Sneak Peek: Upgrades to Toon T.A.G.S.
Posted by Mustavo on September 15, 2018 at 2:00 PM
Heya, pals! You've probably never seen me 'round these parts formally, but I get around. They calls me Mustavo, the Toon Trooper. I’m a bear, one with a Mustache, formerly a token taker. But that ain’t all there is to my personality! I’ve got aspirations in life, ya see. Today I'm here to give ya's what some may call a "sneak peek" of what's coming to Toontown.
Over a year ago, the Toon Council brought me on the scene to assist with various tasks to make Toontown a nicer place. My first quest on the job? I fixed up them ol’ Speedway screens and made em’ work as they should. Ever since then, I’ve been watchin’ the speedway and I noticed that between racing, people there are doin’ a whole lotta talkin’.
For my next project, I asked my good friend Doctor Dimm if I could look into improvin’ the ol’ Toon T.A.G.S. (Totally Awesome Graphic Simulation) that Loony Labs pioneered those years back. He gave me the go ahead, but he seemed a bit preoccupied. I guess that Silly Meter is takin’ up all of his time!
Anyhow, I got to work concocting the latest upgrades to the T.A.G.S., and boy do I think you’re all gonna like this one. Here’s what I did: I took a little bitta’ dis-cord, I took a little bitta’ dat-cord, I threw em’ all together in who knows which ways, wop-bop a loo-bop a lop-bam-boom, there it went! You'll be able to see precisely where all your friends are in Toontown from the Toon Detail Panel, whether they’re on Silly Street or fighting the Chief Justice!

But that ain’t all I’ve done. When I was lookin’ through all the cords I had available to use, one in particular piqued my interest. It was a strange thing I tell ya, it glowed with an eerie blue light. I fed some data into it, and lo and behold it was hooked up right into my Discord account!
Toontown Discord Servers have grown to be some of the most Toontastic community hubs, and the Toon Council was all for supporting it. As of next update, you'll be able to see Toon Details in Discord for anyone playing the game who has the featured turned on. In the future, you might even look forward to being able to jump right into the Tooniverse with your Discord friends as well!
If you're o'er the age of 13, have yer parental's permission, and want to join a Toontown Discord server: I'd recommend checking out the /r/ToontownRewritten Discord which the Toon Council has found to be a safe and suitable place for Toons.
NOTE: This Discord server is community-ran and not officially sponsored by Toontown Rewritten.
That's all for this bit 'o "sneak peek." I better get back to pursuerin' my other aspirations! I think next I want to go diveskying. You can catch these upcoming features in the next update coming soon to Toontown. And don't forget, ToonFest starts on September 19th!
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Neato! Looking forward to this!
This looks like it'll be useful!
Enjoy your stay if you join our community! <3
I finished the main taskline in four months and i'm happy about this!
we're jammin now bois
This is gonna be great!
Yay! Can't wait to use it!
Yes!!! Can't wait for the next update!
Eep! Welcome to our little community if you decide to join the Discord! :)
Those will certainly be handy features for all toons. I know they will be for the toons in my immediate toonily!
Finally, we can actually see where our friends ACTUALLY are instead of having to ask them. Good for people like me.
Can't wait! No more friends asking for help while I'm racing or doing a boss fight!
I love toon town
aaaa I can't wait for this!!
can't wait to meet you all and do fun activities that the discord has to offer, golfing, boss gauntlets, maybe even racing tournaments someday
All aboard the hype express!!!
schweeeet i cant wait
Nice! ill be looking forward to this!
nice update! now my friends will know when i'm on TTR or TTCC!
You didn't mention this, but the image above says someone is in a Cog Building. That doesn't display currently as far as I know, so is that also a new change coming?! I hope so!!
Mustaches and bamboo hats confirmed?
Awesome! I can't wait!
Yeehaw! That's fantastic!
Questioning the mustache.
Super! It'll be nice for when I want to sneak up on my friends XD
Cool! That way I know where everyone is.
Wow, so now when anyone says they are busy, I’ll actually know if they are
This looks like a nice update! And i can't wait until ToonFest arrives!
Well I'll be a mustache on a bear, this update is quite lovely.
I am truly excited for this update and all of you lovely people! This makes me so happy
Is the moustache real?
Lol, I hope you become a famous toon. Good luck!
He has all 7 gag tracks! Is this a sign for the future?
Sneak peeks going to be great!
this sounds great!
Ohhh yeahhhhh!!!
Wow, toons! Great moves. Keep it up. Proud of you.
I can’t wait to stalk my friends ??
Well that'll be helpful!
I like playing toontown rewritten
Not bad.
Looks good! Keep the updates comin'
oh, i hope ToonFest has the BeanFest my friend, Wildberry was talking about~!
So excited for ToonFest! Gotta love those multipliers.
HAPPY TOONFEST IN-GAME EVERYTOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I owe a giant thanks to TTR for keeping this wonderful game alive. The more I hear about ToonFest, the more EXCITED I GET!!!!! And it's FINALLY here! i'd also like to thank Mustache bear- I forgot his name- for giving out the word of this wonderful update. Ty!
ToonFest starts today at 12pm Toon Town Time!
LOVE WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN. NICE. And PLEAASE don't mention ToonFest again. The more I hear it, the more I wanna play TTR that sec, though my mom doesn't always lemme play TTR all day... xD OWOOOOOO YAY I CAN PLAY NOW. TY FOR READING. Cya at ToonFest!
Seems good!