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Daily Alpha Giveaway: Eddit, or Reddit?
Posted by Sir Max on December 12, 2013 at 2:00 PM
Ooooh, boy! These giveaways sure are getting pretty tiring. You know what they say, though: Another day, another jellybean! Or in this case, another contest.
Today we're taking a break from Toontown fansites and be-bopping on over to a couple of third party websites with Toontown categories. To be specific, we're going to Tumblr (Toonblr) and Reddit (Toon'ddit? I dunno, we don't really have a cool name for it. We're just going to call it /r/Toontown.)
Both Myself and one of our texture designers, Roxy's Joyful Uber, are hosting the contests today on behalf of Toonblr and /r/Toontown. To make up the difference we are giving 5 keys to each site, even though reddit clearly deserves more than you Toonblr folk. (I'm hosting the reddit contest, by the way.)
For both of our contests today, we're going to be asking all of our graphic artists in the community to come up with some cool designs. On Toonblr, Roxy has set up five different categories that you can enter. Her and Joshsora will be picking out their favorite for each category. NOTE: These aren't going to be used in game, it's just for fun to check out the awesome art you guys can do. You can enter the Toonblr contest by clicking the blue words that say "enter the Toonblr contest".
For those of us that are a little less artistic, you can come on over to /r/Toontown and join me in the "Design-a-Snoo" contest. Snoo is that little white alien that reddit uses for their logo. The moderator of /r/Toontown agreed to letting us come there and submit a few for him to use. You can learn more about that contest right over here.
Speaking of third party websites, our feedback question is pretty similar today: "What kind of tools can Toontown Rewritten release to help other websites? (Examples: Toon stats, Top Toons display, Invasion tracker API, etc.)"
This question may not apply to those of you who don't use fansites, so feel free to type "I'm not sure." if you aren't sure. Enough about these other sites, though. To the winners!
Today's Question:
"Of all of the suggested features you have seen, which one do you want the most?"
1. Wacky Crinklesplat
10. King Fluffy Bananaboom

Today we're taking a break from Toontown fansites and be-bopping on over to a couple of third party websites with Toontown categories. To be specific, we're going to Tumblr (Toonblr) and Reddit (Toon'ddit? I dunno, we don't really have a cool name for it. We're just going to call it /r/Toontown.)
Both Myself and one of our texture designers, Roxy's Joyful Uber, are hosting the contests today on behalf of Toonblr and /r/Toontown. To make up the difference we are giving 5 keys to each site, even though reddit clearly deserves more than you Toonblr folk. (I'm hosting the reddit contest, by the way.)
For both of our contests today, we're going to be asking all of our graphic artists in the community to come up with some cool designs. On Toonblr, Roxy has set up five different categories that you can enter. Her and Joshsora will be picking out their favorite for each category. NOTE: These aren't going to be used in game, it's just for fun to check out the awesome art you guys can do. You can enter the Toonblr contest by clicking the blue words that say "enter the Toonblr contest".
For those of us that are a little less artistic, you can come on over to /r/Toontown and join me in the "Design-a-Snoo" contest. Snoo is that little white alien that reddit uses for their logo. The moderator of /r/Toontown agreed to letting us come there and submit a few for him to use. You can learn more about that contest right over here.
Speaking of third party websites, our feedback question is pretty similar today: "What kind of tools can Toontown Rewritten release to help other websites? (Examples: Toon stats, Top Toons display, Invasion tracker API, etc.)"
This question may not apply to those of you who don't use fansites, so feel free to type "I'm not sure." if you aren't sure. Enough about these other sites, though. To the winners!
Daily Alpha Giveaway Winners:
The people listed below were randomly selected from the entries to win. Head on over here to enter for tomorrow's giveaway!"Of all of the suggested features you have seen, which one do you want the most?"
1. Wacky Crinklesplat
I would want a few more restrictions for what low toons can do. For example, I don't think that they should be able to do the Front Three or VP.2. Hque
I want all, because all I want a good game!3. Carrot Bunny
I would like to see new gags. I love the old gags too but it would be nice to switch it up and see new cool gags, because sometimes the old ones just get boring.4. Pie R. Squared
New species sounds like a good idea.5. Aunt Z.Z. CheezyKnees
I think it would be really cool to add more species of animals to choose from.6. King Paddleboing
I think there should be minigame voting in the trolley. When you get to the Trolley you get to vote on what minigame you want to play, but you are not allowed to play the same minigame as last time.7. Little Pearl Sparklepop
I'm not too fussy, I think they are all good suggestions!8. Chuy
I really like the idea that someone put to ride a bike which makes completing those pesky end-of-road tasks a bit more doable :)9. Catman
Of all the suggested features, I want golf the most. Golf and racing. Those two were my favorite in Toontown, and they will be my favorite again.I'm with you, Catman. Both of those are actually already in Toontown Rewritten!
10. King Fluffy Bananaboom
The suggested feature I want the most is to have all 7 gag tracks.
TTRForums Backstory Contest:
You guys submitted some really awesome stories, and the TTRForums staff is having some trouble going over them all! They're going to take a bit of extra time and announce their winners tomorrow.Comments
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ZapTastic said on December 12, 2013 at 2:04 PM
Nice Joke xD "Another day,another jellybean or should I say contest" xD
Nice Joke xD "Another day,another jellybean or should I say contest" xD
Rainbow said on December 12, 2013 at 2:28 PM
Congrats to all the winners who are not announced! (Let it be me D:)
Congrats to all the winners who are not announced! (Let it be me D:)
DarkAngel said on December 12, 2013 at 2:29 PM
Well gl I loved this game when I was little or as I should say like 4 to 5 years ago me and my cousins always played and talked on the phone before chat came out ahhh good times
Well gl I loved this game when I was little or as I should say like 4 to 5 years ago me and my cousins always played and talked on the phone before chat came out ahhh good times
black cat said on December 12, 2013 at 2:34 PM
I played when I first came out and I played with my sister and brother so we pretty much did the whole game together and that was the best time of my life
I played when I first came out and I played with my sister and brother so we pretty much did the whole game together and that was the best time of my life
Awsome Black Cat said on December 12, 2013 at 3:30 PM
Dark Angel... That's about exactly when I started playing toontown, and I did talk to my cousins at my dads house, and over the phone too, and we would all play toontown. Wow we have the almost same backstory :D
Dark Angel... That's about exactly when I started playing toontown, and I did talk to my cousins at my dads house, and over the phone too, and we would all play toontown. Wow we have the almost same backstory :D
Sunset Shimmer said on December 12, 2013 at 3:41 PM
Congrats Everytoon,You guys are really lucky :D :)
Congrats Everytoon,You guys are really lucky :D :)
Duke Moe PicklePow said on December 12, 2013 at 4:08 PM
I LOVED playing toontown trolley games. I always wanted an elephant species. I cried when the one-day-membership was over, and I was incredibly sad when tt closed. I had an amazing friend, bebop, and I only had speed-chat (not actual chat). I also met a pair of who I think are twins, Princess CJ Macteeth and Princess CJ Mactooth. I miss the old toontown so much! I spent so many years playing, and I hate to start from scratch.
I LOVED playing toontown trolley games. I always wanted an elephant species. I cried when the one-day-membership was over, and I was incredibly sad when tt closed. I had an amazing friend, bebop, and I only had speed-chat (not actual chat). I also met a pair of who I think are twins, Princess CJ Macteeth and Princess CJ Mactooth. I miss the old toontown so much! I spent so many years playing, and I hate to start from scratch.
Sir Fleabag Cheezyboing said on December 12, 2013 at 4:13 PM
The game was fine, none of those changes should be added or are necessary. The only thing the game needed/needs is a new boss every 2 years, and some sort of difficult scenario or new content added every 6 months.
The game was fine, none of those changes should be added or are necessary. The only thing the game needed/needs is a new boss every 2 years, and some sort of difficult scenario or new content added every 6 months.
Lightning said on December 12, 2013 at 4:15 PM
No... I dont want restrictions on the VP! Think about the ubers out there!
No... I dont want restrictions on the VP! Think about the ubers out there!
Super Jake Thunderspeed said on December 12, 2013 at 5:28 PM
One way, is to get rid of the Field Offices, there were never any toontasks for them, they gave bad SOS cards, and they were harder each playground up! It takes forever to finish them most of the time. And I dont even think there was a summon for them!
One way, is to get rid of the Field Offices, there were never any toontasks for them, they gave bad SOS cards, and they were harder each playground up! It takes forever to finish them most of the time. And I dont even think there was a summon for them!
Kittoodle said on December 12, 2013 at 6:18 PM
Please allow low toons to do the V.P. because that was my favorite part of Toontown. Also, I would love to have all 7 gag tracks!
Please allow low toons to do the V.P. because that was my favorite part of Toontown. Also, I would love to have all 7 gag tracks!
LeRobe said on December 12, 2013 at 9:28 PM
Love the suggestions except for the all 7 gags one. This I feel would mess ith the balance of the game and personnally I feel would change the whole identity of the game.
Love the suggestions except for the all 7 gags one. This I feel would mess ith the balance of the game and personnally I feel would change the whole identity of the game.
Parry said on December 12, 2013 at 11:31 PM
I don't agree with some of the ideas. Not allowing low toons into the VP ruins the fun of the game. Also, having all seven gag tracks will make every toon too overpowered which will make the game way too easy, as though if the game is not easy enough.
I don't agree with some of the ideas. Not allowing low toons into the VP ruins the fun of the game. Also, having all seven gag tracks will make every toon too overpowered which will make the game way too easy, as though if the game is not easy enough.
Captain Trixie Nickelflapper said on December 13, 2013 at 8:19 AM
Even if I dont win an alpha key I'll be able to play anyway because of beta :D Just a little bright side for all of you who want one so bad. These are all really good answers so congrats guys:D
Even if I dont win an alpha key I'll be able to play anyway because of beta :D Just a little bright side for all of you who want one so bad. These are all really good answers so congrats guys:D
SweetRedTwinkleBear said on December 13, 2013 at 9:57 AM
My whole family loves toontown especially my autistic son He used to get rewarded with good behavior and get to play toontown and doesnt understand why he cant play anymore . I wish we also have unlimited friends for toontown.
My whole family loves toontown especially my autistic son He used to get rewarded with good behavior and get to play toontown and doesnt understand why he cant play anymore . I wish we also have unlimited friends for toontown.
Laughing Chocolate said on December 13, 2013 at 10:07 AM
I think whoever wins will definitely deserve it, as all the stories I read were amazing! Good luck ;)
I think whoever wins will definitely deserve it, as all the stories I read were amazing! Good luck ;)
Green Apple said on December 13, 2013 at 10:30 AM
I can not wait for Toontown rewritten to come out! Thank you guys for keeping the Toontown spirit alive!!
I can not wait for Toontown rewritten to come out! Thank you guys for keeping the Toontown spirit alive!!
mr.meow said on December 13, 2013 at 11:50 AM
i would like to see a improvement in the estates. there should be a feature where you can buy different houses depending on you laff.
i would like to see a improvement in the estates. there should be a feature where you can buy different houses depending on you laff.
Max said on December 13, 2013 at 11:56 AM
I would also love to see new gags that would be majorly awesome! like maybe we could keep like all the old gags but add like something called launch or something I don't know lol
I would also love to see new gags that would be majorly awesome! like maybe we could keep like all the old gags but add like something called launch or something I don't know lol
Exstrar said on December 13, 2013 at 12:04 PM
All the keys are almost gone. Good luck to all!
All the keys are almost gone. Good luck to all!
cbear said on December 13, 2013 at 12:19 PM
I just want the game the the same but they can add stuff if they want to but i want the game to be the same because it was good how it was
I just want the game the the same but they can add stuff if they want to but i want the game to be the same because it was good how it was
Capp E. Beara said on December 13, 2013 at 12:46 PM
Very anxious to see who wins! Good luck to all participants and I look forward to see all the updates to come!
Very anxious to see who wins! Good luck to all participants and I look forward to see all the updates to come!
Beary Good said on December 13, 2013 at 1:11 PM
Congrats to everyone who is about to win! (I'm so nervous right now LOL)
Congrats to everyone who is about to win! (I'm so nervous right now LOL)
turtleman4000 said on December 13, 2013 at 1:50 PM
I would suggest you guys should creates different kinds of pets and you guys are the best ever thanks for making toontown rewritten
I would suggest you guys should creates different kinds of pets and you guys are the best ever thanks for making toontown rewritten
Darkstar said on December 13, 2013 at 2:35 PM
Congratulations to the winners! You all deserve one, because you are supporting this great team that have restored our childhood. Even if you don't get one you shouldn't be angry. Because atleast we have this wonderful game to recreate what we had.
Congratulations to the winners! You all deserve one, because you are supporting this great team that have restored our childhood. Even if you don't get one you shouldn't be angry. Because atleast we have this wonderful game to recreate what we had.
elizabeth said on December 13, 2013 at 7:51 PM
I'm actually kind of glad I don't have a alpha key. It makes me feel like I'm giving a alpha to someone else, and I really like giving! Congratulations to all of you who have alpha keys, and please, I really mean it, have fun with toontownrewritten!
I'm actually kind of glad I don't have a alpha key. It makes me feel like I'm giving a alpha to someone else, and I really like giving! Congratulations to all of you who have alpha keys, and please, I really mean it, have fun with toontownrewritten!
Amelia The Great said on December 14, 2013 at 4:26 AM
Good job winners! I really hope this game comes to the public! I miss my sis who lives really far away and I can only see her on TTR or TT or ROBLOX. :'(
Good job winners! I really hope this game comes to the public! I miss my sis who lives really far away and I can only see her on TTR or TT or ROBLOX. :'(
Cuddly Lizard said on December 14, 2013 at 3:12 PM
Good luck to everyone that entered the last alpha key giveaway. I also think most of these suggestions are really good :P.
Good luck to everyone that entered the last alpha key giveaway. I also think most of these suggestions are really good :P.
Congrats to the surprise winners that are soon being picked!