Toontown's SURPRISE Update
Posted by Sir Max on July 20, 2018 at 6:00 PM
SURPRISE! I bet you weren't expecting to hear from us so soon. After all, the most TOONTASTIC event of the year is only a few days away, and one would expect for us to save all of the excitement until then. But you'd expect WRONG! You must have forgotten my name: Sir Max: Master of Surprise. (Name Approval Pending)
Okay, I lied about the name approval. The Toon Council rejected that name. ANOTHER SURPRISE! What's with all of the surprises, anyway? What even is this surprise? A birthday party? Winning the lottery? Jury duty?
Lucky for you, this surprise is none of those things. Unless it's your birthday, in which case: SURPRISE!
Alright, alright, they tell me I'm starting to use up my character limit here, so I'll cut to the chase: The Toon Troopers been working on several huge upcoming features for Toontown, which you can see announced LIVE next week. We realized, however: There's so much that we've completed, that we can't even fit it all into one show!
That's where this surprise comes in. We have a great, big, immensely surprising update today -- the likes of which Toontown hasn't seen in months. There's so much, in fact, that writing all of it in blog post form would take an army of Sir Max's -- and we all know how that worked out last time.
I've listed some of the highlights here for you, but you'll want to check out the notes at the bottom of the post for the full scoop on all of these changes.
- Crocodiles and Deer are settled into town and getting more expressive! Special animations now have custom muzzles for these Toon species.
- Added a new Fish Bingo mode: Blockout Bingo! We'll teach you the full scoop on how to play in our next blog post before Fish Bingo Wednesday.
- A few troubles with Cog Battles have been fixed and re-balanced! For example, Gags of the same type against the same Cog will now either all hit, or all miss. See notes for the full list of battle changes.
- Toontown's animations are beginning to get sillier! You'll notice tons of animation tweaks all around, as well as a newly redesigned animation: SURPRISE!
Don't forget, this is just the stuff that we couldn't fit into our event next week. Stop by every day from July 26 - 29 to see what else is in store! Go ahead and check out the very long list of notes to see what other surprises are coming to this update. Ta-ta for now, Toontown!
Note from the Toontown Team

Last month, we were shocked to hear about the passing of a dear friend to many Toontown players, Michael. (Also known as "Kong" and "Random Toon.") We've created a special shirt to remember him, which will appear in the Cattlelog every year at the end of June. You can get it today by typing the code "thank-you-kong" into your Shticker Book.
We are so proud of the Toontown Community for supporting his friends and family through this hard time!
July 20, 2018 [ttr-live-v2.2.0]
• “The Random Toon Shirt” has been added to the game in memory of Michael (Kong). For a limited time, you can get this shirt for free using the code “thank-you-kong” in your Shtickerbook.
• Fixed an issue that prevented Silly Saturdays, Fishing Bingo, Grand Prix and Trolley Tracks from starting on schedule.
• Fixed a bug caused by Toons opening their Shticker Book while jumping.
• Updated whitelist with new words and phrases for SpeedChat+ players.
• Miscellaneous preparations for ToonFest at ReplayFX 2018.
• The "Toontown Rerigged 2.0" project is complete! All Toon animation has been moved over to this new animation system and tweaked as needed, allowing for easier content creation and fixing a few bugs along the way. Now, about that Cog animation...
• As a “surprise” to show off the capabilities of the new Toon rigs, we re-animated the “surprise” animation to be more accurate to original concept!
• Added custom muzzles for the “Surprise”, “Cry”, “Delighted”, “Furious”, and “Laugh” animations on Crocodile and Deer Toons.
• Removed rabbit teeth during rabbit muzzle changes to avoid clipping and improve appearance.
• Made several improvements to Toon LOD models.
• Cleaned up various sets of animation that had an incorrect number of frames.
• Fixed a longstanding bug that caused Toons to jump forward while swimming.
• Fixed various situations where Toon legs would clip through shorts and skirts.
• Tall Toons, rejoice! You can squash AND stretch in style once more!
• Many, many more animation tweaks -- far too many to list here! If you spot a Toon animation that doesn’t make you bust out a smile, let us know so we can make it better.
• Players who type a Pick-a-Name pattern of the opposite gender will now have their name automatically approved, just like typing a Pick-a-Name pattern of the same gender. This will allow some names that have been previously restricted to NPCs to now be available for everyone.
• Cog Attacks which were previously silent now feature new sound effects. We experimented for a while to ensure that all sounds have the proper Toontown feel, so let us know what you think about the new sounds!
• Fixed an issue that caused Toons saved by a Toon-Up unite during battle to lose their gags.
• Gags of the same type against the same Cog will now either all miss or all hit in that round. This change does not impact the chances of a Gag track hitting one Cog and the same track missing another Cog.
• Luring a Cog will no longer decrease accuracy of Lure gags towards a Cog of a lower level in a later round.
• Fixed a bug that prevented Doodles from getting XP credit for a successful trick in battle.
• Fixed a bug causing incorrect calculation of "organic" and "knockback" gag damage.
Cog HQs
• Added a visual alert to notify you when the V.P. or C.J. is about to jump. This change is designed for players who are deaf and hard of hearing, or prefer to play with sounds disabled. If you would like to disable this feature when sound effects are on, set "sound-accessibility" to false in your settings.json file. We are working to make Toontown a more accessible game for all players. Please send us your suggestions!
• Added an alert if someone tries to add you to a boss battle Boarding Group but you aren’t ready for a promotion.
• The safes in the C.F.O. battle will no longer fall through the back wall of the vault while they are on the crane magnet.
• Fixed a bug that causes Toons to gain more than the usual amount of Merits, Cogbucks, Jury Notices and Stock Options if a Toon in the same group disconnects in a cog facility.
• Added the long-awaited Blockout Bingo game mode to the Fish Bingo rotation! At the top of each hour, every fishing pond in Toontown will be in competition to fill the board first for a massive Jellybean prize. Grab your rods and game on during Fish Bingo Wednesdays and Silly Saturdays!
• Corrected an issue with mailboxes where confirmation notices would disappear instantly.
• Fixed a district reset related to Doodles.
• More times will now appear on the Goofy Speedway Leaderboard.
• Fixed a bug causing daily and weekly leaderboard times to remain longer than they were supposed to.
• Fixed a bug that prevented refunds of deposited tickets on Grand Prix Monday in some cases.
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Omg im so happy about the kong shirt tysm ttr
Aw! This is so nice of you TTR team to release a shirt based off of random toon. RIP.
Wow this looks amazing :D
Awesome!! Can't wait to log on and see! <3
Cool! Thanks TTR staff for the update and tribute to Michael!
Rest in peace Kong, much love.
Haha what a surprise! Looking forward to checking everything out.
everything is good besides the short toon running animation, running with a skirt makes the skirt look weirdly distorted and the legs also look funny
Great update, and also rest in peace kong, you will be missed.
This is amazing! Love all of the new updates and I can't wait to see what TTR is adding next!
This looks sick I've been wanting the deer toon animations to be like the other toons animations for so long and i really like the new surprise animation Good Job Guys
Holy cow... I did not expect this update! Lots of bug fixes and more surprises! Rest in Peace Kong, you will always be remember. <3
Overall a good update. I really love what you did for Kong. One thing i must say is that the animation for short toons running is really weird. I would really push for you all to look at that again in the next update.
Aww TYSM TTR!!. <3 also R.I.P Kong we'll never forget you ever.. But Thank you so much for Everything!!. ^^
I'm really happy about the jump visual notice. I was always wondering about this knowing I know several hearing impaired people or people who have the sound off.
Lets Go!
Ca't wait to see the new animations and what is to come for toonfest!
Thanks joey
Rest in piece dude. Lots of love
Glad to see all the new updates, especially the visual alerts, Random Toon shirts, and alerts for boarding groups! Great job :D
It breaks my heart to hear that Micheal passed. :( <3
Temmie is excited for blockout not as excited for matching lure either succeeding or failing (aka the double lure evils from tto)
yeah i bet my friend flop will like the shirt
Wow, Neat changes team!
The bug in which you guys said was fixed isn't fixed. We did squirt on the same cog,same round and only one squirt of the two hit. :/ Please fix.
I've been playing this game for years, I got my family and friends playing with me too. So happy to hear that the game is improving and can't wait to see it and let me friends and family know!
Personally, I think that the Cry, Delighted, Furious, and Laugh animations should all get a revamp. They all reuse animations and I would love to see them use unique animations. But still, good update from you guys, I hope to see more animations like the new Surprise in the future!
Rest in peace Michael. You brought great joy to my brother and I throughout our entire lives. We will always remember you. <3
Yay!! I’m so happy we’re getting updates, the game needed something extra. Thank you for the special Michael code. We all miss him dearly. ?
Cool beans, love the old running animation <3
thanks to this amazing team!! you work so hard to satisfy so many! it is greatly appreciated! <3
really appreciate the new update, love how hard the Toontown team works. It shows how much they care about the community and the game. Love you people!
Excited for the jumping update for CJ! I'll no longer have to angle my view so I can see him jump and see the lawyers too
Wow. I appreciate all of yalls dedication being the young developers you are. Keep going! Many people love and will always support all of you!
Very Toony indeed
Yay for the updates! the shirt feature is nice, that a fellow toon can be remembered with a shirt. almost sad (I want my own shirt too! XD)
Awesome! So excited to hear about what's coming next! It hurts my heart to see the passing of such a beloved original ToonTown member and Youtuber, Kong. His videos always made me laugh and I couldn't believe what I was reading just now. Kong was an inspiration to us all and deserves this recognition. Thank you TTR team for doing this. Thank you, Random Toon for all the toon-UPS, and I hope you rest in peace <3
Thank you Michael. We will wear this in your honor.
i think its kind of good rest in peace kong
Nice update! Sometimes it's nice to appreciate the little updates, and this is an example of that. :D
Yes! I love this update!
Oh goodie.
They finally fixed the delighted animation on medium sized toons! This alone has made my day :D
Aww...didn't know he passed in peace, Kong. Lots of love <3
I am so sad about Kong but that is so nice of ttr to do that for him!
Now THIS is exiting news! great work guys! keep up the AMAZING work!
Thank you, TTR and Rest in peace, TRT....
We love you, Kong!
Yay! Best Update So Far
This is all really great I really started to want to get rid of my buck teeth because they would phase in and out.Thanks again
I've been a fan of Kong for 6 years, and his passing really saddened me. Making a shirt based off him was the least you could do.
I literally said this: "YES!!!!!!! ALL IS RIGHT IN THE DOODLE WORLD! YESS!!!!!!!!! BEST UPDATE EVER!!!!!!!!" I'm clearly crazy.
Wait, there was a passing of Kong? - surprise animation - I am so shocked! Thanks for the new update and note!
Wow, toons! Great moves. Keep it up. Proud of you.
Can't wait for MORE updates! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I am so excited for the new update!
Thank you so much for the amazing updates coming our way! I hope the next update later down the road would be to add more gag tracks like in your video you jokingly said next is music gag. It would be nice to have more on there, that way people who maxed out have something to do. <3 I love how you take us into notice and will play this a lot more often now because of it.
Finally some actual updates! R.I.P. Michael :'(
Wow! These updates look super cool!
I love all of it! Especially the bug where the toon jerks forward while swimming. I’m so glad that was fixed. However, the new running animation looks strange. For girl toons, the skirt flies up way too much in the back and the front looks distorted. That new animation just has a very weird feel.
Yay!! thx for the update
Peace out Kong! Our new shirt will forever remind us of you!! <3
Although I was a little irritated at first, After reading this article I am so happy for ToonTown Rewritten and their progress to restore ToonTown and make it better than before! Thank you for putting so much effort into this game and thank you Kong!
This is great :P though Rest in Peace Kong :( you will be missed
this looks so cool! i will buy some stuff(in game) just for this special ocasion!
Awesome, Guys!
Kong was very special to all of us :'( He will be missed
Great update, Rest in peace, Kong!
Wow! If this is the content that couldn't fit into ToonFest, I can't wait to see what DID fit into ToonFest-- it's probably even better, huh? :P I for one am a big fan of the animation tweaks. Keep them coming, and keep making more of them! The game's animations are great but they're over a decade old and not many new ones have been added in that time. I think it's time that changed, and the new Surprised animation is a great first step toward that! :D
Nice job adding some nice tweaks to the game, plus the help for people with hearing issues. You guys are cool.
Golly! This update must be the best one since the game got out of beta!
"Fixed a district reset related to Doodles." So that's why the full district was resetting so much...
Awk! This is exciting!
Aww... It's so sad to hear that a player died.
Nice update
Never heard of Kong/Random Toon/Michael but I hope his loved ones can get through his passing ok. Rest in peace, Kong. (And this new update looks pretty neat!!)
Wow I just found out of Kong's death and I am shocked.
AW Yay im so happy i have been waiting for a whole year
Thank you! I've watched Kong for more years than I remember. I'm never taking that shirt off. <3 Thank You Kong.
Kong was truly the greatest toon who ever lived... Thank You Kong...
Kong was a great dude and if he could see this right now I bet he would be smiling, thank you TTR team!
Great way to Honor Michael. Peace to his spirit and to his family. Thank you for the continued updates and surprises on TTR! Love this Game!!! 15 years and still Toon Enough!!! Toons Rock!!!
Love the Cog attack sound effects. My personal favorite is the asset freeze. :D
I didn't know that Kong passed away. It was nice of the Toontown Staff to add a shirt to tribute The Random Toon Show.
This is an amazing update tysm ttr team! However, I am too saddened by the passing of kong may we all remember him.
I love surprises!!!!!!!!!! :D I cantwait for the rest of the surprises!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) <3 ty for the surprises, ttr!
wow this is so great perfect update and the cog hqs one haha thanks toontown rewriten team so much
I've been waiting for the Kong shirt. Thank you, TTR!
Oh my gosh! This update is a surprise! I was gone for a couple days and came back to all of this new stuff!
Aww, It's so sad to hear about the passing of Kong. #ThankYouKong
I'm gonna miss Kong. My favorite series was the Kong vs the cog bosses. You will be remembered forever in the toontown community.
Now things are getting interesting.... now time to see if my toon looks cooler!
"everything is good besides the short toon running animation, running with a skirt makes the skirt look weirdly distorted and the legs also look funny" AGREEEED AGREEEED. please fix this
Great! I’d like it if you guys would fix a crashing issue that some toons like me have when we enter a tunnel or teleport somewhere. This is really tedious and has caused me to crash multiple times. Also, that Kong shirt looks really nice and glad to see from respect too. Great patch overall!
I thought the surprising animation looked extra silly! Cool update, can't wait to see what else is in store! Kong, you will be missed.
i cant believe that the toontown rerigged project is finally done! now we can have all of the promised animation fixes
Can't believe I missed this. Rerigged is here yay!!!
Hi! Fizz Gig the Pig here! Thanks for the update and I'm really happy about the Kong shirt, I used the code but next year I'm going to buy it. Also if Kong is reading this up there in heaven I wanted to say thanks, also I'm happy your vids are still up cause they make me laugh and will continue to do so forever.
Neato! :D
I just noticed that the walking/running jump animation on skinny toons causes the right arm to clip the body, quite badly. Please fix this. Also, I am very happy for the indicator in the boss jumps, as I often play with the sound off. Thank you!
Nice, just got the Kong shirt!
Rest in peace Michael, he's in a better place now.
I can't lie, this is a much bigger update than people think it is... It's a sneak peek into what Toontown could become in the future. New animations for literally anything. So exciting! :D
Impressive update! The surprise emote was actually a real surprise to me at first. I literally started spamming exclamation points, haha! And I really appreciate your tribute to Michael. It's always sad when somebody (especially a fantastic toon) passes over. Rest in peace, Michael. Hopefully we'll see you again soon :)
Rest In Peace Kong, we will never forget you.
Goodbye, Kong. You'll be missed.
Thank you, TTR! I've been waiting for this gag accuracy system to be fixed. In the meantime, I'm going to go check out the new animations. I'll let you know what I think of them later.
Well, I just finished playing the game, and I'm ready to give my opinions on the new toon animations. I like the fat toon animations, but I'm kinda skeptical about the short and tall ones. Whenever the short and tall toons run, they shake their head from side-to-side. I like the old versions better because they don't do that. It's just so weird to look at, though. I know it's a cartoon world, but still. Please bring back the old short and tall toon animations! As for the surprise animation, I like it better. But maybe try making the gap between the end of the animation and the start of it longer.
Woohoo! Toontown Rerigged is here! I've been awaiting this update since it was announced!
hey this seems pretty nice and once agian thank you for bringing back my favorite childhood game
Yay!!!!!!! I've already got the Random Toon Shirt. I think it rocks! I won't stop wearing it for about a week or so! Tyvm!!!!!!!!! It's so sad to hear a player died. RIP. I love the new surprise animation! Ty, ttr!
Thanks! My one complaint is that, whatever you did to the deer face, my monocle accessory no longer fits properly! :(
So glad to see consistent updates! Disney made a great game but to see you dump so much care and love into it makes me smile. Something as simple as gradual additions to the SpeedChat+ whitelist really helps show how much you care about the game and its players. Keep up the incredible work my friends!
RIP Kong. Your memory in Toontown will never be forgotten.
Yay! Nice job! I just stopped playing ttr cause I was playing another game. But I'll start to play it again. I LOVE TOONTOWN!!!
When I saw that the toon troopers were preparing a "surprising" update, I thought it would have something to do with the surprise animation!
I'm glad that the game form my childhood back
Random coincidence. Me and my cousin were just watching his videos and decided to get back on ttr after like a year and a half and as I was waiting for it to update I checked the news (which I never do) and oh my gosh I'm so sorry to hear that. We'll miss you Michael.
First off great job TTR team for this wonderful update, this brought me more hope for the great future of Toontown. Next, I wanted to say rest in piece to Kong, I will always be wearing that shirt in TTR and I will never change it, he was a great toon and a great person, so I will wear his shirt forever to show appreciation.
awesome and WTG to all toontown workers for hard work to make better for anyone who have hard of hearing and deaf like me... I am happy
Sounds Toon-tastic to me! I can't wait to jump into Toontown and see all the new changes! I never met Kong, but he sounds like a really good friend. I'm happy the staff created a shirt in his honor.
Rest in peace, Kong. Hope you have a good time in heaven. You are a good soul and it's sad you have left life.
We will miss you Michael. Your enthusiasm and energy towards Toontown will never be forgotten!
Rest in Piece Kong, I am never going to change the Random Toom Shirt
Wow ttr really did their homework
I love the shirt!!!!! ty!!!!!!!!!
wow! that kinda cool, i havent played for a year! lets a play
i can't wait for all the new updates! and i hope Michael's family can get through this hard time
Thanks for the awesome updates! Love em
When I go to VP or CJ, it's really hard for me to know when the VP or CJ jumps. I usually lose a LOT of laff. And I also play with the sound off sometimes. I like the random toon shirt I wont stop wearing it for a long time <3 <3 <3 <3
I think the new surprise animation looks kinda dorky :D But that's not a complaint! btw i love the shirt tyvm ttr love you
Hmmm I haven't seen the difference of the face of my toon. That's probably because I haven't played this deer toon in a while, lol. I've been playing the other toons on my account. I'm gonna play my deer toon next time I play.
Last time I played I think I saw the teeth of the rabbit, though I didn't see any problems with the rabbit teeth. Btw I love the way my new Random Toon Shirt looks on me. Ty for fixing all those bugs... Though I still see butterflies at Toontown Central. JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!! Like my joke?
RIP, Michael. I love the shirt you left behind <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 I sure do wish I met Your toon, Michael...
What a nice surprise on my birthday! (Tho it’s not the 20th anymore but shh)
Yes, Yes, and more Yes!
It's sad to hear of The Random Toon's passing, but it is really nice for the staff to make a shirt in honor. Rest in peace Michael.
Thumbs up
Oooh I loved the new sign when the boss is about to jump and the reason for it (deaf and hard-hearing people)! TTR making UX always better and for everyone!!
I really don't like the running animation for short toons wearing skirts. It looks funny and is very jarring and off putting. Please revert it back to the original! It used to look so nice.