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Electoral Update: Pre-Election Jitters
Posted by Alec Tinn on February 22, 2014 at 2:00 PM
HELLO Everyone! I'm back again just to give you a little Electoral Update on everything that's been going on in the everlasting election events of Slappy and Flippy.
We kicked off this week with a Perpetual Pie Fight from none other than Flippy Doggenbottom himself, which was an immediate fan favorite. Pies have been soaring through the playgrounds ever since, which is the perfect pastime for toons to discuss Toonitics over.
Flippy's pies may have Clobbered the Competition for a while, but Slappy made an amazing advancement on Wednesday by showing everyone who he really is for the first time. We all know that lovable duck, but Slappy gave us a clear view of how outrageously toony he really is. He may not have started a perfect pie fight, but his generous jellybeans and pie providers were a nice start to his campaign, and he is promising even better for when he comes back tomorrow!
Finally, we rounded up this week with a Flippy Friday. Similar to Slappy, Flippy didn't give us too much to play with, but he did give us an incredibly credulous story on his arrival to Toontown, and a few insights as to how he was chosen for this campaign. His pie throwing technique is fantastically fun as well!
Flippy started out in the lead for this election, but Slappy is coming up quick. This marvelous madness between the two is getting sillier and sillier -- so silly, in fact, that it seems to be spreading throughout the entire election! Toons have reported that Flippy and Slappy's stands are starting to develop some Pre-Election Jitters and literally coming to life! Scientists from Loony Labs are looking into the peculiar purpose for this. Some are saying that the silliness being created from all of the fun has started to leak into the two inanimate objects to make them, well, animated!
That's about it for this Electoral Update. Who are you voting for? Remember: The voting starts this Friday at 2:00 Toontown Time, and the winner will be announced in Toontown Central at the same time on Saturday, March 1st. Not only will it feature the winner, but we have some toonerrific after-party events that feature some of the first new gameplay in years! We'll have a live video feed right here on our website so that all toons can watch and participate in the making of Toon History. See you there!

We kicked off this week with a Perpetual Pie Fight from none other than Flippy Doggenbottom himself, which was an immediate fan favorite. Pies have been soaring through the playgrounds ever since, which is the perfect pastime for toons to discuss Toonitics over.
Flippy's pies may have Clobbered the Competition for a while, but Slappy made an amazing advancement on Wednesday by showing everyone who he really is for the first time. We all know that lovable duck, but Slappy gave us a clear view of how outrageously toony he really is. He may not have started a perfect pie fight, but his generous jellybeans and pie providers were a nice start to his campaign, and he is promising even better for when he comes back tomorrow!
Finally, we rounded up this week with a Flippy Friday. Similar to Slappy, Flippy didn't give us too much to play with, but he did give us an incredibly credulous story on his arrival to Toontown, and a few insights as to how he was chosen for this campaign. His pie throwing technique is fantastically fun as well!
Flippy started out in the lead for this election, but Slappy is coming up quick. This marvelous madness between the two is getting sillier and sillier -- so silly, in fact, that it seems to be spreading throughout the entire election! Toons have reported that Flippy and Slappy's stands are starting to develop some Pre-Election Jitters and literally coming to life! Scientists from Loony Labs are looking into the peculiar purpose for this. Some are saying that the silliness being created from all of the fun has started to leak into the two inanimate objects to make them, well, animated!
That's about it for this Electoral Update. Who are you voting for? Remember: The voting starts this Friday at 2:00 Toontown Time, and the winner will be announced in Toontown Central at the same time on Saturday, March 1st. Not only will it feature the winner, but we have some toonerrific after-party events that feature some of the first new gameplay in years! We'll have a live video feed right here on our website so that all toons can watch and participate in the making of Toon History. See you there!
February 22, 2014 [ttr-alpha-gTBA]
• Fix a few minor problems with election props
• Flippy and Slappy's stands have been reportedly seen getting some occasional pre-election jitters. Scientists are saying that they are starting to come to life from all of this silliness!
Launcher (OSX):
• Fix a major issue causing in-game sound not to play
• Fix an occasional crash when launching the game
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Electrocrash said on February 22, 2014 at 2:07 PM
I'm getting excited just thinking about the election!
I'm getting excited just thinking about the election!
Captain Toon said on February 22, 2014 at 2:26 PM
Can't wait!!!! I'm going to Flip for Flippy at the election!!!!!
Can't wait!!!! I'm going to Flip for Flippy at the election!!!!!
Toon said on February 22, 2014 at 3:03 PM
Baron Alvin Bagelbee said on February 22, 2014 at 3:23 PM
I hope the game comes out by the time we can vote, it will be super fun witnessing how toony this will be! #Flippyforfun
I hope the game comes out by the time we can vote, it will be super fun witnessing how toony this will be! #Flippyforfun
Peppy said on February 22, 2014 at 4:04 PM
I hope Flippy wins this election go Flippy!!!!!
I hope Flippy wins this election go Flippy!!!!!
Good ol Jeeper Flipper said on February 22, 2014 at 5:38 PM
Slappy will give us playgrounds... GO SLAPPY!
Slappy will give us playgrounds... GO SLAPPY!
Silly Wacky Sourmonkey said on February 22, 2014 at 5:55 PM
Can't wait for Toontown Rewritten to open to the public! :)
Can't wait for Toontown Rewritten to open to the public! :)
Levi said on February 22, 2014 at 6:21 PM
Cool update. I am voting for Slappy.
Cool update. I am voting for Slappy.
Lofty said on February 22, 2014 at 6:22 PM
I love the new updates, and thank you for making toontown again!
I love the new updates, and thank you for making toontown again!
Mr. Mystery said on February 22, 2014 at 6:22 PM
Slappy will win
Slappy will win
Jellybean Fisher said on February 22, 2014 at 6:43 PM
Really Excited for beta release I need my game back soon I'm in need of revival
Really Excited for beta release I need my game back soon I'm in need of revival
Slate Red Rabbit said on February 22, 2014 at 7:35 PM
flippy's awesome
flippy's awesome
Good ol' Corny said on February 22, 2014 at 10:03 PM
So excited! CANNOT wait! :-D
So excited! CANNOT wait! :-D
Mr. PeanutButterDonutJelly said on February 23, 2014 at 12:20 AM
Hmm haha sounds great :D jeez! you guys are making it hard for me for who to pick im like Slappy for sure! then im caught in the middle! Well i'll be sure to make up my mind before it happens! :D
Hmm haha sounds great :D jeez! you guys are making it hard for me for who to pick im like Slappy for sure! then im caught in the middle! Well i'll be sure to make up my mind before it happens! :D
cog buster said on February 23, 2014 at 2:33 AM
Woah! I wonder which stands are better than another? for another piece of silliness Go for Flippy!!!!!!
Woah! I wonder which stands are better than another? for another piece of silliness Go for Flippy!!!!!!
Cloe said on February 23, 2014 at 4:25 AM
I literally can't wait :D:D:D:D:D:D
I literally can't wait :D:D:D:D:D:D
Notch said on February 23, 2014 at 6:18 AM
Hello everyone i would like to say you guy's are all awesome you made ToonTown a good game toontown game's were good on the trolley. And i only played for one year. It went by so fast. I had a good toon. and my friend's were awesome we played for the finnal day's. I'll miss my friends everywhere on toon town. R.I.P Toontown. 1 year: gone so fast :(
Hello everyone i would like to say you guy's are all awesome you made ToonTown a good game toontown game's were good on the trolley. And i only played for one year. It went by so fast. I had a good toon. and my friend's were awesome we played for the finnal day's. I'll miss my friends everywhere on toon town. R.I.P Toontown. 1 year: gone so fast :(
Glitterface said on February 23, 2014 at 7:00 AM
Go Slappy! I can't wait for the election and for the opening of ToonTown Rewritten
Go Slappy! I can't wait for the election and for the opening of ToonTown Rewritten
Mudkipz said on February 23, 2014 at 8:10 AM
Don't be wacky, vote for Slappy!
Don't be wacky, vote for Slappy!
Snowflake/Fancy Pedalmuffin said on February 23, 2014 at 8:21 AM
Go! You guys are doing awesome on this game. I hope it opens soon :)
Go! You guys are doing awesome on this game. I hope it opens soon :)
Melody KookySprinkles said on February 23, 2014 at 8:49 AM
I am voting for Slappy because I think toontown needs a change, and also I really love his idea of adding a park for the older toons who don't get as much credit as they deserve! But good luck to both Flippy and Slappy!
I am voting for Slappy because I think toontown needs a change, and also I really love his idea of adding a park for the older toons who don't get as much credit as they deserve! But good luck to both Flippy and Slappy!
macmuffin said on February 23, 2014 at 8:51 AM
Go Flippy Go!!!
Go Flippy Go!!!
slushy said on February 23, 2014 at 9:53 AM
what will Flippy and Slappy do next?
what will Flippy and Slappy do next?
King Dinky said on February 23, 2014 at 10:20 AM
Can't wait until March 1st!
Can't wait until March 1st!
Taffy said on February 23, 2014 at 10:34 AM
I'm so excited to vote!!!!!!!! I can't thank all of you enough for bringing back the happiness that Toontown once brought everyone! So pumped for Beta :)
I'm so excited to vote!!!!!!!! I can't thank all of you enough for bringing back the happiness that Toontown once brought everyone! So pumped for Beta :)
ownageboii1 said on February 23, 2014 at 10:39 AM
i would love to play this game
i would love to play this game
Moonlight said on February 23, 2014 at 10:41 AM
Can't wait i don't know who to vote for but I'm thinking Slappy
Can't wait i don't know who to vote for but I'm thinking Slappy
Cookies 'n cream said on February 23, 2014 at 11:04 AM
I'm still flipping for flippy no matter what! Flippy, you have a loyal fan right here!
I'm still flipping for flippy no matter what! Flippy, you have a loyal fan right here!
prof.spike said on February 23, 2014 at 11:23 AM
go slappy!!!!!!
go slappy!!!!!!
Sir Simon said on February 23, 2014 at 2:12 PM
Incredible, the election stands are actually coming alive. I can hardly believe it! This election must be becoming big, too bad I can't enter the game to witness the spectacle. Does this mean that the game will be open to everyone soon though?
Incredible, the election stands are actually coming alive. I can hardly believe it! This election must be becoming big, too bad I can't enter the game to witness the spectacle. Does this mean that the game will be open to everyone soon though?
Monk said on February 23, 2014 at 3:38 PM
Oh boy I cant wait to see who wins the election!
Oh boy I cant wait to see who wins the election!
Sunpelt ChainedSoul said on February 24, 2014 at 11:54 AM
This is purrfect! I can't wait for the winner. I flip for Flippy!
This is purrfect! I can't wait for the winner. I flip for Flippy!
Princess said on February 24, 2014 at 12:15 PM
I'm Excited I'm Gonna *Flip For Flippy* At The *Election!*
I'm Excited I'm Gonna *Flip For Flippy* At The *Election!*
gamestown said on February 24, 2014 at 3:24 PM
Can't wait for the game to be released. So far it is better than the original
Can't wait for the game to be released. So far it is better than the original
Jman said on February 24, 2014 at 4:28 PM
Slappy in a way did buy peoples' votes. Also used Reverse Psychology. I'm not saying he's bad (ok, technically I am). But people please read posts carefully. Now Flippy was kind of bad of him to not tell us about him first but that'skind of minor close to the middle of a minor and major flaw. Using Reverse Psychology is really close to a major flaw (no, more like a thing to never do) but. Read Post Carefully.
Slappy in a way did buy peoples' votes. Also used Reverse Psychology. I'm not saying he's bad (ok, technically I am). But people please read posts carefully. Now Flippy was kind of bad of him to not tell us about him first but that'skind of minor close to the middle of a minor and major flaw. Using Reverse Psychology is really close to a major flaw (no, more like a thing to never do) but. Read Post Carefully.
Doctor What said on February 24, 2014 at 4:45 PM
I'm voting for Slappy!
I'm voting for Slappy!
Midnight Memories said on February 24, 2014 at 4:53 PM
I vote for Flippy no matter what :)))).
I vote for Flippy no matter what :)))).
OUTLAWTOON said on February 25, 2014 at 1:58 AM
This game was a big part of my n my nieces child hood we played it for like 4+ years then she started to cry when it got shutdown so tyvm for this rewitten toontown
This game was a big part of my n my nieces child hood we played it for like 4+ years then she started to cry when it got shutdown so tyvm for this rewitten toontown
Concanbill said on February 25, 2014 at 9:16 AM
*GASPS* New gameplay? AWESOME! THIS is what's getting me pumped for TTR. And, of course I'll be voting for slappy, as a playground for the Toons of old will be cool! See you at the election! ;)
*GASPS* New gameplay? AWESOME! THIS is what's getting me pumped for TTR. And, of course I'll be voting for slappy, as a playground for the Toons of old will be cool! See you at the election! ;)
HannahMaria said on February 25, 2014 at 11:12 AM
I'm going to vote for Slappy, my motivation is that Toontown is changing and therefor we need a new fresh start. Thinking differently opens thousand of new doors!
I'm going to vote for Slappy, my motivation is that Toontown is changing and therefor we need a new fresh start. Thinking differently opens thousand of new doors!
Ginger said on February 25, 2014 at 2:24 PM
Vote for Slappy? Don't be whacky! Haha, I laugh at me how lame that was.. Flip for Flippy everyone! Sure, Slappy says he will make playgrounds and do hot air balloon rides. But, Flippy isn't buttering up to us like Slappy is. He brought back CRAZY FUN to let toons throw pies at other toons! Now that's whacky enough for my vote! Go Flippy!.... And Slappy........!?
Vote for Slappy? Don't be whacky! Haha, I laugh at me how lame that was.. Flip for Flippy everyone! Sure, Slappy says he will make playgrounds and do hot air balloon rides. But, Flippy isn't buttering up to us like Slappy is. He brought back CRAZY FUN to let toons throw pies at other toons! Now that's whacky enough for my vote! Go Flippy!.... And Slappy........!?
lolly said on February 25, 2014 at 3:14 PM
lol vote for slappy
lol vote for slappy
Autumn said on February 26, 2014 at 9:30 AM
Western Rat said on February 26, 2014 at 12:26 PM
I'd would vote for slappy so that he will make new playgrounds, But...I think keeping the old playgrounds would make me feel the only spirit that has made me so happy, The Toontown Spirit. Don't be wacky - vote for slappy! Flip on to Flippy!
I'd would vote for slappy so that he will make new playgrounds, But...I think keeping the old playgrounds would make me feel the only spirit that has made me so happy, The Toontown Spirit. Don't be wacky - vote for slappy! Flip on to Flippy!
Baby said on February 27, 2014 at 9:10 AM
Flip for Flippy Go Flippy Go
Flip for Flippy Go Flippy Go
Princess Pretty Kitty said on February 28, 2014 at 3:58 AM
Don't be icky vote for Flippy!??
Don't be icky vote for Flippy!??
Old Cheese said on February 28, 2014 at 1:33 PM
Flip For Flippy ALL THE WAY!
Flip For Flippy ALL THE WAY!
Just Me said on March 1, 2014 at 11:02 AM
Flip for Flippy!
Flip for Flippy!
Don't be wacky - vote for Slappy!