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Don't be Wacky: A Very Merry Unbirthday
Posted by Slappy on March 19, 2014 at 2:00 PM
Time's up on voting, and I know Alec is working his gloves off counting those ballots and finishing up all of the new games for the election, but that doesn't mean that we have to stop having fun in the meantime. I know that Flippy thought that you guys were disappointed over the delay, but I know better than him. We aren't disappointed at all, because the fun was just beginning!
This extra day gives me time to prepare a boatload of new fun things to spend our time on, starting with our next two crazy key winners: Thorongil and Mister Master. There's only two spots left to get into our toony town before the election, so you rabbits better start rubbing your lucky paws. If you aren't a rabbit: I suggest a species change! Or an occupation as a leprechaun.
Lucky for you, I know just the place where you can get some green to start your new occupation: Everywhere! You might want to sit down for this story, it's quite the tale.
I was out in Toontown Central earlier doing my daily balloon inspection when I came across something I hadn't noticed before: The Birthday Cake that powered my balloon wasn't a Birthday Cake at all. It turned out to be an UN-Birthday Cake. Everyone toon enjoys a great Unbirthday Celebration -- in fact it happens 364 days of the year for everyone! The problem is that Unbirthday Cakes happen to have a firework lodged in with the candles, which is a huge no-no for Hot Air Balloons.
I quickly caught the cake and tossed it in a random direction, needing to get rid of it before that fuse burst. Boy, this is the fun part. McQuack was hobbling away from the bandage station from his last incident with Flippy when the Unbirthday Cake hit him head on and launched him back into the sky!
The explosion blew the cake to bits, spreading a bunch of green goop all over my campaign sign. Was I mad about it? Of course not! I may have been a bit of a mean green, but only because of the green icing that splashed all over me and my newly animated stand! It seems that catastrophe was enough to bounce my stand into action. I don't know what it is about these stands, but they sure do seem to love Mild Cartoon Violence.
If you're needing some luck or looking for an occupation as a Leprechaun, be sure to stop by my stand and pick up some green goop for yourself. St. Patrick's day may be over already, but that doesn't mean that we can't show off the color of everyone's favorite duck. And hey, don't forget to share some Jellybeans from the Jar either. There's still plenty to go around!
With that I'll bid you ado, and I wish a Very, Merry, Unbirthday to You! (Except you, who's actual birthday is today. Happy Birthday! Did you get us an Unbirthday Cake?)

This extra day gives me time to prepare a boatload of new fun things to spend our time on, starting with our next two crazy key winners: Thorongil and Mister Master. There's only two spots left to get into our toony town before the election, so you rabbits better start rubbing your lucky paws. If you aren't a rabbit: I suggest a species change! Or an occupation as a leprechaun.
Lucky for you, I know just the place where you can get some green to start your new occupation: Everywhere! You might want to sit down for this story, it's quite the tale.
I was out in Toontown Central earlier doing my daily balloon inspection when I came across something I hadn't noticed before: The Birthday Cake that powered my balloon wasn't a Birthday Cake at all. It turned out to be an UN-Birthday Cake. Everyone toon enjoys a great Unbirthday Celebration -- in fact it happens 364 days of the year for everyone! The problem is that Unbirthday Cakes happen to have a firework lodged in with the candles, which is a huge no-no for Hot Air Balloons.
I quickly caught the cake and tossed it in a random direction, needing to get rid of it before that fuse burst. Boy, this is the fun part. McQuack was hobbling away from the bandage station from his last incident with Flippy when the Unbirthday Cake hit him head on and launched him back into the sky!
The explosion blew the cake to bits, spreading a bunch of green goop all over my campaign sign. Was I mad about it? Of course not! I may have been a bit of a mean green, but only because of the green icing that splashed all over me and my newly animated stand! It seems that catastrophe was enough to bounce my stand into action. I don't know what it is about these stands, but they sure do seem to love Mild Cartoon Violence.
If you're needing some luck or looking for an occupation as a Leprechaun, be sure to stop by my stand and pick up some green goop for yourself. St. Patrick's day may be over already, but that doesn't mean that we can't show off the color of everyone's favorite duck. And hey, don't forget to share some Jellybeans from the Jar either. There's still plenty to go around!
With that I'll bid you ado, and I wish a Very, Merry, Unbirthday to You! (Except you, who's actual birthday is today. Happy Birthday! Did you get us an Unbirthday Cake?)
March 18, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gebe43f9]
• Smoothed the sailing of Slappy's Balloon
• Those stands either really love cake, or really love watching McQuack blow up. Slappy's stand has sucked in some silliness and sprang to life!
• The green goop from the cake's icing got all over Slappy's stand, but luckily it cleaned itself up and put the goop into a jar for any toons who'd like to go green for a day.
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Necrotoaster said on March 19, 2014 at 3:16 PM
Why would you waste a perfectly good cake? -Congrats once again to the winners! If I don't get the next key, I'll be fine with waiting, Until the grand opening. Good luck, Other contesters!
Why would you waste a perfectly good cake? -Congrats once again to the winners! If I don't get the next key, I'll be fine with waiting, Until the grand opening. Good luck, Other contesters!
Mr. Greenbean said on March 19, 2014 at 3:55 PM
Congrats Thorongil and Mister Master. Have fun out there!
Congrats Thorongil and Mister Master. Have fun out there!
FunnyBunny said on March 19, 2014 at 4:15 PM
Congrats! I can't wait to go myself! Counting the days till I can see all you guys!!
Congrats! I can't wait to go myself! Counting the days till I can see all you guys!!
Friendly said on March 19, 2014 at 4:34 PM
Congrats guys for winning a key! I hope I win one of the last ones! Have fun guys!
Congrats guys for winning a key! I hope I win one of the last ones! Have fun guys!
Skating Penguin said on March 19, 2014 at 5:17 PM
Wow! This is ironic! Today is my birthday! Or should I say my un-birthday!
Wow! This is ironic! Today is my birthday! Or should I say my un-birthday!
Treedo said on March 19, 2014 at 5:36 PM
That may have been one of the best things I have read in a long time
That may have been one of the best things I have read in a long time
GingerEddie said on March 19, 2014 at 5:51 PM
Woo, this is great! And I believe I sha'll change my occupation to being a leprechaun. Always have loved the color green, and well, luck is awesome too. Stay Toontastic!
Woo, this is great! And I believe I sha'll change my occupation to being a leprechaun. Always have loved the color green, and well, luck is awesome too. Stay Toontastic!
Derek said on March 19, 2014 at 7:36 PM
Congrats guys on winning, hope you have fun
Congrats guys on winning, hope you have fun
Electric Angel said on March 19, 2014 at 8:16 PM
Congrats guys! And a have merry unbirthday everyone (cept' you whose birthday really is today)! =3
Congrats guys! And a have merry unbirthday everyone (cept' you whose birthday really is today)! =3
Prince Fangs said on March 19, 2014 at 9:15 PM
Congratulations! [I've missed this and have had ridiculous nostalgia involving ToonTown recently and I was devestated to find out it had been shut down. I can't wait until this happens!! You have no idea. I just had to say that. Carry on.]
Congratulations! [I've missed this and have had ridiculous nostalgia involving ToonTown recently and I was devestated to find out it had been shut down. I can't wait until this happens!! You have no idea. I just had to say that. Carry on.]
Never Leaf said on March 19, 2014 at 9:36 PM
It was my Mom's B-day today so I found this kind of funny /shot
It was my Mom's B-day today so I found this kind of funny /shot
Master Wilbur Feathermush said on March 19, 2014 at 11:20 PM
Nice job you two, hope to see you out there some time!
Nice job you two, hope to see you out there some time!
Grohdy said on March 20, 2014 at 12:11 AM
I would love one of the remaining keys please!
I would love one of the remaining keys please!
Dippy Skippy Nuttymuffin said on March 20, 2014 at 12:16 AM
Congratulations to the winners! I hope you enjoy TTR fully.
Congratulations to the winners! I hope you enjoy TTR fully.
Clover said on March 20, 2014 at 12:46 AM
Oh wow this is going to be fantastic!!!
Oh wow this is going to be fantastic!!!
Jimmy Bear said on March 20, 2014 at 5:12 AM
I'm so glad you have been working on ToonTown rewritten... my grand mother and me loved this game. I cant wait for it to be done!
I'm so glad you have been working on ToonTown rewritten... my grand mother and me loved this game. I cant wait for it to be done!
Prince Loopy Loopen Poof said on March 20, 2014 at 7:16 AM
I hope one of the updates says when it'll come out! I can't WAIT!
I hope one of the updates says when it'll come out! I can't WAIT!
Dark blue soul said on March 20, 2014 at 9:17 AM
Can't wait for it to come out! Go flippy!
Can't wait for it to come out! Go flippy!
Snow Kitten said on March 20, 2014 at 9:50 AM
This is going to be the best game ever when it releases to the public. :D
This is going to be the best game ever when it releases to the public. :D
Evergreen said on March 20, 2014 at 9:59 AM
I have been trying to wacky myself away and try not to think of those shiny keys but, BOOM I think of them all the time someone help!
I have been trying to wacky myself away and try not to think of those shiny keys but, BOOM I think of them all the time someone help!
Little Twinkletoes said on March 20, 2014 at 10:41 AM
Congrats for alpha key winners! :) Oh i hope I will win soon. Toontown rewritten is great! Also, fantastic updates! :D
Congrats for alpha key winners! :) Oh i hope I will win soon. Toontown rewritten is great! Also, fantastic updates! :D
Boggis said on March 20, 2014 at 12:00 PM
Everyone I give you a good luck slap in the face! Hope it really makes you all very lucky!
Everyone I give you a good luck slap in the face! Hope it really makes you all very lucky!
chipmunk attack said on March 20, 2014 at 12:03 PM
Who does not love cake?
Who does not love cake?
Better Than Everyone said on March 20, 2014 at 1:14 PM
Oh darnit! That poor little ducky! Release TTR so there will be hope for everyone!
Oh darnit! That poor little ducky! Release TTR so there will be hope for everyone!
Super funny scooter said on March 20, 2014 at 1:40 PM
Congrats guys make sure you guys have fun!
Congrats guys make sure you guys have fun!
Hoist The Colors said on March 20, 2014 at 2:17 PM
Poor McQuack! On a good note, congratulations to those two Toons with the Luck of the Irish. I hope that you have plenty of fun! Can't wait for this game to be released. Have a 'Toontastic!' Day!
Poor McQuack! On a good note, congratulations to those two Toons with the Luck of the Irish. I hope that you have plenty of fun! Can't wait for this game to be released. Have a 'Toontastic!' Day!
rainbow bear said on March 20, 2014 at 4:56 PM
Also,'grats to yesterday's key winners. Anywho, I cant wait till Toontown Rewritten is finished! Everyone wants to play their beloved Toontown. And.. Poor McQuack.
Also,'grats to yesterday's key winners. Anywho, I cant wait till Toontown Rewritten is finished! Everyone wants to play their beloved Toontown. And.. Poor McQuack.
Deputy Daisy Lemonbee said on March 20, 2014 at 5:37 PM
Who does not love blowing up ... uhhh... blowing out birthday cake candles?
Who does not love blowing up ... uhhh... blowing out birthday cake candles?
Melody Toon said on March 20, 2014 at 6:34 PM
The news just makes me more and more excited! Congrats to Thorongil and Mister Master, too.
The news just makes me more and more excited! Congrats to Thorongil and Mister Master, too.
Queen Lola said on March 20, 2014 at 7:59 PM
The unbirthday cake sounds very familiar with Alice in Wonderland, the Mad Hatter and the Hare. Well I hope that I get an alpha key so I can be there at the totally gnarly,animated,wackiest, pie throwing, exploding fireworks, green frosting,hot air ballony elections! Thank you,Sir Max is the greatest person (or toon we would say) ever. Remember Don't be Wacky vote for Slappy you will be happy. Hahahaha! See you in Toontown Rewritten when it is realeased. Bye. P.S. (Might of been real long so sorry and have a happy unbirthday to all of you except of those of you who have birthdays today!)
The unbirthday cake sounds very familiar with Alice in Wonderland, the Mad Hatter and the Hare. Well I hope that I get an alpha key so I can be there at the totally gnarly,animated,wackiest, pie throwing, exploding fireworks, green frosting,hot air ballony elections! Thank you,Sir Max is the greatest person (or toon we would say) ever. Remember Don't be Wacky vote for Slappy you will be happy. Hahahaha! See you in Toontown Rewritten when it is realeased. Bye. P.S. (Might of been real long so sorry and have a happy unbirthday to all of you except of those of you who have birthdays today!)
Jake said on March 21, 2014 at 2:43 AM
Sweeeeet! I cannot wait for this game to come out. Congrats to the winners. If I could get an alpha key, it'd be pretty cool seeing and talking with all the pros and all. But being patient is alright. One of the reasons I do want an alpha key is to see all the guys on here. Once the game gets popular, it'd be hard to. Thank you for this wonderful game.
Sweeeeet! I cannot wait for this game to come out. Congrats to the winners. If I could get an alpha key, it'd be pretty cool seeing and talking with all the pros and all. But being patient is alright. One of the reasons I do want an alpha key is to see all the guys on here. Once the game gets popular, it'd be hard to. Thank you for this wonderful game.
Leslie said on March 21, 2014 at 4:06 AM
I can not wait for toontown rewritten to come out! I miss it so much!
I can not wait for toontown rewritten to come out! I miss it so much!
Cool Fluffy said on March 21, 2014 at 2:24 PM
Yay for Thorongil and Mister Master! Enjoy TTR!
Yay for Thorongil and Mister Master! Enjoy TTR!
Midnight Memories said on March 22, 2014 at 12:05 PM
I'm still flipping for Flippy...
I'm still flipping for Flippy...
oh poor mc quack! theres always a rocket with him on it!