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Cogs, Inc. Celebrates Women's Equality Day

Posted by The Club President on August 26, 2024 at 2:00 PM

Yes, yes, of course I know what today is!! As a woman in business, and a GREAT one at that, today is obviously the foremost day of the year. You can rest assured that Cogs, Inc. knows how to celebrate SUCH a momentous occasion. Women's Equality Day, that is.

The Club President with The Mingler, a Micromanager, a Number Cruncher and a Name Dropper

During one of my tee times, I pondered on how you Toons have disrespected me. I don't think you foolish animals know how hard I've tried and tried to make this place the perfect, humdrum home for the Cogs! UGH! It's as if you're not even trying to notice my efforts! I suppose I could be angrier… the rage you Toons bring out of me has been the cause of some of my… better shots. An ace or two. Ten perhaps. But my golf skills are par for the course, of course. My portrait isn't hanging in the clubhouse for nothing.

Nonetheless, let me keep it on the fairway. It seems the Cogs currently marching the streets are not sufficient to keep you pests at bay, so I think Women's Equality Day is the PERFECT opportunity to deploy Cogs, Inc.'s finest to tackle you Toons and your nonsensical behavior. From now to August 28th 2PM (PDT), the women are taking charge. You'll find Name Droppers, Minglers, Number Crunchers and Micromanagers swarming Toontown. I'm positive they'll get the job done.

To those irritating Resistance Rangers, forget about it. You'll be as green as my fringe, ha! And to the rest of you, don't even bother hiding in those safe districts. We'll find you sooner or later.

Tee up, Toons!


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Lucky Glitterglow said on August 26, 2024 at 2:51 PM
I am just finding out that number cruncher and name dropper are women!! The more you know! Can't wait to participate! :3

Owen said on August 26, 2024 at 2:57 PM

Lavendeer said on August 26, 2024 at 6:44 PM
Where's the Clerk??

Comet said on August 26, 2024 at 8:07 PM
So I just realized with this, the Office Clerk is the only female Lawbot. Therefore, in the interest of including all four departments, I propose that you begin mass production so she can be involved in the invasion. It'll be funny trust me.

Cool Electroberry said on August 27, 2024 at 12:23 AM
i bet the clerk is celebrating as well :)

Cotton Candy said on August 27, 2024 at 2:16 AM
let's go women

Parm E. Sean said on August 27, 2024 at 8:58 AM
Um... where's the office clerk?

Parm E. Sean said on August 27, 2024 at 1:39 PM
Well, at least the cogs aren't that cruel to not give the micromanager a box to sit on for the photoshoot.

Parm E. Sean said on August 28, 2024 at 11:37 AM
I know you are likely commenting on this so, I'll beat you to it, and make sure you read my comment >:), Toonsworth. Toonsworth, you make awesome comments.

Vacation Taker said on August 29, 2024 at 8:10 PM
I think the Office Clerk took a holiday herself. Can't blame her, our town's pretty loud.
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