Reel It In for the Fish Migration Update!
Posted by Melville on January 26, 2023 at 1:00 PM
Wowzers, look at them go!! Ack-- I mean-- avast ye! Didn't see ya there. I’m Captain Melville, and you caught me staring at these fish swimming upstream. (Oh dear, I’ve been here for 3 hours...) I’m Toontown’s best fishing expert, so it’s not unlike me to admire the waterways. However, today I’m admiring with a sharp eye! The fish have been acting strange, so the Toon Council sent me to see why. After closely studying them, I’m excited to announce... The fish of Toontown are migrating!

Every once in a while, fish will swim many miles to return to their natural habitats to live a more comfortable life. For example, don’t you enjoy coming home after a long day of throwing pies and collecting Jellybeans? Just like that, but fish! I have found that our infamous Ultra Rare Fish are more eager to migrate than more common fish. As they say, the pickier the eater, the pickier the location! (What do you mean, no one’s ever said that before?) With my expertise and notes, I’ve tracked the migration to pinpoint rare fish at the following locations:
Fish Species | Discovered Rarity | Best Location |
All Star Fish | Ultra Rare | Toon Estates |
Baby Grand Piano Tuna | Extremely Rare | Tenor Terrace |
Concord Peanut Butter & Jellyfish | Ultra Rare |
The Brrrgh Playground |
Devil Ray | Extremely Rare | Donald's Dreamland |
Full Moon Fish | Ultra Rare | Donald's Dreamland |
Grand Piano Tuna | Ultra Rare | Alto Avenue |
Grizzly Bear Acuda | Ultra Rare | Walrus Way |
Holey Mackerel | Extremely Rare | Toon Estates |
Siamese Cat Fish | Extremely Rare | Elm Street |
I talked to some other fishermen about these migrations, and Freddy over at Toontown Central suggested we improve things on the fishing side of Toontown. Boy, did he reel me in on that idea! We figured these exciting changes will increase demand for fishing poles. Waiting 4 weeks just to get that shiny new Gold Rod is frustrating, isn’t it? A problem of the past, my friends! New fishing poles will now be sold every 2 weeks! That’s every other Cattlelog!
Already added that Devil Ray to your collection, eh? I knew mentioning this migration would be a tough catch for some, but I have you covered! Any Toon who has previously earned all seven Fishing trophies will be mailed the “Triumphant” Name Tag to prove you’ve sailed the seven seas.
With all this happening, I even got myself a call from Loony Labs. What an honor! They’ve taken notice of this sudden migration thanks to my work in the waters, and are tweaking the Silly Meter’s Decreased Fish Rarity Silly Team! Now dubbed as Teeming Fish Waters, Loony Labs note changes for this Silly Team include extra fishing docks, bigger shadows cast by fish, and an extra fish will appear in all ponds. With this team, fishing’s gonna be snappier than a piranha in a feeding frenzy!
I know what you landlubbers be thinking: surely, a fisherman such as myself is eager to score some catches on this wondrous occasion. To that, I say I’m way ahead of you! I already got bait here in the pond, so now we wait for a catch. Any... Any moment now... (Huh, this might take longer than I anticipated.) Why don’t you folks hit the docks and start fishing? Don’t worry about me. I’ll catch a world record fish soon! I hope...
Note from the Game Design Team:
Over the years, our players’ biggest gripe while fishing for Ultra Rare Fish has been the luck testing their patience, with some players struggling to find their desired fish. However, we’ve determined that the issue is actually not that Ultra Rares are too difficult to obtain! Rather, the issue is getting the exact fish they need -- that pond contains various Ultra Rares, causing some players to receive a duplicate Ultra Rare Fish when they’re still missing another. The solution we’ve found to help this fishing grind is by isolating these Ultra Rares to their own ponds with minimal competition.
With these ‘Dud Ultra Rares’ like the Holey Mackerel, All Star Fish, and the Devil Ray all now found in their own designated ponds, it’ll be noticeably more pleasant catching the fish you do need. Rather than another dud, you can finally catch that Grizzly Bear Acuda, who is now only competing with the Concord Peanut Butter & Jellyfish within The Brrrgh’s Playground. Additionally, we’ve slightly bumped up the odds of catching an Ultra Rare Fish, making it much more reasonable to dedicate your time to fishing to catch those Ultra Rares.
Under all this sheen, many players will realize that this update aims to tweak the Fishing Silly Team so it’s less of a must-have event -- the team has literally never lost! The Decreased Fish Rarity team made players feel it was necessary to spend hours and hours fishing in a mere two days to catch the fish they want. With our changes, we feel that the Teeming Fish Waters team makes fishing an engaging, enjoyable experience any time of year. That said, all of us found fishing during Teeming Fish Waters to be quite relaxing, given how much more accessible it is to aim for fish shadows. It’s certainly still a team worth voting for! Thank you for your understanding, and we hope you enjoy the Fish Migration Update!
January 26, 2023 [ttr-live-v3.7.0]
Silly Meter
• The Decreased Fish Rarity Silly Team has been reworked into a new Silly Team: Teeming Fish Waters!
• Teeming Fish Waters grants the extra fishing docks previously provided, bigger fish shadows, and a temporary third fish shadow for the duration of the team’s effects.
• New fishing poles can be purchased from the Cattlelog every 2 issues instead of 4.
• The rarity of fish has been slightly decreased by a smidge, making Ultra Rares more reasonable to catch in a game session.
• Balanced profit rates to provide more Jellybeans towards heavier weighted and rarer fish, properly making the Gold Rod most profitable.
• If a Toon’s fish catch rolls a fish rarity that is unavailable in that pond, the game will now automatically reroll to the rarity category below it. No more 0 oz. Balloon Fish!
• The internal code for Fish Bingo has been rewritten! This should hopefully result in fewer bugs and crashes in the long run, but may cause some minor issues in the short term. We’ll have our top Tech Toons working hard to keep this holiday running smoothly.
Fish Migration
• Many rare fish have migrated, changing some rarities or available locations! Keep reading for full details about each fishy friend’s home.
• All Star Fish are now exclusively found in Toontown Central, Donald’s Dock, and Toon Estates as an Ultra Rare Fish. Additionally, they have increased probability weight odds of being found in Donald’s Dock.
• Baby Grand Piano Tuna are still exclusively found in Minnie’s Melodyland as an Ultra Rare Fish. Additionally, they can still be found as an Extremely Rare Fish in Tenor Terrace.
• Concord Peanut Butter & Jellyfish are now exclusively found in The Brrrgh, Donald’s Dreamland, and Acorn Acres as an Ultra Rare Fish. Additionally, they now have increased probability weight odds of being found in The Brrrgh Playground.
• Devil Rays are now exclusively found in Donald’s Dreamland as an Extremely Rare Fish and in Daisy Gardens as an Ultra Rare Fish.
• Full Moon Fish are still exclusively found in Donald’s Dreamland as an Ultra Rare Fish. Additionally, they have increased probability weight odds of being found in that same Playground.
• Grand Piano Tuna are still exclusively found in Minnie’s Melodyland as an Ultra Rare Fish. Additionally, they now have increased probability weight odds of being found in Alto Avenue.
• Grizzly Bear Acudas are still exclusively found in The Brrrgh as an Ultra Rare Fish. They now have increased probability weight odds of being found in Walrus Way.
• Holey Mackerel are now exclusively found in Toontown Central, Donald’s Dock, and Acorn Acres as an Ultra Rare Fish. Additionally, they can still be found as an Extremely Rare Fish in Toon Estates.
• Siamese Cat Fish are still exclusively found in Daisy Gardens as an Ultra Rare Fish. Additionally, they can still be found as an Extremely Rare Fish in Elm Street.
• Strawberry Peanut Butter & Jellyfish can now also be found Anywhere as a Rare Fish.
• Toon Buildings will no longer be taken over by the Cogs while players are still busy interacting with NPCs.
• Improved game launch time.
• Made minor network optimizations to Playgrounds, Toon Estates, and the C.F.O. crane round.
• Fixed a window clipping into a door by "Counting Sheep - So You Don't Have To!" on Pajama Place.
• New Toons no longer receive default saved Gag choices of one Cupcake and one Squirting Flower -- thus disabling the Gag Shop's Load button until first saved. This will NOT apply to existing Toons, so go save a preset if you haven't!
Bugs 'n Blunders
• Patched up a long-standing issue where a catalog purchase could return "error code -3."
• Prevented some potential client crashes related to teleporting to Toon Estates.
• Addressed a server crash related to Sellbot Field Offices.
• Fixed up a client crash related to Status Effects in battles.
• Addressed some potential client crashes and issues related to street battles.
• Fixed an issue where Jellybean Unites would be blocked by the battle unite lock.
• Stopped a client crash related to the Boiler Room clock.
• Prevented a server crash related to Cog facilities.
• Addressed an exploit that allowed teleportation into the District Attorney's Offices and Boss Cog Battles, resulting in a client crash.
• Fixed an issue related to door rejection prompts, which could cause stuck Toons and client crashes upon entering Cog HQ lobbies.
• Patched up an exploit that let sad Toons join Boarding Groups and teleport out of the Playground after starting the game.
• Fixed a District reset related to Toon Estates and Gardening.
• Fixed some server-side memory leaks relating to Toon buildings being taken over by Cogs and vice-versa.
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I hope the update doesn't take too long ^^!
Lovely! Very toony!
finally, i don't have to eat any common fish now!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is amazing, thank you ttr team for your hard work <3
Now this is epic
Finally, a much needed update to fishing; and a better Silly Meter reward to boot. I'm eager to see Teeming Fish Waters works when it's active.
After recently maxing racing, fishing has been one of the next things on my list of activities to max. I'm really excited for this rather unexpected update and I hope it'll make my goal of trying to catch the 4 remaining fish I need a lot easier. Thank you TTR team!
YES! I thought I missed my chance forever to get the Triumphant name tag! Thank goodness I recently maxed fishing, fantastic update! Thank you, TTR team.
Wow, great job with this update, TTR! Seems like you guys are really good at improving Toontown! I hope sometime soon we'll be able to get a more efficient way of training doodles...
This is toontastic! Thanks for the update!
Just started fishing during the last decreased fishing rarity, and am thrilled to be able to go finish all of my species for each rod as I go and upgrade on my new toon journey! Thank you, dev team!
Well, this is unexpected. I was hoping it would be something more that what the toons really wanted. While reworking fishing is great, I think all toons want to know when the next playground or whatever the one area covered by the cloud is. I know i want to know what it is. I'd also like to see another gag track or 2 added to the game. But at least now it will be a little easier to get that full moon fish that I have been trying to get for years now. I hope that the fishing update works out.
I cannot WAIT to get into the game and finally max my fishing! Even though the silly meter for fish isn’t on, I hope I will still be able to reel in my last 3 fishes!
Loving the hard work yall put into toontown! i have heard of other toons as well as myself wondering if we could get a bigger bank max amount. Would be cool to be able to add other rooms to our houses as well thank you!
I was missing one fish from having all 70... goodbye exclusive nametag. I guess I should have spent those extra 20 hours at the pond x.x Still, great update! Can't wait to max fishing on all my other toons in few hours instead of few dozen!
Holy mackerel! Maybe I'll be able to catch my very last fish; the concord PB&J fish!
This is fantastic, thank you!
Thank you for all this!!!!
Holey Mackerel!!! This update was well worth the wait!! I hope you guys improve fishing next.
Love these changes! Will there ever be a way to obtain the Triumphant name tag after this or is it purely exclusive? As someone who has 67 of the 70 fish, I'm just curious. Keep up the fantastic changes!
Sounds like a good update. Fishing has always been a grind.
Great changes!
Love the idea for this update. It will be a shame not to catch a random Devil Ray in TTC anymore but a worthwhile change overall
Wow, that is some perfect timing XD Time to enjoy fishing again
Oh boy, this is exciting! I can't tell you how much easier and more fun fishing will be with all these updates! I'm gonna start fishing more often so I can work my way to maxing! Maybe I'll finally catch that elusive Devil Ray, who knows? Thanks TTR! (Also PS, thanks guys, that window clipping into that door on Pajama Place was kinda bugging me, lol)
Wow! What great timing, I've recently started the grind toward the Devil Ray so hopefully I'll catch it.
Ugh, thank you so much for the fishing poles. I was actually actively looking where to suggest this, I am glad that this is already being put in!
I love these changes! It's going to make the fishing progression feel linear and will minimize the UR duplicates. I'm sure more people will be open to fishing after the changes.
Woo-hoo! The All Star is one of the last species I have left to get, and now I know where to look. I am going to miss those 0 pound 0 ounce Balloon Fish, though. :P
now i can enjoy fishing much more! :D
Wow, thanks for the update. Hopefully this will make fishing a little more easier for me and other Toons! Now... to break out my fishing pole and maybe earn some more laff :D
This is really cool
Great Update! Caught 3 new species in a row that I couldn’t catch for so long! Thank you!
Fishing every day keeps the Cogs at bay! Vote for fishing to help Toontown, I say!
Thank you team for all your work
Thank you for the update!
This seems like a good change. I've caught 5 baby grand piano's but have never managed to catch that Grand Piano. This seems like it will make it possible.
This is a reel nice update, I'm o-fish-ally excited! I could really get hooked on fishing with all these updates! And I bet you geyser all excited, too! Heheh, I'm on a roll!
Thanks Toontown, for these fishing updates! Maybe this'll give me an incentive to finally start fishing again! It's been a while, so I'm not sure where I am right now. Have a great day everybody!
I love all of these updates! Thank you so much for the work in each of these areas. The energy and time you all have put in lately with recent updates and improvements to the game doesn't go unnoticed.
I'm happy you updated the gold rod! My friends and I couldn't decide if the gold rod was better or actually worse than any other rod. I can't wait to try it out!
this means that laff boosts are easier for fishing!