An Update on Recent Events
Posted by The Toontown Team on July 5, 2020 at 2:00 PM
It's no secret that over the past few weeks you may have experienced frequent and sudden disconnections from the Toontown game servers. This was not an isolated incident -- it was part of a greater distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack against our servers, organized by bad actors within the Toontown Community. Our Technical Toons sprung into action to help prevent the attacks. Our single most priority was to get you back into Toontown as quickly as possible, while also focusing on long-term server stability.

There were a few occasions where we had to briefly close the game. We did this to help prevent frustration that may have arisen from being disconnected halfway through a facility, boss battle, or a Cog Building. In this difficult time for the world, people came to use Toontown as a safe haven. These attacks stopped you from being able to play, and we sincerely apologize for taking this long to resolve the issues. These attacks are complex, and can't be solved by twisting a few screws, clicking a few buttons, or flicking a few switches.
We understand some of you are frustrated at the time and lost progress due to these attacks. As a result, we're going to be doing two things to help make up for lost time. Firstly, we will be hosting a Double XP Weekend starting Friday, July 10th, at 12:00 AM Toontown Time (PDT) and ending Sunday, July 12th, at 11:59 PM Toontown Time. Both your Gag XP and your Cog Promotion XP (Merits, Cogbucks, Jury Notices and Stock Options) will be doubled during this event!
In addition, next weekend we will be hosting 6 giveaways on our Discord server, with a combined total of 133 winners! This will include an old fan-favorite piece of exclusive clothing from the archives, so you won't want to miss out.
We can't thank you enough for being patient with us while we endured and worked to mitigate these attacks. We may not be able to turn back time, but we hope the festivities of next weekend will help make amends.
Be sure to check back to the blog next Friday (July 10th) for more information on the upcoming Double XP and giveaway weekend!
Toons of the world, UNITE!
Discord's Terms of Service require you to be at least 13 years of age and the minimum age of digital consent in your country to use their platform. Toontown Rewritten is solely responsible for its own Discord server and not for Discord as a platform. Further, Toontown Rewritten has no control over what content is posted or shared outside of its server.
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How about an Update its been a while huh im grateful thats youve fixed the problem thanks ttr!
Double Gag XP is nice considering I'm trying to get a Cream Pie before even attempting Minnie's Melodyland.
Thank you so much for all you guys do!!
Bossbot grind time!! Thanks so much!
Thanks to the ttr staff for all you do.
Thanks Team! You're the Greatest! Aloha!
Those DDOS attacks are a headache and hard to counter. Thanks for your efforts to keep TTR up and running through it and deal with the attacks! Much appreciated!
Good time for me to train trap thanks TTR!
Thanks for all the hard, im no good when it comes to code but i love the effort and if i can help in anyway, just ask
Thank you so much
Glad to hear you are speaking out and making good for it, big props! :)
Thanks for giving some sort of boost. Didn't expect anything at all so thats nice to see!
Double exp???? I can attempt to max bossbot now.
Thanks for continuing to maintain and even update Toontown! We all enjoy playing the game and are forever grateful for all the time, energy, and funds you've put in to allow us to play this wonderful game. Thank you!
I'm glad you guys are making it back in town with that. It's very nice.
Thanks for all the laffs!! Toontown is part of our entire family, from Gmatoon & Gpatoon to Grandtoons...
H-h-h-h-h-h-huh? DDoS? ... Well, I suppose I should be grateful for the double XP and Merits. Thank you! Cool!
There are no words that can express my gratitude and indeed the gratitude of so many for ensuring that we can all find our escape and safe haven in TTR. Thank you all for the exceptional time and efforts given to all of us to keep us all safe. Giving even more to us with the double XP and Discord give-aways is truly appreciated. In reality, WE should be giving YOU the rewards!
Thank you for the double xp! Was happy enough the game is and running again, much appreciated! Everyone's hard work at TTR never goes unnoticed :)
I don’t always like how ttr handles things but this is probably the best way anyone could have addressed the ddoss’s.
yay double xp weekend!
Thank you to all TTR staff for everything you do
Time to finally max my trap after 2 years of pushing it off!
Woo! I can Max SellbotNow!
Cool! I can max my uber faster!
Wow! Thanks TTR! Even though y'all were the ones who were attacked, you found a way to give back the time lost to your players! We all appreciate this greatly. Thank you again :)
Thank you for all the work you put into the game so we can play!!!!
Thank you for making this game great! I appreciate all the hard work the team does to keep this beloved game going.
Thanks TTR team, you guys rock! :D Can't wait till the 10th <3
I want to play it
Those pesky toons that wish to help the cogs..
Glad to be up and running again! Dbl xp, nice! Great idea with the giveaways, too! Thanks for all you do, love toontown rewritten!!
I can finally max squirt and get piano for drop for training with my main toon
Thank You Very Much for Your Care
Nice, Now I can train my drop, And my soundless toon's gags!
I disconnected a lot last week, but always assumed it was the fault of my computer or some sort of bug in Rewritten's system. Had no idea something of this magnitude was going on. My kudos to the TTR team for handling this in such a calm and reasonable manner. Also - who doesn't love Double XP, am I right? ;)
I say triple it.Make these attackers more angry. Its sad to see a nice server get ddosed by other members of the same community.I'm pretty sure i know where the hate originates.
Thank you so much for working on this problem! Sometimes the lag is so bad I get kicked off before even getting to play! It's been really frustrating, but I'm grateful for the work you're doing! Thank you so much and keep being Toontastic!
Always worth the wait!!!
I'm so glad to hear some news!!!! Thank you for letting us all know about the troubles the ToonTown Community is facing, and I can't WAIT to play again!!!!!!!
This is amazing! Again im so excited this game has been brought back to life. My daughter and I are both enjoying it sooo much.
Thank you for fighting to keep toontown available to us, it means so much. I'm excited for the weekend XP boost!!
No worries just glad you took care of those undercover cogs~ My birthday is coincidentally on the 10th so the XP boost is like an extra gift. :-)
Real nice of you guys to do this especially since it's not your fault the servers got DDoS'd. Hopefully I can finally train my toon up :-)
I love this game
I might be able to max cash today or tomorrow
I hope the exp cap is increased too! Thanks guys!
Time to max Cashbot, once and for all!
noice finally
FINALLY I can max out drop :DD thanks you guys
Double Merits I can max my Sellbot suit now!