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A Ramadan Natter with The Moon

Posted by Nina Nitelight & The Moon on March 1, 2025 at 2:00 PM

Ah, Loon-a, there you are!

I'm… always here, Nina. But hellooo down there!

Nina Nitelight with The Moon

Salaam, Toontown, and Ramadan Mubarak! The new crescent moon has been sighted which means the month of Ramadan has officially begun!

Now, hang on… crescent? Aren't I always–

Ramadan is an extremely important month for many Toons, including me! For every day of the month, we fast from sunrise to sunset.

Well, wait a minute. Here in Dreamland, The Sun doesn't even–

The meal we eat before sunrise is called suhoor, and the meal we eat at sunset, when we break our fast, is called iftar. It's usual to break your fast with a date. They're tiny but boy are they tasty! Luckily for you all, I have plenty! Hey, friend up there! I can barely hear you, but do you want me to toss up a date?

Sure, why not? Throw me some of that baklava while you're at it, too.

Ramadan Mubarak again, Toontown! I hope you all learned a thing or two.

Consider me educated. My darker side just got a little brighter. Hehe, that was a good one.

Have a blessed month and make sure you spend quality time with your family and friends. Salaam!

Salaam, earthlings!


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Scribble said on March 2, 2025 at 6:31 AM
this is so cute! ramadan mubarak~ <3

Cinnamon said on March 8, 2025 at 11:25 AM
Salaam to all my toon friends observing Ramadan! <3
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