Waiting for Chocolate
Posted by Sir Max on February 14, 2019 at 2:00 PM
Hello there Toontown, it's your favorite part-time Toontown Blog enthusiast Sir Max. As is tradition every year, ValenToon's Week is in full swing. As is tradition since this year, I lie in wait at my estate, alone. It's okay though, I know something good will happen this year.

After all, there's only a few more days to go until half-priced chocolate at the Dropping Degrees Diner! Most people buy their chocolate before ValenToon's week, but little do they know how easy it is to find after the fact!
While most Toons may be concerned with finding true love or some other malarkey, I'm more concerned with how long it'll be until I can get cheap chocolate! I may not be a fan of the consumerism associated with ValenToon's day, but I do love massive piles of chocolate! It's even better than Halloween, let me tell you.
Maybe a stroll outside will ease the pain of waiting for chocolate. The Estate is very calming, after all. Wait a minute... are those... CHOCOLATE HEARTS on the ground?
Happy ValenToon's Day, Toontown!
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this is epic
happy valentoons day to everyone!!!!
Happy Valentine's day everyone!
I love this time of year! Happy Valentoons!
Got me a Box o Kit Kats so Im good to go! Hope you like your chocolates 2!
Happy Valentoon's Day to you all!
I'm one that doesn't really like this holiday since I'm still single. However, I have a feeling this will be a great year too Sir Max. Thanks for the post!! Can't wait for future competitions.
Happy Valentoon's Day
I need that half-priced chocolate. I mean, *nervous chuckle* I'm not single so why would I stress eat chocolate? *nervous chuckle* Oh, and happy Valentine's Day, toons. Or if you're like me, happy Single Awareness Day. :3
Chocolate is always good. (eats chocolate heart) Happy belated Valentoon's Day!
Happy Valentine’s Day everybody
Happy valentines day to all those people who are single or not!
Happy Valentines Day!
It seems like the Cogs are even in the spirit or wait is that just me
this is cool!
This Is Kinda Cool I Guess
Merry Valentoons Day Everyone!!!
happy valentines and happy new year!
happy valentoon's day,everytoon!
yah i saw those chocolate hearts
Thanks, Sir Max!!! <3
Hey guys! CHOCOLATE HEARTS? You mean the ones on the ground in EVERY SINGLE PLAYGROUND? Well thanks for the post Sir Max! I was wondering if you would post on ValenToon's / Valentine's day. Also single or not, HAPPY VALENTINE'S / VALENTOON'S DAY! :D
Hey ttr! Hope you find someone Sir Max! ! v ( trying to make a smile sorry if it doesn't pop out as a smile!)
I love the hearts
:) yay!
What a perfect day. I'm so glad I spent it with you, Toontown.
thank you ttr, very cool
ValenToon's Day? That's TOON-TASTIC!
Aw yeah! ValenToon's Day, I need to spread out the love!!!!!!
Happy Valentine Day
Love is in the air... TODAY IS A WONDERFUL DAY! TYVM TTR! ( :-) Happy Day Sir Max! ) ( Oh and I think you should put a special toon only made on Valentoon's day. I was thinking a patterned animal. ) Anyway you don't have to do that I just like multi colored toons a lot and wanted more color here! ENJOY TODAY FOLKS!
happy v day
ok, thats epic!
Happy late Valentine's!
Happy Valentines Day!