The Final Four in the Top-Dog Cog Race
Posted by The Cogs on September 10, 2020 at 2:00 PM
Over the past couple weeks, you Toons have complied and filled out our polls for the “top-dog Cog.” Perhaps our attempts to work with you over the years have not been all for naught; there is hope that Toons and Cogs can work together! The winning Cog of this final poll will be treated with not only a pay raise, but a Version 2.0 Mega-Invasion to show off their new upgrades. Let these invading Cogs serve as a shining example of a top Cogs, Inc. employee as they transition Toontown into another tastefully grey worksite.
Below, you will find a word from one of each “top-dog” Cog to assist you in choosing which is truly most marketable. Let’s allow this Mega-Invasion to be a pleasant start of our new workplace relationship, Toons.
The Mingler

"Let's Mingle. You already know who I am. If there's anything that Toontown needs, it's a Cog who can communicate. Voting for me shall cause a Paradigm Shift across all of Toontown -- which as you know is the greatest attack for the greatest Cog. Don't even think about trying to hide your vote from me -- I'm in your business. If you'd like, we can continue this conversation over lunch."
Loan Shark

"It's time to repay your loans, Toons. Despite the attempts to collect, I still have yet to receive payment. It's time for some pay back -- and to that, I bring forth a proposal. Vote for me, and your debts will be cleared. Years of loans and advances, gone quicker than a feeding frenzy. You don't need to be as sharp as my teeth to see the benefits of this deal."
Legal Eagle

"Ca-caw! I've got Toontown right in my talons. Once I win this vote, I shall bring order to all of Toontown. A vote for the Legal Eagles of Toontown is a vote for justice. Don't even think about not voting for me, Toons. Believe me when I say that I'll throw the book. You'll face criminal charges in the court of law, and have legal nightmares for years."

"Am I reading this right? Do these glasses need a new prescription? The Toons voted for me! The Boss will be sure to promote me for this! Ahem, I mean...
Although I may be a recent hire to Cogs, Inc., I am the Cog for the job. I may be a Flunky, but I am quite spunky. I'll be sure to use this victory to step up the corporate ladder, Toons."
Those are the final choices, Toons. You have one week to cast your vote -- don't be late or you'll be seeing a Spin Doctor soon.
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Vote for The Minglers. By far the most intimidating and powerful cog of them all.
Aww the Flunky has my vote... made me laugh!! If I were a cog I’d definitely be a Flunky hahaha
Be Spunky: Vote for Flunky.
I was stuck between Mingler and Flunky but the Flunky's speech was so cute I'm definitely voting for him now <3
Vote for Flunky the spunky.
I love the Flunky. You can never forget the very first Cog you defeated in the Toontorial. Flunky forever!
I voted for Flunky... I feel nostalgic whenever I battle him
Flunky owns my heart, of course I have to vote for him. <3
Aww, we love you so much, Flunky. <3
i vote the mingler!
loan sharks for the win let's vote for them and get our debt cleared!!!
Time to soar, Legal Eagles!
Memories of "Dont be a Log, Vote for a Cog" inspired me to vote for the nest at Lawbot HQ. You might have lost the toon elections, but you cant lose the cog one!
Minglers may be powerful, but are they as spunky as a Flunky?
Voted for Flunky, he's the cutest cog
I don't care. Bean Counters are the best cog in my head. Legal Eagles ftw.
Okay Flunky got that emotional appeal I see I see
Flunkies for the win periodt
How can you not vote for Flunky? These for are the best though! Mingler is in close second :)
i love that fat funky flunky so much!!!
If you’re smart you’ll vote for Flunky. Us toons deserve a break!
Need more love for legal eagles; lawbots are the best!
Of course Flunky is going to win. The winner gets its own mega invasion. Lol but Loan Sharks all the way
Flunky should be an honorary toon <3
Mingler is the best!
I mean, after reading the Flunky line and just by looking at him, why wouldn't you vote for him? The Flunky is just so adorable, relateable- and spunky! Go Flunky! <3 :D
Flunky for Smash!
I'd say i want better Cashbots to crush.... its all in for better things for entertainment :/ #GOLOANSHARK!
Flunky is classic, the first cog toons defeat when they enter the toontorial, and they also appear when we defeat the CEO and he's demoted to a Flunky. The Flunky is such an icon
I was going to vote for Legal Eagle, as he's my favorite cog design. . . But reading the Flunky's one made me change my mind. He sounds so cute and hopeful and. . . Un-cog-like!
Well, I voted for Loan Sharks but we can see how that went. No matter, I'll be rooting for the Flunky, if only to spite the other cogs who didn't make it.
Was hoping Corporate Raider would win for Bossbot :^( Legal Eagle has my vote, most intimidating out of these.
Legal Eagle hands down he is my favorite of the 4 finalists
A vote for a flunky, you are a certified Spunky Toon
We're actually gonna get a Flunky Version 2.0 Invasion omg
Flunky for the win!!!
Flunky is trying his best and deserves all the love and support in the world.
flunky best cog
Loanshark had me at clearing my debts.
Let's be honest, all of us learned how to use our gags battling a flunky. They hold a special place in our hearts
Mingler pros: Paradigm shift. Mingler cons: paradigm shift. Loan shark pros: Denture Dude. Loan shark cons: I don't have any reason to vote for them. Legal Eagle pros: HES A BIRD Legal Eagle cons: legal nightmares. Flunky pros: THEY'RE CUTE. Flunky cons: we'd have to fight the cute cogs.
The Legal Eagle and Flunky were impossible for me to choose. Then I looked at the Flunky again and his speech (Am I reading this right?) and thought "he's spunky. he needs my vote."
I feel like Flunkies are too iconic to not vote for... so I voted for him.
I've taken out too many loans to not vote for Loan Shark.
Oh I hope Flunky wins! Just thinking about this vote makes my honey swirl! The other cogs are a bit too tricksy, but the Flunky has all the spunky!
I'm so torn between the Mingler and the Flunky... the Mingler is my favorite Cog, but I kind of want to root for the underdog...
Don't be funky, vote for Flunky.
We all know the flunky needs the win he is our best cog friend he teaches us how to play the game #goflunky
I voted Legal Eagle, now I have regrets and want to put Flunky. Looks like Flunky is winning, though! :D
Keep it up you funky Flunky!
It’s a hard choice, but the Flunky’s really made me sad. He has my vote, he reminds me of me whenever someone says I did something good. Besides, it’ll make the Mega-Invasion easier on the smaller toons. Good luck Flunky!
Aww look at the Flunky, just trying his best <3
flunky forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Was about to vote for Loan Shark because of that great jellybean - saving deal he made (Don't give me any questions OK?) Anyways, once i read the Flunky's speech, he got me hard. Vote Flunky!
Poor Flunky's don't get no respect. I vote for the Flunky just to show them that they count too.
Flunkies for the win!!
I Voted for Flunky!! <3
Fav cog ~ Eagles! they Soar!!!
Legal Eagles ~ Soar!!!
Flunky is elite, always. Think of all the gags you've successfully trained because of them.
I mean, if it were most dangerous, it'd be Mingler all day every day, but I like the flunky. He's real spunky.
The Flunky's response was actually really heart-warming! Stand tall and proud, spunkster!
Can I vote for all 4? xD
I had to vote for the Flunky he's just baby
Well, i guess i'll be spunky and vote for flunky. I defeated too many of those in my day, i kinda owe him at this point! Lol
vote flunky!!!! a vote for him is a vote for cute cog supremacy :D
Flunky Fever
I vote the Minglers and Loan Sharks.
flunkies are iconic. i may be a flunky but I am quite spunky
I'm torn between Legal Eagles and Loan Sharks! I love them both so much; as much as I also adore Minglers and Flunkies I'll be voting for Loan Sharks bot every Cog here has something special~
The Minglers face looks funny.
Voted for flunky, he's so cute and hopeful, he deserves the job. Good luck!
I like the Flunky but The Minglers have my whole heart.
I love the Flunky, they're a cog you've got to love <3
awww flunkys got my vote. he's so excited and hopeful. be spunky; vote for flunky!
I've defeated too many flunkys.... i kinda had to vote for them. but litterally have you ever seen a level 5+ flunky?
Haha i totally agree Little Fluffynugget. The poor Flunky's also won my heart
i voted for legal eagle, he managed to actually scare me XD but i feel sad for flunky though...
He outta' just be a Flunky but he is real spunky, this Suit might not be as strong as the other Cogs here but I outta' bet his glaw'sses will make just him outta' smart enough to rule em' all! Loan Shawk might be scary, Mingler might outta' have that well timed use of paradigm shift and Legal Eagle might be filled with justice but what these Suits do not have on them is those big goofy glaw'sses, that makes Flunkies quite intelligent might I say, eh? Vote Flunky or you're never gettin' that promotion!
Flunky is baby
If you chose anything other than Legal Eagle, you're just simply wrong.
The flunky.. He's only level 1-5 let him get his promotion!
Lets be honest here.. The Flunky is the first cog we battle, he teaches us how to use our gags an- VOTE FLUNKY HE DESERVES A PROMOTION!
Paradigm shifts? Bites? Pecking order? Flunky (who is really spunky) Clip On Tie, yes i will have that tie and put it on thank you very much.
FLUNKY boy he is too smart
yay flunky
I voted Flunky, how could I say no to a promotion for the first cog encountered in the game?
flunky spunky be a little flunky my vote is flunky
I was gonna vote for the Flunky(his speech made me smile), but I was too late to vote. Oh well....
Dude, reading the Flunky's bit made me feel sad. He's so excited and hopeful, and originally I was gonna vote for The Mingler, but now he's got my vote. Good luck, my dude! Hope you get that promotion! (If you don't get defeated by us Toons, that is. Haha!)