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December 7, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.11.0]

• Chip ’n Dale’s MiniGolf is open to all!
• The new Laff point limit is 136.
• Added a new “Name Rewrite” item to the special area of Clarabelle's Cattlelog. Toons can now rename themselves -- but only once per year. It's better to stick with your own name, after all! (Note: You’ll have to wait until your next Cattlelog before you see this item in the Special tab.)

• Fixed a district reset caused by exiting the Mint during an obstacle course.
• Fixed an issue with players being unable to enter the maze games in the Bossbot Cog Golf Courses.
• Fixed sound volume scaling on certain objects such as the Cashbot trains and Toon sound effects.

• Various code cleanup and tool enhancements.