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December 9, 2021 [ttr-live-v3.0.7]

Sellbot Task Force
• Fixed an issue where a ToonTask required you to defeat a Cog Building within a Cog Building.
• Fixed an issue where the ToonTask scroll did not show a specific location for some Joke collection ToonTasks.
• Fixed an issue in the progression of the Sleuth Badge ToonTask.

• Fixed an issue where your Toon would be considered sad for a few turns after being saved by a Unite.
• Fixed an issue that allowed the Boiler Room fight to continue after The Boiler has been defeated.
• The FIRE button can no longer be used if your Toon has no Pink Slips.

• Squashed a bug where Street M.A.P.S. disappeared after exiting a Cog Building.
• Patched a bug that caused certain boarding group members to not enter the elevator.
• Leaving a Boarding Group will now properly remove the Boarding Group GUI.