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Toodle-oo to Two Toontastic Toon Troopers!

Posted by Sir Max on January 8, 2025 at 2:00 PM

Howdy, Toons! Sir Max here – Toon Trooper, editor of the Toontown Blog, and miscellaneous mischief maker.

Have you ever wondered who keeps Toontown running like a pie-splattered machine? Sure, the Toon Resistance takes on the Cogs, and Toon HQ monitors happenings around town – but who ensures that every portable hole teleports you to the right place, or that every banana peel has the right amount of slickness? It's all thanks to our Toon Troopers, such as my long-time pals Shockley and Peanut Crinkledoodle!

Image: Peanut Crinkledoodle & Shockley hanging out together.

Now, I didn't forge my yellow Toon Trooper badge just to play tag, toss jellybean Unites, and get mobbed by crowds in Toontown Central. Toon Troopers do important work every day to not just architect new areas of Toontown, but keep our existing ones running so that you can play in Toontown any time you want to! For over 11 years, Peanut Crinkledoodle and Shockley have been unsung heroes of Toontown: part-time pranksters, full-time problem-solvers, and teachers of Toon tech.

Take yesterday's debacle, for instance. I was minding my own business (read: chasing a rogue butterfly through the Gag Shop), when I heard an enormous BANG! from outside. There, Peanut was scrunched up against the side of a crate like an accordion, shouting “I told you a cannon wouldn't work! These crates are stuck like Blue Glue!” Meanwhile, Shockley – ever the calm one – was scribbling "Plan Z" on a clipboard while perched above Peanut's head. It turns out we've had a Support Ticket open for years to get those crates moved into the Gag Shop's storage.

You see, collaborating on impossible feats for Toontown is a typical day for these two! If you've ever written to Toontown Support or had a technical issue resolved around town, chances are high that you have Peanut and Shockley to thank!

Peanut served as Silly Support Superstar, Lead Loony Listener, and Friendly Fix-It Facilitator to help Toons far and wide with any question they had. Shockley, on the other hand, tinkered away as Top Toony Test Technician, Nutty Network Nerd, and Systems Setter-upper to create some of the most Toontastic technology in the Tooniverse to keep our town running. Their antics have left a mark on Toontown – sometimes literally! (Remember that time Shockley took out a whole block with an inflatable wrecking ball? Talk about a Toontown Tweak!)

Now, after over 11 Toontastic years of service to Toontown, our dynamic duo is hanging up their oversized shoes and passing the seltzer bottle to the next generation of Toon Troopers. So here’s to Peanut Crinkledoodle and Shockley: the pranksters, innovators, and Toon Troopers who taught us that no problem is too impossible to solve. Toontown wouldn't be here today without them!


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Captain Mac Fizzlehopper said on January 8, 2025 at 2:13 PM
So long guys, and thanks for all the Grand Piano tuna fish *Captain Mac Fizzlehopper gives you the Resistance Salute*

Count Freckles Crunchyteeth said on January 8, 2025 at 2:16 PM
Thank you for all of your contributions!

Barget Wondersnout said on January 8, 2025 at 2:34 PM
So long, Peanut and Shockley! Thanks for all the great work you've done for the team! :D

Hirata Bun said on January 8, 2025 at 2:58 PM
I'm very aware of how long both Shockley and Peanut Crinkledoodle have been in the Toontown Rewritten team, and I'm saddened to know that they're both leaving but also happy that their dedication to maintaining the game will be remembered and commemorated. I especially remember Shockley on the Toonfest panels throughout the years and his work as the backbone of TTR won't be forgotten. My best wishes go to these two amazing people! Thank you for all you've done for TTR and the Toontown community.

Rolling Crocodile said on January 8, 2025 at 3:03 PM
Aww, I'm gonna miss ol' Shockley! He was such an iconic staff member, and a funny, friendly guy! I'll miss Peanut too, although I never really knew him, but I sure wish I had! Thank you both for all the great work you've done in making Toontown what it is today! You both have been such super-duper Troopers! So long, and "later, gator!", as I like to say!

Pawz Auff said on January 8, 2025 at 5:27 PM
Best of everything to you both!! Peanut, I thank your back a few years ago for guiding me while I worked under your command.. I enjoyed my time working with you!! The Team will miss you greatly!! I could imagine how hard it must a been to retire from TTR Support...

Miss Violet Razzledazzle said on January 9, 2025 at 8:41 AM
Was "Plan Z" lemon scented?

Parm E. Sean said on January 9, 2025 at 9:06 AM
That's actually quite sad. They've been there since the beginning, and now, they've quit.

Shaker Kitty said on January 9, 2025 at 9:26 AM
I'm gonna miss the both of you! Thanks for all the good times here on Toontown Rewritten; TOONS OF THE WORLD, UNITE!!!

Chunky said on January 10, 2025 at 8:25 PM
Let's hope they both have a nice break. Sounds like they sure do deserve it!

Midnight said on January 13, 2025 at 12:02 PM
No way :( They are such a staple of this game <3 Thank you for all the work you've done Shockley and Peanut and hope to still see you around town! We wish you all the best on your future endeavors!

Cheese Head said on January 13, 2025 at 5:54 PM
Can't seem to log in. I downloaded it after years

Steel Blue Dog said on January 13, 2025 at 7:55 PM
i love this game so much thank you

Captain Flippenhopper said on January 14, 2025 at 7:59 AM
Man, I remember talking to Shockley way back when Toontown Rewritten was just an IRC chat, eager dreams and hard work. Thanks so much for your fantastic work over the years, and hope it goes well whereever you go!
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