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Backstage: Polishing, Planning, and Parties (Oh My!)
Posted by The Toontown Team on January 20, 2017 at 2:00 PM
Hello, Toontown! Sorry to keep you starving for blog posts for a couple of days. The beginning of each year means big things for Toontown Rewritten as we prepare our first update of 2017, finalize planning for our ToonFest convention, and a few other little things that we'll talk about here.
Today we'll be telling you all about what's going on with Backstage Toontown this month!

An upcoming update will contain plenty of widely requested bugfixes, and we greatly encourage you to keep reporting them to us -- even if you know they've been reported before by someone else. This helps us to identify which bugs are the biggest priority for fixing.
In addition to fixing up bugs - our system engineer, Sam ("Shockley") has been working to completely overhaul our update deployment system. This will allow us to not only get updates out faster, but improve the quality of our testing procedures!
In the past month, we've interviewed and started training five new team members (That's a lot at once!) for various positions on the team. Undoubtedly, you'll start seeing a positive effect on the team very soon based off of the work that they're doing.
We'll have more information about how YOU may be able to help out with Toontown Rewritten very soon!
We really love hosting contests and events here in Toontown, but we've only managed to have a few per year. Starting with one that revolves around the Toon Species Election, you can expect many more contests and out-of-game events coming to keep you occupied.
We told you a little while back about how Parties were coming along, but as the nature of development goes we ended up getting sidetracked with other important projects. We dusted off our party hats, though, and are excited to tell you that Toon Parties will be one of the upcoming features added to Toontown.
This is where we want to hear from YOU -- post a comment, make a community post, or send us an email about any location, activity, or event suggestions for ToonFest 2017. We'll be making an announcement in the coming weeks with more information about the event. Don't buy any tickets yet!
That wraps up about all we can tell you for now. Keep your eyes peeled on the blog to see all of this content come to life. We hoped that you enjoyed this Backstage column, and we hope to make many more to keep you in the loop of all things Toontown!
Today we'll be telling you all about what's going on with Backstage Toontown this month!

Polishing Progress
Back in November, we told you all about a plan that we had to bring Toontown out of beta in 2017 with a full release. There are many parts to this, and we're happy to report that things are coming along nicely!
In addition to fixing up bugs - our system engineer, Sam ("Shockley") has been working to completely overhaul our update deployment system. This will allow us to not only get updates out faster, but improve the quality of our testing procedures!
New Toons for the Team
This is something we're very excited about - after a long period of trying to refine our application processes and the way we train new team members, new Toons have joined the Toontown Rewritten Team!In the past month, we've interviewed and started training five new team members (That's a lot at once!) for various positions on the team. Undoubtedly, you'll start seeing a positive effect on the team very soon based off of the work that they're doing.
We'll have more information about how YOU may be able to help out with Toontown Rewritten very soon!
Our Contestant Contest
Waiting for some news on the Toon Species Election? We're sorry for keeping you in the dark! The next stage of the election is almost ready to start, and we've introduced a brand new role for our team to coincide with it: Contest Planner.We really love hosting contests and events here in Toontown, but we've only managed to have a few per year. Starting with one that revolves around the Toon Species Election, you can expect many more contests and out-of-game events coming to keep you occupied.
It's Party Time!

Coming to the Convention?
One of the most exciting things we've been doing in January is planning for our next convention. We're looking at locations, activities, and ideas from all angles to figure out how we can make it an extraordinarily fun event for ALL of Toontown - even if you can't make it in person.This is where we want to hear from YOU -- post a comment, make a community post, or send us an email about any location, activity, or event suggestions for ToonFest 2017. We'll be making an announcement in the coming weeks with more information about the event. Don't buy any tickets yet!
That wraps up about all we can tell you for now. Keep your eyes peeled on the blog to see all of this content come to life. We hoped that you enjoyed this Backstage column, and we hope to make many more to keep you in the loop of all things Toontown!
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Flapjack said on January 20, 2017 at 2:11 PM
Can't wait for parties!
Can't wait for parties!
Smirky Bumberpop said on January 20, 2017 at 2:18 PM
What a great update! Thanks for keeping us informed, TTR Team! If I had to be honest, I would love for TTR to go back to OMG!Con 2017! I've heard about many Toons purchase tickets in excitement for the event, and I would hate for them to be disappointed. Anyway, keep up the great work guys! =)
What a great update! Thanks for keeping us informed, TTR Team! If I had to be honest, I would love for TTR to go back to OMG!Con 2017! I've heard about many Toons purchase tickets in excitement for the event, and I would hate for them to be disappointed. Anyway, keep up the great work guys! =)
Blizzard said on January 20, 2017 at 2:23 PM
I would love to go to ToonFest, But the traveling would be a huge issue. Maybe host it in Boston or somewhere close to it?
I would love to go to ToonFest, But the traveling would be a huge issue. Maybe host it in Boston or somewhere close to it?
Frizzy said on January 20, 2017 at 2:35 PM
I'll need to throw a party for the return of parties.
I'll need to throw a party for the return of parties.
Black Widow said on January 20, 2017 at 2:46 PM
Woo Hoo I Cant Wait! :D <3
Woo Hoo I Cant Wait! :D <3
Ganymede said on January 20, 2017 at 2:49 PM
That's awesome, I can't wait until parties!
That's awesome, I can't wait until parties!
Skinny Flapjack Lemongoose said on January 20, 2017 at 3:00 PM
Toonfest 2017! I'm so excited and Parties too! 2017 is amazing already.
Toonfest 2017! I'm so excited and Parties too! 2017 is amazing already.
Little Daffy said on January 20, 2017 at 3:11 PM
YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!! I can not wait for parties!!!!!!!! I am so exited right now
YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!! I can not wait for parties!!!!!!!! I am so exited right now
Candy said on January 20, 2017 at 3:20 PM
Yaaay I'm so excited for the updates and everything that's soon to come! I hope doodles get added soon, too! You guys are amazing, thank you so much!
Yaaay I'm so excited for the updates and everything that's soon to come! I hope doodles get added soon, too! You guys are amazing, thank you so much!
Pethito said on January 20, 2017 at 3:26 PM
Awesome! I love parties!
Awesome! I love parties!
Electroquack said on January 20, 2017 at 3:30 PM
I'm so excited for parties to make a return!
I'm so excited for parties to make a return!
Gavin Mouse said on January 20, 2017 at 3:56 PM
I'm so excited!!
I'm so excited!!
May said on January 20, 2017 at 4:14 PM
Oh gosh I love these posts. Seeing some of those photos were great! Toon parties, wow. I don't think about them often, but I am SO glad they're coming out soon! This is going to be one heck of a year for TTR! I hope to see it all ;)
Oh gosh I love these posts. Seeing some of those photos were great! Toon parties, wow. I don't think about them often, but I am SO glad they're coming out soon! This is going to be one heck of a year for TTR! I hope to see it all ;)
Barney Wondersnout said on January 20, 2017 at 4:18 PM
Awesome!! Thanks for all your hard work!
Awesome!! Thanks for all your hard work!
King Bob said on January 20, 2017 at 4:23 PM
We need to throw a party for all the toontown online players
We need to throw a party for all the toontown online players
Ugly leonardo Thundergrump said on January 20, 2017 at 4:24 PM
so hyped for all the updates coming :D
so hyped for all the updates coming :D
Dr. Astro said on January 20, 2017 at 4:47 PM
hey what about doing a new cog and new gag voting?
hey what about doing a new cog and new gag voting?
Kelly said on January 20, 2017 at 5:04 PM
So excited! Keep up the good work!
So excited! Keep up the good work!
Master Spike Bumpenroni said on January 20, 2017 at 5:07 PM
Nice. I am very excited about parties! I've tried them before. Hopefully they come soon!
Nice. I am very excited about parties! I've tried them before. Hopefully they come soon!
Duke Dynamite said on January 20, 2017 at 5:12 PM
Toontown Rewritten has taken big steps at an exciting rate! I can't wait for all the parties you guys are great for bring life to a game that was forgotten and all the people that love Toontown get to play and that you care about it so much that you revived it! You are an inspiration due to your work effort since you have your own life's but still devote a lot of your time to this amazing project! You are working hard for this and so many people love it! Keep up the great work!
Toontown Rewritten has taken big steps at an exciting rate! I can't wait for all the parties you guys are great for bring life to a game that was forgotten and all the people that love Toontown get to play and that you care about it so much that you revived it! You are an inspiration due to your work effort since you have your own life's but still devote a lot of your time to this amazing project! You are working hard for this and so many people love it! Keep up the great work!
ChefCat said on January 20, 2017 at 5:34 PM
Can't WAIT for parties!! :D
Can't WAIT for parties!! :D
Hailey said on January 20, 2017 at 5:39 PM
Freddy said on January 20, 2017 at 6:43 PM
Nice! News Posted I didnt even notice u did lol anyway See Ya Soon!
Nice! News Posted I didnt even notice u did lol anyway See Ya Soon!
Crumblepounce said on January 20, 2017 at 6:52 PM
When you say you're working on it and it'll be soon, does that mean February...? Can't wait, guys, and congrats on the new recruits!
When you say you're working on it and it'll be soon, does that mean February...? Can't wait, guys, and congrats on the new recruits!
Rover said on January 20, 2017 at 8:10 PM
Nice to hear from you guys about upcoming updates. I hope to see them soon.
Nice to hear from you guys about upcoming updates. I hope to see them soon.
Fousey Fizzletoon said on January 20, 2017 at 8:11 PM
Honestly OMG!CON would be a great place to go again. Really lively and fun.
Honestly OMG!CON would be a great place to go again. Really lively and fun.
King Coconut said on January 20, 2017 at 9:32 PM
Thank you all for your hard work for this game! I also wanted to ask if we can vote for another gag track, or perhaps some new gags for the existing tracks! It would be a good way to spice up the gameplay! And congrats on the new recruits! See you guys on the next update!
Thank you all for your hard work for this game! I also wanted to ask if we can vote for another gag track, or perhaps some new gags for the existing tracks! It would be a good way to spice up the gameplay! And congrats on the new recruits! See you guys on the next update!
Savannah Sunrise said on January 20, 2017 at 9:38 PM
There's probably at least one con in Dallas that you could host ToonFest at. :)
There's probably at least one con in Dallas that you could host ToonFest at. :)
Corky said on January 21, 2017 at 12:00 AM
Cant wait!!!
Cant wait!!!
QueenAlice said on January 21, 2017 at 3:36 AM
That's awesome Can't wait for parties
That's awesome Can't wait for parties
Tom Dizzytwist said on January 21, 2017 at 4:08 AM
I cannot wait to see the new updates! Good Luck Toontown Rewritten team :D
I cannot wait to see the new updates! Good Luck Toontown Rewritten team :D
Mega Cat said on January 21, 2017 at 4:54 AM
Could you please come to the UK for Toonfest 2017? I'm sure a lot of British Fans would love to go to Toonfest!
Could you please come to the UK for Toonfest 2017? I'm sure a lot of British Fans would love to go to Toonfest!
Sir Trickalot said on January 21, 2017 at 5:02 AM
Sweet! Nice to know parties is back in development and here is my bug fix: when will golfing in CEO be fixed???
Sweet! Nice to know parties is back in development and here is my bug fix: when will golfing in CEO be fixed???
TheSmallCogBuster said on January 21, 2017 at 5:06 AM
Very cool! I like the picture with the CEO and the big cheeses talking.... It makes them seem more cog like... I wonder if they complain when they get the lighting signal on top of their head.
Very cool! I like the picture with the CEO and the big cheeses talking.... It makes them seem more cog like... I wonder if they complain when they get the lighting signal on top of their head.
Princess Poodleswirl said on January 21, 2017 at 5:38 AM
This is awesome! I'm really excited to see what lies in the future for TTR next!
This is awesome! I'm really excited to see what lies in the future for TTR next!
Jasmine said on January 21, 2017 at 6:55 AM
This is so awesome. I absolutely love playing Toontown and adding a major part of the old game will take a lot of work, with a LOT of lag. But I know you guys can do it, and I hope I can be a part of it. :) On a side note, I have encountered a bug for the new toons I have made. I had been fishing to get some beans for my next quest ( I was still in that slight tutorial area with the friending task and clarabelle task ), and I had gotten 10 fish. I turned in my fish, and the fisherman said I had gotten a point, but it hadn't been there. Hopefully this helps. Stay Toontastic!
This is so awesome. I absolutely love playing Toontown and adding a major part of the old game will take a lot of work, with a LOT of lag. But I know you guys can do it, and I hope I can be a part of it. :) On a side note, I have encountered a bug for the new toons I have made. I had been fishing to get some beans for my next quest ( I was still in that slight tutorial area with the friending task and clarabelle task ), and I had gotten 10 fish. I turned in my fish, and the fisherman said I had gotten a point, but it hadn't been there. Hopefully this helps. Stay Toontastic!
Queen Of Hearts said on January 21, 2017 at 7:26 AM
I can't wait for the parties to be added!
I can't wait for the parties to be added!
goldy said on January 21, 2017 at 8:19 AM
wow parties and amazing stuff cant wait good luck! :)
wow parties and amazing stuff cant wait good luck! :)
Neighsay said on January 21, 2017 at 8:41 AM
It's Party Time!!!!!!
It's Party Time!!!!!!
Wolfy said on January 21, 2017 at 9:21 AM
how about Miami? It has a population of 430,332 last time I checked so there's bound to be a lot of Toontown players!! Anyways I'm really exited about all the new additions to Toontown thanks for working so hard for us!!!
how about Miami? It has a population of 430,332 last time I checked so there's bound to be a lot of Toontown players!! Anyways I'm really exited about all the new additions to Toontown thanks for working so hard for us!!!
Haywire said on January 21, 2017 at 9:23 AM
I recommend ComicCon in California! All the west cost toons need some love!
I recommend ComicCon in California! All the west cost toons need some love!
Random said on January 21, 2017 at 9:38 AM
You guys should come out to the Orlando Convention hall like where Megacon is. That's a good spot.
You guys should come out to the Orlando Convention hall like where Megacon is. That's a good spot.
Sir Bizzy said on January 21, 2017 at 10:05 AM
Woo hoo! Can't wait for them Toon Parties!
Woo hoo! Can't wait for them Toon Parties!
Moe said on January 21, 2017 at 10:23 AM
Dang, you guys did live up to your word this time. Good job I may start playing again.
Dang, you guys did live up to your word this time. Good job I may start playing again.
The Duck said on January 21, 2017 at 11:18 AM
Yes... YES! The closet bugfix! Finally! And judging by the distance of the C.E.O.s chat bubble, you FINALLY fixed the z-fighting issue! So, if this is a major bugfix update coming soon, can we expect the Speedway to begin to function properly as well?
Yes... YES! The closet bugfix! Finally! And judging by the distance of the C.E.O.s chat bubble, you FINALLY fixed the z-fighting issue! So, if this is a major bugfix update coming soon, can we expect the Speedway to begin to function properly as well?
Teddy Bear said on January 21, 2017 at 11:20 AM
Well, I was busy hibernating, but WHOA! I can't wait to see all the fun things-and i can't wait to welcome new toons into the family!
Well, I was busy hibernating, but WHOA! I can't wait to see all the fun things-and i can't wait to welcome new toons into the family!
Midnight Blossom said on January 21, 2017 at 11:28 AM
OOOoooOOO nice! I can't wait for the parties! But I won't forget about the toon election either, I just can't wait!
OOOoooOOO nice! I can't wait for the parties! But I won't forget about the toon election either, I just can't wait!
Twilight Reindeer said on January 21, 2017 at 11:49 AM
Going back to OMG!Con would be a great idea.
Going back to OMG!Con would be a great idea.
Buscuit Bagel Noodle said on January 21, 2017 at 11:58 AM
Huzzah! I'm glad to see these things coming along so well. Also, PARTIES!
Huzzah! I'm glad to see these things coming along so well. Also, PARTIES!
Bella said on January 21, 2017 at 12:25 PM
Can't wait!! :)
Can't wait!! :)
Krispy said on January 21, 2017 at 1:16 PM
Hey you guys! I was in the process of making a suit of my toon, and now I really want to go to Toonfest 2017 to meet ya'll in person!
Hey you guys! I was in the process of making a suit of my toon, and now I really want to go to Toonfest 2017 to meet ya'll in person!
Blubberpocket said on January 21, 2017 at 1:35 PM
I can't wait for parties!
I can't wait for parties!
piggy mc pigpig said on January 21, 2017 at 1:59 PM
this will be awesome and I would love another toonfest
this will be awesome and I would love another toonfest
Liliane said on January 21, 2017 at 2:42 PM
I mean hey, Boston is a pretty snazzy location to host a convention at. Boston or Providence, actually - but Boston especially if you worked around one of the other big convention times like Anime Boston or PAX East.
I mean hey, Boston is a pretty snazzy location to host a convention at. Boston or Providence, actually - but Boston especially if you worked around one of the other big convention times like Anime Boston or PAX East.
Sir McQuack said on January 21, 2017 at 2:59 PM
Cant wait for the full release! And im definetly hyped for the parties!
Cant wait for the full release! And im definetly hyped for the parties!
puppy_lover101 said on January 21, 2017 at 6:12 PM
This is very cool!!
This is very cool!!
Sparkletoon said on January 21, 2017 at 7:08 PM
Awesome, can't wait for parties to come back and for the other updates as well! :D And I'm super hyped for ToonFest 2017! Hopefully I'll be able to go this year; as for locations, maybe around D.C. or Baltimore?
Awesome, can't wait for parties to come back and for the other updates as well! :D And I'm super hyped for ToonFest 2017! Hopefully I'll be able to go this year; as for locations, maybe around D.C. or Baltimore?
Trixie Wonderswirl Rewritten ( Pink Cat 109 Laff ) said on January 21, 2017 at 7:52 PM
Ooh! I cant wait to see when all these improvements come into Toontown this year! Especially the Toon Election, I hope deer wins! ^ - ^
Ooh! I cant wait to see when all these improvements come into Toontown this year! Especially the Toon Election, I hope deer wins! ^ - ^
Renderer said on January 21, 2017 at 9:49 PM
I'm very excited for these new changes! I would love to go back to OMG!Con for ToonFest 2017 too!
I'm very excited for these new changes! I would love to go back to OMG!Con for ToonFest 2017 too!
Prof. Moe said on January 22, 2017 at 2:14 AM
Nice! Can't wait to see the update!
Nice! Can't wait to see the update!
Azure said on January 22, 2017 at 6:52 AM
Sorry for not saying anything before. I had no words! that's so cool! I can't wait for parties. They were the only thing i did on TTO, lolo
Sorry for not saying anything before. I had no words! that's so cool! I can't wait for parties. They were the only thing i did on TTO, lolo
Kong said on January 22, 2017 at 8:41 AM
Love the frequent updates. Thanks for keeping us informed! I'd honestly love for Toonfest to be held, once again, at OMG!Con. Haven't been able to attend the previous two years but this year it would be optimal and it seems to have ran very smoothly both times in the past. Keep up the great work!
Love the frequent updates. Thanks for keeping us informed! I'd honestly love for Toonfest to be held, once again, at OMG!Con. Haven't been able to attend the previous two years but this year it would be optimal and it seems to have ran very smoothly both times in the past. Keep up the great work!
Clove said on January 22, 2017 at 8:56 AM
I would love to see Toonfest at OMGCon again this year! This is the first year I'm able to go and Kentucky is the perfect location. All of the past Toonfest events there have seemed wonderful :D
I would love to see Toonfest at OMGCon again this year! This is the first year I'm able to go and Kentucky is the perfect location. All of the past Toonfest events there have seemed wonderful :D
Penelope said on January 22, 2017 at 10:08 AM
Would love to go! NYC maybe?
Would love to go! NYC maybe?
Green Dog said on January 22, 2017 at 10:09 AM
The Toonfest convention should be in Chicago.
The Toonfest convention should be in Chicago.
Cheese n' Quackers said on January 22, 2017 at 11:37 AM
Do the convention in New York!! So I would be able to attend ; - ;
Do the convention in New York!! So I would be able to attend ; - ;
Rosie Gigglepop said on January 22, 2017 at 1:17 PM
I cannot wait for the parties and the election!!! Keep up the amazing work guys :)
I cannot wait for the parties and the election!!! Keep up the amazing work guys :)
Deputy Jigglemew said on January 22, 2017 at 1:56 PM
I would love for you to bring this to life!
I would love for you to bring this to life!
Toon said on January 22, 2017 at 4:10 PM
Nice! I can hope that once Toon Parties are in TTR, I would like to see the merry-go-rounds added in, like how they were supposed to in TTO. Also, great work on the much-needed polish and bug fixes. Keep them up!
Nice! I can hope that once Toon Parties are in TTR, I would like to see the merry-go-rounds added in, like how they were supposed to in TTO. Also, great work on the much-needed polish and bug fixes. Keep them up!
TaylorPink05 said on January 22, 2017 at 4:54 PM
I'm really excited to play!
I'm really excited to play!
Andrea said on January 22, 2017 at 5:19 PM
I am excited!! :> You guys are super kind. I hope I will be able too make it to OMG!con this year! Sounds like a lot of fun! :D
I am excited!! :> You guys are super kind. I hope I will be able too make it to OMG!con this year! Sounds like a lot of fun! :D
Lady Whiskers said on January 22, 2017 at 5:20 PM
Might I ask that someday we get to have Toonfest in Illinois? I would love to actually be able to perhaps go to it myself!
Might I ask that someday we get to have Toonfest in Illinois? I would love to actually be able to perhaps go to it myself!
Cool Pinky said on January 22, 2017 at 5:20 PM
Toontastic! I love parties! I can't wait for the Toon Species Election and I can't wait to see what's in store in the coming months!
Toontastic! I love parties! I can't wait for the Toon Species Election and I can't wait to see what's in store in the coming months!
Drake Softpaw said on January 22, 2017 at 5:31 PM
Hmm... I do hope you stay at OMG!con, it would make it much harder for me to attend if you go anywhere else! I always look forward to meeting new toons when I go. That aside... I'm loving the plans! Looking forward to party implementation, too!
Hmm... I do hope you stay at OMG!con, it would make it much harder for me to attend if you go anywhere else! I always look forward to meeting new toons when I go. That aside... I'm loving the plans! Looking forward to party implementation, too!
Dagorell said on January 22, 2017 at 5:33 PM
Woohoo, parties! I bet things will be easier with 5 more Toons on the team. Keep up the good work, guys!
Woohoo, parties! I bet things will be easier with 5 more Toons on the team. Keep up the good work, guys!
Jr said on January 22, 2017 at 6:27 PM
Let's have an event in California. That's where the original ToonFest was that I went to in 2006!
Let's have an event in California. That's where the original ToonFest was that I went to in 2006!
Mister J.C. (Laff 116) said on January 23, 2017 at 4:41 AM
Finally! A new update! Thanks TTR Staff!
Finally! A new update! Thanks TTR Staff!
Cool Domino Fuzzyfoot said on January 23, 2017 at 5:01 AM
ooo, can't wait until parties come out. I need to find my dance shoes and dust them off before the parties start.
ooo, can't wait until parties come out. I need to find my dance shoes and dust them off before the parties start.
Weird Cricket said on January 23, 2017 at 5:56 AM
this excitement in me cant be contained help
this excitement in me cant be contained help
Popcorn said on January 23, 2017 at 7:59 AM
OMG! YAY!!! I cannot wait for the update!
OMG! YAY!!! I cannot wait for the update!
Princess Twinkletoes said on January 23, 2017 at 7:59 AM
You should hold the next convention in Orlando :O Anyway, can't wait for the parties! Gonna be fun!
You should hold the next convention in Orlando :O Anyway, can't wait for the parties! Gonna be fun!
Malistairia said on January 23, 2017 at 1:38 PM
New York City would be a great place for ToonFest. We don't get many game-related events here in the East Coast and New York City is big enough to host the event!
New York City would be a great place for ToonFest. We don't get many game-related events here in the East Coast and New York City is big enough to host the event!
Lightning said on January 23, 2017 at 2:20 PM
I think it should be at OmgCon again since some of us have been preparing for that Kentucky Flight. Otherwise, maybe Los Angeles?
I think it should be at OmgCon again since some of us have been preparing for that Kentucky Flight. Otherwise, maybe Los Angeles?
Nuttybrains said on January 23, 2017 at 2:29 PM
Amazing work all!! I can't wait to see what's next. Convention = Ohio
Amazing work all!! I can't wait to see what's next. Convention = Ohio
Samantha said on January 23, 2017 at 3:45 PM
I wished you can have it in california
I wished you can have it in california
Flip said on January 23, 2017 at 3:48 PM
Do you think you can fix the Goofy Speedway bugs?
Do you think you can fix the Goofy Speedway bugs?
Melody said on January 23, 2017 at 4:32 PM
This was well worth the wait. I can't wait to meet the new members of the team, as well as see all the good work theyve been up to! Thanks TTR Team!
This was well worth the wait. I can't wait to meet the new members of the team, as well as see all the good work theyve been up to! Thanks TTR Team!
Toon said on January 23, 2017 at 6:08 PM
Please have Toonfest at OMGcon again!
Please have Toonfest at OMGcon again!
lady candy said on January 24, 2017 at 6:46 AM
tysm :) your doing a great job !!! i think real life trolley game would be fun at the convention . i think party stuff at toonfest would be fun.
tysm :) your doing a great job !!! i think real life trolley game would be fun at the convention . i think party stuff at toonfest would be fun.
Jesse said on January 24, 2017 at 8:09 AM
Somewhere near New York or Connecticut would be good for the next Convention!
Somewhere near New York or Connecticut would be good for the next Convention!
buttercup said on January 24, 2017 at 8:16 AM
i cant wait for the parties
i cant wait for the parties
Draco McStuffins said on January 24, 2017 at 8:20 AM
YAY PARTIES! I Can't Wait! :D
YAY PARTIES! I Can't Wait! :D
the Muffin Keeper said on January 24, 2017 at 11:38 AM
You guys should come to the Chicago area! Honestly, it's such a central location in the U.SA with great means of transportation and lodging. With it being in a highly populated area and in the center of America you might be able to get more people to come :)
You guys should come to the Chicago area! Honestly, it's such a central location in the U.SA with great means of transportation and lodging. With it being in a highly populated area and in the center of America you might be able to get more people to come :)
Bella said on January 24, 2017 at 1:43 PM
I love it!
I love it!
Rabbittwisterz Aj said on January 24, 2017 at 3:52 PM
This is toontastic! i just cant wait to see all of you're new and AMAZING ideas come to life this is pawsome!
This is toontastic! i just cant wait to see all of you're new and AMAZING ideas come to life this is pawsome!
Jinxjinks said on January 24, 2017 at 4:16 PM
I'd love for Toonfest to be at OMG!con again, it seems to be a good place to hold it :D
I'd love for Toonfest to be at OMG!con again, it seems to be a good place to hold it :D
Sparkleworks said on January 25, 2017 at 6:54 AM
YAY! Parties are going to be fun! I also like the other things coming along!!!!! :3
YAY! Parties are going to be fun! I also like the other things coming along!!!!! :3
Lucidia said on January 25, 2017 at 12:00 PM
If you come to an event in Washington state, I'll attend wearing a full costume of my Toon! ;3
If you come to an event in Washington state, I'll attend wearing a full costume of my Toon! ;3
Cookie said on January 25, 2017 at 12:39 PM
I cant attend Toon Fest at all. D: I live so faraway like in England sorry, Ill miss the fun ;-; Hope you guys have fun, I'm still excited for parties :D
I cant attend Toon Fest at all. D: I live so faraway like in England sorry, Ill miss the fun ;-; Hope you guys have fun, I'm still excited for parties :D
Angel Of Mine said on January 25, 2017 at 3:40 PM
I am so psyched! Thank you! :)
I am so psyched! Thank you! :)
Firestar said on January 25, 2017 at 7:53 PM
I would be more than happy to come to ToonFest2017 if it's gonna be in Las Vegas at the Cashman Center.
I would be more than happy to come to ToonFest2017 if it's gonna be in Las Vegas at the Cashman Center.
Kit Flower Bee said on January 25, 2017 at 9:21 PM
Finally Parties are here because i was WAITING for so so long i finally get to go to a partie :)
Finally Parties are here because i was WAITING for so so long i finally get to go to a partie :)
Fangs said on January 25, 2017 at 10:05 PM
Ahh! I can't wait I played original TT like a week before it closed and never got to experience them to the fullest :( Now I will be able to see what they were really all about!
Ahh! I can't wait I played original TT like a week before it closed and never got to experience them to the fullest :( Now I will be able to see what they were really all about!
Rocky Pupdown said on January 26, 2017 at 9:47 AM
Cool :D
Cool :D
Cuddy said on January 26, 2017 at 9:52 AM
Thanks so much - you guys are doing a great job! I hope there'll be conventions here, in the UK. :)
Thanks so much - you guys are doing a great job! I hope there'll be conventions here, in the UK. :)
Deputy Lancelot Rhinotoes said on January 26, 2017 at 4:18 PM
Bring Toonfest to Toronto!
Bring Toonfest to Toronto!
Pickles said on January 26, 2017 at 5:49 PM
Parties? So excited! thank you~
Parties? So excited! thank you~
Miss dynamite MacDazzle said on January 26, 2017 at 6:02 PM
I'm really excited bout the updates I would like to thank the creators of toontown.. I alert my whole family about toontown and now they are playing it too. Thank You for your time,
I'm really excited bout the updates I would like to thank the creators of toontown.. I alert my whole family about toontown and now they are playing it too. Thank You for your time,
Buddy said on January 26, 2017 at 6:20 PM
Can't wait for this!
Can't wait for this!
Lucky blinky said on January 27, 2017 at 6:19 AM
Thank you toontown rewritten for doing all the neat stuff i cant wait to see more soon as i get my computer fix
Thank you toontown rewritten for doing all the neat stuff i cant wait to see more soon as i get my computer fix
Fluffy Sparklesprinkles said on January 27, 2017 at 12:53 PM
Yes thanks so much guys! Good luck! I can not wait!