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Daily Alpha Giveaway: This Atta Do It!
Posted by Sir Max on December 9, 2013 at 2:00 PM
You guys atta be ready for this, because this contest atta be really good. Atta.
For those poor few of you with punless souls, what I'm trying to say is that the ATTA is taking over today's Daily Alpha Contest! The secondary one, I should say.
The ATTA (Adult Toontown Addicts) is a group of parents and adults who have magically resisted turning into a cog throughout their lifetime, and still play Toontown actively. You guys who thought you were weird for reading a blog about a kid's game, you can stop viewing these posts in private now. You aren't the only one. I know you're out there!
For the rest of you younger folk who are a bit confused, no worries. The ATTA has a partner clan called the KTTA (Kid Toontown Addicts) that you are welcome to join before ascending into adulthood. You can head on over here to learn about the two groups, as well as joining in on Today's Alpha Key Contest!
Enough of that, though, lets get to today's question. Shockley, press that button! *drumroll*
Today's question is... "What is the most memorable set of ToonTasks for you? What made them so good/bad?" You can be-bop on over to our Alpha Giveaway Page to answer the question and get another chance to win an alpha key. Assuming you haven't already won, of course. Speaking of which, here are today's winners!
Today's Question:
"How can we improve our news, both in-game and out of game?
What kind of sections do you want to see in the in-game news?"
1. Lime Dog
1. Quacking Jabberquacker
A Day in the Life of Roger Dog
Funny Finance
Chef Listenup's Tips!
The Strange Case of Spare
Golf Balls and Glue
1. Raichi

The ATTA (Adult Toontown Addicts) is a group of parents and adults who have magically resisted turning into a cog throughout their lifetime, and still play Toontown actively. You guys who thought you were weird for reading a blog about a kid's game, you can stop viewing these posts in private now. You aren't the only one. I know you're out there!
For the rest of you younger folk who are a bit confused, no worries. The ATTA has a partner clan called the KTTA (Kid Toontown Addicts) that you are welcome to join before ascending into adulthood. You can head on over here to learn about the two groups, as well as joining in on Today's Alpha Key Contest!
Enough of that, though, lets get to today's question. Shockley, press that button! *drumroll*
Today's question is... "What is the most memorable set of ToonTasks for you? What made them so good/bad?" You can be-bop on over to our Alpha Giveaway Page to answer the question and get another chance to win an alpha key. Assuming you haven't already won, of course. Speaking of which, here are today's winners!
Daily Alpha Giveaway Winners:
The people listed below were randomly selected from the entries to win. Head on over here to enter for tomorrow's giveaway!"How can we improve our news, both in-game and out of game?
What kind of sections do you want to see in the in-game news?"
1. Lime Dog
TTR could make the news frequently updated to make it good. Sections id like to see would be top toons and little teasers for updates :D2. Huckleberry
The news should include answers to questions.3. Mister Skids
Toonbook posts, Facebook posts, News page on your website, MMO Central forum - your doing all the right things. I just think an official Facebook page would be helpful for us older kids so that we can get the alerts on our devices...4. Sam Handwhich
You could have different sections of news. One as updates, one as events, one as new things coming, etc.5. Miss Mary
Some sections in the news should be top toon video maker of the week...6. Humpy Humpy Ballonazap
I would wanna see the original newspaper because that paper was the awesomest toon paper ever...7. Z.Z.
To improve your news, just keep it the same. The daily updates are great! I would like to see player created articles, like Alpha Tester articles.8. Dinky McDoodle
Maybe billboards or something displaying information on current cog invasions, news, or specific boarding times for boss battles or other elevators which have boarding groups. The leader would put in a group name and a time of when the group is to board the elevator.9. Carrot
You could add more sections, like maybe a sports section...10. Mindy
I never really read the in game news because it was really slow to load and I would get tired of waiting. I would like news stories about which gags are best against which cogs (if there is an advantage to using squirt vs. throw) or something like that...
TTC Times Comic Contest:
The TTC Times rebooted recently, and had some people write articles and comics for their issue that's coming out this Friday. The best ones were chosen to receive one alpha key each.Articles:
1. Quacking Jabberquacker
A Day in the Life of Roger Dog
...There were many buttons and levers, which confused Roger Dog so he pressed a random button to see what it would do, the pod opened and out came a clone of himself!2. Alien Reindeers
"im the real roger dog" the clone said.
"no im roger dog" Roger Dog replied...
Funny Finance
...Of all the alternate currencies, Marshmallows suffered the most. Regardless of the recent bean bounce, the Marshmallow supporters are in some serious hot water, or rather, the Marshmallows are NOT in some serious hot cocoa...3. Listenup
Chef Listenup's Tips!
...It's good to train toon up and trap together, because you get hit after each gag you play if the cog is still standing. You are in good shape because you can keep racking up points for the low gags/low damage to the cogs, and continue to use tons of toon ups and traps to max your efforts...4. Spare
The Strange Case of Spare
...Lil Oldman finally arrived at his estate. As he unlocked his estate door, he felt as if someone was watching him. He looked around, but just grumbled to himself that nobody could be at his estate. Quickly he opened the door and turned the light on. He stared for a second and could not believe what he saw: Nothing.5. Jon
The Silly Meter was gone...
Golf Balls and Glue
...These stubborn golf balls have been thought to be defying physics and not moving, despite being hit by the club. However, it turns out that it?s not actually the fault of the golf balls?they?re being glued to the ground. Yes, you read that right. Somehow, the golf balls are being glued to the ground. We took a sample of the substance used to make them stick, and it was blue glue. One of our best investigators set out and searched for a clue to see who is ruining the fun of the golf course...
1. Raichi
2. Fluffabunny![]()
3. Lemonmuffin![]()
4. Mr. Pie Guy![]()
5. Lavabear![]()
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Princess said on December 9, 2013 at 8:33 PM
Congratulations to the winners! I REALLY hope I win next, but who knows? Thank you for the contest, without you, I wouldn't have had more hope that I could get a key.
Congratulations to the winners! I REALLY hope I win next, but who knows? Thank you for the contest, without you, I wouldn't have had more hope that I could get a key.
Gabby said on December 10, 2013 at 7:18 AM
Congrats on the winners! I hope I win next, such a wonder!Good way to make me stay on the computer allday, refreshing the page, waiting for it to update, loL! Can't wait xx
Congrats on the winners! I hope I win next, such a wonder!Good way to make me stay on the computer allday, refreshing the page, waiting for it to update, loL! Can't wait xx
Laughing Taffy said on December 10, 2013 at 8:26 AM
I'm really Laughing here with these comics keep up the good work guys :) i hope i win next but i doubt it. Those winners have fun in ToonTown Rewritten
I'm really Laughing here with these comics keep up the good work guys :) i hope i win next but i doubt it. Those winners have fun in ToonTown Rewritten
Master Wildwoof said on December 10, 2013 at 9:44 AM
I think we are traveling through time with their wacky inventions in the Toon Hall!!
I think we are traveling through time with their wacky inventions in the Toon Hall!!
Rainbow said on December 10, 2013 at 2:29 PM
Im getting really discouraged,And I cried a just raisied my spirit a tiny bit. I hope I win! Ty Joey :3 ~Rainbow
Im getting really discouraged,And I cried a just raisied my spirit a tiny bit. I hope I win! Ty Joey :3 ~Rainbow
Tommy said on December 11, 2013 at 1:27 PM
Lol! I love these comics! Congrats to the Winners, I hope you have fun in ToonTown Rewritten! ;)
Lol! I love these comics! Congrats to the Winners, I hope you have fun in ToonTown Rewritten! ;)
Those comics are killing me with laughter! Especially the second and fifth one. Great to see this community is talented! :)