Taxation with Representation on Tax Day
Posted by The Number Crunchers on April 18, 2022 at 2:00 PM
The time has come once again, Toons. The time of year every Cashbot anxiously waits for! For too long you become enveloped in your silly nonsense -- playing games, playing jokes and pranks on us Cogs. You waste not only our time and money, but most importantly, our money with these antics. That all ends today, however, as it is the most important day of the year…
Tax Day.

Without a single doubt in our metal minds, Tax Day is the most significant time of the year. A single day dedicated to nothing but money, taxes, and fees. Truly, it is a day unlike any other! Due to a successful fiscal quarter, the Chief Financial Officer has graciously allowed us to take the day off to profit off your little town.
Effective immediately, us Number Crunchers will be invading Toontown and taking over the streets all day. Please be advised that any retaliation or resistance -- specifically by those pesky Resistance Rangers of yours -- will be met with swift fines and fees for any and all damage. These suits aren’t cheap.
We would wish you “good luck” on trying to resist the tax smell in the air, but that would be a fruitless effort. Let’s get our crunch on.
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I can always """COUNT""" on the TTR Team to bring me laughs!! Awesome post guys!!
You'll be the ones paying the price, cashbots! No fee is too high for us toons.
"Fruitless effort", you say? Well, why don't YOU have a crunch on this Whole Fruit Pie!
I love number crunchers
Hey number crunchers, crunch on THIS! (throws a pie)
Who always does their taxes? NOT TOONS!
We'll never pay our taxes! You're not Toon enough for our debts!
To those silly Cogs: we always win.
You'll be the ones paying the price, cashbots! No fee is too high for us toons.
You'll have to pry my jellybeans out of my cold, sad hands!
What a ratio between toon to cog!
Number crunchers always crack me up when I'm in a battle. They just look tired and done with the business.<3
Why don't you Number Crunchers go away, stop messing with us toons, and go mind your own, er... "business".
This Cogs won't like a crunch from a Wedding Cake,let's ruin this Tax Day
number crunchers look funny