Saving the Best for ToonFest | Backstage Toontown
Posted by The Toontown Team on June 5, 2018 at 4:40 PM
Hi again, Toons! It's time for our third and final Backstage Column of this week -- the most that we have ever had in a single week. There's a lot of things that we've been working on behind the scenes, and these three posts are only giving you a small glimpse of what's to come.
Today's post aims to give you a sneak peak of our highly anticipated real-world event, ToonFest at ReplayFX 2018 -- and in turn, a glimpse of the huge announcements to expect at the event!

The Importance of ToonFest
We've hosted a real-world ToonFest event for the past three years, with ToonFest at ReplayFX 2018 being our fourth event. Some players ask us, "Why put so much time into ToonFest? What's so special about it?"
This is a good question -- after all, ToonFest costs thousands of dollars to put on and takes an incredible amount of work to plan and organize! There's a reason why we've done this every year, however, and anyone who has ever attended ToonFest knows exactly why: It keeps Toontown alive in a way that we could never achieve online.
There's something really special about getting a bunch of Toontown players all in one place! The sheer amount of excitement, celebration, and downright fun that we have at ToonFest every year energizes the players and staff alike, and catches the attention of people even outside of the Toontown community.
Think about it: Hundreds of people spend hundreds of dollars to travel and attend an event hosted for a game that was supposed to have closed 5 years ago. That is INCREDIBLE! We've been emphasizing Toontown's Toontastic community a lot this week, and the success of ToonFest is the single greatest testament to just how great you guys are.
Not convinced that you should get excited about ToonFest yet? Let us tell you more about what makes this year special!
New Activities and Collectibles
We've been putting a lot of thought into how to make this year's ToonFest a blast (or, in some cases, a SPLAT!). In addition to all of the great gaming activities that ReplayFX has, Toontown will have plenty of activities of our own such as Game Stations, Competitions, Arts & Crafts, a Pie Toss, and more!
A huge part of ToonFest is also meeting other players and the Toontown Team, who are super eager to meet you as well! Rumor has it that two certain special guests are making a return, too... Can you guess who?
Of course, one of the coolest parts of ToonFest is all of the free stuff you get to take home with you. In fact, we've got a special sneak peek of one of our collectibles this year in the image on the right! That's right -- everyone who attends ToonFest will get to take home an exclusive Toontown Mousepad, in addition to plenty of other goodies that we're saving as a surprise!
Our Biggest Project To Date
ToonFest isn't all about the fun and games -- but we'll admit, that is a really fun part of it. In addition to the activities at the Toontown Rewritten booth, we host a Main Event every year to announce what we've been working on. Sometimes, like last year's reveal of v2.0.0, this results in brand new gameplay that you can actually play for the first time at ToonFest!
We're going to let you in on a secret: The content we've shown you this week isn't the biggest thing we've been working on recently. In fact, the biggest project that we've EVER created will be seen for the first time at ToonFest. That's a big secret we just told you!
Until then, our lips are sealed! You'll have to "Toon" into ToonFest to see for yourself.
Bringing the Fun Back Home
Hopefully by now, you're as excited for ToonFest as we are. We understand, though, that some of you who live too far away from Pittsburgh, PA may be feeling a bit down that you can't join in on the fun. That's why we're bringing the fun back home to you!
This year, we're doing more than ever to get players who can't attend ToonFest involved. With more Livestreams, more Social Media coverage, and more activities going on in-game -- you'll feel like you're really there!
Toontown's community spans all across the world, and we want to celebrate with ALL of you -- not just the ones who can make it in person.
Watch Our Live Preview
Thanks for sticking with us through this series of Backstage Posts! We've got more blog posts coming every day this week to celebrate Toontown's 15th Birthday, leading up to our official Toontown Team Livestream on Saturday at 1:00 PM Toontown Time (PST).
This Livestream will feature a bit of Q&A, just to give you a taste of our big Q&A with the entire team that's happening at ToonFest!
If you're ready to hop on the hype train and ride over to Pittsburgh, PA -- check out the ToonFest Page of our website to learn more about the event and purchase tickets.
Stay TOONed -- we'll see you on Saturday!
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Can't Wait!
Great hope it's a new playground.
Hey, that's me in the first set of photos! I seriously can't wait to see what's in store at this year's ToonFest. It's an event that is so much fun to attend in person, and it's SO worth it! A Toontown Rewritten MOUSEPAD? Sign me up!
Though I can't attend, I am so excited! Gosh you guys are really upping your game!
OMG that mouse pad looks so cool!! I wish I was able to get one but I won't be able to attend :(
I really can't wait! :)
Man! I'm super excited for the announcement!
This is going to be exciting, good job TTR team.
Wow, toons! Great moves. Keep it up. Proud of you.
cant wait for the event!!
I wish I could come to Toonfest in real life but I haven't tried celebrating it through the game. Interesting... I am so Happy I will be able to feel like I am actually there!
Cant go, but glad there's a stream! :P
I'm looking forward to going to Toonfest this year to see what's in store for Toontown's future! :)
I'm coming this year :D i havent gone to a different state in like 3 years
I hope I'll be able to go!
I just would like to say that I like Toontown because it revolutionized the gaming industry by being one of the first MMO type of game to grace the gaming world. Though I can't go to the ToonFest because I live so far away, I hope I can remember in my toony brain to watch the livestream on Saturday. Remember, always be one with the nostalgia and stay toony!
ITS GOING TO BE SOOOO MUCH FUN But I won't even be able to watch the livestreams because I need to do revision :(
Shame I can't come.
Whoo hoo, I'll make sure to check it out!
Toontastic job guys! I sleep with my toonfest tickets under my pillow in excitement!
I wish I could attend! Sadly lack of funds is keeping me home, haha. Toonfest 2019 is what Im aiming for!!!
Sounds like a good time! If I wasn't already busy with a million other trips I somehow scheduled for myself all back to back, I would definitely consider this! Here's looking at 2019 for me though, possibly!
ooo I wish I could go! By any chance will you all be selling the mouse pad online? or any of the other stuff? or maybe have us send a self address envelope (like the cards) to get one? that would be cool. Can't wait till toonfest opens in TTR.
See you there!!! <3
Super excited for this ToonFest, thank you guys for putting so much work into things like this for the community!
Wow! That seems really fun! Maybe one day I WILL get to come to ToonFest! I'm not sure if I can make it now, though, since my parents might not let me. :( But I'm still excited for the event! Also, what could that new surprise be? Field Offices? The return of Slappy? THE CHAIRMAN?!?!?! Well, we'll just have to wait and see! ;)
If I can travel. I will find the money. even if I'm still in a wheel chair
hope i can go to toonfest!
Yay! What if Toontown celebrated its 100th year?
So excited that I'm going! Can't wait to meet everyone!