Toon Resistance Report: Loopy Loopenloop
Posted by Loopy Loopenloop on May 23, 2019 at 2:00 PM
Greetings fellow Toons! Loopy Loopenloop here. I’m back with more pranks for this new Cog-crushing year! If you've helped the Resistance in the past, chances are we've already met. I have to say, since Operation: Storm Sellbot Headquarters, the Toon Resistance has become the best you can get! If you haven't stopped by the outpost in Cashbot HQ yet, make sure you do. We need all the help we can get, and that includes you!
Before the Toon Resistance, I worked with Banker Bob. Sorting all the jellybeans was my everyday job. I tell you, it's no easy task keeping track of so many jars. Especially when other Toons keep snacking on them all the way to the stars!
But the job wasn’t enough. This brain could do more than count. I am Loopy Loopenloop! My calculating power is paramount. Then the Cogs first invaded and the Toon Resistance was formed. Now that was an opportunity to show how my brain brainstormed. The Cashbots are much more organized than the Toontown Bank. So keeping atop their financial plans is super easy. I guess I have Banker Bob to thank.
I’m always in need of more data, however. So, if you’re ready, you could help me with my endeavor! I would ask that you drop by Cashbot HQ and come assist me. I’ll give you something in return, but it’ll be no cup-a-tea.
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Gotta love those Rhymes!
Haha yes this is not Cassie
You have the wrong C.F.O.
Cool. Crashbot is fuuuuun
i love the horses so happy there's 2 in the resistance report's so far. but I'm happy there doing this. thank ttr team lets get them cogs!!!!!!
I was wondering when you were gonna get a new Toontask available for us.
Awesome! I'm ready to fight the C.F.O!
First lol also this is pretty neat!
It's hard to rhyme all the time. I can't do it as well, it's too much to tell.
new week new report can't wait for next week
Owooo! no cup a tea? XD
I LOVE busting Cogs!
I'd like to see Storm Sellbot come back for all the toons who were not made back then to get their resistance items and have new ones added for those of us who could complete the sellbot rental outfit and get new accessories. This would be great! well keep up the good work TTR.
so so so happy about this event! love Cassie btw. so ready for the next 2! bring it on cogs!!!!!!!!!!!
mmmmmmmm jellybeans....
i'd help, boss, but i'm clogged up with poorly chosen mint tasks, so i'll be there once i defeat 35 coin mint supervisors. (oy, vey)
Hi! Lol! Loopyloopenloop was ALWAYS my fav 4 the toon ressistance. I'll be glad 2 help Cya!
You scared of me, little Cog? If no, you're WRONG! Even the CEO is afraid of me!
Did someone say Cashbot? Snack time!
This is great! I love crash cashbot!!
The fun continues, loving Crash Cashbot! :D
Loopy Loopenloop looks like Slappy for some reason.
may need to sit down with a cuppa for these tasks, they're very fun! need the caffeine tho :-)
jellybeans. Oof. I would snack on those.