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The Biggest Prank of All
Posted by Sir Max on April 12, 2015 at 3:30 PM
HELLLLOOOOOO Toontown! I've returned from my cruise, and man is sunburn painful. I didn't even know dogs could get sunburned! Boy though, did I have you guys fooled.
I'd bet my gloves that you were expecting some sort of grand April Toons Week prank like the one I pulled last year - but that was too predictable. Instead, I... What's that you say? There was some sort of grand April Toons Week prank?
After reading through this week's fiasco, it seems that I've been placed on blame for the shenanigans caused this week, and have become the number one most wanted toon in fourteen districts. That's the most I've had since I borrowed that Ice Rink!
Alas, however, as I cannot claim credit despite as much as I would like to. I've been soaking up the sun, and ironically been head to head with other chunks of ice over on the Toontanic Cruise Lines for spring break! (Which had quite the plummet towards the end of the trip -- I wouldn't recommend it.)
The folks over at Loony Labs seem to be just as surprised and as I am that I didn't pull the April Toons stunts of this year, and there's no way that I'm letting some amateur prankster reuse my tricks! But one question remains: If I didn't do it... Then who - or what - did?
I'd bet my gloves that you were expecting some sort of grand April Toons Week prank like the one I pulled last year - but that was too predictable. Instead, I... What's that you say? There was some sort of grand April Toons Week prank?

After reading through this week's fiasco, it seems that I've been placed on blame for the shenanigans caused this week, and have become the number one most wanted toon in fourteen districts. That's the most I've had since I borrowed that Ice Rink!
Alas, however, as I cannot claim credit despite as much as I would like to. I've been soaking up the sun, and ironically been head to head with other chunks of ice over on the Toontanic Cruise Lines for spring break! (Which had quite the plummet towards the end of the trip -- I wouldn't recommend it.)
The folks over at Loony Labs seem to be just as surprised and as I am that I didn't pull the April Toons stunts of this year, and there's no way that I'm letting some amateur prankster reuse my tricks! But one question remains: If I didn't do it... Then who - or what - did?
April 11, 2015 [ttr-beta-v1.8.10]
• Fix a crash that occurred when many people enter a Cog HQ door at once
• Fix another type of door crash
• Teleport access to a Cog HQ is now granted after earning a promotion from Level 12 to Level 13. If your suit is currently between Level 12 and 49, you will be granted teleport access after your next boss battle.
• At the request of many, all accessories can now be worn by all Toons!
• The Mystery Tunnel has reappeared! Apparently BBQHQ ran out of sauce...
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Master Butch said on April 12, 2015 at 3:36 PM
Gosh darn it Sir Max. QUICK! HIDE AT MY HOUSE!
Gosh darn it Sir Max. QUICK! HIDE AT MY HOUSE!
River said on April 12, 2015 at 3:38 PM
Wait is it C.H.E.F.? Or could it be someone different?
Wait is it C.H.E.F.? Or could it be someone different?
Chipper said on April 12, 2015 at 3:39 PM
Maybe it was Jack O' Kazam? Hmm...
Maybe it was Jack O' Kazam? Hmm...
Lutari said on April 12, 2015 at 3:56 PM
ITS THE DOODLES! I SWEAR! I KNOW IT! ITS THE DOODLES!!! ;-; They. are. the. pranksters.
ITS THE DOODLES! I SWEAR! I KNOW IT! ITS THE DOODLES!!! ;-; They. are. the. pranksters.
RinTinTinTTr said on April 12, 2015 at 4:00 PM
Well Sir Max it seems we hit a dead end, and please, order more sauce!!
Well Sir Max it seems we hit a dead end, and please, order more sauce!!
Flower said on April 12, 2015 at 4:02 PM
Oooh! That is really interesting...
Oooh! That is really interesting...
Wing kit said on April 12, 2015 at 4:06 PM
Yay mystery tunnel :D
Yay mystery tunnel :D
Sandstorm said on April 12, 2015 at 4:10 PM
ACCESSORIES ALL AROUND? My dream has finally come true.
ACCESSORIES ALL AROUND? My dream has finally come true.
Vibrant Splash said on April 12, 2015 at 4:11 PM
Hah! Funny Sir Max! Stay toontastic! :P
Hah! Funny Sir Max! Stay toontastic! :P
Little Furball said on April 12, 2015 at 4:13 PM
Haha I Liked it so much, I wanna do it again xD
Haha I Liked it so much, I wanna do it again xD
Kiera said on April 12, 2015 at 4:21 PM
Wow! Excited for the new accessories! I'm still wondering who pulled the pranks too... *coughs* Sir Max *coughs*
Wow! Excited for the new accessories! I'm still wondering who pulled the pranks too... *coughs* Sir Max *coughs*
Doctor Lollipop Dizzyspinner said on April 12, 2015 at 4:23 PM
Wow... To think, we were all worried!
Wow... To think, we were all worried!
chrisdog and orville pepperton said on April 12, 2015 at 4:24 PM
the fact that i can tp to cog hq when i am higher than level 12 is awesome cause i still havent maxed my sellbot in a long time!!!! thanks ttr!
the fact that i can tp to cog hq when i am higher than level 12 is awesome cause i still havent maxed my sellbot in a long time!!!! thanks ttr!
CJ Pepperbumble said on April 12, 2015 at 4:27 PM
Mystery tunnels!! No way! I need to get on ASAP!
Mystery tunnels!! No way! I need to get on ASAP!
Little Pancake Sparkle Noodle said on April 12, 2015 at 4:37 PM
*Looks Around* I didnt steal BBQHQ's sauce! i SWEAR! Cant wait to search the Mystery Tunnel!
*Looks Around* I didnt steal BBQHQ's sauce! i SWEAR! Cant wait to search the Mystery Tunnel!
Aquata said on April 12, 2015 at 4:46 PM
Wow! Hope your name clears up soon Sir Max!
Wow! Hope your name clears up soon Sir Max!
Wasabi said on April 12, 2015 at 4:49 PM
Thank goodness all toons can wear all accessories now! But, what about skirts...?
Thank goodness all toons can wear all accessories now! But, what about skirts...?
Radical said on April 12, 2015 at 5:13 PM
Wow! What a cliffhanger!
Wow! What a cliffhanger!
Mosquito Memory said on April 12, 2015 at 5:27 PM
Wow. I thought it was a prank that you wouldn't prank us. Look's like you were being serious.
Wow. I thought it was a prank that you wouldn't prank us. Look's like you were being serious.
Valintine said on April 12, 2015 at 5:46 PM
Buuuurrrrrrp....... oh, excuse me, I think I ate too much BBQ.... uhhhgggg
Buuuurrrrrrp....... oh, excuse me, I think I ate too much BBQ.... uhhhgggg
Cookie Googlebrains said on April 12, 2015 at 6:11 PM
I was thinking that you did the prank on us but we now know you didn't do the prank. I wonder who or what did the prank on us all.
I was thinking that you did the prank on us but we now know you didn't do the prank. I wonder who or what did the prank on us all.
Honey Jr. said on April 12, 2015 at 6:11 PM
I wonder who's to blame for this confusion?
I wonder who's to blame for this confusion?
Devan said on April 12, 2015 at 6:32 PM
Hey cool I just got back from my cruise today too!
Hey cool I just got back from my cruise today too!
Sunny Skittle said on April 12, 2015 at 6:33 PM
This is swell! I wonder who used your tricks...
This is swell! I wonder who used your tricks...
Moonstar said on April 12, 2015 at 6:47 PM
I bet the cogs have something to do with this! They've been messing with us, Toons, forever!
I bet the cogs have something to do with this! They've been messing with us, Toons, forever!
Skippy Bumbleface said on April 12, 2015 at 7:09 PM
Oooo Joey has returned from his cruise! Welcome back to the town of toons Joey! We missed you. Guess what..... Flippy discovered Barbeque HQ and it looked just like Toonfest! But then..... its gone again :( Boy we had some fun I wish you were there!
Oooo Joey has returned from his cruise! Welcome back to the town of toons Joey! We missed you. Guess what..... Flippy discovered Barbeque HQ and it looked just like Toonfest! But then..... its gone again :( Boy we had some fun I wish you were there!
Pete Prosper said on April 12, 2015 at 7:22 PM
Ooh, Sir Max, I hope those sunburns would "burn away," heh heh, otherwise, have a Toontastic week toons all over the Toony world!
Ooh, Sir Max, I hope those sunburns would "burn away," heh heh, otherwise, have a Toontastic week toons all over the Toony world!
looneylaffer said on April 12, 2015 at 10:04 PM
Ouch! Personally I've never had sunburn, but it must hurt real bad. And I wonder who pulled those pranks... Couldn't be the cogs, they are too boring to have tricks up their metal robotic sleeves.
Ouch! Personally I've never had sunburn, but it must hurt real bad. And I wonder who pulled those pranks... Couldn't be the cogs, they are too boring to have tricks up their metal robotic sleeves.
Macy said on April 12, 2015 at 10:33 PM
WHO's THE PRANKSTER O.O So mysterious .......
WHO's THE PRANKSTER O.O So mysterious .......
Fluttershy said on April 13, 2015 at 12:58 AM
Oh no! We need to stop this, r-r-r-right now!
Oh no! We need to stop this, r-r-r-right now!
Ari L. Unicorn said on April 13, 2015 at 3:26 AM
ooooooooo: Accessories to go around... and teleport access... AMAZINGNESS is what I hear!!
ooooooooo: Accessories to go around... and teleport access... AMAZINGNESS is what I hear!!
Lava Blast said on April 13, 2015 at 4:40 AM
I know this might sound funny, But I can't wait to wear a Bow! ( I'm a boy ) :P
I know this might sound funny, But I can't wait to wear a Bow! ( I'm a boy ) :P
daffy jellyflapper said on April 13, 2015 at 4:52 AM
do you know when you are gonna fix the BBHQ please tell us the date on when you guy(s) are gonna fix it!
do you know when you are gonna fix the BBHQ please tell us the date on when you guy(s) are gonna fix it!
jackson said on April 13, 2015 at 5:22 AM
well i am about to max squirt 1800 more points yo yo flippy i will find out who did that :D
well i am about to max squirt 1800 more points yo yo flippy i will find out who did that :D
Loopy William Zooblepoof said on April 13, 2015 at 6:54 AM
I know who did it! It was Flippy! Sir Max, Flippy did it!
I know who did it! It was Flippy! Sir Max, Flippy did it!
Rusty Electrozapper said on April 13, 2015 at 7:08 AM
Where's the mystery tunnel? .-.
Where's the mystery tunnel? .-.
Master Drippy Gigglemouth said on April 13, 2015 at 7:09 AM
Okay what is Sir Max up to now? Can't wait for what is coming next!
Okay what is Sir Max up to now? Can't wait for what is coming next!
Colonal Oscar said on April 13, 2015 at 7:20 AM
Oh hi! *NOMNOMNOM* Sorry, im just eating some leftovers from BBhq. I wonder where the mystery tunnel goes too....
Oh hi! *NOMNOMNOM* Sorry, im just eating some leftovers from BBhq. I wonder where the mystery tunnel goes too....
creepygaming said on April 13, 2015 at 7:42 AM
When are doodles added to the game? I really miss them
When are doodles added to the game? I really miss them
Baron Mildew said on April 13, 2015 at 7:45 AM
The creepy part is that there is a mystery part above the comment section thats gotta be something big! Im happy is cog suit 13 now instead of 50! :D
The creepy part is that there is a mystery part above the comment section thats gotta be something big! Im happy is cog suit 13 now instead of 50! :D
Miss Zany said on April 13, 2015 at 10:48 AM
Wait.. You didn't do it? This is getting spooky!
Wait.. You didn't do it? This is getting spooky!
Lady Squeaksalot said on April 13, 2015 at 11:16 AM
I guess you can say that BBQHQ... Lost its sauce of power.
I guess you can say that BBQHQ... Lost its sauce of power.
Glitterfoot said on April 13, 2015 at 12:49 PM
Hmm... maybe the V.P? Wait, no... we already beat him. The C.F.O? Wait, no... same thing, maybe the Chief Justice? Actually, no, I think It's the C.E.O! Or maybe... a new boss... the C.H.E.F is still remaining, it makes sense being hidden in "Barbeque HQ" because chefs cook things! Hmm... we will soon find out!
Hmm... maybe the V.P? Wait, no... we already beat him. The C.F.O? Wait, no... same thing, maybe the Chief Justice? Actually, no, I think It's the C.E.O! Or maybe... a new boss... the C.H.E.F is still remaining, it makes sense being hidden in "Barbeque HQ" because chefs cook things! Hmm... we will soon find out!
Moo said on April 13, 2015 at 1:28 PM
"Apparently BBQHQ ran out of sauce..." Bah Dum Tssss!
"Apparently BBQHQ ran out of sauce..." Bah Dum Tssss!
Ooowoo said on April 13, 2015 at 2:04 PM
Maybe cogs pulled this prank this year. Or maybe Flippy was having too much fun. I doubt cogs would do it because it would be too much silliness to handle.
Maybe cogs pulled this prank this year. Or maybe Flippy was having too much fun. I doubt cogs would do it because it would be too much silliness to handle.
Princess Dee Dee said on April 13, 2015 at 3:15 PM
Yay! Finally we get to have teleport access to a Cog HQ from Level 12 to Level 13!! Thank you TTR! - Princess Dee Dee <3
Yay! Finally we get to have teleport access to a Cog HQ from Level 12 to Level 13!! Thank you TTR! - Princess Dee Dee <3
Kool Kat said on April 13, 2015 at 5:47 PM
I told you to keep out of the sun! Oh well, some dogs never learn.
I told you to keep out of the sun! Oh well, some dogs never learn.
Wavecrash said on April 13, 2015 at 6:40 PM
Really glad you can changed cog HQ teleport access to unlock between levels 12-13. That's going to help a ton helping max suits! :)
Really glad you can changed cog HQ teleport access to unlock between levels 12-13. That's going to help a ton helping max suits! :)
Peanut Sparkletoes said on April 14, 2015 at 6:14 AM
I don't think this is any ameteur, Sir Max, I think this is someone to look out for! Grab your seltzer bottles, it might be the C.E.O!
I don't think this is any ameteur, Sir Max, I think this is someone to look out for! Grab your seltzer bottles, it might be the C.E.O!
Dyllon The Dog/North Polar Freeze said on April 14, 2015 at 2:07 PM
BBQHQ ran out of sauce? Time to investigate.
BBQHQ ran out of sauce? Time to investigate.
ooh la la said on April 14, 2015 at 3:45 PM
thank you toontown rewritten team for taking the time and effort to bring back toontown and keep working to keep it going you guys are outstanding!!!!! ty :)
thank you toontown rewritten team for taking the time and effort to bring back toontown and keep working to keep it going you guys are outstanding!!!!! ty :)
Namine said on April 14, 2015 at 4:02 PM
I want a vaction and I think someone was fiddling around in the lab... *Cough Cough* Sir *cough* Maxxxx *Cough cough cough cough *
I want a vaction and I think someone was fiddling around in the lab... *Cough Cough* Sir *cough* Maxxxx *Cough cough cough cough *
Reese said on April 14, 2015 at 5:55 PM
I loved how there would be no gravity during April fool's day. And the pranksters were...The Big Cheeses.
I loved how there would be no gravity during April fool's day. And the pranksters were...The Big Cheeses.
Furball (105 Laff) said on April 14, 2015 at 6:11 PM
Ok, now THAT is scary. Or wait... Did the cogs... WELL! GREAT NOW WE HAVE SOME COGS TO BUST! Let's go! *Grabs cakes, foghorns, clouds, juggling cubes, and hypno goggles*
Ok, now THAT is scary. Or wait... Did the cogs... WELL! GREAT NOW WE HAVE SOME COGS TO BUST! Let's go! *Grabs cakes, foghorns, clouds, juggling cubes, and hypno goggles*
Colonel Nutty Jeeperburger said on April 14, 2015 at 6:33 PM
I know who caused the prank. It was... some random Bossbot cog I don't remember the name to!
I know who caused the prank. It was... some random Bossbot cog I don't remember the name to!
Star Electronerd said on April 14, 2015 at 7:09 PM
Yay! This is awesome! I love having teleport access to Cashbot HQ, instead of walking 1000 miles down Pajama Place...
Yay! This is awesome! I love having teleport access to Cashbot HQ, instead of walking 1000 miles down Pajama Place...
Tigrissa said on April 14, 2015 at 7:13 PM
Soooooo.... I'm assuming its safe to return to the tooniverse?
Soooooo.... I'm assuming its safe to return to the tooniverse?
Land Storm said on April 14, 2015 at 7:51 PM
SO obvious! The BossBots... wait no, cant be. They are too serious to pull a prank. I KNOW!!! It's Bob! lol, Im clueless
SO obvious! The BossBots... wait no, cant be. They are too serious to pull a prank. I KNOW!!! It's Bob! lol, Im clueless
Colonel Skids Blubberfoot said on April 15, 2015 at 8:20 AM
i like cheese, Sir Max, i like cheese.
i like cheese, Sir Max, i like cheese.
Spinach Can Carl said on April 15, 2015 at 1:21 PM
Hmm.... pranks that weren't caused by Sir Max? Odd... could this be the cogs at work? Have they somehow manipulated our fun to their own pursuits (the pursuit of unhappiness) by laying a few distractions? Or is this some toons messing with goofiness again? Let's be prepared for what could be in store... it could be the biggest surprise yet.
Hmm.... pranks that weren't caused by Sir Max? Odd... could this be the cogs at work? Have they somehow manipulated our fun to their own pursuits (the pursuit of unhappiness) by laying a few distractions? Or is this some toons messing with goofiness again? Let's be prepared for what could be in store... it could be the biggest surprise yet.
Red Muffin said on April 15, 2015 at 11:44 PM
I like that you guys changed the Cog HQ teleport access. Thanks so much!
I like that you guys changed the Cog HQ teleport access. Thanks so much!
Grace said on April 16, 2015 at 7:30 AM
You did all that April Fools day stuff? Cool!
You did all that April Fools day stuff? Cool!
Miss Flippersplat said on April 16, 2015 at 11:16 AM
ouch! sunburns are painful. April Fools was super fun... but who created it?
ouch! sunburns are painful. April Fools was super fun... but who created it?
Wolfie said on April 16, 2015 at 12:27 PM
Hmm, I wonder what Fluffy was talking about? Something fishy is going on.
Hmm, I wonder what Fluffy was talking about? Something fishy is going on.
Carie Ossity said on April 16, 2015 at 5:54 PM
I'm curious to know who did it. Well, maybe since Flippy was at BBQHQ, he might have pulled the pranks!
I'm curious to know who did it. Well, maybe since Flippy was at BBQHQ, he might have pulled the pranks!
amber said on April 16, 2015 at 7:29 PM
Thank you so much for the April fools thing!!! I loved it can't wait for more!(:
Thank you so much for the April fools thing!!! I loved it can't wait for more!(:
The sunburn must have hurt and I loved the April Fools Day! :D