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Daily Alpha Giveaway: Toonbook Traitors
Posted by Sir Max on December 7, 2013 at 2:00 PM
Hello, everyone! Welcome to what would normally be Super Saturday, however we don't have much time for that today. We have 30 keys to hand out, after all!
First Topic: Our Daily Alpha Giveaway. Once again we've got a whopping 4,500 entries, and the number won't stop climbing. Today we have another question that is less about what Disney did wrong, but what we have done wrong. "What is the worst thing that Toontown Rewritten has done so far, and how should we have done it?"
Toonbook had a huge success yesterday as well. Over 600 new clans were made, and we gained a ton of new members. It seems like you guys had a lot of fun with it, and I'm glad that you did! It was a hard decision, but we managed to narrow down three groups that really stood out. Check them out with the other winners below.
Finally, we need to get to some more serious business. Apparently a group of Toons have created "Toonter", a Twitter for Toons. Obviously, they are traitors of Toonbook. The fiends! Don't worry, toons. I managed to infiltrate their systems to take them down. At least, until I gained a few followers... Head on over to Toonter to join in on their alpha key contest. All you have to do is make a meme relating to Toontown and "Toont" it with the hashtag listed in their rules. You can head on over there now to check it out!
Enough of that, though, lets take a look at these winners.
(And for those of you who don't understand my amazing sense of humor, the traitor part was a joke. Toonter is pretty cool. Follow me!)
The people listed below were randomly selected from the entries to win. Head on over here to enter for tomorrow's giveaway!
Today's Question:
"What can Toontown do to better encourage teamwork and support clans?"
1. Weird Spike RockenNugget
3. Sir Lancelot
On Thursday, we asked Slate to host a contest during her livestream. Using Google+, toons posted answers and stories to her page based off of the questions asked. One toon was chosen for each. Here they are!
1. Jackpie
What did you like the most about your main toon?
What is your best Toontown memory?
What activity did you like the most on Toontown, and why?
Who was your best Toontown friend, and why?
What was your reaction when you heard Toontown is closing?
How did you say goodbye to your original main toon?
Did you ever feel like you played too much Toontown? When?
What do you miss the most in Toontown, and why?
What was your best battle against the cogs, and why?
How did Toontown change your life?
The following are clans, groups, and guilds that were created over the past 24 hours on Toonbook. The Toonbook staff judged them based off of creativity, maturity, and popularity. Each one received 3 keys to pass out to their group, with an extra key to the #1 winner.
1. Thankful Avengers - 173 members

First Topic: Our Daily Alpha Giveaway. Once again we've got a whopping 4,500 entries, and the number won't stop climbing. Today we have another question that is less about what Disney did wrong, but what we have done wrong. "What is the worst thing that Toontown Rewritten has done so far, and how should we have done it?"
Toonbook had a huge success yesterday as well. Over 600 new clans were made, and we gained a ton of new members. It seems like you guys had a lot of fun with it, and I'm glad that you did! It was a hard decision, but we managed to narrow down three groups that really stood out. Check them out with the other winners below.
Finally, we need to get to some more serious business. Apparently a group of Toons have created "Toonter", a Twitter for Toons. Obviously, they are traitors of Toonbook. The fiends! Don't worry, toons. I managed to infiltrate their systems to take them down. At least, until I gained a few followers... Head on over to Toonter to join in on their alpha key contest. All you have to do is make a meme relating to Toontown and "Toont" it with the hashtag listed in their rules. You can head on over there now to check it out!
Enough of that, though, lets take a look at these winners.
(And for those of you who don't understand my amazing sense of humor, the traitor part was a joke. Toonter is pretty cool. Follow me!)
Daily Alpha Giveaway Winners:
The people listed below were randomly selected from the entries to win. Head on over here to enter for tomorrow's giveaway!
"What can Toontown do to better encourage teamwork and support clans?"
1. Weird Spike RockenNugget
One small thing that can be done is clan name tags. In this feature, you can buy something that is called a clan tag... When you buy it, you will be able to gift it to other people in your clan/guild. You can type your clan name in it, and it will go under your name tag, so you will still have your name tag visible.2. Fat Dudley Pickleflinger
I think that toontown could possibly bring trolley tracks to a larger scale, and let more people on the trolley... My mind is fuzzy. :/Don't worry Fat Dudley Pickleflinger, I get what you're talking about.
3. Sir Lancelot
I think that adding a party system to Toontown would be great. Also little things like a clan list in game, and adding a clan tag above your name, and just adding an in game clan system.4. Popcorn Flipperscooter
Toontown should have contact with clans; always helping and trying to give them information to be up-to-date.5. Buster
Chat for everyone so people can talk. And if they are using profanity on chat don't let them have it.6. Italiana Princepessa
I think a better way to encourage teamwork would be to create tasks that say "Complete 5 buildings with 3 other toons" or something like that.7. Big Biscuit MegaMuffin
Toontown can encourage teamwork and support by enhancing the speedchat as well as the speedchat plus. By enabling toons to freely (minus foul language) chat with each other teamwork will follow...8. Aunt B.D. McBee
I think if a Toon sees another Toon by himself, then they can talk and take over cog buildings or do ToonTasks together.9. Prince Lollipop
Ban everyone in hacking teams so we can be in peace while we play at estates10. Miss Pearl
Help, Never Give Up even how hard it is, Cheer for each other, If there's a bully, stand up and Never Stop trying. :D
Slate's Story Contest:
On Thursday, we asked Slate to host a contest during her livestream. Using Google+, toons posted answers and stories to her page based off of the questions asked. One toon was chosen for each. Here they are!
1. Jackpie
What did you like the most about your main toon?
What I liked the most about my main toon was that he was like a best friend to me. He always made me smile, and we did everything together.2. Gamemaster
What is your best Toontown memory?
My best Toontown memory is, get this, Toontown itself. You see, Toontown was not only my first online game, it was also the game that introduced me to the internet in general... Of course online games is nothing new now, but it was something I've never experienced before.3. The Stroke Of Midnight?
What activity did you like the most on Toontown, and why?
My favorite activity was just being apart of the toons that hung around helping other toons get there tasks, gag tracks, and doing boss battles. I can't wait to do that again.4. Boo The Monkey
Who was your best Toontown friend, and why?
Ladybug Pedalmuffin was my toon's best friend because we could relate to each other. The moment that we first met being the same level 14 cog suit in CFO's lobby, we clicked!... We were really productive together and we had a ton of laughs. We can't wait to rewrite our toon's friendship in Toontown Rewritten.5. Tara
What was your reaction when you heard Toontown is closing?
Total sadness. I cried, which is very unusual for me. But the feeling of absolute betrayal. My whole childhood (From beta to the last day) was invested in that game. It was the only thing I knew for so many years, and it was where I met my most amazing friends that helped me through some of the hardest things. It was horrible knowing I couldn't create anymore memories with my best friends on there...6. Victoria
How did you say goodbye to your original main toon?
I said goodbye to my original main Toon when I said (in exact words) "Goodbye Cool Pinky. I will always remember you no matter what. I hope to see you again one day. Bye."7. Sapir
Did you ever feel like you played too much Toontown? When?
On the big summer, when I heard tt is closing and I've got a membership, I played like 12 hours a day. I stayed up all night until the morning light. I was so addicted and I had so much fun. My parents were mad at me! And no, I didnt get sick of it.8. Hrousr
What do you miss the most in Toontown, and why?
The most I miss about toontown is the environment. I have played other MMO games and none of them have the teamwork that is needed in Toontown.9. Era
What was your best battle against the cogs, and why?
I took a group of lower toons in to the VP battle. There were some greeners there who left, and I was alone with one other Mr. Hollywood. We teamed up and helped the other toons with our highest gags and our best unites. It was a long and difficult fight but in the end we came out on top like champions.10. Tracy
How did Toontown change your life?
Toontown helped me through a difficult time, after I lost my mom. That's when I created Taffy Beanfoot and started playing. I would lose track of time and myself in the game. It provided an outlet and a way to channel my emotions. I ended up making a good friend who I played with all the time and we became friends in the real world, as well. It has also been a wonderful way to spend quality time with my daughter and share a common bond, as we would play together and work our toons... There's not a day goes by that one of us doesn't mention Toontown, at least. It's a tie that binds us.
Toonbook Group Contest:
The following are clans, groups, and guilds that were created over the past 24 hours on Toonbook. The Toonbook staff judged them based off of creativity, maturity, and popularity. Each one received 3 keys to pass out to their group, with an extra key to the #1 winner.
1. Thankful Avengers - 173 members
"A group of Toons who are thankful for having a re-made version of Disney's Toontown Online, and ready to to get vengeance on Toontown by defeating cogs, tasks, activities together as a group."2. STOP Bullying in Toontown! - 85 members
"In this group, we will be helping to stop the bullying in Toontown and in Toontown sites! We will be hosting events and rewarding toons for helping other toons... No one wants those nasty toons in Toontown!"3. Toon Assisters - 132 members
"...If you ever need assistance when Toontown Rewritten is out, simply post in the group and an officer will be off to help!... I hope you all utilize this tool to your advantage and enjoy it!"
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Super Peppy said on December 7, 2013 at 2:15 PM
Yay! i think this is a great idea for other toons who don't have a key get a chance to win one! :)
Yay! i think this is a great idea for other toons who don't have a key get a chance to win one! :)
Dialga said on December 7, 2013 at 2:16 PM
Good luck to all toons and may the odds be ever in your favor :)
Good luck to all toons and may the odds be ever in your favor :)
mariangel said on December 7, 2013 at 2:17 PM
I hope I get picked and I am glad the update finally came!
I hope I get picked and I am glad the update finally came!
Midnight said on December 7, 2013 at 2:22 PM
I'm so thankful Toontown Rewritten is allowing people to have the chance to be an alpha testers! Keep up the good work!
I'm so thankful Toontown Rewritten is allowing people to have the chance to be an alpha testers! Keep up the good work!
Gabi said on December 7, 2013 at 2:24 PM
Agree with both Master Presto and Super peppy! Excited to see the winners, congrats to all that win!
Agree with both Master Presto and Super peppy! Excited to see the winners, congrats to all that win!
Master Small said on December 7, 2013 at 2:25 PM
This little competition has been great! Getting feedback to improve and focus on whilst giving something us all of us! Hopefully i'll get a key- no harm in keeping your hopes up and trying!
This little competition has been great! Getting feedback to improve and focus on whilst giving something us all of us! Hopefully i'll get a key- no harm in keeping your hopes up and trying!
Gigglenugget said on December 7, 2013 at 2:30 PM
I really hope I get picked, I am so happy that they are giving out so many alpha keys!
I really hope I get picked, I am so happy that they are giving out so many alpha keys!
Spectre said on December 7, 2013 at 2:31 PM
I won't be able to read the announcement for the winners until later. =( I have someplace I need to be tonight. Congratulations to the toons that appear on the list tonight, though! =) --Spectre
I won't be able to read the announcement for the winners until later. =( I have someplace I need to be tonight. Congratulations to the toons that appear on the list tonight, though! =) --Spectre
Darkstar said on December 7, 2013 at 2:32 PM
Good luck all, A True Toon is saisified with TTR existing, not with Alpha Keyes. I would rather wait a million years and then play TTR rather to have a Alpha Key. But I don't mind getting one.
Good luck all, A True Toon is saisified with TTR existing, not with Alpha Keyes. I would rather wait a million years and then play TTR rather to have a Alpha Key. But I don't mind getting one.
Sheriff Fireball Wrinklezapper said on December 7, 2013 at 2:32 PM
I really hope i get picked too! I have a whole family waiting to play this game and i really want to surprise them!!!
I really hope i get picked too! I have a whole family waiting to play this game and i really want to surprise them!!!
Masterjake said on December 7, 2013 at 2:36 PM
Cool I hope all the toons who enter thought of good stuff so I hope the 30 who made it are happy they did.
Cool I hope all the toons who enter thought of good stuff so I hope the 30 who made it are happy they did.
King Felix Jeeperhopper said on December 7, 2013 at 2:37 PM
I love how Slate is very grateful to provide the opportunity for us other toons to win the most highly-coveted alpha key. In my opinion, though unlikely, if somebody ends up winning on more than one question, then they should win on their better answer, and the answer(s) they win in should go to second place. Just saying. lol
I love how Slate is very grateful to provide the opportunity for us other toons to win the most highly-coveted alpha key. In my opinion, though unlikely, if somebody ends up winning on more than one question, then they should win on their better answer, and the answer(s) they win in should go to second place. Just saying. lol
Miss Roxy Robopretzel said on December 7, 2013 at 2:40 PM
This is so exciting! As well as a clever way to make people constantly be on their toes!
This is so exciting! As well as a clever way to make people constantly be on their toes!
King Felix Jeeperhopper said on December 7, 2013 at 2:42 PM
I love those answers by the people Slate picked. Awesome work Slate, and may the [Toontown President] be with you!
I love those answers by the people Slate picked. Awesome work Slate, and may the [Toontown President] be with you!
Midnight Cool Breeze said on December 7, 2013 at 2:42 PM
Good luck to all the toons to participated in this contest!
Good luck to all the toons to participated in this contest!
Feline Blu said on December 7, 2013 at 2:46 PM
Congratulations to my friend, Jackpie! I can't wait to get into the game and start playing with him, too!
Congratulations to my friend, Jackpie! I can't wait to get into the game and start playing with him, too!
Miss Thunderton said on December 7, 2013 at 2:59 PM
Good Luck to all the toons who are entering the contests, may the odds be ever in your favor!
Good Luck to all the toons who are entering the contests, may the odds be ever in your favor!
Thunderbubble! said on December 7, 2013 at 3:05 PM
Congrats to the winners! There's still a week to try and win for us toons that haven't yet!
Congrats to the winners! There's still a week to try and win for us toons that haven't yet!
LittleCoconutFlipperdoodle said on December 7, 2013 at 3:11 PM
when tt closed i made a video of me as my main toon running into every possible place in toontown. listening to all the music, looking at all the firehydrants dance, talking to mickey and goofy, feeding my doodle, going into the mystery area surrounding my house, everything!
when tt closed i made a video of me as my main toon running into every possible place in toontown. listening to all the music, looking at all the firehydrants dance, talking to mickey and goofy, feeding my doodle, going into the mystery area surrounding my house, everything!
Biscuit said on December 7, 2013 at 3:13 PM
You guys should add a doodle park to Toontown. It would be a wonderful place to make friends and train your doodles. You can have a mini golf course, a slide, and swing set and other things. If a doodle can do a backflip it should be able to hit a ball for minigolf. Anyone agree?
You guys should add a doodle park to Toontown. It would be a wonderful place to make friends and train your doodles. You can have a mini golf course, a slide, and swing set and other things. If a doodle can do a backflip it should be able to hit a ball for minigolf. Anyone agree?
Marcy said on December 7, 2013 at 3:15 PM
Congratulations to everyone again! Go enjoy yourselves and be toontastic! :)
Congratulations to everyone again! Go enjoy yourselves and be toontastic! :)
Peaches And Cream said on December 7, 2013 at 3:19 PM
Toontown Rewritten, I just have one thing to say. You are a hero. You united us toons here today, when we thought our Toontown childhood was over. You are the definiton of these words... Toons Unite!
Toontown Rewritten, I just have one thing to say. You are a hero. You united us toons here today, when we thought our Toontown childhood was over. You are the definiton of these words... Toons Unite!
Tattooed Heart said on December 7, 2013 at 3:25 PM
Congrats! I'm so happy for everybody! :)
Congrats! I'm so happy for everybody! :)
Super Plasma Dyamite said on December 7, 2013 at 3:32 PM
Toontown can be better by, staying the same! i fell in love with it. and i don't want it to change
Toontown can be better by, staying the same! i fell in love with it. and i don't want it to change
Opal said on December 7, 2013 at 3:33 PM
I know this has been used in other MMOs, but maybe have clan benefits? For example, a clan can choose what benefit it's members get, and the more members the better the benefit. One could be a 10% chance of dodging cog attacks, another could be earn 10% more jellybeans, and every 100 members the bonus goes up to 20% so on and so forth. (Though it will probably have to be slower depending on the type, otherwise you'll be getting 100% dodging) Just a idea, but I think it will be a good addition. Oh, and two other ideas I don't feel like writing a paragraph about, 1 - Ability to join multiple clans. Just because it seems like the system is going to become like the guild system in a lot of games, and restrict you to one clan per toon/account. 2 - A new animal type. C'mon, there was supposed to be a new one in 2012, it would be nice to have that fulfilled. (Albeit a couple years late) 3 - An easier way to advertise clans. With the recent competition I tried to enter and I found it really hard to get people to join. I honestly advertised for two hours ,only got two members and gave up. 4 - This is more of a DO NOT DO THIS PLEASE. I know a lot of people want gag/laff restrictions for higher areas. This is a bad idea. If there is a laff limit ubers will be even more restricted then before, and if there is a gag limit like have at least one maxxed gag, that will eliminate all the people who like to have all their gags at the same level, therefore won't have their maxxed gags for a long time. I've gone on quite a bit here, but if anyone wants to contact me I'm on Toonbook under the same name. Toodles!~
I know this has been used in other MMOs, but maybe have clan benefits? For example, a clan can choose what benefit it's members get, and the more members the better the benefit. One could be a 10% chance of dodging cog attacks, another could be earn 10% more jellybeans, and every 100 members the bonus goes up to 20% so on and so forth. (Though it will probably have to be slower depending on the type, otherwise you'll be getting 100% dodging) Just a idea, but I think it will be a good addition. Oh, and two other ideas I don't feel like writing a paragraph about, 1 - Ability to join multiple clans. Just because it seems like the system is going to become like the guild system in a lot of games, and restrict you to one clan per toon/account. 2 - A new animal type. C'mon, there was supposed to be a new one in 2012, it would be nice to have that fulfilled. (Albeit a couple years late) 3 - An easier way to advertise clans. With the recent competition I tried to enter and I found it really hard to get people to join. I honestly advertised for two hours ,only got two members and gave up. 4 - This is more of a DO NOT DO THIS PLEASE. I know a lot of people want gag/laff restrictions for higher areas. This is a bad idea. If there is a laff limit ubers will be even more restricted then before, and if there is a gag limit like have at least one maxxed gag, that will eliminate all the people who like to have all their gags at the same level, therefore won't have their maxxed gags for a long time. I've gone on quite a bit here, but if anyone wants to contact me I'm on Toonbook under the same name. Toodles!~
Hunter said on December 7, 2013 at 3:39 PM
Congratulations to everyone who got an Alpha Key! I really hope I get a key soon. Good luck everyone!
Congratulations to everyone who got an Alpha Key! I really hope I get a key soon. Good luck everyone!
Daydreamer Chi said on December 7, 2013 at 3:42 PM
I think those are amazing Idea! I'm so excited to play again and get in with the clan systems!
I think those are amazing Idea! I'm so excited to play again and get in with the clan systems!
Gizmo said on December 7, 2013 at 3:57 PM
Clans should be able to assist one another with toontasks. For example, toons could have a chat phrase which shares a toontask with another player. So if the toontask was "Defeat 25 Pencil Pushers" and the person who you shared the task with defeated half, you would have to defeat the other half
Clans should be able to assist one another with toontasks. For example, toons could have a chat phrase which shares a toontask with another player. So if the toontask was "Defeat 25 Pencil Pushers" and the person who you shared the task with defeated half, you would have to defeat the other half
Heartsi said on December 7, 2013 at 4:50 PM
Toontown Rewritten should totally make a little trash can on the Toon Panel to see the Toons you deleted and if you click on it, you'd be able to restore them or something like that:D
Toontown Rewritten should totally make a little trash can on the Toon Panel to see the Toons you deleted and if you click on it, you'd be able to restore them or something like that:D
Red Massive said on December 7, 2013 at 5:02 PM
I know something that would work. Stop people that were greening others. Like you could make a system that if one person joined a battle everyone would teleport to them ONLY if there in a boss battle or factory.
I know something that would work. Stop people that were greening others. Like you could make a system that if one person joined a battle everyone would teleport to them ONLY if there in a boss battle or factory.
Loony Lovegood said on December 7, 2013 at 6:41 PM
I am really proud of how amazing this has gone. I've been putting this website in my bookmark section so I could keep up with these amazing updates! Keep up with the good work, creators!
I am really proud of how amazing this has gone. I've been putting this website in my bookmark section so I could keep up with these amazing updates! Keep up with the good work, creators!
Violet Petalberry said on December 7, 2013 at 7:07 PM
It took me 2 hours trying to find a way to submit my meme on the contest and now I can't upload my meme :'( It won't let me, It's ok if I don't win if I ever get a chance to put my meme on. And GL to the other toons. Now I'll be trying to find a way to make it possible to upload my meme for another 2 hours.
It took me 2 hours trying to find a way to submit my meme on the contest and now I can't upload my meme :'( It won't let me, It's ok if I don't win if I ever get a chance to put my meme on. And GL to the other toons. Now I'll be trying to find a way to make it possible to upload my meme for another 2 hours.
Snicker said on December 8, 2013 at 12:27 AM
Congratulations to all of these winners! I am sure everyone who hasn't got a alpha key EXTREMELY wants one, and will do anything for it.(Including me... haha c:) Oh well. I guess the rest of us can wish you all a good luck with alpha testing and creating the game! So.. Good luck all of you! ^-^
Congratulations to all of these winners! I am sure everyone who hasn't got a alpha key EXTREMELY wants one, and will do anything for it.(Including me... haha c:) Oh well. I guess the rest of us can wish you all a good luck with alpha testing and creating the game! So.. Good luck all of you! ^-^
Duke said on December 8, 2013 at 6:32 AM
maybe um.... an option you can buy on the catalog that says "Join Clan?"
maybe um.... an option you can buy on the catalog that says "Join Clan?"
Spectre said on December 8, 2013 at 10:15 AM
Somebody invited me to the Thankful Avengers when Toonbook was hosting the contest. So that's pretty neat, congratulations toons!
Somebody invited me to the Thankful Avengers when Toonbook was hosting the contest. So that's pretty neat, congratulations toons!
BellaEvans65 said on December 8, 2013 at 12:15 PM
A clan where you help people. Whenever a toon under 25 laff says "HELP!" it will notify you and give you an option to help them or not. If you click on it, it will send you to the person, if you ignore it you won't have to help.
A clan where you help people. Whenever a toon under 25 laff says "HELP!" it will notify you and give you an option to help them or not. If you click on it, it will send you to the person, if you ignore it you won't have to help.
Crystal Chow Chow said on December 8, 2013 at 1:57 PM
Here's an idea that Toontown could have done to support clans: You could have 2 more spaces on your friends list named "Online clan members" and "All clan members". It would work like the friend system, but instead of making them your friend, you add them onto your clan list. You could make 3 members of said clan moderators of the clan, and whoever created the clan would be the admin of the list. Admins can remove others from the clan list or temporarily kick them, and moderators and can kick the other member below them temporarily.
Here's an idea that Toontown could have done to support clans: You could have 2 more spaces on your friends list named "Online clan members" and "All clan members". It would work like the friend system, but instead of making them your friend, you add them onto your clan list. You could make 3 members of said clan moderators of the clan, and whoever created the clan would be the admin of the list. Admins can remove others from the clan list or temporarily kick them, and moderators and can kick the other member below them temporarily.
Budderkid said on December 12, 2013 at 12:08 PM
first of all one thing that you might have done w r o n g is re - adding trolley tracks .-.
first of all one thing that you might have done w r o n g is re - adding trolley tracks .-.
Toontown should make a clan system where while you are in battle you can ask a clan member to help and maybe give you a gag or use one and then they can go back to what they were doing.