Ripley's Resistance Broadcast
Posted by Ripley on November 24, 2021 at 2:30 PM
Attention, Toontown -- we need your help! This is an emergency Resistance Broadcast, going out to any Toon with an ear to listen and a glove ready to throw some pies. After the Sellbots’ counterfeit contract, they sent waves upon waves of Version 2.0 Sellbots, but stopping that wasn’t enough. Version 2.0 Sellbots are Mega-Invading Toontown... again!

The moment those Glad Handers sent the contract our way, I could smell something fishy. I’ve smashed through enough Sellbots to tell you that any “truce” is just another cowardly attempt at what those Cogs do best: boring business. If our refusal to sign led to these invasions, I’d hate to see what would’ve happened if we did sign that contract.
To counteract the Sellbots’ pesky invasions, we’ve brought all hands on deck. Loony Labs’ S.I.L.L.I. team (Scientists Interested in Laugh Levels Increasing) have kicked the Silly Meter into overdrive, bypassing the cooldown in an effort to combat the Cogs! Could it be dangerous? No one knows -- and that’s what I love about it!
By defeating those Version 2.0 Cogs, we should be able to send those “Laugh Levels” through the roof in record time! Plus, any Toons who haven’t already earned their Bossbot disguise can use these invasions to their benefit. If you need a little more guidance, check out our “newest” recruitment tape. (Yeesh, time flies! I look young!)
And with that: Deploy the Resistance Rangers!
P.S. - Our friend “A.S.” has their eye on Toon HQ’s radar for any sleuths looking to join the cause. 539 means KEY!
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Never trust a cog.
Toons of the World, unite!
Aye Im hyped! Field Offices are closer then we think
Bring it on Sellbots!
Also, what does 539 is key? Is that some kind of code?
We can't let those buckets o' bolts beat us! Toons of the world, unite!
There's a storm brewing and the forecast screams Sellbots! Those Cogs must be up to no good at that factory if they are producing this many 2.0 Cogs! Everyone stay safe. Toons unite!
This sounds fun!
Fighting upgraded Cogs with Resistance Rangers?! Count me in! Ranger-in-training Rollie, reportin' for duty!
Wow, this is so awesome! I'm super hyped, and I can't wait to possibly meet some Resistance Rangers and do some battle with Cogs. You guys are great!
This whole Sellbot thing is kinda like the new Spider-man movie. There's a lotta cool stuff coming, and people are super excited!!
This is mostly exciting, even for me!
Is that PS code for "we need beta testers to make sure the big new feature everyone has been hyped about doesn't explode... outside normal explosive gag parameters anyway"?
I suggest HQs start installing giant umbrellas above them. Last time I visited the VP (I had an appointment with him and he had an appointment with my cream pies) I thought I heard something more about those luxury houses they've been working on. Stay alert! I'll ask Santatoon if he can send any reinforcements. We've got some new trainees in the way of HQ infiltration.
Field offices still foreshadow, I cannot wait to see the final result of this masterpiece!
Knew something smelled fishy with that letter... well, i did help during the time the resistance crashed the cashbot HQ, the least i can do is to join the resistance properly, and do as instructed in the recruitment tape. something is upon us, and i want to be prepared.
Let's get down to business!
The C.F.O. project... Cog Field Offices someone pointed that out during Operation: Crash Cashbot HQ just... bravo, Toontown Team
Let's just hope the Silly defenses don't fail us when the time comes...we'll need all our gags and hands for this invasion...
539 is KEY? Sounds like a vigenere cipher, in which a key is required to decode it. Gravity Falls, don't fail me now...
So, In the Resistance archives: The letters highlighted by color that corresponds to jellybean flower combinations spells out dmshcuetofepeigoehrivaonathuhdules I have no clue what to do with this and 539 does not seem to be the key but I'm sure some smart toon out there knows what to do with this!
Guys, I feel like we might be getting something HUGE tomorrow. This is all Sellbot-related stuff, so whatever’s coming has to do with sales. What’s tomorrow? Black Friday, the day of sales. Plus, Black Friday is on the 26th, and we know all the anomalies happen on the 26th of the month.
I found a bug where Dr. Fumbdound is missing his glasses except when he shows you the silly reader so yea
Just saying bringing back Lowden would be insane 0____0
Very hyped! I still don't know who's this "A.S." is (very SUS...) Also I BET the numbers are standing for letters!! Them toons at the Toontown Team ain't fooling me... Thank you so mush to the cogs making those 2.0 invasion ( now u got another toon in the toon resistance!!! Hehehe ) HOPE U HAVE FUN GETTING BUSTED COGS!!!!!!!!! :D
It would be funny if the cogs were actually helping us fill the meter so it eventually explodes and we have nothing left to counter Field Offices.
It's time for Toontown cold wars. *Loaded watergun noises*
Hi there! Since today's Thanksgiving, I would just like to say that I'm so thankful for this great game and all the folks at TTR who help run the game and make it possible. I mean, I've grown up with this game. I've been playing it for, gosh, almost 7 years! And I've really enjoyed taking down Cogs, making lots of friends, playing fun games, and just, you know, being a Toon! And with these Field Offices about to come out, I'm sure it's gonna get better! So, from the bottom of my toon heart, Thank you TTR! Happy Thanksgiving! Can't wait for Field Offices!
Who is A.S? Also, I not sure what is going on.
The 26 is always SUS. I'm born the 26th of October.
Holy smokes!
Can someone tell me please what we do with the whispered code firehosejellybeanslaff once we get it?
Are we going to get mega invasions again if there’s another news tomorrow, or are we going to get something else? But whatever it is, we will never get defeated by the sellbots without a fight
Podcast rewritten is on this breaking story!
There was nothing this morning, I'm hoping after the update we will have some answers!!
i was wondering why there so many invasions
Here we go, everyone!