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Backstage: Making a Significant Storyline
Posted by The Toontown Team on August 31, 2015 at 9:00 AM
Welcome back to the Toontown Rewritten Backstage column! It's me once again, Joey ('Sir Max') to tell you all about one of the most fun and interesting parts of my job here on Toontown. It's become essential to our success, and you're even reading it right now! Let's take some time to learn the process of:

Back when Toontown Rewritten first started, we only allowed a few hundred people onto our servers during the alpha stage, and let me tell you: It was boring. We knew that we needed to keep people interested in Toontown, but we also couldn't just skip through development. Thus, the Daily Alpha Updates were created which led to the birth of the skeptically silly and downright ridiculous stories from Sir Max and the rest of the gang that we still hear about today.
The Daily Alpha Updates were immensely fun to write, and really inspired a lot of the creativity that has since been integrated into our game. It was no easy feat to commit to writing a new story every day, but the end result benefited our game and kept players interested more than ever imagined!

From the very start of Toontown Rewritten, I've set my focus on bringing that back for the older players who enjoy following it. Did you know that every aspect of Toontown Rewritten has a story to it, even having to remake your Toontown Online Toons, and things such as Parties needing to be redeveloped?
The fact of the matter is, Toontown Rewritten's story has been planned out from beginning to end. It's what inspired the name "Rewritten"! Have you ever heard of a monkey named Doctor Surlee, or the significance of his pocket-watch in our logo? It's no mistake that occasionally images are labeled with the year 2003, or that none of the Toons in town seem to know what a "Doodle" is! The biggest part is that the most important secrets have yet to come.
Toontown Rewritten's story has been revealed slowly over a number of blueprints and ciphers, most of which appear right here on the blog. I hope they didn't confuse you too much! Players always head over to discussion boards such as MMO Central Forums to talk about what the ciphers could mean, and after lots of puzzling and planning, they get it right!
Some players have even started an entire wiki dedicated to keeping track of the story as Toontown goes on, which is a great place to start if you'd like to hear about it for yourself. It's no boring tale, and it will only get better from here!

Now that you've learned a little bit more about my role here on the Toontown Rewritten team, what do you think? Do you enjoy the blog posts, in-game events such as The Toon Council Presidential Election, or new ToonTask dialogue like the ones seen in Storm Sellbot HQ? -- You better, because I wrote all of those!
But if you don't, or if you'd love to see any new stories told in Toontown Rewritten, I would love to hear your ideas. It's about time that we hear about Lord Lowden Clear's past, don't you think?
I hope you've enjoyed the many tales I've told throughout the two years of Toontown Rewritten, and I hope you enjoy the new ones to come! For those of you who have become restless for new information on Doctor Surlee's adventures, it won't be too much longer now. ToonFest has quite the story for you as well! After all, time is ticking.

The Creativity's Creation

The Daily Alpha Updates were immensely fun to write, and really inspired a lot of the creativity that has since been integrated into our game. It was no easy feat to commit to writing a new story every day, but the end result benefited our game and kept players interested more than ever imagined!
Rewriting the Storyline
Although Toontown's tradition of fun and silly blog posts with short stories have always been fun, Toontown has never really had a lot of exposure to lore outside of trading cards and the old introduction video, which featured Scrooge McDuck activating Gyro Gearloose's robot, thus creating the Cogs.
From the very start of Toontown Rewritten, I've set my focus on bringing that back for the older players who enjoy following it. Did you know that every aspect of Toontown Rewritten has a story to it, even having to remake your Toontown Online Toons, and things such as Parties needing to be redeveloped?
The fact of the matter is, Toontown Rewritten's story has been planned out from beginning to end. It's what inspired the name "Rewritten"! Have you ever heard of a monkey named Doctor Surlee, or the significance of his pocket-watch in our logo? It's no mistake that occasionally images are labeled with the year 2003, or that none of the Toons in town seem to know what a "Doodle" is! The biggest part is that the most important secrets have yet to come.
Secret Ciphers and Mysterious Blueprints

Some players have even started an entire wiki dedicated to keeping track of the story as Toontown goes on, which is a great place to start if you'd like to hear about it for yourself. It's no boring tale, and it will only get better from here!

Now that you've learned a little bit more about my role here on the Toontown Rewritten team, what do you think? Do you enjoy the blog posts, in-game events such as The Toon Council Presidential Election, or new ToonTask dialogue like the ones seen in Storm Sellbot HQ? -- You better, because I wrote all of those!
But if you don't, or if you'd love to see any new stories told in Toontown Rewritten, I would love to hear your ideas. It's about time that we hear about Lord Lowden Clear's past, don't you think?
I hope you've enjoyed the many tales I've told throughout the two years of Toontown Rewritten, and I hope you enjoy the new ones to come! For those of you who have become restless for new information on Doctor Surlee's adventures, it won't be too much longer now. ToonFest has quite the story for you as well! After all, time is ticking.
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Rocco (The cat) said on August 31, 2015 at 9:22 AM
You have a great role, and it sounds like you a expert at doing you job. All of you are too
You have a great role, and it sounds like you a expert at doing you job. All of you are too
Corny Wonderbrains said on August 31, 2015 at 9:31 AM
Hmmm... time is ticking? Doctor Surlee's past adventures? Lord Lowden Clear's past? Is anyone else thinking what I'm thinking?! No? I'll just tell you then. Time travel!
Hmmm... time is ticking? Doctor Surlee's past adventures? Lord Lowden Clear's past? Is anyone else thinking what I'm thinking?! No? I'll just tell you then. Time travel!
Jake said on August 31, 2015 at 9:36 AM
I would love to see the stories! Like why Acorn Acres Has no Streets. How Gags are made, Etc. I cant wait!
I would love to see the stories! Like why Acorn Acres Has no Streets. How Gags are made, Etc. I cant wait!
Neighon said on August 31, 2015 at 9:36 AM
Can't wait for new developments!! Keep up the great work c:
Can't wait for new developments!! Keep up the great work c:
Jake (again) said on August 31, 2015 at 9:44 AM
I also forgot: I really want to discover whats behind that cloud that hovered into toontown.
I also forgot: I really want to discover whats behind that cloud that hovered into toontown.
Funny dingo said on August 31, 2015 at 9:45 AM
Inspiring!! Can't wait for toon fest!
Inspiring!! Can't wait for toon fest!
Ginger Jabberjinks said on August 31, 2015 at 9:49 AM
All these backstories do nothing but emphasise the hard work you guys put into making this game enjoyable for the fans - both new and old. Personally, I really enjoy them. So, thanks guys - your efforts don't go unappreciated!
All these backstories do nothing but emphasise the hard work you guys put into making this game enjoyable for the fans - both new and old. Personally, I really enjoy them. So, thanks guys - your efforts don't go unappreciated!
SilverClaw said on August 31, 2015 at 9:49 AM
Well, this is cool! i'll try to code it to cog language, (I found out recently they turned it into blured and WRONG blueprints and stole surlee's notebook.) then code it back to toon language. gl! and, any other clues you would like to give us? (I mean like more advanced info to help me code.) give me gl!
Well, this is cool! i'll try to code it to cog language, (I found out recently they turned it into blured and WRONG blueprints and stole surlee's notebook.) then code it back to toon language. gl! and, any other clues you would like to give us? (I mean like more advanced info to help me code.) give me gl!
Super Fireball said on August 31, 2015 at 9:52 AM
Great Job TTR! Can't wait to follow the story :D
Great Job TTR! Can't wait to follow the story :D
Sir Flapjack said on August 31, 2015 at 10:00 AM
I loved the blog posts and the in-game events. The presidential election was awesome, keep it up!
I loved the blog posts and the in-game events. The presidential election was awesome, keep it up!
logan said on August 31, 2015 at 10:04 AM
can't wait
can't wait
Little Boo Boo said on August 31, 2015 at 10:04 AM
I'm excited of whats next in the backstage, lets stay tooned for more!
I'm excited of whats next in the backstage, lets stay tooned for more!
Fireball Thundertoon said on August 31, 2015 at 10:06 AM
what will come? will there be party's? doodles? toonfest tunnel? i really wanna see whats gonna be in the game
what will come? will there be party's? doodles? toonfest tunnel? i really wanna see whats gonna be in the game
Midday Raindrop said on August 31, 2015 at 10:09 AM
Love it! The ttr story line is so fun to read and to speculate about what it has to do with the next update. :D
Love it! The ttr story line is so fun to read and to speculate about what it has to do with the next update. :D
Good Ol' Graham McWhip said on August 31, 2015 at 10:11 AM
I have to say, and I think I am speaking for a lot of people here, the amount of detail you have thrown into Toontown is completely amazing and is jumping off the walls! Never knew that the pocket watch belonged to Doctor Surlee, now that I know who it belongs too, Surlee is starting to remind of the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland...except it may not be a race to beat lateness, but a race to stop a disaster from happening once again... Hang on a second, does that Blueprint show a machine that CREATES toons? Oh Sir Max, you have me fixed! Always remember...time is ticking...
I have to say, and I think I am speaking for a lot of people here, the amount of detail you have thrown into Toontown is completely amazing and is jumping off the walls! Never knew that the pocket watch belonged to Doctor Surlee, now that I know who it belongs too, Surlee is starting to remind of the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland...except it may not be a race to beat lateness, but a race to stop a disaster from happening once again... Hang on a second, does that Blueprint show a machine that CREATES toons? Oh Sir Max, you have me fixed! Always remember...time is ticking...
Mina said on August 31, 2015 at 10:17 AM
I just hope you keep on adding to the story, so far it's superb!
I just hope you keep on adding to the story, so far it's superb!
Good Ol' Graham McWhip said on August 31, 2015 at 10:17 AM
Also may I chuck something in for consideration? Why are there manholes in all of the Cog HQs? If one gets close enough they can read the word "SEWERS", it may not be much but its clear the sewage must go SOMEWHERE...
Also may I chuck something in for consideration? Why are there manholes in all of the Cog HQs? If one gets close enough they can read the word "SEWERS", it may not be much but its clear the sewage must go SOMEWHERE...
Candy said on August 31, 2015 at 10:18 AM
Now that you think about it, it would be interesting to hear about Lord Lowden Clear's past...
Now that you think about it, it would be interesting to hear about Lord Lowden Clear's past...
Cream (The Duck) said on August 31, 2015 at 10:20 AM
I'd say I would like to know how the toons went to space, I checked back on toontown online concept art ( that they barely put into the game.. ) and supposedly Doodles come from space?! I'd like to know more about that! If anything would there be a space toon?!
I'd say I would like to know how the toons went to space, I checked back on toontown online concept art ( that they barely put into the game.. ) and supposedly Doodles come from space?! I'd like to know more about that! If anything would there be a space toon?!
BananafaceJr said on August 31, 2015 at 10:21 AM
It sounds like the best job ever.But what I wonder is one of two things.1 Is there a new playground near Minnies Melodyland and 2 what else new is coming to toontown rewritten
It sounds like the best job ever.But what I wonder is one of two things.1 Is there a new playground near Minnies Melodyland and 2 what else new is coming to toontown rewritten
Little Mitzi said on August 31, 2015 at 10:21 AM
Keep on keepin on :)
Keep on keepin on :)
Green Duck said on August 31, 2015 at 10:24 AM
Personally I think you should add everything TTO had ex: doodles, golfing, field offices. then add new content keep up the good work!
Personally I think you should add everything TTO had ex: doodles, golfing, field offices. then add new content keep up the good work!
Fireball Thundertoon said on August 31, 2015 at 10:25 AM
maybe this story has something to do with the chairman it might open a new area ._.
maybe this story has something to do with the chairman it might open a new area ._.
Shockwave said on August 31, 2015 at 10:28 AM
I agree with Flame up there. How awesome would it be if the Toons managed to steal some blueprints from all of the Cog HQs, piece it all together, and reveal how the Cogs constructed them? Great idea Flame!
I agree with Flame up there. How awesome would it be if the Toons managed to steal some blueprints from all of the Cog HQs, piece it all together, and reveal how the Cogs constructed them? Great idea Flame!
crazy nelly gigglewhirl said on August 31, 2015 at 10:30 AM
i absolutely cannot wait for doodles! Cant wait for the new features to arrive :P i love the idea of the game story line too!
i absolutely cannot wait for doodles! Cant wait for the new features to arrive :P i love the idea of the game story line too!
pony express said on August 31, 2015 at 10:30 AM
i am so excited i just about to burst good job TTR Team i cannot wait for the unveiling
i am so excited i just about to burst good job TTR Team i cannot wait for the unveiling
said on August 31, 2015 at 10:31 AM
I agree with flame, that would be awesome. I think you guys should make a event where CJ CFO VP and CEO take over Toontown central, and toons will have to fight off cogs. Keep up the good work GIVE ME DOODLES
I agree with flame, that would be awesome. I think you guys should make a event where CJ CFO VP and CEO take over Toontown central, and toons will have to fight off cogs. Keep up the good work GIVE ME DOODLES
Rabbit Dude said on August 31, 2015 at 10:32 AM
That whole "executive office" thing is shrouded with mystery. <.> I can't wait to see what becomes of it!
That whole "executive office" thing is shrouded with mystery. <.> I can't wait to see what becomes of it!
Orion Hunter said on August 31, 2015 at 10:33 AM
It would be nice if all the toons in Toontown would get to experience the story in TTR Online.
It would be nice if all the toons in Toontown would get to experience the story in TTR Online.
Princess Lily Sparkletoon said on August 31, 2015 at 10:33 AM
I didn't realise there were stories :o And I agree with Flame, that would be super cool!
I didn't realise there were stories :o And I agree with Flame, that would be super cool!
Pop said on August 31, 2015 at 10:34 AM
hmmm..... yes..... "some" of the toons know what doodles are..... I see.....
hmmm..... yes..... "some" of the toons know what doodles are..... I see.....
Winky said on August 31, 2015 at 10:36 AM
all the "Why's and Wherefore's have a story" Without them it would all be pointless and without direction. We need the stories to keep us going in the right direction. Thanks for leading the way
all the "Why's and Wherefore's have a story" Without them it would all be pointless and without direction. We need the stories to keep us going in the right direction. Thanks for leading the way
Viva La Vida said on August 31, 2015 at 10:40 AM
I would like it if we could buy the phrase "Do you like my rental suit? sorry about the safety pins" to keep in our inventory of phrases. Can it please be added to our catalogs.
I would like it if we could buy the phrase "Do you like my rental suit? sorry about the safety pins" to keep in our inventory of phrases. Can it please be added to our catalogs.
Spike said on August 31, 2015 at 10:57 AM
Very interesting, Joey. I hope to hear more stories and development on this game!
Very interesting, Joey. I hope to hear more stories and development on this game!
Clover Preciousfoot said on August 31, 2015 at 10:59 AM
Thank you Guys for re-making toontown and working so hard on it. Im a returning toon from the toontown online game. I enjoy spending time on TTR. THANK YOU!!!!
Thank you Guys for re-making toontown and working so hard on it. Im a returning toon from the toontown online game. I enjoy spending time on TTR. THANK YOU!!!!
Master Fireball Gigglebrains said on August 31, 2015 at 10:59 AM
More backstory would be fantastic! More of the history and lore of how Toontown was originally constructed, how the original cog gathered the required equipment to begin mass-producing them, how Playgrounds are kept "Safe," EVERYTHING!
More backstory would be fantastic! More of the history and lore of how Toontown was originally constructed, how the original cog gathered the required equipment to begin mass-producing them, how Playgrounds are kept "Safe," EVERYTHING!
jonathan said on August 31, 2015 at 11:01 AM
I think someone is up to something. Did you hear Joey said "After all time is ticking" What dose that mean?
I think someone is up to something. Did you hear Joey said "After all time is ticking" What dose that mean?
Rosie said on August 31, 2015 at 11:03 AM
I want to know about the new cloud in toontown! I think that its probably obvious but I don't know :P If anyone could answer that would be awesome! Toons of the world unite!
I want to know about the new cloud in toontown! I think that its probably obvious but I don't know :P If anyone could answer that would be awesome! Toons of the world unite!
At Ta Nana said on August 31, 2015 at 11:11 AM
As a 75 year old kid, I have enjoyed all that you have done for us. You have done a great job for us and many, many thanks for all your hard work. Since I am disable TTR has been a real joy for me.
As a 75 year old kid, I have enjoyed all that you have done for us. You have done a great job for us and many, many thanks for all your hard work. Since I am disable TTR has been a real joy for me.
Picklebubbles & Cute Wittle Duckie said on August 31, 2015 at 11:19 AM
I agree with Flame that'd be awesome. I think EVERYONE is still wondering about that cloud though by MML. THE SUSPENSE!! Maybe make BBQ HQ its own place where toons can take a break from cogs. DEFINITELY looking forward to golfing though. Way better than real life golf anyways.
I agree with Flame that'd be awesome. I think EVERYONE is still wondering about that cloud though by MML. THE SUSPENSE!! Maybe make BBQ HQ its own place where toons can take a break from cogs. DEFINITELY looking forward to golfing though. Way better than real life golf anyways.
Piedog said on August 31, 2015 at 11:21 AM
To be honest i agree that daily alpha updates was a good idea
To be honest i agree that daily alpha updates was a good idea
Bunny Hop Nibble said on August 31, 2015 at 11:22 AM
Story... Huh? That sounds cool! I'd love to hear 'em!
Story... Huh? That sounds cool! I'd love to hear 'em!
Josh The Fabulous Toon said on August 31, 2015 at 11:22 AM
Oh my gosh, the laff meter was invented I though it was just part of you. Its an awesome tool!
Oh my gosh, the laff meter was invented I though it was just part of you. Its an awesome tool!
Sergeant Skip said on August 31, 2015 at 11:38 AM
I'd like to see what's under that new cloud, might be cog related if it's under a cloud that won't go away, say, smoke? Great job, all of you, Toontown much more detailed in interesting than ever before! :D
I'd like to see what's under that new cloud, might be cog related if it's under a cloud that won't go away, say, smoke? Great job, all of you, Toontown much more detailed in interesting than ever before! :D
Barny said on August 31, 2015 at 11:46 AM
stories are great! hope this is a good one. do your best!
stories are great! hope this is a good one. do your best!
Periwinkle said on August 31, 2015 at 12:01 PM
I'd love to hear more about what's coming on in the future. :D
I'd love to hear more about what's coming on in the future. :D
Amythestsoul said on August 31, 2015 at 12:04 PM
We need to have CogNation! It was one of the biggest rumors on Toontown Online, and the Chairman was important as well! It would be so incredible to see things like that happen!
We need to have CogNation! It was one of the biggest rumors on Toontown Online, and the Chairman was important as well! It would be so incredible to see things like that happen!
fun said on August 31, 2015 at 12:06 PM
hmm lowden's past iv'e always wondered how the cogs never catch him.
hmm lowden's past iv'e always wondered how the cogs never catch him.
Ooowoo said on August 31, 2015 at 12:13 PM
There is definitely something about time travel here. I can sense do to all the hints about time and the fact that toons don't know certain things. Can't wait for the epic conclusion of the story for this.
There is definitely something about time travel here. I can sense do to all the hints about time and the fact that toons don't know certain things. Can't wait for the epic conclusion of the story for this.
Shades of Dawn said on August 31, 2015 at 12:19 PM
I like to imagine(as a creative writer myself) that the cloud next to MML is a playground-like area where the gags are created which have like 7 streets in total dedicated to the development of each gag track.
I like to imagine(as a creative writer myself) that the cloud next to MML is a playground-like area where the gags are created which have like 7 streets in total dedicated to the development of each gag track.
Charmander said on August 31, 2015 at 12:25 PM
Yes yes and yes i love everything from Storm Sellbots new tasks to well everything ya'll have done in TTR i love you guys!!!.
Yes yes and yes i love everything from Storm Sellbots new tasks to well everything ya'll have done in TTR i love you guys!!!.
Camren The Dog said on August 31, 2015 at 12:30 PM
I Wanna see How Cogs Were Made I mean There has to be A legacy Someone Had a reason to make Cogs!
I Wanna see How Cogs Were Made I mean There has to be A legacy Someone Had a reason to make Cogs!
azalea said on August 31, 2015 at 1:07 PM
you guys are awesome
you guys are awesome
King Zippy said on August 31, 2015 at 1:19 PM
This is really amazing! But when will the doodles come back to us toons? I really miss my doodle, skipper...
This is really amazing! But when will the doodles come back to us toons? I really miss my doodle, skipper...
Master Peppy Jabbertwist said on August 31, 2015 at 1:25 PM
Hmm... This might have to do with that pesky cloud that snuck up...
Hmm... This might have to do with that pesky cloud that snuck up...
Brittney said on August 31, 2015 at 1:30 PM
How did those little cogs construct such big HQ?! On top of that, how do they know ciphers - wait... They ARE machines, well, machines with emotions and a strange and coggy sense of humor, but machines none the less, so I guess they have all sorts of ciphers programmed into them, but why would they need to know ciphers?!
How did those little cogs construct such big HQ?! On top of that, how do they know ciphers - wait... They ARE machines, well, machines with emotions and a strange and coggy sense of humor, but machines none the less, so I guess they have all sorts of ciphers programmed into them, but why would they need to know ciphers?!
Dippy Frizzy LemmonSpinner said on August 31, 2015 at 1:43 PM
I need to see were this story goes, keep up the good work ttr team.
I need to see were this story goes, keep up the good work ttr team.
Princess Dee Dee said on August 31, 2015 at 1:44 PM
To Good Ol' Graham Mcwhip, The blueprint shows the Silly Meter as seen on TTO. It was made to see how many toons there are in TTO I think. But now that you know this, you are pretty smart. But I'm just telling you, I know that it is the Silly Meter as seen on TTO. Kindest Regards, Princess Dee Dee 47 laff.
To Good Ol' Graham Mcwhip, The blueprint shows the Silly Meter as seen on TTO. It was made to see how many toons there are in TTO I think. But now that you know this, you are pretty smart. But I'm just telling you, I know that it is the Silly Meter as seen on TTO. Kindest Regards, Princess Dee Dee 47 laff.
- Classified Information - said on August 31, 2015 at 1:45 PM
I want to know why there is a random cloud on the telepotation map in the schticker ( lol ikd how to spell schticker ) book what is behind it?
I want to know why there is a random cloud on the telepotation map in the schticker ( lol ikd how to spell schticker ) book what is behind it?
marquashia said on August 31, 2015 at 1:55 PM
i like this
i like this
Sunny Buddy said on August 31, 2015 at 2:04 PM
*eats popcorn while wearing 3D glasses* That... Is a great story, I love the new Toontask dialogue, looks really neat! I can also remember joining back in 2014 - sigh - Great memories.... P.S. Please tell us the story of Lord Lowden Clear! That would be cool hearing his story!
*eats popcorn while wearing 3D glasses* That... Is a great story, I love the new Toontask dialogue, looks really neat! I can also remember joining back in 2014 - sigh - Great memories.... P.S. Please tell us the story of Lord Lowden Clear! That would be cool hearing his story!
Skye said on August 31, 2015 at 2:05 PM
I would really like to know what's behind the new cloud, I where to assume it's Cog Nation though players say it doesn't exist. So for now I'm thinking it's a Doodle Park, but the problem with that is that there's NO DOODLES! So why would it be park? But anyways I would like to see a Cog Nation story line get more in to the cog battles. Maybe some new gags too!
I would really like to know what's behind the new cloud, I where to assume it's Cog Nation though players say it doesn't exist. So for now I'm thinking it's a Doodle Park, but the problem with that is that there's NO DOODLES! So why would it be park? But anyways I would like to see a Cog Nation story line get more in to the cog battles. Maybe some new gags too!
Crumblepounce said on August 31, 2015 at 2:08 PM
I know what a doodle is! I really miss mine. The next things to work on should be the pet shops and the parties. However, in the meantime, I would LOVE to hear silly stories written by Sir Max! Keep the silliness going, guys!
I know what a doodle is! I really miss mine. The next things to work on should be the pet shops and the parties. However, in the meantime, I would LOVE to hear silly stories written by Sir Max! Keep the silliness going, guys!
Doggenmarble said on August 31, 2015 at 2:08 PM
It'd be cool if we learned how/why the cogs wanted/had to take over toontown, cause we don't know the ENTIRE story.
It'd be cool if we learned how/why the cogs wanted/had to take over toontown, cause we don't know the ENTIRE story.
Cuddles said on August 31, 2015 at 2:20 PM
I love the post! I laughed so much at "none of the Toons in town seem to know what a "Doodle" is"! Joey your just too funny!
I love the post! I laughed so much at "none of the Toons in town seem to know what a "Doodle" is"! Joey your just too funny!
Jay Walker (59 laff) said on August 31, 2015 at 2:21 PM
Ahhhhh! :D I can't believe it!!!! We FINALLY hear why Lord Lowden Clear is in a Cashbot Suit! :D Hopefully we ALSO hear about Doctor Surlee!! :D ALL ABOARD THE HYPE TRAIN!!! LEAVING TOONTOWN STATION IN A FEW DAYS TO FIND THE PAST AND DISCOVER THE FUTURE!!!
Ahhhhh! :D I can't believe it!!!! We FINALLY hear why Lord Lowden Clear is in a Cashbot Suit! :D Hopefully we ALSO hear about Doctor Surlee!! :D ALL ABOARD THE HYPE TRAIN!!! LEAVING TOONTOWN STATION IN A FEW DAYS TO FIND THE PAST AND DISCOVER THE FUTURE!!!
Mr Rowdy said on August 31, 2015 at 2:25 PM
Dear Flippy, Its been a while since I heard you talk about the foreman! I wish to know more so I can study and defeat him in a final battle! The more we know about the cog leader might help us defeat the cogs and find their weaknesses. Please tell us something about him soon -Barking Mr. Rowdy
Dear Flippy, Its been a while since I heard you talk about the foreman! I wish to know more so I can study and defeat him in a final battle! The more we know about the cog leader might help us defeat the cogs and find their weaknesses. Please tell us something about him soon -Barking Mr. Rowdy
said on August 31, 2015 at 2:26 PM
Well! i've found a clue myself right click the cipher image and click "Open image in new tab" and look! Its binary code! i translated and it turns out it is "26" whatever this means.
Well! i've found a clue myself right click the cipher image and click "Open image in new tab" and look! Its binary code! i translated and it turns out it is "26" whatever this means.
Weird Curly Megaquack said on August 31, 2015 at 2:39 PM
You know, back in the days of TTO, I always *wished* the game had more of a storyline. The fact that TTR has one was one of the first things that attracted me to the game in the first place. I'm no good at blueprints and ciphers, but I like to think I catch some clues here and there, and I can't *wait* to see where it goes from here! (One question I do have: In the hunt for BBHQ, the CEO claims to have patented a new technology. Is referring to 2.0s? Because I thought remembered hearing it was canon that the Sellbots developed that tech. Or am I missing something?)
You know, back in the days of TTO, I always *wished* the game had more of a storyline. The fact that TTR has one was one of the first things that attracted me to the game in the first place. I'm no good at blueprints and ciphers, but I like to think I catch some clues here and there, and I can't *wait* to see where it goes from here! (One question I do have: In the hunt for BBHQ, the CEO claims to have patented a new technology. Is referring to 2.0s? Because I thought remembered hearing it was canon that the Sellbots developed that tech. Or am I missing something?)
Buduce said on August 31, 2015 at 2:40 PM
Jake, the mysterious cloud could be Funny Farm, nobody knows, but soon we will!, got it Jake?
Jake, the mysterious cloud could be Funny Farm, nobody knows, but soon we will!, got it Jake?
Skippy Superpop said on August 31, 2015 at 2:50 PM
I cant wait for the new things you guys are going to introduce! From whatever is under the cloud on the map, to Lawbot Field offices, it will be exciting!
I cant wait for the new things you guys are going to introduce! From whatever is under the cloud on the map, to Lawbot Field offices, it will be exciting!
King Mac whistlemouth said on August 31, 2015 at 3:09 PM
Does anyone notice that the hands on the stopwatch are pointed towards the past? Corny Wonderbrains was thinking time travel, I think that I agree
Does anyone notice that the hands on the stopwatch are pointed towards the past? Corny Wonderbrains was thinking time travel, I think that I agree
Super Toon said on August 31, 2015 at 3:38 PM
I can't wait for ToonFest 2015! Also that Lord Lowden Clear story :P
I can't wait for ToonFest 2015! Also that Lord Lowden Clear story :P
Sir Skids MacPow said on August 31, 2015 at 3:39 PM
Hmm.... Im going to have to think about that question. *puts on bowtie* Ok! Now im ready! I think it would be cool to see how gags were invented!
Hmm.... Im going to have to think about that question. *puts on bowtie* Ok! Now im ready! I think it would be cool to see how gags were invented!
Blubear said on August 31, 2015 at 3:49 PM
You guys are doing great!!!!! But a few things I would like are parties, like you mentioned, DOODLES, golfing, and field offices. Ahhh, the good ol' days
You guys are doing great!!!!! But a few things I would like are parties, like you mentioned, DOODLES, golfing, and field offices. Ahhh, the good ol' days
Super Tom Rockenflip said on August 31, 2015 at 3:51 PM
Lord Lowden Clear's past eh? Cutscenes will be great for this!
Lord Lowden Clear's past eh? Cutscenes will be great for this!
Paula said on August 31, 2015 at 4:16 PM
You and the team have taken TTR to another level of fun, all while keeping it so close to what we love. Especially us the older players ;) .Its fun to watch the game being created all over again. Thanks for all your hard work. Aka Bubbles April 2003
You and the team have taken TTR to another level of fun, all while keeping it so close to what we love. Especially us the older players ;) .Its fun to watch the game being created all over again. Thanks for all your hard work. Aka Bubbles April 2003
bloo bunny said on August 31, 2015 at 4:32 PM
what happened to Team LHAAFBBHQ? Are they still OK? Any word back?
what happened to Team LHAAFBBHQ? Are they still OK? Any word back?
Thunderboom said on August 31, 2015 at 4:39 PM
I always knew there was a new storyline, and I've looked at some old news posts, and I'm starting to put the pieces together!
I always knew there was a new storyline, and I've looked at some old news posts, and I'm starting to put the pieces together!
Pigdude said on August 31, 2015 at 4:45 PM
I loved Storm Sellbot! What a great idea Joey! its giving smaller toons to experience the VP. And not to mention for new toons it gets them intrigued to keep playing and instead of quitting at the first sight of everything, to try and do things along with exploring Toontown.
I loved Storm Sellbot! What a great idea Joey! its giving smaller toons to experience the VP. And not to mention for new toons it gets them intrigued to keep playing and instead of quitting at the first sight of everything, to try and do things along with exploring Toontown.
Princess Peaches Purplebubble said on August 31, 2015 at 4:46 PM
I always thought the gags originated from the Acme warehouse and Jessica and Roger Rabbit had something to do with the distribution into the streets of Toontown. It would be great to hear someone else's thought. Can't express my appreciation enough for what you and your team have done for us!
I always thought the gags originated from the Acme warehouse and Jessica and Roger Rabbit had something to do with the distribution into the streets of Toontown. It would be great to hear someone else's thought. Can't express my appreciation enough for what you and your team have done for us!
Prof. Fireball Thunderspinner said on August 31, 2015 at 4:48 PM
OMIGOSH! I HAVE BEEN RESEARCHING THIS STUFF FOR A WHILE NOW! HYYYYPPPPEEEE!!!! Once more, you have to go and say time is ticking :P Wait, Toonfest will have more to the storyline? I'M SO HYPED!!! And I agree, it is about time we learn more about Lord Lowden. Thank you so much Joey for giving us confidence that we will be able to solve more mysteries soon! I can't wait!
OMIGOSH! I HAVE BEEN RESEARCHING THIS STUFF FOR A WHILE NOW! HYYYYPPPPEEEE!!!! Once more, you have to go and say time is ticking :P Wait, Toonfest will have more to the storyline? I'M SO HYPED!!! And I agree, it is about time we learn more about Lord Lowden. Thank you so much Joey for giving us confidence that we will be able to solve more mysteries soon! I can't wait!
Mega Z said on August 31, 2015 at 4:48 PM
I'd like to see Flippy's backstory or how gags were made! I also wanna see how VP was made or something :P!
I'd like to see Flippy's backstory or how gags were made! I also wanna see how VP was made or something :P!
Rosebud said on August 31, 2015 at 4:52 PM
Time is ticking? Why must you give me a cliff hanger? Haha.
Time is ticking? Why must you give me a cliff hanger? Haha.
Captaindandypretzel said on August 31, 2015 at 5:03 PM
Sounds awesome! Thanks guys! I LOVE the story idea!
Sounds awesome! Thanks guys! I LOVE the story idea!
Mabel said on August 31, 2015 at 5:06 PM
PLEASE dont get rid of the original story with the Doctor creating the cogs! I grew up with that! But I would love hearing more stories of how things came to be! Like maybe a monthly "podcast" or something? Thanks for everything you guys do!
PLEASE dont get rid of the original story with the Doctor creating the cogs! I grew up with that! But I would love hearing more stories of how things came to be! Like maybe a monthly "podcast" or something? Thanks for everything you guys do!
Lucky Dash said on August 31, 2015 at 5:06 PM
I think it would be cool to learn the history of how toontown came to be. (Backstory about each playground being constructed, found, etc.)
I think it would be cool to learn the history of how toontown came to be. (Backstory about each playground being constructed, found, etc.)
Bark Bark said on August 31, 2015 at 5:27 PM
To be honest, I really wanna hear the past of Lil Oldman. Apparently he's the wisest toon in the game lol.
To be honest, I really wanna hear the past of Lil Oldman. Apparently he's the wisest toon in the game lol.
erinbaby123 said on August 31, 2015 at 5:35 PM
i enjoyed the blog thanks!
i enjoyed the blog thanks!
Petaldorf said on August 31, 2015 at 5:40 PM
I'd really like to know Clerk Clara's story. Why did she end up a clerk at Toontown's most visited shop? What did she conquer before settling down? How much hard work does she do handcrafting the gags and making sure they get to the gag shops without any disturbances from the nasty cogs? That would be a tale worth sitting down to listen to.
I'd really like to know Clerk Clara's story. Why did she end up a clerk at Toontown's most visited shop? What did she conquer before settling down? How much hard work does she do handcrafting the gags and making sure they get to the gag shops without any disturbances from the nasty cogs? That would be a tale worth sitting down to listen to.
Trixie Wonderswirl said on August 31, 2015 at 6:03 PM
This game is so cool! Thank you for bringing it back guys! We love you! <3 - Trixie Wonderswirl the cat
This game is so cool! Thank you for bringing it back guys! We love you! <3 - Trixie Wonderswirl the cat
Whistlewhatsit said on August 31, 2015 at 6:11 PM
Wow, this is really cool! It's fun to learn the story of the development of Toontown Rewritten. Keep up the great work, and as always, toons of the world, UNITE!!!
Wow, this is really cool! It's fun to learn the story of the development of Toontown Rewritten. Keep up the great work, and as always, toons of the world, UNITE!!!
Chip said on August 31, 2015 at 6:18 PM
All great stuff! Love it!! KEEP IT COMING!!!
All great stuff! Love it!! KEEP IT COMING!!!
Roseabelle said on August 31, 2015 at 7:09 PM
I'm going to have to go with Flame and his idea for the cog hqs, I'd also like to wonder how the cog bosses got to their roles!
I'm going to have to go with Flame and his idea for the cog hqs, I'd also like to wonder how the cog bosses got to their roles!
Mister Fluffy Dynoteeth said on August 31, 2015 at 8:47 PM
I love what you've done with the storyline so far! Disney's Toontown didn't have much of a storyline to it, so I'm glad you're giving the game a lot of cool background information that we've never had before. The big election/doomsday reveal was amazing, and it's a style of gameplay I really enjoy; where the storyline is discovered through actually playing the game. It adds a lot more fun to the game itself, plus it makes more people willing to play it so that they can discover things like that, too. It's why sooo many people wished they could have been there for the Elections-- to experience such a thrill. It's also what Disney's Toontown lacked the most-- not even Storm Sellbot had anything new or worthwhile in its gameplay, really. In TTR's case, Field Offices and even Doodles were partially and covertly introduced to the storyline during Storm Sellbot's dialogue/tasks-- and we only know this because we played the game. See what I mean? :) I for one hope to see more of this type of gameplay. It's fun and engaging in my opinion :)
I love what you've done with the storyline so far! Disney's Toontown didn't have much of a storyline to it, so I'm glad you're giving the game a lot of cool background information that we've never had before. The big election/doomsday reveal was amazing, and it's a style of gameplay I really enjoy; where the storyline is discovered through actually playing the game. It adds a lot more fun to the game itself, plus it makes more people willing to play it so that they can discover things like that, too. It's why sooo many people wished they could have been there for the Elections-- to experience such a thrill. It's also what Disney's Toontown lacked the most-- not even Storm Sellbot had anything new or worthwhile in its gameplay, really. In TTR's case, Field Offices and even Doodles were partially and covertly introduced to the storyline during Storm Sellbot's dialogue/tasks-- and we only know this because we played the game. See what I mean? :) I for one hope to see more of this type of gameplay. It's fun and engaging in my opinion :)
Smirky Bumberpop said on August 31, 2015 at 9:04 PM
I've always enjoyed the backstory to TTR ever since the Alpha Elections. I can't wait to see how the game progresses from Storm Sellbot! =)
I've always enjoyed the backstory to TTR ever since the Alpha Elections. I can't wait to see how the game progresses from Storm Sellbot! =)
Skyewardsword said on August 31, 2015 at 9:08 PM
Sounds like an awesome adventure!
Sounds like an awesome adventure!
Sir boo boo superbounce said on August 31, 2015 at 9:14 PM
Love all that you are doing!
Love all that you are doing!
prince flapjack said on August 31, 2015 at 9:34 PM
cant wait !!!:)
cant wait !!!:)
Freddy said on August 31, 2015 at 9:43 PM
This all sounds pretty interesting to me. I'd better study up.
This all sounds pretty interesting to me. I'd better study up.
Anita Mouse said on September 1, 2015 at 2:03 AM
-cue Gravity Falls-esque theme music- Looks like there's more to Toontown that we thought, with great secrets comes a great story. Sir Max told us there was nothing strange about this town. But who knows what other secrets are waiting to be unlocked?
-cue Gravity Falls-esque theme music- Looks like there's more to Toontown that we thought, with great secrets comes a great story. Sir Max told us there was nothing strange about this town. But who knows what other secrets are waiting to be unlocked?
Bluie said on September 1, 2015 at 3:07 AM
Interesting! Can't wait to see more.
Interesting! Can't wait to see more.
Clear Ocean said on September 1, 2015 at 3:15 AM
It would be nice to know more about Cog HQ's. As us toons, we know very little about those strange places. Maybe we can find out about what's in those crates in Cash HQ?
It would be nice to know more about Cog HQ's. As us toons, we know very little about those strange places. Maybe we can find out about what's in those crates in Cash HQ?
Nutmeg said on September 1, 2015 at 4:32 AM
I would love to hear Lord Lowden Clear's backstory! Also, why a cliffhanger?!
I would love to hear Lord Lowden Clear's backstory! Also, why a cliffhanger?!
King Twister Funnygadget said on September 1, 2015 at 5:09 AM
I saw someone say something about the manholes in all cog HQs and I thought of the roomers of cog nation hidden under the hovering cloud so I thinking that you should open up a new cog HQ that has all classes of cogs (Sellbots, Cashbots, Lawbots, and Bossbots) walking around in there and a new class! P.S. love the great effort you put into Toontown Rewriten!
I saw someone say something about the manholes in all cog HQs and I thought of the roomers of cog nation hidden under the hovering cloud so I thinking that you should open up a new cog HQ that has all classes of cogs (Sellbots, Cashbots, Lawbots, and Bossbots) walking around in there and a new class! P.S. love the great effort you put into Toontown Rewriten!
Master Trickystink said on September 1, 2015 at 6:29 AM
I cant wait! I hope we can bring back the mysterious cloud soon...
I cant wait! I hope we can bring back the mysterious cloud soon...
Levi Heicho said on September 1, 2015 at 6:58 AM
Doodles? Lord Lowen Clear's past?! The silly meter!? Toonfest 2015!?? whats next? lvl 8 gags?!?
Doodles? Lord Lowen Clear's past?! The silly meter!? Toonfest 2015!?? whats next? lvl 8 gags?!?
Flapjack Featherflap said on September 1, 2015 at 8:18 AM
See, this is the exact reason why I started playing TTR! Not only for the nostalgia, but also for the story line... it's so intriguing and so in-depth. The entire story line has ranged from amazing events of the Toon Council Presidential Elections to Storm Sellbot HQ. I've been playing for awhile now, and I've witnessed a lot of TTR's progression. I've followed along with the story line and researched its incredible past. I've read the ciphers, the blueprints, seen all the memos and discovered encryptions to them... I'm still really concerned with our original Elected President of Toontown... Slappy Quackintosh... also, Team LHAAFBBHQ. I've seen the memos and I'm positive I know exactly where they all are. And AH! That mysterious cloud that hovered over Toontown! There are so many possibilities to what it could be! I'm also very curious about where Doctor Surlee has been and what he's been working on.... remember, undo mistake, not fate! Thank you so much, TTR crew! You all never fail to be amazing! This extra content is fabulous!
See, this is the exact reason why I started playing TTR! Not only for the nostalgia, but also for the story line... it's so intriguing and so in-depth. The entire story line has ranged from amazing events of the Toon Council Presidential Elections to Storm Sellbot HQ. I've been playing for awhile now, and I've witnessed a lot of TTR's progression. I've followed along with the story line and researched its incredible past. I've read the ciphers, the blueprints, seen all the memos and discovered encryptions to them... I'm still really concerned with our original Elected President of Toontown... Slappy Quackintosh... also, Team LHAAFBBHQ. I've seen the memos and I'm positive I know exactly where they all are. And AH! That mysterious cloud that hovered over Toontown! There are so many possibilities to what it could be! I'm also very curious about where Doctor Surlee has been and what he's been working on.... remember, undo mistake, not fate! Thank you so much, TTR crew! You all never fail to be amazing! This extra content is fabulous!
Super Dog said on September 1, 2015 at 8:42 AM
Amazing can't wait to see whats to come in the future we might solve a big mystery or even.... rewrite history!
Amazing can't wait to see whats to come in the future we might solve a big mystery or even.... rewrite history!
Cooly said on September 1, 2015 at 8:58 AM
Great idea.
Great idea.
Sergeant Lionel Octoboom said on September 1, 2015 at 8:58 AM
Well, it's easy to understand. Long time ago, Donald's uncle (i forgot his name, that rich duck) had an idea of building robots to help the toons. But as the factory went out of control, the robots took control of the 4 factories there were built. That's the origin of the cogs and the 4 HQs in Toontown. There was a trailer in TTO that explained better this story. You can search for it on youtube if you want to learn more.
Well, it's easy to understand. Long time ago, Donald's uncle (i forgot his name, that rich duck) had an idea of building robots to help the toons. But as the factory went out of control, the robots took control of the 4 factories there were built. That's the origin of the cogs and the 4 HQs in Toontown. There was a trailer in TTO that explained better this story. You can search for it on youtube if you want to learn more.
Ladybug Gigglehopper said on September 1, 2015 at 10:56 AM
I'm taking you seriously on the 'Lord Lowden Clear's Past' thing. Seriously, the fact that that Toon has never been seen out-of-suit seriously disturbs me, and makes me think he's had some tragic backstory, or he's some sort of Cog-built Toony robot gone rogue, or WHAT, JOEY? WHAT HAPPENED TO LOWDEN CLEAR? I NEED TO KNOW!!!
I'm taking you seriously on the 'Lord Lowden Clear's Past' thing. Seriously, the fact that that Toon has never been seen out-of-suit seriously disturbs me, and makes me think he's had some tragic backstory, or he's some sort of Cog-built Toony robot gone rogue, or WHAT, JOEY? WHAT HAPPENED TO LOWDEN CLEAR? I NEED TO KNOW!!!
Presciousflapper said on September 1, 2015 at 12:23 PM
I don't have any ideas I am just thrilled to be back playing after being gone for 2 years. I didn't know you were back until June!! Love it sooooo much. keep up the great work!!!
I don't have any ideas I am just thrilled to be back playing after being gone for 2 years. I didn't know you were back until June!! Love it sooooo much. keep up the great work!!!
InedibleGames said on September 1, 2015 at 12:39 PM
I love this game so much I use to play it way back when I was 6! And now around 7 years later I still play thank you guys for bringing this beautiful game back! I used to never play it anymore because everything cost to go places and it was annoying but thank you SOOOO much for bringing back my childhood memories :) Well done guys and I love the story!
I love this game so much I use to play it way back when I was 6! And now around 7 years later I still play thank you guys for bringing this beautiful game back! I used to never play it anymore because everything cost to go places and it was annoying but thank you SOOOO much for bringing back my childhood memories :) Well done guys and I love the story!
Little Valentine Sparklejinks said on September 1, 2015 at 2:15 PM
How about we learn why and how cogs were created?
How about we learn why and how cogs were created?
Seth said on September 1, 2015 at 2:49 PM
I really can't wait for doodles because I had a old doodle named Sandman and he was green and that would be awesome to see him again. Its been 2 years!
I really can't wait for doodles because I had a old doodle named Sandman and he was green and that would be awesome to see him again. Its been 2 years!
Potato ( the mouse ) said on September 1, 2015 at 3:01 PM
yeah i sorta wanna know why lord lowden clear has a cashbot suit on all the time......
yeah i sorta wanna know why lord lowden clear has a cashbot suit on all the time......
Tickles said on September 1, 2015 at 3:27 PM
What if there was an area where ALL cogs were to meet. I'm not saying their planet or anything because that would be stretching it. it wouldn't have to be permanent either. Something like "BBQHQ", only you know, for cogs.
What if there was an area where ALL cogs were to meet. I'm not saying their planet or anything because that would be stretching it. it wouldn't have to be permanent either. Something like "BBQHQ", only you know, for cogs.
A normal Toon said on September 1, 2015 at 3:36 PM
This is all so interesting and mysterious... Tell us more, please! MORE! XD
This is all so interesting and mysterious... Tell us more, please! MORE! XD
Olivia the Bunny said on September 1, 2015 at 3:41 PM
"none of the Toons in town seem to know what a "Doodle" is!" You mean, "none of the NPC/Shopkeepers/HQ Officers seem to know what a Doodle is"? heehee :P
"none of the Toons in town seem to know what a "Doodle" is!" You mean, "none of the NPC/Shopkeepers/HQ Officers seem to know what a Doodle is"? heehee :P
Toast said on September 1, 2015 at 4:59 PM
How about making different color gloves an option? We can purchase them in the catalog for jellybeans. Every idea is toontastic!
How about making different color gloves an option? We can purchase them in the catalog for jellybeans. Every idea is toontastic!
Cool Raven Megascooter said on September 1, 2015 at 5:49 PM
Bring back the dogs or what ever the pests are called doodles Please and please tell us what is under the new clouds on the map.
Bring back the dogs or what ever the pests are called doodles Please and please tell us what is under the new clouds on the map.
"Buscuit" Bagel Noodle said on September 1, 2015 at 6:04 PM
Owoohohoho! I love it!(Your stories too, Joey!) I can't wait to hear more!! Also, it would be fantastic to see more "Just for Fun" Toontasks with story in the future; there can be so much to be told!
Owoohohoho! I love it!(Your stories too, Joey!) I can't wait to hear more!! Also, it would be fantastic to see more "Just for Fun" Toontasks with story in the future; there can be so much to be told!
Little Petalbounce said on September 1, 2015 at 6:15 PM
I've got an idea! Implementing Playground NPCs again would be awesome, I think. It's an element that seems to be missed, since it provided a level of personalization to see NPCs greeting you whenever you walked by. It certainly made me feel more important seeing them say hi, and Lowden and his gang brought back those feelings of importance. I also have ideas for who those NPCs could be, if you're interested! Perhaps the story could be that the Toon Council felt threatened by the Cog HQs and felt that if there was someone to represent every playground, someone to be a figurehead of authority, then the Cogs would be intimidated enough to stay out, so the Toon Council appointed different Toons for the job! Just a thought! :D
I've got an idea! Implementing Playground NPCs again would be awesome, I think. It's an element that seems to be missed, since it provided a level of personalization to see NPCs greeting you whenever you walked by. It certainly made me feel more important seeing them say hi, and Lowden and his gang brought back those feelings of importance. I also have ideas for who those NPCs could be, if you're interested! Perhaps the story could be that the Toon Council felt threatened by the Cog HQs and felt that if there was someone to represent every playground, someone to be a figurehead of authority, then the Cogs would be intimidated enough to stay out, so the Toon Council appointed different Toons for the job! Just a thought! :D
Exploding Bacon said on September 1, 2015 at 6:15 PM
Yay! I'm hoping for links in the launcher to pages like this with the news and one to the forum would be great.
Yay! I'm hoping for links in the launcher to pages like this with the news and one to the forum would be great.
Blizard Monkey said on September 1, 2015 at 8:18 PM
i'm so happy about to new update for to website
i'm so happy about to new update for to website
Lily said on September 1, 2015 at 8:25 PM
This game is amazing!! Thanks for bringing it back to us! ;)
This game is amazing!! Thanks for bringing it back to us! ;)
Marty said on September 1, 2015 at 8:36 PM
It would be nice to have Toon Golf set up right about now.
It would be nice to have Toon Golf set up right about now.
Mr. Mc Bumble Splat said on September 1, 2015 at 9:01 PM
Toontown Rewritten not only sparked my hope and urge to play Toontown once again for memories sake, but the Story these developers have well, developed fired my hopes up more sparking my love for those memories and for now new memories with friends I've met now, will always be treasured as well as old companions. Every toon in our wacky world aren't just friends every single one of us, but family. I hope to see where we're headed. Hopefully, no matter what is to come it'll be just as wacky and fun as Toontown Online was, possibly even wackier and sillier? What do we have to doubt though, we have an amazing developer team behind all this. :) Keep making the best, it'll always be supported by us!!!
Toontown Rewritten not only sparked my hope and urge to play Toontown once again for memories sake, but the Story these developers have well, developed fired my hopes up more sparking my love for those memories and for now new memories with friends I've met now, will always be treasured as well as old companions. Every toon in our wacky world aren't just friends every single one of us, but family. I hope to see where we're headed. Hopefully, no matter what is to come it'll be just as wacky and fun as Toontown Online was, possibly even wackier and sillier? What do we have to doubt though, we have an amazing developer team behind all this. :) Keep making the best, it'll always be supported by us!!!
Voice Of Many said on September 1, 2015 at 9:33 PM
Wait.... 2003.... are you saying we... TIME TRAVELED?!
Wait.... 2003.... are you saying we... TIME TRAVELED?!
That One Mouse said on September 1, 2015 at 10:45 PM
New story, old game, 100% Awesomeness. Maybe some back story on cog HQ? maybe cogs can take over Toon HQs and make the street +25% more of that type of cog on that street? i know this sin;t forums but it'd still be cool, thanks for bringing back Toontown!
New story, old game, 100% Awesomeness. Maybe some back story on cog HQ? maybe cogs can take over Toon HQs and make the street +25% more of that type of cog on that street? i know this sin;t forums but it'd still be cool, thanks for bringing back Toontown!
ash said on September 2, 2015 at 5:32 AM
You all are awesome, toontown is the best game ever!!!!!!!!!!!!
You all are awesome, toontown is the best game ever!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sir Macdonalds said on September 2, 2015 at 6:19 AM
Hmm, I'm intrigued.
Hmm, I'm intrigued.
baron bunky hulaknees said on September 2, 2015 at 6:27 AM
i wonder why there are two gears next DR. surlee's pocket watch in the logo
i wonder why there are two gears next DR. surlee's pocket watch in the logo
Good Ol' Graham McWhip said on September 2, 2015 at 9:01 AM
To Princess Dee Dee, I am well aware of the Silly Meter and from what I recall, Doctor Surlee may of used it to travel back in time to Rewritten to undo mistakes he did, thus complying to the phrase: Undo Mistakes, Not Fate. The blueprint I am referring to is the one in the column Rewriting The Storyline next to the image of Bossbot HQ. My theory does look plausible. Good Ol' Graham McWhip, 57 Laffer
To Princess Dee Dee, I am well aware of the Silly Meter and from what I recall, Doctor Surlee may of used it to travel back in time to Rewritten to undo mistakes he did, thus complying to the phrase: Undo Mistakes, Not Fate. The blueprint I am referring to is the one in the column Rewriting The Storyline next to the image of Bossbot HQ. My theory does look plausible. Good Ol' Graham McWhip, 57 Laffer
Whiskers said on September 2, 2015 at 9:19 AM
I'd like to comment and say I liked storm sellbot HQ becuase it helped ALOT of lower toons defeat a boss... (probably) and you got tasks for helping them! It might just had brought us closer together =).Anyways can I suggest you make a storm cashbot HQ and all the bosses of course the highest boss will probably be a challenge especially with the factories.But, we are toons we CAN do it!!!!
I'd like to comment and say I liked storm sellbot HQ becuase it helped ALOT of lower toons defeat a boss... (probably) and you got tasks for helping them! It might just had brought us closer together =).Anyways can I suggest you make a storm cashbot HQ and all the bosses of course the highest boss will probably be a challenge especially with the factories.But, we are toons we CAN do it!!!!
Whiskers said on September 2, 2015 at 9:20 AM
Oh my Toons! that sounds amazing TIME TRAVEL I don't think I have thought of it! Genius Corny!
Oh my Toons! that sounds amazing TIME TRAVEL I don't think I have thought of it! Genius Corny!
Whiskers said on September 2, 2015 at 9:24 AM
It is sad that we can't find the original president of toontown I don't think I can remember his name (We will find you soon hopefully). Anyways I don't even know if we found him yet (or her) XD
It is sad that we can't find the original president of toontown I don't think I can remember his name (We will find you soon hopefully). Anyways I don't even know if we found him yet (or her) XD
Goofball said on September 2, 2015 at 12:42 PM
Wow! Can't wait to see the brand new updates! :D
Wow! Can't wait to see the brand new updates! :D
Sir Fangs Fumblefish said on September 2, 2015 at 12:46 PM
I still think time travel is gonna come in place. For instance on of the pockets watch's hands are going backwards!!!
I still think time travel is gonna come in place. For instance on of the pockets watch's hands are going backwards!!!
Zowie said on September 2, 2015 at 1:40 PM
Alex Mc Toony said on September 2, 2015 at 1:42 PM
I think it would be cool that if you completed a cog in your gallery you can view things about it: level range, max health, even personality, description, etc. And completing the cog gallery will trigger a story toontask to learn about v.3 cogs which can regen health or something? Anyway, good stuff you guys have been making throughout the story. I'm really impressed and proud. Good job, TTR Team.
I think it would be cool that if you completed a cog in your gallery you can view things about it: level range, max health, even personality, description, etc. And completing the cog gallery will trigger a story toontask to learn about v.3 cogs which can regen health or something? Anyway, good stuff you guys have been making throughout the story. I'm really impressed and proud. Good job, TTR Team.
TinyToaster said on September 2, 2015 at 1:56 PM
Great job so far! Learning about this and playing Rewritten is awesome! Sure the servers are slow sometimes but many people support you (the staff) for making this a great opportunity to play Toontown again. Also, these blogs are awesome! Keep up the good work! So many people appreciate what you've done!
Great job so far! Learning about this and playing Rewritten is awesome! Sure the servers are slow sometimes but many people support you (the staff) for making this a great opportunity to play Toontown again. Also, these blogs are awesome! Keep up the good work! So many people appreciate what you've done!
Willow Jinxtail said on September 2, 2015 at 2:08 PM
Yay! Im so excited for all the new back stories! They are gonna be so epic! You guys are doing a great job with the game! Keep up the good work!
Yay! Im so excited for all the new back stories! They are gonna be so epic! You guys are doing a great job with the game! Keep up the good work!
Super Flip Sparkletoon said on September 2, 2015 at 2:27 PM
I did realize something while going through this. Right under Secret Ciphers and Mysterious Blueprints there's an image. I clicked on the image and zoomed in. There's a letter written there from 2002 but he's saying he's looking forward to the election this year which I found a little confusing. And lastly, to the side there's a plan for the laughometer. There's steps 1 - 5 in it that are written in a way I can't understand. I don't know if it's just a bunch of random letters or a secret message. Let me know if anyone figures that out. Thanks :D ( BTW: Keep up the great work you are AWESOME toontown rewritten)
I did realize something while going through this. Right under Secret Ciphers and Mysterious Blueprints there's an image. I clicked on the image and zoomed in. There's a letter written there from 2002 but he's saying he's looking forward to the election this year which I found a little confusing. And lastly, to the side there's a plan for the laughometer. There's steps 1 - 5 in it that are written in a way I can't understand. I don't know if it's just a bunch of random letters or a secret message. Let me know if anyone figures that out. Thanks :D ( BTW: Keep up the great work you are AWESOME toontown rewritten)
Melody said on September 2, 2015 at 4:05 PM
Ooh... that "Time is ticking " line is really messing with my head... but the stories you write are giving even more life to this kooky, wacky game! And yes, Lord Lowden Clear's back story is WELL overdue. Why is he the only toon with a permanent cog suit? (Not that he doesn't wear it very well.) I definitely am looking forward to the future, and all the secrets that have yet to be revealed.. Keep up the good work!
Ooh... that "Time is ticking " line is really messing with my head... but the stories you write are giving even more life to this kooky, wacky game! And yes, Lord Lowden Clear's back story is WELL overdue. Why is he the only toon with a permanent cog suit? (Not that he doesn't wear it very well.) I definitely am looking forward to the future, and all the secrets that have yet to be revealed.. Keep up the good work!
Lilypetalbee said on September 2, 2015 at 5:06 PM
how about...who did the pranks on April fools this year.
how about...who did the pranks on April fools this year.
Jephe said on September 2, 2015 at 5:11 PM
I LOVE THIS GAME!!!! So thank you so much for making it better
I LOVE THIS GAME!!!! So thank you so much for making it better
dinky rhinonugget said on September 2, 2015 at 5:38 PM
This is an idea about why lord lowden always wears a cog suit. One day in toontown lord lowden clear was a toon in the resistance who liked to fight the cog bosses. One day when he was going to fight the C.F.O. he accidentally forgot to wear his suit and was caught on the security camera as a toon. The cog security system used cog attacks on him so much he was not only sad he was injured. He spent months in the hospital but the doctors had to remove his upper body. But they had an idea to attach his cog suit to his head so he could move freely. All the toons respected him as his suit that he always wore was a level 50 robber baron. He lived happily after that and got promoted to the head of the resistance. So that's the story i made up i hope you enjoyed it. Bye!
This is an idea about why lord lowden always wears a cog suit. One day in toontown lord lowden clear was a toon in the resistance who liked to fight the cog bosses. One day when he was going to fight the C.F.O. he accidentally forgot to wear his suit and was caught on the security camera as a toon. The cog security system used cog attacks on him so much he was not only sad he was injured. He spent months in the hospital but the doctors had to remove his upper body. But they had an idea to attach his cog suit to his head so he could move freely. All the toons respected him as his suit that he always wore was a level 50 robber baron. He lived happily after that and got promoted to the head of the resistance. So that's the story i made up i hope you enjoyed it. Bye!
Orange Peel said on September 2, 2015 at 6:08 PM
I would like to see Toontown finally integrate the plot into the gameplay, as it had done so poorly until Rewritten.
I would like to see Toontown finally integrate the plot into the gameplay, as it had done so poorly until Rewritten.
Cupcake the pink cat said on September 2, 2015 at 6:58 PM
I can only say one thing, well, three: I LOVE TOONTOWN REWRITTEN!!!!!!!! Ok, four.
I can only say one thing, well, three: I LOVE TOONTOWN REWRITTEN!!!!!!!! Ok, four.
Miss Rainbow Twinkletoes said on September 2, 2015 at 11:08 PM
Sir Max, I think you and the Toontown Rewritten team are doing a fabulous job. I look forward to more of your stories and the re-introduction of Doodles ;-)
Sir Max, I think you and the Toontown Rewritten team are doing a fabulous job. I look forward to more of your stories and the re-introduction of Doodles ;-)
Cookie said on September 3, 2015 at 1:45 PM
I really like to write in Portuguese to talk to my friends in the Chat!!!
I really like to write in Portuguese to talk to my friends in the Chat!!!
Sunny Buddy said on September 3, 2015 at 1:58 PM
Someone tell me where I can get a time machine so I can go back in time.... Or forwards in time, so I can see the past and the future! ( I wonder how much beans a time machine would be! )
Someone tell me where I can get a time machine so I can go back in time.... Or forwards in time, so I can see the past and the future! ( I wonder how much beans a time machine would be! )
Ginger said on September 3, 2015 at 4:21 PM
I really love in-game events, and It would be amazing if we got a new type of cog or anything that's new related to cogs! It interests me... like maybe you guys can make the chairman! :D
I really love in-game events, and It would be amazing if we got a new type of cog or anything that's new related to cogs! It interests me... like maybe you guys can make the chairman! :D
many said on September 3, 2015 at 5:06 PM
you are the best thank you for showing a bit of toon town
you are the best thank you for showing a bit of toon town
Cool Raven Mega scooter said on September 3, 2015 at 5:07 PM
I think It would be cool if we know what is over there where the hills used to be be under the clouds and what created the VP, CJ, CEO, CFO. lastly which playground is the scientist duck who made the cogs is at.
I think It would be cool if we know what is over there where the hills used to be be under the clouds and what created the VP, CJ, CEO, CFO. lastly which playground is the scientist duck who made the cogs is at.
Nerdycraft said on September 3, 2015 at 9:05 PM
Omg cant wait good job TTR staff and joey! - Nerdy <3
Omg cant wait good job TTR staff and joey! - Nerdy <3
MasterPiece said on September 4, 2015 at 3:14 AM
I very very very like this game
I very very very like this game
Chocofuzz said on September 4, 2015 at 5:25 AM
Cant wait for more story! :)
Cant wait for more story! :)
London said on September 4, 2015 at 12:12 PM
I'm very excited. Great job guys, keep up the work! <3
I'm very excited. Great job guys, keep up the work! <3
John Ficklebottom said on September 4, 2015 at 12:41 PM
Finally something on Surlee though and excited for new updates
Finally something on Surlee though and excited for new updates
doc oswald said on September 4, 2015 at 3:29 PM
can you explain why there is a toon-shaped hole in the office in the TT HQs?
can you explain why there is a toon-shaped hole in the office in the TT HQs?
Dr. Valentine Cuddlepaws said on September 4, 2015 at 5:09 PM
I would like to know about the President; Flippy. He is certainly an interesting toon, and I would like to learn more about his backstory.
I would like to know about the President; Flippy. He is certainly an interesting toon, and I would like to learn more about his backstory.
Bizzy Sourcrash said on September 4, 2015 at 9:01 PM
Cog Nation, Level 8 gags, heck, probably even level 9! Oh and colored gloves? :P
Cog Nation, Level 8 gags, heck, probably even level 9! Oh and colored gloves? :P
Dr. Robocrash said on September 5, 2015 at 2:00 AM
You guys have brought life back into a game that I thought died years ago, I've start to play Toontown Rewritten and have the same love that I had when original Toontown was growing to it's prime. You guys should explain the foreman, and add another HQ based on that "Elite" Type of Cog, that'd be really cool, and give us older players another thing to be happy about and want to conquer. Also an HD texture/animation pack would be a nice addition, but the game play is what this game is really about. Give a new area possibly underground or accessible through one of the current HQs? Again you guys have done such a great job of making this fun, you're a dedicated team and can't wait to see what you guys do next!
You guys have brought life back into a game that I thought died years ago, I've start to play Toontown Rewritten and have the same love that I had when original Toontown was growing to it's prime. You guys should explain the foreman, and add another HQ based on that "Elite" Type of Cog, that'd be really cool, and give us older players another thing to be happy about and want to conquer. Also an HD texture/animation pack would be a nice addition, but the game play is what this game is really about. Give a new area possibly underground or accessible through one of the current HQs? Again you guys have done such a great job of making this fun, you're a dedicated team and can't wait to see what you guys do next!
squigglecrash said on September 5, 2015 at 3:16 AM
the story behind the chairman seems to be the one that's bugging me
the story behind the chairman seems to be the one that's bugging me
The Toon Wizard said on September 5, 2015 at 6:07 AM
I LOVE how you put so much persistence into make this game having an developed plot line. I'd love too see more of this amazing game fully reach its power. I think it would be cool if some maxed toons got to do something amazing... Play a full on story mode with all there friends learn more about the lore in a mmo like this. They get to see and defeat the cogs when they were stronger or weaker! They can see how TTR came to be in a game. See Ya later Sir Max!
I LOVE how you put so much persistence into make this game having an developed plot line. I'd love too see more of this amazing game fully reach its power. I think it would be cool if some maxed toons got to do something amazing... Play a full on story mode with all there friends learn more about the lore in a mmo like this. They get to see and defeat the cogs when they were stronger or weaker! They can see how TTR came to be in a game. See Ya later Sir Max!
Jackson said on September 5, 2015 at 8:47 AM
We should have a toon become an actual cog and in the cog menu have a fifth row of cogs called the toon cogs which would be the strongest cog. Or visa versa a cog becomes a toon and he would give us information to their hq's and then we would be able to get tasks from him.
We should have a toon become an actual cog and in the cog menu have a fifth row of cogs called the toon cogs which would be the strongest cog. Or visa versa a cog becomes a toon and he would give us information to their hq's and then we would be able to get tasks from him.
Miss Rhiannon said on September 5, 2015 at 9:34 AM
I think it would be neat to see fish tanks for the house, we can customize the back drop, rock color and what we catch can be put into it. If we do not take care of it, the tank turns bad just like if we don't water our trees? Also, some doors are not opening on the streets no matter what district i go to. especially blizzard wizard on walrus way. thanks
I think it would be neat to see fish tanks for the house, we can customize the back drop, rock color and what we catch can be put into it. If we do not take care of it, the tank turns bad just like if we don't water our trees? Also, some doors are not opening on the streets no matter what district i go to. especially blizzard wizard on walrus way. thanks
Astro/Midnight said on September 5, 2015 at 10:14 AM
That sounds interesting! Keep up with the good work! P.S. Please add doodles!
That sounds interesting! Keep up with the good work! P.S. Please add doodles!
Wildsong said on September 5, 2015 at 3:22 PM
Wow, I never knew about the in-depth storyline of Toontown! This is going to be fascinating, I really should start catching up!
Wow, I never knew about the in-depth storyline of Toontown! This is going to be fascinating, I really should start catching up!
mike (the mouse guy) said on September 5, 2015 at 4:23 PM
hello guys playing toon town is awesome guys.I liked to play this game is so much fun guys
hello guys playing toon town is awesome guys.I liked to play this game is so much fun guys
lexymc01 said on September 5, 2015 at 4:46 PM
can't wait
can't wait
Princess Lily said on September 6, 2015 at 9:02 AM
Wow I think this is going to be good learning everything from the start!
Wow I think this is going to be good learning everything from the start!
Skipper said on September 6, 2015 at 1:07 PM
I remember right before Toon Town Online was shut down there was a rumor going around about 'Cog nation'. If you can try to add stories in of a secret cog organization that would be awesome!
I remember right before Toon Town Online was shut down there was a rumor going around about 'Cog nation'. If you can try to add stories in of a secret cog organization that would be awesome!
Captain DynoHopper said on September 6, 2015 at 2:19 PM
I would like there to be an actual ending to the game. Like the team adding the Chair Man, and in order to fight him, you'll need a new disguise. I have more ideas, but I won't say every single one! Remember to stay toony and smash those cogs with your delicious pies! Sincerely, Captain DynoHopper
I would like there to be an actual ending to the game. Like the team adding the Chair Man, and in order to fight him, you'll need a new disguise. I have more ideas, but I won't say every single one! Remember to stay toony and smash those cogs with your delicious pies! Sincerely, Captain DynoHopper
unknown empress. said on September 6, 2015 at 3:22 PM
Funky Barnaclepoof said on September 6, 2015 at 4:06 PM
Maybe we can find out what are the cogs doing in a place called cog nation.
Maybe we can find out what are the cogs doing in a place called cog nation.
ThunderSqueak said on September 6, 2015 at 4:21 PM
Hey guys! I am so happy to be able to play this game after ten years. You guys have really made my day when I heard that toontown was getting rereleased as a fan version. Hey listen I was wondering, with so many modern engines which allow one to modify and create 3D mods for like games like skyrim and whatnot, do you plan to add some new challenges like the infamous cog nation? It would really be super awesome if you guys did. Regardless keep up the hard work! :)
Hey guys! I am so happy to be able to play this game after ten years. You guys have really made my day when I heard that toontown was getting rereleased as a fan version. Hey listen I was wondering, with so many modern engines which allow one to modify and create 3D mods for like games like skyrim and whatnot, do you plan to add some new challenges like the infamous cog nation? It would really be super awesome if you guys did. Regardless keep up the hard work! :)
King Popcorn said on September 6, 2015 at 6:23 PM
I would personally want to find out who is the chairman and if he will ever be incorporated into the game. We first hear of him from the C.E.O. but just his name, i want to learn the story behind him
I would personally want to find out who is the chairman and if he will ever be incorporated into the game. We first hear of him from the C.E.O. but just his name, i want to learn the story behind him
Squeaky said on September 6, 2015 at 6:28 PM
Not gonna lie, obsessively looking through lore of stuff I like is one of my favorite things to do. I'm way too excited for this.
Not gonna lie, obsessively looking through lore of stuff I like is one of my favorite things to do. I'm way too excited for this.
Long said on September 6, 2015 at 6:57 PM
great job everyone
great job everyone
Duke Sniffy Sparkle Smirk said on September 6, 2015 at 11:04 PM
I love your game! Please continue to update it!
I love your game! Please continue to update it!
Slade said on September 6, 2015 at 11:41 PM
This post gave me chills of joy! I cant wait for the surprises ahead!!!!
This post gave me chills of joy! I cant wait for the surprises ahead!!!!
I think it would be cool if we could learn how the cogs managed to construct their HQs.