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Daily Alpha Update: Ice Escape
Posted by Sir Max on November 4, 2013 at 2:00 PM
No time to talk today, fellas. Look, I don't want to say that we're in trouble- but we're in trouble. Alright, okay, so: I might have stolen an entire ice rink.
We figured that it would be really cool to organize some teams and start a good ol' game of Ice Hockey. The problem is, apparently, it's "illegal", "immoral", and "impossible" to dig up an unused hockey rink and drive it to a Trolley station. No worries, though. I'll let you in on a little secret: This isn't the real hockey rink. This is an inflatable one. Hawkheart and I split up, and he already has the real one already set up near Toontown Central!
Hop on the Trolley and join in for a non-violent and purely Canadian Ice Hockey Game!
EDIT: Okay, it just occurred to me that we forgot the sticks, uniforms, and puck. I'll tell you what we do have, though: Truck tires, a few barrels, and some dynamite that we used to blow the rink out of the ground. If that isn't enough for a game, I don't know what is. So change of plans: Hop on the Trolley and play Ice Slide!
Gah- gotta run. I'll catch up with you all later.
No time to talk today, fellas. Look, I don't want to say that we're in trouble- but we're in trouble. Alright, okay, so: I might have stolen an entire ice rink.

We figured that it would be really cool to organize some teams and start a good ol' game of Ice Hockey. The problem is, apparently, it's "illegal", "immoral", and "impossible" to dig up an unused hockey rink and drive it to a Trolley station. No worries, though. I'll let you in on a little secret: This isn't the real hockey rink. This is an inflatable one. Hawkheart and I split up, and he already has the real one already set up near Toontown Central!
Hop on the Trolley and join in for a non-violent and purely Canadian Ice Hockey Game!
November 4, 2013 [ttr-alpha-gadab1b3]
? Fix a few cases where the new widescreen support would be switched back to the old. (Entering the trolley, for example)
? Fix a district reset bug
? Show fishing GUI correctly on widescreen
? Implement new Ice Hockey Game
EDIT: Okay, it just occurred to me that we forgot the sticks, uniforms, and puck. I'll tell you what we do have, though: Truck tires, a few barrels, and some dynamite that we used to blow the rink out of the ground. If that isn't enough for a game, I don't know what is. So change of plans: Hop on the Trolley and play Ice Slide!
November 4, 2013 [ttr-alpha-gadab1b3]
? Implement new Ice Hockey Game? Implement Ice Slide
Gah- gotta run. I'll catch up with you all later.
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Fat Hector said on November 4, 2013 at 2:12 PM
Hah! I love the stories that go with these updates! Keep up the good work!
Hah! I love the stories that go with these updates! Keep up the good work!
Colonel Bonzo said on November 4, 2013 at 2:15 PM
I think this is the most random Daily Update anybody will ever see...
I think this is the most random Daily Update anybody will ever see...
Royal Blue Dog E said on November 4, 2013 at 2:27 PM
I'm surprised how much you guys have already finished!
I'm surprised how much you guys have already finished!
Royal Blue Dog E said on November 4, 2013 at 2:27 PM
I'm surprised how much you guys have already finished!
I'm surprised how much you guys have already finished!
Tabby said on November 4, 2013 at 2:41 PM
Its good to hear your making progress. Keep it up everybody! ~Tabby
Its good to hear your making progress. Keep it up everybody! ~Tabby
Meowinator said on November 4, 2013 at 2:47 PM
Awesome. Toontown Rewritten is developing fast and will be a big success. :D
Awesome. Toontown Rewritten is developing fast and will be a big success. :D
Noel(Rewritten) said on November 4, 2013 at 3:09 PM
How long is it going to take for you to get out of trouble? If you don't, how are you going to make updates? OR, how are you going to explain all this to the judge?(AKA Chief Justice) Ha ha, good luck doing TTR, Joey19982
How long is it going to take for you to get out of trouble? If you don't, how are you going to make updates? OR, how are you going to explain all this to the judge?(AKA Chief Justice) Ha ha, good luck doing TTR, Joey19982
Roxy Whiskermuddle said on November 4, 2013 at 3:13 PM
I love how creative these update articles are. ^.^
I love how creative these update articles are. ^.^
Viaduck said on November 4, 2013 at 3:29 PM
Wishing I had alpha access. Oh well, suppose I'll just have to wait for beta. Keep up the good work, guys. ; )
Wishing I had alpha access. Oh well, suppose I'll just have to wait for beta. Keep up the good work, guys. ; )
Hao said on November 4, 2013 at 3:40 PM
As a Canadian, I strongly approve of today's update.
As a Canadian, I strongly approve of today's update.
Sir Skids said on November 4, 2013 at 3:41 PM
I still wish that I could get to see the alpha, It will bring back memories..
I still wish that I could get to see the alpha, It will bring back memories..
Goku (Over 9000 Laff) said on November 4, 2013 at 3:44 PM
The Ice Game was one of my favorites!
The Ice Game was one of my favorites!
Midnights Grace said on November 4, 2013 at 3:47 PM
I worried so bad when you said "sorry guys but im in trouble" I expected something about disney shutting it down! *pheww*
I worried so bad when you said "sorry guys but im in trouble" I expected something about disney shutting it down! *pheww*
Midnights Grace said on November 4, 2013 at 3:48 PM
Pheww no disney trouble yet!
Pheww no disney trouble yet!
Tiny said on November 4, 2013 at 4:29 PM
I think the Chief Justice will have something to say about that stolen ice rink! I suggest Joey19982 and Hawkheart stay out of the cog's headquarters!
I think the Chief Justice will have something to say about that stolen ice rink! I suggest Joey19982 and Hawkheart stay out of the cog's headquarters!
Maxie said on November 4, 2013 at 4:52 PM
Woooo! :D Good luck trying not to get caught by da police!
Woooo! :D Good luck trying not to get caught by da police!
Good Ivy said on November 4, 2013 at 5:19 PM
Just let us know when it's coming, Sir Max. I can't wait to see it. :)
Just let us know when it's coming, Sir Max. I can't wait to see it. :)
Flynt Coal said on November 4, 2013 at 5:39 PM
Keep up the daily updates guys! We all love you :)
Keep up the daily updates guys! We all love you :)
Fat Fireball McNerd said on November 4, 2013 at 6:30 PM
Hah. Excellent! One of my personal favorites! Can't wait to see what comes next...
Hah. Excellent! One of my personal favorites! Can't wait to see what comes next...
Bismouth said on November 4, 2013 at 6:47 PM
LOL you changed ideas... but, It's okay, keep up the good work! This update is very obvious...
LOL you changed ideas... but, It's okay, keep up the good work! This update is very obvious...
Snack Cat said on November 4, 2013 at 7:03 PM
Hey... I thought this was pretty funny!
Hey... I thought this was pretty funny!
Z.Z. Zippenzilla said on November 4, 2013 at 7:41 PM good to see Toontown back...keep up the good work you alpha testers...can't wait for a beta :) In the meantime, getting my orange fur cleaned and brushed (I normally am black, but it's after Halloween...sigh...)... good to see Toontown back...keep up the good work you alpha testers...can't wait for a beta :) In the meantime, getting my orange fur cleaned and brushed (I normally am black, but it's after Halloween...sigh...)...
Daphne said on November 4, 2013 at 9:21 PM
You better bring back that rink, Sir Max!
You better bring back that rink, Sir Max!
Fleabag (Tarazanos) said on November 4, 2013 at 11:41 PM
Thing is, Hawkheart actually had to carry the whole rink by himself or you had some sort of trucks?
Thing is, Hawkheart actually had to carry the whole rink by himself or you had some sort of trucks?
Happy Slappy said on November 5, 2013 at 4:20 AM
Ice Slide FTW! :D
Ice Slide FTW! :D
Prof. Fireball KookyMooch said on November 5, 2013 at 7:04 AM
How do you get these updates out so quickly?
How do you get these updates out so quickly?
Good ol' J.C. Peppergoose said on November 5, 2013 at 9:00 AM
Ahh, you jokers. When I saw the first part of that, I was like, OMG the evil forces of Disney have come to destroy the last hope of Toontown. Glad that hasn't happened yet. I can't wait for TTR to go public, I'm going into Toontown withdrawal!
Ahh, you jokers. When I saw the first part of that, I was like, OMG the evil forces of Disney have come to destroy the last hope of Toontown. Glad that hasn't happened yet. I can't wait for TTR to go public, I'm going into Toontown withdrawal!
Rainbow Berry said on November 5, 2013 at 9:20 AM
Nice! This update is good and it comes with a funny story! You guys are never failing to amaze me.
Nice! This update is good and it comes with a funny story! You guys are never failing to amaze me.
Good ol' Jake Pumpkinbumper said on November 5, 2013 at 9:23 AM
Very funny update, I am impressed with the progress. Keep up the good work guys!
Very funny update, I am impressed with the progress. Keep up the good work guys!
Misty said on November 5, 2013 at 12:17 PM
Okay, so you MAY have stolen an entire ice rink? I don't think so! Just kidding. Great work on the developing, I'm so excited for the next update! :)
Okay, so you MAY have stolen an entire ice rink? I don't think so! Just kidding. Great work on the developing, I'm so excited for the next update! :)
Tooninator said on November 5, 2013 at 5:45 PM
"wee-woo-wee-woo" that made me laugh :D just wait till I get my hands on some bottom feeders
"wee-woo-wee-woo" that made me laugh :D just wait till I get my hands on some bottom feeders
MeckPomm said on November 6, 2013 at 6:13 AM
Excellent! Ice Slide is great! :)
Excellent! Ice Slide is great! :)
Dippy Daffy Dandydoodle said on November 7, 2013 at 11:37 AM
So excited for this to be open to the public!
So excited for this to be open to the public!
Golduck said on November 7, 2013 at 1:53 PM
Whoa! You guys got me thinking that we'd actually start playing hockey!
Whoa! You guys got me thinking that we'd actually start playing hockey!
Yellowspark said on November 8, 2013 at 5:07 PM
Oh my goodness! Thanks for the new trolley game i believe? Can't wait till this website opens so me and my friends can start playing it again!
Oh my goodness! Thanks for the new trolley game i believe? Can't wait till this website opens so me and my friends can start playing it again!
Spotty Blubbersnoop said on November 8, 2013 at 6:49 PM
I love your spirit about this even though their might be problems along the way. You guys have a great since of humor and i willingly will put the fate of this amazing online game in your hands. Thanks to you guys there still is hope and I hope you succeed. You are very creative and i believe you can pull this of ;)
I love your spirit about this even though their might be problems along the way. You guys have a great since of humor and i willingly will put the fate of this amazing online game in your hands. Thanks to you guys there still is hope and I hope you succeed. You are very creative and i believe you can pull this of ;)
Toontown Rewritten Fan said on November 9, 2013 at 5:52 AM
Rewritten is going to be awesome. I just have to say thank you for creating it again. It was my favorite online game... And I like the new stuff you've decided to add! But I also thought it would be cool to add something like seasons and weather effects! It would be really neat like if it stormed or even snowed on Christmas day! but well, it was just a thought.... but maybe you could consider it?
Rewritten is going to be awesome. I just have to say thank you for creating it again. It was my favorite online game... And I like the new stuff you've decided to add! But I also thought it would be cool to add something like seasons and weather effects! It would be really neat like if it stormed or even snowed on Christmas day! but well, it was just a thought.... but maybe you could consider it?
Kittoodle said on November 9, 2013 at 7:47 AM
Thank you!!! I love the Ice Slide game!
Thank you!!! I love the Ice Slide game!
Lily said on November 11, 2013 at 1:20 PM
This is the most weird update, ever...............................I LOVE IT!!!!!!
This is the most weird update, ever...............................I LOVE IT!!!!!!
Yay I love the Ice Slide Game