Ze Winter Laff-o-Lympics Wrap-Up
Posted by Franz Neckvein on February 2, 2019 at 7:15 PM
HELLO LAFFLETES, far and wide, from Donald's Dreamland all the way to my hometown of Toontown Central! Welcome to ze finish line! Ze Winter Laff-o-Lympics have officially come to a spectacular finishing act. Of course, zat means ze time has come to announce ze winners of ze event, ja?

I am so proud to see all of my puny Laffletes grow up into champions! Zat is ze Punchline Gym's purpose. First, I vill list how many Toons received each medal:
- A total of 2,251 Toons vill receive the Bronze prize!
- A total of 409 Toons vill receive the Silver Prize, including an exclusive SpeedChat phrase!
- Finally, 238 Toons vill receive the Gold Prize, which contains an exclusive Toon T.A.G.S. style!
But zat's not what you're all here for, I get zat. In my hands, I hold ze winning team of the 2019 Winter Laff-o-Lympics. Who vill it be? Perhaps ze warm and toasty Team Hot Cocoa, or vill it be ze delicious and sugary Team Milk & Cookies? Ze truth is, both teams got lots and lots of ze Laff points. Toontown is now stronger zen ever in fighting ze Cogs! However, I must crown a single winner...
Ze winner of the Winter Laff-o-Lympics is Team Hot Cocoa! Congratulations to all Cats, Crocodiles, Deer, Monkeys, and Mice who participated in ze Winter Laff-o-Lympics and gained 50 Laff Points! Once again, you vill recieve zese rewards prizes ze next time you enter Toontown:

- 5000 Jellybeans
- 1000 Racing Tickets
- One Gag-Up All Unite
- One Max Toon-Up Unite
- Two 600 Bean Unites
Finally, I vould like to thank all Toons who participated in ze Winter Laff-o-Lympics. Ze Cogs are getting stronger by ze day, and ve will need all the strength possible to fight back ze intruders. To all of ze Laffletes, Thank YOU for making zis' a Toontastic Winter Laff-o-Lympics!
Now, there's no time to vaste, I am already behind on my training! If you need me, I vill be exercising my strength back at ze Punchline Gym. Until next time!
February 2, 2019 [ttr-live-v2.3.4]
• Increased game stability when moving from one area to another. If you're still crashing while moving through tunnels or doors, please let us know by emailing support@toontownrewritten.com.
• Adjusted "Enter Code" box in the Shtickerbook to ensure that longer codes can be entered.
• Fixed an obscure grammar issue in the Bossbot Cog Suit ToonTask line.
• Boarding Group confirmation prompts will no longer be stuck on the screen.
Winter Laff-o-Lympics
• Implemented the 2019 Winter Laff-o-Lympics prizes. If you participated, your prizes will be distributed throughout the day.
• The all-new "Frostbite" Name Tag is available to all 2019 Winter Laff-o-Lympics participants who placed in Gold!
Cog Battles
• Addressed an issue that could cause Cog Battles to momentarily freeze when a new Toon or Cog joined the battle.
• Fixed a longstanding transparency issue with the Party Gate in every Playground.
• Adjusted the street signs in Donald's Dreamland to use a unique purple border.
• Altered various textures throughout the game to fix minor visual seams and clipping.
• Attempting to purchase a new nametag will now warn you that your current one will need to be re-purchased in the Cattlelog.
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Yay! Battle lag fixed!
It was a GREAT month!!! Thanks for all your wonderful work for us toons!!!
Wow! On January 24th I actually made it past 50 laff in the few days I had to play (I got to 51 laff) and my brother's deer, Bananasnooker, got 50 laff too. I wish I had gone for gold, though, because the nametag style would've been perfect. Congratulations Hot Cocoa! (Btw, first to comment probably!)
Congrats to everyone who participated but most of all congrats to Team Hot Cocoa! I loved this event and hope it comes back next year! :D
YAY! Congratz to all medal winners :o)
Awesome! Go Hot Cocoa!
Thanks for fixing things on a continuous basis. I'm able to play on my Mac with no difficulties. Thank you! I can't wait to receive my prize. I'm glad I was on Team Hot Coco. Yay! Way to go guys!
THANK YOU for fixing the battle lag!!! :D :D :D
This should be every month. I mean, think of it.
Hi, thanks for prizes! I hit 75 but got the bronze medal t-shirt..is the silver coming also?
that event was fun, and ended in so many new friendships. and the biggest jellybean fest in donalds dreamland for that matter.
So... You don't choose a team.. It chooses the toon you choose, so I was actually on Hot Cocoa this whole time, after I signed up, That's Toontastic!!
Congrats team Hot Cocoa! In hindsight, I probably should have made a cat ;) Also, thanks so much to the hardworking TTR team for the new update! Your hard work is appreciated by thousands. <3
Wow, awesome!! Congrats to everyone who participated! :)
Congrats everyone! We sure did work hard to get each medal!
Even though I won gold, I gotta say that I love there's 409 silver winners, my name is a song pun, song from the same group who performed a song by the name of 409. That gave me a smile. Congrats all, we worked hard to get this honor, doesn't matter the medal, all of them took a lot of dedication.
Yeehaw! Congratulations to Team Hot Cocoa for winning! Good luck for next time Team Milk & Cookies!
Congrats to the bronze medalists, fellow silver medalists, and gold medalists! It is obvious by the numbers of each medal that people's hard work paid off!
This Laff O Lympics was really fun. I didnt win anything, but im glad I tried and helped others reach their goal! #TeamHotCocoa
My girlfriend, and I were happy to be one of the few amongst the strong hold for silver however next time we will be reaching for gold! :)
Brilliant event~!! Enjoyed the fun and community input ^~^
Congrats Team Hot Cocoa, but next time the latter team will win for sure!
I had like 35 laff points at the start of the event, but if any Toon could enter, since I have 58 now, I would have most likely won Bronze, and I would have been on Hot Cocoa.
Congrats, team Hot Cocoa! And another congratulations to all of my own team, Team Milk & Cookies, because we still did awesome! :)
Hooray for our team! :D I had a lot of fun participating in the laff olympics, thanks for this great event, Toon Town Council!
Awesome job on the shirts. I love the details and shading. Awesome event and I loved the extra prizes this year!
To be honest, I kinda knew this whole time that Team Hot Cocoa was going to win. I chose Team Milk & Cookies on purpose, yet I realize that joke was unnecessary. Nevertheless, good job!
YAY!!! Team hot cocoa won! but good job to team milk and cookies. I'm happy i got silver, but i will try to get gold next time
Congratulations to everyone who participated!! <3
Congratulations to everyone!! Couldn't participate in this one, but I hope to get Gold again! :D
I've got 120 laff in less than a month, which was crazy! I never expected that to happen. Looking forward to the next Laff-o-Lympic event. For the Next Laff-o-lympic, add the platinum medal. In order to get it, get 120 laff.
I got up to 50 laff! and I can't believe our team won! Not that I doubted us or anything haha!
no more battle lag? this is Toontastic!
Yay! I got the bronze and the bonus for winning team on my new toon! Also, the glitch where the game freezes when someone joined mid round is fixed!
wow how awesome. i didn’t make it to 50 but i am proud of everyone who did. way to go. wish i was you.
Good job everyone! This 'lil lucky charm of bashing cogs left and right is proud to all!
Nice to see the teams were balanced. :)
Congratulations on everyone who won! Even though I didn't participate, I wait for the next Laff-o-Lympics! Thanks TTR staff for everything! Best wishes, Tord.
It was a GREAT MONTH Congrats Team Hot Cocoa this is a great event
congrats team hot coca
Sorta sad the team with bunnies didn't win, but congrats to team hot cocoa!
Sorry I couldn't participate but well done Hot Cocoa!!! :D
Congrats Team Hot Cocoa! This was such a fun event and I can't wait till next year! Good job everyone!