Broadcasting a Bountiful 3.4 Update
Posted by Doctor Googlymoogly on July 24, 2022 at 2:00 PM
HelloooOOOO?!?! Is this thing on!? Egads, not even MY smarts can do anything about the rotten reception down here!
This is Doctor Googlymoogly, over! A certified Cogology expert and a true tinkerer, I've turned this Remote Control into a walkie talkie to speak with the Toontown Blog. So much has happened the past few weeks, I'm flabbergasted I even had time for this experiment -- though it's not all I've been up to. I'm here today to show off new ways to play & keep the Cogs at bay!

Nothing quite says "fun" like throwing a birthday party with a Mingler, right? Just make sure that Mingler gets a face full of icing, and we'll give you a boatload of Jellybeans! Introducing "Just for Fun!" Task Force ToonTasks, all of our super Smashers who have earned their Smasher Badge can visit Resistance Operations to pick up more missions to earn Jellybeans and Cheesy Effects, including a ToonTask to replay the Sellbot Task Force finale event. Be sure to say "Howdy" to our Operators and see what missions they've planned!
Alongside these ToonTasks, I came across a topic I wasn't expecting in my quest to produce these, well, quests: a quest of expression! Toons all over express themselves in many different ways outside the gender binary, myself included. I pitched an update to Toon T.A.G.S. (Totally Awesome Graphic Simulation) to Loony Labs, and now, you can now put your pronouns on your Toon Detail Panel with the new Pronoun Picker! Located in the Options Menu, you can pick up to three pronouns that you wish to be identified with such as "they/them/theirs" or "she/xir/fae", or you can even select "Any".
With my knack for controls, I thought I'd try my hand at something else -- experimental controller support! By enabling Controller Support under Gameplay Options, you can now use game controllers to play. This supports various types of controllers, and even comes with support to play on the Steam Deck! Wrow, can you believe it?!
You need to believe it for me, because I'm hardly able to believe myself. Hohohoh, my unbridled genius truly is something to be reckoned with. This has been Doctor Googlymoogly, over!!
July 24, 2022 [ttr-live-v3.4.0]
• Added Steam Deck support, including support for its Game Mode. You can learn more at!
• Added experimental controller support!
• This is locked behind an experimental toggle in the Gameplay section of the Options Menu.
• Xbox controllers have been well tested, but there are issues with PlayStation and Nintendo controllers.
• Over time, we plan to add better support for various controllers and the ability to re-bind controller inputs.
• Currently, the right stick emulates mouse input. In the future, we plan to make adjustments to the GUI to allow proper selection with the face buttons.
• While most of the game is playable with a controller, certain activities are more awkward than others. This is planned to be addressed in a later update.
• To see the controller bindings, check out!
Sellbot Task Force
• The Resistance has discovered a stash of Jellybeans hidden away by the Sellbots...
• Just For Fun! ToonTasks have arrived in the Hideout! Once you've earned your Smasher Badge, these will be available from any Resistance Operator. Earn tons of jellybeans and even longer Cheesy Effects!
• Plus, there’s a repeatable Just For Fun! ToonTask that lets you revisit the final moments of the Smasher storyline. It rewards a solid chunk of beans to boot!
• The Resistance has installed additional cameras in the Hideout, adding new views to the G.I.M.M.I.C.K. -- check them out!
• Fixed various dialogue issues in ToonTasks.
• Added the Pronoun Picker! This feature lets you show your pronouns to everyone in your Toon Detail Panel.
• Toons will have no pronouns selected by default, but you can select up to three pronouns in the Options Menu.
• Cleaned up text formatting in the Toon Detail Panel.
• Cheesy Effect Just for Fun! ToonTasks no longer have restrictions to specific Playgrounds, such as an Invisible Toon effect from The Brrrgh only working while in The Brrrgh.
• Significantly increased the duration of Cheesy Effect Just for Fun! ToonTasks in lower-level Playgrounds.
• When reaching the end of the SpeedChat+ text box, you’ll hear and see an indicator that the box is full, rather than automatically sending the message.
• Thought bubbles will now properly persist between different areas.
Toon Estates
• Added floating treasures to the 48 Hours of Cannons minigame! This is based on incomplete code left in the game files.
• Further increased the storage limits for Furniture and Accessories.
• Anisotropic Filtering levels of game textures can now be adjusted in the Options Menu.
• Added a toggle to enable or disable mipmapping to the Options Menu.
• Implemented an even higher font quality, now called "Maximum" -- the previous Maximum is now listed as "Higher" in the Options Menu.
• Tweaked the colors of Toon T.A.G.S. to improve readability and appear more in line with Toontown Online.
• Addressed an issue that would occasionally cause Status Effect icons to not appear during battles.
• Tweaked the scaling of battle menus to look better in a 4:3 game window.
• Fixed a long-standing issue with Pink Slips that could cause the “Kapow!” text to clip behind the smoke cloud.
• Doctor Fumbdound has dound, er -- found, his missing glasses!
• Fixed a well-known issue with Windows 11 that caused frequent crashes.
• Improved Cog "chase" behavior in the Sellbot Factory. Run for your Laff!
• Fixed an issue where group attacks could miss against a group of all Lured Cogs in specific cases.
• Fixed a bug that locked Animation usage when entering a battle that ends before you can join.
• Improved networking reliability to address cases where Toons would appear to “jitter” through the world.
• Implemented several bug fixes to the Silly Meter and the Silly Reader Shticker Book page.
• Fixed some softlocks related to the Districts Shticker Book page.
• Cleaned up various bits of behind-the-scenes code.
• Fixed several client and server crashes throughout Toontown.
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That sounds fun!!! Jellybean Tasks are way better!
i love the pronouns update thing !
This is awesome! Thanks for the update TTR team!
Controller support!!! Finally a way to play other than my keyboard. I know it isn't going to be ideal in all areas, but the option to have it is phenomenal.
omg i love this
Nice! More personal expression is always nice.
Wow! Controller support is going to be big, especially for laptop users who don't have mice!
Controller support is not something I would've thought would show up in an update, I can't wait to give it a shot!
The day they attempt to cross over to Xbox controllers Never thought I'd see the day LOL
No way! Im so excited to choose pronouns to describe myself! At one moment I thought the update was actually getting rid of the field offices or bean unites, which has me worried! I love field offices and beans, and so do a lot of toons! Please never get rid of either of them, they make ToonTown, toon enough! :D
Looks like an interesting update here
ooooo, so exciting for this!
This sounds like an awesome update.
This is awesome!
Very exciting!
can't wait for the pronoun update!! its gonna be awesome
Anisotropic Filtering my beloved
Love it! Really excited about this update
Pronoun picker, omg!!!!!!!! Amazing, i cant wait!!! this update sounds so amazing. thank you TTR team!
W update.
How exciting! I use he/him and it/its pronouns in my day-to-day life, but my toon has eyelashes in-game, so I'll definitely be using the new T.A.G.S!
This update is incredible as always! A huge thanks to the TTR team!!
This is such an exciting and huge update! So excited about pronouns and to see how a controller goes. Thanks so much for this!
This sounds awesome! Can't wait to try the new stuff! :D
That’s awesome ! I love the fact that we have pronouns now, toontown is changing so much and very inclusive, never stop showing pride!
Thank you for the update!
Omg yes!!!
Omg yes! Now, I can put she/her!!!
sounds great!
thanks for the 3.4 update!
this is awesome
Nice!! Loving the bug fixes, and the pronouns! Also might start taking more Invisible/Big/ etc Toon quests now!
Wow, this all sounds great! Almost eared my smasher badge, then I can't wait to try out everything! Thanks TTR team! :D
Amazing!! I’ve been crashing very often on Windows 11 lately :( looks like I’ll be all set now!
Yoooo, this is awesome!
the pronoun picker idea is awesome!! including neopronouns in it makes me so happy :)
Heck yeah!
Steam Deck support is another reason to try and get one HAHA
controller support, nice.
The rate at which you guys make these updates is so good! I remember finishing the main taskline and feeling relieved that I was prepared for the tasks of the new update, but I've barely even started the new one before even more toontasks have been added! Thank you all for helping to keep this game's legacy alive.
Another amazing update as always! THANK YOU TTR!
Woohoo pronouns! That's epic. Thank you guys for being so inclusive!
Oooh, sounds interesting! Better check out these updates myself when I get the chance.
Seems like a great update! I'll have to get my controller and try out the CFO's cranes
Awesome! love knowing that the game still keeps getting updates!
I would love to send some feedback about the controller layout!
Awesome update!! Thanks rangers!
you have no idea how excited i am to be able to properly address people's pronouns without it feeling so secretive or invasive- thank you for allowing this game to be better for the kids now than it was for me when i was a kid <3
So excited :D
Nice! I can't wait till I can try the cool new tasks!
you implemented not just one but 2 of my suggestions that I sent. Thank you so much! As the saying goes, "You guys are great!"
YAAAAAAAS keep the good updates coming just dont change the game too much please
I love it when I start to notice issues with a game and they start getting systematically fixed in the next update. You guys are awesome!
Awesome!!!!! I love this!!!
Pronoun picker is a great idea! Thank you for the update! <3
So happy to see controller support added. Never would’ve thought!
Because we now have controller support does that mean that we might be getting TTR on consoles.
Whoo Hoo! Sounds awesome!
Does it works with Nintendo switch pro controller?
Great controller support work Aidan!
Thank you for loving Toontown as much as you do.
Cool updates! Thank you for continuing to make Toontown more fun!
Thanks for making Toontown compatible with Xbox controllers! I have an Xbox controller somewhere, and it'd be fun to use it sometime to play.
TOONTASTIC!!!! Tysm!! :)
the pronoun picker is so nice to see! it's very comforting to see that one of my favorite games allows me to show off my pronouns and identity :)
Im a pretty active console gamer. I cant wait to try out my xbox controller! Very neat update!
“ Doctor dumbdound has dound, er— found, his missing glasses” hahahaha
The Pronoun Picker was a fabulous idea! Toontastic!!
Controller Support! This update is amazing!
My friend Hugo can finally play TTR with a comfortable controller!
So the final instance can be returned to after getting the Smasher Badge. Sweet! Now I just have to get there...
wow waht a good day