Breaking News: Cogs Call a Toon Truce?!
Posted by Daisy Nusecaster on November 20, 2021 at 12:00 PM
Good afternoon, Toontown -- my name is Daisy Nusecaster. I'm coming to you with an exclusive blog report from Toontown's favorite news network, Toon News... for the Amused!
All eyes are on Toon Hall this evening, as insiders tell us that the Sellbots have approached the Toon Council with a deal unlike anything we've ever seen: a truce between Cogs and Toons!

Sellbots love to seal a deal, and it looks like the Cogs have sent out Glad Handers to call a truce with Toons! After all these years, are the Cogs finally ready to make peace? Or is this another tricky trap from those geared-up goons?
A copy of the contract has been released by the Toon Resistance, who are currently attempting to decode the document for any clues about the Cogs' motives. You can read the fine print right here -- that is, if you can decipher it!

We can't get a grip on this handful of a development... What do YOU think?
This has been Daisy Nusecaster, bringing you the latest Toon News... for the Amused!
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ooh! mysterious!
Toontastic! I think Flippy should sign it right away so we can have a party with the Cogs!
I gotta hand it to Toon News on this one. I'm glad they wrote the story as it broke.
I say they’ll ambush all of our locations.
This is very shocking, I can't believe after all these years- cogs want to make peace? I'm all for it.. but how will I use gags?
Seems a little.......suspicious
Seems too good to be true. Keep an eye on those Sellbots!
What do Cogs want with “select toontown assets?” They can’t just steal our fun!!
Absolutely not. I went through this message and it's a definite no-go from me.
Keep your eyes on the sky, it is bound to get worse.
I don't trust it one bit. Why should they dictate the terms of a truce without consulting what we want in return?
im not falling for their "truce"
This is absolute nonsense the cogs are up to something fishy
that’s suspicious… that’s weird.. don’t do it, why would they wanna truce with toons after all these years?
If it can’t be broken down easily, then it can’t be trusted…Fellow toons don’t trust these cogs!!
Are we sure it was Glad Handers? Could’ve been Back Stabbers in disguise!
Would it finally be over? Every toon fighting cogs endlessly. Or will Toontown take a big step into a great disaster...
What kinda malarkey is this gibberish? whatever this paper says, we should thread carefully, as much as i long for peace, something smells fishy here, and i'm not talking about the smell of the docks.
I think that this may be thier way of sneaking those offices in on us ! better watch those cogs !
Seems a little one sided for a "Truce" if you ask me, but hey what do I know? Maybe there's a beating heart under all that scrap metal after all? (. . .Yeah right, maybe when Doodles fly.)
What assets are they wanting?!
I wouldn't trust it. The cogs even insulted us in this document.
Hmm… this could be a trick or they had there fingers crossed it must be a trap
Sounds interesting... Looks like I need to make a pitstop in Toontown to see what's up!
Yooooo, this is interesting... I don't buy the truce for a second though, let's see who can decipher it first...
I DID IT! My first guess for what the system was was right! I shall not tell though ;^) (I still don't trust them after figuring it out though, lol.)
It seems like it's a little too good to be true...
I don't trust the cogs foir one moment. We tried to trust that Yesmen in the Elections and it caused Slappy to go sad how can we trust the cogs now? I'm telling you now, it's a trap!
What a mystery I wonder what the cogs are up to let me guess another toon resistance celebration or either field offices coming out but I was only just guessing I could be wrong I could be right but I guess the only new thing that they have brought to us is to decode something.
Ooh, maybe finally sellbot field offices????
oh um i dont no what it means but it looks secret for sure!
Would be nice if it were true, but I smell dirty tricks!
ok send them over for a Toontastic party!
I dont trust this at all!
Hmmm... A bit concerning for Toontown if you ask me. if we're going to sign that truce, I would consider proceeding with caution.
Hmm, my detective's intuition doesn't trust this for a second. I wouldn't sign it!
This seems very sus.
Hmm, seems too good to be true. We need to get Flippy to read over a translated version of this. It could mean bad news for us Toons.
We've beat 'em once, we'll beat 'em again. No matter what we do, we'll show those Cogs a laugh or two.
A truce, you say? ...Yeah, I ain't buying it. I don't trust the Cogs one bit. Y'all better keep an eye on those Metal Heads, folks!
I smell an ARG to hype something.
I'm a little skeptic about this,,
Unless they’ve found a threat to us both I see no reason to accept the truce, especially with no clear terms to it.
Cogs calling for a truce.... I'm having a Deja vu moment right now. I don't think it ended to good last time.... I'm gonna keep my cream pie near by just in case...
IDK bout this one little bit... Odd.
Hmmm I do not trust these cogs even if they are giving a truce. Not one bit...
I've always wanted to be able to be friends with cogs when I've attempted adding them. Will this change things and make some cogs your allies? let's do it!
I hope Version 2.0 Two-Face MEGA invasion too!
um?????? some thing is up here
More hints for the sellbot field office!
Don't fall for it! They are going to pull something big!
Not buying it! They must plotting something evil.... AND I'M GONNA MAKE SURE THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN!
This is just so the Sellbots get an opportunity to sneak in those field offices! Don't trust them!
is that the mega v2.0 invasion i saw?
i love toontown
OMG This is definitely Going to be the set up of Field offices!!! LET’S GO!!!!!!!!!
Hmm... That seems odd...
what in the world ?!
ill never trust cogs, i dont buy it for a second! i know theyre hiding something behind this letter...
Toontown over? Cog and toons no more fighting
Smells of cog oil and I don't like that.
Wow! I wonder if the silly meter has anything to do with this…. The cogs want a truce?! How silly!!
A Cog truce? I'm not buying it.
I've got a feeling... that something BIG'S about to happen...
I think its a trick, after all these years I dont think cogs would ever make peace with toons. Also this would be the perfect opportunity for them to trick toons! Do NOT fall for this trick!!!
Bruh Nah I don't buy it this is a coded message idk how to solve but someone will
Oooh, I wonder what the Cogs are up to this time?
This is toontastic! I can't wait to make friends with The Mingler, think she'll introduce me to Mr. Hollywood?
Don't sign anything unless you've read and 100% understood it! It may be a trick, so we must read it properly and decode it!
You know, itd be useful for inside cogs to help rid toontown of the other cogs, but this could easily be a trap, this could be the toontown election armagedon all over again
I thought I saw these tricky Glad Handers do this before?
it is a bit suspicious
The instant I saw this. INSTANT HYPE!! Thank you Joey and the TTR Team! I can't wait!!
No. Can't trust those cogs. I'm afraid they'll try to trick us.
They are asking for permission to take over the HQs to deploy their Field Offices. How polite!
Is this a joke or something? I think this must be a joke because of the spelling errors.
Is this fake?
I don't buy it for a second. What are the cogs up to?