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Daily Alpha Giveaway: The Shopkeeper Parable
Posted by Sir Max on December 11, 2013 at 2:00 PM
This is the story of a toon named Zippy. All of his co-workers were gone. What could it mean? Zippy decided to... Oh, hello!
Sorry about that, I was just typing up some dialogue for my entry in today's backstory contest.
We're taking a break from MMO Central Forums and heading over to a new area: TTRForums! TTRForums is a forum that just recently started, named after none other than Toontown Rewritten itself, of course. We're really excited to see the new fansites people are making and want to help them get started, which is why we asked TTRForums to host today's contest.
Before we talk about that contest, you know what's coming next: The Daily Alpha Giveaway question! We have seen literally thousands of suggestions since Toontown Rewritten started, most of which are really, really good. The question is, which ones are the best? No, that isn't the actual question. That is our question. Your question is: "Of all of the suggested features you have seen, which one do you want the most?"
So let's get back to TTR Forums. They're hosting a creative contest today, and pretty easy as well! All you have to do is type up a story about how a certain shopkeeper got their job, or perhaps why their Toontasks are the way they are. They'll be picking their favorite entries to receive a glorious Alpha Key!
They are going to be a bit late on setting up their contest, but I'll put a link right here (It's here!) when it is up. In the meantime, time to check out these winners!
Today's Question:
"Have you ever used Toontown Fansites or forums?
Which was your favorite one, and what could have made it better?
(Both in-game and on the site itself.)"
1. Hall of Fame
1. Meep Meep
Sorry about that, I was just typing up some dialogue for my entry in today's backstory contest.

We're taking a break from MMO Central Forums and heading over to a new area: TTRForums! TTRForums is a forum that just recently started, named after none other than Toontown Rewritten itself, of course. We're really excited to see the new fansites people are making and want to help them get started, which is why we asked TTRForums to host today's contest.
Before we talk about that contest, you know what's coming next: The Daily Alpha Giveaway question! We have seen literally thousands of suggestions since Toontown Rewritten started, most of which are really, really good. The question is, which ones are the best? No, that isn't the actual question. That is our question. Your question is: "Of all of the suggested features you have seen, which one do you want the most?"
So let's get back to TTR Forums. They're hosting a creative contest today, and pretty easy as well! All you have to do is type up a story about how a certain shopkeeper got their job, or perhaps why their Toontasks are the way they are. They'll be picking their favorite entries to receive a glorious Alpha Key!
They are going to be a bit late on setting up their contest, but I'll put a link right here (It's here!) when it is up. In the meantime, time to check out these winners!
Daily Alpha Giveaway Winners:
The people listed below were randomly selected from the entries to win. Head on over here to enter for tomorrow's giveaway!"Have you ever used Toontown Fansites or forums?
Which was your favorite one, and what could have made it better?
(Both in-game and on the site itself.)"
1. Hall of Fame
I used Toontown Hall every once in awhile I found it quite a great site but some of the events were not very well planned at times but overall I like the site...2. Radical Rocket
I have used a LOT of forums. Toontown Hall, Toontown Central (before MMO Central), Toontown Nation, among others. My favorite one? I personally love all of them equally. I think there needed to be more involvement with forums. There weren't even shoutouts to the forums on the original Toontown and nothing really went on to do with the forums...3. Master Flapjack
My favorite Toontown fansite was the one that preceded MMO Central Forums: Toontown Central... If there was a sort of a connection between such a sight and the game itself, like in the in-game news, then that could've made it a lot better.4. Toonuniverse
I've never used forums, but my friend would say Toontown Central Forums.5. King Felix Jeeperhopper
Yes, I have used Toontown Fansites and forums. My favorite one was Toonbook, and it could have been made better if it wouldn't reject a password so many times when trying to make a new account.6. Lady Pearl Twinkletooth
I've only ever used the old TTC Forums, so it's my favorite by default... I loved (and still do) the site, and I'm really glad it got converted to MMO Central. :D7. Matrix
I have been on many Toontown Forums and my favorite ones were those that always talked about VP, CFO, CJ, and CEO battles. It would have been better if they let everyone post on them though.8. Bonkers Twinkleberry
I've used and enjoyed Toontown Hall because of all the activities and events they host.9. Kryptonite
Yes, and I would have to say that my most favorite one out of the few I knew about was "Toontown Hall". I think Toontown hall could have made itself better by having a few more guilds/clubs for some other things that they didn't already have covered.10. Rosebud
My favorite Toontown fansite besides Toonbook is TTC Forums
MMO Central Forums Tweeting Contest:
The folks at MMO Central Forums challenged everyone to write up a silly bug report using only 140 words, as if it were posted on Twitter. Here are their favorites!1. Meep Meep
@TTR I have this unfortunate problem where I'm limited to 140 character on Toontown. Please help!!!! #deniedtyping #140bug #help #cookies #!2. Tattooed Heart
@TTRTeam Whenever I go racing, my car disappears and my toon has to run without the car! #pleasefixthis #imaslowrunner3. Luna the Cat
@TTR #helppls #foundbug There's weird bumps on dog toons' heads! #ewewew #gross #fixitimmediately #alphakeycontest4. Cheezynerd
@TTRDEV OMG so I went to DDL and I saw a fish doing the worm #fixpls #bugreport5. Odd
@TTRTeam I have a problem I want to wear my dino suit for Halloween so I put it on and now it's tryin to eat me! #Alphakeycontest #Bug #HELP6. Spike
@MMOC Instead of my doodle eating jellybeans to learn tricks, he's spitting them out at my toon! Help! #DoesClarabelleAcceptPrechewedJellies7. Squeezie
the cogs have made their own robotic gags and are defeating themselves with them.... odd #accidentalvictory #whatdowedonow....8. Matrix
@TTR, I have this lone shark in my pond and its been eating all my mackerel, leaving holes in them. Can you believe that? Hopefully it will be gladly handeled. #Hopingforthebest #Lonesharkprobs #HoleyMackerel!9. Femesol
@TTRBugExterminators Every time I go for a swim my clothes remain dry!!! #dryclothes #cooldown #alphakeycontest10. Lori
@TTRDEVS Crashed during crane round in CFO after getting a -39 hit with safe #wouldhavebeenJBsanyway
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Princess Hulagadget said on December 11, 2013 at 7:27 PM
Wow, these are some funny bugs and hashtags! And I'm glad I'm not the only one who used Toontown Hall. By the way, does TTR Forums take forever to load for everyone, or is it just me?
Wow, these are some funny bugs and hashtags! And I'm glad I'm not the only one who used Toontown Hall. By the way, does TTR Forums take forever to load for everyone, or is it just me?
Michael said on December 12, 2013 at 6:17 AM
I hope I get an Alpha key, :s Really keeping my hopes up.
I hope I get an Alpha key, :s Really keeping my hopes up.
Willow Wondertwist said on December 12, 2013 at 8:11 AM
I haven't been able to get into TTR Forum all morning. It was slow last night but now I just get an error message.
I haven't been able to get into TTR Forum all morning. It was slow last night but now I just get an error message.
Jones Indiana said on December 12, 2013 at 12:21 PM
I love the Stanley Parable reference! Keep it up!
I love the Stanley Parable reference! Keep it up!
Tate said on December 12, 2013 at 12:52 PM
When I saw the photo that said, "Zippy took the door on the left ..." and when you said, "This is the story of a toon named Zippy. All of his co-workers were gone. What could it mean?" Were you making a reference to the game The Stanley Parable?
When I saw the photo that said, "Zippy took the door on the left ..." and when you said, "This is the story of a toon named Zippy. All of his co-workers were gone. What could it mean?" Were you making a reference to the game The Stanley Parable?
Prometheus said on December 12, 2013 at 1:24 PM
Ahaha! I Love Stanley Parable! DID YOU GET THE BROOM CLOSET ENDING? That ENDING WAS MY FAVORITE!!!1111 Anyway. Good Choice in storytelling there Max! I remember using ToontownCentral and toontask However thats about it. I bet a good friend of mine through there. we have been inseparable since.
Ahaha! I Love Stanley Parable! DID YOU GET THE BROOM CLOSET ENDING? That ENDING WAS MY FAVORITE!!!1111 Anyway. Good Choice in storytelling there Max! I remember using ToontownCentral and toontask However thats about it. I bet a good friend of mine through there. we have been inseparable since.
Yolo said on December 12, 2013 at 1:50 PM
I love it when contests are rigged!
I love it when contests are rigged!
midnight1888 said on December 13, 2013 at 6:12 AM
i am sorry if i made a mistake of typing the wrong thing earlier. i like to say that how much fun this is the last month or so with these Alpha Key's Contests. It kept me interested everyday. i just loved the roller coaster feeling it had given me not to mention the hopes of being able to play Toon Town again. Please, let Beta starts soon. Thank you TTR Staff.
i am sorry if i made a mistake of typing the wrong thing earlier. i like to say that how much fun this is the last month or so with these Alpha Key's Contests. It kept me interested everyday. i just loved the roller coaster feeling it had given me not to mention the hopes of being able to play Toon Town again. Please, let Beta starts soon. Thank you TTR Staff.
I used ToonTown Hall most recently before the closure, but back in 2007 I used ToonTownCentral. I think they were fantastic because I wasn't too good at making friends in game. I wasn't antisocial or anything, I just focused on my toons more than talking with people. ToonTown Hall was a much better community site, and I was active in quite a few guilds, but one thing I wish that they had was a way to connect your toons to your profile. I always felt really good being able to change my "your toons" section to update a new cog suit or a next tier gag.