Spooky Season is Descending Upon Toontown
Posted by Jack O'Kazam on October 24, 2023 at 2:00 PM
'What is that ghostly chill in the air?' I hear you asking,
This eerie atmosphere in which you are basking,
Is a magical phenomenon brought to you by:
Toontown's humble wizard, Jack O'Kazam, it is I.
The time for creeps and haunts is at large,
So, over Toontown, I will be sure to take charge,
To make this spooky season the greatest of all!
Come forth, my Toons: tall, short, big and small!

I unearthed my magic cauldron and my trusty grimoires,
Now Toontown Central is filled with bags of sweet candy bars.
You can collect them all and solve my riddles too,
And be able to join my spooktacular Pumpkin Head crew!
The Spooktown Curse is not the only thing gracing this town,
For the Cattlelog, the infamous Spooky Purple is bound,
Along with a fur-raising, vividly Spooky Green as well!
It'll certainly look chilling when you conjure up a spell.
I spy vampires in the depths of my wondrous crystal ball,
It seems those pesky Bloodsuckers are back for a brawl,
For three days they will be sinking their teeth into our streets,
It seems like they are here for tricks, and definitely not treats.
You have all heard of my good friend Booregard, I'm sure,
They are ready to bring Toontown Black Cats galore,
For all you cats who want an unlucky coat of black,
Visit good ol' Baron von Booregard who can do just that!
- 'Trick-or-Treat Week' will begin on the 25th of October! You will be able to visit Jack O'Kazam in the Toontown Central Playground to pick up a ToonTask that'll reward you with the Pumpkin Head Curse!
- Spooky Purple will be returning to Clarabelle's Cattlelog on the 25th, along with a brand-new Toon color: Spooky Green!
- The Bloodsucker Mega-Invasion will take place from the 25th to the 27th of October.
- Existing cats will be able to become Black Cats from the 29th to the 31st of October. This can be done by visiting Baron von Booregard in the Toontown Central Playground, who will assign Toons a ToonTask to complete to become a Black Cat, temporarily or permanently. The choice is yours.
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i was in a building and everyone started to disconnect one by one right after this was posted. is this the spooktown curse
Heyy that's awesome!! I love the new colors, gonna be a fun event this year! :D
Wooow the new Halloween Green colour wooow
I've never done this task before and I do got an existing cat toon. Does anyone know how difficult the task for permanent black cat actually is?
I love it. I just wish any toon could become a black cat not just cats.
The spookiest time of year has finally arrived once again!
This is SPOOKTASTIC! Excited to see how spooky green looks.
Cant wait to see what the green looks like!!
What an exciting thing to have every year!
omg! cant wait to go green!
Oooo a pumpkin mask! I want that! >:)
Man I love Toontown
Are they going to do the unite Halloween bags like last year??
Oh goodie, Trick or Treating. The perfect time to give out some Foghorns & 1 Tons to those who come down to Dreamland to visit Sleepy Street. The only problem is, I don't think I've seen many other toons on Sleepy Street here as of late. Where is everyone? Not even any vendors about... Oh well, more Foghorns for me I suppose.
ooooo so excited for black cat! i'm so indecisive on turning purplish pink lulu black but i love black cats, ty tt for everything
Oh dear, it seems Spooktown has arrived once more. I sure hope my house doesn't get haunted...
Happy Spooktown everybody! Thanks for the new Spooky Green color! I also have an idea you could use for next year. Maybe Jack O'Kazam or someone else could give toons another Toontask, and the reward could be a Ghostly White color?
big spoop time
Wooooo Spooky Time 8D <3
Even the Goofy Speedway race tracks looks very spooky with the dark gray Halloween clouds. :-O
never played toontown in my life, i think.. but im gonna play it today! im excited!!
ask me anything!
species change?
The new Spooky Green color is amazing, I absolutely love how vibrant and minty it is.
Happy Halloween everybody!
i am spooped