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Daily Alpha Giveaway: 140 and Counting
Posted by Sir Max on December 10, 2013 at 2:00 PM
Heya guys. SM here. We've got another contest for you, and this one is pretty nifty. I hope you know how to abbreviate!
We're heading back to MMO Central Forums yet again for another sweet contest. This time, rather than by a newspaper or clan... #cont
We're being treated to a contest by MMO Central Forums themselves! The contest is simple: Make a fake bug report in tweet (or Toont?) form.
If u have evr used Toonter or Twitter, u know that u only have 140 letters to type with. MCF is doing the same! Learn more right over #here.
Whew! That's over with. The lack of paragraphs was starting to get to me. Before looking at the winners, lets take a look at today's feedback question for our Alpha Giveaway Page: "Have you ever used Toontown Fansites or forums? Which was your favorite one, and what could have made it better? (Both in-game and on the site itself.)"
Now that we've got that out of the way, lets see who our lucky toons are! We've still got quite a few days left, so don't be discouraged if you haven't won yet. A small chance is better than no chance.
Today's Question:
"What is the most memorable set of ToonTasks for you?
What made them so good/bad?"
1. Memory
9. Colonel Bonzo
1. Dactor

We're heading back to MMO Central Forums yet again for another sweet contest. This time, rather than by a newspaper or clan... #cont
We're being treated to a contest by MMO Central Forums themselves! The contest is simple: Make a fake bug report in tweet (or Toont?) form.
If u have evr used Toonter or Twitter, u know that u only have 140 letters to type with. MCF is doing the same! Learn more right over #here.
Whew! That's over with. The lack of paragraphs was starting to get to me. Before looking at the winners, lets take a look at today's feedback question for our Alpha Giveaway Page: "Have you ever used Toontown Fansites or forums? Which was your favorite one, and what could have made it better? (Both in-game and on the site itself.)"
Now that we've got that out of the way, lets see who our lucky toons are! We've still got quite a few days left, so don't be discouraged if you haven't won yet. A small chance is better than no chance.
Daily Alpha Giveaway Winners:
The people listed below were randomly selected from the entries to win. Head on over here to enter for tomorrow's giveaway!"What is the most memorable set of ToonTasks for you?
What made them so good/bad?"
1. Memory
I loved the Donald's Dreamland Toontasks... While I would being doing tasks, I would hit the page up key and look at the stars. They also gave me something to do when I was bored.2. Nicholas
Those darn gosh super specific ToonTasks always frustrated me to no end. You needed one kind of cog, or one type of cog building, that seemed to never come around until your Task was finished... So annoying!3. Ivanna Bee Scary
I feel like everyone is going to say Lil' Oldman, but his honestly weren't THAT bad... I remember I once took this DDL task for like 300 5 story buildings. It took forever to complete, and it made me lose interest in the game! I don't know who thought it'd be funny to put that in the game, but I think it's way too time consuming (even for Toontown).4. Spellboy
I really liked the toontasks for the Sellbot HQ. Not only are a lot of people there, but the rewards you get for them are very nice...5. Abracadabra
Mine had to be the Daisy Gardens Legal Eagle Key. Always a tough one.6. Seth
I guess it would be one of Lil' Old Man's tasks... Overall it was good because I manged to gather a lot of better gags.7. Pancake
The most memorable set of ToonTasks for me was Lil' Old Man because they were so hard and I took forever on them.8. Joe
The most memorable is the Lil' Oldman tasks because it taught me the importance of taking down Cog Buildings and it required teamwork with other toons. I made a BUNCH of friends doing these tasks, and it really prepared myself for Cog HQ's and Donald's Dreamland.We borked up yesterday and forgot to push the question until a few hours after the post was made. These answers are for yesterday's question: "How can we improve our news, both in-game and out of game?"
9. Colonel Bonzo
...The only thing I can really think of is to maybe find some possible way to decrease the loading time for the in-game magazine, thing. I one time even crashed because it was so resource demanding.10. Big Buzz Whiskerklunk
Something I would like to see regarding in game news would be a note telling events happening that day and that week.
ATTA Suggestion Contest:
The ATTA (Adult Toontown Adicts) had some people suggest various cattlelog-related things. They picked their favorites to receive an alpha key!1. Dactor
I'd like to see a musical animation/emotion in the 'cattlelog', like an air guitar animation!2. Nanu
A mount to buy to ride around the playgrounds and get to places quicker.3. Loopy Lucky Loopengrooven
I would like to see a tv and/or enterntainment center made out of logs. I would also love to have a cowhide leather living room set... (Yes, I like my beary cowboy theme!)4. Good Knight
I would love to see outfits indicating someone who finished certain things. Examples include an individual outfit for each Playground completed, Cog Headquarters maxed out, Racing finished, Golfing, Fishing, Gardening, everything...5. Sonic
A new item I would like to see in the Cattlelog would be a mailing/messaging system, would be mainly useful for your friends offline. You could send them a custom message to their mailbox and they will get it when they come online...6. Bobbie
I would love to see long pants for boys, maybe heels for girls, jewelry sounds nice... A garden hose would be nice, too.7. Bookhound
I would love to see a doodle door in the catalog. It would be a special object that would allow your doodle to come in the house...8. Miss Faith McToon
I think we need the raspberry emotion for the cogs when we kick their behinds and possibly to give the raspberry to some toons.9. Gibstack
...Toon-designable furniture! I believe they had 2-3 contests back in 2007-ish for furniture, but other than that, there hasn't been anything like it.10. Meister
I would love to see gift cards in the cattelog because like real life, you can give toons a cattlelog gift card so they can buy what they want.
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Rosie PetalCorn said on December 10, 2013 at 2:16 PM
Good luck to the toons that win a alpha key
Good luck to the toons that win a alpha key
King Peppy Octoroni said on December 10, 2013 at 2:21 PM
Well my favorite toontask was loony louis go fishing for tires 'Cause I love fishing on Toontown and in the real world. My most disliked toontask was to defeat 20 5 story lawbot buildings buildings in the brrrgh on my other toon Felix because there were not many 5 story lawbot buildings in the brrrgh but, luckly I had a good friend named romeo who helped me all the way.
Well my favorite toontask was loony louis go fishing for tires 'Cause I love fishing on Toontown and in the real world. My most disliked toontask was to defeat 20 5 story lawbot buildings buildings in the brrrgh on my other toon Felix because there were not many 5 story lawbot buildings in the brrrgh but, luckly I had a good friend named romeo who helped me all the way.
KingClyde said on December 10, 2013 at 2:25 PM
Uh sir max, is there any other side contests?
Uh sir max, is there any other side contests?
Matrix said on December 10, 2013 at 2:38 PM
Getting my bossbot suit. It was annoying running back and forth defeating one of every bossbot and then defeating the 2.0 cogs. But it was all worth it in the end getting your bossbot suit!
Getting my bossbot suit. It was annoying running back and forth defeating one of every bossbot and then defeating the 2.0 cogs. But it was all worth it in the end getting your bossbot suit!
Spectre said on December 10, 2013 at 2:45 PM
Wow! Those toons have some really neat catalog item ideas! I really hope those of you on the team will take some of those ideas into consideration! =) Pretty cool! --Spectre
Wow! Those toons have some really neat catalog item ideas! I really hope those of you on the team will take some of those ideas into consideration! =) Pretty cool! --Spectre
Ginger Catish said on December 10, 2013 at 2:46 PM
Hi, I personally think you should have these contests on other websites than MCF, which would make it easier for some people...
Hi, I personally think you should have these contests on other websites than MCF, which would make it easier for some people...
Zachary said on December 10, 2013 at 2:51 PM
I'm hoping that I win an Alpha Key before the Giveaway cause I've been entering the Giveaway ever since it started. So I hope that I win an Alpha Key Soon.
I'm hoping that I win an Alpha Key before the Giveaway cause I've been entering the Giveaway ever since it started. So I hope that I win an Alpha Key Soon.
Amy Rose said on December 10, 2013 at 3:00 PM
This is nice. I for one agree with sonic and nanu. for once I forgot my idea of the messaging system :( and i agree with nanu because i want some rides to :) like a tiger ride :O
This is nice. I for one agree with sonic and nanu. for once I forgot my idea of the messaging system :( and i agree with nanu because i want some rides to :) like a tiger ride :O
Poepoe said on December 10, 2013 at 3:08 PM
Boy, I most certainly do love the effort you guys are putting into this game!
Boy, I most certainly do love the effort you guys are putting into this game!
said on December 10, 2013 at 3:58 PM
I hope u guys r working during this giveaway, bc uve guys worked so hard so far why stop now
I hope u guys r working during this giveaway, bc uve guys worked so hard so far why stop now
BunnyZ said on December 10, 2013 at 5:03 PM
I remember i had the old man tasks and there was the most building completed in a playground contest and me and my friends did all that we could find while completing the old man tasks it was so much fun with the hardest tasks
I remember i had the old man tasks and there was the most building completed in a playground contest and me and my friends did all that we could find while completing the old man tasks it was so much fun with the hardest tasks
Royal Blue Dog E said on December 10, 2013 at 6:03 PM
Congratulations to the winners! I didn't win of course. Oh well, I still have a 2% chance of winning for the rest of the days.
Congratulations to the winners! I didn't win of course. Oh well, I still have a 2% chance of winning for the rest of the days.
Thunderbubble said on December 10, 2013 at 6:08 PM
I'm confused because I though the question today about forums and fan sites was yesterdays question, and I never saw the toontask question.
I'm confused because I though the question today about forums and fan sites was yesterdays question, and I never saw the toontask question.
Dippy Chipper said on December 10, 2013 at 7:03 PM
My name was above (Number 9, Gibstack) for the ATTA toon thing, but don't know where I receive my code... help? Thank you very much. -Gibs
My name was above (Number 9, Gibstack) for the ATTA toon thing, but don't know where I receive my code... help? Thank you very much. -Gibs
Fluffy McNugget said on December 10, 2013 at 9:15 PM
i feel today is my lucky day. but anything could happen. #dicey
i feel today is my lucky day. but anything could happen. #dicey
Spike :) said on December 11, 2013 at 7:54 AM
I wish I could of did the ATTA contest but my answer would of been random card packs when you buy one you get 5 mystery items like house items or clothes or accessories. It would be like 500 jellybeans for one pack (This would of been my answer)
I wish I could of did the ATTA contest but my answer would of been random card packs when you buy one you get 5 mystery items like house items or clothes or accessories. It would be like 500 jellybeans for one pack (This would of been my answer)
mr meow said on December 11, 2013 at 9:57 AM
i would say my the best toontasks were when you had to train for the gags. they were very fun.also the toontask where you had to find the legal eagle key. to be fair all of them was fun!!!
i would say my the best toontasks were when you had to train for the gags. they were very fun.also the toontask where you had to find the legal eagle key. to be fair all of them was fun!!!
King Duke said on December 11, 2013 at 10:25 AM
I just wanted to say that the headline of this page is 'Daily Alpha Update' when it's supposed to be 'Daily Alpha Giveaway'. :)
I just wanted to say that the headline of this page is 'Daily Alpha Update' when it's supposed to be 'Daily Alpha Giveaway'. :)
pierre jeeperpow said on December 11, 2013 at 10:55 AM
I would like to see everything the same except the glitches
I would like to see everything the same except the glitches
Zombie_slayer said on December 11, 2013 at 12:09 PM
I would love to see more accessories
I would love to see more accessories
Leather said on December 11, 2013 at 12:30 PM
Nice, you really made Toontown Rewritten very cool and awesome and I can't wait until it will open to the public for people to make their old toons again! :D
Nice, you really made Toontown Rewritten very cool and awesome and I can't wait until it will open to the public for people to make their old toons again! :D
Tyler said on December 11, 2013 at 12:38 PM
I just figured out that "toontown time" didn't mean the time zone I'm in.. which explains a lot.
I just figured out that "toontown time" didn't mean the time zone I'm in.. which explains a lot.
Wacky Crinklesplat said on December 11, 2013 at 12:55 PM
I am so happy that Toontown is coming back! :D I really hope that I can get an alpha key though. It almost makes me cry if I can't do my Christmas routine of curling up with hot chocolate and playing Toontown with my snowman head. :(
I am so happy that Toontown is coming back! :D I really hope that I can get an alpha key though. It almost makes me cry if I can't do my Christmas routine of curling up with hot chocolate and playing Toontown with my snowman head. :(
Pinkmouse said on December 11, 2013 at 1:17 PM
My favourite toontask(s) were probably the Teleport Access for the Brrrgh, because there was so much! It was also fun when you had to get the Gold Tooth... that was hilarious! :D
My favourite toontask(s) were probably the Teleport Access for the Brrrgh, because there was so much! It was also fun when you had to get the Gold Tooth... that was hilarious! :D
Tommy said on December 11, 2013 at 1:24 PM
oh wow I love These cattlelog things! Sir Max, if you see my comment. Please Note that I would think that most toons would love these items. My Favorite is the message system! Great ideas! ;)
oh wow I love These cattlelog things! Sir Max, if you see my comment. Please Note that I would think that most toons would love these items. My Favorite is the message system! Great ideas! ;)
Julie said on December 11, 2013 at 1:32 PM
I hope the cattlelog isn't separated by gender!
I hope the cattlelog isn't separated by gender!
Little Dottie said on December 11, 2013 at 1:57 PM
I love ttr! its fun and free! usally free games are boring but this one rocks my world! Its so epic! I wanna just BUY the alpha key to play it but I mean, its really hard to get one I am asking ttr to let toons play ttr without an alpha key! PLEASE!
I love ttr! its fun and free! usally free games are boring but this one rocks my world! Its so epic! I wanna just BUY the alpha key to play it but I mean, its really hard to get one I am asking ttr to let toons play ttr without an alpha key! PLEASE!
Violet Superswirl said on December 11, 2013 at 3:03 PM
I hope to see a lot of the suggestions from the ATTA contest implemented, there are a lot of good ideas :3
I hope to see a lot of the suggestions from the ATTA contest implemented, there are a lot of good ideas :3
Wacky said on December 12, 2013 at 9:35 AM
Hey, I was the 10th winner of the ATTA contest and my main toon's name is Wacky. Is it possible to change it?
Hey, I was the 10th winner of the ATTA contest and my main toon's name is Wacky. Is it possible to change it?
Tate said on December 12, 2013 at 12:47 PM
Congratulations to the winners! :)
Congratulations to the winners! :)
skippy megapow said on December 12, 2013 at 8:54 PM
Congrats to the winners, I was part of the old school toontown, it would be awesome to win an alpha key :(
Congrats to the winners, I was part of the old school toontown, it would be awesome to win an alpha key :(
Joe said on December 13, 2013 at 12:00 PM
Was that me on there? I don't know because I wrote something similar, but its not exactly what I wrote O.O
Was that me on there? I don't know because I wrote something similar, but its not exactly what I wrote O.O
Barrington Wampstead said on December 14, 2013 at 1:42 PM
Key to daisy Gardens form legal eagles. Was really hard to find them and it took a long time!
Key to daisy Gardens form legal eagles. Was really hard to find them and it took a long time!
Doctor Tom Whistlesticks said on December 14, 2013 at 4:25 PM
The task where we had do defeat a bunch of Front Threes to get our Bossbot suit was always a classic.
The task where we had do defeat a bunch of Front Threes to get our Bossbot suit was always a classic.
The most memorable Toontask... USED CLOWN CARS love that one and Lil old man horrible...