Setting the Record Straight
Posted by The Chief Justice on September 4, 2020 at 2:00 PM
When the other Boss Cogs and I had our most recent meeting and came up with the idea to host a series of polls to determine the best Cog, we all agreed to refrain from advertising any specific Cogs, especially those from our own field of expertise. I've come today to set the record straight about the Cog polls, though I'm expected to make an appearance in court soon. Let's make this quick.

The Double Talkers recently brought to my attention that the Bossbots have illegally hijacked the Toons' most recent broadcast. This highly unwarranted interference is criminal in so many different ways, the evidence against them would break the scale!
The jury believed any Bossbot poll data should be expunged from our records as punishment -- including revoking the privilege for involvement in the final poll, which will pit the winning Cogs from each department against each other. Lucky for the Bossbots, my verdict is that they will instead pay up with a little "community service."
If you see any of those ill-mannered Bossbots in the streets, please rudely ask them to direct you to the nearest Cog building to vote in our Lawbot poll. Once you're done, they will gladly expedite your return to the playground -- those Flunkies excel at Toon disposal. If you're much like myself and would rather avoid interaction with Bossbots, though, you can vote here:
What, is this unlawful? Unfair? Overruled. I'm too busy for your petty games, Toons. I have a trial to attend.
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Spin Doctor for the win!
Fun Fact: bottom feeders are the only cog to not be associated with a required task in the taskline, so you can go all the way to 137 laff without defeating a single one.
legal eagle because he is an absolute chad dude
Looks like the 2nd toughest among the ranks wins again.
Flunky. <3
I will ofc say legal eagle but its very hard to get stuff out of it like i have a task to get something from the legal eagle and its hard. But overall VOTE LEGAL EAGLE FOR THE WIN!
Double Talker because... why not?
outrage they know Flunky would win so they do this but for this one definitely Legal Eagle he's a chad
Anyone who says Legal Eagles aren't the best are just wrong.
Tough choice, but I'll go with Legal Eagle!
bE LeGaL: VoTe For ThE EagLe!! xD go legal eagle!!!
I dread the Ambulance Chaser the most of all the cogs, so I chose it as my favorite. :)
Wow thats crazy that you can go through the game without to defeat even 1 bottom feeder lol, oh my fav is legal eagle for sure!
I have to say legal eagle because they're cool
Legal eagle cause he had the best design
I think it should be big wigs
Voted Bloodsucker, looking out for those little toons who still need 6 Bloodsuckers for Professor Wiggle but I do like them a lot, enjoy the invasions of them every year for Halloween which is my favorite holiday.
There is no limit to my talons.
Vote Legal, say Eagle!
In the old brazilian version, the Legal Eagle were called "Macaco Velho" (Old Monkey)
Bloodsuckers because mostly all gags work on him because he is a sucker for gags.
Legal Eagle because they remind me of the Philadelphia Eagles football team.
Love the Legal Eagles! They look like Air Force officers!
Eagles soar!
Design wise, Big Wigs looks pretty nice, even if they are rather full of themselves. Hmm... First Sellbots, then Bossbots, and now Lawbots... Something's up... But what is it?
ambulance chaser. I always loved the hat
It’s no surprise Legal Eagles would take the win, considering they are technically the tooniest-looking cog with the Loan Shark, with being an animal and all.
Legal Eagles indeed
Legal Eagles are alphas. You can’t convince me otherwise. I will never not be intimidated
i would say legal eagle.