A Fiery Finish for the New Year's Toon HQ Takeover!
Posted by Toon HQ on January 7, 2023 at 2:00 PM
BOOM! Hilbert, grab the fire extinguisher! POW! Hilda, call the fire department! Hungry-- I mean, Harry, grab the snacks!! BOOOOOOM!!!
Howdy, Toontown! I can easily say that the New Year’s Toon HQ Takeover was a MASSIVE SUCCESS! I mean, we would say-- KAPOW! Sorry, folks! Things are a little hectic down here in Toon HQ after the Community TownTask has been completed by defeating a mind-boggling 2,100,000 Cogs!! You maxed the Gag-O-Meter, bringing new rewards to all -- and lighting the fireworks at the Meter’s summit! HARRY, DUCK!! KABAM!!!

Huff, huff... Now that I’m outside, this broadcast should be a little more calm. Kapow! We couldn’t be more excited seeing Toontown swarming with Toons, working together to complete our TownTasks. After the Takeover officially kicked off on January 2nd, the pressure was on with Toons having one week to complete the Community TownTask by January 9th at 5:00PM Toontown Time! However, everyone came together to knock those goals right out of the park:
- The Punchy Task, with a goal of busting 600,000 Cogs, was pulled off in 29 hours!
- The Silly Task, wanting a whopping 1,350,000 Cogs, was surmounted in 74 hours!!
- The Loopy Task, the final milestone of 2,100,000 Cogs, was landed in 118 hours!!!
Whewie, phewie! With two full days left on the clock, Toontown completed the TownTasks two entire days early! And to think, we worried that you wouldn’t complete the main TownTask. It’d have been a shame to lock up any of these rewards in the Toon HQ Vault, but Toontown persevered, pieing Cog after Cog! Make sure to pick up your hard-earned rewards!
- Punchy Task: Outset Name Tag, with code “new-starts”
- Silly Task: Flannel Outfit, with code “fabulous-fit”
- Loopy Task: Fruit Catcher Cap, with code “top-banana”
The Outset Name Tag and Fruit Catcher Cap will be available in Clarabelle’s Cattlelog sometime in the future, thanks to a sweet code-to-Cattlelog deal we’ve struck up. Meanwhile, with all the colors you could ever want, the Flannel Outfit can be bought NOW from Warren Bundles’ Clothing Shop in The Brrrgh. You can’t ever beat the price of “FREE,” though, so use our Shticker Book codes before they expire on January 16 at 11:59PM Toontown Time (PST)!
The Toons running this event are listening to your feedback, and have already been thinking on how to incorporate it into our future Takeovers. We want to hear all your feedback -- so remember to email it to support@toontownrewritten.com, or submit feedback through the Toontown Discord server at toon.town/discord. Remember to ask your parent’s permission first!
We’re more than excited about the future potential of Toon HQ Takeovers and bringing Toontown together to complete Community TownTasks. The Gag-O-Meter will be back once it’s time for the next Takeover, though it’s already been ‘ported back to Loony Labs for repairs before the fireworks could do too much damage. We hope you enjoyed the New Year’s Toon HQ Takeover, and have a Toontastic New Year!
BOOOOOOM! Golly gracious, the Gag-O-Meter’s fireworks sent the HQ’s roof blasting off into the sky! I’ve, uh, gotta go... SEE YOU AROUND, TOONTOWN!
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We finally did it! Congrats to Toontown!
Hopefully a top 3 or 5 for who contributed the most would bring some friendly competition!
Ladies and gentlemen, WE MADE IT! Great job defeating all those Cogs, everybody! This was such a great way to start the year, and I'm glad to have participated in it! I'm looking forward to seeing the other Toon HQ Takeovers, and what else you have in store for us!
CongratulaToons everyone!!!
Thanks for the flannel clothes, they look nice and comfy. Good job everyone!
Wow, look at those fireworks go! I'll bet Mcquack is going out of his mind right now... XD
We Did It Greatly.
Yippee!! Although I wouldn't recommend using fireworks indoors. I've learned since the incident.
So is the CashBot Field Offices coming soon?
Oooh, this was fun :D I kept staring at that page, going "WE CAN DO THIS!!!"
YAY! well done to everybody!
I couldn’t play since I didn’t have a laptop to play it on but I’m looking forward to more that I can join in on
Love all the new additions especially the flannel set
I hope that for the next one colored gloves will be the best I'm sure
I hope that for the next one colored gloves will be the best I'm sure
Thanks, that was fun!
Wow, so proud of the Tooniverse and that we were able to finish early! :) What a great beginning to the New year, cant wait for more takeovers and to see what lies ahead in 2023
I can't wait to see what is ahead in the future for ttr!!! That was a lot of fun
WOW!!! Congrats! Hope everyone has a toontastic New Year!
I remember being in a two-star field office with my new friends when this happened. We were so happy, and not long thereafter, we beat the Boiler! Congratulations my fellow toons- we did it! Toons of the world, unite!
A great idea, Toontown team. I will say that I was a little disappointed that the tasks all dealt with defeating cogs. I hope for more variety in the tasks if you decide to do this again in the future
We are toon enough! Way to go toons! Love the rewards and can't wait for the next TownTask!
This is Toontastic!
That task was genuinely fun and exciting. I enjoyed that everyone had to come together as one and work together. I hope there are more like this ahead in the future!! I've been playing since a child and still can't get enough of this game. My children and I play together now. Keep up the great work and thanks for continuing to make the game even better even though it wasn't thought possible!
I can’t believe we killed that many cogs! Way to go everyone! We did amazing!!
We finally completed the Toon HQ Takeover!
Looking forward to more!