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Say "Ta-ta" to ToonFest!
Posted by Riggy Marole on October 20, 2015 at 2:00 PM
That's all, folks! It's been a great month, and I hate to say it, but its high time that ToonFest closes its doors for the year. There's just a little bit of cleanup left for the "elves" to do (They still hate that name, hah!), and then I'll retire to my little rabbit hole until next time.
ToonFest gained a whole lot to make it better than years before, and you can bet your britches that it will only get better in the future. They've already got new ideas, ya know! As for those other accessories, soon you'll --
...What's that? Flippy, you're joshin' me! I haven't seen him, no, he's been right there with you. What do you mean he's gone?
Err- Gonna have to cut this post short, pals. Minor emergency here on the ToonFest grounds! I hope you enjoyed ToonFest, and I'll be seeing you again soon enough. Farewell for now!

ToonFest gained a whole lot to make it better than years before, and you can bet your britches that it will only get better in the future. They've already got new ideas, ya know! As for those other accessories, soon you'll --
...What's that? Flippy, you're joshin' me! I haven't seen him, no, he's been right there with you. What do you mean he's gone?
Err- Gonna have to cut this post short, pals. Minor emergency here on the ToonFest grounds! I hope you enjoyed ToonFest, and I'll be seeing you again soon enough. Farewell for now!
October 20, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.10.5]
• ToonFest is gone for this year. We hope you had fun!
• Fix a few minor issues with the new "ToonFest Blue" color.
• Fix various server-side issues and code cleanup.
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Zaza Jellysong said on October 20, 2015 at 2:04 PM
NO!!! *sigh* Goodbye toonfest, goodbye...
NO!!! *sigh* Goodbye toonfest, goodbye...
Flower said on October 20, 2015 at 2:07 PM
Fluffy is gone?.... wait. Why do I feel like this has happened before?
Fluffy is gone?.... wait. Why do I feel like this has happened before?
Butterered Popcorn said on October 20, 2015 at 2:09 PM
Can't wait till next year!
Can't wait till next year!
Jellyroll said on October 20, 2015 at 2:10 PM
Had a great time! Until next year :)
Had a great time! Until next year :)
King Cricket said on October 20, 2015 at 2:11 PM
Clyde said on October 20, 2015 at 2:12 PM
Aww, sad to see it go. I sure hope Flippy finds his doodle! (if that's who's missing, that is ;3)
Aww, sad to see it go. I sure hope Flippy finds his doodle! (if that's who's missing, that is ;3)
Lollipop said on October 20, 2015 at 2:14 PM
lol nice I loved toonfest and I wish it comes back soon
lol nice I loved toonfest and I wish it comes back soon
Max The Monkey said on October 20, 2015 at 2:15 PM
Aww! I can't believe Toonfest is over! This stinks! But I still had fun! :)
Aww! I can't believe Toonfest is over! This stinks! But I still had fun! :)
Sir Hurricane said on October 20, 2015 at 2:17 PM
Toonfest was a blast! :D
Toonfest was a blast! :D
Bluecat95 said on October 20, 2015 at 2:18 PM
Flippy's doodle is gonna bring back other doodles... I hope.
Flippy's doodle is gonna bring back other doodles... I hope.
Lucky Star said on October 20, 2015 at 2:19 PM
Toonfest this year has been amazing! Can't wait to see what else the team has in store for us! Keep up the amazing work!
Toonfest this year has been amazing! Can't wait to see what else the team has in store for us! Keep up the amazing work!
sheriff furball wackytoon said on October 20, 2015 at 2:20 PM
wait... FLUFFY'S GONE???? He seems to always think of acorn acres as his home, he probably ran off... (and yes, of course it's Fluffy, who else would Flippy be loking for?)
wait... FLUFFY'S GONE???? He seems to always think of acorn acres as his home, he probably ran off... (and yes, of course it's Fluffy, who else would Flippy be loking for?)
Mr. Toon said on October 20, 2015 at 2:22 PM
Toonfest was a blast! Time for the Halloween events. Sadly I have no more room in my wardrobe for new costumes. Wait is Fluffy missing?
Toonfest was a blast! Time for the Halloween events. Sadly I have no more room in my wardrobe for new costumes. Wait is Fluffy missing?
Sir Steven said on October 20, 2015 at 2:25 PM
Aww... Can't wait till next year. Did Flippy's Doodle run away?
Aww... Can't wait till next year. Did Flippy's Doodle run away?
Oswald said on October 20, 2015 at 2:32 PM
Fluffy the doodle is gone, let the conspiracy theories begin!!! Cognation, Chairman, Slappy. It's happening!!!
Fluffy the doodle is gone, let the conspiracy theories begin!!! Cognation, Chairman, Slappy. It's happening!!!
Little Blues said on October 20, 2015 at 2:33 PM
Bye bye Toonfest i had fun! I hope we meet again
Bye bye Toonfest i had fun! I hope we meet again
Puppy Beagle said on October 20, 2015 at 2:33 PM
Oh no! I'm sad that toonfest is gone. But Flippy lost his Doodle!
Oh no! I'm sad that toonfest is gone. But Flippy lost his Doodle!
Rush said on October 20, 2015 at 2:38 PM
We all had fun, I'm rockin this new Toonfest Blue color, by the way. Hope Flippy finds his doodle!
We all had fun, I'm rockin this new Toonfest Blue color, by the way. Hope Flippy finds his doodle!
Captaindandypretzel said on October 20, 2015 at 2:38 PM
I hope Flippy's doodle isnt gone! Anyways thank you so much guys! Toonfest has been AWESOME! Im so glad I got to be apart of it!
I hope Flippy's doodle isnt gone! Anyways thank you so much guys! Toonfest has been AWESOME! Im so glad I got to be apart of it!
Bumbergloop 64 laff said on October 20, 2015 at 2:41 PM
I just know that doodles are coming! Anyways thank you Riggy, flippy, and the elfs for toonfest 2015!
I just know that doodles are coming! Anyways thank you Riggy, flippy, and the elfs for toonfest 2015!
Miss Fireball Bananaberry said on October 20, 2015 at 2:44 PM
Uh oh. I do believe Fluffy the Doodle might be missing. :(
Uh oh. I do believe Fluffy the Doodle might be missing. :(
Violet Wondertoon said on October 20, 2015 at 2:45 PM
It was a great toonfest! The prizes were awesome! Thanks for the fantastic experience. ^_^
It was a great toonfest! The prizes were awesome! Thanks for the fantastic experience. ^_^
Silhouette said on October 20, 2015 at 2:47 PM
Oh no!! The doodle is missing ;-;
Oh no!! The doodle is missing ;-;
Beary said on October 20, 2015 at 2:59 PM
Thanks for an awesome ToonFest! I decked my toon out with the main outfit and turned her ToonFest blue! I can't wait to have a doodle of my own!
Thanks for an awesome ToonFest! I decked my toon out with the main outfit and turned her ToonFest blue! I can't wait to have a doodle of my own!
Cuddles Dandygrooven said on October 20, 2015 at 3:11 PM
I had so much fun at toonfest this year! I LOVE the new color, thanks to the TTR staff for giving us such a great month! Can't wait until next year!
I had so much fun at toonfest this year! I LOVE the new color, thanks to the TTR staff for giving us such a great month! Can't wait until next year!
Super Droopy said on October 20, 2015 at 3:20 PM
Noooooooo! I loved toonfest! I bought lots of stuff from the token takers and planned on getting more. I have no idea how they're gonna make something awesome like that better!
Noooooooo! I loved toonfest! I bought lots of stuff from the token takers and planned on getting more. I have no idea how they're gonna make something awesome like that better!
Master Chirpy FizzleSwirl said on October 20, 2015 at 3:20 PM
Hmmm I wonder where he went? He was being acting weird before? Cogs? Possibly? Or could it be something WAY that's diffirent?
Hmmm I wonder where he went? He was being acting weird before? Cogs? Possibly? Or could it be something WAY that's diffirent?
Captain Presiousspeed said on October 20, 2015 at 3:24 PM
Uh Oh, Where did Fluffy go! [I bet he's hiding somewhere in toontown]
Uh Oh, Where did Fluffy go! [I bet he's hiding somewhere in toontown]
Buttercup said on October 20, 2015 at 3:26 PM
I hope this means Doodles are coming soon! Ta-Ta toonfesters and Hello Doodles! Toons of the World, DOODLES PLEASE ;-;
I hope this means Doodles are coming soon! Ta-Ta toonfesters and Hello Doodles! Toons of the World, DOODLES PLEASE ;-;
Clyde Electrogadget said on October 20, 2015 at 3:39 PM
Thanks! I liked the toonfest it was pretty amazing!! I loved the fireworks and it was my first toonfest :D
Thanks! I liked the toonfest it was pretty amazing!! I loved the fireworks and it was my first toonfest :D
Cool Pinky said on October 20, 2015 at 3:48 PM
Toonfest was toontastic! I can't wait for next year's Toonfest! I miss Toonfest already! Looks like Flippy's doodle is missing. Hmm....... where would he be?
Toonfest was toontastic! I can't wait for next year's Toonfest! I miss Toonfest already! Looks like Flippy's doodle is missing. Hmm....... where would he be?
Doctor said on October 20, 2015 at 4:10 PM
No, not Flippy! That's so toonterrible!
No, not Flippy! That's so toonterrible!
Panthertuft said on October 20, 2015 at 4:17 PM
Ah, sad to see this go. I'm expecting great things though, can't wait!~
Ah, sad to see this go. I'm expecting great things though, can't wait!~
Zack said on October 20, 2015 at 4:23 PM
What!? Did Fluffy went missing!? Where did he go??
What!? Did Fluffy went missing!? Where did he go??
Cat Brigade Leader said on October 20, 2015 at 4:24 PM
i know whats going on, QUICK! get the jellybeans and doodle leashes!!
i know whats going on, QUICK! get the jellybeans and doodle leashes!!
Macks said on October 20, 2015 at 4:28 PM
Oh no, Fluffy's gone? Better find him fast before the cogs steal it!
Oh no, Fluffy's gone? Better find him fast before the cogs steal it!
Bizzy Sourcrash said on October 20, 2015 at 4:39 PM
Cant wait for Toonfest 2016!
Cant wait for Toonfest 2016!
Ducky Momo said on October 20, 2015 at 4:43 PM
Aww, I wish ToonFest could stay forever. I had a blast at ToonFest though I can't believe its already been a whole month of ToonFest. It seems like just yesterday ToonFest opened, I guess I will have to wait another year for ToonFest to open again! I had so much fun with the fishing and the trampolines and the cannons! :)
Aww, I wish ToonFest could stay forever. I had a blast at ToonFest though I can't believe its already been a whole month of ToonFest. It seems like just yesterday ToonFest opened, I guess I will have to wait another year for ToonFest to open again! I had so much fun with the fishing and the trampolines and the cannons! :)
Jason said on October 20, 2015 at 4:48 PM
I loved Toonfest!!! Im sad that its gone! I hope you find the doodle!!!
I loved Toonfest!!! Im sad that its gone! I hope you find the doodle!!!
Dusty Comet Gigglenugget said on October 20, 2015 at 5:03 PM
Oh dear, did Flippy's doodle go missing...? Hope it comes back soon!
Oh dear, did Flippy's doodle go missing...? Hope it comes back soon!
Crunchyscooter said on October 20, 2015 at 5:08 PM
Aw! So sad to see it go! I cant wait until next year! :D
Aw! So sad to see it go! I cant wait until next year! :D
Lily said on October 20, 2015 at 5:31 PM
It's been a great year! :)
It's been a great year! :)
Ladybug Gigglehopper said on October 20, 2015 at 5:44 PM
Oh no… Okay, don't panic, Flippy. I know Doodles. They're just like us with the friendships they form. Fluffy probably got a whiff of one of his friends and ran off to find them. As far as I'm aware, the wilderness of Toontown doesn't have any big predators that might want to eat your pet, so it's just a matter of finding him, and any other Doodles that might be lurking out in the forest.
Oh no… Okay, don't panic, Flippy. I know Doodles. They're just like us with the friendships they form. Fluffy probably got a whiff of one of his friends and ran off to find them. As far as I'm aware, the wilderness of Toontown doesn't have any big predators that might want to eat your pet, so it's just a matter of finding him, and any other Doodles that might be lurking out in the forest.
Roseabelle said on October 20, 2015 at 5:56 PM
GONE?!?- You don't mean... Flippy's- This could be the big sign of something new...
GONE?!?- You don't mean... Flippy's- This could be the big sign of something new...
Smirky Bumberpop said on October 20, 2015 at 6:23 PM
ToonFest was so much fun! I'm glad I got to meet so many people. Hey, Flippy! Let me know if you need help finding Fluffy. This time, I'll be sure to bring you more than just his collar.
ToonFest was so much fun! I'm glad I got to meet so many people. Hey, Flippy! Let me know if you need help finding Fluffy. This time, I'll be sure to bring you more than just his collar.
Dashy said on October 20, 2015 at 6:40 PM
Bye ToonFest 2015!
Bye ToonFest 2015!
Little Flip said on October 20, 2015 at 6:49 PM
:O What happened to Flippy??? Did Fluffy run away again? Oooh, maybe Fluffy went to find his other doodle friends perhaps? Thanks for Toonfest btw TTR Team :D
:O What happened to Flippy??? Did Fluffy run away again? Oooh, maybe Fluffy went to find his other doodle friends perhaps? Thanks for Toonfest btw TTR Team :D
Whiskerz said on October 20, 2015 at 6:58 PM
Ah, what a great year this was :D it was my first toonfest! I guess its back to cog buildings! Thanks toontown rewritten.
Ah, what a great year this was :D it was my first toonfest! I guess its back to cog buildings! Thanks toontown rewritten.
TheJedi said on October 20, 2015 at 8:22 PM
It was a good month, and it went by fast. :P FLIPPY GIVE ME YOUR DOODLE!!!!!!!!
It was a good month, and it went by fast. :P FLIPPY GIVE ME YOUR DOODLE!!!!!!!!
Bonkers said on October 20, 2015 at 8:50 PM
Awww, Fluffy that poor thing. Flippy's doodle had been taunted the whole fest, and now it must be lost at ummm, wherever it is now... Say, am I the only one who is getting deja vu?
Awww, Fluffy that poor thing. Flippy's doodle had been taunted the whole fest, and now it must be lost at ummm, wherever it is now... Say, am I the only one who is getting deja vu?
Rusty said on October 20, 2015 at 10:16 PM
I had a blast from Toonfest! Thanks, Flippy and Riggy Marole! Hmm... doodles. I know what Fluffy is up to.
I had a blast from Toonfest! Thanks, Flippy and Riggy Marole! Hmm... doodles. I know what Fluffy is up to.
noon said on October 20, 2015 at 11:02 PM
Fancy April said on October 21, 2015 at 3:31 AM
Flippy is gone? What about his cute doodle? I wish i had one as well!
Flippy is gone? What about his cute doodle? I wish i had one as well!
Nya said on October 21, 2015 at 4:28 AM
Ok, this is just a guess, although it might happen... FLUFFY left FLIPPY to join a doodle colony then bring them back so all of the TOONIVERSE has DOODLES!!! *pant* *pant* Wow that was a lot to say! OH and one more thing... ALL ABOARD ThE HYPE TRAIN! :D XD
Ok, this is just a guess, although it might happen... FLUFFY left FLIPPY to join a doodle colony then bring them back so all of the TOONIVERSE has DOODLES!!! *pant* *pant* Wow that was a lot to say! OH and one more thing... ALL ABOARD ThE HYPE TRAIN! :D XD
Jay said on October 21, 2015 at 4:33 AM
Well that's the end of ToonFest-- What's that you say?? FLUFFY'S GONE MISSING? AHHHH! Fluffy might bring back doodles, so.... I'M SUPER HYPED! :D
Well that's the end of ToonFest-- What's that you say?? FLUFFY'S GONE MISSING? AHHHH! Fluffy might bring back doodles, so.... I'M SUPER HYPED! :D
Ginger said on October 21, 2015 at 5:14 AM
I hope flippy's doodle brings back some friends amirite? xD
I hope flippy's doodle brings back some friends amirite? xD
Yoshi said on October 21, 2015 at 6:27 AM
"What do you mean he's gone?" Last time this happened, Flippy's doodle came back with more. Could this hint the release of doodles?
"What do you mean he's gone?" Last time this happened, Flippy's doodle came back with more. Could this hint the release of doodles?
Master Oswald said on October 21, 2015 at 6:59 AM
That was a good journey of ToonFest we need to wait for the next one!
That was a good journey of ToonFest we need to wait for the next one!
Lady Gwen Flowerface said on October 21, 2015 at 7:01 AM
I made a theory... Hear me out! Riggy = Cog. Fluffy leaving = DOODLES. Or maybe Riggy is RIGGED! OH SNAP XD
I made a theory... Hear me out! Riggy = Cog. Fluffy leaving = DOODLES. Or maybe Riggy is RIGGED! OH SNAP XD
Sir Pancake said on October 21, 2015 at 7:33 AM
Flippy, plz find Fluffy
Flippy, plz find Fluffy
Barney Wondersnout said on October 21, 2015 at 7:55 AM
Oh No! We have to find Fluffy! Maybe he went loose in the playgrounds...
Oh No! We have to find Fluffy! Maybe he went loose in the playgrounds...
monkey joe said on October 21, 2015 at 8:06 AM
that was fab
that was fab
MickyMickleton said on October 21, 2015 at 8:11 AM
ta ta tonnfest see you next time
ta ta tonnfest see you next time
Prince Ned Purplemuffin said on October 21, 2015 at 8:30 AM
Flippy is gone!? I think this is what leads up to the opening of that big scary building next to the CEO in Bossbot HQ!!!
Flippy is gone!? I think this is what leads up to the opening of that big scary building next to the CEO in Bossbot HQ!!!
Cecil said on October 21, 2015 at 8:48 AM
If Fluffy's missing... that could mean DOODLES ARE GOING TO BE RELEASED!
If Fluffy's missing... that could mean DOODLES ARE GOING TO BE RELEASED!
Jazzy said on October 21, 2015 at 9:04 AM
Fluffy's gone! This happened before though...
Fluffy's gone! This happened before though...
Toontastic Cat said on October 21, 2015 at 9:25 AM
Hmm... Did Fluffy run away?
Hmm... Did Fluffy run away?
Squeakbox said on October 21, 2015 at 10:47 AM
Huh?! What?! Fluffy's gone?! Wait, the Doodles have to be there!
Huh?! What?! Fluffy's gone?! Wait, the Doodles have to be there!
Dizzy thundertoon said on October 21, 2015 at 10:55 AM
cool rosie hulasocks said on October 21, 2015 at 10:57 AM
hmm if fluffy was trying to run away maybe she was looking for other doodles you know what that means folks..................................... DOODLES ARE COMING TO TOWN! how toontastic
hmm if fluffy was trying to run away maybe she was looking for other doodles you know what that means folks..................................... DOODLES ARE COMING TO TOWN! how toontastic
puppy awesome said on October 21, 2015 at 11:15 AM
best game ever
best game ever
puppy awesome said on October 21, 2015 at 11:16 AM
Love this game it is so much fun
Love this game it is so much fun
Mousey said on October 21, 2015 at 11:48 AM
thank you i loved toonfest this year. my favorite things from toonfest is the strawberry hair bow and blanket cape :)
thank you i loved toonfest this year. my favorite things from toonfest is the strawberry hair bow and blanket cape :)
Rosegrl said on October 21, 2015 at 11:48 AM
What's Flippy done????
What's Flippy done????
Sir Rockentwist said on October 21, 2015 at 12:03 PM
Doodles Confirmed 2k15 Hype! Plus It's cool how TTR does the same thing with Flippy. Fluffy goes missing, Flippy find him but not only him, he brought a few friends! Goodbye Toonfest! <3
Doodles Confirmed 2k15 Hype! Plus It's cool how TTR does the same thing with Flippy. Fluffy goes missing, Flippy find him but not only him, he brought a few friends! Goodbye Toonfest! <3
Lady Marigold LemonMuffin said on October 21, 2015 at 12:04 PM
Hey Flippy, Do you think Fluffy's found other doodles? c:
Hey Flippy, Do you think Fluffy's found other doodles? c:
Cindy said on October 21, 2015 at 12:28 PM
Buster said on October 21, 2015 at 12:59 PM
Uh-Oh sound like Flippy's Doodle might of ran off..
Uh-Oh sound like Flippy's Doodle might of ran off..
Bananas said on October 21, 2015 at 1:00 PM
did fluffy get out of his collar or managed to break the leash on flippy?
did fluffy get out of his collar or managed to break the leash on flippy?
Little Boo Boo said on October 21, 2015 at 1:13 PM
Sigh i wish toonfest would stay longer, we missed you, so long. Hold up flippy wheres Fluffy! I suppose he will live his life alone... or is fluffy alone!?!?
Sigh i wish toonfest would stay longer, we missed you, so long. Hold up flippy wheres Fluffy! I suppose he will live his life alone... or is fluffy alone!?!?
Shadows said on October 21, 2015 at 1:13 PM
PLEASE!! add a barber shop, adding in *NEW* Hair styles
PLEASE!! add a barber shop, adding in *NEW* Hair styles
Brittney said on October 21, 2015 at 2:40 PM
Oh my! Wait! Maybe Fluffy is leading us somewhere! :O
Oh my! Wait! Maybe Fluffy is leading us somewhere! :O
Tess The Pink Duck (56 laff) said on October 21, 2015 at 3:03 PM
Oh dear! Flippy should have been paying attention to Lil' Fluffy! The cogs...Fluffy....... THIS IS NOT GOOD!!!
Oh dear! Flippy should have been paying attention to Lil' Fluffy! The cogs...Fluffy....... THIS IS NOT GOOD!!!
Doctor said on October 21, 2015 at 3:11 PM
Oh I thought it was saying that Flippy was gone! It is saying that Fluffy has gone! OH SNAP!
Oh I thought it was saying that Flippy was gone! It is saying that Fluffy has gone! OH SNAP!
Twinklemarble said on October 21, 2015 at 3:24 PM
It's definitely a shame to see ToonFest come to an end, but I'm very confident that the game will only get better from here on out. I'm super excited to see what happens next!
It's definitely a shame to see ToonFest come to an end, but I'm very confident that the game will only get better from here on out. I'm super excited to see what happens next!
Foxheart said on October 21, 2015 at 3:32 PM
Bye Toonfest! I'll miss you!
Bye Toonfest! I'll miss you!
Master Dynamite Zoobletoes said on October 21, 2015 at 3:55 PM
Oh my gosh, doodles are making a return! In original toontown, flippy's doodle ran off and had babies! time always repeats itself!
Oh my gosh, doodles are making a return! In original toontown, flippy's doodle ran off and had babies! time always repeats itself!
Princess Trixie said on October 21, 2015 at 4:11 PM
I'm so happy for the jellybean back pack been amazing toonfest and I love all the prizes the bows and sunglasses :D
I'm so happy for the jellybean back pack been amazing toonfest and I love all the prizes the bows and sunglasses :D
Skippy Smartysprocket said on October 21, 2015 at 4:24 PM
It's a shame that Toonfest 2015 is over. But hey, at least we had lots of fun! ...Wait a minute. Where's Fluffy?
It's a shame that Toonfest 2015 is over. But hey, at least we had lots of fun! ...Wait a minute. Where's Fluffy?
Birdy Girl said on October 21, 2015 at 4:26 PM
I hope we can see Riggy again soon and I wonder were Fluffy went this time....
I hope we can see Riggy again soon and I wonder were Fluffy went this time....
Amy said on October 21, 2015 at 5:03 PM
I bet flippy lost his doodle. :O
I bet flippy lost his doodle. :O
Amy said on October 21, 2015 at 5:04 PM
This year's toonfest has been TOONTASTIC!!!!!!
This year's toonfest has been TOONTASTIC!!!!!!
Loopy Momo Fiddlenoodle said on October 21, 2015 at 5:05 PM
I know it! Fluffy is missin! doodles are coming!
I know it! Fluffy is missin! doodles are coming!
Nuttyquack said on October 21, 2015 at 5:33 PM
I'm willing to bet 50 beans this whole Flippy thing they've started here ends in the long awaited doodles.
I'm willing to bet 50 beans this whole Flippy thing they've started here ends in the long awaited doodles.
Pop said on October 21, 2015 at 5:44 PM
Ya see, back in my day, everyone could have one of them there doodles. And fluffy was the only one in this game. Sad to see him go.
Ya see, back in my day, everyone could have one of them there doodles. And fluffy was the only one in this game. Sad to see him go.
Llamacorn Warrior said on October 21, 2015 at 5:55 PM
Too bad ToonFest is over! I shall miss you, ToonFest! Now I have something to look forward to next year :D!
Too bad ToonFest is over! I shall miss you, ToonFest! Now I have something to look forward to next year :D!
Dinky fiddlecorn said on October 21, 2015 at 7:08 PM
Aw man, why did it shut down? Oh it's the end...:/ Well it was fun in Toonfest :) I hope they will put it again next year.
Aw man, why did it shut down? Oh it's the end...:/ Well it was fun in Toonfest :) I hope they will put it again next year.
Suomi said on October 21, 2015 at 8:35 PM
It was awesome while it was here...
It was awesome while it was here...
King Droopy Electrohoffer said on October 22, 2015 at 8:23 AM
Watching that fireworks show gave me goosebumps, it has reminded me of how far Toontown has come in 12 years. To Toontown!
Watching that fireworks show gave me goosebumps, it has reminded me of how far Toontown has come in 12 years. To Toontown!
molly macmelon said on October 22, 2015 at 12:13 PM
what a party! hope fluffy will be back with the doodles because I love them!!!!
what a party! hope fluffy will be back with the doodles because I love them!!!!
Chase said on October 22, 2015 at 12:49 PM
Hope you find your doodle, Fluffy!!!
Hope you find your doodle, Fluffy!!!
Miss Fluffy said on October 22, 2015 at 2:21 PM
Huh. Last time i saw Fluffy when i was trying to teach him to beg... (He never ended up learning.)
Huh. Last time i saw Fluffy when i was trying to teach him to beg... (He never ended up learning.)
Valentine said on October 22, 2015 at 3:18 PM
Poor little Fluffy I hope he is found soon and goodbye to toonfest!
Poor little Fluffy I hope he is found soon and goodbye to toonfest!
Master Clyde said on October 22, 2015 at 4:05 PM
Halloween! Black cats! Muahaha! As for Flippy's doodle, he should seriously invest in a tracking device...
Halloween! Black cats! Muahaha! As for Flippy's doodle, he should seriously invest in a tracking device...
Captaindandypretzel said on October 22, 2015 at 4:44 PM
Thanks so much for toonfest! Im so sad its over )':! Atleast I got some cool stuff!
Thanks so much for toonfest! Im so sad its over )':! Atleast I got some cool stuff!
Miss Bingo Paleroni said on October 22, 2015 at 5:35 PM
Bye until next year I suppose, but we need to start focusing our pies and pranks for Halloween. I bet there will be more content this year than last!
Bye until next year I suppose, but we need to start focusing our pies and pranks for Halloween. I bet there will be more content this year than last!
Captain Daisy said on October 23, 2015 at 1:15 AM
I loved Toonfest! I bought all of the accessories and clothes that I liked, including the Hypno-glasses! :) Fluffy's missing? Oh no! I hope he doesn't get into too much trouble, or, y'know, go out and find some mysterious pets around ToonFest... ~Captain Daisy
I loved Toonfest! I bought all of the accessories and clothes that I liked, including the Hypno-glasses! :) Fluffy's missing? Oh no! I hope he doesn't get into too much trouble, or, y'know, go out and find some mysterious pets around ToonFest... ~Captain Daisy
Green Apple said on October 23, 2015 at 6:32 AM
I had a great time at Toonfest! We must find Fluffy. D: I'll be looking!
I had a great time at Toonfest! We must find Fluffy. D: I'll be looking!
friendly mouse said on October 23, 2015 at 8:21 AM
it was a fun time at toonfest i hope flippy doodle is not gone lets hope he is back next year with more fun with flippy
it was a fun time at toonfest i hope flippy doodle is not gone lets hope he is back next year with more fun with flippy
Melody said on October 23, 2015 at 10:00 AM
*GASP* Is Fluffy missing?? What's going to happen?
*GASP* Is Fluffy missing?? What's going to happen?
Squirt said on October 23, 2015 at 10:14 AM
Fluffy's gone? What? THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!!!
Fluffy's gone? What? THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!!!
Icepaw said on October 23, 2015 at 1:02 PM
ToonFest was great this year, I loved how it improved from last year. Now, to find Fluffy... perhaps he'll bring back more doodles? Yeah, this has happened before, and I'm super excited! This is awesome. :3
ToonFest was great this year, I loved how it improved from last year. Now, to find Fluffy... perhaps he'll bring back more doodles? Yeah, this has happened before, and I'm super excited! This is awesome. :3
cool rosie hulasocks said on October 23, 2015 at 2:27 PM
NO! wait fluffy is MISSING? maybe he wanted to see if theres more doodles???????????????????????????????????????????????.................................................... well if he does im gonna adopt one!
NO! wait fluffy is MISSING? maybe he wanted to see if theres more doodles???????????????????????????????????????????????.................................................... well if he does im gonna adopt one!
Roxy said on October 23, 2015 at 5:38 PM
I'll miss you Toonfest.... Good thing I'll see you next year! But for now.. I guess we'll be focused on Halloween, aye?
I'll miss you Toonfest.... Good thing I'll see you next year! But for now.. I guess we'll be focused on Halloween, aye?
miss cuddles dandytoon said on October 23, 2015 at 6:23 PM
gosh!! I cant wait when Toonfeast comes back it was awesome Flippy Doodle is so terrific
gosh!! I cant wait when Toonfeast comes back it was awesome Flippy Doodle is so terrific
Freddy said on October 23, 2015 at 9:38 PM
Oh no i hope flippy finds his doodle fluffy! :D!!!!!
Oh no i hope flippy finds his doodle fluffy! :D!!!!!
Anita Mouse said on October 24, 2015 at 1:46 AM
Forget the dogs, I want to know who let the doodles out!
Forget the dogs, I want to know who let the doodles out!
Cool Chroma said on October 24, 2015 at 7:09 AM
I feel like we'll have another big event soon... Hmm...
I feel like we'll have another big event soon... Hmm...
Miss Fluffy RuffleBee said on October 24, 2015 at 7:21 AM
oh no poor fluffy i hope flippy finds him! and other doodles
oh no poor fluffy i hope flippy finds him! and other doodles
Captain Lucky said on October 24, 2015 at 7:38 AM
All my ToonFest Tokens, GONE! Well, there's always next year!
All my ToonFest Tokens, GONE! Well, there's always next year!
Little Sunshine PetalSparkles said on October 24, 2015 at 10:24 AM
OH NO IS FLUFFY MISSING?? WHO WILL FIND HIM?? Wait... DOES THIS MEAN HES GONE TO HIS FAMILY?? I can't wait for the next BIG update... If there is one coming soon... Anyways Thank you devs for making this game alive again. :)
OH NO IS FLUFFY MISSING?? WHO WILL FIND HIM?? Wait... DOES THIS MEAN HES GONE TO HIS FAMILY?? I can't wait for the next BIG update... If there is one coming soon... Anyways Thank you devs for making this game alive again. :)
Crazyrory said on October 24, 2015 at 11:33 AM
Oh noooo Let's Hope 2016 comes....
Oh noooo Let's Hope 2016 comes....
Meep said on October 24, 2015 at 1:51 PM
Loopy said on October 24, 2015 at 1:53 PM
FLUFFY! HERE BOY! Hoo boy, Dharma (my real life dog) is already gone. Now him!?!?!?
FLUFFY! HERE BOY! Hoo boy, Dharma (my real life dog) is already gone. Now him!?!?!?
baron skipper said on October 24, 2015 at 2:52 PM
I think the executive towers are coming into play very soon...
I think the executive towers are coming into play very soon...
KIng Star Mczapper said on October 24, 2015 at 3:35 PM
Wait Fluffy is not there youmknow what I mean doodles for life
Wait Fluffy is not there youmknow what I mean doodles for life
Awesomedude said on October 24, 2015 at 4:12 PM
He lost his doodle.
He lost his doodle.
Miss Lovey Dove said on October 25, 2015 at 5:49 AM
I hope fluffy comes back with other doodles friends for all of us to share DOODLES
I hope fluffy comes back with other doodles friends for all of us to share DOODLES
Mr.Meow said on October 25, 2015 at 11:18 AM
Where is Fluffy? Hope he is finding more doodles. I want one.... Still sad he is lost though.
Where is Fluffy? Hope he is finding more doodles. I want one.... Still sad he is lost though.
tiny dancer said on October 25, 2015 at 11:29 AM
How can I say TY? You have given us a wonderful, wonderful time. From storm sell hq that was the most fun ever. Wanted those outfits so bad and you gave us more!! Free gags, free fun!! And toonfest, the fireworks, tokens, games and love, love the clothes. You are special and wonderful and Thank You from the bottom of my little toon heart. GOD bless you<3
How can I say TY? You have given us a wonderful, wonderful time. From storm sell hq that was the most fun ever. Wanted those outfits so bad and you gave us more!! Free gags, free fun!! And toonfest, the fireworks, tokens, games and love, love the clothes. You are special and wonderful and Thank You from the bottom of my little toon heart. GOD bless you<3
Prince Bacon the Second said on October 25, 2015 at 12:06 PM
I'm guessing he went to see his other doodle buddies
I'm guessing he went to see his other doodle buddies
Holiday said on October 25, 2015 at 1:04 PM
Bring back the Doodles, Fluffy!!!!! (Seriously it needs to happen) Oh and I hope you find your pet Sir Flippy.... (But seriously we need those doodles)
Bring back the Doodles, Fluffy!!!!! (Seriously it needs to happen) Oh and I hope you find your pet Sir Flippy.... (But seriously we need those doodles)
said on October 25, 2015 at 10:19 PM
No! Toonfest is gone! Oh well,I hope Flippy finds his doodle. ;D
No! Toonfest is gone! Oh well,I hope Flippy finds his doodle. ;D
Master Peppy Jabbertwist said on October 26, 2015 at 4:03 PM
Wow. To cut a important blog post short must be very important... By the picture I can infer that Flippy is calling for someone... Not jumping to conclusions, but.... That motion... That whistle...
Wow. To cut a important blog post short must be very important... By the picture I can infer that Flippy is calling for someone... Not jumping to conclusions, but.... That motion... That whistle...
Uh oh! What has Flippy done?