Sellbot Task Force: The Last Laff
Posted by Lord Lowden Clear on May 30, 2022 at 5:55 PM
It is great to see you again, citizens of Toontown! The last time I spoke with you, our home was in dire straits. It’s been no easy feat keeping up with the Sellbots ever since the Cog-tastrophe in Kaboomberg, but with the help of the Sellbot Task Force’s recruits that flooded in at our call for help, we’ve been steadily pushing back against the Cog Field Office threat.
Today, the Sellbot Task Force gets The Last Laff.

Ripley’s latest report blew my expectations out of the water, with everyone defeating an awe-inspiring amount of over 140,000 Annexes ever since Sellbot Field Offices first "launched" in Toontown. Every mission is being knocked right out of the park, and many dedicated Toons have even gone as far as to earn their Sleuth Badge... previously the highest honor the Sellbot Task Force could bestow. After months of steady planning, Sellbot Resistance Rank’s Smasher Set is now available!
Recruits who have earned their Sleuth Badge can return to the Hideout to find a dozen new ToonTasks, allowing you to earn new Rank-Up Rewards, your Smasher Badge, and the last Laff Boost of your Sellbot Resistance Rank. You wouldn’t believe the massive shipments of ink we brought in for all of the Stamps!
As many Toons know, ink isn’t the only delivery the Task Force has received. New to the Hideout, behind me lies the Giant Interconnected Monitoring Machine Interpreting Cog Kerfuffle. Better known as the G.I.M.M.I.C.K., this is the latest innovation in Toon technology! Built in collaboration between Loony Labs and the Toon Resistance’s own Doctor Googlymoogly, this clever computer lets us get the drop on Field Offices -- before they drop on us.
I’d tell you more, but you never know if the Cogs are listening. You’ll have to see the G.I.M.M.I.C.K. in action within the Hideout to see every feature it has, of which there are plenty. However, I am sure that some of you are reading this and wondering, “What even is the Hideout?” If that’s the case, you can view this thorough guide detailing everything about the Sellbot Task Force and the Cog Field Office threat. Of course, we’ve kept some surprises up our sleeve...
For Toons who complete every ToonTask the Sellbot Task Force offers -- ultimately proving themself as one of the Toon Resistance’s best and brightest -- we'll grant something that no Toon has ever been granted before. Upon earning the coveted Smasher Badge, you will be able to carry one additional Level 7 gag of your choosing! If you are brave enough to take on the challenge of maxing your Sellbot Resistance Rank, start thinking about which one of those uber-powerful gags you’ll pick.
Stay strong and silly, recruits. The Sellbots’ schemes could be so unimaginably nefarious, Toontown may not stand a chance without YOUR help. As long as you remain vigilant while you continue your Task Force escapades, we’ll be ready.
Until next time, keep them busting -- with laughter!
Lord Lowden Clear
Leader of the Toon Resistance
May 30, 2022 [ttr-live-v3.3.0]
Sellbot Task Force
• Sellbot Task Force: The Last Laff is here!
• The Smasher Badge has arrived, complete with tons of new ToonTasks and rewards.
• Toons can now earn the final Laff Boost, bringing the new max Laff to 140.
• Upon earning the Smasher Badge, Toons can pick one Level 7 gag to carry two of.
• The G.I.M.M.I.C.K. has been unboxed! With this device, you can see when and where Sellbot Field Offices are going to drop, before they drop. Additionally, you can view all known locations of existing Field Offices.
• The Toon Resistance has had more time to move into their new space, and have taken to decorating the pipes.
Sellbot Field Offices
• The Boiler’s moves have been slightly rebalanced with some differing attack values, as well as being smarter depending on the current situation.
• The Boiler’s move accuracies have been slightly adjusted. Previously, accuracy increased with the difficulty tier of the Field Office, but only attack damage increases with each tier now.
• Slow Burn will no longer apply after defeating The Boiler. When the battle ends, you’re safe!
• The Sellbots have shaken things up with a second Surveillance Room layout.
• Added glowing particle effects to the cabinets in Cold Caller Cubicles to make them slightly more visible, even when behind walls.
• The snow piles by the cabinets will melt when the Cold Caller Cubicles are sufficiently heated.
• Additionally, snow piles are now properly color-scaled to the rest of the game.
• Sellbot Field Offices now have Laff warnings. You will be warned if you may be unprepared, but you can choose to disregard this warning.
• Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause group attacks to miss on The Boiler.
• Fixed a rare bug where only 3 Cogs would spawn during Defensive Strategy.
User Interface
• Goofy's Gag Shop has gotten a face-lift! There is an all-new interface for buying gags within the building, as well as while riding the Trolley.
• Toons can now save and load their usual gag setup at the Gag Shop.
• The Mega-Mover Maze interface has been remastered, giving it a higher quality look.
• Added a feature that allows you to see if a District is in the process of being drained by our Technical Operations Toons for maintenance. The district will turn an orange color, and you will be blocked from entering until maintenance is finished.
• Added the ability to hover over S.O.S. Cards and Pink Slips in the inventory and battle to view more information. This was previously only possible once a S.O.S. card was picked.
• When more than 4 status effects are applied to any Toon or Cog in battle, a new icon will appear. Hover over this icon to see the rest of the applied status effects!
• Addressed many cases where chat would not be visible while Toons are. Now, the chat bubbles will scale down to the window margins.
• Implemented the long-requested ability to open the Toon Detail Panel by clicking anywhere on a Toon.
• Improved performance for clicking physical objects to open an interface.
• Nametags, whispers, and chat bubbles will now scale their horizontal size based on your chat size setting. This should increase their visibility and readability when using these settings.
• Fixed a bug where the “Chat Size” setting would not persist properly when reloading the game.
Cog HQs
• Rotating the Seltzer Bottle in the C.E.O. battle now uses acceleration. Now, you should have slightly more precision while being able to spin fully around faster.
• The C.E.O. Seltzer Bottles will now face your Toon’s direction when hopping on.
• Tweaked the C.E.O.’s dialogue to directly reference V.I.P. Cogs before the banquet begins.
• All Laff requirements for Cog facilities have been replaced with Laff warnings, and now depend on your max Laff rather than your current Laff.
• Fixed Toon heads growing exponentially large or small in a Cog Disguise while having certain Cheesy Effects applied.
• Fixed a bug causing Cog facility buttons to turn solid colors.
• Fixed a bug where Goons would not spawn at the correct position.
• The “Lured” status effect no longer has a random chance to expire early. This would primarily affect low level Lure gags, such as a newly-obtained $1 Bill used against a high level Cog.
• Fixed a battle movie bug where using a Toontanic alongside a Drop SOS card would cause the Toontanic to show up late.
• Fixed the infamous “Fluffy bug,” where Fluffy would appear instead of your Doodle far more often than intended. Fluffy will still appear in cases of server lag.
• Fixed a rare issue where a Remote Control’s effect would not enact before a lured Cog was defeated.
• Fixed a crash sometimes caused when entering a battle that every Toon had just run away from.
• Fixed a bug where SOS Toons would miss if another gag in the same track went first and missed.
• Fixed a bug that could cause gags to miss when crossing targets.
• Fixed a bug where status effects were removed if a Toon would have gone sad, but was saved by a Toon-Up Unite before being hit.
• Fixed a visual bug that would allow you select Trap gags, but not a target, when every Cog in battle was Lured or Trapped and both status effects were present.
• Fixed an issue where battles would be invisible upon entering an area, particularly affecting streets and the Sellbot Factory interior.
• Added a “Refresh Audio Source” button to manually tell Toontown to reconsider the audio device output. Clicking this button will switch audio to the currently active device, so you can switch from speakers to headphones without needing to restart the game.
• In the Options Menu, sound level changes should now feel smoother.
• The title screen music now remains in sync when fading between the two versions.
• Fixed various issues that could cause dynamic music to break when being disabled and re-enabled.
• Fixed a bug causing Spooky Surprise unites to reset music levels to max, ignoring user preferences.
• Many character accents can now be used when using Type-a-Name.
• When using a Toon Rewrite, you can now mix and match specialty colors. For instance, you can now have a black cat with periwinkle arms. As long as your Toon’s head, arms, or legs keep this specialty color after rewriting, you can still change any part of your Toon back to that color later.
• Doodles can now be re-named in the Pet Shop for a small fee!
• Added an additional gibberish word for cats and horses, bringing them up to the three words that other species have.
• Level 7 gag trees have received some visual tweaks to account for the new Level 7 gag reward. Upon picking from the tree, you will only receive one gag, even if you can carry two.
• Tweaked text to fix errors in ToonTask dialogue and other miscellaneous parts of the game.
• Fixed a bug where certain NPCs may not give the hint for their ToonTasks with a "Find" objective.
• Fixed an issue where Toons could be found dancing indefinitely after leaving a building that was later defeated.
• Addressed an issue where sneaky players could enter a building as it was being taken over by a Cog, causing some strange issues. It's far too dangerous in there!
• Fixed a rare case where Cogs could ignore Toons when walking into them.
• Addressed a performance hitch when entering Pick-a-Toon on first login.
• Fixed a bug that made toons infinitely spin in Toon Escape, making the trolley game unplayable.
• Fixed an issue that caused the camera FOV to reset when looking up or down.
• Fixed an uncommon crash that occurred in dynamic zones, such as Cog facilities and Toon parties.
• Fixed some miscellaneous memory leaks.
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LETS GO! sounds amazing so far, i'm excited to finally finish this long-awaited taskline!
Woah! I can't wait until my feathers are in the force!
Now this is truly TOONtastic!
I'm excited!!!
I'm so excited!! Can't wait to play again :>
I am so so so excited for this update!! Cannot wait to check it out!
I'm Soooo hyped for the new Update!!!!!!!!!! Thank you very much TTR Team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
This is epic
I can't believe my bill!
Oh my gosh.... WE GOT SMASHER TASKS!! LET'S GOOOO!!! Toons of the World, Unite! We got this, everyone!
This sounds awesome! I'm currently isolating and have only Toontown to play, I can't wait to see the new changes! Thank you guys for all your work!
This is such an amazing update - thank you so much!!
I am ready!
This is gonna be exciting!
So many great things in this update!!
Thank you for this update!!! Not only is this all amazing, i'm also especially excited to play around with mixing and matching colors, i've been wanting that for years! <3
awesome smasher tasks here we come!
Oh boy, I can't wait to do those Smasher tasks! Just as soon as I complete my Sleuth tasks... Oh well, I'll finish it as fast as you can say "Max's your uncle"!
Thank you for all of these wonderful updates! Recently my game has been crashing whenever I try to make it windowed mode instead of full screen... not sure if this is something already brought to your attention or not but just wanted to let you know and hope this is fixed soon as well!
love it, good job team!
I'm so excited I can't for everyone to experience it and see this brand new update that is going to happen! :)
CANNOT WAIT! currently on the "Lil Old Man" task, and right now im on the edge of my seat waiting!
So happy that the Toon Escape bug has been patched. I've played many rounds where I was stuck spinning in place
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!
So happy I can rename my Doodle. :)
Omg, so exciting!! Ready to grab my last badge :D
I can't wait to get 140 laff maxed
here we go toons lets do what we do best smash these cogs and stay toony out there!
this is amazing! I’m going to enjoying this new update with the Sellbot Task Force! carry level 7 gag WOW! Amazing!. I cant wait to log in and start working on my Sleuth Tasks! Amazing Job, Toontown Rewritten!
Can't wait to grab the last badge, yay :D
This update is AMAZING. It is so nice to see very long-awaited quality of life and bug fix changes actually being implemented, as well as new features! Thank you development team!
When is it going to open back up? I’m so excited!
Im so excited!
Thank you!
Aaaaawesomeeee!! I'm very hyped :D
I cant wait for this! After looking at all the new additions, I'm so excited!
Exciting!!! When is it going to be finished updating?! :D
I'm excited to play this again. I played this game a long time ago. I was going through the tutorial when it went down. Does anyone know when it will be back up?
I'm excited to play this game again. I played this a long time ago. I was going through the tutorial when it went down. Does anyone know when it will be back up?
Exciting things coming. Thanks all!
I Can't Wait To See That!! :-)
Thank you guys for your upkeep and hard work. Always appreciated! :')
I'm so glad to be getting gag loadouts, the Toon Escape bugfix, and Fluffy finally being banished back to whence he came.
so excited! so many bug fixes! :) ty TTR!
This looks so so fun!
Wow-wee! This sure is quite an update!!! I can't wait to check out the hideout and see the sewer art, and the G.I.M.M.I.C.K. sounds awesome! Thanks so much ttr! Let's keep on smashing those Sellbots!
Looks great! I would comment more but a Legal Eagle just issued me a subpoena...
Thank you guys also for fixing all those bugs, like the toon escape bug, and the "invsible battles". I really appreciate it!
So excited!! Thank you TTR!!
I am curious about this
Let's Gooo! New maxing party for Hogwash the GOAT? :D
So happy doodle bug is fixed
Oh my gosh I am so excited!!! I finished the Sleuth task set a while ago now and I was so bummed to realize that that was the end of what was out at that point. THIS IS AMAZING, TYSM TTR TEAM <3
Keep it up TTR TEAM you are our heroes and we love all the new content <3
Thank you all who have worked so hard to maintain this amazing game! Can't wait to see what's to come in the future!
ooooo im soooo hype!
Toon Headquarters did some great work, and I'm impressed! I must say that I'm a huge fan of saving a gag set, mixing toon colors, accents in names... Honestly, the list goes on. There's nothing but greatness in here for sure. Thank you to all those that made this possible! :]
"Fixed Toon heads growing exponentially large or small in a Cog Disguise while having certain Cheesy Effects applied." Aww man, I liked my giant heads in cog suits.
It's finally time. The Chairman is prepping the start of his endgame. Eyes up, stay sharp, Toons.
Awesome! Always love to see Toontown getting some sick quality-of-life changes.
FINALLY no more Fluffy!!!!
I’m so glad for all the bug fixes!
Yeah, Baby!
Eh, not bad.
How exciting! Now I have motivation to finish my current tasks to move on and get my Sleuth badge so I can see what else is in store for me :D Thanks to the TTR team for all the new updates and making the game even better. Toons of the world, Have fun! <3
This is amazing! I am especially excited that I can be Cartoonival blue and aqua blue at the same time now!
OOO now I can enjoy toon escape every time!!! There is just so much in this update! Thank you!
thanks for the 3.3.0 update.
This is all so awesome!!!!! Ty so much TTR Team and everyone involved with this massive update!
Super excited!!!
So much awesome stuff in this update, these Cogs are not ready!
Oooo, this is amazing! I can't wait to start training to join the force! But, it'll be a while before that happens, I still got some tassks to finish...
I am so excited This is going to be Super fun
yeah i can do this in toontown yeah can't wait to see it
love it
I look forward to helping you out!
Goodbye Fluffy.
AWESOME update!!! Thank you!!!
Well, its very exciting to know about the new rewards Toons are going to enjoy, but I somehow think the Toon Resistance will soon have additional Task Forces beyond Sellbot. Still, the Laff increase to 140 is what I've expected since the Sellbot Task Force ToonTasks launched. I can only presume the Cogs' fight will get more intense sometime soon...
Hilariously, cogs wanting to go about their business and not fight me happens way more frequently than you think!
MAN! TTR HAS OUTDONE THEMSELVES! THIS IS SO AMAZING! TTR has become so much more than the OG Toontown! When I saw the credits from someone who played it, I felt like crying because of the excitement, and the fact that y'all have come so far!
Can't wait for the new content! Have fun everyone!