Meet the Meter | Backstage Toontown
Posted by The Toontown Team on June 4, 2018 at 4:15 PM
We've got another exciting Toontown Backstage Column for you today, folks, where we dive into what's going on behind the scenes of Toontown Rewritten. Today's post is one you've all been waiting for, and we're extremely excited to finally talk about it!
One of our major projects for 2018 (but far from the largest!) has been redesigning a game element from Toontown Online that some adored, and others abhorred. After lots of planning, programming, and design -- we're confident that we've kept the great parts of this feature while replacing the less popular portions with expanded gameplay for both old and new players.
Toons of Toontown, it's time to Meet the Meter!

Toontown Online's Silly Meter
In Toontown Online, The Silly Meter was one of the final major updates added to the game. It was a showpiece that demonstrated efforts to modernize the game, and the developers had exciting plans for it!
The original development plan was simple: Bring people back to the game with the spectacle of the Silly Meter, and keep them playing with new content and updated graphics. The Disney developers had big plans for Toontown, and the Silly Meter was just one step towards giving the game a proper revival.
Unfortunately, due to management changes happening at Disney Online, Toontown's future changed course. The Silly Meter, while visually fantastic, was mostly a static object that was controlled by scripted sequences. Every "Silly Meter Maxing" event was scheduled, rather than caused by the actions of players in the game. While fun, these events became fairly predictable once players figured this out.
Compounding the issue was that most people were unhappy with the other half of the Silly Meter update, which caused Street Props like Hydrants, Trashcans, and Mailboxes to help in battle. The animation work on these props is nothing short of a technical marvel, but the actual gameplay was cut short. The visuals were given priority over gameplay, dragging out Street Battles far longer than they should have been.
But what if there was a way to go back and fix the mistakes of the original Silly Meter? What if the plans of Toontown Online's developers didn't have to get cut short?
Making Silliness Sillier
To right the wrongs of the past, we've set out to fulfill the original vision of Toontown Online's Silly Meter to bring brand new gameplay and visual charm to Toontown. We've been working on this project for months, and we're finally ready to reveal what we've created!
The new and improved Silly Meter is completely dynamic, meaning everything you do in Toontown has a direct impact on the silly level. Host a party? That earns Silly Points! Earn a new gag? That earns Silly Points too! Defeat a Cog? You guessed it!
Your actions don't just affect the Silly Meter in your current district, but across ALL of Toontown. Of course, Toons aren't the only ones who can impact the Silly Meter. The Cogs are actively working to bring the silly levels of Toontown down with Invasions and Cog Buildings. It's up to YOU to fight back against the Cogs and make the Silly Meter hit maximum silliness!
Now, let's talk about the question on everyone's minds: What happens when the Silly Meter reaches maximum silliness?
Introducing Silly Teams
In the new Silliness Tracker page of your Shticker Book, you can view the current Silly Level as well as check out your "Silly Stats" to see how you've been earning Silly Points. But that's not all, folks!
The Silly Meter update is bringing a brand new feature to Toontown: Silly Teams. Each time that the Silly Meter begins tracking Toontown's silliness, three random teams will be available for Toons to join in the Shticker Book and put their Silly Points towards. These teams are represented by rewards, and whichever team has the most points when the Silly Meter maxes will activate the reward for ALL of Toontown!
Here are just a few examples of Silly Teams:
![]() Doodle Trick Boost: Jump! Backflip! Dance! Doodles perform tricks more often and earn more experience. |
![]() Decreased Fish Rarity: Holy Mackerel! Rare fish are easier to find with this silly perk. |
![]() Speedy Garden Growth: Make your gardens bloom faster than Daisy's to ramp up your garden experience. |
![]() Overheal: Increased maximum Laff Points while the Silly Meter is maxed! |
Silly Teams bring a bit of friendly competition to Toontown, allowing three teams to go head-to-head to earn the most Silly Points in order to activate their chosen reward. We're super excited about this new expansion, and can't wait to see the fun that comes from it!
Do you have an idea for a Silly Team you'd like to see? Let us know in the comments or on a community website and it may just be implemented!
Coming to a Toon Hall Near You
Are you tired of reading the word "silly" yet? Don't worry, this is the wrap up section!
Our new Silly Meter update is coming in 2018 to Toontown Rewritten. We still have work to do to finish the update, especially because of the extreme amount of testing and balancing that this update requires. We'll keep you updated about progress as time goes on, and you can be sure to hear more about the Silly Meter at ToonFest at ReplayFX 2018!
Can't wait for more? Then you'll want to check out our official Toontown Team Livestream on Saturday at 1:00 PM Toontown Time (PST). We'll be answering any sort of questions you have about this new expansion, as well as listening to your feedback on how to make it better.
Check back tomorrow for one final Backstage post detailing some of the things we're working on for Toontown in 2018. We hope that you're getting more and more excited about the future of Toontown!
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finally a way to train my doodles!
Cannot wait!
Well finally
I can't wait for the new content!!!!! Thanks Joey & TTR!!!! :D
I am *always* excited about the future of Toontown! :D I think it's great how much hard work the team has put into making the less-than-great aspects of TTO reach their full potential. The new rewards sound great, it's going to be *way* more fun knowing that our actions actually impact the Silly Meter, and best of all? NO MORE 30-SECOND FIRE HYDRANT DANCES WOO! Who's excited with me?
This is bringing a level of modernization to the game that I am so excited to see! I can't wait!
Im so ready for this!
WOAH!!!! Now I'm hyped to see the new Silly Meter in action!!! Revamped and Renewed! ^u^
I've missed the meter, especially the updated, bigger town hall. the old room was way too small for the building.
Wow! I think a silly team that should be implemented would be getting 2x XP for defeating cogs? Just an idea, but i personally think this would make a great addition to the silly teams! Keep it up, TTR!
Well seem's joey has been working!
This is fantastic! I can't wait to see Silly Teams be put into action!
i love the idea and cant wait for it but i feel like the overheal one would be the most popular team it should be nerfed or replaced by something else
HOLYY.... as duck clan leader i am very hyped. AAAAAAAAAA HYPE TRAIN!!!! ??CHOOOOOO CHOOOOOOO
WOOHOO!! Can't Wait!. :D
The only thing that comes to mind is W O W .
I'm hyped.
So excited, oh my gosh! This is gonna be so great! Doodle trick boost is my favorite!
ok im actually quite hyped for this. finally the silly meter will be more, silly.
It's about time! I've been waiting months now!
I'm hyped for the Decreased Fish Rarity finally I can catch fish without throwing my fishing rod over and over again.
I knew you guys were working on something super duper exciting!! I cannot wait to see this! Even if this was the last update for 8 months after it was released I'd be super content! Thank you guys so much, I can't wait for the rest of the week to be able to chat with the TTR team and see the future!
Awesome stuff toontown rewritten team!!! this stuff sounds awesome especially the doodle trick and laff bonuses!!! id like to add some i just thought of that i think would be cool team rewards too! i think faster running, double golf trophy progress and double racing trophy progress would be very awesome as well!!!
I loved the Silly Meter's effect on streets. The poor mailboxes who fell asleep and fell over in Dreamland, the bins and their trash mates, and the hydrants crying ice cubes in The Brrrgh when a building was taken over. While they prolonged battles, Toontown Online compensated with a button to allow players to exit a victory dance after a street battle. Eventually our street friends joined us at parties. It will be interesting to see what silliness TTR brings to us.
Wow, toons! Great moves. Keep it up. Proud of you.
I am really excited about this! I cannot wait for the decreased fish rarity. :)
This is nice. The best thing they can do is let us replace gag tracks like switching trap for drop. I wish that would happen, but great job guys!
You guys rock! Thanks for providing such a great game.
Yay! Sooo excited, time to get siLlY!
Wait.... Teams in TTR.... OMG YAAAASSSS BEST UPDATE EVAAHHHHHH WOOOOOOOOO(Stopped short because there were 3819 more O's added onto this)
finally a way to train my doodles!
I KNEW your version of the Silly Meter would be a great update! I've run into several doubters and moaners that said it was dumb you guys were focusing on bringing a "lame" feature when you should be focusing on "new" content instead. Well, I never doubted you guys are a second! The irony is that it IS new content while also being old content as well! THAT is the Toontown Rewritten I fell in love with! Can't wait for this update! :D
Well, now it'll be slightly less agony to train doodles and grind fishing and gardening. I'm in. I think Overheal might be a little much, though. Making the grinding easier is what I think the Silly Meter cold be best used for.
This is great! I'd personally love to see a 2x XP boost Silly Team. Though a bit mundane, it'd sure help with the grind.
For once, the rare fish won't get away from me! This will be toontastic!
PLEASE make a Double XP perk for one of the silly teams! We desperately need more Double XP to decrease the grinding for gags and cog bosses!
I guess it is time for some more "Silliness". I am Hyped!!!!
i didn't know how the meter works back then. just reading this sound exciting and fun. cant wait :D
yay wooo hoo !
Rare fish species easier to find? Boy, I can't wait!
Ty for your time and energy. The things this will affect will mainly benefit more low level toons. Any chance we can have something to help with boss suit levels being earned more quickly?
I have no words. This is just too good.
Does this mean that Ultra rares will become easier to catch as well? If so, then I might finally be able to catch the last two fish I need!
i cant wait!!! team overheal! (its useful)
This is so hype! Can't wait to actually spend time fishing if we vote decreased rarity!
I think a silly team that increases the jelly beans rewarded from minigames would be good as it would get more people playing minigames and make it easier to afford the cool furniture/outfits. Another good one would be increasing the amount of cogbucks, merits etc. gained from doing factories and such as it would reduce the grind needed to level up your suits and access more content. Another one could be increasing the chance for cog drops for toontasks as it would allow players to progress faster through the missions
Omg thank you guys for everything you do working on this game. I've gotten so addicted to it again. I can't even begin to explain how much I appreciate everything!
This is awesome, now not even Gmod editors will be able to out-scrunch the look on my supremely silly face. Silliness to the maximum!
This is AWESOME!!!
This looks great!
This is awesome, good job TTR Team.
So much Hype Toontown
What a fantastic idea! I can't wait to see this implemented! Kudos to you, TTR Team.
That fish stat will be great. I could FINALLY (maybe) catch that Devil Ray
I liked the street props helping out, but this new concept feels very fresh. Especially the higher laff boost. Looks like greening can go away!
Yay, i can max my fishing now
I'm impressed with the work!
So excited!!!
I'm excited for more laff points!!!
That's nice
Stepping up your game now eh TTR? This is really neat and I cannot wait!
yes, after the wait for so long. I'm happy for this.
A silliness tracker page you say? Sounds like a great addition to me.
This looks amazing, I can't wait to see the Silly Teams that're brought about too! If I were to leave a suggestion for a Silly Team, maybe a team that affects the Trolley Minigames as well, such as bonus Jellybeans or -- if things could get crazy enough -- being able to somehow pack more Toons into one Trolley ride? Either way, this is gonna be Toontastic!!
This is awesome!
Double (or some other multiplier) points for cog HQ credits would be a great reward!
Sweet mother of Flippy! I am SO playing TTR a LOT more often after hearing this news!
Also, I would LOVE to see a team where the organic gag bonus is doubled from 10% to 20%.
To be honest, I LOVED how the hydrants, trashcans, etc would help other players! I thought it was rather an interesting experience having an extra sidekick on the streets! I hope you don't get rid of that! I didn't think Disney would do that but I found it entertaining!
Now this is exciting! I always felt the Silly Meter in TTO was incredibly underwhelming so to bring these new eventful elements with perks and friendly competition is an A+ in my book :) can't wait too see what's in store!
Oh My Goodness. I Was Hoping For Something Like This! And There It Is! I'm Very Excited! I've Been Wanting To Train My Doodles For A While Now, And Now I Can! Thanks TTR!
Finally! Something new coming to Toontown! Thanks, Toontown Rewritten, for everything you've done for us.
I know I'm excited! I wonder what other teams there could be.... Maybe a team that doubles or triples the amount of tickets earned in racing?
I'm getting crazy everyday for these updates. ??
Please have a double gag and cog suit experience silly team! That would be amazing!
Can't wait for this!