A Bunny's Punny Pie Day
Posted by Cinnamon Bun on March 14, 2024 at 3:14 PM
Is something burning…? Oh, crumbs -- I forgot I was going to be on the blog today! My baking skills are currently going through a rough batch (along with my puns, ahem). The Cream Pies are coming out of the oven as solid as a rock and they're going wham instead of splat, but donut worry! I'll perfect our Pie Day pies if it's the last thing I do!
I've asked my sweet pal Baker Bridget to mail me her Toontown-famous Cream Pie recipe as back-up, because you can never be too careful. Bake it till you make it, I like to say. Bridget tells me a bad pie isn't a loaf or death situation. But lately, even Ma Putrid has been sending them back... which is why I knead Bridget's help! When it comes to all things sweet and crumbly, she's the smartest cookie in town.
Knock knock.
Oh, I think Pete's here with the recipe already! Let's take a read, shall we?
Baker Bridget's Believably Unbelievable Cream Pies:
3.14 cups flour
1 cup sugar
5.9 cups butter
2.6 ounces seltzer water
5.35 egg yolks
89 jellybeans (to garnish)
Huh! What a bizarre list of ingredients… Well, there's no time to stop and smell the flour, I've got to get my bake back on! If any of you loaf-ly Toons fancy a slice, take a trip to the stand by the library in Toontown Central. If they doughn't taste quite right, or if you simply aren't peckish, you can throw them at your friends! Muffin’ -- ahem, nothing's quite as fun as a food fight!
I'll be making pies today until midnight (Toontown Time!). Let's hope this bunny doesn't get burnt out from all the baking! I'll see you later, Toons. Break an egg out there!
An Extra-Special Doodle Addendum
Pies, pies, pies galore,
A doodle's best friend, they cannot ignore.
Across the land, did Fluffy sing,
"Arf arf arf squeak!", and so did the Doodles bring...
An entire crowd! From all across the land,
From winding woods, to sweltering sands.
All manner of Doodles, big and small,
With just one task: "Raid the pie stall!"
And so they did, the Playground was full,
Not one Toon could stop them, none had the pull.
Enabling the madness, stood Cinnamon Bun,
"I say let the Doodles have their fun!"
And so they did! Every Doodle was stuffed.
Bouncing 'round, the ultimate sugar rush.
And in that sugar, they say the silliness peaked,
Out-of-season, the Doodles learned to speak!
"I've been happy for the longest time, but now I feel sad." said Macbeth,
"Sometimes, I just wanna be angry!" yelled Jeth'!
"Even after all these pies, I'm still hungry..." pouted Pierre,
But "I dunno what you're talking about, I'm just excited!" yelled Fenimore!
They say the party forever changed the Doodles, their hearts ablaze,
Just right above their heads, affix your gaze!
Again unable to speak, their emotions speak wonders...
Just look out for an angry Doodle - they bring the thunder!
Note from the Toontown Team
Surprise! After almost six years of being just a bit under the weather in their emotions, Doodles are now behaving like they should. Your Doodle may get Sleepy, Tired, Bored, or even Angry with you. If you treat your Doodle with the respect and care they deserve, you may even see them in Love!
March 1, 2024 [ttr-live-v3.10.6]
•Check your mailboxes, folks, cause YOU'VE received an invite to ToonFest: The Great Fanfair!
•Double skill points for your Gags and double jellybeans are on this weekend to celebrate the HypeFest!
•Revamped the 'Teeming Fish Waters' Silly Team as per community request! You'll see it as 'Plentiful Fishing Ponds,' with a new logo to reflect Melville's Fishing Migration changes.
•Introduced a variety of exciting new colors for Karts and their accessories: Amber, Beige, Bronze, Bubblegum, Crimson, Dark Green, Emerald, Ice Blue, Mint Green, Rose Pink, Spooky Green, Spooky Purple, Steel Blue and Teal.
•You can now buy the Cartoonival Pink and Cartoonival Blue Kart colors at any time from the Kart Shop!
•Spooky Green clothes have been added to the stock list for the Clothing Shops and the Cattlelog!
Bugs n' Blunders
•Yee-haw! Rounded up some of them there Doodles, reducing server lag.
•Fixed a bug causing Doodle mood data to load incorrectly. Why are you confused, Fluffy?!
•Fixed a scenario of Cogs waiting until timeout before entering a battle in the Sellbot Factory.
•Addressed a server-side memory leak related to Sellbot Field Offices.
•Addressed bugs that caused Boarding Group invitations to fail with a blank message.
March 2, 2024 [ttr-live-v3.10.6b]
•Patched up some recent District resets.
•Raised the Toon limit at parties to 50 so Toons can celebrate fewer District resets!
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Today's my day! I have 108 digits of pi memorized!! A silly talent, but it's amusing. P.S. Thank you for the doodle changes, I've always treated mine with the love and care they deserve, I'm glad I'll be able to see it reflect.
Don't forget the 793 teaspoons of Throw Gag XP!
Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you