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Backstage: Moving Fashion Forward
Posted by The Toontown Team on September 8, 2015 at 9:00 AM
Hey there, Toons! I'm Maya, also known as 'Slate Blue Rabbit'. It's been around a year since the last time I wrote to you, and today I'm here to share with you one of my favorite things to do as an artist for the Toontown Rewritten Team - Toontown Fashion!
While most of the big new projects we work on take a long time to make, smaller things like outfits and accessories have been released quite frequently. We've released a lot of them over the past two years, most of which I personally got to work on, but how are they made? Take a look at how we:

Outfits and accessories need to keep the colorful Toon style so you won't end up looking like a boring Cog, but it's still important to have the right balance of colors and shades that won't be too bright or colorful. Your eyes need rest when you spend your whole life playing Toont... I mean, when you have fun playing the game for 2 hours a day while taking healthy breaks!
While some outfits are sort of generic, other outfits are made for specific events. When possible, we want the item to have some detail that is related to the event. Good examples would be the outfits from last year's ToonFest - the "Beta Bug Hunter" outfit was given to the people who helped us "catch" the in-game bugs on closed beta, and the squirt outfit was given to playtime players since during that time they were mainly working on training gags on their new toons.
We also try to make items that will go well with at least some of the outfits and accessories you already have in your closet, so that you can mix and match! Did you pick up a pair of Cog-Crusher Shades during Storm Sellbot? No other accessory matches the outfits!
While trying to turn ideas into real in-game items, we often run into two main technical problems that forces into changing and flipping the idea all over. Items have to match all kind of toons, you know, and look as close as possible to each other on each toon type.
The 3D model for a body combined with a skirt is different than the model for a body combined with shorts, but they all use the same clothing! While long body types stretch the detail to the top, wide body types will stretch the same detail to the sides. Now, try to make a button that will look round on ALL of those!
The second problem that while a design may look great up close, details disappear when you're standing far away from them! A lot of tiny details will get lost and won't be seen at all when the model is not filling your whole screen. That means all details have to be big and clear enough in order for you to be able to see them from far away.
Now, I'm not doing any of this all by myself! After the first version is finished, every single item gets voted on from the rest of the team. The other artists give advice to improve, and the rest of the staff give feedback from the player's point of view. Sometimes we have more than one artist working together on the same file to get the full potential from the idea. A few minds are better than one!
Sometimes, after revisions, the designs will come out totally different! Did you know that the OMG!Con Shoes were denim and green, and the jester outfit from Halloween was an eye-blinding red and blue?
But what I'm completely sure about is that YOU collected some ideas of your own as well! What outfits or accessories you've always wanted to see in the game? What is that one item you are missing in order to make your outfit perfect? Share your ideas with me in the comments, and who knows, you might see some of them in the game at the future!

There are tons of new accessories and outfits coming up as ToonFest approaches, but in the meantime, I'd like to give you a sneak peek! Over to the right you can click to see just a very, very small amount of the new items coming to Toontown. In fact, ToonFest will be bringing more apparel to the game than any other event has yet!
You know, there is one more thing. I've heard a lot of talk lately about not having enough wardrobe space for all of the new outfits... And we certainly can't have that!
You may just be getting those expansions soon, and you'll certainly need them with the new items to come at ToonFest 2015. See you there!
While most of the big new projects we work on take a long time to make, smaller things like outfits and accessories have been released quite frequently. We've released a lot of them over the past two years, most of which I personally got to work on, but how are they made? Take a look at how we:

Selecting a Style
The real world has a lot of outfits and styles, but it isn't good enough to just pick a random one! It is very important to match the style of the items with the rest of the game. We try to provide something that will look unique, while still keeping it in line with the game style so it won't end up looking "out of place" -- like a Cog at the Gag Shop!Outfits and accessories need to keep the colorful Toon style so you won't end up looking like a boring Cog, but it's still important to have the right balance of colors and shades that won't be too bright or colorful. Your eyes need rest when you spend your whole life playing Toont... I mean, when you have fun playing the game for 2 hours a day while taking healthy breaks!

We also try to make items that will go well with at least some of the outfits and accessories you already have in your closet, so that you can mix and match! Did you pick up a pair of Cog-Crusher Shades during Storm Sellbot? No other accessory matches the outfits!
Matching the Models

The 3D model for a body combined with a skirt is different than the model for a body combined with shorts, but they all use the same clothing! While long body types stretch the detail to the top, wide body types will stretch the same detail to the sides. Now, try to make a button that will look round on ALL of those!
The second problem that while a design may look great up close, details disappear when you're standing far away from them! A lot of tiny details will get lost and won't be seen at all when the model is not filling your whole screen. That means all details have to be big and clear enough in order for you to be able to see them from far away.
Toontastic Teamwork

Sometimes, after revisions, the designs will come out totally different! Did you know that the OMG!Con Shoes were denim and green, and the jester outfit from Halloween was an eye-blinding red and blue?
Making sure it's FUN!
The bottom line of the design process: The result has to be something that we would want to wear. As a player since Toontown Online opened, I was able to collect a lot of good ideas for things I've always wanted to see in the game, items I was missing, and the different styles the toons around the town like to wear. I am also counting on your feedback for the things we've already made - every time I see a toon wearing something I designed, I know that we've got it right!

You know, there is one more thing. I've heard a lot of talk lately about not having enough wardrobe space for all of the new outfits... And we certainly can't have that!
You may just be getting those expansions soon, and you'll certainly need them with the new items to come at ToonFest 2015. See you there!
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Chester said on September 8, 2015 at 9:17 AM
I've always wanted to see headphones as an accessory, same goes with a guitar accessory c: Different coloured dragon wings could be cool too~
I've always wanted to see headphones as an accessory, same goes with a guitar accessory c: Different coloured dragon wings could be cool too~
Princes Peaches Purplebubble said on September 8, 2015 at 9:21 AM
I can't wait to see the new items! I loved the cog suites and shades. Maybe you can add a hat next time. Thanks for all the time you put in. If we can ever give back to you please let us know how! In the mean time know you are loved by TTR fans for allowing us to continue our "2 hour play a day with breaks" (ROFL)
I can't wait to see the new items! I loved the cog suites and shades. Maybe you can add a hat next time. Thanks for all the time you put in. If we can ever give back to you please let us know how! In the mean time know you are loved by TTR fans for allowing us to continue our "2 hour play a day with breaks" (ROFL)
Sir Pliny said on September 8, 2015 at 9:26 AM
A lab coat would be amazing! I have a Toon called Prof. Zooblezapper who really needs it to complete her look. It could be like the one Doctor Surlee wears. . .
A lab coat would be amazing! I have a Toon called Prof. Zooblezapper who really needs it to complete her look. It could be like the one Doctor Surlee wears. . .
Daisy ( 115 laff rose pink cat ) said on September 8, 2015 at 9:29 AM
Wow! Awesome! I can't wait for new accessories to come out! I'm also excited about the halloween outfits too!
Wow! Awesome! I can't wait for new accessories to come out! I'm also excited about the halloween outfits too!
Penelope ( 25 laff rose pink uber-to-be cat ) said on September 8, 2015 at 9:30 AM
Wow! Cool! I hope the accessories come out soon!
Wow! Cool! I hope the accessories come out soon!
Piedog said on September 8, 2015 at 9:30 AM
While cog fighting is how I live I must agree that changing clothes and even looking at how the shirts before and after is toontastic
While cog fighting is how I live I must agree that changing clothes and even looking at how the shirts before and after is toontastic
Dynochomp said on September 8, 2015 at 9:35 AM
Monty Featherklunk said on September 8, 2015 at 9:46 AM
Great post! Thank you for the infos! :) I would really, really love to see female toons running around with hair (ponytails for example). It could work like head accessory, so you can take it off at any time. (Or just steal some wigs from those Big Wigs during an invasion? *lol*)
Great post! Thank you for the infos! :) I would really, really love to see female toons running around with hair (ponytails for example). It could work like head accessory, so you can take it off at any time. (Or just steal some wigs from those Big Wigs during an invasion? *lol*)
Picklebubbles & Cute Wittle Duckie said on September 8, 2015 at 9:47 AM
great work so far! can't wait to see what's next
great work so far! can't wait to see what's next
Hiro said on September 8, 2015 at 9:50 AM
I love how the new accessories look in the pictures :D I can't wait for the Christmas items! please bring them out soon! keep up the good work! :D Toons of the world, Unite!
I love how the new accessories look in the pictures :D I can't wait for the Christmas items! please bring them out soon! keep up the good work! :D Toons of the world, Unite!
Brittney said on September 8, 2015 at 10:16 AM
Owooo! I would love to see what comes around with ToonFest! I'm so excited, and i truly wonder, will there be anymore Cog Related accessories... hmm...
Owooo! I would love to see what comes around with ToonFest! I'm so excited, and i truly wonder, will there be anymore Cog Related accessories... hmm...
Pickleburger said on September 8, 2015 at 10:17 AM
Cool!!! I can't wait!
Cool!!! I can't wait!
Sir Peanut said on September 8, 2015 at 10:17 AM
Genius! That tophat seems a bit steampunk-ish to me... Is this a sign.?
Genius! That tophat seems a bit steampunk-ish to me... Is this a sign.?
Puddle Paws said on September 8, 2015 at 10:21 AM
This is something I've been curious about for a while! Thanks!
This is something I've been curious about for a while! Thanks!
King Cricket said on September 8, 2015 at 10:22 AM
In regard to new ideas, I have one word. That word, is gloves. New gloves. colored gloves. That is all.
In regard to new ideas, I have one word. That word, is gloves. New gloves. colored gloves. That is all.
Spike said on September 8, 2015 at 10:31 AM
Maybe toons who came up with an idea for clothing / accessories, then it gets put into the game, should be given that item as soon it's released. Then it should look different to others to show them THAT toon made that. Maybe a particle effect or something? There should also be a place on the website where all toons can share their ideas of clothing to spread the word on their idea, and people can rate it and comment on it.
Maybe toons who came up with an idea for clothing / accessories, then it gets put into the game, should be given that item as soon it's released. Then it should look different to others to show them THAT toon made that. Maybe a particle effect or something? There should also be a place on the website where all toons can share their ideas of clothing to spread the word on their idea, and people can rate it and comment on it.
Master Z.Z. said on September 8, 2015 at 10:44 AM
Oh wow! The sneak peek looks great! :D NEW EXPANSIONS?!?! WE NEED THEM. O_O Also, one thing I've noticed about clothing: Almost EVERY article of clothing on the front page of the cattlelog, is a shirt like 9/10 it's a shirt and I can't keep up with my shirts if I can't get a lot of shorts. D: Thanks Slate and the TTR Team for bringing us the awesome game back, and I can't wait for ToonFest 2015's apparel! See you all at ToonFest! (Hopefully..) Are YOU Toon Enough? -Master Z.Z.
Oh wow! The sneak peek looks great! :D NEW EXPANSIONS?!?! WE NEED THEM. O_O Also, one thing I've noticed about clothing: Almost EVERY article of clothing on the front page of the cattlelog, is a shirt like 9/10 it's a shirt and I can't keep up with my shirts if I can't get a lot of shorts. D: Thanks Slate and the TTR Team for bringing us the awesome game back, and I can't wait for ToonFest 2015's apparel! See you all at ToonFest! (Hopefully..) Are YOU Toon Enough? -Master Z.Z.
Sunny Buddy said on September 8, 2015 at 10:46 AM
Whoa! Nice clothing! You should be a fashion designer for toons!
Whoa! Nice clothing! You should be a fashion designer for toons!
Lagtastic said on September 8, 2015 at 10:52 AM
Im so glad :D nice job guys and girls :D
Im so glad :D nice job guys and girls :D
Fantastical Fox said on September 8, 2015 at 10:55 AM
There are many things I'd like to see come out in game, but I think wings and a darker shade of blue converse would be cool!
There are many things I'd like to see come out in game, but I think wings and a darker shade of blue converse would be cool!
May said on September 8, 2015 at 11:09 AM
(Oh my gosh the comment section is empty XD) This is great! And I've really been seeing the need for more wardrobe space... I've always thought it would be cool if you could get different kinds of gloves.. but I doubt that's gonna happen :P.
(Oh my gosh the comment section is empty XD) This is great! And I've really been seeing the need for more wardrobe space... I've always thought it would be cool if you could get different kinds of gloves.. but I doubt that's gonna happen :P.
Ivory said on September 8, 2015 at 11:20 AM
Ive been missing the "Bird wings" and "Bat wings" from Toontown online that completes my original tto character outfit ;-; would like to see them again... or hope the wings are improved! <3 thx
Ive been missing the "Bird wings" and "Bat wings" from Toontown online that completes my original tto character outfit ;-; would like to see them again... or hope the wings are improved! <3 thx
Dark Tiger said on September 8, 2015 at 11:32 AM
These are perfect, Slate! I'll be sure to wear them! And yes, I'm in depressed help in a new closet, I hate deleting clothes I'd still love to wear, haha! Thanks so much!!! :) ~Tiger
These are perfect, Slate! I'll be sure to wear them! And yes, I'm in depressed help in a new closet, I hate deleting clothes I'd still love to wear, haha! Thanks so much!!! :) ~Tiger
Queen said on September 8, 2015 at 11:33 AM
Yay! more wardrobe space! I've been having the mailbox glitch and found out it was just my closet that was full! Thanks TTR Team! Im excited for Toonfest too :D thanks for all the new things coming to the game....Oh and one more thing! If its possible, could you make a lion outfit? with a mane for a hat, lion boots and possibly a tail for a backpack? That would be awesome :) thanks, your hard work is really paying off !
Yay! more wardrobe space! I've been having the mailbox glitch and found out it was just my closet that was full! Thanks TTR Team! Im excited for Toonfest too :D thanks for all the new things coming to the game....Oh and one more thing! If its possible, could you make a lion outfit? with a mane for a hat, lion boots and possibly a tail for a backpack? That would be awesome :) thanks, your hard work is really paying off !
Boggo Doggo said on September 8, 2015 at 11:33 AM
Will there be Accessory Trunk expansions?
Will there be Accessory Trunk expansions?
Duke Spike said on September 8, 2015 at 11:38 AM
Nice!, looking forward to it!
Nice!, looking forward to it!
Little Tom Jabbermonkey said on September 8, 2015 at 11:39 AM
These new items look great! I could use black shades (undercover secret agent kinda thing), tie dye shorts, possibly a black fedora, boots, and a suit shirt (I mean we have black cats don't we?). Basically some darker clothing like the Vampire shorts would be cool since we have a wide range of colors, white, and only a few black/dark clothing items. Keep up the great work!! :D
These new items look great! I could use black shades (undercover secret agent kinda thing), tie dye shorts, possibly a black fedora, boots, and a suit shirt (I mean we have black cats don't we?). Basically some darker clothing like the Vampire shorts would be cool since we have a wide range of colors, white, and only a few black/dark clothing items. Keep up the great work!! :D
Cool Pinky said on September 8, 2015 at 11:45 AM
I love all the clothes and accessories that we made! I also love the bow and the top hat! :D I can't wait for Toonfest 2015! Woo! I have an idea for a new shirt design. The design would have the word "TOONTASTIC!" with confetti around it! I think it would look awesome!
I love all the clothes and accessories that we made! I also love the bow and the top hat! :D I can't wait for Toonfest 2015! Woo! I have an idea for a new shirt design. The design would have the word "TOONTASTIC!" with confetti around it! I think it would look awesome!
Dutchess said on September 8, 2015 at 11:56 AM
I Cant wait for the new items. I really like the bowtie
I Cant wait for the new items. I really like the bowtie
Fredrick said on September 8, 2015 at 11:57 AM
I just want to time travel to September 19 and see all the new things already!
I just want to time travel to September 19 and see all the new things already!
Apple Quacks said on September 8, 2015 at 12:06 PM
I love the new outfits! I got the full jester and its fun to wear. I would like to see a Sushi Roll or Cheeseburger backpack. That would be so cool, and fit in!
I love the new outfits! I got the full jester and its fun to wear. I would like to see a Sushi Roll or Cheeseburger backpack. That would be so cool, and fit in!
Apple Quacks said on September 8, 2015 at 12:09 PM
Adding on to the accessories I suggested, what about a picnic tablecloth shirt and summer jeans? You could add watermelon stains or cheese or something on them to give a toony effect without being gross! And it would match the Cheesburger Backpack!
Adding on to the accessories I suggested, what about a picnic tablecloth shirt and summer jeans? You could add watermelon stains or cheese or something on them to give a toony effect without being gross! And it would match the Cheesburger Backpack!
Funny Quackers said on September 8, 2015 at 12:12 PM
Sounds cool! The new accessories look fantastic! And, yes, I can understand how hard it is to try to make the textures fit all those variations of the model. Nice work!
Sounds cool! The new accessories look fantastic! And, yes, I can understand how hard it is to try to make the textures fit all those variations of the model. Nice work!
Sol said on September 8, 2015 at 12:22 PM
Omg. Flower crowns. Pls <3 and closet expansions!!! thankyousomuch
Omg. Flower crowns. Pls <3 and closet expansions!!! thankyousomuch
McCheeseburger said on September 8, 2015 at 12:30 PM
I'm looking forward to that green top hat with the logo on the side. It will definitely replace my black top hat.
I'm looking forward to that green top hat with the logo on the side. It will definitely replace my black top hat.
Sampson said on September 8, 2015 at 12:31 PM
This is all great, I love the accessories from toontown online
This is all great, I love the accessories from toontown online
Chocolate said on September 8, 2015 at 12:37 PM
Well this is a spectacle I need to see! Thank you for doing this for us and I'm glad you're our staff. It moves me to joy.
Well this is a spectacle I need to see! Thank you for doing this for us and I'm glad you're our staff. It moves me to joy.
Louis said on September 8, 2015 at 12:41 PM
If you ask me, limiting the Beta Bug Hunter outfit to Closed Beta players was unfair and mean. A lot of people would have liked it, but they couldn't wear it just because they didn't get a beta key, even though some of them tried very hard, including me.
If you ask me, limiting the Beta Bug Hunter outfit to Closed Beta players was unfair and mean. A lot of people would have liked it, but they couldn't wear it just because they didn't get a beta key, even though some of them tried very hard, including me.
Jake said on September 8, 2015 at 12:50 PM
Awesome this is something I've been waiting for a long time! Keep up the good work!
Awesome this is something I've been waiting for a long time! Keep up the good work!
Mister WackyMash said on September 8, 2015 at 12:59 PM
I'd like to see Gloves as an accessory. White-gloves are more Disney related than TTR.
I'd like to see Gloves as an accessory. White-gloves are more Disney related than TTR.
Flapjoe (77 laff) said on September 8, 2015 at 1:00 PM
Cool! New shirts and upcoming events! Like ToonFest 2015!!! SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!! :D
Cool! New shirts and upcoming events! Like ToonFest 2015!!! SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!! :D
Master Peppy Jabbertwist said on September 8, 2015 at 1:05 PM
I love this idea, AND how we DO need these wardrobe expansions! I'm going to stay with my outfit, while it will be fun though, to see the other wacky outfits other toons are wearing!
I love this idea, AND how we DO need these wardrobe expansions! I'm going to stay with my outfit, while it will be fun though, to see the other wacky outfits other toons are wearing!
Little Rainbow said on September 8, 2015 at 1:10 PM
Nice work slate! I must say that donut bow idea is something I must have.
Nice work slate! I must say that donut bow idea is something I must have.
Whiskers said on September 8, 2015 at 1:11 PM
Im so excited for Toonfest! Its right around the corner. And the hat and bow for Toonfest look amazing! I can't wait for therm! I know Toonfest 2015 will be worth the wait!
Im so excited for Toonfest! Its right around the corner. And the hat and bow for Toonfest look amazing! I can't wait for therm! I know Toonfest 2015 will be worth the wait!
Aria said on September 8, 2015 at 1:14 PM
I love that new cupcake bow!! I absolutely can't wait until it comes out, it's just so adorable! Looking forward to seeing the other new accessories as well! Accessories I'd LOVE to see on here are the angel wings! Or even the rainbow wings! Heck, while I'm here, I might as well add butterfly wings to the list too! Those were my favorite accessories on TTO, and I wore them with just about everything, I'd love to see them make a comeback! :) Keep up the good work, and I'm impatiently awaiting the arrival of that cupcake bow! <3
I love that new cupcake bow!! I absolutely can't wait until it comes out, it's just so adorable! Looking forward to seeing the other new accessories as well! Accessories I'd LOVE to see on here are the angel wings! Or even the rainbow wings! Heck, while I'm here, I might as well add butterfly wings to the list too! Those were my favorite accessories on TTO, and I wore them with just about everything, I'd love to see them make a comeback! :) Keep up the good work, and I'm impatiently awaiting the arrival of that cupcake bow! <3
Miss Purple Durple said on September 8, 2015 at 1:22 PM
This was a awesome inside look into the clothing of TTR! After looking at those sneak peek accessories, I'm really excited to see what's coming up next! :D
This was a awesome inside look into the clothing of TTR! After looking at those sneak peek accessories, I'm really excited to see what's coming up next! :D
fire ring said on September 8, 2015 at 1:35 PM
you guys are so awesome!
you guys are so awesome!
Illusionx said on September 8, 2015 at 1:38 PM
Awesome! One of my favorite things about Toontown is the availability that you can make your toon wear whatever it is you want! Thanks Slate <3
Awesome! One of my favorite things about Toontown is the availability that you can make your toon wear whatever it is you want! Thanks Slate <3
Royal Dog said on September 8, 2015 at 1:38 PM
Where was the 2014 toonfest shirt changing shot?
Where was the 2014 toonfest shirt changing shot?
Pink Cat said on September 8, 2015 at 1:41 PM
I can't wait!
I can't wait!
Sheba said on September 8, 2015 at 1:46 PM
Love your Youtube Channel!! But anyway I am very excited for Toonfest. I feel like every year it will improve.. I'm hoping for a 100 item wardrobe!
Love your Youtube Channel!! But anyway I am very excited for Toonfest. I feel like every year it will improve.. I'm hoping for a 100 item wardrobe!
Super Cuckoo Zooblegargle said on September 8, 2015 at 1:46 PM
First of all, I love the bow tie in the picture. Second, I would LOVE to have my old TTO outfit back, comprised of a tie-dye t-shirt and skeleton-themed shorts. Thanks!!
First of all, I love the bow tie in the picture. Second, I would LOVE to have my old TTO outfit back, comprised of a tie-dye t-shirt and skeleton-themed shorts. Thanks!!
Duck Danger said on September 8, 2015 at 1:46 PM
I love it! The toons are much more personalized on TTR than on TTO. You guys have done great. Thank you!
I love it! The toons are much more personalized on TTR than on TTO. You guys have done great. Thank you!
Chica said on September 8, 2015 at 1:49 PM
Woo! I'm extremely hyped up for the new items!! Keep it up guys!
Woo! I'm extremely hyped up for the new items!! Keep it up guys!
Princess Dee Dee said on September 8, 2015 at 1:50 PM
OMG OMG OMG!!!!!! THIS IS SO COOL I LOVE YOU GUYS AND OMG OMG OMG THIS IS SO AWESOME I DIDNT KNOW THAT IS HOW YOU MAKE CLOTHES!!!! Omg sorry for the caps. anyways, I love all this new clothes!!! Tysm ttr!
OMG OMG OMG!!!!!! THIS IS SO COOL I LOVE YOU GUYS AND OMG OMG OMG THIS IS SO AWESOME I DIDNT KNOW THAT IS HOW YOU MAKE CLOTHES!!!! Omg sorry for the caps. anyways, I love all this new clothes!!! Tysm ttr!
jacob said on September 8, 2015 at 1:55 PM
I always wanted to read how clothes where made on ttr and the 2015 toonfest cant waits and also1 more thing you should put a full outfit tex see dough
I always wanted to read how clothes where made on ttr and the 2015 toonfest cant waits and also1 more thing you should put a full outfit tex see dough
Mrs. Dizzy Twinklefoot said on September 8, 2015 at 1:58 PM
I've turned into a fashionista! Thanks bunches for all the hard work and fashion design. Makes for great shopping!
I've turned into a fashionista! Thanks bunches for all the hard work and fashion design. Makes for great shopping!
Ooowoo said on September 8, 2015 at 2:08 PM
Yes I would like to have infinite wardrobe and trunk space. Those can fill up much faster than you expect. A cool outfit though might be a raincoat and an umbrella accessory. It should probably appear in the cattlelog with the other spring accessories.
Yes I would like to have infinite wardrobe and trunk space. Those can fill up much faster than you expect. A cool outfit though might be a raincoat and an umbrella accessory. It should probably appear in the cattlelog with the other spring accessories.
Furball DandyPounce said on September 8, 2015 at 2:08 PM
Toontastic! I can't wait for the new accessories! You guys probably work hard for catching bugs and making new accessories and stuff like that!
Toontastic! I can't wait for the new accessories! You guys probably work hard for catching bugs and making new accessories and stuff like that!
Lollipop Lemonswirl said on September 8, 2015 at 2:11 PM
Great work! I can't wait to see all the new accessories!
Great work! I can't wait to see all the new accessories!
Drake Softpaw said on September 8, 2015 at 2:13 PM
A quote: "smaller things like outfits and accessories have been released quite frequently." With all due respect, it's been quite a few (at least 10 or so) cattlelogs since I've seen any sort of real, new accessory (Save for the back-to-school backpack accessories I've seen most recently...) that the Cattlelog has gotten rather stale, like Cog oil that reached its expiration date... That being said, Toonfest can't come soon enough for me, for a little freshness in the Cattlelog... Thanks for all you do to make this game great!
A quote: "smaller things like outfits and accessories have been released quite frequently." With all due respect, it's been quite a few (at least 10 or so) cattlelogs since I've seen any sort of real, new accessory (Save for the back-to-school backpack accessories I've seen most recently...) that the Cattlelog has gotten rather stale, like Cog oil that reached its expiration date... That being said, Toonfest can't come soon enough for me, for a little freshness in the Cattlelog... Thanks for all you do to make this game great!
Ducky Momo said on September 8, 2015 at 2:17 PM
I am so happy Toonfest is almost here, and I think what would be pretty AWESOME to wear around Toontown is a Fishbowl hat! I think that would be pretty darn cool if you ask me! And that bow, and the hat look AMAZING! :) Omg I cant wait till Toonfest
I am so happy Toonfest is almost here, and I think what would be pretty AWESOME to wear around Toontown is a Fishbowl hat! I think that would be pretty darn cool if you ask me! And that bow, and the hat look AMAZING! :) Omg I cant wait till Toonfest
Meow said on September 8, 2015 at 2:24 PM
Sweet! I cant wait for the new Toontastic Toon Clothing!!!!! The designs are amazing Maya/Slate Blue Rabbit!!!
Sweet! I cant wait for the new Toontastic Toon Clothing!!!!! The designs are amazing Maya/Slate Blue Rabbit!!!
Sheriff Boo Boo Lemonberry said on September 8, 2015 at 2:33 PM
Me, Deputy Fireball and Baron von Meganugget would find it quite nice if there would be suits to go with our titles, but still colorful enough to fit in with TTR. All requests aside, I am intrigued to see the new accessories and clothes coming in ToonFest!
Me, Deputy Fireball and Baron von Meganugget would find it quite nice if there would be suits to go with our titles, but still colorful enough to fit in with TTR. All requests aside, I am intrigued to see the new accessories and clothes coming in ToonFest!
Lady Petunia Petaltoon said on September 8, 2015 at 2:36 PM
My white gloves are soooo dirty! How about a different color or even a purse?
My white gloves are soooo dirty! How about a different color or even a purse?
Prof. Bingo SmartyFace said on September 8, 2015 at 2:37 PM
That's Awesome! I Cant wait to get clothes! I'm Low On Jellybeans.. Trolly Time!
That's Awesome! I Cant wait to get clothes! I'm Low On Jellybeans.. Trolly Time!
Master Clyde said on September 8, 2015 at 2:44 PM
Perhaps a fancy shirt containing black? There aren't that many black shirts in the game and I for one think it would be a great Halloween item. #Hashtag
Perhaps a fancy shirt containing black? There aren't that many black shirts in the game and I for one think it would be a great Halloween item. #Hashtag
said on September 8, 2015 at 2:46 PM
I wonder if pants are possible, what if your shorts aren't enough in the arctic pluto's pole (or whatever that name is, stupid memory flaw) or just for fashion. and why not long-armed shirts, like sweaters or other stuff like that..
I wonder if pants are possible, what if your shorts aren't enough in the arctic pluto's pole (or whatever that name is, stupid memory flaw) or just for fashion. and why not long-armed shirts, like sweaters or other stuff like that..
Blue Bonnet said on September 8, 2015 at 2:47 PM
Hi Maya, thanks for all your hard work. I would love to see wings come back.
Hi Maya, thanks for all your hard work. I would love to see wings come back.
Sheriff Fireball Wrinklezapper said on September 8, 2015 at 2:49 PM
Instead of having the camera view us while we change our clothes and accessories, we should have an actual mirror. That is my idea.
Instead of having the camera view us while we change our clothes and accessories, we should have an actual mirror. That is my idea.
Presto said on September 8, 2015 at 2:54 PM
Omg someone please make a Ice cream cone party hat to go with the tie!!!! =^-^=
Omg someone please make a Ice cream cone party hat to go with the tie!!!! =^-^=
Captain Vicky Petalcrunch said on September 8, 2015 at 2:59 PM
i CANNOT wait for the accessories!!!!
i CANNOT wait for the accessories!!!!
King Fritz said on September 8, 2015 at 2:59 PM
I would like to see a Bottom Feeder backpack personally :)
I would like to see a Bottom Feeder backpack personally :)
Royal Blue Cat said on September 8, 2015 at 3:01 PM
Thank you! I can't wait for new outfits, and accessories. That cupcake bow is adorable! I would love to see Toontown Central clothing to match all the new Toon colors. Thanks, keeps up the excellent work. :-)
Thank you! I can't wait for new outfits, and accessories. That cupcake bow is adorable! I would love to see Toontown Central clothing to match all the new Toon colors. Thanks, keeps up the excellent work. :-)
Peach Cat said on September 8, 2015 at 3:07 PM
Thank you to the ToontownRewritten Team! I would love to see accessory shops. Waiting a whole year for something you missed because you were stuck in the hospital is not very Toony. It would be amazing to have this implemented. Thanks, Peach Cat. :-)
Thank you to the ToontownRewritten Team! I would love to see accessory shops. Waiting a whole year for something you missed because you were stuck in the hospital is not very Toony. It would be amazing to have this implemented. Thanks, Peach Cat. :-)
giggles said on September 8, 2015 at 3:17 PM
Noisy Twinklebumper said on September 8, 2015 at 3:18 PM
Good luck to the designers!
Good luck to the designers!
Nevia Mist said on September 8, 2015 at 3:22 PM
such beautiful outfits! also can't wait for the expansion, I order things often and need space XD. I hope to see you there at toonfest Slate!
such beautiful outfits! also can't wait for the expansion, I order things often and need space XD. I hope to see you there at toonfest Slate!
Shockwave said on September 8, 2015 at 3:43 PM
Wow Slate! I love the new outfits! Keep working hard, I think all of us toons love what you do!
Wow Slate! I love the new outfits! Keep working hard, I think all of us toons love what you do!
Mala said on September 8, 2015 at 3:44 PM
Dang, now I want that chocolate sprinkles ribbon. Can't wait to see what else y'all come up with ~
Dang, now I want that chocolate sprinkles ribbon. Can't wait to see what else y'all come up with ~
Princess Strawberry Paws said on September 8, 2015 at 3:48 PM
is it possible for you to make high tops or high heels on toontown for clothes? Thanks for making toontown look so awesome!
is it possible for you to make high tops or high heels on toontown for clothes? Thanks for making toontown look so awesome!
Quacktastic said on September 8, 2015 at 3:49 PM
Wow, I'm the first toon to see this! I certainly can't wait for Toonfest Or Halloween Accessories, but I'm expecting great work! Thanks, Slate!
Wow, I'm the first toon to see this! I certainly can't wait for Toonfest Or Halloween Accessories, but I'm expecting great work! Thanks, Slate!
Skye said on September 8, 2015 at 3:54 PM
For an Accessory idea I'd suggest a Donut Hat or Backpack even Donut glasses.
For an Accessory idea I'd suggest a Donut Hat or Backpack even Donut glasses.
captain awesome said on September 8, 2015 at 3:59 PM
this is very cool slate cant wait for the new clothes for toonfest 2015 i am hyped
this is very cool slate cant wait for the new clothes for toonfest 2015 i am hyped
Broken Memories said on September 8, 2015 at 4:01 PM
Awesome! The new accessories look sweet! Too bad I won't be at home for In-Game Toonfest. But I'm excited for Doodles coming soon!
Awesome! The new accessories look sweet! Too bad I won't be at home for In-Game Toonfest. But I'm excited for Doodles coming soon!
Toony McToonerson said on September 8, 2015 at 4:02 PM
Yes! I hope you guys release more clothes and accessories in the next update.
Yes! I hope you guys release more clothes and accessories in the next update.
Broken Memories (again) said on September 8, 2015 at 4:05 PM
Sorry for posting again, but I do want to see Flunky Glasses as an accessory. Or even a Toontown Rewritten Shirt!
Sorry for posting again, but I do want to see Flunky Glasses as an accessory. Or even a Toontown Rewritten Shirt!
Miss Swiss said on September 8, 2015 at 4:10 PM
Wow Slate, you do a stupendous job on these outfits!
Wow Slate, you do a stupendous job on these outfits!
Little Foot said on September 8, 2015 at 4:12 PM
Wow, these accessories and items look FASHIONTASTIC!! What wonderful ideas people have in mind :D I cannot wait to try them on once I'm finally able to get inside the game (if the mac launcher is updated to a certain point...)
Wow, these accessories and items look FASHIONTASTIC!! What wonderful ideas people have in mind :D I cannot wait to try them on once I'm finally able to get inside the game (if the mac launcher is updated to a certain point...)
Levi Grumpypants said on September 8, 2015 at 4:14 PM
Awesome!!! Fashion is one of my favorite things in toontown. I LOVE the new accessories!
Awesome!!! Fashion is one of my favorite things in toontown. I LOVE the new accessories!
EPIC TOON said on September 8, 2015 at 4:17 PM
Jessica Funnycat said on September 8, 2015 at 4:20 PM
Omg, I cant wait to get all the new ítems in the future. That bow and hat look awesome. I wish you good luck with coming up with new ideas for future outfits and accessories.
Omg, I cant wait to get all the new ítems in the future. That bow and hat look awesome. I wish you good luck with coming up with new ideas for future outfits and accessories.
KITT said on September 8, 2015 at 4:27 PM
Yas! so exciting! i definitely need that bigger wardrobe!! I must say i love bright colors tho XD especially bright bright orange. I can see why some might disagree though.. My sister adds ' please no wings, tails, horns and claws thx '
Yas! so exciting! i definitely need that bigger wardrobe!! I must say i love bright colors tho XD especially bright bright orange. I can see why some might disagree though.. My sister adds ' please no wings, tails, horns and claws thx '
Trevor The Cat said on September 8, 2015 at 4:29 PM
When are the codes coming out? Also the accessories look great!
When are the codes coming out? Also the accessories look great!
Princess candy hulahopper said on September 8, 2015 at 4:30 PM
I think sandals, yoga pants, and just plain old blue jeans. There should be different type of jeans too like skinny jeans, boot cut jeans, and straight fitin jeans. I think wigs would be pretty cool to add too.
I think sandals, yoga pants, and just plain old blue jeans. There should be different type of jeans too like skinny jeans, boot cut jeans, and straight fitin jeans. I think wigs would be pretty cool to add too.
Princess Trixie said on September 8, 2015 at 4:31 PM
Cant wait so excited for this Slate and TTR team! :D
Cant wait so excited for this Slate and TTR team! :D
Princess Midnight said on September 8, 2015 at 4:35 PM
Awesome! Something I've always wanted in the game was some sort of black clothing, and not just halloween items! I know black isnt the brightest color, but I know a lot of my friends feel the same way about wanting to have their toons wear similar clothes that their humans wear! I also really miss the wings in the game, like how they were on old toontown, like the angel wings, and the bat wings, ect. I wish those could be brought back!! Also, something me and my friend really want are some sort of musical unstruments! Maybe a guitar on the back, a backpack with drumsticks, stuff like that!
Awesome! Something I've always wanted in the game was some sort of black clothing, and not just halloween items! I know black isnt the brightest color, but I know a lot of my friends feel the same way about wanting to have their toons wear similar clothes that their humans wear! I also really miss the wings in the game, like how they were on old toontown, like the angel wings, and the bat wings, ect. I wish those could be brought back!! Also, something me and my friend really want are some sort of musical unstruments! Maybe a guitar on the back, a backpack with drumsticks, stuff like that!
Princess Midnight said on September 8, 2015 at 4:37 PM
And one more thing, I really wish the girl toons on toontown could wear the striped shirts! I mean, boys and girls can both have all the accessories now, why not some of the shirts?
And one more thing, I really wish the girl toons on toontown could wear the striped shirts! I mean, boys and girls can both have all the accessories now, why not some of the shirts?
Xavier said on September 8, 2015 at 4:44 PM
There should be a fashion show.
There should be a fashion show.
anita nap said on September 8, 2015 at 4:44 PM
I would really like to see the pet shop open with doodles making a comeback. With this it would be great to see clothing that has a picture of our doodles on them. I love the new clothes but doodles would be great to be part of the game as it was in Disney's on line ToonTown. Besides gardening, feeding and walking our doodles would be a big part of things to do at out ToonTown homes.
I would really like to see the pet shop open with doodles making a comeback. With this it would be great to see clothing that has a picture of our doodles on them. I love the new clothes but doodles would be great to be part of the game as it was in Disney's on line ToonTown. Besides gardening, feeding and walking our doodles would be a big part of things to do at out ToonTown homes.
Sir Milton said on September 8, 2015 at 4:49 PM
I can't wait to see the redesign of Toontown Rewritten!
I can't wait to see the redesign of Toontown Rewritten!
GRELL said on September 8, 2015 at 5:03 PM
please fix the aviators and other sunglasses to be tinted again they look so weird now!! Bring back the old TTO look of them
please fix the aviators and other sunglasses to be tinted again they look so weird now!! Bring back the old TTO look of them
Lucky Dash said on September 8, 2015 at 5:18 PM
I've always wanted a spaceman outfit, it would be nice for my "daily 2 hours" I spend with the game.
I've always wanted a spaceman outfit, it would be nice for my "daily 2 hours" I spend with the game.
Ziggy Twiddlegloop said on September 8, 2015 at 5:21 PM
Those accessories are so beautifully made! I am simply awestruck by the Rewritten team's caliber.
Those accessories are so beautifully made! I am simply awestruck by the Rewritten team's caliber.
Mason said on September 8, 2015 at 5:31 PM
You better have that Mad Hatter looking hat or I will rage.
You better have that Mad Hatter looking hat or I will rage.
Yoshi said on September 8, 2015 at 5:35 PM
Maybe there could be clothes and accessories for doodles when they come out!
Maybe there could be clothes and accessories for doodles when they come out!
Bark Bark said on September 8, 2015 at 5:36 PM
Ha ha awesome! I've had a maxed jellybean bank for awhile and almost everything in the cattlelog so I hope more is to come!
Ha ha awesome! I've had a maxed jellybean bank for awhile and almost everything in the cattlelog so I hope more is to come!
Soniic said on September 8, 2015 at 5:42 PM
I can't wait to buy the new items! I wonder if there is going to be enough space for me to have them all ^-^!!!
I can't wait to buy the new items! I wonder if there is going to be enough space for me to have them all ^-^!!!
Cliff - Cliffworks (@GameSurge irc) said on September 8, 2015 at 5:43 PM
Hey Slate, that's perfect. In fact, I've been very irritated having to delete items that I might wear in the future. I've always thought 100 or 150 would be a cool "magic number" to be set as a limit on wardrobes. I would definitely love to see creative glove designs (not glove colors), headphones, hand-held accessories, walking doodles around in Toontown, driving your cart at a justified speed, long-sized pants, jackets, long scarfs, hair styles, and more detailed shirts that have a very royal and high-style design. Thank you :)
Hey Slate, that's perfect. In fact, I've been very irritated having to delete items that I might wear in the future. I've always thought 100 or 150 would be a cool "magic number" to be set as a limit on wardrobes. I would definitely love to see creative glove designs (not glove colors), headphones, hand-held accessories, walking doodles around in Toontown, driving your cart at a justified speed, long-sized pants, jackets, long scarfs, hair styles, and more detailed shirts that have a very royal and high-style design. Thank you :)
Trixie Wonderswirl said on September 8, 2015 at 5:49 PM
OMG! I love the bow thats coming out on Toonfest! Its so adorable! I cant wait to see all the other ones when they come out! :D
OMG! I love the bow thats coming out on Toonfest! Its so adorable! I cant wait to see all the other ones when they come out! :D
Bearly Here said on September 8, 2015 at 6:14 PM
One of my favorite things about TTR is the great clothes and accessories in each of Clarabelle's Cattelogs! I can't wait to see what's next...and for a wardrobe expansion! This Bear is a Fashionesta and a shopaholic!
One of my favorite things about TTR is the great clothes and accessories in each of Clarabelle's Cattelogs! I can't wait to see what's next...and for a wardrobe expansion! This Bear is a Fashionesta and a shopaholic!
Miss Hazel said on September 8, 2015 at 6:24 PM
So excited to see everything! I have no doubts that they're all gonna be awesome.
So excited to see everything! I have no doubts that they're all gonna be awesome.
Fluffy Fuzzywoof said on September 8, 2015 at 6:26 PM
Hey that cog gear top hat reminds me of one of my entries only green,not black....
Hey that cog gear top hat reminds me of one of my entries only green,not black....
Commander Cobra said on September 8, 2015 at 6:38 PM
Coool. When willl doodles be out and more emotes?
Coool. When willl doodles be out and more emotes?
Kody said on September 8, 2015 at 6:43 PM
I like the new accessories coming in and i can't wait to see what you guys have in store for the future :)
I like the new accessories coming in and i can't wait to see what you guys have in store for the future :)
Mousey said on September 8, 2015 at 6:52 PM
i LOVE that jellybean bow. i hope it comes with a matching outfit. Bows are my favorite accessory i hope theres many new bows to come. :) I would also love to see the square glasses in other colors, maybe some pink and blue square glasses, and i really would love a pink dino costume for girl toons to have this halloween please.
i LOVE that jellybean bow. i hope it comes with a matching outfit. Bows are my favorite accessory i hope theres many new bows to come. :) I would also love to see the square glasses in other colors, maybe some pink and blue square glasses, and i really would love a pink dino costume for girl toons to have this halloween please.
Miss Melody Thundertoon said on September 8, 2015 at 6:55 PM
I would absolutely love some black clothing. I'd really like to be able to have my toon somewhat match my style and real life, and I just love black T-shirts. My favorite outfit on toontown was the spiderweb shirt. Really hoping it becomes available in October, but other black shirts would be nice as well! :)
I would absolutely love some black clothing. I'd really like to be able to have my toon somewhat match my style and real life, and I just love black T-shirts. My favorite outfit on toontown was the spiderweb shirt. Really hoping it becomes available in October, but other black shirts would be nice as well! :)
Alainnah said on September 8, 2015 at 7:01 PM
I would love to see a dress for my toon. If you could make a shirt and skirt that when worn together look like a dress - that would be incredible! I'd also love to see bow ties and suspenders. (Perhaps they could be one accessory together as a 'backpack'.)
I would love to see a dress for my toon. If you could make a shirt and skirt that when worn together look like a dress - that would be incredible! I'd also love to see bow ties and suspenders. (Perhaps they could be one accessory together as a 'backpack'.)
Little Valentine Sparklejinks said on September 8, 2015 at 7:59 PM
Is that a mad hatter hat?! YESSS!!!
Is that a mad hatter hat?! YESSS!!!
Cool bongokookycrash said on September 8, 2015 at 8:01 PM
I want some wings and can u bring back the black cat thing again Plz I missed it and I really want to be black
I want some wings and can u bring back the black cat thing again Plz I missed it and I really want to be black
Panthertuft said on September 8, 2015 at 8:06 PM
Ooh! I'd love to see some handheld items like wands, bouquets, swords, and whatnot. It'd also be fantastic to have a vehicle like a hoverboard or a skateboard. Although, I guess both those ideas would have to go somewhere during cog battles. I'd also love to see some stylish gloves, sweaters, scarves, and earmuffs for the winter. I barely have enough jellybeans in my bank, I guess I'll have to control how much I spend in the Cattlelog now.
Ooh! I'd love to see some handheld items like wands, bouquets, swords, and whatnot. It'd also be fantastic to have a vehicle like a hoverboard or a skateboard. Although, I guess both those ideas would have to go somewhere during cog battles. I'd also love to see some stylish gloves, sweaters, scarves, and earmuffs for the winter. I barely have enough jellybeans in my bank, I guess I'll have to control how much I spend in the Cattlelog now.
Cool bongo kookycrash said on September 8, 2015 at 8:06 PM
when are u going to bring back Doodles. :D
when are u going to bring back Doodles. :D
Buford said on September 8, 2015 at 8:16 PM
could you possibly make one blank out fit we could use to import our oun textures on to?
could you possibly make one blank out fit we could use to import our oun textures on to?
said on September 8, 2015 at 8:20 PM
why not have a special ttr custom shirt for each toon? basic things like colour, pattern, type can be decided :)
why not have a special ttr custom shirt for each toon? basic things like colour, pattern, type can be decided :)
Suomi said on September 8, 2015 at 8:26 PM
This is gonna be epic
This is gonna be epic
Crazy Banana Bonkers said on September 8, 2015 at 9:26 PM
It's really so exciting just to receive these news from you all! THANK YOU for making it so fun and give us something to look forward to! OMGoodness, I can't hold down my excitement. In total anticipation!
It's really so exciting just to receive these news from you all! THANK YOU for making it so fun and give us something to look forward to! OMGoodness, I can't hold down my excitement. In total anticipation!
Sir Cogwreaker said on September 8, 2015 at 9:29 PM
I am always looking forward to anything you all bring to TTR because it has been so good all this time. Keep up the great work, TTR... we really really appreciate your hard work!
I am always looking forward to anything you all bring to TTR because it has been so good all this time. Keep up the great work, TTR... we really really appreciate your hard work!
Lucky JJ Doggenspeed said on September 8, 2015 at 9:29 PM
I really want to see clothes from Kingdom Hearts to make an appearance on TTR. Sora, Roxas, etc. would be really nice.
I really want to see clothes from Kingdom Hearts to make an appearance on TTR. Sora, Roxas, etc. would be really nice.
Katzdoodle said on September 8, 2015 at 9:54 PM
More space for wardrobes? Amazing! :D
More space for wardrobes? Amazing! :D
Happy said on September 8, 2015 at 9:55 PM
Mouse-Ka-Toon said on September 8, 2015 at 10:01 PM
Would love to have bow neck ties for boys; not the bows for the heads please! Boy toons look really weird with bows on their heads. Other outfits I can think of are knight armors, work outfits like, Painter dungerees, ninja outfit, karate outfits, chef outfits, delivery man know what I mean, right? That will be quite fun. Thanks!
Would love to have bow neck ties for boys; not the bows for the heads please! Boy toons look really weird with bows on their heads. Other outfits I can think of are knight armors, work outfits like, Painter dungerees, ninja outfit, karate outfits, chef outfits, delivery man know what I mean, right? That will be quite fun. Thanks!
Lily Daffodilly (FrostTiger) said on September 8, 2015 at 10:57 PM
As autumn creeps in with its warm colours, I say it would be pretty nifty to have a scarf (Sniff, was that a cold I just caught?), warm and fuzzy earmuffs with a traditional theme and a more unique style (Bird feathers, raccoon-ish stripes, fox/squirrel styled "tail"? Autumn animals, you know) and perhaps a jacket or long trousers to go with it (Leaf patterned, acorns, chestnuts?). Some new wacky pants would be totally appreciated, even if they weren't autumn themed! :D
As autumn creeps in with its warm colours, I say it would be pretty nifty to have a scarf (Sniff, was that a cold I just caught?), warm and fuzzy earmuffs with a traditional theme and a more unique style (Bird feathers, raccoon-ish stripes, fox/squirrel styled "tail"? Autumn animals, you know) and perhaps a jacket or long trousers to go with it (Leaf patterned, acorns, chestnuts?). Some new wacky pants would be totally appreciated, even if they weren't autumn themed! :D
Sir Trickalot said on September 9, 2015 at 12:36 AM
Owooooo! This is so Awesome! But in the picture of Slate where it says "Before" the background is a field office! Maybe it is foreshadowing them and will be out soon?
Owooooo! This is so Awesome! But in the picture of Slate where it says "Before" the background is a field office! Maybe it is foreshadowing them and will be out soon?
Little Mummy Twinkletoon said on September 9, 2015 at 1:33 AM
When it's time to celebrate the Halloween toon spirit! Can we have pumpkin & bat backpacks just an idea. :)
When it's time to celebrate the Halloween toon spirit! Can we have pumpkin & bat backpacks just an idea. :)
Ruby said on September 9, 2015 at 1:41 AM
I would love more clothing of scarfs as you've only released one design back at Christmas. Maybe a sock design? To suit with the converse style? Like knee high socks etc just might look more appealing with skirts and shorts. Oh and a glove design with a range of different colors that be great! Thanks!
I would love more clothing of scarfs as you've only released one design back at Christmas. Maybe a sock design? To suit with the converse style? Like knee high socks etc just might look more appealing with skirts and shorts. Oh and a glove design with a range of different colors that be great! Thanks!
Crazy CHipper Bumbledorf Jr said on September 9, 2015 at 2:38 AM
I have great wing tip shoes and no formal wear to go with them. It would be great to identify myself as unique in this fashion. Thank you.
I have great wing tip shoes and no formal wear to go with them. It would be great to identify myself as unique in this fashion. Thank you.
Queen Violet said on September 9, 2015 at 3:59 AM
I love Toontown fashion so cool to see how they make it. Totally love the new bow can't wait to get my hands err paws on it :)
I love Toontown fashion so cool to see how they make it. Totally love the new bow can't wait to get my hands err paws on it :)
Pink Boy said on September 9, 2015 at 4:14 AM
Awesome! For the new outfits, you should have a shirt for each level 7 gag. A shirt for wedding cake, geyser, Toontanic, etc. Hope you guys like this idea!
Awesome! For the new outfits, you should have a shirt for each level 7 gag. A shirt for wedding cake, geyser, Toontanic, etc. Hope you guys like this idea!
King Droopy Electrohoffer said on September 9, 2015 at 5:13 AM
I've always wanted to see wigs in the game as a head accessory, that would be amazing.
I've always wanted to see wigs in the game as a head accessory, that would be amazing.
cool fireball/thunderboom said on September 9, 2015 at 6:20 AM
so awesome!!
so awesome!!
Gavin(64 laff aqua blue soundless dog) said on September 9, 2015 at 6:33 AM
Cool. Slate has always made the best new designs.
Cool. Slate has always made the best new designs.
said on September 9, 2015 at 7:10 AM
Will the "Cog Control Hat" be coming back soon? I miss it.
Will the "Cog Control Hat" be coming back soon? I miss it.
Sir Lancelot Dizzyfish (Yet Again...) said on September 9, 2015 at 7:20 AM
Sorry for post 3 times but will you ever release the oh-so cute "Flunky Glasses" that were scrapped from ToonTown Online?
Sorry for post 3 times but will you ever release the oh-so cute "Flunky Glasses" that were scrapped from ToonTown Online?
Alexis said on September 9, 2015 at 7:20 AM
Oh gosh! I've wanted to see 'alice in wonderland' themed clothing for a while, and looks like they are bringing out the hatters hat! I can't wait too see how the new stuff looks on my toon!
Oh gosh! I've wanted to see 'alice in wonderland' themed clothing for a while, and looks like they are bringing out the hatters hat! I can't wait too see how the new stuff looks on my toon!
Cuddles Fuzzysprinkles (113 Laff) said on September 9, 2015 at 7:40 AM
Tiaras, sandals, and dresses (or longer skirts would do). Keep up the good work! And as always, STAY TOONTASTIC!
Tiaras, sandals, and dresses (or longer skirts would do). Keep up the good work! And as always, STAY TOONTASTIC!
Fireball Fuzzsprinkles (62 Laff EPIC blue cat bc blue is the hottest color of fire. XD said on September 9, 2015 at 7:46 AM
Cool outfits like a Bee or a Ninja (YOU HAVE TO ADD A NINJA OUTFIT, PLEASE!) or some(NINJA)thing like that. Thanks for all the other stuff! And as always STAY TOONTASTIC! :D
Cool outfits like a Bee or a Ninja (YOU HAVE TO ADD A NINJA OUTFIT, PLEASE!) or some(NINJA)thing like that. Thanks for all the other stuff! And as always STAY TOONTASTIC! :D
C.J. Weaselhoffer said on September 9, 2015 at 8:01 AM
Hope we get bowties!! Bowties are cool ;)
Hope we get bowties!! Bowties are cool ;)
Cuddles Fuzzysprinkles (113 Laff) said on September 9, 2015 at 8:08 AM
And what also would be nice is to have bows for EVERY gag like just the Level 7s or the Level 1s. Ya'll have the minds and Computers ya'll can figure it out. Thanks again!
And what also would be nice is to have bows for EVERY gag like just the Level 7s or the Level 1s. Ya'll have the minds and Computers ya'll can figure it out. Thanks again!
Ezio said on September 9, 2015 at 9:19 AM
I want to see more scarf designs. From the moment it came out, I was in love.
I want to see more scarf designs. From the moment it came out, I was in love.
Mishal said on September 9, 2015 at 10:01 AM
You know how in the old toontown we got to have those angel wings, fairy wings, and all that stuff? Well only for members but do you remember? I was thinking if you could bring that back and maybe if you would like to you can add new designs Also I remember we got to get trading cards if we sent you an idea and I was going to send you mine but I didn't have time. But my ideas were an goofy banana hat and the attack pack filled with not gags but fireworks! Cause what is toonfest without goofy hats and fireworks?
You know how in the old toontown we got to have those angel wings, fairy wings, and all that stuff? Well only for members but do you remember? I was thinking if you could bring that back and maybe if you would like to you can add new designs Also I remember we got to get trading cards if we sent you an idea and I was going to send you mine but I didn't have time. But my ideas were an goofy banana hat and the attack pack filled with not gags but fireworks! Cause what is toonfest without goofy hats and fireworks?
Good ol' Fleabag said on September 9, 2015 at 10:13 AM
I love being a well-dressed toon and I certainly could use a larger wardrobe! One simple thing I really, really want from Donald's Dreamland clothing shop is a brown skirt in the same color as the boy's shorts! really really really please please please!
I love being a well-dressed toon and I certainly could use a larger wardrobe! One simple thing I really, really want from Donald's Dreamland clothing shop is a brown skirt in the same color as the boy's shorts! really really really please please please!
Squeaking In Outta Space said on September 9, 2015 at 10:29 AM
That's super cool!
That's super cool!
Melody Gigglesmirk said on September 9, 2015 at 11:50 AM
Ahem.... WINGS!!.... Angel wings and dragon wings and butterfly wings galore!!....Thank you for your time.
Ahem.... WINGS!!.... Angel wings and dragon wings and butterfly wings galore!!....Thank you for your time.
Ruffelina said on September 9, 2015 at 12:58 PM
Oh, my goodness! I can't WAIT to get my expansions! :)
Oh, my goodness! I can't WAIT to get my expansions! :)
Fancy Freckles said on September 9, 2015 at 1:16 PM
How cool :) I'd love to see some wings in the catalog.
How cool :) I'd love to see some wings in the catalog.
Pippy FeatherMelon said on September 9, 2015 at 1:24 PM
Someone below me just said they always wanted to see headphones as an accessory, and I always have wanted them to be in the game too! And I LOVE the high top sneakers, but maybe you guys could expand of the color choices. Blue, green or maybe even red! :)
Someone below me just said they always wanted to see headphones as an accessory, and I always have wanted them to be in the game too! And I LOVE the high top sneakers, but maybe you guys could expand of the color choices. Blue, green or maybe even red! :)
Fleeting said on September 9, 2015 at 1:39 PM
I'm so excited for the new accessories! I think there should be flower crown accessories. They could be several colors like pink, blue, white, or a mix. o:
I'm so excited for the new accessories! I think there should be flower crown accessories. They could be several colors like pink, blue, white, or a mix. o:
Loopy von Loopendorf said on September 9, 2015 at 1:46 PM
My alt 'Cat' (short for Catatonic) so needs a Fancy Fedora like he needs pie and cake gags. I really wish there were more whitish cool cat hats around in game. As for the rest I so really really want foppish 18th century noble duds: giant dresses and hair for the ladies and really scary not-sure-what-that-is for the gentlemen.
My alt 'Cat' (short for Catatonic) so needs a Fancy Fedora like he needs pie and cake gags. I really wish there were more whitish cool cat hats around in game. As for the rest I so really really want foppish 18th century noble duds: giant dresses and hair for the ladies and really scary not-sure-what-that-is for the gentlemen.
Yellowtoad said on September 9, 2015 at 2:10 PM
Maybe a fishbowl to go over your toon's head
Maybe a fishbowl to go over your toon's head
Cooly said on September 9, 2015 at 2:24 PM
Well this is gonna be so awesome!
Well this is gonna be so awesome!
puplings said on September 9, 2015 at 2:37 PM
Wow! Awesome!!!!
Wow! Awesome!!!!
Josie said on September 9, 2015 at 2:37 PM
What do I want?! PURPLE BOWS!!! What do I want on them?! POLA DOTS OR STRIPES!!!.... Please??? :3
What do I want?! PURPLE BOWS!!! What do I want on them?! POLA DOTS OR STRIPES!!!.... Please??? :3
Kennaday said on September 9, 2015 at 2:42 PM
Very beautiful! Can't wait!
Very beautiful! Can't wait!
Blue Argon said on September 9, 2015 at 3:12 PM
I'm so glad to see more work being done in game :) You guys at TTR never disappoint. Keep it up you always amaze!
I'm so glad to see more work being done in game :) You guys at TTR never disappoint. Keep it up you always amaze!
Dark Bubble said on September 9, 2015 at 3:29 PM
i would love to see wings and beanies in the game! oh, and also some whiskers! that would be so cute! and a tail too maybe?? :3 different styled gloves would be great, or at least colors. c: so excited!!
i would love to see wings and beanies in the game! oh, and also some whiskers! that would be so cute! and a tail too maybe?? :3 different styled gloves would be great, or at least colors. c: so excited!!
Puppy Beagle said on September 9, 2015 at 3:50 PM
I'm really excited to see this! Cannot wait!
I'm really excited to see this! Cannot wait!
Dr. Ducksworth said on September 9, 2015 at 3:52 PM
Very Toontastic! I can't wait to see more amazing accessories! Maybe a Big Wig's Wig? Who knows?
Very Toontastic! I can't wait to see more amazing accessories! Maybe a Big Wig's Wig? Who knows?
Recursion said on September 9, 2015 at 3:59 PM
Wings in general would be a TOONTASTIC addition to allow us to spice up our toon!
Wings in general would be a TOONTASTIC addition to allow us to spice up our toon!
Recursion said on September 9, 2015 at 4:00 PM
Wings in general would be a TOONTASTIC way to allow us to spice us our toons! Also, if it is possible, the ability to change our gloves, like different types of gloves or glove colors, would also be creative.
Wings in general would be a TOONTASTIC way to allow us to spice us our toons! Also, if it is possible, the ability to change our gloves, like different types of gloves or glove colors, would also be creative.
Miss Icy Snowball said on September 9, 2015 at 4:07 PM
Wonderful! I would love to see more steampunk-ish designs in the future. Also, a winter outfit in ice blue would be amazing, like a Santa outfit with a skirt in ice blue and white instead of JUST in red and white. That one is my dream <3
Wonderful! I would love to see more steampunk-ish designs in the future. Also, a winter outfit in ice blue would be amazing, like a Santa outfit with a skirt in ice blue and white instead of JUST in red and white. That one is my dream <3
Miles said on September 9, 2015 at 4:14 PM
to be honest id like to see backpacks that are of famous toons. (flippy, slappy, etc...)
to be honest id like to see backpacks that are of famous toons. (flippy, slappy, etc...)
Good ol' Sammie said on September 9, 2015 at 4:56 PM
I would love to see headphones, and ski goggles again but maybe in a different color!
I would love to see headphones, and ski goggles again but maybe in a different color!
Ester said on September 9, 2015 at 5:12 PM
cant wait for toonfest
cant wait for toonfest
Lollipop said on September 9, 2015 at 5:13 PM
Headphones, earmuffs, more hats, wings Just a wider variety of items in general
Headphones, earmuffs, more hats, wings Just a wider variety of items in general
Aqua said on September 9, 2015 at 5:18 PM
newer fairy wings maybe :o ive always wanted to see pastel pink and lavender accesories.
newer fairy wings maybe :o ive always wanted to see pastel pink and lavender accesories.
little flipper smirk said on September 9, 2015 at 5:20 PM
:L im to happy to look back on this page..... :DDDDDDDDD
:L im to happy to look back on this page..... :DDDDDDDDD
Dalilah said on September 9, 2015 at 5:25 PM
I've always wanted to wear skateboard shoes, like Vans, in TTR. New closet space? :D I'm so excited; I need more closet space!
I've always wanted to wear skateboard shoes, like Vans, in TTR. New closet space? :D I'm so excited; I need more closet space!
Josuah said on September 9, 2015 at 5:27 PM
I can't wait for Toonfest! I hope doodles come out soon. I can't wait. As for items or accessories in ttr, I've always wanted a pair of black skateboard shoes. I think they would be neat!
I can't wait for Toonfest! I hope doodles come out soon. I can't wait. As for items or accessories in ttr, I've always wanted a pair of black skateboard shoes. I think they would be neat!
Imjustabear said on September 9, 2015 at 5:29 PM
Toontastic! I can't wait for toonfest this year! I'm so excited that we are getting new closet space, I can't wait for the new items that will soon arrive. I hope that there will be cool new shoes, maybe skateboard shoes or sandals? :D
Toontastic! I can't wait for toonfest this year! I'm so excited that we are getting new closet space, I can't wait for the new items that will soon arrive. I hope that there will be cool new shoes, maybe skateboard shoes or sandals? :D
fashionista said on September 9, 2015 at 5:31 PM
Yes! Toonfest is back! :D I love new accessories! I really would like flipflops or skateboard shoes for my pink kitty. Just an idea though. :)
Yes! Toonfest is back! :D I love new accessories! I really would like flipflops or skateboard shoes for my pink kitty. Just an idea though. :)
abearnamedbread said on September 9, 2015 at 5:33 PM
I'm so excited for toonfest! I really wold love to see headphones, dragon wings, or skateboard shoes as toon accessories. :D
I'm so excited for toonfest! I really wold love to see headphones, dragon wings, or skateboard shoes as toon accessories. :D
harrypotter said on September 9, 2015 at 5:35 PM
Toonfest? New accessories? I'm in! Hmm... I'd really like to wear some headphones or maybe a police cap. As for shoes, I'd love a pair of skateboard shoes with barred laces.
Toonfest? New accessories? I'm in! Hmm... I'd really like to wear some headphones or maybe a police cap. As for shoes, I'd love a pair of skateboard shoes with barred laces.
ToonZ Da Bear said on September 9, 2015 at 5:35 PM
Sweet! When I have enough jellybeans in the game, I'll look forward to buy those clothes.
Sweet! When I have enough jellybeans in the game, I'll look forward to buy those clothes.
Libby said on September 9, 2015 at 5:35 PM
flowers like lillies or hibiscuses for the girl toons that would go by their ears and look cute
flowers like lillies or hibiscuses for the girl toons that would go by their ears and look cute
toontastic said on September 9, 2015 at 5:37 PM
New accessories yay! I'd love to have a police cap or maybe sandals. I've kind of always wanted black skateboard shoes though. Thanks, TTR staff. :)
New accessories yay! I'd love to have a police cap or maybe sandals. I've kind of always wanted black skateboard shoes though. Thanks, TTR staff. :)
aj said on September 9, 2015 at 5:38 PM
Nice, I can't wait for some new accessories. I think that headphones would be a cool addition to the game. I would also like to see some new shoes as well though. Maybe skateboard shoes?
Nice, I can't wait for some new accessories. I think that headphones would be a cool addition to the game. I would also like to see some new shoes as well though. Maybe skateboard shoes?
jakethedog said on September 9, 2015 at 5:40 PM
New accessories? Cool! I've always wanted to wear a pair of skateboard shoes with barred laces. :)
New accessories? Cool! I've always wanted to wear a pair of skateboard shoes with barred laces. :)
amerigo said on September 9, 2015 at 5:41 PM
I love Toonfest! I can't wait! I'd love a pair of skateboard shoes with bared laces, just like the high tops that have barred laces.
I love Toonfest! I can't wait! I'd love a pair of skateboard shoes with bared laces, just like the high tops that have barred laces.
bobby said on September 9, 2015 at 5:44 PM
I'm so excited for toonfest! As for accessories, I love the high tops with the barred laces that TTR staff came out with. They remind me of converse high tops. I'd definitely like to see more colors for high tops in TTR. I'd also like to see TTR staff make skateboard shoes, like vans, but with the same barred laces that the hightops have. Just a suggestion though. :)
I'm so excited for toonfest! As for accessories, I love the high tops with the barred laces that TTR staff came out with. They remind me of converse high tops. I'd definitely like to see more colors for high tops in TTR. I'd also like to see TTR staff make skateboard shoes, like vans, but with the same barred laces that the hightops have. Just a suggestion though. :)
marry said on September 9, 2015 at 5:48 PM
For accesories, I really would like to see different colored gloves and skateboard shoes with flat and straight laces. :D Thanks TTR staff. :)
For accesories, I really would like to see different colored gloves and skateboard shoes with flat and straight laces. :D Thanks TTR staff. :)
sara said on September 9, 2015 at 5:49 PM
Toonfest time again? Oh boy! :D I'd love to see different colored gloves, headphones, skateboard shoes with flat and straight laces, or maybe even a snapback cap.
Toonfest time again? Oh boy! :D I'd love to see different colored gloves, headphones, skateboard shoes with flat and straight laces, or maybe even a snapback cap.
mcgoo said on September 9, 2015 at 5:51 PM
Yes, toonfest time. :) I'd love to have a denim or leather jacket, combat boots, skateboard shoes and colored gloves. Thanks.
Yes, toonfest time. :) I'd love to have a denim or leather jacket, combat boots, skateboard shoes and colored gloves. Thanks.
Amazing said on September 9, 2015 at 5:53 PM
How exciting! I really would like some new accessories! How about new types of jackets, maybe denim or leather jackets? Or how about black combat boots or skateboard shoes?
How exciting! I really would like some new accessories! How about new types of jackets, maybe denim or leather jackets? Or how about black combat boots or skateboard shoes?
jacob said on September 9, 2015 at 5:54 PM
I love TTR so much. I really appreciate the fact that the TTR staff asks us players what we would like to have in the game. Personally, I've always wanted a leather jacket, skateboard shoes, and a backwards cap.
I love TTR so much. I really appreciate the fact that the TTR staff asks us players what we would like to have in the game. Personally, I've always wanted a leather jacket, skateboard shoes, and a backwards cap.
Princess Marigold Glittertoon said on September 9, 2015 at 5:57 PM
Maybe they can give your toon like a hair style or something! I mean they are already wearing clothes, glasses, shoes, etc! Why stop at that?
Maybe they can give your toon like a hair style or something! I mean they are already wearing clothes, glasses, shoes, etc! Why stop at that?
jeremy said on September 9, 2015 at 6:00 PM
To be honest, I'd really like to have a denim jacket. I know that girl toons can purchase a denim jacket in melodyland, however male toons are unable to purchase this item. I'd really like to have some sort of denim jacket though. Also, some new boots or skateboard shoes would be nice too.
To be honest, I'd really like to have a denim jacket. I know that girl toons can purchase a denim jacket in melodyland, however male toons are unable to purchase this item. I'd really like to have some sort of denim jacket though. Also, some new boots or skateboard shoes would be nice too.
Little Sunshine said on September 9, 2015 at 6:57 PM
How about wigs or hair? Hair styles for our toons? Jewelry? Other than fashion -How about more rooms to our houses? Like a kitchen?
How about wigs or hair? Hair styles for our toons? Jewelry? Other than fashion -How about more rooms to our houses? Like a kitchen?
Little Sunshine said on September 9, 2015 at 7:08 PM
To whoever does the furnishings: Christmas trees, wreaths, lights and presents to decorate out houses with would be awesome!
To whoever does the furnishings: Christmas trees, wreaths, lights and presents to decorate out houses with would be awesome!
Cool Cuckoo said on September 9, 2015 at 7:39 PM
THIS IS SO TOONTASTIC!!!! I love the chocolate jelly bean bow and the mad hatter looking hat, I hope I can get the hat for my girl toons! I've really enjoyed all of the Toonfest designs so far and I cant wait to see the new ones. I think an entire candy themed outfit would be pretty cool. Another idea is an entire dragon outfit, maybe for Halloween. My next ( and last I promise ) idea is what an outfit that looks like it was made by all the clerks from the gag shops, like the squirt clothes from last Toonfest but all gags. ANYWAY, thank you for reading this, bye and Happy Toonfest!!
THIS IS SO TOONTASTIC!!!! I love the chocolate jelly bean bow and the mad hatter looking hat, I hope I can get the hat for my girl toons! I've really enjoyed all of the Toonfest designs so far and I cant wait to see the new ones. I think an entire candy themed outfit would be pretty cool. Another idea is an entire dragon outfit, maybe for Halloween. My next ( and last I promise ) idea is what an outfit that looks like it was made by all the clerks from the gag shops, like the squirt clothes from last Toonfest but all gags. ANYWAY, thank you for reading this, bye and Happy Toonfest!!
Toonographer said on September 9, 2015 at 7:52 PM
How about a watch accessory that gives us a quick way to show us Toontown Time?
How about a watch accessory that gives us a quick way to show us Toontown Time?
Cool Cuckoo ( Again ) said on September 9, 2015 at 8:19 PM
SO I'm back and I have MORE ideas!!!! FIRST an unlockable outfit for every playground u complete, :P like the Brrrgh you could have a scarf ( printed on the shirt or an accessory.) A blue coat print shirt maybe with little white puffball buttons. Or for Donald's Dock, maybe a life ring belt, and a fishing net pocket. Then for the more difficult playgrounds, have better costumes like ToonTown Central you'd have a shirt and shorts/skirt but the for Donald's Dreamland you'd receive not only clothes but like a hat and shoes. Also I LOVE the little cupcakes on the ToonFest shoes, which correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think they made it into the game with the adorable little faces :O so if you brought those back but in a different way like a denim backpack with little patches on it ( like the little cupcakes with faces ;) ) and lastly ( you hope ) is a cupcake backpack cause what toon doesn't like cake?! Signing off, Cool Cuckoo ( again :P)
SO I'm back and I have MORE ideas!!!! FIRST an unlockable outfit for every playground u complete, :P like the Brrrgh you could have a scarf ( printed on the shirt or an accessory.) A blue coat print shirt maybe with little white puffball buttons. Or for Donald's Dock, maybe a life ring belt, and a fishing net pocket. Then for the more difficult playgrounds, have better costumes like ToonTown Central you'd have a shirt and shorts/skirt but the for Donald's Dreamland you'd receive not only clothes but like a hat and shoes. Also I LOVE the little cupcakes on the ToonFest shoes, which correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think they made it into the game with the adorable little faces :O so if you brought those back but in a different way like a denim backpack with little patches on it ( like the little cupcakes with faces ;) ) and lastly ( you hope ) is a cupcake backpack cause what toon doesn't like cake?! Signing off, Cool Cuckoo ( again :P)
Blue said on September 9, 2015 at 9:03 PM
Can't wait!!!
Can't wait!!!
Little Hop Of Horrors said on September 9, 2015 at 11:11 PM
Pleeease if possible can our doodles (when they return) be equipable so we can ride them around as a mount and see their cute little feet moving fast that'll be too cute and funny! It takes forever just to run down 1 street let alone this constant back and forth with our toontasks it would be a faster way to travel from street to street and town to town. Please consider it would be awesome if they did! It could be another useful thing from them. Then maybe in the future we could ride other small mounts like a choo choo train, rocking horse, skateboard, roller skates, pogo stick, tug boat, etc. Just to help get around a lil' faster. This is a "TOON"town right let's make it more toony! Big Thanks to you and to all the staff for your hard work and dedication <3
Pleeease if possible can our doodles (when they return) be equipable so we can ride them around as a mount and see their cute little feet moving fast that'll be too cute and funny! It takes forever just to run down 1 street let alone this constant back and forth with our toontasks it would be a faster way to travel from street to street and town to town. Please consider it would be awesome if they did! It could be another useful thing from them. Then maybe in the future we could ride other small mounts like a choo choo train, rocking horse, skateboard, roller skates, pogo stick, tug boat, etc. Just to help get around a lil' faster. This is a "TOON"town right let's make it more toony! Big Thanks to you and to all the staff for your hard work and dedication <3
Paula said on September 9, 2015 at 11:45 PM
Thanks for all the hard work . Cant imagine how difficult it is to put the same skirt on a tall toon as you do a short one. Please if you could, give us more color options for the same item. Such as bows. I believe I have only three choices now. Also, We have very little items that are white. White looks great on all different colors of toons. Thanks again.Keep up the great work . YOU guys ROCK!!
Thanks for all the hard work . Cant imagine how difficult it is to put the same skirt on a tall toon as you do a short one. Please if you could, give us more color options for the same item. Such as bows. I believe I have only three choices now. Also, We have very little items that are white. White looks great on all different colors of toons. Thanks again.Keep up the great work . YOU guys ROCK!!
Mac said on September 10, 2015 at 2:14 AM
This Hat with a clock on it looks AMAZING!!!!!! I cannot wait to buy it.It better be cheap, because i am not one of the richest toons :D
This Hat with a clock on it looks AMAZING!!!!!! I cannot wait to buy it.It better be cheap, because i am not one of the richest toons :D
Mischief said on September 10, 2015 at 7:18 AM
i can hardly wait !!!
i can hardly wait !!!
catfun said on September 10, 2015 at 7:30 AM
top hats are pretty cool!
top hats are pretty cool!
josie said on September 10, 2015 at 7:46 AM
I'm so exited for new clothing!! id like to see maybe bracelets or open jumpers/ hoodies you can layer.
I'm so exited for new clothing!! id like to see maybe bracelets or open jumpers/ hoodies you can layer.
Amy said on September 10, 2015 at 8:03 AM
Can you guys maybe make a candy cane hat, shirt, and pants?
Can you guys maybe make a candy cane hat, shirt, and pants?
Lady Valentine said on September 10, 2015 at 8:22 AM
So excited to see TTR becoming so fashion forward!!!
So excited to see TTR becoming so fashion forward!!!
Miss Me said on September 10, 2015 at 8:26 AM
I think you guys are doing a great job and I'm hoping that you are able to make a few things come true in my closet. The fact that we will be able to cary more clothes is awesome but pretty pleas give the girls a black skirt to match with everything. Then I'd love to see bowties for the boys or a watch and I can't forget to plea for some fancy shoes for the girls and then I'm talking heels like Minnie wears. (Maybe even with some red soles ;) wink wink) Thanks again for all your hard work! Hugs, Renata.
I think you guys are doing a great job and I'm hoping that you are able to make a few things come true in my closet. The fact that we will be able to cary more clothes is awesome but pretty pleas give the girls a black skirt to match with everything. Then I'd love to see bowties for the boys or a watch and I can't forget to plea for some fancy shoes for the girls and then I'm talking heels like Minnie wears. (Maybe even with some red soles ;) wink wink) Thanks again for all your hard work! Hugs, Renata.
Fetch said on September 10, 2015 at 8:27 AM
Fetch here and what a TOON-ERRIFCI idea! Maybe masks of some sort? I have the super toon outfit and maybe a red mask or blue one? Keep it the Toontastic work!
Fetch here and what a TOON-ERRIFCI idea! Maybe masks of some sort? I have the super toon outfit and maybe a red mask or blue one? Keep it the Toontastic work!
Ras said on September 10, 2015 at 9:25 AM
Beanies on ttr would be awesome as well as different color gloves
Beanies on ttr would be awesome as well as different color gloves
Xion (Also known as Jay Walker) said on September 10, 2015 at 10:27 AM
I'm SOOO exited! For ToonFest and other AMAZING things to come! :D <3 TYSM Toontown Rewritten staff! You guys mean SOOOO much to me and my siblings! REALLY! All the CRAZY beanfests to the Cog Nation (BTW I hope we see more of Cog nation soon) <3! TYSM! You are appreatiated! (P. S. Sorry for any spelling mistakes. :P)
I'm SOOO exited! For ToonFest and other AMAZING things to come! :D <3 TYSM Toontown Rewritten staff! You guys mean SOOOO much to me and my siblings! REALLY! All the CRAZY beanfests to the Cog Nation (BTW I hope we see more of Cog nation soon) <3! TYSM! You are appreatiated! (P. S. Sorry for any spelling mistakes. :P)
Little Spark said on September 10, 2015 at 11:40 AM
I'd love to see a nurse costume for halloween, i've always wanted to be a nurse and heal toons!
I'd love to see a nurse costume for halloween, i've always wanted to be a nurse and heal toons!
Hi-Def said on September 10, 2015 at 1:01 PM
wow! very cool article!! myself being a player from TTO as well, I was so excited to log on to TTR and see all the new accessories and outfits in the catalog. something I've always hoped they would put in it are hoodies and long-sleeved shirts or pants, also legwarmers or gloves. keep up the great work, TTR Team!
wow! very cool article!! myself being a player from TTO as well, I was so excited to log on to TTR and see all the new accessories and outfits in the catalog. something I've always hoped they would put in it are hoodies and long-sleeved shirts or pants, also legwarmers or gloves. keep up the great work, TTR Team!
Painted Leaf said on September 10, 2015 at 1:04 PM
So excited! :) Thanks Slate! Looking forward to Toonfest (and the awesome cupcake bow) :P
So excited! :) Thanks Slate! Looking forward to Toonfest (and the awesome cupcake bow) :P
nonot said on September 10, 2015 at 1:35 PM
omgg!! im so excited the new accessories look so cute so far!!
omgg!! im so excited the new accessories look so cute so far!!
Kayla said on September 10, 2015 at 1:40 PM
so excited for new outfits!!
so excited for new outfits!!
fizzle said on September 10, 2015 at 1:52 PM
this is so cool!!
this is so cool!!
liyahbaby said on September 10, 2015 at 1:55 PM
i love this
i love this
Skater Boy said on September 10, 2015 at 1:56 PM
I cant wait for the Pompadour Hairdo to come into the catalog!!!!
I cant wait for the Pompadour Hairdo to come into the catalog!!!!
Skater Boy said on September 10, 2015 at 2:01 PM
The ice cream bow and clock hat are they going to be in the game? if so than that would be toontastic!
The ice cream bow and clock hat are they going to be in the game? if so than that would be toontastic!
master comet (34 laff greenyellow mouse) said on September 10, 2015 at 2:24 PM
i like the idea! =D
i like the idea! =D
Cupcake the pink cat said on September 10, 2015 at 3:24 PM
I really would like to see the old TTO angel and butterfly wings brought to TTR. I always loved those!
I really would like to see the old TTO angel and butterfly wings brought to TTR. I always loved those!
Will B Cake said on September 10, 2015 at 4:24 PM
A not a cake shirt to go with the not a pie picture!
A not a cake shirt to go with the not a pie picture!
Cindy said on September 10, 2015 at 4:29 PM
Omg im so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From just the two new accessories in the picture above! I would also like that one yellow astro suit come back (the one that coach z always use to wear). And i think i would like to see some actual hypno goggles. Thanks!
Omg im so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From just the two new accessories in the picture above! I would also like that one yellow astro suit come back (the one that coach z always use to wear). And i think i would like to see some actual hypno goggles. Thanks!
Cindy said on September 10, 2015 at 4:39 PM
Also, on the cupcake bow, i think instead of read it should be a goldish yellow or something. The just doesnt fit. But its just a suggestion i would like to see!
Also, on the cupcake bow, i think instead of read it should be a goldish yellow or something. The just doesnt fit. But its just a suggestion i would like to see!
Cindy said on September 10, 2015 at 4:44 PM
I would love to see a birthday cake top hat! that would be so cool. Gag accessories would be awesome, because in the TTO phase files there were gag accessories but they were never added! it would be aweome if TTR could bring them out!
I would love to see a birthday cake top hat! that would be so cool. Gag accessories would be awesome, because in the TTO phase files there were gag accessories but they were never added! it would be aweome if TTR could bring them out!
milk said on September 10, 2015 at 5:01 PM
We need more scarves and beanie hats! Also, I think "animal" backpacks would be cool. Like, a stuffed bear as an entire backpack or a stuffed bunny. Pinafore (dungaree-ish) shirts and skirts/shorts would be nice too. We need more outfits and scarves/hats for fall and winter!
We need more scarves and beanie hats! Also, I think "animal" backpacks would be cool. Like, a stuffed bear as an entire backpack or a stuffed bunny. Pinafore (dungaree-ish) shirts and skirts/shorts would be nice too. We need more outfits and scarves/hats for fall and winter!
:^) said on September 10, 2015 at 5:03 PM
Nitro Toon said on September 10, 2015 at 5:33 PM
That tie looks delici... I mean awesome.
That tie looks delici... I mean awesome.
Unity said on September 10, 2015 at 5:41 PM
Looks nice!
Looks nice!
ponninja said on September 10, 2015 at 6:14 PM
Suggestions for New Items: Patterned backpacks or canvas shoes (It's been a long time since I last played TTR, I'm not sure if they already have canvased shoes.)
Suggestions for New Items: Patterned backpacks or canvas shoes (It's been a long time since I last played TTR, I'm not sure if they already have canvased shoes.)
Marcel said on September 10, 2015 at 7:19 PM
Awesome! Love your work Slate <3 keep it up
Awesome! Love your work Slate <3 keep it up
Flabbergasted said on September 10, 2015 at 8:28 PM
Please add the Secret ID Mask to the catalog! it was one of my favs!
Please add the Secret ID Mask to the catalog! it was one of my favs!
Raven said on September 10, 2015 at 8:30 PM
all i really want in my (toontown) life is to have some nice shorts released for female toons. that's all. -3- but thank you, slate! and everybody on the team for that matter! i'm really looking forward to all the new things you'll be doing, moving forward, and for all you've already done!
all i really want in my (toontown) life is to have some nice shorts released for female toons. that's all. -3- but thank you, slate! and everybody on the team for that matter! i'm really looking forward to all the new things you'll be doing, moving forward, and for all you've already done!
chimchar said on September 10, 2015 at 9:21 PM
i want to see some flip-flops
i want to see some flip-flops
Master Blaster said on September 10, 2015 at 11:31 PM
Always love the clothes on toontown. Would love to see ripped jeans and different wigs so we could have different hairstyles, elvis, punk etc.
Always love the clothes on toontown. Would love to see ripped jeans and different wigs so we could have different hairstyles, elvis, punk etc.
Scooter said on September 11, 2015 at 3:25 AM
i cant wait for new clothes and items!
i cant wait for new clothes and items!
Savvy Carrot said on September 11, 2015 at 5:25 AM
Very inspiring for my creativity and I love the bow it's so cute!
Very inspiring for my creativity and I love the bow it's so cute!
#Flipper said on September 11, 2015 at 9:10 AM
It would really be awesome to have biker jackets or leather jackets with some gloves in different styles and colours! =)
It would really be awesome to have biker jackets or leather jackets with some gloves in different styles and colours! =)
Toast said on September 11, 2015 at 9:39 AM
I hope we get some colored gloves!
I hope we get some colored gloves!
Princess Hershey said on September 11, 2015 at 10:47 AM
I would like to see an Hawaiian flower hairclip. Also some long dark blue denim jeans and maybe different kinds of shoes such as slip-ons shoes, slippers, sandals, tall pair converses, denim jean jackets, and purses/ handbags. thanks :)
I would like to see an Hawaiian flower hairclip. Also some long dark blue denim jeans and maybe different kinds of shoes such as slip-ons shoes, slippers, sandals, tall pair converses, denim jean jackets, and purses/ handbags. thanks :)
Daisy said on September 11, 2015 at 11:40 AM
How do you input the outfits? Also what do you design them on? :p
How do you input the outfits? Also what do you design them on? :p
Spring Leaf said on September 11, 2015 at 12:18 PM
Omg those new accessories look great!! I think we should totally have more bows in general, like a black one or a purple one! ;3
Omg those new accessories look great!! I think we should totally have more bows in general, like a black one or a purple one! ;3
Tara said on September 11, 2015 at 12:56 PM
That ice-cream/cupcake?? bow looks SO cute!! I can't wait to get it i'd probably wear it more than my tiara :')
That ice-cream/cupcake?? bow looks SO cute!! I can't wait to get it i'd probably wear it more than my tiara :')
McQuackers said on September 11, 2015 at 1:15 PM
Sweet! Can't wait for the new items, Slate. Keep up the great work!
Sweet! Can't wait for the new items, Slate. Keep up the great work!
Little Comet said on September 11, 2015 at 2:08 PM
Woohoo! I can't wait. xD
Woohoo! I can't wait. xD
crazy sourflapper said on September 11, 2015 at 2:52 PM
YAY!! I cant wait for more outfits
YAY!! I cant wait for more outfits
philomena said on September 11, 2015 at 2:58 PM
i think it would be really wicked to have a head piece of a different toons ears. like, me being a pig, could wear mouse ears as an accessory. it's a long shot, and i'm not sure how much it would clash with our ears already, but hey.
i think it would be really wicked to have a head piece of a different toons ears. like, me being a pig, could wear mouse ears as an accessory. it's a long shot, and i'm not sure how much it would clash with our ears already, but hey.
Moe said on September 11, 2015 at 3:25 PM
I'm really excited for that new top hat
I'm really excited for that new top hat
Noah said on September 11, 2015 at 4:11 PM
For the accessories, have an option to change the colors of things like - Dragon wings, Hats, Shoes, Backpacks, etc.
For the accessories, have an option to change the colors of things like - Dragon wings, Hats, Shoes, Backpacks, etc.
CaptainDandyPretzel said on September 11, 2015 at 4:48 PM
Cant wait to get my hands on that! Ill be saving up!
Cant wait to get my hands on that! Ill be saving up!
CaptainDandyPretzel said on September 11, 2015 at 4:53 PM
Some thing cool Id like to see added into the catalog would be a NEW ALL COG OUTFIT! Cog hat cog glasses cog back pack cog shirt cog shoes OOO AWESOME! Also some thing SUPER cool was the election event in Alpha could u add some thing like that for beta please? Thanks guys!
Some thing cool Id like to see added into the catalog would be a NEW ALL COG OUTFIT! Cog hat cog glasses cog back pack cog shirt cog shoes OOO AWESOME! Also some thing SUPER cool was the election event in Alpha could u add some thing like that for beta please? Thanks guys!
Alaska said on September 11, 2015 at 5:45 PM
I definitely want to see some Harry Potter themed clothing or accessories! For example, maybe the glasses that Harry wore, etc!
I definitely want to see some Harry Potter themed clothing or accessories! For example, maybe the glasses that Harry wore, etc!
Toonerz Jr. said on September 11, 2015 at 6:30 PM
Can't wait for what's in store guys!
Can't wait for what's in store guys!
Lady Jellyroll Crumblecrunch said on September 11, 2015 at 8:21 PM
A couple toons mentioned it already, but ever since I saw Gus Gooseburger's red gloves I've always wanted colored gloves! New glove styles would also be nifty. Thanks TTR team for all that you do!
A couple toons mentioned it already, but ever since I saw Gus Gooseburger's red gloves I've always wanted colored gloves! New glove styles would also be nifty. Thanks TTR team for all that you do!
MissPeaches said on September 11, 2015 at 9:33 PM
Awesome! I can not wait till ToonFest 2015!! Wow, I still can't believe that the game has been out for almost two years and it has got it far!!! I love the new oufit designs...I also have the highest wardrobe but I need more space XD Thank you TTR team.
Awesome! I can not wait till ToonFest 2015!! Wow, I still can't believe that the game has been out for almost two years and it has got it far!!! I love the new oufit designs...I also have the highest wardrobe but I need more space XD Thank you TTR team.
Mildew Whiskerfoot said on September 11, 2015 at 10:36 PM
I would love some heels for the ladies! Maybe model them after Daisy's fabulous purple heels? Oh, I'm so excited to see the new items! Thanks!
I would love some heels for the ladies! Maybe model them after Daisy's fabulous purple heels? Oh, I'm so excited to see the new items! Thanks!
Cherryseed said on September 12, 2015 at 5:13 AM
Awesome! I really liked that candy-covered bow in the sneek peak. I would personally want a Watermelon Skirt or shorts to match the Watermelon Shirt.
Awesome! I really liked that candy-covered bow in the sneek peak. I would personally want a Watermelon Skirt or shorts to match the Watermelon Shirt.
Ginger said on September 12, 2015 at 5:15 AM
AHHHH!! OMG that chocolate colored hair bow... i need it in my life.
AHHHH!! OMG that chocolate colored hair bow... i need it in my life.
Ginger said on September 12, 2015 at 5:50 AM
I've wanted to get back my Rainbow Angel wings, Dragon wings, and the Angel Wings. This is very cool! I've also wanted to see rainbow shorts. I just love color!
I've wanted to get back my Rainbow Angel wings, Dragon wings, and the Angel Wings. This is very cool! I've also wanted to see rainbow shorts. I just love color!
Colonel Stripey said on September 12, 2015 at 5:59 AM
I have a SWEEEEET idea you might want to hear, here goes: Make a cool looking hoodie Maybe blue and pink, design that comes with: A hat which has the hoodies hood up. A backpack which has the hood by the toon shoulders. Just thought it might be a nice idea to Jazz things up!
I have a SWEEEEET idea you might want to hear, here goes: Make a cool looking hoodie Maybe blue and pink, design that comes with: A hat which has the hoodies hood up. A backpack which has the hood by the toon shoulders. Just thought it might be a nice idea to Jazz things up!
Fluffy said on September 12, 2015 at 6:03 AM
Great work TTR! I would like to see many accessories from TTO go into TTR. I just love accessories! Some are : DragonFly Wings, Bat wings, Pixie wings, Butterfly Wings, the Secret ID Masks( Blue and Black ), Celebrity Glasses, and Carnival Masks ( Aqua, Purple, and Blue). I also would like to see a black shirt! Black matches everything, right? I would also like to see a black skirt, because the white shirt and black skirt look super cute! (Mostly wanting the Black Shirt for all toons)
Great work TTR! I would like to see many accessories from TTO go into TTR. I just love accessories! Some are : DragonFly Wings, Bat wings, Pixie wings, Butterfly Wings, the Secret ID Masks( Blue and Black ), Celebrity Glasses, and Carnival Masks ( Aqua, Purple, and Blue). I also would like to see a black shirt! Black matches everything, right? I would also like to see a black skirt, because the white shirt and black skirt look super cute! (Mostly wanting the Black Shirt for all toons)
Skittles The Mouse said on September 12, 2015 at 6:27 AM
I've always wanted to see bowties as an accessory. Probably would look the same as normal bows but on your chest instead! Hope this feature can be added soon. I'm also super excited for ToonFest 2015! Last year was great fun.
I've always wanted to see bowties as an accessory. Probably would look the same as normal bows but on your chest instead! Hope this feature can be added soon. I'm also super excited for ToonFest 2015! Last year was great fun.
Flapjack Blubberknees said on September 12, 2015 at 6:55 AM
really cool. keep it up
really cool. keep it up
Red Hot Filly Pepper said on September 12, 2015 at 7:51 AM
Love them :) Keep up the good work.
Love them :) Keep up the good work.
peachy said on September 12, 2015 at 8:25 AM
person said on September 12, 2015 at 8:33 AM
twix said on September 12, 2015 at 11:04 AM
i play all day lol like 6 hours with 1 break
i play all day lol like 6 hours with 1 break
Kabir Singh.v said on September 12, 2015 at 11:15 AM
hi that was very good ok its so amazing
hi that was very good ok its so amazing
Master Batty Macgloop said on September 12, 2015 at 11:32 AM
Hey slate can u make Toonfest 2015 gettable after Toonfest cause I wont be here for it ;_;
Hey slate can u make Toonfest 2015 gettable after Toonfest cause I wont be here for it ;_;
Star The Cat said on September 12, 2015 at 12:20 PM
Omg!!! Gotta decorate my house and ride the trolley, and have my friends over!
Omg!!! Gotta decorate my house and ride the trolley, and have my friends over!
Master Flappy Biggenberry said on September 12, 2015 at 12:34 PM
Toons of the World, Have Fun with the rewrite of Toontown!
Toons of the World, Have Fun with the rewrite of Toontown!
Paisley said on September 12, 2015 at 1:08 PM
what i would like to see is the angel wings and rainbow wings that they had on toontown online. those were my favorite, but maybe make some in different colors an style? and also there use to be a pink shirt with a white flower on it. That would be amazing to have. also it would be nice if maybe there was like a whole new tiedye shirt, maybe different kinds of tiedye shirts for everyone. and maybe rainbow pants for guys?
what i would like to see is the angel wings and rainbow wings that they had on toontown online. those were my favorite, but maybe make some in different colors an style? and also there use to be a pink shirt with a white flower on it. That would be amazing to have. also it would be nice if maybe there was like a whole new tiedye shirt, maybe different kinds of tiedye shirts for everyone. and maybe rainbow pants for guys?
Periwinkle said on September 12, 2015 at 1:35 PM
Y'know I can picture that Ice cream bow on my head.... That looks so cool!!! And Sweet.
Y'know I can picture that Ice cream bow on my head.... That looks so cool!!! And Sweet.
Little Furball said on September 12, 2015 at 1:51 PM
WHOO HOO!!! i love fashion! <3 harzarr!!
WHOO HOO!!! i love fashion! <3 harzarr!!
redtail said on September 12, 2015 at 3:28 PM
I am so excited. this is my first toonfest! and it already sounds amazing!
I am so excited. this is my first toonfest! and it already sounds amazing!
said on September 12, 2015 at 4:03 PM
cool! i cant wait!
cool! i cant wait!
Xiumin said on September 12, 2015 at 4:23 PM
Personally, I'm obsessed with Korean clothing. I don't mean symbols and whatnot, but hip clothing. Like the sick masks, and cool t-shirts. Also, how come the colors you can make your character exclude grey, black, or white? Same for the clothing? It'd be very cool to be able to do that (everything goes with black).
Personally, I'm obsessed with Korean clothing. I don't mean symbols and whatnot, but hip clothing. Like the sick masks, and cool t-shirts. Also, how come the colors you can make your character exclude grey, black, or white? Same for the clothing? It'd be very cool to be able to do that (everything goes with black).
Little Peppy Nickelflipper said on September 12, 2015 at 7:28 PM
Oh, I'm so excited. Just for consideration, could we have long sleeved tops and long pants for winter? How about earrings and bracelets.....just a thought...cough
Oh, I'm so excited. Just for consideration, could we have long sleeved tops and long pants for winter? How about earrings and bracelets.....just a thought...cough
Pretty Kitty said on September 12, 2015 at 7:59 PM
Headphones would be sooo cool. Also, shirts that have jackets?
Headphones would be sooo cool. Also, shirts that have jackets?
NyaBerry said on September 12, 2015 at 8:00 PM
Darker clothing to go with the darker hats, its hard to wear like a black hat and black shoes with some funky colored shorts and shirt all the time. Just, a little bit of darker clothing.
Darker clothing to go with the darker hats, its hard to wear like a black hat and black shoes with some funky colored shorts and shirt all the time. Just, a little bit of darker clothing.
Catstiel said on September 13, 2015 at 1:13 AM
"Your eyes need rest when you spend your whole life playing Toont... I mean, when you have fun playing the game for 2 hours a day while taking healthy breaks!" Guys hide, theyre onto us.
"Your eyes need rest when you spend your whole life playing Toont... I mean, when you have fun playing the game for 2 hours a day while taking healthy breaks!" Guys hide, theyre onto us.
SNOW FLAKES said on September 13, 2015 at 5:47 AM
Hair can we have hair? Can we have socks? Can we have flip flops? Can we have head bands? Once it was said we were to have that possible...... or jackets.. or raincoats?? oh.. wait....Rainboots????
Hair can we have hair? Can we have socks? Can we have flip flops? Can we have head bands? Once it was said we were to have that possible...... or jackets.. or raincoats?? oh.. wait....Rainboots????
misscuddlesdandytoon said on September 13, 2015 at 6:32 AM
i like the the fashion and the mix and match cant wait to see the line of clothes thank you for your hard work Maya and the team Your hard work is appreciated by me and the toons Awesome!!!
i like the the fashion and the mix and match cant wait to see the line of clothes thank you for your hard work Maya and the team Your hard work is appreciated by me and the toons Awesome!!!
Tammy Truffles said on September 13, 2015 at 7:08 AM
Wow this was really interesting!! <3 and goodness, so many exciting ideas from the other commenters below! :0 I agree with a lot of them! c: Flower crowns would be cute, and headphones (whether they're worn right on the ears or around the neck) would be so cool! As would a knight's outfit too! :) Maybe you could come out with a medieval style line? Especially the fancy dresses of that time would be sweet on a toon! :D I'd also like to see musical instruments that could be worn like a backpack! o: Maybe a violin, or something exotic like a clarinet? xD It would sort of be in theme with Melodyland! c: anyway, enough of my babbling! xD Thank you so much TTR team for restoring the memory of TTO, and making it so much better! <33
Wow this was really interesting!! <3 and goodness, so many exciting ideas from the other commenters below! :0 I agree with a lot of them! c: Flower crowns would be cute, and headphones (whether they're worn right on the ears or around the neck) would be so cool! As would a knight's outfit too! :) Maybe you could come out with a medieval style line? Especially the fancy dresses of that time would be sweet on a toon! :D I'd also like to see musical instruments that could be worn like a backpack! o: Maybe a violin, or something exotic like a clarinet? xD It would sort of be in theme with Melodyland! c: anyway, enough of my babbling! xD Thank you so much TTR team for restoring the memory of TTO, and making it so much better! <33
Kawaii Delphox said on September 13, 2015 at 7:17 AM
bellabff said on September 13, 2015 at 8:39 AM
I'm so excited for the Toonfest!
I'm so excited for the Toonfest!
Blubear said on September 13, 2015 at 9:13 AM
I miss everything in Toontown Online so if you guys could put everything that was in Toontown Online and some more awesome things, this would be the best game in the world!!!! Aw, who am I kidding, it already IS the best game in the world!
I miss everything in Toontown Online so if you guys could put everything that was in Toontown Online and some more awesome things, this would be the best game in the world!!!! Aw, who am I kidding, it already IS the best game in the world!
Tessellate said on September 13, 2015 at 9:20 AM
Wow. This is great.
Wow. This is great.
Ms. Laffy Taffy said on September 13, 2015 at 9:41 AM
HATS please.... More hats, hats, hats... Cool looking hats, wacky looking hats, sweet looking hats, Toontastic hats
HATS please.... More hats, hats, hats... Cool looking hats, wacky looking hats, sweet looking hats, Toontastic hats
Master Loopy Bananamuffin said on September 13, 2015 at 10:04 AM
We have all of these wacky accessories in Toontown, and yet...I feel like something's missing. Maybe we should have a toaster hat? Ooh, and maybe a pie hat! Yeah, that would be great...
We have all of these wacky accessories in Toontown, and yet...I feel like something's missing. Maybe we should have a toaster hat? Ooh, and maybe a pie hat! Yeah, that would be great...
King Fireball Electropaws said on September 13, 2015 at 10:34 AM
I want the hat so bad!
I want the hat so bad!
Holiday said on September 13, 2015 at 11:42 AM
I've always wanted to see some more Christmas theme outfits and accessories. Wouldn't it be really cute to have like a little Christmas theme bow or something like that? Anyways, I can only imagine what great things the toon town team will come up with!
I've always wanted to see some more Christmas theme outfits and accessories. Wouldn't it be really cute to have like a little Christmas theme bow or something like that? Anyways, I can only imagine what great things the toon town team will come up with!
peaches said on September 13, 2015 at 1:02 PM
OMG OMG OMG I cant wait oh my toonworld I cant wait for this I ben so exited to see what you guys are brining to toontown rewritten. love peaches
OMG OMG OMG I cant wait oh my toonworld I cant wait for this I ben so exited to see what you guys are brining to toontown rewritten. love peaches
Adaline O'Rhyme said on September 13, 2015 at 2:03 PM
I love the new outfits and can't wait to see the rest of the collection! That bow looks familiar... I've always wanted a detective, steam-punk, masquerade and cake mashup outfit! For instance, plaid bows and skirts with jellybeans and sprinkles, leather boots and capes (especially capes). A cool idea for a cake themed accessory would be a solid red or dark brown fedora and a cake colored ribbon based on different flavors!
I love the new outfits and can't wait to see the rest of the collection! That bow looks familiar... I've always wanted a detective, steam-punk, masquerade and cake mashup outfit! For instance, plaid bows and skirts with jellybeans and sprinkles, leather boots and capes (especially capes). A cool idea for a cake themed accessory would be a solid red or dark brown fedora and a cake colored ribbon based on different flavors!
sandra13 said on September 13, 2015 at 4:04 PM
so exciting to come out and play this!!!!!!!
so exciting to come out and play this!!!!!!!
Dudley Sparkledoodle said on September 13, 2015 at 4:08 PM
Speaking of toontown retextured... Will you add proper shadows based on the rotation of the sun? That would be truly awesome. Love the new designs. Keep it up, TTR team!!!
Speaking of toontown retextured... Will you add proper shadows based on the rotation of the sun? That would be truly awesome. Love the new designs. Keep it up, TTR team!!!
Enchanted said on September 13, 2015 at 4:59 PM
I always wanted to see a Mickey Shirt.
I always wanted to see a Mickey Shirt.
Shimmer said on September 13, 2015 at 9:07 PM
Something similar to the pink OMG!Con shoes with the cupcakes and rainbows. I missed them and I want to cry every time I see someone wearing them because I love them so much!
Something similar to the pink OMG!Con shoes with the cupcakes and rainbows. I missed them and I want to cry every time I see someone wearing them because I love them so much!
Bubblefish Mcnuggets (Bubble) said on September 14, 2015 at 4:24 AM
Wow! I really like the cupcake bow! I can't wait for more clothes! A suggestion: Maybe adding masks would be cool. Like for a party or something...
Wow! I really like the cupcake bow! I can't wait for more clothes! A suggestion: Maybe adding masks would be cool. Like for a party or something...
Marzia said on September 14, 2015 at 9:20 AM
Ooo this sounds great :D I'd love things like food themed clothes and accessories, or pastel clothes. I'd love to see more Tie-dye stuff too because who doesn't love that kinda stuff ^ ^ ?
Ooo this sounds great :D I'd love things like food themed clothes and accessories, or pastel clothes. I'd love to see more Tie-dye stuff too because who doesn't love that kinda stuff ^ ^ ?
Bonnie said on September 14, 2015 at 10:30 AM
Maybe you can add some kind of beanie hat. That would be pretty cool. Maybe some Toontown-themed shirts would be pretty cool too, like a shirt with Flippy or someone on it for example. I can't wait for them to be released! :D
Maybe you can add some kind of beanie hat. That would be pretty cool. Maybe some Toontown-themed shirts would be pretty cool too, like a shirt with Flippy or someone on it for example. I can't wait for them to be released! :D
Bubbles said on September 14, 2015 at 10:33 AM
Sooo cool!! Thanks for everything :D
Sooo cool!! Thanks for everything :D
Bunny Hop Nibble (Jeff/ The wizard) said on September 14, 2015 at 10:40 AM
Waw, that's so cool! :'D Maybe you could add in roller skates or ice skates o3o That'd be epic!
Waw, that's so cool! :'D Maybe you could add in roller skates or ice skates o3o That'd be epic!
King Pancake (the blue rabbit) said on September 14, 2015 at 10:52 AM
I think a dress could be cool or like real glasses aswell
I think a dress could be cool or like real glasses aswell
Marian said on September 14, 2015 at 2:10 PM
a head bend with a flower on it 250 jellybeans
a head bend with a flower on it 250 jellybeans
Champdog said on September 14, 2015 at 4:41 PM
So excited! Plz be soon! XD Nice idea TTR Team!! :D
So excited! Plz be soon! XD Nice idea TTR Team!! :D
Jimmy said on September 14, 2015 at 7:24 PM
I would like to see a special shirt with your toon's face on it
I would like to see a special shirt with your toon's face on it
fargo said on September 15, 2015 at 7:41 AM
i can hardly wait good job team
i can hardly wait good job team
Joshua said on September 15, 2015 at 8:07 AM
Great post! I would really like to see a ice cream backpack that shapes as ice cream and its on your back and it has the same design an the election! Also a scuba diving mask :D! Like you pick your color of it and you wear a scuba diving mask on your face :D. Another thing that would be awesome is a Toontown rewritten logo shoes! :D
Great post! I would really like to see a ice cream backpack that shapes as ice cream and its on your back and it has the same design an the election! Also a scuba diving mask :D! Like you pick your color of it and you wear a scuba diving mask on your face :D. Another thing that would be awesome is a Toontown rewritten logo shoes! :D
omg so exiting!