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Super-Seltzering Some Skelecogs!

Posted by Bonnie Bubbles on July 13, 2024 at 2:00 PM

Shhh! Yeah, you. Come over and keep it low-key if ya can.

In all honesty, it's a little tricky to say how I ended up here. I don't stray too far from the Hideout these days 'cause that's how I usually end up in bizarro situations, like uh, this one actually. It all started when I was told to get my gloves on a birthday cake for Ripley, with fancy-schmancy candles and all that. Yeaaah… let's just say I took a detour, ya dig? Maaaan, this is why no one sends me out to do stuff…

Meeting in Sellbot Field Office with Bonnie Bubbles

Okie dokieee, moving on. To bring you up to speed with what's going down in there, it's hard to say unforch, 'cause of all their big business words and their uhhhh, whatsitcalled? Jargon, yeah! That's what Ai Spai calls it. No biggie, though. I think their meeting or briefing or whatever is just gettin' started anyways, so keep mum and listen up. The others are gonna wanna hear about this... Sounds like some Mover & Shaker is hosting it, too.

"Greetings, all. Thank you for attending this meeting at such short notice – oil refreshments are on the side.

Allow me to cut to the chase. For those of you who are out of the loop, here is the matter at hand: those bothersome Toons have shaken up our newly-established Scrap and Steel Factories, halting vital productivity and Cog manufacturing in certain circumstances."

As much as I despise the Cogs, whoever designed the Mover & Shaker deserves a promotion. Look at that mustache, man! Okay, I'm putting a sock in it now.

"One of the most significant setbacks we faced was last week, when our paint supply was polluted with what seemed to be... seltzer water."

Uhh, that wasn't me. It was… Ronnie Rubbles! I'm sorry! Zip! No more from me. Promise.

"The magnitude of these disruptions is considerable. Consequently, according to the numbers crunched over at Cashbot Headquarters, we are seeing a noticeable reduction in the quantity of Cogs on Toontown's streets, and numbers never lie.

The Factory Foreman has concluded that the way forward is to initiate a Skelecog Mega-Invasion, so mark your digital calendars – the invasion will occur from the 13th of July 2:00PM Toontown Time (PDT) to the 15th of July 11:59PM Toontown Time (PDT).

Take note that the Toons may deploy a handful of their nonsensical 'Resistance Rangers'. It is definite that they'll be on shaky ground. As usual."

A Skelecog Mega-Invasion?! Drats! Those Cogs give me the creeps, big time. All is good in the hood when I've got my baby right by my side though. My Super-Seltzer, that is. If she and I survived Doomsday, we'll survive anything! Hands up, Skelecogs!

Anywaaays, let me get outta here before I do something I'll regret, like take a sip of those Cog refreshments. Oh man, that'd be bad. I've always wondered what oil tastes like… we've got some in the Hideout anyway though... Alright! Bubbles out!


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Toonsworth said on July 13, 2024 at 3:26 PM
Well well, a Skelecog Mega Invasion! It's been so long since one of these happened. Why, I remember being there for the first ones only... I'd like to say 9 years ago? It seems so odd to see them wandering Elm Street... Funny though, being that a Mover And Shaker announced it... I seem to have a faint reason to say that the Sellbots use to put up portraits all around their Field Offices. Do you suppose they'll do it again some day? I could see it now, One Stars would have Cold Caller Portraits, Two Stars would have Mover And Shaker Portraits, Three Stars would have Hollywoods all about, and lastly, though not the least important, the Four Star Building with portraits of The Boiler itself... And if there is a Five Star out there, and assuming that there's a Boiler beneath the Sellbot Tower itself, VP Portraits as far as the eye could see. Heh. 5 Star Field Offices. Could you imagine? Nothing but Hollywoods & Minglers in The Mega Shaker rooms and Hollywoods all about the Cold Caller Cubicles? Hah. What a sight that would be. You'd probably need 8 Toons just to beat the whole thing. Probably some 2.0s in the mix as well. Maybe even some Level 20 Cold Callers. Hah. Oh, but one can only dream. Would probably put a dent into the Cog's Budget Plan. Then what? The Cashbots would probably have to build National Banks over our HQs just to recover. If those failed, Law Firms from the Lawbots, and lastly Elite Offices from the Bossbots to balance those as well. Well, I do hope you all the best of luck out there during this Mega Invasion, and as always, I do hope to see some Cold Caller Skelecogs out there today. Yes. Jolly. Cheerio.

Nicholas said on July 13, 2024 at 6:57 PM
Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you just bring in the new playground 🛝 thank you thank keep being awesome 😎 thank you. Keep it up.

Parm E. Sean said on July 14, 2024 at 8:37 AM
Heh, those Skelecogs can't stand a chance against us. With a single remote control and a Mover & Shaker, the Skelecogs would practically fall apart from the earthquakes!

Japanese Blossom said on July 15, 2024 at 12:30 PM
Now The Skelecogs Inv to v2 Skelecog one this is like the most robocogs version of it which is intense. Including a Skelecog the most popular version since 2003 when Disney's Toontown Online shutted down for business. What are you waiting for get out there and defeat all the skelecogs that you can find?

Mrwoof said on July 16, 2024 at 11:56 AM
yay i like this update
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