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All I Want for Christmas is Fluffy
Posted by Flippy on December 25, 2015 at 2:00 PM
On the eleventh day of winter, Toontown gives to you:
A very missing doodle,
Surlee's lost package?,
Cheerful Christmas costumes,
A VERY big blizzard,
Twice the gag experience,
Wacky winter carols,
(bum bum bum...)
A Cattlelog full of clothing,
Brand new decorations,
Trees and lights o'plenty,
And a holiday packed with very merry news!
Merry Christmas, to one and all! I know, I know, it's been months since you last heard from me. I skipped Halloween, and for that reason I knew I couldn't skip Christmas. It's just, I've been going through a bit lately. For the past few months I've been searching and searching, but I can't do this on my own anymore: My own one-of-a-kind Doodle, Fluffy, is lost.
Ever since ToonFest 2015 began, Fluffy had been more energetic than usual. That's where I found him, after all. But now, as we were cleaning up, he completely vanished! We've been searching everywhere but its as if he's ran miles away!
Boy, if there's anything I want for Christmas, it would be to get my best pal back. It was enough to lose Slappy, but now Fluffy... I just can't take anymore loss.
I know we'll find him one day, though. Both of them. I know they're out there somewhere. Keep your holiday cheer high, Toons, because if there's one thing I know for certain: it's that Toontown is always a better place when there's all this silliness around!
I hope you all have the best Christmas for years to come! We have one more day of the 12 Days of Winter to wrap it all up with a bow on top, so keep your eyes peeled.
A very missing doodle,
Surlee's lost package?,
Cheerful Christmas costumes,
A VERY big blizzard,
Twice the gag experience,
Wacky winter carols,
(bum bum bum...)
A Cattlelog full of clothing,
Brand new decorations,
Trees and lights o'plenty,
And a holiday packed with very merry news!

Merry Christmas, to one and all! I know, I know, it's been months since you last heard from me. I skipped Halloween, and for that reason I knew I couldn't skip Christmas. It's just, I've been going through a bit lately. For the past few months I've been searching and searching, but I can't do this on my own anymore: My own one-of-a-kind Doodle, Fluffy, is lost.
Ever since ToonFest 2015 began, Fluffy had been more energetic than usual. That's where I found him, after all. But now, as we were cleaning up, he completely vanished! We've been searching everywhere but its as if he's ran miles away!
Boy, if there's anything I want for Christmas, it would be to get my best pal back. It was enough to lose Slappy, but now Fluffy... I just can't take anymore loss.
I know we'll find him one day, though. Both of them. I know they're out there somewhere. Keep your holiday cheer high, Toons, because if there's one thing I know for certain: it's that Toontown is always a better place when there's all this silliness around!
I hope you all have the best Christmas for years to come! We have one more day of the 12 Days of Winter to wrap it all up with a bow on top, so keep your eyes peeled.
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Pug said on December 25, 2015 at 2:02 PM
Don't worry Flippy! I'm sure we'll fine him soon!
Don't worry Flippy! I'm sure we'll fine him soon!
Bananas said on December 25, 2015 at 2:02 PM
its sad how you cant find your pet still flippy, and its sad that you dont have him with you for christmas, i hope soon hes found, before the cogs find him too..
its sad how you cant find your pet still flippy, and its sad that you dont have him with you for christmas, i hope soon hes found, before the cogs find him too..
Sir Trickalot said on December 25, 2015 at 2:04 PM
Flippy, I am so sorry you lost Fluffy! I wish Fluffy and Slappy would come back! But Fluffy DID say all the time at toonfests 2014 AND 2015," Home is near!" I think its those caves! Once again, so sorry Flippy. It must be a hard time for you! But good luck in finding them!
Flippy, I am so sorry you lost Fluffy! I wish Fluffy and Slappy would come back! But Fluffy DID say all the time at toonfests 2014 AND 2015," Home is near!" I think its those caves! Once again, so sorry Flippy. It must be a hard time for you! But good luck in finding them!
Aunt Poppy Twinklejinks said on December 25, 2015 at 2:04 PM
No worries, Flippy! I'll help you find your pal! Search parties WILL be formed!
No worries, Flippy! I'll help you find your pal! Search parties WILL be formed!
Flying said on December 25, 2015 at 2:05 PM
Ooo I hope you find Fluffy soon! (and Slappy)
Ooo I hope you find Fluffy soon! (and Slappy)
Maryland said on December 25, 2015 at 2:06 PM
Well aside from all of this, it IS Christmas... are there going to be white bears?
Well aside from all of this, it IS Christmas... are there going to be white bears?
Captain Buster said on December 25, 2015 at 2:08 PM
Maybe Fluffy was kidnapped by the Chairman along with Slappy! Maybe they are being held in the Chief Executive Tower in Bossbot HQ! One thing that I want for Christmas from you guys is to stop the cogs once and for all!
Maybe Fluffy was kidnapped by the Chairman along with Slappy! Maybe they are being held in the Chief Executive Tower in Bossbot HQ! One thing that I want for Christmas from you guys is to stop the cogs once and for all!
Ooowoo said on December 25, 2015 at 2:12 PM
Hope we find Flippy and Slappy soon.
Hope we find Flippy and Slappy soon.
Boo Boo said on December 25, 2015 at 2:12 PM
Don't worry flippy he will come back soon :)
Don't worry flippy he will come back soon :)
Ice Breaker said on December 25, 2015 at 2:13 PM
Maybe he traveled home to Doodleville and he is bringing all of his doodle friends back with him!!
Maybe he traveled home to Doodleville and he is bringing all of his doodle friends back with him!!
hopey said on December 25, 2015 at 2:18 PM
I have a quest are the bears will be white this year or no?
I have a quest are the bears will be white this year or no?
Lightning Reincarnated said on December 25, 2015 at 2:19 PM
Flippy, it must be hard to lose your best friend during christmas. We've lost Slappy and now Fluffy. Let's hope the cogs didn't get a hold of him!
Flippy, it must be hard to lose your best friend during christmas. We've lost Slappy and now Fluffy. Let's hope the cogs didn't get a hold of him!
Kitcat The Second said on December 25, 2015 at 2:20 PM
Lets Hunt Around And Find Flippy's Doodle!
Lets Hunt Around And Find Flippy's Doodle!
Master zippety biggencrumbs said on December 25, 2015 at 2:29 PM
I got a felling doodles are coming and gl flippy hope you find your doodle
I got a felling doodles are coming and gl flippy hope you find your doodle
Buduce ( 66 laff ) said on December 25, 2015 at 2:29 PM
That's dissappointing, but dont worry, Fluffy's out somewhere! Oh and please add the Snowball fighting, its very cool ;)
That's dissappointing, but dont worry, Fluffy's out somewhere! Oh and please add the Snowball fighting, its very cool ;)
Icy Trap Toon said on December 25, 2015 at 2:43 PM
You'll Find Em Next Year .
You'll Find Em Next Year .
Wishkit said on December 25, 2015 at 2:45 PM
awe, thats so sad!!! but maybe Fluffy went to see his friends or he got homesick, as for Slappy i hope we find him, its sad that the aren't here on Christmas
awe, thats so sad!!! but maybe Fluffy went to see his friends or he got homesick, as for Slappy i hope we find him, its sad that the aren't here on Christmas
riley said on December 25, 2015 at 2:46 PM
Does this mean doodles are to come out?
Does this mean doodles are to come out?
Prof. Sourcorn said on December 25, 2015 at 2:47 PM
Flippy, I hope you will find him very soon!!!!
Flippy, I hope you will find him very soon!!!!
Shinycat said on December 25, 2015 at 2:47 PM
We WILL find Fluffy. He might bring some friends home! ( aka other doodles or Slappy. ) ~ Shinycat
We WILL find Fluffy. He might bring some friends home! ( aka other doodles or Slappy. ) ~ Shinycat
Jellyroll said on December 25, 2015 at 2:50 PM
Good Luck Flippy!
Good Luck Flippy!
Amazing Dreamer said on December 25, 2015 at 2:50 PM
Oh-no! Not Fluffy! We can find him though! Don't worry!
Oh-no! Not Fluffy! We can find him though! Don't worry!
Catlin said on December 25, 2015 at 3:06 PM
Aww, I'm sorry you lost your doodle. He's probably around here somewhere!
Aww, I'm sorry you lost your doodle. He's probably around here somewhere!
Madame Fangs said on December 25, 2015 at 3:07 PM
Aww! I'm so sorry Fluffy can't be with you on Christmas! Don't worry, Flippy, we'll help you find Fluffy AND Slappy! We'd better hurry and find Fluffy, though... Or else the cogs will find him first! D:
Aww! I'm so sorry Fluffy can't be with you on Christmas! Don't worry, Flippy, we'll help you find Fluffy AND Slappy! We'd better hurry and find Fluffy, though... Or else the cogs will find him first! D:
Winter River said on December 25, 2015 at 3:08 PM
Can't wait until we can get polar bear toons!
Can't wait until we can get polar bear toons!
Mr. Coconut said on December 25, 2015 at 3:16 PM
Don't worry, they'll be back before you notice! Good luck!
Don't worry, they'll be back before you notice! Good luck!
abstruse said on December 25, 2015 at 3:24 PM
i will find fluffy for you!
i will find fluffy for you!
Purrman Meowville said on December 25, 2015 at 3:41 PM
Does this mean Doodles 2k15?
Does this mean Doodles 2k15?
louie said on December 25, 2015 at 4:07 PM
He ran away and gathers his friends and comes back!!!
He ran away and gathers his friends and comes back!!!
Prince said on December 25, 2015 at 4:43 PM
Oh Yay Doodles. Hope You can find Fluffy. --- Merry Christmas TTR (3rd Christmas with TTR)
Oh Yay Doodles. Hope You can find Fluffy. --- Merry Christmas TTR (3rd Christmas with TTR)
Trixie Wonderswirl said on December 25, 2015 at 5:04 PM
Aww! :( I feel bad for you Flippy. If I had a doodle, then if I lost it, then I would be sad too. I hope you find Fluffy! - Trixie Wonderswirl
Aww! :( I feel bad for you Flippy. If I had a doodle, then if I lost it, then I would be sad too. I hope you find Fluffy! - Trixie Wonderswirl
super monty preciousspeed said on December 25, 2015 at 5:04 PM
Ive seen this before! He comes back with alot!
Ive seen this before! He comes back with alot!
Lady Violet said on December 25, 2015 at 5:27 PM
You'll find him, Flippy! Don't worry! He couldn't have gone too far!
You'll find him, Flippy! Don't worry! He couldn't have gone too far!
said on December 25, 2015 at 5:36 PM
No snowball fight? :< I really wanted it to happen! I'm sure fluffy will come back... soon right?
No snowball fight? :< I really wanted it to happen! I'm sure fluffy will come back... soon right?
Miss Fluffy said on December 25, 2015 at 5:39 PM
What if Fluffy started tracking Slappy.... Operations Saving Slappy confirmed.
What if Fluffy started tracking Slappy.... Operations Saving Slappy confirmed.
Cool Pinky said on December 25, 2015 at 5:49 PM
Don't worry Flippy! You'll find Fluffy soon! :) He has to be out there somewhere. Hopefully we will find Slappy too. :) Merry Christmas everyone!
Don't worry Flippy! You'll find Fluffy soon! :) He has to be out there somewhere. Hopefully we will find Slappy too. :) Merry Christmas everyone!
Bunny Hop Nibble (The wizard) said on December 25, 2015 at 6:01 PM
Aww... We'll find Fluffy soon!
Aww... We'll find Fluffy soon!
Little Candy Gigglezapper said on December 25, 2015 at 6:04 PM
I hope you can find your doodles! I think doodles will be in an update soon, I can't wait!
I hope you can find your doodles! I think doodles will be in an update soon, I can't wait!
Sora said on December 25, 2015 at 6:18 PM
Don't you worry Flippy! Someday, we WILL find Slappy and Fluffy and bring them back to Toontown!
Don't you worry Flippy! Someday, we WILL find Slappy and Fluffy and bring them back to Toontown!
Zeke said on December 25, 2015 at 6:31 PM
Defeat the cogs to find Flippy's long lost doodle pal, Fluffy!
Defeat the cogs to find Flippy's long lost doodle pal, Fluffy!
Skunky said on December 25, 2015 at 8:08 PM
Find Fluffy Flippy!
Find Fluffy Flippy!
Pinky said on December 25, 2015 at 8:15 PM
I hope he finds Fluffy :) I also wonder if the TTR team is planning to give US doodles soon...
I hope he finds Fluffy :) I also wonder if the TTR team is planning to give US doodles soon...
Old Cheese said on December 25, 2015 at 8:38 PM
Oi, there goes Fluffy. XD Maybe she set out to find Slappy? ouo
Oi, there goes Fluffy. XD Maybe she set out to find Slappy? ouo
Peppertail said on December 25, 2015 at 9:14 PM
Ness said on December 25, 2015 at 10:05 PM
I'm so sorry for your loss... We can find your doodle for you!
I'm so sorry for your loss... We can find your doodle for you!
Gold Mouse Cool Toon said on December 25, 2015 at 10:25 PM
Aww, I hope you find Fluffy, Flippy!
Aww, I hope you find Fluffy, Flippy!
Huck said on December 25, 2015 at 10:29 PM
Dont worry Flippy! Im sure we will find him soon!
Dont worry Flippy! Im sure we will find him soon!
Fluffy Fuzzywoof said on December 25, 2015 at 11:31 PM
Merry Christmas everybody! :0D
Merry Christmas everybody! :0D
Super Mouse said on December 26, 2015 at 12:21 AM
While you find Fluffy, look out for more doodles later on..
While you find Fluffy, look out for more doodles later on..
Frinkel Bear said on December 26, 2015 at 12:37 AM
Don't worry Flippy! :(
Don't worry Flippy! :(
Squeaker said on December 26, 2015 at 1:19 AM
Keep looking Flippy! I'm sure he'll come soon!
Keep looking Flippy! I'm sure he'll come soon!
Snow said on December 26, 2015 at 4:40 AM
Merry Christmas TTR! Thank you for all you do and have done! We will definitely keep our toon eyes peeled to find Fluffy. Maybe the mailbox swallowed him? 'Never trust the mailboxes, never.'
Merry Christmas TTR! Thank you for all you do and have done! We will definitely keep our toon eyes peeled to find Fluffy. Maybe the mailbox swallowed him? 'Never trust the mailboxes, never.'
Captain Daisy said on December 26, 2015 at 4:42 AM
Don't you worry, Flippy- Fluffy shall return soon! And who knows? Maybe he found a few friends while he was away... ~Captain Daisy
Don't you worry, Flippy- Fluffy shall return soon! And who knows? Maybe he found a few friends while he was away... ~Captain Daisy
Bumblesnooker said on December 26, 2015 at 5:54 AM
I really do hope you do find fluffy and slappy. Will us, the toons have to go on an adventure do find the two? We will search in all the factories, coin mints,dollar mints, and bullion mints, the front three, middle six, back nine, field offices, VP, CFO, CEO, AND CJ.
I really do hope you do find fluffy and slappy. Will us, the toons have to go on an adventure do find the two? We will search in all the factories, coin mints,dollar mints, and bullion mints, the front three, middle six, back nine, field offices, VP, CFO, CEO, AND CJ.
Mr. Purr-Fect said on December 26, 2015 at 5:54 AM
I think doodles are going to come out :D
I think doodles are going to come out :D
Super Zany said on December 26, 2015 at 5:56 AM
Will this be like on TTO, when one doodle went missing... and brought back all of them? MY HOPES ARE WAYYY HIGH UP THERE! I hope you find Fluffy, Flippy... I hate losing friends and family and objects. But in this case, friends.
Will this be like on TTO, when one doodle went missing... and brought back all of them? MY HOPES ARE WAYYY HIGH UP THERE! I hope you find Fluffy, Flippy... I hate losing friends and family and objects. But in this case, friends.
Princess Rainbow said on December 26, 2015 at 5:59 AM
Hope you find Fluffy! I really doubt this is right, but could he be in that package from before?
Hope you find Fluffy! I really doubt this is right, but could he be in that package from before?
Bubblefish McNuggets said on December 26, 2015 at 6:14 AM
Ooh, maybe he'll come back with other Doodles...
Ooh, maybe he'll come back with other Doodles...
Flappy Mcpow said on December 26, 2015 at 7:26 AM
Don't worry, Flippy! I'll try to find Fluffy! (Maybe I'll find a whole bunch of doodles too!)
Don't worry, Flippy! I'll try to find Fluffy! (Maybe I'll find a whole bunch of doodles too!)
rosie said on December 26, 2015 at 7:39 AM
hope we find him soon!
hope we find him soon!
Lily said on December 26, 2015 at 7:44 AM
It's okay, you'll find him! <3
It's okay, you'll find him! <3
Hawk said on December 26, 2015 at 8:09 AM
I really hope you find Fluffy! You have been searching for him for so long, Flippy. I hope you find Slappy too. :(
I really hope you find Fluffy! You have been searching for him for so long, Flippy. I hope you find Slappy too. :(
Miriboy said on December 26, 2015 at 8:46 AM
Dont worry flippy we'll all find him somewhere he's either kidnapped by cogs or he's somewhere,i hope we find fluffy and slappy soon,:(
Dont worry flippy we'll all find him somewhere he's either kidnapped by cogs or he's somewhere,i hope we find fluffy and slappy soon,:(
Mrs. Tom RainbowSprinkles said on December 26, 2015 at 8:55 AM
Super excited. Hopefully doodles will come out tonight! :D
Super excited. Hopefully doodles will come out tonight! :D
sillyspikesoursticks said on December 26, 2015 at 9:05 AM
:O oh no flippy i know you've been through a lot i know you miss slappy and fluffy. BUT WAIT if slappy is found wouldn't that mean you would be kicked out of toon hall because he won but the cogs sent him missing so you were the only choice..............
:O oh no flippy i know you've been through a lot i know you miss slappy and fluffy. BUT WAIT if slappy is found wouldn't that mean you would be kicked out of toon hall because he won but the cogs sent him missing so you were the only choice..............
Merrigold said on December 26, 2015 at 9:08 AM
OOOOOHHHHHH goody, I hope the doodles are coming soon! Can't wait till they do I really want one! :-) Are you doing the polar bears again this year?I hope so I want to turn my bear white.
OOOOOHHHHHH goody, I hope the doodles are coming soon! Can't wait till they do I really want one! :-) Are you doing the polar bears again this year?I hope so I want to turn my bear white.
Glitterfoot said on December 26, 2015 at 9:16 AM
Good luck on finding Fluffy! I hope Slappy is still fine.
Good luck on finding Fluffy! I hope Slappy is still fine.
Captain Lucky said on December 26, 2015 at 9:34 AM
Who knows? Maybe Fluffy will come back in THOUSANDS like he did back in ToonTown Online!!
Who knows? Maybe Fluffy will come back in THOUSANDS like he did back in ToonTown Online!!
Noisy Fireball Doggenpocket said on December 26, 2015 at 11:03 AM
Ooh.. Excitement..
Ooh.. Excitement..
Jay said on December 26, 2015 at 11:10 AM
Aww Fluffy! I hope that we find her soon. (and OTHER Doodles!) But Lord Loud'n clear is seeming odd wearing the snowman head AND in a cog suit! ~Jay
Aww Fluffy! I hope that we find her soon. (and OTHER Doodles!) But Lord Loud'n clear is seeming odd wearing the snowman head AND in a cog suit! ~Jay
Darkened Knights said on December 26, 2015 at 12:21 PM
I know something about this. We all know that Slappy was heard to be taken away from a Yesman in Doomsday. I don't think Fluffy is lost... Fluffy is bringing back a horde of Doodles for all of us! I know this all because Fluffy is a Doodle, so if he got away, he wanted to bring all his friends with him. He wouldn't abandon you, Flippy! I'm sure of it! Just be patient, you know that Toontown is always a happy place for even the most sad Toons that confront it!
I know something about this. We all know that Slappy was heard to be taken away from a Yesman in Doomsday. I don't think Fluffy is lost... Fluffy is bringing back a horde of Doodles for all of us! I know this all because Fluffy is a Doodle, so if he got away, he wanted to bring all his friends with him. He wouldn't abandon you, Flippy! I'm sure of it! Just be patient, you know that Toontown is always a happy place for even the most sad Toons that confront it!
Zaza Electroscreech said on December 26, 2015 at 12:42 PM
All I want for Hanukkah is a pet doodle.
All I want for Hanukkah is a pet doodle.
Destiel said on December 26, 2015 at 2:06 PM
Good luck with Fluffy! I will definitely be on the lookout for him <3
Good luck with Fluffy! I will definitely be on the lookout for him <3
Miss Cuddles said on December 26, 2015 at 3:45 PM
Don't worry too much Flippy. We all will look around for both of your lost doodles. Maybe when we find them, there will be SO many doodles and enough for everyone ! That would be great !
Don't worry too much Flippy. We all will look around for both of your lost doodles. Maybe when we find them, there will be SO many doodles and enough for everyone ! That would be great !
Irritating Reindeer said on December 26, 2015 at 5:47 PM
If you remember his favorite food, you may be able to lure him back. (Pets LOVE food)
If you remember his favorite food, you may be able to lure him back. (Pets LOVE food)
Whiskered Writer said on December 26, 2015 at 6:38 PM
When there's a will, there's a doodle! No worries, I know Fluffy will return soon! Doodles never forget their owners, that's for certain.
When there's a will, there's a doodle! No worries, I know Fluffy will return soon! Doodles never forget their owners, that's for certain.
sir grouchy cat said on December 26, 2015 at 7:52 PM
I haven't seen fluffy, but everyone is talking about the unveiled cloud on the map! that is where I think fluffy is hiding... wonder when we can go in there and look !!!!!
I haven't seen fluffy, but everyone is talking about the unveiled cloud on the map! that is where I think fluffy is hiding... wonder when we can go in there and look !!!!!
Sophina said on December 26, 2015 at 10:44 PM
Oh no! Hopefully he's somewhere safe. Maybe he found Slappy and is going to bring him back, along with some other friends...
Oh no! Hopefully he's somewhere safe. Maybe he found Slappy and is going to bring him back, along with some other friends...
Celina said on December 27, 2015 at 2:23 AM
Aww I hope you find Fluffy soon and please bring back the doodles... they were so amazing!
Aww I hope you find Fluffy soon and please bring back the doodles... they were so amazing!
Miss Lovey Dove said on December 27, 2015 at 7:22 AM
I hope Fluffy comes back with outer doodles. It would be even better if Fluffy came back with doodles and they made a army to . . . . . RESCUE FLIPPY
I hope Fluffy comes back with outer doodles. It would be even better if Fluffy came back with doodles and they made a army to . . . . . RESCUE FLIPPY
Princess Mimi said on December 27, 2015 at 8:45 AM
We're going to find fluffy! I promise!
We're going to find fluffy! I promise!
cuddles said on December 27, 2015 at 4:32 PM
i hope you find your 2 best pals! good luck!
i hope you find your 2 best pals! good luck!
Polar said on December 27, 2015 at 8:12 PM
Who knows, Maybe Fluffy will come back and bring some friends?
Who knows, Maybe Fluffy will come back and bring some friends?
Not A Cog said on December 28, 2015 at 4:16 AM
So sad, that Fluffy and Slappy are gone.
So sad, that Fluffy and Slappy are gone.
Toony Link said on December 28, 2015 at 6:06 AM
Hope you Find him.
Hope you Find him.
daila said on December 28, 2015 at 1:23 PM
look and you will find him soon
look and you will find him soon
Stardark Sky 108 said on December 28, 2015 at 11:07 PM
Poor Fluffy!! Hope you can find him soon Flippy, I wish you the best of luck! But I do hope he doesn't in trouble with the cogs!! :O
Poor Fluffy!! Hope you can find him soon Flippy, I wish you the best of luck! But I do hope he doesn't in trouble with the cogs!! :O
kit kat said on December 29, 2015 at 9:13 AM
I hope you find fluffy and slappy good luck
I hope you find fluffy and slappy good luck
Dottie The Dog said on December 29, 2015 at 9:41 AM
Aww no! Flippy, its ok! We will bring him back! Toons of the world, UNITE!!!
Aww no! Flippy, its ok! We will bring him back! Toons of the world, UNITE!!!
Muffins said on December 29, 2015 at 2:41 PM
Oh no, dont worry! We will get Fluffy and Slappy back!
Oh no, dont worry! We will get Fluffy and Slappy back!
Anthony said on December 29, 2015 at 10:13 PM
Flippy i think the cogs got fluffy like they got slappy but i don't think hes in bossbot HQ i think their hiding them in cog nation and the chairman has them.
Flippy i think the cogs got fluffy like they got slappy but i don't think hes in bossbot HQ i think their hiding them in cog nation and the chairman has them.
Ginger said on December 29, 2015 at 11:19 PM
Oh, I hope that means doodles are coming soon! I really miss doodles!
Oh, I hope that means doodles are coming soon! I really miss doodles!
Periwinkle said on December 30, 2015 at 9:29 AM
NOOOOO! NOT FLUFFY! Remember the good times we had with him, and Slappy too?
NOOOOO! NOT FLUFFY! Remember the good times we had with him, and Slappy too?
Magnus said on December 30, 2015 at 10:10 AM
Don't be sad Flippy! Im sure we will find him!
Don't be sad Flippy! Im sure we will find him!
baby abraham said on December 30, 2015 at 4:11 PM
fluffy is coming soon I just know fluffy will come, probably with other doodles too
fluffy is coming soon I just know fluffy will come, probably with other doodles too
Red cash said on December 30, 2015 at 9:35 PM
That's too sad I hope doodles come out and I hope fluffy is found
That's too sad I hope doodles come out and I hope fluffy is found
Crazy Crazy said on December 31, 2015 at 3:15 PM
Guess who's baack? Anyways. So, Fluffy is missing again... Hmm, I think he's on to us. He's looking for Slappy! I just know it!
Guess who's baack? Anyways. So, Fluffy is missing again... Hmm, I think he's on to us. He's looking for Slappy! I just know it!
Dr.Rose Pepperberry said on December 31, 2015 at 4:21 PM
I WISH that this is a sign that doodles are coming back!!! And Flippy, hope you find Fluffy!!!!!
I WISH that this is a sign that doodles are coming back!!! And Flippy, hope you find Fluffy!!!!!
We wish you luck to find Fluffy! (Doodles Invasion)