Introducing the Sellbot Task Force Hideout!
Posted by Lord Lowden Clear on December 2, 2021 at 2:00 PM
Citizens of Toontown, lend me your ears! We here at the newly-formed Sellbot Task Force are in dire need of new recruits to help put a stop to the new Cog threat on the horizon -- Sellbot Field Offices. We need Toons who know Seltzer from silly string, the right angle to pack a wallop with a Whole Cream Pie, just the right frequency for their Fog Horn.
We need Toons like YOU!

The Cogs' latest business strategy against Toontown is unprecedented. They have only soft launched their Sellbot Field Offices in Kaboomberg, but sources indicate that tomorrow they'll be launching across all of Toontown. When the Cogs launch their final strike, we're going to need YOU to help us save the Toon HQs around town!
Now, the work we're doing here at the Task Force is just too risky for Toons of lesser experience. Before you can join the Sellbot Task Force, you'll need to have:
- Completed ToonTasks through Donald's Dreamland.
- Earned all of your Cog Disguises.
- Have at least one Level 7 gag.
Once you have accomplished that -- the Toon Resistance will seek you out. Our top-secret Hideout has been placed in a classified location that you'll get access to once you prove that you have the strength to join our ranks. Click on the button below to learn more.
Until next time, keep them busting -- with laughter!
Lord Lowden Clear
Leader of the Toon Resistance
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Wow sounds cool
It's time.
It would be an understatement to say that I’m excited for this!
Brand new tasks are so awesome to see in a Toontown game!
So excited!!!!!
I. Can't. WAIT!!!
Awesome! Way ahead of those requirements B^)
I cant imagine what would go on inside a Field Office. Good luck on your missions tommorrow rangers! We wish you only the best of luck!
best update
this is gonna be awesome. thanks for the new field offices!
dreams have come true!!! how i've missed the field offices! so excited!
This place looks so sick omg!! Very excited to get back into action tomorow :D
I'm excited! I hope my lack of experience in boss battles other than the VP doesn't come back to bite me, though.
New Tasks? New Clothing? Skill Points? Laff Points? THATS AWESOME!
Very nice! I like how the new Toon Resistance Hideout looks! That must've been what we were waiting for. Well, I can guess that's the first of our new hideouts. No doubt more will come soon, interconnected to one another in an apparently seamless, endless network of hideouts. That's what I'm already seeing in my mind now. Thanks again!
I've finished all my tasks, gotten my disguises, got my level 7s, got my Laff, some fresh pies from the oven, a full seltzer bottle, a big toony smile, and I'm ready to ROCK! I can hardly wait for tomorrow! Thank you so much Toontown Rewritten for all your hard work on this epic update! It was truly worth the wait!
Wow you guys, I... I'm just speechless. There are no words to describe how amazingly awesome this new update is gonna be! I'm super DUPER excited to see what you guys have in store for us! Thanks you all so much!
I wish the time was at 12:00 AM rather than PM, Regardless, IM SO EXCITED FOR THIS SINCE 2018!!! LETS DO THIS TOONS!!
is the hide out visible?
How exciting, CAN'T WAIT! :D
Welp, time to get to work on my Brrgh tasks.
I'm dying for the update!
Sellbot Task Force is awsome!
this will be entertaining
Can't wait to see this!
The hideout looks great! Loving the new original crispy HD textures!