing, MiniGolf, Fishing, and Gardening to the various Cattlelog series. Try to collect them all throughout the year!
• The "Red Fez" accessory has been retextured at a higher quality. A certain Jester has gotten an orange version for himself...
• Butterflies and Fireflies have migrated to the Estate!
• Cog Invasion!!! The airplane has returned to the skies of Toon Estates.
• Added new Estate options to the Cattlelog, which will be available in your next issue:
• House exteriors, a cut concept from Toontown Online, have been polished up and implemented!
• Houses are seasonal, with the first release being the "Cherry On Top" Cupcake House from June til' the end of August.
• The Moon has overturned the Sun's rule over Toon Estates -- now you can purchase different time of day options for your Estate!
• Cleaned up estate code and addressed some estate-related crashes.
Kart Racing
• Kart handling has been overhauled to be more fun to drive! Please give us your thoughts on these changes by emailing
• You can press the Walk key (defaults to SHIFT) to honk your horn. Coming through!
• Adjusted Kart networking code to reduce the "jittering" seen with other Toons in races.
June 7, 2021 [ttr-live-v2.8.4]
• Updated the SpeedChat+ Dictionary to include more inclusive terms! We want YOUR feedback on the changes we've made, so feel free to send your feedback to
Cog Facilities
• Adjusted the collision surrounding doors and elevators to stop Toons from entering the grey at high framerates.
• Added a homage to one of the most iconic video game bugs of all time to the Sellbot Factory.
May 14, 2021 [ttr-live-v2.8.3]
• Addressed a crash when writing a log file while system storage is full.
• Fixed a crash in the Toontorial related to remaining idle in the Flunky Cog battle.
• Patched an obscure client crash when entering the elevator or golf kart in D.A. Offices or Cog Golf Courses respectively.
• Implemented a potential fix for disappearing houses in the Estate. Let us know if your house disappears again!
• Fixed a bug that would cause Doodles of non-mutual friends of friends to appear when they teleport to your estate.
• Addressed several crashes related to the Fish Bingo event.
May 6, 2021 [ttr-live-v2.8.2f]
• All Cheesy Effects will now appear in Toontown Central! This was originally not the case as a holdover from Toontown Online's membership system.
• Fixed a rare crash related to the Options Menu.
• Fixed a crash related to closing the SOS Cards menu.
• The "Debug Info" and "Debug Screenshot" keybinds now display the client's minor revision letter.
Silly Meter
• Fixed an issue introduced with v2.8.0 that prevented your Silly Stats from correctly recording in the Shticker Book. Don't worry, your contributions still counted!
• Fixed a rare crash when clicking "Teleport to Toon Hall" in the Shticker Book.
May 4, 2021 [ttr-live-v2.8.2e]
• Addressed a macOS-specific issue that could cause nametags and chat bubbles to disappear from the window edges.
• Fixed a macOS-specific crash caused by using the furniture editor in certain circumstances.
May 3, 2021 [ttr-live-v2.8.2d]
• Fixed a rare client crash when leaving a street.
• Fixed a crash caused by the Street Props during the Silly Meter's "Active" phase.
Content Packs
• Addressed a crash caused by reloading Content Packs while changing areas.
• Fixed an issue preventing your Doodle from returning to your estate if you teleported to a friend's estate in another District.
• Houses will no longer cause a District reset in rare circumstances.
Goofy Speedway
• Fixed a rare crash that would occur when hopping off the starting block.
April 26, 2021 [ttr-live-v2.8.2c]
• Fixed a rare crash when clicking "Exit Toontown" in the Shticker Book.
• Fixed an issue where "Ghost" Toons or Cogs could remain on screen after changing Districts. Owoooo, spooky!
Content Packs
• Fixed a crash when applying Content Pack changes after closing the settings window.
• Fixed an issue where players were rewarded the score of the opposite team in Doodle Roundup.
• Addressed a framerate hitch in Toon Slingshot caused by excessive log file entries.
April 24, 2021 [ttr-live-v2.8.2a]
• Implemented a "High Contrast Nametags" accessibility option! This darkens the foreground of all name tags.
Cog Facilities
• Various Sound Effects in the Sellbot Factory are now properly considered Ambient Sound Effects in the Options Menu.
Content Packs
• We are intending to remove the True Friends button in a future game update. While we're not shipping this change right now, we're giving Content Pack creators time to prepare.
• To remove the True Friends button from your Content Pack, update all of your Toon Panel related assets to accommodate the lack of the button using the art assets provided at Then, create an empty file called "noTrueFriends.ttr" in the root of your phase_3 folder to test the changes in-game.
• More customization has been added for music across the game! To see all of the new changes, check out in your web browser.
• Added the ability for Content Packs to specify battle music for the inside of Cog Facilities, alongside some cleanup to repeated tracks in Boss Battles. To see the updated guide to Battle Music, check out in your web browser.
On the jukebox, the Toontown Rewritten Theme has a more accurate song ending point.
April 17, 2021 [ttr-live-v2.8.2]
• Content Pack Creators: We've made it easier to replace battle music tracks in various parts of Toontown. For the full list, check out!
• Animation Smoothing or "smooth-frames" has been moved out of experimental settings and is now enabled by default!
• Pressing SHIFT + F6 will now properly bring up the latency timer. This was broken due to an oversight in the Options Update!
• Attempting to change districts in the Toontorial will no longer cause a crash.
• Addressed an edge-case that would cause a crash when changing the window mode fails.
• The ENTER key now properly confirms certain popup boxes.
• Addressed an edge-case that would allow for Toons to run around with the report dialog box open.
• Fixed a typo in the Options Menu help text.
Cog Boss Battles
• The grunt when the Sellbot V.P. yells "Attack!" is now audible.
• Cog Bosses now properly use the Boss grunt sound effect rather than the Skelecog grunt sound effect.
Cog Facilities
• When entering a new floor of the D.A. Office or a Cog Golf Course, the floor number will now appear briefly.
• The red moles from Mole Stomp have been given a stern talking to, and will now always pop out enough that the game is winnable.
• When a player disconnects while midair from stepping on a friendly mole, they will no longer cause others to crash.
• Moving blocks and the Windmill will no longer "jump back" after taking a shot, making timing your shots more consistent.
• Addressed an issue that would cause the game to briefly get stuck after Toons with high latency finish their turn.
• In Spotlight Search, spectating the searching Toon should now appear smoother.
• Getting caught in Spotlight Search right as the game ends will no longer cause a crash.
• Optimized models in Spotlight Search.
• Toons now properly display a drop shadow in Spotlight Search.
• In Doodle Roundup, the appearance of all doodles is now consistent across everyone's screens.
• Tweaked randomization of teams in Doodle Roundup to reduce chances of identical teams.
Kart Racing
• Addressed two crashes related to Kart Racing.
April 13, 2021 [ttr-live-v2.8.1b]
• Addressed the long-standing issue of Cattlelog notifications going off too often, hopefully for the last time.
• Fixed a long-standing bug from Toontown Online that would cause the "Ready for Promotion!" text to appear after battles before ready for promotion.
• Fixed a crash related to accepting or denying an incoming friend request too quickly.
• Fixed a crash related to inspecting a Toon who proceeds to leave the area while you're in a boarding group.
• Fixed an issue where "ghost" Toons & Cogs could appear when switching Districts.
• Actually fixed the District switching related crash we tried to fix in v2.8.1.
• The Cog Icons changed in v2.8.0 have been changed to be more content pack friendly.
April 11, 2021 [ttr-live-v2.8.1]
• Fixed an obscure crash related to switching between Districts.
• The Evil Golf Balls have retreated from Toontown, and MiniGolf is now fixed! You should no longer experience physics-defying shenanigans on the MiniGolf courses.
• Added a beautiful blue sky and clouds to every MiniGolf course. Pesky Grey, go away!
April 8, 2021 [ttr-live-v2.8.0c]
• Addressed several cases of district reset bugs.
• Rejoice! Teleporting to friends that are running down a Street while in a different District will no longer send you to the grey. While that's quite the setup, this happened more than you'd think.
• Teleporting to a friend in your Estate exterior from your house's interior will no longer remove you from the estate. While that's also quite the setup, this also happened more than you'd think!
• You'll no longer get stuck if you talk to a Shopkeeper within a second of another Toon talking to them.
• Toon Tag, the game that started it all, has gotten some significant improvements to make the gameplay smoother. Other Toons should no longer jitter around, and tagging should feel more consistent.
• Pink collision nodes no longer appear in Cog Thief. While we'd like to say that was just Fruit Pie filling, Cog Thief uses the Gag Shop's finest Cream Pies.
April 6, 2021 [ttr-live-v2.8.0b]
• Over the past few days, we've released several smaller hotfixes to the game. To make it easier for YOU to keep track of, we're going to start adding a letter to game versions that have been hotfixed. Welcome to ttr-live-v2.8.0b!
• Sometimes, the game insists that the 'Server is temporarily unavailable' when you can see people running around. This long-standing issue has been fixed!
• When in Chip n' Dale's MiniGolf, the Shticker Book's map used to offer you to go "Back to Cog HQ." While Acorn Acres is certainly like no other Playground, it's not a Cog HQ. The button now properly offers to go "Back to Playground."
• Ever seen your friends teleport around while running in Trolley Games? How about a jittery crane in the C.F.O. Battle? We've improved our smoothing in a bunch of areas around town.
• Fixed a rare crash related to entering Cog elevators.
• The Photo Album in your Shticker Book got several improvements to reduce crashing.
• While Cog Goons and Karts may be two totally different things, neither of them were always cleaning up properly. That ends today!
• "Stop using deprecated methods!", our log files once said. Those requests have been silenced, making log files easier to read.
• While dynamic music is nice when jumping in water, it would sometimes leave your music shockingly quiet. Music levels are now more consistent.
• A certain someone in Loony Labs slipped on multiple banana peels in a row, breaking the Silly Stats page. The damage has been repaired!
• The recently added auto-jump feature will now jump over small obstacles like the lava in Cashbot Mints.
April 1, 2021 [ttr-live-v2.8.0]
• Added two all-new Trolley games -- “Spotlight Search” and “Doodle Roundup”!
• Removed the long-standing "ghost dock" issue prevalent throughout all of Toontown. The only ghost that we need is the ghost ship in Donald's Dock!
• Doctor Surlee re-stabilized the Toon-space Contoonuum, and all shopkeepers have been reverted back to their appearance in v2.6.8. Shep Ahoy is happy to be a horse once more!
• Gag Shop Clerks will no longer ask you "Need more time to think?" before the timer reaches zero, causing your Toon to get stuck.
• Fixed a bug where partially obscured NPC chat bubbles would be un-clickable, and force you to interact with the chat on the HUD. Now, NPC chat bubbles must be fully obscured before they appear on the HUD.
• Facility Cogs no longer all talk over each other when you enter a facility battle.
• When creating a new Toon in the Toontorial, you will no longer receive start-up messages from the game (invasion messages, special event messages, etc.)
• Fixed a bug where large versions of Content Pack icons would occasionally flash on-screen when starting the game.
• Addressed loading issues with tunnel street signs.
• Fixed over a dozen different crash issues across the game.
April Toons Week
• There's no predicting what silliness might happen during April Toons Week! Loony Labs gave us a list of their predictions, which means at least *some* of the release notes in this section are real... Which ones? We'll let you be the judge of that!
• Fluffy has arrived with an all-new ToonTask, featuring the Emergency Cream Pie Pack as a reward! A Toon named Wess designed this accessory as part of our Accessory Design Contest at a previous in-person ToonFest!
• Fluffy has also dug up some old supplies of the Cog Buster outfit, and is offering a more challenging ToonTask in exchange for it.
• Re-implemented the long-standing “ghost dock” issue prevalent throughout all of Toontown.
• Repurposed ghost docks for dock parkour, or as we like to call it, “dockour”.
• Created a randomly-appearing bouncy beach ball for Playground fun. Don’t let it bounce away!
• The Donald’s Dreamland pillow is now accessible -- and acts as a giant trampoline!
• Donald’s Dock has been drained! Too bad for that ghost ship...
• De-stabilized the dock-time continuum.
• All ponds are now a perfectly reflective mirror. This requires high-end ray-tracing capable hardware.
• Implemented an auto-jump option. When you run towards a ledge, your Toon will automatically time their jump perfectly with this option turned on!
• Implemented an all-new ring model in the Ring Game to improve visibility for vision-impaired players.
• Upgraded all Cog emblems across the game to appear at a higher quality.
• Upgraded the iconic pie model with a higher-quality texture and general fixes.
• Implemented an updated “giant jellybean” model with higher quality textures, which is used in the Trampoline game at parties.
• Added a new music track that plays during the C.F.O. crane tutorial.
• Added a new music track that plays during the C.F.O. battle.
• Fixed a long-standing error when accepting Toon Rewrites, Game Rentals, and certain other items from the mailbox.
• When the Speedy Garden Growth Silly Team is active, trees and flowers will no longer become stuck.
• If your house is missing a phone due to a glitch, one will automatically be sent to you in the mail.
• In the Estate Cannons mini-game, landing in the pond will no longer cause your Toon to get stuck.
• Girl Toons will no longer be sent an extra Closet in the mail.
• Addressed an issue that would cause accessories to disappear.
• Fixed various estate and gardening related issues.
Goofy Speedway
• Parking spots will no longer break after a Toon disconnects unexpectedly.
• Implemented a fix for the long-standing issue that would cause the Grand Prix to not start.
Known Bugs
• Some AMD graphics cards have been experiencing flickering black textures in-game for the past several months. A fix has been made on the engine level, and will be available in Toontown Rewritten in a future update soon.
• As of the 2.7.0 update, the ability for Content Packs to include custom battle music for each area has bugged, and sometimes custom textures are applied inconsistently. We’re aware of this bug and a fix will be available in a future update.
December 22, 2020 [ttr-live-v2.7.1]
• Fixed a bug where Community Partners did not show up as such when viewing their profile in a different area.
• Toons no longer lose speed when pressing the walk key mid-air. Actually, this time!
• Fixed various cases of Content Packs not being applied or applied correctly.
• Implemented stability enhancements for lower-end machines using an Intel Integrated GPU.
• Addressed various GUI related bugs introduced in ttr-live-v2.7.0.
• Fixed multiple bugs and crashes throughout Toontown.
• Removed Laff limit from the Sellbot Factory side entrance.
• Implemented a fix for a long-standing bug where Anti-Aliasing would not be applied.
• Addressed a visual bug where streets would have improper lighting during Halloween and Winter holidays.
• In ToonTasks given by HQ Officers, a random Toon head is now used on the ToonTask scroll.
• Accessories will no longer display on the Toon statue preview in the Cattlelog.
December 15, 2020 [ttr-live-v2.7.0]
• In-Game Prompts are now managed under a new system to fix multiple glitches and some soft-lock issues.
• When you ignore another player, that preference now persists between game-sessions until you choose to stop ignoring them.
• Fixed a longstanding issue that prevented players from restoring Laff on the trolley.
• Fixed a bug where Find Four would declare a player the winner when they haven’t actually won.
• Fixed several grammatical errors throughout Toontown. If you find any more, please let us know!
• Addressed a district reset relating to choosing a picnic game.
• Fixed a crash when the game window's height was set to zero.
• Addressed a crash that could happen when entering doors during high server stress times.
• Removed the ability to pick up the Red Nose Deer ToonTask twice.
• Fixed an issue where Doodles would escape to the playground, causing district resets. Remember, lock the gate to your Estate!
Content Packs
• A new option is available under the Video Tab in the Options Menu to manage your Content Packs! You can enable and disable Content Packs on an individual basis, and choose which order they are loaded in by clicking and dragging all in one menu to mix and match full content packs with partial ones.
(NOTE: This setting will only appear if you already have a Content Pack, as they cannot be installed through the game. You can download Content Packs from third-party sources and drop the files into a “resources” folder wherever you have Toontown Rewritten installed.)
• Content Pack creators can add a custom icon and description for the game to display when they distribute their content packs. More info can be found on our FAQ.
• In a future update, you’ll be able to distinguish content packs provided by Toontown Partners.
Friends & SpeedChat
• Friend loading has been rewritten, and we’re trying out the changes by allowing players to now have up to 150 friends!
• Added a “District” section to SpeedChat to better communicate with others where to go.
• Added the phrase “I hear you!” under the “Friendly” menu.
• Players will now be notified if they whisper to a SpeedChat-only player through SpeedChat+.
• Players who can only use SpeedChat can now view SpeedChat+ messages sent by Staff Members and Cast Members.
• Fixed a long standing bug where SpeedChat menus behaved unexpectedly when trying to hover over a message with several categories open.
• Removed “Player” friend lists, which was a remnant of other Disney services.
• Fixed a crash that could occur when using SpeedChat while exiting the game.
• Made various additions and removals to the SpeedChat+ dictionary.
• Added a setting for enabling and disabling ambient sound effects (environmental sounds).
• Bird chirping has been added to the estate. Where it comes from, nobody quite knows.
• The Dynamic Music system has been optimized with several bugs being addressed.
• Reduced the volume of the “Delighted” animation.
• Reduced the volume of various MiniGolf elements.
• Lure gags now display how many rounds the 'lured' effect lasts, rather than damage.
• Toons can no longer start battles with Cogs while Sad.
• Fixed a bug that would cause an SOS Card not to be used if two players picked the same card, but one backed out of their choice.
• Fixed a bug where Toon placement in battles moves forward after Chief Justice battles.
• Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred in battles.
• The Cattlelog can now properly be closed by pressing the EXIT ACTIVITY key.
• Fixed a bug where the Applause animation’s mute button would not properly mute it.
• Gender restrictions for all furniture items in the Cattlelog have been removed.
• The “Gift” button now properly updates if a Toon’s jellybean count is updated while the Cattlelog is open.
Clothing & Accessories
• Toon Accessories are now considered integral DNA -- it’s as characteristic to a Toon as the shirt on their body or the species they are! Thanks to this, accessories now appear in more locations in-game where they didn’t before.
• Toons can now rotate in the wardrobe, similar to the accessory trunk.
• Mega-Invasions now come in waves, as in Toontown Online: a 3 hour invasion followed by a 3 hour cooldown before the next invasion starts.
• Fixed a rare bug where Cog Buildings would spawn presenting itself as a 1-story Cog Building but contain large waves of high levels Cogs.
• Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when unloading Cogs.
Cog HQ
• Adjusted crates in Cog HQs to be easier to push.
• Added server-side checks to prevent cheating in Cog Boss battles.
• The Obstacle Course GUI in Cashbot Mints now goes away when all players complete the course instead of waiting to timeout.
• Adjusted player spawn points for Toons arriving at Cashbot HQ and Lawbot HQ, preventing players from appearing in the path of Cogs.
• The Cog Paths in Cashbot HQ have been tweaked.
• Fixed an issue that made it hard to enter the Sellbot HQ Lobby doors with high framerates.
• Fixed a semi-rare issue that could trigger both Lawbot DA Office puzzles at the same time, instead of one.
• Fixed a soft-lock when trying to enter Cog Facility elevators without Laff.
• Fixed an issue that would cause parts of a Cog Facility to stop loading when changing camera perspectives.
• Fixed a crash that happens when you receive a Glad Hander summon at the end of a Chief Justice battle.
Goofy Speedway
• Fixed a bug allowing Toons to get out of bounds while racing. Those rolling hills may look fun, but stick to the track!
• Fixed a soft-lock after time runs out in a race.
• All Pick-a-Name names are now fully gender neutral.
• Fixed issues allowing players to click on things when they shouldn't in type-a-name
• Fixed a bug where the Type-A-Name interface was interactable while a dialog box was onscreen.
• MiniGolf statistics will now be tracked past the max requirements for trophies.
Shticker Book
• The “Back to Playground” button now properly says “Back to Cog HQ” if it will return a player to a Cog HQ.
• Fixed the Shticker Book from appearing while in Cog Disguises after acknowledging some in-game prompts.
• Toons no longer slow down when pressing the walk key while airborne. Physics strike back against the rebels!
• Toons are now teleported to the nearest playground if they end up outside of one while sad.
• Added checks to make sure Toons have an accessory trunk, wardrobe, and jellybean bank. If you’re missing one, you’ll be mailed a replacement right away!
Toontown’s Cartoonival
• ToonFest has been renamed to Toontown's Cartoonival, and game assets have been updated to reflect the name change. These changes will be present next year.
• If you’re a new Toon who hasn’t visited their Estate, Token Takers will now prompt you to do so to make it more clear how to purchase prizes.
• The Slingshot Game now ends early if every player has the max score.
• Fixed a crash in Ice Slide when the key used to confirm your launch trajectory was pressed while the minigame was loading.
• Monkey, Bear, Pig, Deer and Crocodile Toons now appear in Photo Fun.
• Toons in Photo Fun now don the latest in accessory fashion. Take your photo shoots to the next level!
• Added an option in the Experimental Video menu to remove the 512x512 texture resolution cap. This is still unstable on Windows machines with Intel HD graphics, which we’re still working on.
• Added a new, optimized cannon model with an updated texture.
• Improved the appearance of several building and nametag fonts.
• Screenshots are now saved as PNG files rather than JPG files, increasing the quality of the screenshots.
• Hiding the GUI with F3 now hides the FPS counter.
• Addressed the stretched appearance of the Racing countdown text.
• Fixed a visual bug with the Overjoyed Laff Meters Silly Team Reward, which sometimes inaccurately displayed Max Laff Points.
• Addressed a bug where Animation Smoothing would be disabled in certain cases despite being enabled in the Options Menu.
• Fixed an issue where the sky would appear to move when jumping in certain playgrounds.
• Fixed overlapping text in the “Stop Ignoring” prompt.
• Fixed an issue with the quick Gag Page where Gag track information could overwrite the Cog XP progress box.
• Fixed an issue that caused track info to get stuck on the Gag page in the Shtickerbook.
• Fixed an issue where your Toon would be briefly visible in “the grey” while moving between doors. Thank you, Prepostera!
May 27, 2020 [ttr-live-v2.6.8]
Chip n' Dale's Acorn Acres
• Acorn Acres' Picnic Games have been re-written from the ground up for stability and more features!
• While playing Picnic Games, the GUI has been updated with more flair and better indicators.
• Even if you aren't playing a Picnic Game, you can see the game board move in real time, even from afar!
• Rewrote the instructions for Picnic Games to be clearer.
• Reduced the volume of some MiniGolf sound effects added in the last game update.
• Implemented measures to reduce memory leaks and reduce crashes on Intel based systems.
• Increased the speed at which you can deposit and withdraw jellybeans from your Jellybean Bank.
• Corrected a crash that occurred while visiting a friend gardening at their Estate.
• Fixed an issue where names such as "D.J." would be blocked due to no vowels and all capitals.
• Re-named "Juggling Balls" to "Juggling Cubes"
• Addressed various bugs and glitches throughout Toontown.
• Added a new option in the Options Menu to adjust text quality.
• Adjusted the scaling of '3, 2, 1, Go!' in Kart Racing to be visually clearer.
• Fixed a graphical bug in the 'Cog Thief' Trolley Game.
• Fixed the text alignment of the 'Options & Codes' title in the Shticker Book.
• Implemented Organic Gag indicators in the battle menus. There's no need to say "ORG" anymore!
• These indicators also affect Toon T.A.G.S. - so you'll never have to worry about if your teammates have come prepared.
Cog HQs
• Re-added room name tags within the Sellbot Factory. Now you'll never be lost!
• Fixed many "grey screen" loading bugs in the District Attorney's Office and in Cog Golf Courses.
• Fixed various cutscene bugs in the Sellbot V.P. Battle.
• Implemented detailed reward information at the end of the Lawbot Chief Justice and Bossbot C.E.O. Battles.
• Adjusted the names of some Cog Bosses within Boarding Groups and SpeedChat for consistent grammar and style.
• Adjusted the "How to Play" menu in Cog Golf to be less confusing and visually cleaner.
April 1, 2020 [ttr-live-v4.1.20]
• Upgraded Toontown’s version from v2.6.8 to v4.1.20. The future is well and truly now!
• To ensure that the servers remain stable, all districts are now SpeedChat-only.
• Added a limit of 500 Players online at once to avoid further server issues. Hurray for stable servers!
• Replaced the Trolley with a broken-down shuttle to Cog Nation. Better not be late to work!
• Golf balls will now swerve around the hole, putting those pesky pranksters out of a job.
• Removed all Gags from Kart Racing.
Audio & Visuals
• Adjusted the Chief Justice’s visual appearance to match the missing wig.
• Adjusted Bumpy Bumblebehr’s dialogue to appropriately say “Your Honorable Baldness” rather than “Your Honorable Blindness.”
• Added music to Toon Estates.
• Due to strongly-worded feedback from our players, we have reverted all previously made changes.
March 10, 2020 [ttr-live-v2.6.8]
Chip n' Dale's Acorn Acres
• Acorn Acres' Picnic Games have been re-written from the ground up for stability and more features!
• While playing Picnic Games, the GUI has been updated with more flair and better indicators.
• Even if you aren't playing a Picnic Game, you can see the game board move in real time, even from afar!
• Rewrote the instructions for Picnic Games to be clearer.
• Reduced the volume of some MiniGolf sound effects added in the last game update.
• Implemented measures to reduce memory leaks and reduce crashes on Intel based systems.
• Increased the speed at which you can deposit and withdraw jellybeans from your Jellybean Bank.
• Corrected a crash that occurred while visiting a friend gardening at their Estate.
• Fixed an issue where names such as "D.J." would be blocked due to no vowels and all capitals.
• Re-named "Juggling Balls" to "Juggling Cubes"
• Addressed various bugs and glitches throughout Toontown.
• Added a new option in the Options Menu to adjust text quality.
• Adjusted the scaling of '3, 2, 1, Go!' in Kart Racing to be visually clearer.
• Fixed a graphical bug in the 'Cog Thief' Trolley Game.
• Fixed the text alignment of the 'Options & Codes' title in the Shticker Book.
• Implemented Organic Gag indicators in the battle menus. There's no need to say "ORG" anymore!
• These indicators also affect Toon T.A.G.S. - so you'll never have to worry about if your teammates have come prepared.
Cog HQs
• Re-added room name tags within the Sellbot Factory. Now you'll never be lost!
• Fixed many "grey screen" loading bugs in the District Attorney's Office and in Cog Golf Courses.
• Fixed various cutscene bugs in the Sellbot V.P. Battle.
• Implemented detailed reward information at the end of the Lawbot Chief Justice and Bossbot C.E.O. Battles.
• Adjusted the names of some Cog Bosses within Boarding Groups and SpeedChat for consistent grammar and style.
• Adjusted the "How to Play" menu in Cog Golf to be less confusing and visually cleaner.
December 12, 2019 [ttr-live-v2.6.7]
• Upgraded Toontown's engine to Panda3D -- featuring the latest bug fixes and performance improvements.
• Thanks to the engine upgrade, Mac Toons will no longer crash when a Bluetooth device is disconnected.
• Addressed several district reset issues, so you can keep on playing Toontown without worry.
• Changed the appearance of Professor Ivy to match her look on the Toontown Blog.
• Fixed several bugs with the Type-a-Name menu.
• Based on community feedback, Type-a-Name will now give more accurate auto-rejection reasons.
• Adjusted music tracks to loop more seamlessly based on community feedback.
• Nearly all fonts have been upgraded to TrueType -- meaning they'll be sharper than ever!
• For Content Pack creators: Fonts now reside in phase_3/fonts instead of phase_3/models/fonts. If you want to replace a font in-game, now you can!
• The "Mickey" font is now stored at a much higher quality.
• Fixed multiple cases of Z-Fighting on shop interior signs.
• Fixed MSAA causing major graphical issues on certain graphics cards.
• Reduced the wait time between gardening pop-ups.
• Added a special digging animation to flowers, trees, and statues -- they shrink as they're dug up!
• Drop S.O.S. Cards used by Toons without the Drop Track will no longer miss against Level 11+ Cogs.
• Addressed an issue in which Cogs would wake up early if a Lure S.O.S. Card was used by a Toon without the Lure Track.
• Fixed a Head Hunter dialogue so they no longer say two sentences in one go. Leave that to the Two-Faces!
December 12, 2019 [ttr-live-v2.6.7]
• Upgraded Toontown's engine to Panda3D -- featuring the latest bug fixes and performance improvements.
• Mac players will no longer crash when a Bluetooth device is disconnected.
• Adjusted music throughout Toontown to loop seamlessly based on community feedback.
• Fixed several district resets.
• Fixed several bugs with the Type-a-Name menu.
• Based on community feedback, Type-a-Name will now provide more detailed reasoning for names that are automatically rejected.
• Changed the appearance of Professor Ivy to match her appearance on the Toontown Blog.
• Nearly all fonts have been upgraded to use a higher quality format -- they'll look sharper than ever on signs, loading screens, chat bubbles, nametags, and more!
• For Content Pack creators: You can now replace in-game fonts by replacing the files in "phase_3/fonts"!
• Fixed cases of flickering (z-fighting) on Toon Building interior signs.
• Fixed anti-aliasing causing major graphical issues on certain graphics cards.
• Reduced the wait time between gardening pop-ups.
• Added a special digging animation to flowers, trees, and statues.
• Drop S.O.S. Cards used by Toons without the Drop Track will no longer miss against Level 11+ Cogs.
• Fixed an issue that made Drop S.O.S. Cards miss Level 11+ Cogs if used with another Drop Gag.
• Addressed an issue in which Cogs would wake up early if a Lure S.O.S. Card was used by a Toon without the Lure Track.
• Fixed Head Hunter dialogue so they no longer say two sentences in one go. Leave that to the Two-Faces!
October 26, 2019 [ttr-live-v2.6.6]
The Spooktown Curse
• The Spooktown Curse has been extended to November 3rd! Jack O' Kazam's power grows ever year...
• Fixed an issue that caused every Toon Muzzle to activate at the same time when a Pumpkin Head is hidden. (e.g. in Cog Facilities)
• Addressed issues with ToonTask progress failing to save in certain circumstances.
• All Toontown Online MIDI files have been re-converted to .OGG at CD Quality and with restored instruments.
• Green, Mint Green, Emerald, Teal, Steel Blue have been added as default shirt colors.
• Addressed an issue that caused rotation speed in the Closet, Accessory Trunk, and Kart Shtickerbook Page to be tied to the framerate.
• Updated Cog Golf's Bombs to flash at a set speed, rather than being tied to the framerate.
• Adjusted placement of the Feather Tether to avoid clipping issues.
• Fixed an issue that caused the Super Toon cape to fail to deliver when purchased from Clarabelle's Cattlelog.
• Fixed various bugs with Estate Cannons -- so don't fly away!
• Fixed Merry Multipliers not affecting Bounty Cog XP, which is extra Cog XP given on completion of any Cog facility.
• Doubled Bounty XP awarded in the DA's Office to bring the XP given out in line with other Cog facilities.
Options Menu
• Manual edits to screen resolution in settings.json will no longer be ignored on macOS.
• The Options Remote will now move during the Ring Game and during Racing to avoid obscuring other GUI elements.
• For the sake of performance on low-end machines, the default option for MSAA is now "Off".
Silly Meter
• Addressed a bug that caused multiple Gag XP Multiplier teams to be unable show up in the Silly Meter's team list at the same time.
• While the Speedy Gardening Growth Silly Team is active, plants will no longer consume water.
September 30, 2019 [ttr-live-v2.6.5]
• Corrected an issue that caused the Slingshot in the Toon Slingshot Trolley Game to ignore the volume slider in the Options Menu.
• Fixed a crash introduced in the last update that could cause certain SpeedChat phrases to crash the game when right-clicked.
• Fixed an issue where saying certain words with SpeedChat+ crashes the game.
• ToonFest's Merry Multipliers have gotten an upgrade! You can now check the remaining time on your Merry Multipliers from the Gags page in the Shticker Book, or via the 'Home' key.
• Made minor changes to the Duck Tank to help stop Toons from blocking the target and to make it easier to hit.
• Adjusted the prices of a few "Mad" hats from 100 ToonFest Tokens to 106 ToonFest Tokens.
September 18, 2019 [ttr-live-v2.6.4]
• Based on community feedback, Toon HQ has printed a higher quality map of Toontown for your Shticker Book.
• The largest fish you have ever caught of each species can now be viewed in the fishing album of the Shticker Book.
• Corrected an issue that let you enter Toontown while the Toon Deletion window is open in Pick-a-Toon.
• When Summon-a-Cog is open, the Shticker Book can no longer be closed.
• Fixed various bugs that could lead to Districts resetting.
• Spooky Purple is now available as a color for clothing found in Clothing Stores.
• The pop-in and pop-out animations for applicable windows, such as the Options menu, have been tweaked and polished to be much smoother.
• The frame around the Cog Gallery in the Shticker Book has been adjusted to match how it appeared in Toontown Online.
• Fixed an issue that caused the Cashbot Rental Suit skirt and various Winter Hats to have an incorrect texture.
• Shined some light on the Battle Menu's "FIRE" Button, giving it a proper drop-shadow like the other three buttons.
• SpeedChat phrases can now be displayed as a thought bubble by right-clicking the phrase in the SpeedChat menu.
• Added the phrase "Sorry, my group is full." to SpeedChat.
• Many new phrases have been added to the SpeedChat+ Dictionary -- thanks for keeping the suggestions coming!
• While using a Closet, Cheesy Effects such as "Big Head" or "Invisible Toon" will temporarily be hidden.
• Toon Troopers have visited each Toon's estate and rotated the Flappy Cog around to provide him a more scenic view.
C.E.O. Battle
• Addressed a game crash which occurred when viewing another Toon's Doodle during the C.E.O. battle.
• Fixed a long-standing issue that caused multiple Golf Balls to disappear in the C.E.O. battle. Try out new strategies with multiple golfers!
Known Issues
• Some users with NVIDIA graphics hardware may experience issues with having anti-aliasing enabled via the in-game option and in the NVIDIA Control Panel. If you require any help with disabling anti-aliasing, please email us at where we will be happy to provide you with assistance.
August 1, 2019 [ttr-live-v2.6.3]
• Fixed a crash relating to estates.
• Whitelist and blacklist updates.
Toon Deletion
• Accounts will now only retain the past 1000 deleted Toons, rather than an unlimited number. Restoration policies still apply.
• Any Toon who is deleted but never earned a Laff Point or Gag beyond the Cupcake or Squirting Flower will not be eligible for restoration.
ToonFest at ReplayFX 2019
• From now until August 11th at 11:59 PM Toontown Time, you can use code "replayfx2019" to unlock two brand new hat accessories for your Toon!
• Added convention attendee Top Hat
Silly Meter
• Fixed the Silly Meter's double speedway tickets reward.
May 15, 2019 [ttr-live-v2.6.2]
• Experience Multipliers now stack! If you turn multiple in, their durations are added together.
• Every NPC that gives a ToonTask will now shuffle their offers every hour on the hour.
• Toons can now choose which ToonTask they would like to turn in, if any.
• A new Cogbuck indicator will show up when a Promotion Assist Unite is thrown, showing how many Cogbucks you received.
• Multiple Jellybean and Cogbuck indicators can show up at once! They'll arrange themselves neatly across the bottom of the screen during Beanfests and other Unite-throwing events.
• Added a "Sure!" phrase to SpeedChat, under the "Friendly" submenu.
• One word NPC Names, like "Alice" or "Jake", are no longer blocked by Type-A-Name.
Crash Cashbot Headquarters
• A new reward is now offered from Loopy Loopenloop and Cassie Peppercakes -- Double Cogbucks!
• ToonTasks requiring "Cashbots Anywhere" have been added for all rewards.
• For the rest of Operation: Crash Cashbot Headquarters, Cashbot Mints have been made easier to complete.
• The amount of Laff points you receive from Goon Treasures out by the Vault Doors has increased.
• More spawn locations have been added to the top of the stairs in Cashbot Headquarters.
• The reward shown for Promotion Assist Unites will now say specifically what kind of Unite it is on the ToonTask.
• Cog Summons are no longer allowed in Cashbot HQ.
• Fixed a bug where a reward for 30 minutes of Double XP Anywhere wasn't deletable.
• Cogbucks ToonTasks will no longer give credit to anyone that owns a Rental Suit.
• Any Toons with Cogbucks and level progress on their Rental Suit will have their Cashbot Suit reset.
Silly Meter
• Resolved an issue with the Silly Meter that caused server instability.
May 3, 2019 [ttr-live-v2.6.1]
• When using a Toon Rewrite on a Toon that was originally multi-colored, the colors will no longer be overwritten in the Make-A-Toon.
Crash Cashbot Headquarters
• Fixed a crash caused by receiving 5-Star Fire SOS Cards.
• Renamed "Promotion Unites" to "Promotion Assist Unites" to avoid confusion.
• Resistance Rangers will no longer give out duplicate tasks.
• Fixed a semi-rare crash when loading into Cashbot HQ.
Silly Meter
•When a task requires you to visit a Scientoon, your SpeedChat phrases should correctly update to say you need to go to Toon Hall.
May 2, 2019 [ttr-live-v2.6.0]
Crash Cashbot Headquarters
• Operation: Crash Cashbot Headquarters has arrived! Until May 31st, the Toon Resistance will be on full attack over at Cashbot Headquarters. Whether you're a new Toon or a seasoned veteran, anyone can participate in the event!
• Cashbot Headquarters has been Crashed! The place is a mess, and The Resistance has set up their outpost in the heart of the Headquarters.
• Goofy's Gag Shop has partnered with the Toon Resistance and has temporarily set up shop within the Resistance Outpost.
• Limited-time ToonTasks have been added with new exclusive clothing, accessories, and rewards. Check back every week to see what new items the Toon Resistance has to offer!
• Hey, who's driving the Trolley? Run after it on the tracks of Cashbot HQ to regain Laff Points!
• Due to increased Silliness in the area, all Toons will have teleport access to Cashbot Headquarters during the event.
• Laff Requirements have been temporarily lifted from the Dollar and Bullion Mints.
• To guard himself, the C.F.O. has sent out some Goons near the doors to the Cashbot Vault.
• Removed the 125 FPS cap. High refresh rate users rejoice!
• Adjusted Whole Fruit/Cream Pie model to fix a texture issue.
• Added an updated Party Cannon texture, featuring more detail and an improved design!
• Fixed a transparency issue with the Twitter Birb hat. Long Live the Birb!
• Street Signs have been re-implemented, and now feature an advertisement for Crash Cashbot Headquarters. Be sure to watch these signs regularly to see what's going on in Toontown!
• Adjusted accessory positioning for nearly every accessory on every type of Toon. Deer and Crocodile Toons in particular should notice a massive difference in quality!
• Increased the size of the Closet and Accessory Trunk, which now hold up to 300 items each!
April 7, 2019 [ttr-live-v2.5.1]
• Fixed a game crash related to Fish Bingo.
• Corrected an issue that caused the Fishing tutorial to not appear for new Toons.
• Corrected an issue that prevented new Toons from being created.
• Fixed a game crash that would occur when entering Polar Place in The Brrrgh while street props were animated.
• Replaced an "old style" static Fire Hydrant on Polar Place with a shiny new animated one.
April 6, 2019 [ttr-live-v2.5.0]
• Engine Upgrade! Toontown Rewritten has been upgraded to Panda3D 1.10, the latest version of the technology which powers Toontown.
• Game performance has been significantly improved. Toontown is now smoother than it has ever been, especially on lower end computers!
• Decreased loading time when entering new areas.
• Fix a common problem related to game settings that would crash the game on startup.
• Fixed many miscellaneous crashes throughout the game.
• Corrected various typos in ToonTask dialogue.
• Updated label of the Shticker Book "Options & Codes" page.
• Fixed a bug causing the "Enter" key to stop working after getting a boarding group invite or friend request.
• Boarding group invites and friend requests can no longer be accidentally accepted when pressing the "Enter" key.
• Implemented additional logging to help us balance various gameplay elements in future updates.
April Toons Week
• Silliness is off the charts! The Silly Meter will provide double Silly Points and a significantly decreased cool down time for the rest of April Toons Week.
• Removed random Toon sounds and effects due to community feedback. Some jokes get old after a few years!
The Silly Meter
• Doctor Surlee has returned to Toon Hall!
• Improved appearance of the Silly Reader's "Inactive" state.
• Fixed a bug causing the "Next Silly Cycle" text to fly into the sky.
• Added a message to the Silly Stats page when Loony Labs is still calculating Silly Points.
• Fixed several street crashes related to animated objects.
• Fixed a bug related to the Silly Meter which caused districts to occasionally freeze.
• Fixed a server crash related to the Toontorial.
• The "Items Recovered" screen at the end of a battle will now display how many of each item was recovered.
• The "Items Not Recovered" screen will no longer display items that have already been found.
• When walking into a Cog that a Toon has started a battle with, you'll now join the battle with them.
• Anti-aliasing is now set to "off" by default on fresh installations of Toontown Rewritten. If you're still experiencing performance issues, we suggest going into the Options Menu and disabling Anti-aliasing.
• GUI Animation has been added for almost all in-game pop-ups. This option can be changed on the "Video" tab!
• Improved instructions for the Toon Slingshot minigame.
• Reduced the volume of the Hype Train furniture item.
• Improved Doodle path-finding. They should have an easier time interacting with you at your Estate!
• The streets of Toontown have been given a visual pass to improve consistency and accuracy to Toontown Online.
• Fixed most cases of texture and sign flickering on building exteriors.
• Fixed a longstanding bug that caused certain street signs to disappear.
• Restored tunnel and elevator signs for Cog Headquarters.
• Restored shop signs on the interior of Toon buildings. This is a feature from Toontown Online that has been missing for years, but has finally returned!
April 1, 2019 [ttr-live-v4.1.19]
• Engine Downgrade! In order to restore all of the nostalgic bugs that we all love so dearly, Toontown Rewritten now uses its original build of Panda3D from 2002.
• Removed Acorn Acres, as it was found to be too confusing for new players looking for Bossbot Headquarters.
• Bossbot Headquarters now features MiniGolf, Fishing Docks, and an Oil Geyser.
• Informed every resident of Oak Street that there is, in fact, a Cog Headquarters just a few steps away.
• Removed sound gags from Toontown.
• Disabled all game sound, just to make sure that the sound gags are gone for good.
March 13, 2019 [ttr-live-v2.4.2]
• Fixed several back-end issues relating to the Silly Meter.
• Added smooth frames support for more animated objects such as hydrants, trashcans, mailboxes, and the fishing bucket in Toon Estates.
• Fixed name of the Silly Meter Start-Up Shirt.
• Added a maximum capacity for buildings to prevent performance issues. You can still teleport to friends who are inside of a full building.
Shticker Book
• Removed ability to scroll to change pages in the Shticker Book due to buggy functionality and the addition of pages with scroll bars.
• Fixed a soft lock when opening the Shticker Book after jumping.
Silly Meter
• Prepared for the first time the Silly Meter reaches the top.
• Implemented dialogue for Toons who try to get a Silly Reader without a free ToonTask slot.
March 10, 2019 [ttr-live-v2.4.1]
• Keep sending us your Silly Meter feedback! This update addresses a number of issues brought up to us by the community, and we have even more adjustments and bugfixes coming soon in future updates.
• Added a new setting for Vertical Synchronization (V-Sync) in the "Video" tab of the Options Panel. When enabled, the game's maximum frame rate will be set to to whatever is supported by your display in order to prevent a visual bug called screen tearing. This setting is enabled by default.
Silly Meter
• Fixed a typo in the "Overjoyed Laff Meters" SpeedChat phrase, which referred to it as the scrapped name "Overlaff."
• Improved formatting of large numbers on the Silly Stats page.
• Added a scroll bar to the Silly Stats page to prevent stats from overflowing off the page.
• Fixed a bug causing the game to freeze when starting the Silly Reader tutorial.
• Fixed a bug causing Silly Points from battle bonuses to be blown extraordinarily out of proportion.
• Adjusted balance of the Cogs' impact on Silly Points.
• Fixed a bug causing FPS drop when collecting treasures in the Maze Game.
• Temporarily disable dynamic street signs to prevent crashing on some Windows machines.
• Slightly boosted the volume and listening radius of animated objects.
• Fixed a bug causing animated objects to help in battle before the amount of Global Silly Points needed to wake them had been reached.
• Fixed an occasional visual bug with Cog explosion animation.
• Fixed a commonly abused bug with the mailbox allowing Toons to bypass collisions.
March 6, 2019 [ttr-live-v2.4.0]
• The Silly Meter has come to Toontown! This is a large-scale change that required adjustments to many pieces of the game. Although we have tested thoroughly, there are always bound to be issues that appear. We will be monitoring the community for feedback and bug reports, so please let us know what you think!
• Fixed a district reset related to Trolley Tracks.
• NPCs will now specifically tell you if you need to finish your ToonTask before grabbing a new one.
• Fixed several bugs related to dynamic audio tracks, such as the main theme music.
Silly Meter
• The Silly Meter has been completed by the Scientoons at Loony Labs! Check out Toon Hall to see the festivities.
• Defeat Cogs, play games, and have fun to generate Silly Points! Most activities will generate more points with other Toons.
• An all-new ToonTask has been added to Toontown! The Scientoons are more than happy to teach Toons about how the Silly Meter works. To start, simply talk to any Scientoon in Toon Hall.
• A new page has been added to the Shticker Book, containing the Silly Reader and a Loony Labs brand clipboard for tracking Silly Stats. You’ll be granted access to this page when you complete the new ToonTask.
• When you’ve unlocked your Silly Reader, you can join one of three randomly selected teams to put your Silly Points towards! The team with the most Silly Points when the Silly Meter maxes out will have it’s reward applied to everyone in Toontown.
• Click on the “Silly Meter” button in the top right corner of the screen at any time to quickly check on the Silly Meter’s status after you’ve unlocked your Silly Reader. Once you’ve read this panel, it will be hidden until the next Silly Meter phase change. Don’t worry, all of the info can be found in your Shticker Book.
• Clicking on the Silly Meter itself will bring up the same Silly Meter Panel. Handy!
Toon Hall
• The Toon Hall building has a received a fresh coat of paint, featuring a new color scheme and increased details.
• The interior of the Toon Hall has been redone as well to give Flippy a new office, and a space for the Silly Meter.
• As the Silly Levels build higher, the Silly Meter will move more frantically, gain extra bits and bobs, and the music in Toon Hall will become more intense!
• Surrounding the Silly Meter, you can find Doctor Surlee, Professor Prepostera, and Doctor Dimm. Talk to them if you need help with the Silly Meter!
• For a limited time, you can also find C.A.K.E. Team members Professor Purrview and Doctor Fumbdound checking on the Silly Meter’s status. Loony Labs has all hands on deck!
• Made various improvements to Flippy’s Office compared to how it previously appeared in Toontown Online.
Playgrounds and Streets
• Toontown is more alive than ever before! Street Props such as Fire Hydrants, Mailboxes, and Recycling Bins have come to life. Give Toontown’s newest residents a warm welcome!
• When the Silly Meter is nearing its peak, Street Props will grant a temporary speed boost to Toons passing by. Zip down the street faster than ever before!
• Toontown's street signs will now update from time to time for special events.
Cog Battles
• While Silly Levels are rising, Street Props will assist in battles on the street. Enjoy an instant boost to Gag effectiveness!
February 21, 2019 [ttr-live-v2.3.6]
• This is a maintenance release that makes various backend changes.
February 17, 2019 [ttr-live-v2.3.5]
• This is a Maintenance Update, including various backend changes.
• Moving the camera up and down using Page Up and Page Down (by default) is now smoother.
• Cleaned up a texture issue with crane magnets in the C.F.O. Battle.
February 2, 2019 [ttr-live-v2.3.4]
• Increased game stability when moving from one area to another. If you're still crashing while moving through tunnels or doors, please let us know by emailing
• Adjusted "Enter Code" box in the Shtickerbook to ensure that longer codes can be entered.
• Fixed an obscure grammar issue in the Bossbot Cog Suit ToonTask line.
• Boarding Group confirmation prompts will no longer be stuck on the screen.
Winter Laff-o-Lympics
• Implemented the 2019 Winter Laff-o-Lympics prizes. If you participated, your prizes will be distributed throughout the day.
• The all-new "Frostbite" Name Tag is available to all 2019 Winter Laff-o-Lympics participants who placed in Gold!
Cog Battles
• Addressed an issue that could cause Cog Battles to momentarily freeze when a new Toon or Cog joined the battle.
• Fixed a longstanding transparency issue with the Party Gate in every Playground.
• Adjusted the street signs in Donald's Dreamland to use a unique purple border.
• Altered various textures throughout the game to fix minor visual seams and clipping.
• Attempting to purchase a new nametag will now warn you that your current one will need to be re-purchased in the Cattlelog.
December 31, 2018 [ttr-live-v2.3.3]
• Various backend changes have been made to prepare for a future game engine update.
• Fixed a bug related to toggling the "Animation Blending" option while in an elevator.
• Added two new Toon colors, Bubblegum and Beige!
• The new Toon colors can also be applied to clothing found in Make-a-Toon and clothing stores.
• The Laff-o-Lympics are about to begin! Until February 1st, any Toon starting at 15 or 16 Laff points can compete to gain the most Laff points.
• Added limited time SpeedChat phrases related to the Laff-o-Lympics. Show your team spirit!
December 23, 2018 [ttr-live-v2.3.2]
• Fixed a client crash that was plaguing some ponds. You should be able to catch only fish -- no more bugs!
Winter Holiday
• Fixed a bug preventing Toons from getting limited-time ToonTasks from Snowman and Holly Daze when they have completed it during a previous year.
• We hope that these issues haven't ruined your fun! To make up for the lost time, we're extending the Winter Holiday until January 2nd. Anyone who has yet to receive a limited-time ToonTask will also have its expiration extended until January 2nd.
December 20, 2018 [ttr-live-v2.3.1]
• Pressing the "Enter" key will now confirm pop-up GUI.
• Addressed an issue that caused the expiration date of Winter Caroling ToonTasks to improperly reset.
• Fixed a bug on macOS devices causing the mouse cursor to not match its on-screen location.
• Thanks to community feedback, when Animation Blending is disabled, the smooth movement changes will also be disabled.
• Fixed various animation issues that occurred when Animation Blending is enabled.
• Addressed various instances where the Options Remote could be obscured or covered entirely in the bottom right corner of the screen.
• Fixed a few bugs related to the Automatic SpeedChat+ setting.
• Fixed an issue that caused some keybindings to display improperly in Trolley Game instructions.
• Fixed a rare bug causing "Minigame Template" to appear when playing Trolley Games.
• Fixed a visual stutter in Match Minnie when Animation Smoothing is enabled.
• Fixed various animation bugs related to Animation Blending and Smoothing in Cog Battles.
• Fixed an issue that caused controls to be disabled during fishing.
Known Bugs
• Toons who completed the Snowman Head ToonTask last year may not be able to get the task again. We are working to resolve this as soon as possible!
• Keys bound to "Enter" may not work properly after pressing "Enter" to confirm a pop-up GUI.
November 29, 2018 [ttr-live-v2.3.0]
• Implemented the all-new Options Menu! Check it out by clicking on the remote icon in the bottom right of your screen, or by pressing SHIFT + ESC (by default).
• Fixed a crash that occurred when using a Toon Rewrite while using the Spooky Purple color.
• Corrected an issue that could cause sound effects to continue playing after disabling and re-enabling sound effects.
• Fixed a minor typo in Cog dialogue.
• All settings that were only accessible through the settings.json file previously are now available in-game. This includes Anti-Aliasing, Animation Smoothing, Discord Integration, etc.
• Adding WASD support to Toontown was our most requested feature EVER! We've now done that, and much more.
• All keys that can be used in game can now be reassigned in the Options Menu. Use the control scheme that works for you!
• Toons can now slow down and walk rather than run when holding SHIFT (by default).
• Reworked walk controls to feel more fluid. Toons will transition to running and stopping, rather than maintaining a constant speed.
• The new control system has been heavily tested by the team. However, if you run into any issues, please email so we can get it fixed as soon as possible!
• Music and Sound Effects can be individually adjusted to be quieter or louder.
• Visual SFX Indicators can now be toggled from in-game. If Sound Effects are disabled, Visual Indicators will always be on.
• Implemented support for borderless fullscreen display mode, which is now the default on Windows and Linux.
• Legacy fullscreen support has been removed for macOS Toons, in favor of Apple's integrated system. If you’re using a Mac, you should instead use the green maximize button to toggle between Windowed and Fullscreen modes.
• Added ability to turn on a Frame Rate Meter from the Options Menu.
• Implemented Toony GUI transitions, which can be disabled for a more classic Toontown feel.
• Fixed a longstanding bug where nametags and chat bubbles couldn't be clicked after changing the game's display mode.
• Implemented animation blending for more natural Toon movement. Animation will no longer start/stop abruptly, but instead blend from one to another. This can be turned off in the Options Menu.
Shticker Book
• The Street M.A.P.S. icon is now hidden until hovering over the Shticker Book to avoid screen clutter.
• Fixed a bug in the Toontorial where the left/right keys could be pressed to view other pages of the Shticker Book while talking to HQ Harry.
• Simplified the Options & Codes page to combine the two tabs into one.
November 29, 2018 [ttr-live-v2.3.0]
• Implemented the all-new Options Menu! Check it out by clicking on the remote icon in the bottom right of your screen, or by pressing SHIFT + ESC (by default).
• Fixed a crash that occurred when using a Toon Rewrite while using the Spooky Purple color.
• Corrected an issue that could cause sound effects to continue playing after disabling and re-enabling sound effects.
• Fixed a minor typo in Cog dialogue.
• All settings that were only accessible through the settings.json file previously are now available in-game. This includes Anti-Aliasing, Animation Smoothing, Discord Integration, etc.
• Adding WASD support to Toontown was our most requested feature EVER! We've now done that, and much more.
• All keys that can be used in game can now be reassigned in the Options Menu. Use the control scheme that works for you!
• Toons can now slow down and walk rather than run when holding SHIFT (by default).
• Reworked walk controls to feel more fluid. Toons will transition to running and stopping, rather than maintaining a constant speed.
• The new control system has been heavily tested by the team. However, if you run into any issues, please email so we can get it fixed as soon as possible!
• Music and Sound Effects can be individually adjusted to be quieter or louder.
• Visual SFX Indicators can now be toggled from in-game. If Sound Effects are disabled, Visual Indicators will always be on.
• Implemented support for borderless fullscreen display mode, which is now the default on Windows and Linux.
• Legacy fullscreen support has been removed for macOS Toons, in favor of Apple's integrated system. If you’re using a Mac, you should instead use the green maximize button to toggle between Windowed and Fullscreen modes.
• Added ability to turn on a Frame Rate Meter from the Options Menu.
• Implemented Toony GUI transitions, which can be disabled for a more classic Toontown feel.
• Fixed a longstanding bug where nametags and chat bubbles couldn't be clicked after changing the game's display mode.
• Implemented animation blending for more natural Toon movement. Animation will no longer start/stop abruptly, but instead blend from one to another. This can be turned off in the Options Menu.
Shticker Book
• The Street M.A.P.S. icon is now hidden until hovering over the Shticker Book to avoid screen clutter.
• Fixed a bug in the Toontorial where the left/right keys could be pressed to view other pages of the Shticker Book while talking to HQ Harry.
• Simplified the Options & Codes page to combine the two tabs into one.
October 25, 2018 [ttr-live-2.2.5]
• The Spooktown Curse has grown spookier than ever before!
• All of the Candy in Toontown has vanished! You can talk to Jack O’ Kazam in Toontown Central to begin his brand new Trick or Treat ToonTask.
• A new Toon Color has hit the Cattlelog! For a limited time in your next issue, grab "Spooky Purple" to embrace the Spooktown Spirit.
• Fix typo in Sombrero accessory name.
• Fireflies have invaded Donald’s Dreamland! These little creatures are a fierce ally of the already prevalent butterfly threat in Toontown Central.
• Rewrote Butterfly logic to squash several small bugs.
• Adjusted various Toon and Cog attacks to appear more fluid, and fix visual bugs.
• Gags such as the Big Magnet and Megaphone now fit snugly in Toon's gloves.
• Breathe easy! Toons will no longer stop breathing when certain Toon-Up gags are used.
• Fixed a crash related to the reward panel.
Cog HQ
• Fixed an issue that caused the Sellbot Vice President's gears to take no Laff from Toons upon collision.
• Fixed various cannon-related game crashes.
October 6, 2018 [ttr-live-v2.2.4]
• Fixed several crashes related to dynamic margins, most notably in Cog Golf Courses.
• Toons will no longer stop breathing after having a Lipstick Gag used on them. It's a good thing Toons can hold their breath for so long!
ToonFest & Parties
• Fixed a longstanding issue with cannons that caused Toons to get stuck when entering.
• Extended the timer for buying a Doodle to six minutes.
Discord Integration
• Discord usernames are no longer printed to the log file upon connection. (This was a debug feature accidentally left on.)
September 24, 2018 [ttr-live-v2.2.3]
• Fixed a crash when entering the Toontorial. Tutorial Tom sends his sincere apologies for that misplaced piano!
• Fixed a crash caused by opening the friends list on low screen resolutions.
Discord Integration
• Added better location details for Rich Presence when in the Toontorial.
• Fixed a crash when opening the game caused by using special characters in a Discord username.
• Fixed a crash when entering Welcome Valley with Discord Detailed Presence enabled.
September 22, 2018 [ttr-live-2.2.2]
• Added dynamic window margins, which allows for more boxes to fit on the sides of the screen depending on your aspect ratio.
• Changed wording to indicate that Toons cannot access the 7th Gag Track based on community feedback.
• Re-implemented holiday-based Pick-a-Toon screen backgrounds.
• Added Cast Member Tag. This is the first of our Cast Member minigames to be added to Toontown. Look out for Toon Troopers around Toontown, and if you see one, be sure to ask them to play tag with you!
• Added integration with Discord in the form of Rich Presence. If you’re 13 or older and have your parent’s permission, you can make a free Discord account and chat with your friends! Your Discord friends can see your Toon’s stats and your location in-game if you find “detailed-presence" in your settings.json file and change false to true.
• You can now see the specific area your friends are in while looking at the Toon Detail Panel.
• You can now adjust your teleporting preferences in the Shtickerbook, restricting the feature to friends or disabling it entirely.
• When using Type-a-Name in the Make-a-Toon menu, a confirmation prompt will now appear before you can submit the name.
• Addressed multiple instances of crashes related to the ToonFest Event Grounds.
• Fixed a longstanding issue with fishing at ToonFest that led to hits incorrectly being counted as misses.
• There are no longer two sets of Token Takers Tori and Tanner. Looks like Tobias and Tonya had an identity crisis!
• Added a “miss” sound effect to the Duck Tank when the pole of the target is hit.
• Changed Cog defeat animation to fix an issue which caused the legs to clip into the torso.
• Cogs will no longer end their lure idle animation when another Cog in the same battle is defeated.
• Fixed an exploit with the Boarding Groups feature.
• Adjusted the dynamic music system to fade between tracks when going underwater.
September 1, 2018 [ttr-live-v2.2.1]
• Fixed a bug allowing Toons to press the button to teleport to a District that they're already in.
• Fixed a typo in Loony Louis’s ToonTask dialogue. Let us know if you see any other typos in task messages!
• Fixed one of the most commonly reported crashes, which occurred when entering a new area.
• You can now adjust the level of detail (LOD) by adding "lod-distance" in your settings.json file. Setting this to higher values will make Toons higher quality from a distance! 0 is the current default, and you can try 1 or 2 for longer distances.
• Improved various Toon animation based on community feedback. Thanks for the bug reports!
• Toon heads will now smoothly transition forward when falling asleep.
• Shadows will now squash and stretch with certain Toon animation, just like they used to in the earlier days of Toontown Online!
• Fixed a bug from our Rerigged project that caused Toon pupils to appear pixelated.
• Converted all Toon species heads to our internal Rerigged pipeline with miscellaneous fixes and enhancements.
• Just as we did last month for Toons, we have moved the Cogs over to our brand new rigging system. This allows for us to create new Cog animation in the future.
• Made various fixes and enhancements to Cog and Skelecog appearances.
• Updated the Mover and Shakers’ attacks with a better shaking effect during battle.
• We've heard your feedback and reversed the anti-macro changes made to Doodle training that were unintentionally bothering fair players. Please be aware though, that using bots or macros to play the game for you is still not allowed by our Terms of Service!
• Adjusted the size of the Polar Place sign on the tunnel in The Brrrgh.
• Add new underwater music for Donald's Dock and Acorn Acres. Let us know what other areas of the game you'd like to see new music!
Cog HQ
• Helped prevent accidental teleporting with a new prompt that appears when teleporting out of Cog Facilities.
• Adjusted Sellbot HQ spawn locations to fix issues with appearing in the ground.
• Fixed a visual bug when unlocking Sellbot Factory doors.
• Fixed an issue causing the barrel collect sound to play repeatedly when re-entering a room.
• When grabbing a jellybean barrel in a Cog Facility, you’ll now be shown how many beans you collected.
• Grabbing a gag barrel will play a unique sound depending on the type of gag being received.
• Added various preparations for the upcoming ToonFest event on September 19. Stay TOONed!
• Added new SpeedChat phrases that will be active during the event.
• Decreased the volume of the "Hype Train" interactive furniture prize.
July 20, 2018 [ttr-live-v2.2.0]
• “The Random Toon Shirt” has been added to the game in memory of Michael (Kong). For a limited time, you can get this shirt for free using the code “thank-you-kong” in your Shtickerbook.
• Fixed an issue that prevented Silly Saturdays, Fishing Bingo, Grand Prix and Trolley Tracks from starting on schedule.
• Fixed a bug caused by Toons opening their Shticker Book while jumping.
• Updated whitelist with new words and phrases for SpeedChat+ players.
• Miscellaneous preparations for ToonFest at ReplayFX 2018.
• The "Toontown Rerigged 2.0" project is complete! All Toon animation has been moved over to this new animation system and tweaked as needed, allowing for easier content creation and fixing a few bugs along the way. Now, about that Cog animation...
• As a “surprise” to show off the capabilities of the new Toon rigs, we re-animated the “surprise” animation to be more accurate to original concept!
• Added custom muzzles for the “Surprise”, “Cry”, “Delighted”, “Furious”, and “Laugh” animations on Crocodile and Deer Toons.
• Removed rabbit teeth during rabbit muzzle changes to avoid clipping and improve appearance.
• Made several improvements to Toon LOD models.
• Cleaned up various sets of animation that had an incorrect number of frames.
• Fixed a longstanding bug that caused Toons to jump forward while swimming.
• Fixed various situations where Toon legs would clip through shorts and skirts.
• Tall Toons, rejoice! You can squash AND stretch in style once more!
• Many, many more animation tweaks -- far too many to list here! If you spot a Toon animation that doesn’t make you bust out a smile, let us know so we can make it better.
• Players who type a Pick-a-Name pattern of the opposite gender will now have their name automatically approved, just like typing a Pick-a-Name pattern of the same gender. This will allow some names that have been previously restricted to NPCs to now be available for everyone.
• Cog Attacks which were previously silent now feature new sound effects. We experimented for a while to ensure that all sounds have the proper Toontown feel, so let us know what you think about the new sounds!
• Fixed an issue that caused Toons saved by a Toon-Up unite during battle to lose their gags.
• Gags of the same type against the same Cog will now either all miss or all hit in that round. This change does not impact the chances of a Gag track hitting one Cog and the same track missing another Cog.
• Luring a Cog will no longer decrease accuracy of Lure gags towards a Cog of a lower level in a later round.
• Fixed a bug that prevented Doodles from getting XP credit for a successful trick in battle.
• Fixed a bug causing incorrect calculation of "organic" and "knockback" gag damage.
Cog HQs
• Added a visual alert to notify you when the V.P. or C.J. is about to jump. This change is designed for players who are deaf and hard of hearing, or prefer to play with sounds disabled. If you would like to disable this feature when sound effects are on, set "sound-accessibility" to false in your settings.json file. We are working to make Toontown a more accessible game for all players. Please send us your suggestions!
• Added an alert if someone tries to add you to a boss battle Boarding Group but you aren’t ready for a promotion.
• The safes in the C.F.O. battle will no longer fall through the back wall of the vault while they are on the crane magnet.
• Fixed a bug that causes Toons to gain more than the usual amount of Merits, Cogbucks, Jury Notices and Stock Options if a Toon in the same group disconnects in a cog facility.
• Added the long-awaited Blockout Bingo game mode to the Fish Bingo rotation! At the top of each hour, every fishing pond in Toontown will be in competition to fill the board first for a massive Jellybean prize. Grab your rods and game on during Fish Bingo Wednesdays and Silly Saturdays!
• Corrected an issue with mailboxes where confirmation notices would disappear instantly.
• Fixed a district reset related to Doodles.
• More times will now appear on the Goofy Speedway Leaderboard.
• Fixed a bug causing daily and weekly leaderboard times to remain longer than they were supposed to.
• Fixed a bug that prevented refunds of deposited tickets on Grand Prix Monday in some cases.
April 1, 2018 [ttr-live-v2.1.6]
• Increased difficulty of Lil Oldman's ToonTasks at the community's request.
• Added feature to increase Lure gag accuracy by 30% when "glue" is said in battle.
• The Toon HQ in Toontown Central has added a periscope to keep an eye out for incoming invasions.
• Added more clouds to the cloud on the map.
• Decreased difficulty of Lil Oldman's ToonTasks at the community's request.
• Fixed a district reset relating to an upcoming phase of the Silly Particle event.
• Adjusted Silly Particle spawn rates for better balancing.
• Fixed a bug causing the max Silly Particles message to appear for all Toons within an area.
• April Toons Week has begun! Get ready for a week full of silliness beyond limits. Watch out for wacky side effects like lowered gravity and other surprises!
• Silly Particles are getting sillier! Toons can now carry up to 50, and thanks to the silliness, Doctor Surlee can split a particle into two to make it worth double towards his goal.
March 29, 2018 [ttr-live-v2.1.5]
• Miscellaneous engine updates have been made to increase game stability.
• Improved performance in areas with lots of Cogs walking around, such as Cog HQs.
• Updated the SpeedChat+ whitelist with new community requests.
• Balanced Deer sound effects to blend better with other Toon Species.
• Fixed a visual bug with the Toon HQ periscope when experimental "smooth-frames" feature is activated in the config.
• Toontown Central fire hydrants now have a new default pose.
• Replaced several old trash cans with new ones marked for recycling.
• Building colors have been adjusted to reflect their appearance in Toontown Online.
• Fixed a visual bug relating to building windows.
Toon Parties
• General stability improvements related to Toon Parties.
• Fixed a server crash caused by having too many parties in your calendar history.
• Fixed an issue for Toons affected by a bug with racing trophies, causing them to have an extra or missing Laff point.
• Implement preparations for upcoming April Toons Week event.
• Silly Particles have spread around Toontown! Collect them and turn them into Doctor Surlee for jellybeans.
• Professor Prepostera has a new unlockable ToonTask with brand new gameplay! Keep your eyes peeled for his appearance.
• Samantha Spade has put on her best detective trench coat to get to the bottom of this Silly Particle mystery!
• There's more to this update than meets the eye... Good luck!
February 26, 2018 [ttr-live-v2.1.4]
• Updated engine with various stability and performance improvements.
• The time has come! Audio should no longer cause the game to crash while playing on macOS. We’ll be turning both sound effects and music back on by default, so let us know how it goes! If issues continue, please contact us at
• Minimizing the game will no longer cause a crash.
• Fixed a crash related to enabling and disabling sound effects on all platforms.
• General fixes have been made to the way Intel Integrated Graphics are handled, which should lead to greatly improved visuals on low-end machines and laptops.
• Fixed longstanding bug which caused doors to flicker black when viewed at a distance.
• Doors will no longer slightly change color when opened.
• Fixed a bug causing the Party clock to not load one of its sounds properly.
• Players should now earn the correct amount of Laff points from racing trophies.
• Fixed crashes that occurred when removing some items from the mailbox.
• Added preventative measures to combat Doodle training bots and macros. We're looking into ways to improve Doodle training to eliminate the need in the first place!
• Fixed a crash relating to Toons blinking.
• Fixed a crash relating to Cog battles.
• Fixed various crashes related to the Maze Game, Treasure Dive, and Ice Slide.
January 4, 2018 [ttr-live-v2.1.2]
• Fixed a bug where a crash could potentially occur during zone transitions.
• Fix a crash relating to deer's red noses that would prevent some users from logging in, and cause crashes when viewing certain entries on the friends list.
• Fix a couple crashes that could occur when a user left in the midst of battle, or during the victory sequence.
• Fix a rare crash related to toon heads.
• Fix certain rare crashes that would occur during the diving game and ice games.
Boss Battles
• "Phantom" jumps in the V.P. should now be fixed.
December 18, 2017 [ttr-live-2.1.0]
• Updated the game engine with various bugfixes.
• Fixed a visual bug causing a white tint when playing in full screen with some Nvidia Graphics Cards.
• Added support for 1920x1200 screen resolution.
• Implemented support for more advanced interactive walking NPCs, currently used for the Winter Holiday Snowtoons. Let us know if you like these NPCs and would like to see more like them!
• Fixed a typo when rewriting a Toon with a special color.
• Shopkeepers and HQ Officers now respond with special dialogue when attempting to turn in an incomplete ToonTask.
• Fixed a typo with Cog Building ToonTasks.
• Plan a Winter Holiday Party! Special decorations are available for a limited time.
• Fixed a server crash relating to the Tug-o-War activity.
• Fixed an issue with duplicate winter items appearing in the Cattlelog.
• Fixed a server crash relating to winter Cattlelog items.
• Fixed a longstanding bug preventing Windows users from hitting golf balls properly. Their physics-breaking shenanigans have been stopped!
Cog HQ
• Fixed a crash at the end of boss battles when eight Toons are present.
Winter Holiday Event
• It's snowing! This blizzard is set up to be Toontown's fiercest yet.
• Added new Winter Holiday music to all playgrounds.
• Implemented brand new Winter Caroling ToonTasks! These tasks phase out the old puzzle and add a brand new in-game scavenger hunt to earn your Snowman head. You can grab the task by talking to Snowman in Toontown Central.
• Added several hidden features yet to be revealed during the Twelve Days of Winter.
November 23, 2017 [ttr-live-v2.0.6]
• Fixed an issue with the Skelecog Mega-Invasion end date being incorrect in the calendar.
• Improved our "District Draining" feature, allowing us to locate Toons to a different district and perform maintenance without disrupting gameplay.
• Black Cats, Polar Bears, and ToonFest Blue Toons can now use a "Toon Rewrite" without losing their special color.
• Fixed "poofing" for Pumpkin and Snowman heads when running down the street. That'll come in handy this winter!
• Improved detection to make sure no Toons are left with a permanent Pumpkin head.
Cog HQ
• Fixed a crash related to unites, often causing a crash at the end of a CFO.
• Fixed a bug causing portions of the Sellbot Factory to disappear when in the East or West Elevator Shaft.
• "SPLATS" will now appear properly for pies thrown by other players in places such as the Sellbot V.P. Battle.
• Fixed an issue causing excessive frame rate drops when throwing pies in the Sellbot V.P. or Lawbot C.J. Battle. Let us know if you see an improvement!
• Fixed an animation error when reeling in fish.
• Slightly reduced the length of the reel animation.
• All racing trophies should now display properly in the Shtickerbook.
• Fixed a visual bug causing the shadow to be visible in the air when placing a Kart.
• Added widescreen support for the "Exit" button on a race pad.
• Fixed a district reset relating to Party Planning.
• Chat messages will no longer be cleared after a Toon-Up gag has been used. (They will, however, still be interrupted by laughs. You can't help but laugh at a good gag!)
• Fixed a district reset relating to battles.
• Fixed a bug causing Toons to receive no experience if another Toon unexpectedly disconnects in a Cog Building.
• Fixed the "500 to go" bug once and for all -- we hope! Send us an email if this issue continues to pop up in any of your battles.
October 14, 2017 [ttr-live-v2.0.5]
• Added the Laff-o-lympics prize items! These prizes are being packaged and will be delivered within the next few days.
• The smooth frames feature now works properly for exploding Cogs and the dreidel furniture item.
• Fixed several visual issues relating to transparent ground objects.
• Fixed visual issues with Pig Toons accidentally introduced in a recent update.
• Fixed improper alignment of the Scuba Tank and Seltzer Bottle backpack.
• Added a shortcut on Pajama Place to reach Cashbot HQ more quickly. Go bust those Cogs!
• Fixed a visual issue a portion of the sidewalk on Seaweed Street.
Cog HQ
• Fixed several visual and collision bugs in the Lawbot HQ boss battle.
• Introducing the Duck Tank, ToonFest's first teamwork activity! Activate the tank's target by hitting Cog dummies, and then throw as many pies as you can to dunk Cleff! A large amount of ToonFest tokens will be given to all team members based off of how quickly you can dunk him, and how many times the target was hit. You'll need friends to help!
• The Week-long Grand Finale of ToonFest starts today at 3:00PM Toontown Time (PDT)! Celebrate with Double Tokens and a Finale Fireworks display every three hours, all week long.
• The new Loco Locomotion Set is now on sale at the ToonFest tower! Grab this limited time interactive furniture item before it's gone!
• Cog dummies will now give out ToonFest tokens if you hit them enough to trigger the ToonFest tower or Duck Tank.
• Bean Bags now give out more jellybeans!
• Riggy is just a "hare" taller than he was before.
• The price of pies from the Pie Purchases stand has been lowered.
• Slightly raised the price of 1 hour Merry Multipliers to be consistent with other multipliers.
• Fixed a bug causing Merry Multipliers to display "already purchased" if a Toon logged off before the multiplier expired.
• Fixed a bug preventing ToonFest token bags from being picked up when a Toon's jellybean bank was full.
• Fixed a crash relating to Cog dummy sound effects.
• Fixed a crash caused by teleporting away while riding the ToonFest tower merry-go-round.
• Toons will now teleport away from the ToonFest area when the event ends - no update necessary!
September 19, 2017 [ttr-live-v2.0.4]
• Improved server performance to handle higher player load.
• Updated server engine with performance and stability improvements.
• Updated Deer and Crocodile sounds to blend better with other animal sound effects.
• Fixed a bug causing Toon eyes to disappear in some scenarios, such as by wearing the Dork Glasses.
• Fixed a few bugs with the game's dynamic theme song.
• Implemented "Super Safe Districts", which disallow Invasion Summoning. These districts are still susceptible to random invasions!
• Weekly events have been turned off in Safe Districts for those who want to avoid Bingo, Trolley Tracks, or the Grand Prix.
• Add a confirmation prompt when trying to teleport to Welcome Valley.
• Changed layout of district page to be more informative and less cluttered.
• Fixed a crash related to Welcome Valley.
• ToonFest 2017 is here! Head over to the event tunnel in Acorn Acres to join the party, or click on the red icon next to your friends list.
• Fixed a number of bugs left over from last year's ToonFest.
• The ToonFest tunnel will automatically open and close when the event starts and ends, allowing the event to start without an update in the future.
• Unlike last year, the doors of the ToonFest Tower are already open! You can start buying those unique items as soon as you have tokens in your jar, rather than waiting for it to unlock. Keep your eyes peeled for new ways to earn tokens as the event continues.
• Improved general stability of Toon Parties.
• Improved general stability of racing.
• The leaderboard now shows some of Goofy's personal records to try and beat, rather than an empty list when the top 10 hasn't been filled.
• Fixed a bug causing leaderboards to show an incorrect time for some records.
• Grand Prix races should now give out the proper amount of tickets.
• Improved Grand Prix bonus ticket calculation to account for disconnected racers.
• Fixed a crash caused by racers taking too long to finish a race.
• Fixed a bug causing Racing Trophies to be calculated incorrectly.
• Increased the spawn rate of Cogs in all playgrounds but Toontown Central. Give us feedback to let us know if this new spawn rate is too much, or too little!
• v2.0 or Skelecog Mega-Invasions now contain "waves" of Cogs, resulting in a different type of Cog invading every few hours.
• Fixed a bug causing Cogs to appear invisible on rare occasion during battle.
• Extend the timer of the Diving Game by 10 seconds to allow Toons to collect up to three treasures.
• Fixed a few visual bugs in Donald's Dreamland.
• Fully bloomed flowers can now be picked without an additional confirmation prompt. Pick those flowers as fast as the wind!
• Fixed a district reset related to the Cattlelog.
• Removed duplicate accessories from the Cattlelog.
September 2, 2017 [ttr-live-v2.0.3]
• Fixed a server crash caused by old Toons who were created before the "Last Seen" field was added. We're glad to have you long-timers back!
• Our internal infrastructure has received a lot of maintenance in order to handle the massive load that the v2.0 update has brought. On the down side, this load has brought about several server issues that prevent people from entering due to the amount of people trying to log in at any given time. On the bright side, this means there are a lot of people coming to play Toontown, so much that we needed to upgrade our servers in order to handle them! We will continue to work around the clock to fix any further issues that arise, and to provide you with the best gameplay experience as quickly as possible.
• Applied several potential fixes to stabilize the authentication server. Thank you so much for your patience as we work and adjust the game to handle this large capacity!
• The "Cancel" button on prompts for SpeedChat-only Districts will no longer take you to the District.
• An icon is now displayed for Safe Districts, which are protected from Mega-Invasions and other events that interrupt standard gameplay (Such as Goofy Speedway's Grand Opening Week).
• Fixed an issue causing leaderboards not to update correctly.
• Fixed an issue causing some trophies to display before they were earned.
• Patched a district reset relating to trophy calculation.
• Tickets and deposits are now properly rewarded for Grand Prix races. Sorry to those who lost their winnings!
• Patched several district resets relating to Party Planning.
• Patched a district reset caused by the Tug-o-War game.
• Fixed an issue allowing Toons to join Team Activities with more than 4 players per team.
• Patched a district reset relating to Cog Battles.
September 2, 2017 [ttr-live-2.0.1]
• Improved general stability of racing.
• Fixed incorrect calculation of Cog-o-War rewards.
• Fixed an issue causing Cog-o-War to start without any players on the other team.
• Fixed a bug causing a black screen when reaching the "Name Approved!" screen.
• Fixed a crash relating to SpeedChat-only Districts and Welcome Valley.
September 1, 2017 [ttr-live-v2.0.0]
• Toontown Rewritten has officially left Beta!
• Added new Toontown logo and branding throughout the game.
• Added new Toontown theme song.
• The opening sequence to the game has been redesigned! This will continue to be enhanced in future updates.
• The game cursor can now be modified with custom resource packs.
• Players can now manually enable an experimental feature called "smooth-frames" in their settings.json file, which will allow the game to run at a higher frame rate. This feature will be moved to the Shtickerbook after more testing!
• Resource packs can now set unique battle music for each Playground or Cog HQ. All unique Playground battle music must exist as "phase_3.5/audio/bgm/encntr__bg.ogg". For example, "encntr_ttc_bg.ogg" will use custom battle music only for Toontown Central. Cog HQ battle music should go in its respective phase folder.
• Fixed a bug where Toon's eyes would remain permanently shut.
• Over 25 new accessories have been added, including many fan favorites from Toontown Online with a new and improved appearance. These will start arriving in future issues of the Cattlelog.
• New Toon Species have come to Toontown! Go and make a Deer and Crocodile Toon TODAY!
• Toontown's Districts have been renamed! The Toon Council has come up with new district names that are easier to spell, more fun to say, and fit in perfectly with the wackiness of Toontown.
• Implemented SpeedChat-only Districts, which restrict the usage of SpeedChat+. These districts are marked with a green SpeedChat button.
• Updated district-filling algorithm to fill up Districts to a more ideal population. This algorithm also prevents SpeedChat+ players from landing in a SpeedChat-only district when possible.
• Fixed a number of glitches relating to the Shtickerbook.
• Toons can now hold all SOS cards! The Shtickerbook page and battle screen has been redesigned to allow them to be scrolled and sorted.
• Racing stats can now be seen on the "Trophy" tab of the "Racing" page to keep track of progress.
• Fixed a bug causing Toons to get stuck in their wardrobe or accessory trunk.
• Toons can now sell fish at their estate! Each estate has been supplied with a special fishing bucket with a portable hole in the bottom, which will take your fish straight to to the Pet Shop.
• We've rewritten the code for racing from the ground up! Racing previously was written very early in alpha, and had a number of problems that didn't scale well while the game was in Beta. Several of the issues fixed are listed here.
• Fixed a bug causing race timers to display negative numbers.
• Fixed a number of bugs relating to gags in Battle Races.
• Improved handling of Toon disconnects during races.
• Banana peels have a slightly smaller collision sphere.
• Implemented Goofy Speedway leaderboard. Compete to earn the fastest time of the day, week, or all time!
• The Grand Prix is here! Every Monday, you can enter a three-course racing tournament to score massive tickets.
• Winning races in the Grand Prix now count towards "total races won" trophies.
• To celebrate all of these racing improvements, Goofy Speedway is hosting a Grand Opening week for the Grand Prix! You can enter racing tournaments on any day until September 8th.
• Toon Parties are back, and better than ever! Head over to the giant party hat in any playground to plan or join a party! You can also find Party Planning tools in the "Events" section of the Shtickerbook.
• Implemented all party activities. Previously in Alpha, parties only had cannons, trampolines, and dance floors.
• Toons can now receive invitations to parties in the mail from their friends.
• When logging in and at the top of every hour, the party hat will let off a series of silly chimes to note the hour.
• Added new Toontown Rewritten songs to the Party Jukebox.
• "Toons Hit" and "Cogs Miss" SOS cards now work for the proper amount of rounds.
• Fixed a bug that would cause the "0 to go!" animation to trigger during the reward even if a Level 7 gag hadn't been used.
• Fixed a rare bug where Cogs would appear to be invisible during battle.
• Extended gag sound effects in resource packs will no longer stall battles.
Cog HQ
• Added new music for Cashbot HQ.
• Fixed a bug in Lawbot DA Offices where two laser battles could be triggered.
• Updated an incorrect prop in the Cashbot Bullion Mint which displayed cash instead of gold.
• Fixed a few bugs where Boss Cogs could still damage Toons while stunned or defeated.
• Fixed a bug where the VP stun sound effects would continue playing after unstunned.
• Fixed a bug where the CFO could become unstunned too early.
• Improved general behavior of CFO attacks.
• Toons will be alerted by Good Ol' Gil Giggles if the CEO has been fully slowed down by golf balls.
• Fixed a bug allowing Toons to walk around while the CEO is being demoted.
• Toons should no longer disappear during the Boss reward movie.
• Introducing Silly Saturdays! Every Saturday, stop by every 2 hours for Fish Bingo, Trolley Tracks, and Grand Prix events all combined into one silly day.
• Fixed a bug causing Toons to be booted out of the gag purchase screen before the timer runs out.
• Fixed a bug causing Whispering Willow and Paula Bear to send an excessive amount of whispers.
• Moved a picnic table in Acorn Acres to stop Toons from landing on it when entering.
June 12, 2017 [ttr-beta-v1.15.3]
• Tweaked client settings for improved performance. We are currently investigating an issue that drives up RAM usage on some computers.
• Fixed some of our diagnostic information to improve logging client crash reports. This will allow us to track down crashes much faster!
• Improved tools for Cast Member Toons to better serve Toontown.
• The CEO reigns no longer! Fixed a bug causing Toons to get stuck after being squished by the CEO.
• Battle Races will no longer start with less than two Toons on the starting block.
• Fixed a district crash caused by using an Anvil after all racers had already finished.
• Fixed a district crash caused by a client disconnecting unexpectedly before the Toontorial starts.
• Fixed a bug in one of the Bossbot Golf Course Mazes which subtracted Laff from Toons before the timer expired.
• Fixed a bug relating to friend management that would occasionally cause lag spikes and district crashes.
• Added additional safe districts during Mega-Invasions.
• Implemented a number of solutions to stop cheating during races in Goofy Speedway.
• Racing logic will soon be completely rewritten soon to mend some of the bugs that have been left over from Alpha, making racing more fun for everyone!
May 16, 2017 [ttr-beta-v1.15.2]
• Upgraded server engine to the latest version, which should fix many server issues that have popped up over the past few weeks. We hope that you are able to play without interruption!
• Implemented various stability and performance improvements.
• Implemented "District Draining", a feature that can seamlessly move players from one district to another in the event that a district needs to be restarted or shut down. This will allow us to perform maintenance on districts without interrupting gameplay.
• Updated an easter egg for programmers and engineers, found in phase_3.
• Fisherman Lilly is back from vacation! The pond on Maple Street is in service once again.
• Fixed a bug from the last update that would drastically drive up memory usage while playing.
• Fixed a district reset relating to Doodles.
• Fixed a district reset relating to Estates.
• Added proper collisions to a number of buildings in Toontown Central to prevent "grey area" glitches.
• Mended a few broken textures and models in Minnie's Melodyland playground.
• Corrected positioning of the lamps by the pond in Donald's Dreamland playground.
• The Clerk Clara tutorial now only plays once, even if the Toontorial Trolley ToonTask has not been turned in.
• Fixed an issue that would prevent Toons from progressing through the tutorial if they had received a Gag-Up Unite.
• Toons can no longer enter any playground building until completing the Toontorial Trolley ToonTask.
• Toons who managed to "break out" of Toontown Central to a different playground during the Toontorial can now return to Toontown Central without getting stuck. All glitches to break out of Toontown Central during the Toontorial should now be patched.
• Fixed a bug that would get Toons stuck while completing the Toontorial ToonTasks in Welcome Valley.
• Fixed a bug that completed the wrong ToonTasks when skipping the Toontorial.
• Fixed an issue that made fish shadows invisible in Daisy Gardens and Donald's Dreamland.
• Added proper collisions to the Cog Thief minigame, stopping Toons from walking through some walls.
• Fixed a few collision issues in Bossbot Cog Golf Courses to prevent Toons from skipping areas or getting stuck.
• Nametags now scale at a larger distance, allowing them to be viewed from further away.
• Winter accessory textures have been tweaked slightly for a better appearance.
• The Portable Hole is now completely rounded and no longer has pixelation around the edges.
• The CEO now attacks in a randomly scheduled order, making his attacks more fun and less predictable.
• Banquet Tables in the CEO battle now have animation and sound effects when being squished.
• Cover your ears, and feed them quick! The CEO and his Bossbots now discuss a bunch of boring business during the banquet.
April 17, 2017 [ttr-beta-v1.15.1]
• Cleaned up various code related to Doodles and Estates.
• Improved game performance by up to 25%. Some people may experience a significant FPS boost!
• Fixed a bug that would occasionally prevent Toons from buying a Doodle based on the type of name it was given.
• Eliminated a few server-sided memory leaks which would cause the game to slow down over time.
• Fixed a great number of crashes that have been reported to us since last week's Doodle update. Thank you to everyone who helped find and squash these bugs to improve the game for others!
April 10, 2017 [ttr-beta-v1.15.0]
• Doodles have arrived, and they're here to stay! Adopt a Doodle TODAY at your local Pet Shop.
• Doodles have received many performance and maintenance improvements compared to their state in Toontown Online!
• Massively rewrote Doodle movement in order to prevent server lag in popular districts.
• Fixed a visual bug on The Brrrgh's Toon HQ.
• Fixed positioning of the telescope on the Donald's Dreamland Toon HQ.
• Objects in Donald's Dreamland no longer clip with the sky when being viewed from far away.
April 3, 2017 [ttr-beta-v1.14.1]
• Added several instrumentation systems to help us better understand crashes and performance issues.
• Fixed a couple of conditions that would cause our account management server to crash and have to restart.
• Slightly improved game stability for macOS users who choose to play with audio enabled. Hang tight, we're working on a full fix!
• Fixed a crash that occurs when a Windows user clicks the "Open Folder" button in their Shticker Book.
• Fixed a crash that occurs when opening the mailbox with a gift from a Toon you are no longer friends with.
• Fixed a server crash that occurs when battling a Cog after trying to take too many Toontasks via a glitch.
• Fixed a server crash that occurs when logging out in a Cog Golf Course.
• Tweaked a few more models to reduce the amount of glitches caused by April Toons Week gravity changes.
• Improved appearance of buildings when floating in the air due to April Toons Week gravity changes.
• Toons now react at the appropriate time to a pink slip's cannon.
April 1, 2017 [ttr-beta-v1.14.0]
• Major Maintenance Upgrade! The technical team has spent several months ripping out the old code and reworking our client and server build process. This is a major upgrade that streamlines the behind-the-scenes update process, and further stabilizes the game.
• Upgraded to the latest version of Panda3D and Astron.
• We're polishing the gears and cleaning up the old pie gunk! This update introduces various performance improvements, code cleanup, and stability enhancements.
• Improved detection and moderation of non-family friendly chat.
• Fixed a number of memory leaks that hindered game performance over time.
• Fixed a bug that made doors sometimes difficult to enter.
• Prevented a method that allowed Toons to wear Cog disguises in Playground areas.
• Fixed a rare game crash in the C.F.O. boss battle.
• Golf balls now properly slow down the C.E.O. in the final round of the boss battle.
• Fixed a game crash when trying to fire a Cog before it has joined battle.
• Fixed a district crash when ordering items in the Cattlelog at a friend's Estate.
• Tweaked a number of models to reduce the amount of glitches caused by April Toons Week gravity changes.
• Improved appearance of buildings when floating in the air due to April Toons Week gravity changes.
• Adjusted the appearance of some of the winter clothing and accessory items.
• APRIL FOOLS! It's the silliest week of the year, and Toontown has gone wild! Enjoy tons of craziness throughout the week.
• The Pet Shop is open once again! Loony Labs has set up shop inside and needs your help to figure out what's going on with Toontown's silliness.
• Gadzooks! The gravity in playgrounds is going berserk!
• Meow? Woof? Oink? Toon sounds and bodies are all jumbled up as a result of April Toons Week!
• With all of this craziness in Toontown, there's no telling what other surprises are in store...
December 10, 2016 [ttr-beta-v1.13.3]
• Minor changes to various cutscenes in the Toontorial for better player experience.
• HQ Harry has an improved cutscene in the Toontorial.
• Transparency for the ToonFest glasses has slightly changed.
• Various typo fixes and dialogue improvements throughout the game.
• Fix an exploit which allowed players to create a loud sound by spamming animations or SpeedChat phrases.
• Fix a bug that prevented players from clicking Tutorial Tom's speech bubbles in the Toontorial.
• Eliminate visual stuttering for the Toontorial Flunky.
• The Toontorial Battle no longer clips with the edge of the sidewalk.
• A number of Toontorial ToonTasks now properly zoom in to the NPC.
• Fixed lack of widescreen support for the "Make a Friend" ToonTask GUI.
• Street props will now always display in Toontown Central. A previous bug made them only appear after visiting a street.
• Fix a bug causing both Toon HQ doors to display arrows in the margins
• The final battle of the CEO now plays the correct music.
• Fix a bug which caused nametags to be unclickable during the final battle of the CEO.
• Fix a bug which caused the VP to stop moving after being ran into while stunned.
December 1, 2016 [ttr-beta-v1.13.2]
• Double Days and Double Tokens -- ToonFest has been extended through the weekend to allow you to make some last minute purchases!
• Fix a number of exploits relating to the Teleport GUI.
• Graphic Options GUI now closes when the Shtickerbook is closed.
• Fix a crash when sleeping at a picnic table.
• Cannon collisions have been updated for better gameplay.
• Toon shadows now properly appear after landing from a cannon.
• Shorten Black Friday holiday whisper.
November 25, 2016 [ttr-beta-v1.13.1]
• Fix a long-standing crash with HQ Officers in Donald's Dock.
• ToonFest Cannons have been fixed for better gameplay!
• Fix capitalization on the unites SpeedChat menu.
• Fix a bug causing jerky movements when hitting a ToonFest Cog dummy.
• Fix incorrect texture being loaded for ToonFest token bags.
• Nametags now display correctly in areas with Picnic Tables.
• Fix transparency for some glasses accessories which weren't loading correctly.
• Increase ToonFest token bag amount to 20 tokens.
• Bean Bags now display how many beans or tokens have been earned when redeemed.
• The ToonFest Tower has opened its doors with brand new prizes, as well as many loved items from last year!
• Merry Multipliers are here! Head over to the booth to the right of the ToonFest tower to use your tokens on gag and promotion experience.
• Riggy Marole is here! He'll be walking around the ToonFest area to talk to Toons throughout the remainder of the event with brand new animation.
• ToonFest will close its doors for the year on December 2nd! Any features not yet released have been saved for next year's celebration.
October 28, 2016 [ttr-beta-v1.13.0 (patch)]
• Halloween is upon us! The Spooktown Curse has returned, giving Toons who get treats a little trick as well until November 1st.
• Spooky Bean Bags are scattered throughout the town. Pick one up to get a spooky spell, but beware -- the results are not always quite as sweet as candy!
• Macs now display a warning about the audio bug. A fix for this crash is in the works!
• ToonFest Fireworks now spawn correctly.
October 4, 2016 [ttr-beta-v1.13.0 (patch)]
• Server stability improvements.
• Solve a major server bug resulting in failure of friend lists, estates, and general login for some Toons.
• The Pie Purchase booth has made a debut in ToonFest! Flippy and his pie stand have packed up and left for a while.
Known Bugs:
• Some newly created Toons may be unable to visit their estate. A fix for this is in the works! We recommend emailing with your username and names of broken Toons so we can collect more information on the problem.
September 30, 2016 [ttr-beta-v1.13.0]
• ToonFest 2016 has opened its gates!• Trimmed the trees to make ToonFest a lot more spacious.
• Optimized the area for better performance.
• More activities are hidden in this update... They'll appear in ToonFest in the days to come!
• ToonFest will last until October 26th. Prizes are coming soon, so stock up on tokens!
• Cog nametags now appear exactly as they did in Disney's Toontown Online.
• Miscellaneous maintenance and bugfixes.
September 20, 2016 [ttr-beta-v1.12.1 (patch)]
• Toontown Rewritten should now work on macOS Sierra (10.12). Thank you for your patience!
July 17, 2016 [ttr-beta-v1.12.1]
• Mac and Linux versions of the game are now working again. Thank you for your patience with this engine update!
• Various code cleanup and optimization to prepare for future releases.
• Fix an engine issue when reaching the final round of the C.E.O.
• Fix a crash relating to gardening.
• Fix a crash relating to gifting.
• Fix a long-standing bug where the phone was impossible to access until moving it at your estate.
• Fix an issue with teleporting to estates from another district.
• Fix a crash in DA Offices when attempting to solve a laser puzzle.
• Fix the particle effect when receiving a new gag or gardening item.
• Fix an issue where gag trees could not be harvested.
• Improve client side performance in Bossbot HQ.
• You can now press F10 to take a screenshot that includes debug information. This is useful when sending them to our support!
Known Bugs:
• Some players may experience crashes relating to audio on Macs. As a temporary solution, disable music and sound effects in the game settings to play without issue.
• Reports have come in that golf balls aren't doing a very good job at slowing down the C.E.O. -- we suggest sticking to the tables until the issue is resolved!
July 1, 2016 [ttr-beta-v1.12.0]
• OMG!Con items have been added!
• New music has been added for DA Offices, Mints, and the final area of each Cog Golf Course.
• New music has also been added to shops in Daisy Gardens.
• New GUI options have been added so that clothing patterns and colors are separate in the Make-a-Toon and clothing shops.
• "Just for Fun!" ToonTasks can now be picked up no matter which tasks you are working on. For example, during Bossbot HQ suit part tasks.
• Every Toon now has a unique "Toon ID" listed on their detail panel. Even if Toons look similar or sport the same name, their Toon IDs will differ! You can use this to find friends, report Toons, and keep track of who's who on your friends list.
• Clicking on the new delivery button will now prompt you before taking you to your estate.
• You can now scroll through Shtickerbook pages using your mouse wheel.
• Make-a-Toon clothing has brand new colors!
• All Make-a-Toon shirts are now available for both genders. Girls can wear stripes!
• When doing Lawbot or Bossbot disguise ToonTasks, you can now get your next task by talking to Professor Flake or Shep Ahoy directly rather than going to Toon HQ first.
• Flippy has returned to behind his desk in Toon Hall! He just wanted to greet everyone at the door.
• Fix crashes relating to the Toontorial.
• The victory dance no longer plays at a slowed rate after using the "Resistance Salute" animation.
• Fix an issue where players would get stuck during a DA Office. Please let us know if you continue to experience this bug!
• MAJOR Update: We've completed some massive engine improvements to reduce crashing and increase security. We hope you find Toontown to be much more fun with the added stability!
• Various performance improvements.
May 11, 2016 [ttr-beta-v1.11.8]
• Revert a VP boss battle bugfix due to it causing an issue with the CFO. This fix will return shortly.
• Fix a crash relating to SOS card deletion.
May 7, 2016 [ttr-beta-v1.11.7]
• Various housekeeping updates.
• Fix an issue where the V.P. would unstun after running into him.
• Fix a crash when returning to the Pick-a-Toon screen after exiting or falling asleep.
• Loony Lab's lease of the Pet Shop has expired. They're empty as ever!
• SOS cards can now be deleted. In the future you'll be able to hold them all, so use the delete button carefully!
• SOS cards are now sorted by rarity.
• When using a restock gags SOS or Unite, gags will now be distributed based on your last purchase. If you didn't purchase the maximum amount of gags you can hold, they will then be randomly distributed starting with the higher gags.
• Toons Hit/Cogs Miss SOS cards now have 3, 4, and 5 star editions. The 5 star edition will last for three rounds, 4 star will last for two rounds, and 3 star will last for one round.
March 15, 2016 [ttr-beta-v1.11.4]
• Happy Pi(e) Day! Make sure you visit Flippy’s Pie Stand in Toontown Central and take some pie off his hands!
• We have a St. Patrick's Day surprise in store!
• Fixed a crash relating to Polar effect transformation.
• Fixed a bug that allowed Toons to have 101 friends (1 above the maximum).
• Fixed an issue where the Toon Rewrite button wasn’t appearing while the Toon’s name was pending review.
• Fixed a bug where C.F.O. treasures were not properly spawning when a goon was disabled.
• Miscellaneous internal fixes.
December 17, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.11.1]
• Implement events for Toontown's 12 Days of Winter 2015. We hope you like them!
• Various fixes and code improvement.
December 7, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.11.0]
• Chip ’n Dale’s MiniGolf is open to all!
• The new Laff point limit is 136.
• Added a new “Name Rewrite” item to the special area of Clarabelle's Cattlelog. Toons can now rename themselves -- but only once per year. It's better to stick with your own name, after all! (Note: You’ll have to wait until your next Cattlelog before you see this item in the Special tab.)
• Fixed a district reset caused by exiting the Mint during an obstacle course.
• Fixed an issue with players being unable to enter the maze games in the Bossbot Cog Golf Courses.
• Fixed sound volume scaling on certain objects such as the Cashbot trains and Toon sound effects.
• Various code cleanup and tool enhancements.
November 24, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.10.10]
• Fix glitches in the Cashbot Mint and Lawbot DA offices that allowed players to skip battles and puzzles.
• Fix a few visual glitches relating to Toon eyes.
• Fix an issue where nametags and shadows may disappear in Cog Golf Courses.
• It is now easier to see Toon speech during Boss Battles.
• Collisions have been slightly tweaked for better gameplay.
• Implement new means of escape! To make sure no Toon gets left behind, some obstacles now have a timer that will reveal a shortcut when it hits zero. You won't get left behind if you can't complete a puzzle, but you may lose some Laff and a few rewards.
October 25, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.10.7]
• Toontown has turned into SPOOKtown! The skies have grown dark from Jack O' Kazam's yearly curse!
• Trick or Treat Week is in full swing! From now until November 1st, you can solve the riddles to earn yourself a load of Jellybeans -- but beware the Pumpkin Head Curse.
• Jack O' Kazam has "lost" all of his Spooky Bean Bags, but can we trust him? These rare bags are scattered all over Toontown. Pick one up to receive your own Spooky Spell to share with friends, but beware -- the results are not always quite as sweet as candy!
October 20, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.10.5]
• ToonFest is gone for this year. We hope you had fun!
• Fix a few minor issues with the new "ToonFest Blue" color.
• Fix various server-side issues and code cleanup.
September 27, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.10.4]
• Party all day, and party all night -- the sun now sets on ToonFest every hour!
• The ToonFest Fireworks Finale is here! Check the blog for a schedule.
• Flippy and Fluffy have made their way into ToonFest!
• ToonFest activities now give a more balanced (INCREASED!) amount of tokens.
• Fix an issue with the Tag Game spawning Bean Bags.
• Fix crashes relating to Trampolines.
• Fix a bug allowing Toons to reach impossible heights on trampolines.
• Add a check to prevent pesky Toons from "farming" Bean Bags.
September 21, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.10.3]
• Riggy has scattered Bean Bags throughout ToonFest, an idea by Taylor -- our "Prep for ToonFest" contest winner!
• Trampolines now use ToonFest tokens rather than jellybeans.
• Add a new sound effect for ToonFest tokens.
• Increase visibility of fish shadows in the ToonFest pond.
September 21, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.10.2]
• Fix ToonFest Token conversion for fishing.
• Fix a district reset relating to ToonFest activities.
• Properly play the ToonFest theme music when logging out of the game.
September 21, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.10.1]
• Fix miscellaneous bugs relating to ToonFest.
September 19, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.10.0]
• ToonFest 2015 has opened its gates!The ToonFest Grounds have received a slight makeover.
• Confetti is falling from the tower!
• Trampolines and Cannons have been scattered throughout the area, with more activities to come.
• The ToonFest fishing pond is now the only pond in Toontown to give out ToonFest Tokens!
• ToonFest will last until October 19th, and more activities will be added throughout it. Stay TOONed!
• Toons now continue running when throwing pies.
• Miscellaneous maintenance and bugfixes.
August 21, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.9.15]
• Add missing dialogue to the end of Lord Lowden Clear's second Storm Sellbot ToonTask.
• Storm Sellbot ToonTasks can now be deleted.
• Storm Sellbot has been extended until August 30th!
• Add "That's not very Toony!" SpeedChat phrase.
• After defeating a VP in Storm Sellbot, you'll now be taken back to Sellbot HQ's Resistance Outpost.
• Five new ToonTasks have been added to Storm Sellbot -- one from each of the Resistance Rangers, and two from Lord Lowden Clear. Go see the new rewards, including Level 7 SOS cards!
August 2, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.9.10]
• Toon Resistance gag barrels in Sellbot Headquarters are now active. No need to run back to the playground during the operation!
• Rental Suits are now available. Enter the entrance to Sellbot Towers and fight the VP, even if you're a newbie!
• The Vice President is running low on Cogs for his fleet. Defeating him is easier than ever!
August 1, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.9.9]
• Fix a crash when viewing gifts from non-friend Toons.
• Fix a server crash related to Cog battles.
• Mata Hairy's unite at the end of a C.F.O. now works properly.
• Fix an issue with golf balls moving slowly in Cog Golf Courses.
• Fix a server crash relating to ToonTasks.
• Add a "cooldown" timer in the Chief Justice boss battle that displays the time until a bonus for stunning all Cogs can be earned again.
• Storm Sellbot Headquarters has almost fully arrived! Supplies have landed in Sellbot Headquarters, and will become functional once the main event starts.
July 15, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.9.8]
• Gifting has arrived! Toons are now able to send Toontastic gifts from their Cattlelog to others on their friends list.
• Loyalty items in the back of your Cattlelog are now able to be purchased by Toons who have shown their Toontown spirit long enough! Some Toons may experience "weird" timings until they receive their next cattlelog.
• The district "Pianissimo Plains" was renamed to "Pianissimo Plateau", and "Easel Acres" was renamed to "Avant Gardens".
• Fixed a bug where Laff Meters would remain above your head after going Sad in a CEO Battle.
• Fixed treasure models loading incorrectly in the CFO Battle.
• Fixed various visual glitches around town, including flicking door textures.
• Updated our engine to its latest version.
• Fixed a crash relating to the Acorn Acres picnic tables.
• Fixed a few dialogue typos.
• Various chat moderation improvements.
July 4, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.9.7]
• Add in summer fireworks for everyone to celebrate between July 4th and July 6th.
June 23, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.9.6]
• Added brand new ToonFest 2015 swag! Redeemable codes distributed at OMGcon will now work in your Shticker Book!
• Don't feel left out if you weren't able to attend, because everyone will be able to claim some of the ToonFest 2015 swag for a limited time!
• Fixed some users not being able to redeem codes for ToonFest 2014 apparel.
• Cleaned up Fish Bingo so it no longer causes a resource leak on Districts.
• Fixed an issue where spamming the Control key in the Toontown Match Game would disconnect you.
• Removed the '\x03' character from Cog names when they appear in the Invasions API.
• Expanded the capacity of the Attic such that it can hold 100 items.
• Fixed an issue where Cattlelogs would not be delivered often enough.
• Fixed the red flag on the mailbox not reacting to a new delivery.
• Fixed a glitch with the DA Office "Avoid the Skull" minigame.
• Fixed the red quit button erroneously showing on an NPC's chat bubble as another player finishes talking to them.
• Updated the SpeedChat+ whitelist.
June 2, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.9.5]
• Added the limited-time "Twelfth Topper" party hat to celebrate Toontown's 12th birthday!
• Celebrate Toontown's 12th birthday with hourly fireworks in every playground!
• Rolled back the experimental DA Office/Cog Golf Course fix.
• Turned on extra logging for Cog Golf Courses to help us diagnose the issues that some players are having.
• Various moderation tool improvements.
June 1, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.9.4]
• Fixed an occasional district reset bug caused by leaving your estate.
• Applied an experimental fix for Mint/DA Office/Cog Golf Course corruption.
• Updated our latest chat filter pass to reduce the amount of false positives.
• Tweaked the behavior of chat bubbles when choosing gags in a battle. They should now be forced to the margin.
• Cleaned up various NPC dialogue.
• Improved various moderation tools.
May 27, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.9.3]
• Fixed gardens not growing for a certain segment of players.
• Fixed a typo in the Gag Delivery SpeedChat phrase.
• Fixed our internal District Reset monitoring tool.
• Raised district caps by 100 Toons.
• Added an additional chat filter pass.
• Disabled the special SpeedChat method of teleporting to Bossbot Headquarters.
• Miscellaneous security patches.
May 18, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.9.2]
• Fixed the "walking through walls" glitch in the Sellbot Factory.
• Fixed exiting The Clubhouse out of the wrong door.
• Fixed M.A.P.S. breaking after entering a building.
• Fixed the gears in Bossbot Headquarters not spinning after reentering the area.
• Revised the CEO battle cutscenes.
• Added randomly spouting geysers to the Oil Moat when in The Clubhouse.
• Made the SpeedChat menu automatically load when you first enter Toontown.
• Added a "Cog Golf Course" SpeedChat menu for use in CGCs.
• Increased the timer length at the end of a CGC to forty seconds.
May 10, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.9.1]
• Activate the tunnel between Chip n' Dale's Minigolf and Bossbot Headquarters.
• You will now rotate if you jump on the spinning gears near the BBHQ Oil Fountain. Watch out for the Cog's sticky oil, though!
• Lowered Laff requirements for the Middle Six and Back Nine.
• Reduced the number of Cogs roaming the Bossbot Courtyard.
• Lowered the maximum number of Toons in a District at once for more diversity.
• Added minor graphical improvements to Bossbot HQ.
• Version 2.0 status is now displayed in the Battle GUI.
• Added a 4K resolution option to the Shtiker Book!
• Add sound effects to Bossbot Headquarters.
• Mata Hairy and Good Ol' Gil Giggles now have their proper look.
• Fix the incorrect message being displayed to Toons who try to enter the CEO Lobby without their Bossbot Cog Disguise.
• Fix misaligned "Executive Office Tower" sign.
• Fix the Oil Fountain not causing damage to Toons who jump in it.
• Experimental fix for Cog Golf Course/District Attorney's Office/Cashbot Mint crashes.
• Fix a bug where Bossbot Headquarters would remain loaded even after a Toon has left.
• Fix a crash relating to the Acorn Acres picnic/game tables.
May 3, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.9.0]
• Bossbot Headquarters has been discovered! (as well as completely overhauled by our art team!)
• Cogs now roam Bossbot HQ.
• Catch object data mismatches in the DA Offices.
• Fix getting stuck talking to an NPC when another Toon talks to the NPC at the same time.
• Improve chat filtering.
• Security updates.
April 19, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.8.12]
• Fix a district reset caused by gardens that are over 127 days old.
• Server-side logging improvements.
• Move all Sellbot Headquarters spawn points out of the path of the Cogs.
April 14, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.8.11]
• Improve backend features and stability.
• Fix various crashes occasionally encountered when entering doors.
• Fix a district reset relating to code redemption.
• Implement the 16th amendment.
April 11, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.8.10]
• Fix a crash that occurred when many people enter a Cog HQ door at once
• Fix another type of door crash
• Teleport access to a Cog HQ is now granted after earning a promotion from Level 12 to Level 13. If your suit is currently between Level 12 and 49, you will be granted teleport access after your next boss battle.
• At the request of many, all accessories can now be worn by all Toons!
• The Mystery Tunnel has reappeared! Apparently BBQHQ ran out of sauce...
April 5, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.8.9]
• Severe gravitational mishaps have been spotted in Toontown Central, Barbecue HQ, and other places around Toontown!
• Randomized Toon Effects now only affect Toons when they are in the Playground.
April 1, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.8.8]
• Released BBQHQ and C.H.E.F. banquet.
March 28, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.8.6]
• Fix an exploit that could cause a district reset.
• Fix a district reset relating to racing.
• Fix a crash when clicking the "Settings" button on the Chatless Dialog.
• Toons can now go Chatless by changing settings on the Account section of the Toontown Rewritten website.
• SpeedChat has been tweaked a bit with better placement and new phrases. Try it out, and let us know what other changes you want!
March 20, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.8.5]
• Double Bean Days are here! All jellybeans earned on the trolley will be doubled until Sunday at midnight Toontown Time.
• Added new abilities to our moderation backend.
• Modify how SpeedChat+ messages are sent. This should fix the 'Ignore' feature not working.
March 16, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.8.4]
• Server engine update
• We rewrote our Garden Growth code. Let us know how well it works for you!
March 14, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.8.3]
• Server Engine Update! We've included some experimental major server stability improvements to test out throughout the weekend.
• Fix an exploit where Toons could receive unreleased "special" animations -- don't worry, they are being released soon!
• Fix a crash related to furniture.
• Fix Bingo card placement.
• Potentially fix garden growth for some players. Bear with us as we continue to investigate this issue.
• Clothing stores now accept Jellybeans once again.
March 6, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.8.2]
• Cogs now properly open and close Cog HQ doors when walking through them.
• Fix a crash relating to Tug-of-War.
• Fix incorrect textures for the O'Skirt and O'Shorts.
• The Chief Justice cutscene has received a Toon-up. Let us know what you think!
• Toons can now exit a Fishing dock by pressing the "escape" key.
• The whitelist has been updated once again with new words.
February 14, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.8.1]
• Cog HQ Factories now give the proper amount of Gag XP.
• Fix a bug where population values on the district page wouldn't update.
• Fix a bug where the Cog Level GUI would show incorrect Cogs.
• Fix a crash in the Toontorial relating to invasions.
• Fix a district reset relating to picnic tables.
• The "Bronze" color is now known as "Apricot."
• Slightly improve positioning of winter accessories.
• You can now click on your current district to view population and invasion status as well.
• Cog HQ Bosses will no longer unstun when a Toon bumps into them.
• Due to popular demand, winter accessories are back for a limited time in the Cattlelog!
February 14, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.8.1]
• Cog HQ Factories now give the proper amount of Gag XP.
• Fix a bug where population values on the district page wouldn't update.
• Fix a bug where the Cog Level GUI would show incorrect Cogs.
• Fix a crash in the Toontorial relating to invasions.
• Fix a district reset relating to picnic tables.
• The "Bronze" color is now known as "Apricot."
• Slightly improve positioning of winter accessories.
• You can now click on your current district to view population and invasion status as well.
• Cog HQ Bosses will no longer unstun when a Toon bumps into them.
• Due to popular demand, winter accessories are back for a limited time in the Cattlelog!
February 1, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.8.0]
• Major Update: Our server engine has been updated! Long awaited bug-fixes, optimizations, and more have been applied to the server. We're in progress of overhauling our deployment system - expect more improvements to come.
• A long-time knockback bug, present since the beginning of Toontown Online, has now been fixed! Damage bonuses should be properly applied.
• Fix a few typos and odd phrasing in various places, as suggested by the community.
• Various performance and crash fixes.
• The rarity of fish has been slightly decreased, making fishing less of a chore while still challenging for veteran players.
* The animation when planting and watering flowers has been made faster.
• Cog HQ factories and bosses now receive a constant experience bonus regardless of an invasion, due to their increased difficulty. Invasion bonuses remain the same on streets and buildings.
• Toons now receive 2 SOS cards from a VP.
• Invasion summon amounts have been increased and now have varying amounts, resulting anywhere between 3,000 and 10,000 Cogs.
• The battle camera now adjusts to the height of the tallest Cog.
• Cog merit counts are now shown on the inventory page by pressing the "Home" hotkey.
• The whitelist has been updated once more with new words.
• More wacky, silly, and popular names have been added to the Pick-a-Name.
• Toontown has received 10 New Toon Colors for the very first time: Rose Pink, Ice Blue, Mint Green, Emerald, Teal, Bronze, Amber, Crimson, Dark Green, and Steel Blue. Go make a New Toon today!
• Toons now receive teleport access to Cog HQs upon reaching Level 50. If you're already Level 50, you'll have to defeat the boss one more time so the Toon Council can award it to you!
• If the building you need to visit for a ToonTask is a Cog Building, it will display in grey on the Street M.A.P.S.
• Once your Cog Radar is completed, Cog Buildings for that suit type will appear on the Street M.A.P.S.
• When dancing, the panel will now show if you have received bonus experience from the battle.
• Add an optional "Show Cog Levels" button to the Battle GUI, to display the opponent's level and health status.
• The district page has been redesigned! Population and invasion status is shown by clicking on a specific district.
• Toons can now purchase a "Rewrite Toon" item every 6 months to change their color or size for 10,000 beans. NOTE: Black cats and Polar bears will lose their effect by using this item!
January 15, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.7.17]
• Major Update! We've rewritten major parts of the code to give an immense performance boost to our servers. This will be continued further in the next update, so keep your eyes peeled for smooth performance on the horizon.
• Fix the estate phone animation occasionally not working.
• Miscellaneous bugfixes.
January 3, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.7.15]
Launcher (Windows and Linux):
• Major Update! - v1.2.0
• Greatly improve look and performance of the launcher.
• Fix a crash on some machines when Two-Step Login is enabled.
• Recent news is now displayed on Doctor Surlee's chalkboard.
• Cleanup for Estate Furniture Manager.
• Fix an issue where items couldn't be deleted from the attic at estates.
• Estate windows now work properly.
• The mailbox now shows an error if your attic, closet, or accessory trunk is too full.
• Toontown Rewritten is now available on all major Linux distributions!
December 30, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.7.14]
• Fix a crash relating to fireworks.
December 30, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.7.12]
• Fixed an issue with the incorrect throw type being used in boss battles after using a special throw item.
• Fix an issue with gardening causing server instability.
• Fix a glitch where Toons could set their name to nothing.
• Special throw items (Pies, snowballs) can no longer be carried into boss battles. You'll blow our cover!
• The Winter Holiday is over for this year. We hope we made your holiday a little more cheerful!
• New Years festivities have begun! Fireworks will go off in every playground every hour until 11:59PM Toontown Time on January 2nd.
December 24, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.7.10]
• Clothing, furniture, and accessories are no longer deleted from the mailbox if your closet/attic/trunk is full.
• Further implement 12 days of winter events. Have you noticed the sudden spike in Polar Bears lately? I wonder what Doctor Surlee is up to on Toontorial Street...
December 22, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.7.9]
• A blanket of snow has covered Toontown!
December 21, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.7.8]
• Engine update for Mac OSX. Mac support is restored!
• Greatly improve framerate and performance on OSX.
• Fix a bug on OSX where one would have to "Force Quit" the game to close.
• Fix a district reset relating to code redemption.
• Update winter Pick-a-Toon to be better quality.
• Add a bunch of new winter clothing. Keep an eye out for it in the Cattlelog for the remainder of winter, as well as the years to come!
December 20, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.7.7]
• Further implement events for Toontown's Twelve Days of Winter. Keep an eye on the blog for new content!
• OS X users can now play Toontown again!
December 20, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.7.6]
• Further improve server stability after the exploit fix.
December 19, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.7.5]
• Cleanup for gardening.
• Improve logic for playground Toon-Ups.
• Improve client logging.
• Potentially fix an issue with certain gardens not growing.
• Fix a rare issue with estates not loading correctly.
• Fix an exploit where client-to-client Battle SOS whispers could be sent to all players in a zone.
• Fix an exploit where custom whispers could be sent to all players in a zone.
• Custom clients from other servers can no longer be connected to Toontown Rewritten.
NOTE: Toontown for OSX won't work in this version of Toontown Rewritten. Sorry for the issue, folks, but we need to fix a few things! We'll get it back to you as soon as possible. In the meantime, we recommend running it via Bootcamp, Wine, or another machine with Windows installed.
December 17, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.7.4]
• Fix Cog HQ Elevators
• Fix throwing Evidence in the CJ
December 16, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.7.3]
• Fix a crash relating to the friend manager.
• Fix a bug where gardening laff boosts would disappear after logging out. (They've been restored!)
• Fix the "Last Seen" field on the Toon Detail Panel to display the proper date.
• Add a holiday look and theme song to the Pick-a-Toon.
• The Twelve Days of Toontown has begun! Check the blog every day for new events leading up to the most festive finale yet.
December 11, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.7.2]
• Flowers and Trees now grow at 12AM Toontown Time, rather than 10PM Toontown Time.
• Fix an occasional district reset with gardening when earning a Laff boost. We'll restore that Laff point for those who lost it in a later update!
• Fix a bug where some item codes were falsely expired.
• Fix a district reset relating to gardening growth time.
• Potentially fix a bug where the angry animation could be spammed heard very loud and repeatedly.
• Selling Flowers now gives you twice as many beans as it took to plant them. Enjoy the bonus!
• Implement rental items.
• Add 48 Hours of Cannons to the Cattlelog.
• Add a brand-new item: 48 Hours of Game Tables!
December 6, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.7.1]
• Improve server-side maintenance and caching of Gardens to reduce district load.
• Fix a bug relating to Gardening trophies.
• Fix a bug where loading would hang for far too long during teleportation.
December 6, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.7.0]
• Major Update! Rewrite the server-sided friends system for fixes and improved performance.
• Rewrite zone loading to be cleaner.
• Add new words to the whitelist. Tell us your suggestions!
• Add support for non-ToonFest code redemption.
• Fix an issue where friend lists would occasionally appear empty, or with some friends missing.
• Fix "The" being repeated twice in Invasion messages.
• Fix a district reset relating to winter Cattlelog Items.
• Wallpapers and floors can now be properly customized.
• Fix a crash on streets related to using certain gags.
• Fix a crash in Cog areas when hitting "F2".
• Toons now receive a whisper when a building they have rescued is taken over by the Cogs again.
• Fix a crash when entering an area with cog battles in progress.
• Gardening Kits can now be purchased from the Cattlelog.
• Implement organic gags.
• Implement statue decorations.
November 28, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.6.14]
• Tweaks to significantly improve server performance.
• Clean up backend Toon management tools.
• Throw in a minor Whitelist update.
• Fix a rare district reset related to zones.
• Fix a bug where shopkeepers would appear near the door, rather than at their desks.
• Don't show "Unknown" holidays on the calendar. They're seeeeeecret!
• Add Clarabelle's Black Friday Sale to the calendar.
November 27, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.6.13]
• Automate the process of restoring deleted Toons.
• Reduce the frequency of crashing when entering buildings. (We're working on a bigger fix!)
• Clarabelle will be offering a special Black Friday promotion until next Friday!
November 26, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.6.12]
• Enable Doctor Surlee's "Toon-Rewritinfo" debug, courtesy of The Two.
November 25, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.6.11]
• Fix a typo in the Checkers game.
• Fix uncooperative treasures in the CFO.
• Fix a crash caused when non-ASCII characters were entered into the chat.
• Fix NPC nametags not always showing up.
• Fix a major bug where teleportation to a friend on a street would often fail.
November 23, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.6.10]
• Clean up old Holidays on the calendar.
• Fix a District Reset related to invasions.
November 21, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.6.9]
• Major code cleanup for Estates and Holidays.
• Improve server-side performance.
• Fix a bug where only 4 items could be ordered from Clarabelle's Cattlelog.
• Fix texture for the Tiara accessory.
• Fix a district reset related to the Toontorial.
• Fix a district reset related to zones.
• Fix a crash when spectating a Checkers game.
• Emote whispers are now shown in orange action whispers (For picnic tables currently) are still shown in purple.
• Implement Mega-Invasions. Skelecogs have taken over Toontown!
November 6, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.6.8]
• Temporarily revert server-sided engine update to fix bugs we've seen over the past few days.
• Code cleanup for Nametags.
• Nametags are now properly hidden on "trolley-bot" Cogs.
• Greatly improve accuracy of whisper and nametag clicking.
• Fix a crash relating to Cog Buildings on streets.
• Fix a bug where a new Toon could get stuck on the Trolley if they didn't earn any beans.
• Fix a bug where Trolley Tracks wouldn't count towards the "Ride the Trolley" ToonTask.
• When buying from the Cattlelog, beans are now taken from the Jellybean Bank rather than the Jellybean Jar.
• Implement "Welcome Valley" district.
November 2, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.6.7]
• Experimental server-sided engine update. Let us know if you see any oddities.
• Fix an issue with Toons being unable to remove accessories.
• Fix a typo in ToonTask dialogue.
• FIx the Cattlelog hangup button not being visible on smaller screen sizes.
October 29, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.6.6]
• Cleanup for Accessories.
• Fix a common crash on streets relating to elevators.
• Fix a crash when visiting the Golf Zone in Acorn Acres.
• Bloodsuckers have invaded Toontown with a Mega-Invasion!
• Due to popular demand, Pumpkin Heads will now stick around until the end of Trick or Treat week. This will happen with future event effects as well.
October 28, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.6.5]
• Fix a Jellybean exploit with Trick-or-Treating.
October 25, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.6.4]
• Implement the Holiday Manager for better event management. Get ready for a lot more events coming up soon!
• Add some spooky new decorations for Halloween.
• Trolley Tracks is back! Hop on the Trolley every Thursday for some Minigame fun.
• Bingo Wednesdays has also returned!
• Things are getting dark in Toontown... Is Jack O' Kazam's curse real?
• Grab some friends and solve the riddle to earn Jellybeans by Trick-or-Treating at six secret shops, but beware the Pumpkin Headed Curse!
October 23, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.6.3]
• Fix a server-sided engine issue
• Fix an issue where the mailbox would be accidentally cleared if the Toon had extra Accessory Trunks.
October 22, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.6.2]
• Major Accessories and Closet cleanup
• Fix a district reset relating to accessories
• Fix a bug where some Toons received too many Trunks in the mail
• Properly set accessories when logging back into the game
October 18, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.6.0]
• Improve chat logging
• Code cleanup for doors to improve performance and fix a few bugs
• Introduce a major server-sided engine update
• Fix a handful of major client crashes. You should notice a big improvement!
• Fix a server-sided memory leak relating to estates
• Accessories have arrived! Every Toon will receive a trunk in their mailbox after stopping by their house.
• Redo the art direction of accessories to improve the look and quality of many of them. Let us know what you think!
• Add two new Halloween Costumes: A Witch and a Jester!
October 10, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.5.15]
• Fix an issue with some Toons getting stuck on "Just for Fun!" ToonTasks.
• Double Experience Weekend now properly affects Cog Buildings.
October 10, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.5.14]
• Double Experience Weekend now affects invasions as well.
October 10, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.5.13]
• Engine update! You'll notice some significant performance improvements, along with a few other neat features.
• Patch up a major bug that would cause stuttering and freezing when a Toon is loaded into an area.
• Fix a few issues with the Laff corrector.
• Double Experience Weekend has begun!
• The Resistance Salute is now available by helping out a certain Whispering Willow in Donald's Dreamland...
• Abominable SnowToons have been spotted in the Brrrgh! I wonder if it has anything to do with that Polar Bear on Polar Place...
October 9, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.5.12]
• Turn on the experimental Laff corrector, a system used to prevent bugs and exploits relating to Laff points. Let us know if you have any oddities!
• Fix Toons that were missing a Laff point from fishing at the beginning of Beta.
• Fix Toons who received extra laff points via a now-patched racing exploit.
October 5, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.5.11]
• Implement some significant server-side performance improvements
• Fix a racing trophy bug causing some Toons to gain improper amounts of Laff. Don't worry, we fixed you up!
• Fix a mess of issues causing lag and database errors
October 5, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.5.10]
• Fix a district reset
October 3, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.5.9]
• Engine update! We've fixed a few bugs and improved performance further.
• Fix mismatched textures for Halloween clothing
• Fix an occasional crash when clicking on the Cattlelog button
• Tutorial Tom's chat bubble is no longer cut out of the screen in the Toontorial
• Tutorial Tom's legs are no longer missing after the Flunky battle
• Toons can no longer take over Shep Ahoy's shop with a Cog Building summons (ToonTask buildings aren't supposed to be able to be taken over by Toons!)
• Swap out a few Cattlelog SpeedChat phrases which are no longer required to be purchased
• Add a fishing pond to Acorn Acres, watched over by Fisherman Nutty.
• By popular demand, bring back the ToonFest game tables! They're scattered through Acorn Acres.
September 28, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.5.8]
• Fix a bug where new Toons would get stuck if they teleported out of Toontown Central before finishing the Trolley task.
• Allow teleport access to Chip and Dale's Acorn Acres.
• Close up ToonFest until next time. See you next year!
September 26, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.5.7]
• Fix a crash with Find Four
• Convince Alec Tinn to get over his fear of heights to run the balloon
• Launch the ToonFest Finale Fireworks!
September 22, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.5.6]
• Refactor the friends list to increase stability
• Rewrite estate loading for performance and stability
• Fix a district reset relating to fishing
• Prevent a crash relating to missing friend lists
September 21, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.5.5]
• Fix a district reset relating to Estates
• Fix an occasional server crash when winning Chinese Checkers
September 21, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.5.4]
• Fix a bunch of miscellaneous district resets and crashes
• Potentially correct an auth server issue relating to friends
September 20, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.5.3]
• Fix district resets relating to ToonFest
• Give Fluffy his original look from Toontown Online
September 20, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.5.2]
• Toons are now put into the district with the lowest population upon login, rather than trying to fill up existing districts.
• Fix a handful of reported ToonFest crashes
September 20, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.5.1]
• Engine Update: Further improve client performance
• Fix the new clothing items to go with their proper pairs
• Fix fonts being wonky on the new engine
September 19, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.5.0]
• Engine Update:• Significantly improve client performance
• Implement multithreading support
• Fix a bug where music would turn back on after leaving an area despite being turned off in settings
• Implement ToonFest 2014!• Open tunnel in Acorn Acres
• Implement Picnic Tables & Games
• Bring back a bunch of fun activities from the past
• ...And a whole lot more!
September 12, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.4.4]
• Fix Ice Game crashes
• Fix a Racing Crash
• Fix a rare Racing District Reset
• Fix a slightly-less rare Racing District Reset
• Fix crashes in the DA's Office or the Cashbot Mint
September 12, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.4.3]
• Fix "Connection Hiccups" occurring at an unreasonable rate
September 12, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.4.2]
• Tweak Invasion probabilities
• Code cleanup
• SSL cleanup
August 17, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.4.1]
• Overall code cleanup.
• Fix a glitch allowing Toons to be invisible outside of their estate.
• Fix a crash when walking up to a Knock-knock Door.
• Fix an exploit allowing locked animations to be purchased.
• Prevent a server crash relating to house decoration.
• Use the proper font for Cog Boss speech.
• Correct a few typos in ToonTask dialogue and Cog speech.
• Decrease initial scale of the phone.
• Interactable items (Phone, Bean Bank, etc.) can now be placed in the attic.
• Change the default bank name to "Jellybean Bank" -- 1000 Bean Banks are no longer used as per a Disney update.
August 12, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.4.0]
• Major code cleanup for estates.
• Add a few sanity checks to prevent Toon DNA exploiting.
• Mailboxes no longer spawn in front of vacant houses.
• Furniture items can now be properly deleted
• Jellybean Banks can now hold 15,000 Jellybeans.
• Clarabelle now has her own studio, rather than a grey area.
• Clarabelle Cow can speak! We've given Clarabelle some new voice recordings, courtesy of Jacob Eiseman.
• Estates have been redesigned! You'll find an all-new layout upon entering your home.
• Bean Banks and Wardrobes are in stock! Any clothes or beans that you have saved up will already be in there, free of charge.
• Toons can now buy different nametag fonts and custom SpeedChat phrases.
• Clarabelle has finally gotten her phone-in furniture service afoot, and has given all Toons a free phone to start it off! Give her a call to order furniture, wallpaper, clothes, and more!
August 9, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.3.17]
• Improve texture reloading
• Improve Toon DNA sanity checks to prevent certain exploits
• Fix a handful of issues with Toon Estates:• Get rid of grey markings alongside the path
• Shadows now appear properly when standing on a river tunnel
• The tunnel at the end of the river will no longer cause odd control issues
• Improve geometry in the river tunnel to look more natural and cut off the grey
• Fix an authentication server crash relating to new safety features
• Fix a server crash causing chunks of Toons to experience random disconnection messages
August 6, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.3.16]
• Whitelist and moderation update
• Put an end to a major reoccurring issue where Toons would create "ghosts" when disconnecting uncleanly
• Resize the reward screen to fit all elements
• Fix typos in Toontown Central's task line
• Improve reward screen experience length
• Make Beta Key ToonTasks more common
• Clean up the PlayLine and fix an issue causing occasional line resets
August 2, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.3.15]
• Patch up an exploit relating to packet manipulation
• Code cleanup and optimizations for SpeedChat+
• Implement experimental smart moderation tools to improve the safety and ease of use of SpeedChat+
• Fix a bug where Toons would be falsely disconnected from the game
• Correct a typo with Bloodsucker taunts
• Repaint the Daisy Garden's HQ to its proper color
• Fix geometry and texture map on Cashbot HQ cash registers
• Improve Blue Magnet texture
July 31, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.3.11]
• Raise district population limits
• Fix butterflies and the giant flower not appearing in Daisy Gardens
• Clothing Tickets can now be properly redeemed at a Tailor in addition to buying with Jellybeans
• Fix a bug introduced in the last update which would falsely report that someone has logged onto your account
• Using "Shuffle Colors" in the Make-a-Toon will now shuffle all body colors, rather than a single solid color
• Toon HQ has been stocked up with 500 new Beta Key ToonTasks!
• You can now view when a friend was last online using the Toon Detail Panel
July 31, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.3.11]
• Raise district population limits
• Fix butterflies and the giant flower not appearing in Daisy Gardens
• Clothing Tickets can now be properly redeemed at a Tailor in addition to buying with Jellybeans
• Fix a bug introduced in the last update which would falsely report that someone has logged onto your account
• Using "Shuffle Colors" in the Make-a-Toon will now shuffle all body colors, rather than a single solid color
• Toon HQ has been stocked up with 500 new Beta Key ToonTasks!
• You can now view when a friend was last online using the Toon Detail Panel
July 26, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.3.10]
• Add SSL support between the client and server connection
• Fix a memory leak in the database server
• Various stability and performance improvements
• Fix a district reset relating to an unimplemented feature.
• Implement a task to check if a Toon is "ghosting", which creates issues when a Toon disconnects uncleanly. This is a preemptive measure until the main issue is fixed.
• Howdy!
July 22, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.3.9]
• Add a sanity check to keep track of Districts in case of freezing
• Improve Cog path-finding algorithm to be more efficient
• Major all-around code cleanup
• Raise the max amount of experience points per battle to 300 (Previously 200)
July 19, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.3.8]
• Increase the amount of Toons that can be in a district
• Add all Pick-a-Name combinations to the whitelist
• Add a handful of community-suggested words to the whitelist (1,914 new words!)
• Fix a crash relating to Cog building elevators
• Fix a crash when using SpeedChat in Trolley Games
• Increase the rate of discovering key tasks to help out Double Access Players
• Patch up an exploit found in the teleportation system created by Doctor Surlee
July 13, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.3.7]
• Fix a server-side memory leak that had been impacting game performance
• Fix grammar on Mr. Hollywood taunts
July 12, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.3.6]
• Fix a server crash relating to an experimental anti-exploit system currently in testing
July 12, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.3.5]
• Fix a few issues with update deployment
• Fix a server crash relating to the Cog Path Planner
• Prevent Popsicles from causing a server meltdown by melting improperly after someone leaves their estate
July 11, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.3.4]
• Major cleanup for the Treasure Dive minigame
• Fix a "white screen" bug after using the snapshot key
• Improve snapshots so that the flash effect won't interfere when taking multiple pictures
• v2.0 and Skelecog Invasions no longer affect the Cogs in Cog HQs
• Correct a visual issue with the Shtickerbook when fireworks start
• Fix an issue where Toons would occasionally gain Laff Points outside of Playgrounds
• Refactor Treasure Dive's logic to fix a few crashes, prevent false-positive logs, and correct an issue where Toons would be unable to throw treasures after touching a crab and chest at once
• Estates now have Popsicle treasures that restore 2 Laff Points
July 6, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.3.3]
• Code cleanup for the holiday manager
• Potentially fix an issue where no "Just for Fun" tasks are assigned after completing all story quests
• Release an additional 600 Beta Key ToonTasks. Go get 'em!
• Probabilities of finding a Beta Key ToonTask have been lowered to make sure everyone gets a fair chance of finding one.
• Toons who have already completed a Beta Key ToonTask can now receive another. Each account can hold up to 3 Beta Keys.
July 5, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.3.1]
• Improve racing code to prevent exploits
• Experimental: Turn on anti-aliasing by default
• Reduce logging of Cog pathfinding
• Implement Official Invasion API. In the future, the API will only show detailed stats for toon-summoned invasions. We never know when those baddies will attack! Due to the limited amount of invasions, it currently shows random invasions as well.
• Prevent a crash when using Shift+F1 in a Cog HQ Interior area
• Fix a bug where all DA Office elevators would lead to Office A
• Prevent a rare crash when loading Shtickerbook settings
• Fix an OSX crash that would commonly occur during boss battles
• Big Magnets are now blue to match their icon
• Tweak random invasion probabilities and length based on community feedback
• Improve Firework shows with the "new" Firework system. Toontown Online originally changed the fireworks to a new type at some point in its lifetime. The old system was previously used on Toontown Rewritten due to an engine incompatibility, which has since been fixed. Enjoy the better looking Fireworks!
• The Legal Eagles aren't too happy with throwing explosions into their airspace. Legal Eagle Mega-Invasions have begun!
July 5, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.3.2]
• Various server stability enhancements.
• Add 800 new words to the Whitelist. Thanks for the suggestions!
• Custom resources now only loads textures and sounds to prevent cheating by editing/removing models.
• Disable Experimental anti-aliasing by default due to graphics card incompatibilities. For those who want to continue helping us test out this experimental feature, you can turn it on again by modifying "settings.json" in your Toontown Rewritten folder.
• General PlayLine stability improvements.
• PlayTime and PlayLine slots have been increased to 45 Toons.
• PlayTime slots are now released every 3 hours, rather than every 24 hours. If you miss one set, wait 3 hours and grab another!
June 27, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.3.0]
• Fix a crash relating to Toon T.A.G.S.
• Fix a bug where the DA office door would require a Cog Disguise to get out
• Spawn jury chairs before the elevator opens in the C.J. Battle to prevent a visual glitch
• Add visual Laff Meters to the final round of all boss battles
• Add an animation when Cogs are stunned in the C.J. Battle.
• Build a tunnel to the player-discovered Lawbot HQ
• Implement the Lawbot DA Offices and Chief Justice battle
June 26, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.2.10]
• Code cleanup and improvements for Toon T.A.G.S.
• Backend administration updates
• Update click region of whispers to be more reliable
• Show the correct color for Animation whispers
• Add widescreen support for the Cog Gallery page
• Potential fix for "ghosts" that appear when players disconnect uncleanly
• Improve the animation of "Fountain Pen" and "Fill with Lead" attacks
• Improve animation and camera position for the "Train" trap gag
• Improve teleportation animation so that shadows and nametags aren't left behind after teleporting
• Discover Doctor Surlee's teleportation bypasses
June 22, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.2.8]
• Emergency fix for a fishing bug that would cause a district reset
June 22, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.2.7]
• Overall performance and stability enhancements
• Properly fix a server crash relating to friends
• Fix a server crash when buying clothes from Tailors
• Fix doors on the Donald's Dreamland Toon HQ
• Correct a grammatical error on the Sellbot HQ ToonTask
• Improve TNT throwing animation
• Re-enabled tailors
• Toon T.A.G.S. have received an update!
• Whispers can now be clicked on to reply to the message
• Added widescreen support for margins (In the future, margins will be calculated based on how many pixels are shown. Right now they are at a fixed amount.)
June 17, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.2.6]
• Fix a rare issue where Toon Names would get lost in the pipes and never reviewed
• Improve security to disallow modified or hacked clients from being able to connect to the game directly through the source code
• Allow more treasures to be spawned in Playgrounds to fit the rising player amount
June 16, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.2.5]
• Improve the collisions of small goons in the CFO
• Fix a glitch with boarding groups which could be abused to trap toons in an elevator
• Patch up a few server-side memory leaks
• Prevent a district reset caused by the Toontorial
• Fix a server-side crash related to Friends
• Fix a long-standing bug where Toons would have trouble teleporting to their friends on the street
June 13, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.2.4]
• Major whitelist update taken from MMO Central's Whitelist suggestion thread. Thanks guys!
• Whispers and nametags no longer overlap the friends list
• Fix a crash relating to Street Maps
• Potentially fix a crash with Ice Slide
• Fix a server crash relating to friends
• Stop sending PlayTime whispers if a player redeems a beta key
• "New Toon" tasks now properly keep track of the amount of new players in battle
• Improve Whisper GUI with long names
• Improve animations and GUI on Treasure Dive
• Girl dogs now have properly placed eyelashes. Thanks Toonblr!
• Adjust transparency on the Portable Hole to be a perfect circle
• Cats can now head over to the Toon Hall for a coat of black fur (or paint?) from Flippy! Be careful - that stuff is permanent!
June 10, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.2.3]
• Fix a major common crash relating to "SfxPlayer"
• Fix an occasional crash when entering buildings
• Rewrite major portions of golf to fix physics issues among other bugs
• Open up Chip and Dale's Minigolf to all toons
• Make key tasks slightly more common to find
June 9, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.2.2]
• Fixed a client crash related to networking
• Return Toons to their idle animation after using the 'drinking' animation
June 9, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.2.1]
• Another big Whitelist update. Keep giving us words to add so we can make chatting easier for everyone!
• Fix a server crash relating to friends when deleting a toon
• Prevent a handful of nasty crashes relating to bad field updates
• Fix a typo in certain disconnection messages
• Modernize dialogue for a few shopkeepers in Toontown Central
• Toon HQ has passed out 190 more beta key tasks!
• Fix an issue with upgrading existing accounts with Beta Keys
• Change PlayLine timeout time from 5 minutes to 15 minutes
• Change PlayLine refresh rate from 45 seconds to 2 minutes
• Many stability and performance improvements with the Semi-Open Beta system. Thanks for giving us feedback!
June 5, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.2.0]
• Add more words to the Whitelist relating to Semi-Open Beta
• Other player's whispers are no longer logged. No more spying!
• Fix an issue where occasionally a whisper would appear to send to the wrong person ("AnotherToon is sleeping")
• The Toon Resistance, with the help of Doctor Surlee and Whispering Willow, have discovered Cashbot HQ!
• Toons can now complete ToonTasks through Cashbot HQ
• The C.F.O. can now be battled in the Cashbot vault
• Add a better layout for PlayTime and PlayLine pages
• Fixed an occasional bug with the PlayLine where it would put you back at 30 minutes after hitting 0
• Add more sanity checks and improvements to prevent spots in line being reset on unstable connections
• Numerous bugfixes and improvements to the PlayLine to hopefully ensure stability for those having problems.
Once the problems are confirmed to have stabilized, we'll be able to open up more slots for people to get in and speed up the wait time. PlayLine and PlayTime are still very experimental, so thanks for sticking with us as we improve them!
May 31, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.1.8]
• Patch up an issue relating to furniture which caused a severe memory leak, leading to server lag
• Low-tier NPCs (Field Offices) are no longer taken to the VP's cage
• Fix collisions on the VP's cage when trying to reach pies
• Mac OSX Bugfixes:
• You can now properly turn music and sound effects off
• Graphics now look how they should on NVIDIA Graphics Cards
• Various performance and resource optimizations
• Toon HQ has released11110 more beta key ToonTasks! They are available at any Playground past Daisy Gardens.
• The chances of getting a Beta Key ToonTask have been doubled.
• Pajama Place is now open for tasking!
May 26, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.1.5]
• Fix an occasional crash with SpeedChat+ Whispers
May 26, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.1.4]
• Added Resistance-related words to the whitelist
• A bit of server-side maintenance
• Fix a rare district reset relating to fishing
• Big Wigs now use the proper attack phrases for "Finger Wag"
• Prevent a few screw-ups with street Cogs, such as joining battles from far away and walking across sidewalks
• You can now use SpeedChat+ in Whispers! These are closely moderated, though, so make sure to behave.
• Version 2.0 Cogs have taken over Toontown! Over the next few days, be on the watch for them throughout the streets.
May 24, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.1.3]
• Custom "Phase Files" can now be loaded from the resources folder
• Fix a crash at the end of the V.P. battle
• Improve dialogue for a handful of ToonTasks in Toontown Central
May 23, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.1.2]
• Even more whitelist additions!
• Upgrade a few parts of the Internal Repository for new database handling
• You can now see nametags on the side of the screen during a battle
• Fix a common crash when entering Sellbot HQ and other Cog-heavy areas
• Fix a building crash relating to NPCs
• Polar Place has opened to the public! If you picked a Polar Place task, it can now be completed.
May 22, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.1.1]
• Add new words to the whitelist relating to tasks
• Experimental: Improve client performance by caching toon models and textures in the memory. Keep an eye out for bugs!
• Fix a crash in the Sellbot Towers Lobby
• Potentially fix a crash relating to Cog Buildings
• Don't check for found ToonTask items if the task has already been completed
May 21, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.1.0]
• Add even more words to the whitelist
• Upgrade server in preparation for Cog HQ updates
• Fix a disconnection issue introduced with yesterday's update
• Oak Street has been built and is open for tasking!
• Toons can now progress all the way to Donald's Dreamland for ToonTasks
• The Toon Resistance has discovered factory on the outskirts of Daisy Gardens... Sellbot HQ is now open!
• Cog Disguises can now be obtained for Sellbot HQ
• Implement the VP Battle and framework for other Cog bosses
• Implement Boarding Groups
May 20, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.0.7]
• Add a few new words to the chat whitelist
• Engine Update: Improve performance and other miscellaneous updates
• Potentially fix an issue with friends causing the "Error 117" bug
• Fix stuttering when a new Toon or Cog is loaded into the area on Windows
May 20, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.0.7]
• Fix stuttering when a new Toon or Cog is loaded into the area on Windows
May 19, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.0.6]
• Engine Update: Make improvements to the lag freezes some people were experiencing on Windows
• Fix a bug where a gag wasn't taken away when turned in for a task
• Remove a leftover shortcut for skipping the reward screen
• Fix a bug relating to NPC spawning
May 18, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.0.5]
• Fix a server crash relating to ToonTasks
May 18, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.0.4]
• Fix Building tasks not properly getting marked as completed
• Fix a Toon Platoon malfunction
May 18, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.0.3]
• Fix Building tasks not properly getting marked as completed
• Fix a Toon Platoon malfunction
May 18, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.0.2]
• Fix a server crash related to the Toon Platoon
• Show the number of Total Toons Online in the Shtiker Book
May 17, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.0.1]
• Fix a client crash related to the Toon Platoon
• Fix issues related to ToonTasks disappearing
May 17, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.0.0]
• Major Update: The loading system has been completely rewritten!Back in November, we put together a newly reworked and optimized loading system. Unhappy with our previous work, we went back and redid it one more time to be faster and more reliable, as well as an improved format.
* Sent out street sweepers to clear out the weird patterns on streets.
• In-game kick messages now show a reason.
• Major Update: Backend changes!* Migrate to new servers in preparation for the public launch. We will be tweaking and updating these servers throughout Beta, so please bear with us when we have to bring them down for maintenance!
• The update system is now completely automated so that districts can be spun up in a flash.
• Implement the "Queue" system!To keep the servers from being constantly pounded on, occasionally you may have to wait in a queue for a few seconds before logging in. This will make sure that everyone can have a good time playing and give us proper time to launch a new district when there is high load. Give us some feedback on what you think!
* The Launcher has been updated to be a bit more user-friendly, as well as implement better patching.
• Fix a couple of issues relating to the sound effect library.
• Major code cleanup all-around.
• You can no longer teleport to a friend in a full district once a certain limit of toons has been reached.This is to encourage people to spread out among other districts and put an end to "parkers", rather than crowding into one massive district.
* Added in an unused animation for the Cog's reaction to a Fire Hose.
• Cogs now sway back and forth when lured to show that they are stunned.
• Added sound effects for Schmooze and Half Windsor attacks.
• The Cogs have invaded Toontown!
• Every Toon HQ all over Toontown is now offering ToonTasks!Because of the lack of HQs in this build, you can currently only progress up to Daisy Gardens.
* Goofy's Gag Shop is stocked up and open for business!
• The Toon Council now sends you a complementary whisper to let you know when your name is approved.
• The Cogs have stepped up their efforts, and their master plan has begun. The streets are being bombarded with random Invasions and Cog Buildings!
• Tutorial Tom has opened up his Toontorial to new toons from far and wide to learn about Cogs and how to handle them. Be sure to stop by!
• You can now earn Beta Keys to give to friends through random in-game ToonTasks! They are a bit rare to get right now, so keep your eyes peeled!
• And many, many other things that we can't even count!
May 16, 2014 [ttr-beta-v1.0.0]
• Major Update: The loading system has been completely rewritten!Back in November, we put together a newly reworked and optimized loading system. Unhappy with our previous work, we went back and redid it one more time to be faster and more reliable, as well as an improved format.
* Sent out street sweepers to clear out the weird patterns on streets.
• In-game kick messages now show a reason.
• Major Update: Backend changes!* Migrate to new servers in preparation for the public launch. We will be tweaking and updating these servers throughout Beta, so please bear with us when we have to bring them down for maintenance!
• The update system is now completely automated so that districts can be spun up in a flash.
• Implement the "Queue" system!To keep the servers from being constantly pounded on, occasionally you may have to wait in a queue for a few seconds before logging in. This will make sure that everyone can have a good time playing and give us proper time to launch a new district when there is high load. Give us some feedback on what you think!
* The Launcher has been updated to be a bit more user-friendly, as well as implement better patching.
• Fix a couple of issues relating to the sound effect library.
• Major code cleanup all-around.
• You can no longer teleport to a friend in a full district once a certain limit of toons has been reached.This is to encourage people to spread out among other districts and put an end to "parkers", rather than crowding into one massive district.
* Added in an unused animation for the Cog's reaction to a Fire Hose.
• Cogs now sway back and forth when lured to show that they are stunned.
• Added sound effects for Schmooze and Half Windsor attacks.
• The Cogs have invaded Toontown!
• Every Toon HQ all over Toontown is now offering ToonTasks!Because of the lack of HQs in this build, you can currently only progress up to Daisy Gardens.
* Goofy's Gag Shop is stocked up and open for business!
• The Toon Council now sends you a complementary whisper to let you know when your name is approved.
• The Cogs have stepped up their efforts, and their master plan has begun. The streets are being bombarded with random Invasions and Cog Buildings!
• Tutorial Tom has opened up his Toontorial to new toons from far and wide to learn about Cogs and how to handle them. Be sure to stop by!
• You can now earn Beta Keys to give to friends through random in-game ToonTasks! They are a bit rare to get right now, so keep your eyes peeled!
April 17, 2014 [ttr-alpha-geffaa76]
• Optimize a couple of election prop models
• Significantly improve game performance.
Throughout the next few weeks, we will have a few updates focusing on improving gameplay on lower-end computers. You should notice a big difference today!
Alpha Testers: We'd appreciate it if you can try to organize large groups of toons to test out client performance. Let us know how things go!
• Fix an issue where toons could bypass the election rope.
• Loony Lab's Toon T.A.G.S. received an update!
• Improve nametag clicking in the margins
• Properly manage nametag click region
• Add click-frame management
• Various performance and ease-of-use improvements
April 9, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gb6d7925]
• Optimized server-side code a tad
• Took away Sir Max's stolen controller and put everything back to normal. Let's hope that it won't happen again next year!
April 6, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gbe82734]
• Miscellaneous code cleanup
• Some work on administrative features
• Begin optimizing a few portions of the server code
• Fix a crash on streets relating to the April Toon's piano gag
• Remove Roger Dog from the random effects to prevent some rare crashes and freezes
• Fix up party cannons to work properly when landing
• Give everyone a spiffy party hat in celebration of Sir Max's Birthday
• Replace Flippy's pies with Birthday Cakes for the same reason
April 5, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gTBA]
• Holiday code cleanup, to allow us to better create and manage events in the future
• Fix up a few backend functions
• A geyser has sprung up in Acorn Acres! Head over there and hop on -- but careful, it's hot.
• Sir Max pushed another one of his buttons and lowered the gravity everywhere. This is just a small step to his silliness, so one can only imagine what's coming up next.
• Finished trolleybot recall
April 1, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g16cf4ca]
March 31, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g65404ed]
• Clean up the new collisions a bit
• Update whitelist
• Tighten bolts on the Toon HQ periscopes and telescopes to move properly
• The elephant hunt continues!
• Patched up a hole in Daisy Gardens between the hedge and walkway
• Fixed another hole between the bedposts in Donald's Dreamland
• Rebuilt a few walls in the streets of Toontown Central
• Regrew some hedges in Acorn Acres so they can't be jumped over
• Please keep reporting the holes you find! Note that some bigger holes may take more than one day to fix.
March 30, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g5db1723]
• Code cleanup on Playgrounds
• Added more sanity checks to toons to prevent hacked/glitched DNA
• Kicked the elephant out of the room and patched up a few broken collisions that allowed people to glitch into the grey.
• Added collisions to a fence in Donald's Dock. Only took 11 years!
• Patched up a hole in Minnie's Melodyland which was introduced when parties were originally added in Toontown Online.
• If you know of any other places that let you glitch into areas that you shouldn't be able to get to, let us know! We'll be patching up all of the elephant holes that we can find.
• Implemented basic True Friends, which are currently only being tested with a select group of people due to us being unable to strictly moderate it during alpha.
• Installed new periscopes and telescopes to Toon HQs in every playground
• A flower finally bloomed on the hat of the HQ in Daisy Gardens. That stem has been there for years without blossoming!
March 26, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g6dd31e9]
• Issued recall on Trolley-bots
March 18, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gebe43f9]
• Smoothed the sailing of Slappy's Balloon
• Those stands either really love cake, or really love watching McQuack blow up. Slappy's stand has sucked in some silliness and sprang to life!
• The green goop from the cake's icing got all over Slappy's stand, but luckily it cleaned itself up and put the goop into a jar for any toons who'd like to go green for a day.
March 17, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g7347e0a]
• Whitelist update
• Code cleanup in preparation for the Election
• Flippy found some leftover fireworks in his estate, and has decided to end the election with a bang! They'll be airing in every playground every hour.
• The silliness from these rockets was enough to animate Flippy's campaign stand! Stop by and grab some pies and give it a high five!
March 4, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g2c1105a]
• Fix an old bug where Shopkeeper toons would only play a sound on their first phrase during cutscenes.
• Flippy has taken up his free time to camp out in Toontown Central and talk with all of you! Head on over to his stand and use the SpeedChat to talk to him.
February 27, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gTBA]
• Flippy went through and repainted a few of the election props for us, generating even more silliness!
• Slappy's phrases are now the same for every client, rather than each client picking their own phrase for him to say.
February 25, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gf581167]
• Code cleanup for the election event
• Repainted the podium
• Repair Slappy's Balloon and fly it into Toontown Central. Stop by and see him for a nice chat in the sky!
February 22, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gTBA]
• Fix a few minor problems with election props
• Flippy and Slappy's stands have been reportedly seen getting some occasional pre-election jitters. Scientists are saying that they are starting to come to life from all of this silliness!
Launcher (OSX):
• Fix a major issue causing in-game sound not to play
• Fix an occasional crash when launching the game
February 21, 2014 [ttr-alpha-ga587aa6]
• Fix jellybean texture in Slappy's stand (Thanks Sweet!)
• Flippy has taught everyone a new pie throwing technique, making it easier to have battles against smaller toons
February 19, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gc1aac77]
• Fix an exploit allowing toons to get into under construction areas
• Added a couple of new SpeedChat election phrases
• Slappy's campaign is ready and going strong!
• Repaint Slappy's stand sign
• Fill up Slappy's stand with a bunch of Jellybeans to give to others
• Distribute "Unites" out to the citizens of Toontown. Four Jellybean unites and two cream pie unites. Don't spend them all in one place!
February 17, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gf22f5c5]
• Fix a crash on Trolley Games introduced with Saturday's cleanup
• Downscale a few of the new textures for lower-end computers
• Rearrange some of the election props to make it less cramped
• Flippy has started his campaign! Who will win you over, him or Slappy?
• Put a portable hole at the bottom of Flippy's wheelbarrow to deliver an endless amount of Cream pies
• Flippy's Campaign stand is open for business!
February 15, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g2e18480]
• Implement full framework for the upcoming event we talked about: The Toon Council Presidential Election
• Major backend code rework in preparation for the event
• Clean up log files to be a bit niftier
• Chatter of the election is all abuzz with shopkeepers and toons far and wide talking about it. Who will win?
• Toontown Central is fancier than ever with new props for the upcoming election.
• Flippy and Slappy stopped by to get a head start on setting up their campaign stands. They'll be sure to make use of them in the upcoming days!
February 8, 2014 [ttr-alpha-ge2dfe9c]
• Replace a few functions that cause crashes due to the python injection fix
• Prevent a couple more server crashes related to parties
• Possibly fix a district reset relating to the Catching Game
• Fix a client crash when firing cannons
• Rename the 20 and 40 song Jukebox to "Jukebox" and "Deluxe Jukebox"
February 7, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gbb662d2]
• Minor code cleanup for new version of Panda
• Correct party endings
• Add Party Cannons
• Add Party Catch
• Add original Toontown theme to jukeboxes
February 6, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gd2eabd0]
• Fix an issue where Party Fireworks would restart for toons who join a party after they had already ended.
February 5, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gf715a71]
• Code cleanup
• Fix a crash related to the Party Hat Icon
• Correct a few issues with the Trampoline Reward
• Fix an issue where you could start your party more than once
• Fix the Jukebox's animation
• Party Planners no longer remind you to start your party after it has already started
Launcher (OSX Only):
• Fix a crash on OSX 10.7.5
• Added a snapshot manager under the "View" menu
• Renamed launcher and game window
• Added an option to use the Toontown cursor on the launcher window
February 4, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gf52d7a4]
• Major rewrites and code cleanup for Parties
• Fix a handful of district resets caused by parties
• The Party Gate now shows the correct amount of people in a party
• Fix an issue where toons couldn't start their party from the Schtickerbook
• Fix a crash relating to trampolines
• Error messages for full or ended parties now show up correctly
• Parties now end on time. Too bad it can't last forever!
February 3, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gd916c4a]
• Fix an issue with the server. Sorry for the downtime!
• Added support for 24 hour time format (For future translations)
• Fix a bug where the host of a party couldn't enter his own party through the Party Gate
• Re-order the Party Activity list when planning a party
• Widescreen support for the trampoline GUI
• Add Dance Floors to parties. (I dare you to learn all of the moves without looking them up!)
February 2, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g7a0f0d5]
• Party Code Cleanup
• Rewrite Party ID Allocation
• Prevent a potential crash relating to trampolines
• Fix a district reset due to player counts in parties
• Control + H now actually hides the window on OSX
• Repair the Party Gate from Sir Max's crashes
• Implement Party Decorations. Don't forget to vote for the next activity!
We would have implemented cannons as voted, but Sir Max used up all of the gunpowder with his crashes. Sorry!
February 1, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g80bc887]
• Many protocol and architecture changes for parties
• Fix some overlays being white rather than grey
• Added Party Planners to every neighborhood
• The Party Gates are open!
• To celebrate this week of Preposterous Parties, everyone can plan their own party for free!
• Spring into the air to collect Jellybeans with Toontastic Trampolines
• Enjoy some toony tunes at the Jukebox (Both 20 and 40 songs)
• End your party fun with a Grand Firework Display!
• Added Command + M and Command + H to maximize and hide the game window on OSX
January 31, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gTBA]
• Added a bunch of new words to the Whitelist
January 29, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g0960dfe]
• Fix an issue where the screenshot flash would effect the color of other overlays
• Slightly improve transition of House Decorating GUI
• Add widescreen support for the House Decorating GUI
• You can now press Command + Q to close the game on OSX
January 27, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gecb3da2]
• Whitelist Update
• Fix an issue with our distribution server that prevented Panda3D from being updated properly
• Fix a crash when moving furniture due to Panda3D not being updated properly
January 25, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g0bb22d5]
• Updated parts of Panda3D for furniture support
• Rollback yesterday's back-end update due to crashes
• Implement house decorating
• Clarabelle sent out a sampler package packed to the brim with furniture for every house in Toontown! We've set it up for you free of charge -- just stop by Clarabelle sometime.
•Clarabelle's Cattlelog is ready for business! Give her a call and order some furniture. For her grand opening, a new series of the cattlelog will come out every day.
Whew! We're wiped out from setting all of those sampler packages. The cattlelog opening is postponed until we can get some more stock made.
January 24, 2014 [ttr-alpha-ga22770c]
• Major back-end changes and optimization
• Fix an old crash with fishing
• Update house names when a toon has been renamed (Usually from name approval.)
January 23, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g28b80fe]
• Update a few things for future localization support
• Improve back-end Estate loading
• Fix a bug that prevented racing trophies from being earned
• Fix "Open Folder" button on the Snapshots Page for OSX
• Add Knock-Knock doors to all streets for Knational Knock-Knock day
• Jokes that came from contest winners show the winner name rather than "Door" when telling a joke. You can find all of the winning jokes (Including Honorable Mentions) on Silly Street.
January 22, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gf223ff6]
• Temporarily changed some sign fonts from "ImpressBT" to "Humanism" until an issue is worked out with it.
• Painted all empty signs in Toontown -- both streets and buildings.
January 21, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gb0d25ed]
• Fix a crash on the Snapshots page if a picture has been manually moved or deleted
• Fix Widescreen support for Match Minnie
• Add fishing to Estates. All fish in Toontown can now be caught!
January 20, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g8adcf25]
• Minor maintenance to nametags and chat bubbles
• Change clicking to only open something on release, rather than on click
• Code cleanup for Snapshots
• Prevent empty screenshot names on the Snapshots page
• Fix crash on Snapshots page for those with no screenshots
• Possibly fix a crash on Macs when clicking "Open Folder"
January 19, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g36fce4b]
• Hugely optimize zone and DNA loading
• Code cleanup and optimization for streets
• Change friend teleportation to use a bit more sane method
• Make friend dialogue use the Localizer for future translation support
• Optimize Estate loading
• Fix the cursor and window icon not appearing (For real this time!)
• When you leave your own estate, friends are now kicked out 15 seconds afterwards rather than 5.
• Portable Holes have a new destination! You can now teleport to your friend's Estates.
January 18, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g82711b4]
• Major Update: Estates, one of the more complex parts of Toontown, are now complete!
• Change the in-game cursor to a glove, as it was in Disney's Toontown
• Add an icon to the game window
• Switch screenshots back to JPG due to some kinks in the client
• Code cleanup
• Fix an issue with friend request timeouts
• Implement basic Toon Estates
Currently, estates don't have too many features other than a private place to talk and explore. More and more features for estates will arrive in the coming days. The main hurdle here was completing the loading system for estates, which is fairly complex.
• Add a new page to the Shtickerbook: Snapshots!
• You can now view all snapshots you have taken in-game from the Shtickerbook
• Add ability to rename and delete snapshots
• Add button to open your TTR screenshot folder
January 17, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gca2ed12]
• Screenshots are now saved as PNG files. This is experimental, so please excuse any wacky ones!
• Dog noses no longer appear in front of the camera when viewing from a toon's perspective.
• Added 3 new camera angles: Front, right side, and left side.
• You can now press F3 to turn off the GUI. This is useful for taking snapshots, however you may end up with some strange looking gameplay if you keep it.
• Added a new flash visual to go along with the shutter sound when taking snapshots.
January 16, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gdb1992b]
• Possibly fix a bug when two toons enter a door at the same time.
• Fix a graphical bug on the Shtickerbook's Gallery page.
• Taking a screenshot now makes a shutter sound.
January 14, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g26b5f19]
• Code cleanup for friends
• Fix a few crashes with friends
January 13, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g4e14af0]
• Friend lists are actually unlimited now. Whoops!
Launcher (Mac Only):
• Added support for OS X 10.7 Lion
• The app is now signed with an authorized developer certificate. (No more right clicking and choosing open!)
• Fixed a few bugs which caused the app to hang
• Added a new "toon news" view to the chalkboard.
• New icon for the game
• Added a new debug console under the window menu
• The app now shows progress when downloading all the additional content
• Added various sounds inside of the launcher
January 11, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g6494544]
• Assign a new type of ID to toons in preparation of a future update.
• Fix a server crash relating to friends.
• Fix a bug where some friends would disappear from the list, despite still being friends.
January 11, 2014 [ttr-alpha-geb281eb]
• Whitelist update to add a few new popular words
• Add new administrative features, as well as restricting a few spells that we had too much fun with.
• Remove a few calls to ToonTasks until they are implemented.
• Major backend architecture changes to prepare for upcoming updates. (We needed to clean up our mess before making a new one!)
• Stop the Toon Detail Panel from going into a strange position when playing in widescreen.
• Fix a crash when entering Silly Street
• Widescreen support for the Teleport Panel, among other small things we missed
• Updated the Pick-A-Toon screen graphic to look slightly better
• Toon T.A.G.S. Update!
• Never forget who your real friends are! You can now send friend requests to toons.
• Implement whispers to show when a friend comes online or logs off.
• Implement teleporting and whispering to friends. NOTE: Whispering is currently SpeedChat only.
• Removed Disney's 50 friend limit for alpha only. This limit will be added back in the future, but will be expanded to 75 or 100.
January 3, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g55e8511]
• Whitelist update. Removed a few words that were being abused, and added a ton of new ones.
• Released Toontown Rewritten for Mac OS X 10.8 and up.
January 2, 2014 [ttr-alpha-g29233af]
• NPC Toons no longer have a blank chat bubble when first speaking to them.
• The clothing stores are now open! Head on over to a playground to get yourself a new pair.
• You can now use Jellybeans at clothing stores instead of a clothing ticket. The current price is 150 Jellybeans, and you will still be able to obtain a free clothing ticket by completing ToonTasks in the future.
December 31, 2013 [ttr-alpha-gaac80e6]
Remove leftover winter Speedchat Phrases
Doors no longer defy laws of the tooniverse and allow you to walk in through the correct side
Add in another set of firework patterns. These are the best ones yet!
December 22, 2013 [ttr-alpha-g225071c]
? Improve code for Holidays and Events
? Updated whitelist to add some British spellings of words
? Unlock the inside doors of Gag Shops, Pet Shops, and Toon HQs
? The last of the shopkeepers in Donald's Dreamland have moved in!
? Changed Pick-a-Toon to a new winter design
? Decorated Toontown with lights from The Brrrgh's heating system.
? Erect Christmas Tree in Toontown Central. Don't forget to rock around it!
? Lil' Oldman, who turns out to actually be a Blizzard Wizard, cast some sort of spell throughout Toontown to share the freezing conditions of the Brrrgh. Snow is falling everywhere!
December 22, 2013 [ttr-alpha-g225071c]
? Improve code for Holidays and Events
? Updated whitelist to add some British spellings of words
? Unlock the inside doors of Gag Shops, Pet Shops, and Toon HQs
? The last of the shopkeepers in Donald's Dreamland have moved in!
? Changed Pick-a-Toon to a new winter design
? Decorated Toontown with lights from The Brrrgh's heating system.
? Erect Christmas Tree in Toontown Central. Don't forget to rock around it!
? Lil' Oldman, who turns out to actually be a Blizzard Wizard, cast some sort of spell throughout Toontown to share the freezing conditions of the Brrrgh. Snow is falling everywhere!
November 16, 2013 [ttr-alpha-gdc87065]
? Tweaks to administrative features
? Major Update: Our new loading system is now complete.This is a HUGE step in the Alpha process. There are only two more major hurdles that we have to conquer throughout Alpha development: Estates and Battles.
? Fix Ice Slide's background flickering through the playing area
? Fix odd Toon HQ door flickering
? Re-add default emotions. Sorry about that!
? Tons of fixes to The Grey leaking into Toontown:
? Wide(er)screen support for Make-a-Toon
? Wide(er)screen support for Loading Screens
? Prevent the Grey from leaking in below the clouds in Robot Thief
? Draw the Jungle of Jungle Vines in leaking Grey Zones
? Actually fix the Grey in the name approval background
? We've tossed the construction sign into the wood chipper: Punchline Place is now open! Head on over to Toontown's first new neighborhood: Donald's Dock.
? Implement Photo Fun
? Minor Whitelist updates to add some community names
? Open the doors of the first Toon HQ. This is a proud day for Toontown.
? Free Ice Cream! In celebration of this major update, Ice Cream has been spread around Toontown Central.
November 2, 2013 [ttr-alpha-g873fb10]
? Fix that pesky "Error 117" disconnection bug
? Perform a vectored I/O to increase network efficiency
? Enable TCP_NODELAY to decrease server ping
? Better detect dead connections to prevent them from running indefinitely
? Fix a major server hang that would caused all other player movement to freeze
? Even more server stability
? Fix Match Minnie music to loop correctly
? Add SpeedChat+ as a thanks for feedback during the Chatless Update. The whitelist is slightly modified based off of common complaints.
? Minor SpeedChat rewording
? Implement Fishing! Currently, only the twig rod is available.
? Implement Toon Escape, a game based off of escaping from a robot factory. Not like we'll ever need to learn that, though!
November 2, 2013 [ttr-alpha-g873fb10]
? Fix that pesky "Error 117" disconnection bug
? Perform a vectored I/O to increase network efficiency
? Enable TCP_NODELAY to decrease server ping
? Better detect dead connections to prevent them from running indefinitely
? Fix a major server hang that would caused all other player movement to freeze
? Even more server stability
? Fix Match Minnie music to loop correctly
? Add SpeedChat+ as a thanks for feedback during the Chatless Update. The whitelist is slightly modified based off of common complaints.
? Minor SpeedChat rewording
? Implement Fishing! Currently, only the twig rod is available.
? Implement Toon Escape, a game based off of escaping from a robot factory. Not like we'll ever need to learn that, though!
October 28, 2013 [ttr-alpha-g3c36596]
? Engine Upgrades - We're now running Panda3D v1.8.1!
? Rewrote Nametags for optimization and engine compatibility. This is a work in progress, so please excuse the messy looking tags.
? Implemented new loading system via DNA parsing - also work in progress.
? Safeguarded the client against malicious code injection (No more hackers!)
? Logs and screenshots are now stored in their respective folders to eliminate clutter
? Dropped MIDI music format for OGG. This is to plan to support Linux later in development.
? Scrubbed and polished gears to increase overall security and stability
? Basic Gameplay - You can create toons, chat, and play the Maze Game.
? Converted Toontown Central to the new loading method (Other areas will soon follow!)
? Added native 16:9 support (No more stretching when you maximize your game!)
? Recreated a few minor textures for HD and 16:9 support.
? Added more clothing to Make-a-Toon
? Added more chat bubble colors: What other colors do you want to see?
? Implemented new cartoon-themed loading screen - work in progress